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2 Juicing Reipe Books in this Bundle - 40% Discount


Updated Jul 28
Updated Jul 28

2 Juicing Reipe Books in this Bundle - 40% Discount

US$21 US$38


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"The Juice Lady's Guide" - Unleashing the healing power of whole fruits & vegetables to have a healthier & better quality of life. "The BLENDER GIRL" - There are 100 gluten free, vegan recipes that are super-easy, super-healthy meals, snacks, desserts & drinks. If you are looking for healthy convenient meals without all the processed stuff & sugar, look no further. Look good, feel good and have more energy.
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margk11 likes this
lbpetrescuer @margk11 - Okay Marguerite. Your price with an additional 10% off woiuld be $20. If you will send me an offe for $20 I will accept. Sorry it took so long but my son has been working on my computer for days cleaning out and reorganzing files that have been in my computer for the last 30 years. I have had several new compuoters in the meantime but he alway transferred all of my files to the new computer so it has been a real job. He still isn't through, but he took a break so I could get
Jun 21Reply
lbpetrescuer @margk11 these books separated for yoy so they would be under 5 lbs.
Jun 21Reply
margk11 @lbpetrescuer I’ll definitely think about it. Thank you so much! That’s so nice of him too. That’s a lot of work and a big job.
Jun 22Reply
margk11 @lbpetrescuer It’s good that they are under.
Jun 22Reply
lbpetrescuer @margk11 Just xurious. Why did you change your mind about these books. They are excellent choices and are new books. They are 40% off and I added another 10% off for you. If you don't want them, I may end up keeping them as well. I am havng such incredible results with my health by using stem cell patches. I have so much more engergy and blood pressure and blood sugar have gone down so I am paying more attention to my diet and adding healthy juicing and smoothies.
Jul 25Reply
lbpetrescuer @marg11k. If you want to pay the extra overage for the bundle you just listed I can up the price to core the extra shipping costs, but it will be more than if you separate the books. I foiund Heal Thyself with the Bach Remedies. I can add those to the Juiceman' & Power of Juicing book. I need to find those, but I am pretty sure they won't weight more than 5 lbs. But, I need to find them. I am in the process
Jul 26Reply
lbpetrescuer @margl11 of relisting al of books because I listed many of them when I first joined Poshmark and before I knew about the overage costs for over 5 lbs. Most all of the books I am having to weigh and relist them so they are not over 5 lbs. Most all of the books now will nt be able to be bundled with other bundled books because I am bundling to just under 5 lbs. So in the future please know that yuo won't be able to bundle 2 bundles together. If I see some books that you want and I can find
Jul 26Reply
lbpetrescuer @margkll a way to bundle them at the least expensive way I will let you know. Otherwise you can save your self a lot of time and effort trying to find bundles to order together. I am doing allt he work to bundle the least expensive way for buyers. It's different with books than other items that are lighter in weight. I've got a lot of revamping to do and it's going to take me a few weeks to get it all done becaue I am also redoing all my inventroy lists as I go. It is very time consuming so
Jul 26Reply
lbpetrescuer @margk11 please be patient with me. As you will see I have relisted a lot today, but have so many more and I have to locate most of them from different bins, weigh, and rebundle many of rhem, so it is going to take a while. Let me know if you want me to add 'Heal Thyself" BAch Remedies with the Juiceman and Power of Juicing books. But, please give me a day or two. I am in a mess right now with weighing, taking new picutres and relisting books and haven't run across thos books yet, but I will
Jul 26Reply
margk11 @lbpetrescuer I am still interested in these. That’s good though. I’m always switching stuff around on here.
Jul 27Reply
margk11 @lbpetrescuer Are these still available? I can probably buy them today.
Jul 27Reply
margk11 @lbpetrescuer I saw that today and I’m glad you found them.
Jul 27Reply
margk11 @lbpetrescuer I gotcha. It’s a big project.
Jul 27Reply
margk11 @lbpetrescuer I wish there was a bigger or different weight limit where more can be fitted in in shipping if it was heavier or lighter.
Jul 27Reply
lbpetrescuer @margk11 I do do too, but t is not Poshmark's fault. That is USPS rates. All the shipping companies have gone up to ridiculous pricing and with POshmark having a contract with them it is a lot less than if I tried shipping them.
Jul 27Reply
margk11 @lbpetrescuer That’s true.
Jul 27Reply
margk11 @lbpetrescuer Let Me Know if these are still available. Maybe I can get them tonight too.
Jul 27Reply
lbpetrescuer @margk11 Yes, I was giong to add the Juiceman to thesre with Heal Thyself, but it is so close to 5 lbs before wrapping threm. Sod if you wna the Feng Shui book I can add the Juiceman and Heal Thyself in a bundle that would be under 5 lbs. I have all of them in front of me now, so let me know what you want to do so I can rebundle them for you.
Jul 27Reply
margk11 @lbpetrescuer That sounds good.
Jul 27Reply
lbpetrescuer @margk11 Okay. I will take new pictures and post them on POoshmark but it will take a while. I have to take pictures with my camera and save to my computer files, then transfer them to Poshmar and fill out the titles, descriptions and fill oiut the forms. I will do it now.
Jul 27Reply
lbpetrescuer @margk11 You can go ahead and order these now. Had a phone call, but am working onthe others now.
Jul 28Reply
margk11 @lbpetrescuer That sounds good. How about 10 for them?
Jul 28Reply
lbpetrescuer @margk11 If I sold these to you for $10 and paid Poshmark they I would only get $7 for books that I paid $38 for plus tax. That's not fair to me Margurite. The already marked down 40% and I added another 10% discount for you.
Jul 28Reply
margk11 @lbpetrescuer I understand. I’ll accept the new offer right now.
Jul 28Reply
margk11 @lbpetrescuer I just accepted it.
Jul 28Reply
margk11 @lbpetrescuer I was going to get the 3 books that were being bundled together and then is the appetizer book still available or can that be bundled by any chance with the other 3? I might have to get it separately and then I was going to wait and get more books and magazines in the future.
Jul 28Reply
lbpetrescuer @margk11 All three pkgs wee shipped yesterday evening so you should have them by trhe end of rhe week. The Juice Lady book has a scrath on the lower right side of trhe cover page that you cxan see in the posting, butr the rest of rhe book in in great condition Not sure how the scratch got there. Thanks again so much and hope you love the recipes in these books.
Jul 30Reply
margk11 @lbpetrescuer Awesome! Thank you so much!
Jul 30Reply
margk11 @lbpetrescuer That’s ok.
Jul 30Reply
margk11 @lbpetrescuer Your welcome and thank you!
Jul 30Reply

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