A Little About Me~
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My name is Erin, I just got married October 9th 2018! Pictured above are my two Bostie Boys~ Mack (The Red BT) and Choe (The Standard BT) they are my entire world! I'm addicted to flats, and cute dresses. Introduce yourself! Let's be friends! ❤✨

57 others
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Your jewelry designs are great! And your fur babies are adorable!! Nice to meet you!
Jan 27Reply

Thanks so much @sarajane they are a handful, hehe. ☺
Jan 27Reply

Beautiful set up! I make and sell soy candles and tarts myself! I'll have to tag you on my show listing! Nice to meet another craftie!!❤️❤️
Feb 07Reply

You're gorgeous! I have a Boston too named Baxter. ❤️your closet and glad to find another fellow jewelry maker!! 💋
Mar 06Reply

@mickmee Awh thank you. *blushing* Happy to meet another crafter on here! (I guess us crafty folks think alike when it comes to our choice in pups.)
Mar 06Reply

@ceebees_closet Awh thank you so much! Especially for all the shares, you're too sweet! 😊💗✨
Mar 17Reply

Your jewelry creations r amazing! 😄 Nice to meet u.. Thanks for sharing
Mar 29Reply

@nikki2869 Thank you so much for the compliment. Nice to meet you as well. :)
Mar 29Reply

Hi Erin!!! Just wanted to stop by and say hi!!! I LOVE the dress! Thank you so much!
Apr 03Reply

I am so happy to hear that! I'm sure you look lovely in the dress! @davilam27 :)
Apr 03Reply

@abstractaverun 🌺. Hi Erin. I'm Teresa. How cute you are! I'm a wife, mom, and gramma. I just this past month retired from my two passions; accounting and paramedic / FF. So now I started poshing . Nice to meet you.
Apr 07Reply

Nice to meet you as well @tamiller ! You have a very nice closet. ;)
Apr 07Reply

@abstractaverun 🌺 thank you Erin. And I'm Teresa 💕
Apr 07Reply

love your closet, and your hair. it's beautiful!! please check out my daughters story in my closet and share. I would greatly appreciate it.
Apr 25Reply

@jrtharcrow Thanks so much for your compliments. I shared. 😉💖✨
Apr 25Reply

thanks love!!! wish I could wake her up to see your closet , we will be back.
Apr 25Reply

Thanks @ruthieb12 it's a handful. Measuring over 32" I'm growing it out for my brothers wedding.
May 06Reply

@abstractaverun HI , Erin! Welcome, actually, I think you've been here about as long as I have ,:) ,, but Hello, welcome and visit any time!!!! I think your jewelry if lovely, asw are your clothes! Can't wait to meet you!! @blustarr ~ Carys*
Jun 07Reply

@blustarr Hey Cary's! Thanks so much for your kind words, I definitely like your closet as well! ☺️💗
Jun 07Reply

Hi Erin! Glad to meet u sweeetie! I am Cheryl. Your closet us amazing!! OK so I went thru to bring my cost down and put MUST LOVE next to the ones I would like to purchase tomorrow morning. If u can bundle them and give me a price :) I appreciate your time hun. Your closet is amazing! I kniw the time it takes to build. ..I need to get busy taking pics if my clothes to add to my closet, so I truly appreciate the time POSHERS have taken when I come across a closet as lovely as yours! I will wait for you and I will definitely BUY Saturday Morning. Have a blessed day!
Jun 13Reply

Hi hun...Do u give discounts on your bundles?
Jun 13Reply

@cdelp116 Yes ma'am I do.
Jun 13Reply

OK Erin, Just checkin! THANKS and sorry for switching and adding and yeah.. :) !!
Jun 13Reply

Thanks so much @aprilcolon Your closet is cute too! :)
Jun 14Reply

@abstractaverun wow nice to now see you close up. You're beautiful & your green eyes are awesome. Have you tried purple eye shades. You look great & the makeup you have on really looks good well great. I wonder how you would look with purple. Lots of people tell me with green eyes purple does it for them. Lmk what you think if you ever tried purple.
Jun 28Reply

@kanyejoyner I was also told purple was suppose to make green/hazel eyes pop. I pretty much wore it from 8th grade-9th in high school. It's okay, but I find that rustic colors (shades of maroon, burnt orange, brown, yellow tones) really look good on me. With a little green hidden some where in the mix. That may just be because I have Auburn hair though. Heh. Thanks so much for the compliment and tip! I might have to buy some purple now that I know what good make up is and re-try it out. 😉
Jun 28Reply

@kanyejoyner Added 2 pics of green on, and then my favorite red color. After I buy some purple and try it out again, I'll make sure to share a picture with you. Hhehe. ☺️
Jun 28Reply

@abstractaverun looks like there's no stopping your green eyes. They look stunning both ways. Simply beautiful.
Jun 28Reply

@abstractaverun " Hi Erin!! Nice to meet you♡"
Aug 05Reply

@armymom95 Hey right back at you Melissa. Thanks for the shares, I returned the favor by sharing your closet. :) 💛
Aug 05Reply

@abstractaverun " ;) ♡ "
Aug 05Reply

Awesome shop!
Aug 07Reply

Hi Erin, My name is Pam,Ike it is very nice to meet you. I Love the fact that you have two IIii. We have that in common.k.l.,. and our closets. (Although I am just a beginner.)
I have two Boston Terriors also. One is black and white, Jasmin. Her half sister Coco who is a brindle. They have the same Father but different mothers and are about the same age. (within a week or two)
My husband and I are so in love with them it is ridiculous. We treat them like children. LOL I wouldn't have it any other way. Yes, they sleep under the covers too. Hahahaha needless to say we change the sheets OFTEN. Not messy, just stinky, hahahahahahaha
Good luck on your closet, you have many, many, many amazing pieces. Unfortunately not all are my size. hahaha
I will come back often to see what you have added. Happy POSHING..
**❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤•*¨*•.¸¸❤¸¸.•*¨*• ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤**
Sep 03Reply

@pammyjane13 Heheheh. I also treat my furbabies like little humans too. (I also sleep with them and totally understand the cleaning the pooted in bed sheets, haha!) I even take them trunk or treating for halloween. Let me know when you start adding stuff on here to sell, I'll happily share whatever you post. 😉 Give your BTs a hug for me! I'm currently at work and can't hug on mine. ❤️
Sep 03Reply

OH..... I forgot the most important reason for me wanting to "meet you/say Hi"..... I have already purchased a Nude/Tan top from you on August 24th. And For Your Information... I do love it. It is so soft and luscious. Thank you for selling to me.... Have a great day Erin and I'll shop here soon........
**❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤•*¨*•.¸¸❤¸¸.•*¨*• ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤**
Sep 03Reply

Hi Erin! I'm a crafty soul as well! I sew, paint, love paper crafts and well just about anything I can get my hands on that inspires me, or occupies my attention haha.
I love your stuff!
Sep 06Reply

@cataldic Nice to meet you! Thanks so much for the compliments, it means a lot to hear positive feedback. :)
Sep 06Reply

Hi it's great to meet people w/same likes😊
I luv yr jewelry! Hope you sell them on Esty! A friend did well selling there! I am a pet/people portrait wildlife artist mostly in color pencil. I will post a pic if I figure all this out!😄lol. I love my terrier/chihuahua he was 2Lbs when we rescued him and our other Luv is brussels griffin & shitzu mix. My empty next pups😉😄
Nov 10Reply

@deanr51 Yupppp. One of the things I love the most about Poshmark is finding ladies with similar or bolder style! And I did sell on Etsy for the first three years of my small business. I'm currently starting up a website using Shopify but haven't had the time because I'm in the process of moving. And I adore art! Whenever you post, please let me know. Especially pet portraits. I looooove animals. Hehehehe. I even work at a doggie daycare! And volunteer with local rescues. I actually now have THREE Boston Terriers. My latest is a rescue, but I haven't been able to get her fattened up/fur grown back enough to take a good photograph of her with the boys.
Nov 10Reply

Your booth is darling!
Jan 11Reply

@abstractaverun ....love your dogs.
Jan 26Reply

Aww I love your jewelry sooo pretty!! Your pups are adorable!!!
Aug 14Reply

Hi! I 💓 dogs as well - have 3! Do you happen to live in state of WA? The scenery in your pics looks familiar.
Mar 31Reply

@privacylaw Nope, I live in Alabama. Surrounded by woods/trees. It's pretty during the Fall, heck on allergies during the spring. Haha.
Apr 01Reply

Welcome to PM, you are a nut! I like you! Furry lady is friend not foe! Cute pics! Hoping you visit my closet will soon download tons more including jewelry... Take care!❤️🐾❤️🐾❤️🐾❤️🐾
Jun 29Reply

Cute pics. Nice to meet you on posh. Hope you are loving it! 💕
Feb 03Reply

Feb 27Reply

Mar 12Reply

Hi there! Nice closet, please excuse the random number I commented haha. Phones these days are not so easy. Nice to meet you! Please check out my closet, as you may see something you really like.
Mar 12Reply

Your closet is overwhelming... because I want everything!!! 💖
Mar 16Reply

Hi! Just wanted to let you know I will accept $15 on that Randy top if you are interested!! I’ll be headed to the post office in the next hour!! Thx!! 💕
Mar 19Reply

HI Erin, I'm Tracy! Awesome pics! I too love pretty dresses and flats... but obsessed with the thong type slip on sandals! I've not yet seen a closet I'd order from till I saw yours! My sales are to buy something... so I'm glad I saw your profile! You and I would have a great time together! I love the animals and crafts! GREAT closet! I'd love to connect on social media... I follow quite a few Posher's on there! 😎😁 I try to show the "love"😍
Mar 30Reply

I made a bundle! When I get paid the 13th I’m gonna go for it!
Apr 09Reply

Cute!! Congrats on your engagement!🙌🙌🙌🙋
May 07Reply

@abstractaverun - Hello. Your dogs are adorable & congratulations on your engagement! 🍾💐🎉 if you have a moment please browse my closet @tarafishel - I’m just starting out & adore many of the pieces in yours. Happy Poshing!
May 08Reply

@tarafishel thank you! You’ll love it on here! Lots of different things to browse daily!
May 08Reply

👀🤗Im kinda new here..Thanks so much for following, sharing, liking, commenting & supporting my business. I will definitely compensate back in either of those ways. Just be patient. As a reminder If I dont get back to you quickly am not ignoring you, I just cant keep up. I aprecciate everyone. TIPS TIPS to improve are always welcome👣
May 21Reply

Hi! Congrats on the engagement!!
May 31Reply

You guys are cute together!!!
Jun 23Reply

Hi 👋! I just want to tell you that I appreciate the kind of woman you are. You’re large and in charge. You’re the kind of stand and deliver woman I am. My size is there to ward off trouble, not hide my personality and beauty. My size and my mind are the greatest strengths besides a loving heart that I have. And I see all of that in you. Work your show Sweetheart cause we weren’t all meant to be a size 2!
Jul 18Reply

Hi Erin. Yes I want these. Can you please hold them until 8/3. My Ssd money comes in then. Besides my card was stolen and I have been waiting for two weeks for a replacement. Please hold them for me.
Jul 18Reply

Hi I’m Kim! I’m always looking for new Poshmark friends to shop and share💞. Have a great day🌞Happy Poshing! 🌸🌼🌻
Aug 04Reply

Can you tell me why a plus siZe item of mine, a white cardigan style top, size 2X, does not qualify for the Everything Plus Size Party?
Oct 17Reply

Your dogs are adorable!! You are so beautiful and I’m jealous of the gorgeous scenery in your wedding pics
Oct 25Reply

Hi I'm Charlene and i must tell you that you were a radiant Bride! Your dress was spectacular. I have been married 33 yrs and everyday feels like the first. I adore my hubby. We have 2 grown children and 4 grands. I am a Neonatal Icu nurse out on disability since 2009. I have had 137 surgeries on legs and buttocks and thighs for necrotizing fascitis flesh eating disease and MRSA STAPH INFECTION. I only can walk a few feet if more than that I'm I a wheelchair. That part of my life I.....
Nov 01Reply

Hate,because I loved working. I worked the last 5 yrs I worked in adult med/surg oncology because I'm a 11 yr Breast Cancer survivor who had a Double masectomy and no reconstruction due to being so ill. But I'm alive. But I'm telling you all of that to say I only can wear dresses because all the surgeries had made me into a monster. I can't wear pants or undies because they roll off down my body. So I love cute dresses at a great price and i think your prices are
Nov 01Reply

GREAT JUST WONDERFUL! So I will be shopping with you. I like dresses without a elastic waist because I'm so short. So any new things you get if you would notify me somehow,I would appreciate so much. Oh and I love dogs also. I have a 7 yr old Pitt named Trigger and when I'm in the hospital he will talk to me on the phone and just cry. But I have had to stay up to 3 mths,4mths,55days etc. I just got out on this morning for 16 days. So I'm glad to be home. Sorry so long but couldn't tell you
Nov 01Reply

About me in 55 words or less. So nice to meet you and I'm following you. Charlene
Nov 01Reply

Hi welcome. I am checking your closet and I hope you will peek into mine. I enjoyed seeing your pictures very nice and your little doggies too. I have a lot of interesting things and if I can be of help please let me know. Happy passion
May 12Reply

New posher here, nice closet! I’m very happy to see plus size fashions!
May 17Reply

@majda_anwar Welcome to Poshmark!! It’s full of all kinds of plus size clothing! Definitely a lot more variety of sizes, and brands to choose from! 🥰🤗
May 17Reply

May 23Reply

Hey !! When you have a chance check out my closet for plus size clothing ! Posting again soon !!
Jun 05Reply

@tessahouse look at my two fur babies! Also noticed we are both from Bama. ❤️
Aug 07Reply

@abstractaverun ohh they are so cute . I love love Boston . They are so cute . Your fur baby's are adorable
Aug 07Reply

I love Bostons too! So smart and silly. Right now I have big dogs but hope to get another BT some day soon. I love all the dog stuff in your closet also. 🐶❤️
Oct 13Reply

Just wanted to say hi and I am also a Boston mom of a senior (bean). I had a brown one (Frankie) also and she passed almost 2 years ago.
Feb 04Reply

Mar 28Reply

Hi, What a lovely closet! I've shared some of your items! I have lots of stuff in my closet in all sizes, but mainly XL and plus sizes. Have a good day and stay safe!
Apr 08Reply

Hi! I’m currently doing a sale where you make a bundle and name your price! I want a lot of things gone so I can make room for new items! I’m accepting all reasonable offers so I hope you’ll check out my closet and send me an offer :) let me know if you have any questions!
Jul 01Reply

Hi there 🥳
Wishing you speedy sales
and amazing deals! 🛍
Happy Poshing 💫
Oct 13Reply

Hello and Welcome to Poshmark! Let me know if you have any questions! If your interested, Come check out my closet! I sell accessories, purses, shoes, beauty products, kids, juniors, women’s and men’s clothes. Have a great day and happy poshing! @julius17
Jan 19Reply

Hi there!
Just an FYI, the items in my closet with a RED frame are free with the purchase of a full priced item. Feel free to shop around and see if there’s something you can’t live without!
Feb 21Reply

Hi!🖐 Happy New Year. Feel free to check out my closet sometime.
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊 Adding new stuff weekly!
Feb 21Reply

Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
May 07Reply

It’s a great day at Retrend11 🛍, We hope you are owning your day as well! We noticed you were a featured poshmark page and that you are also a fellow Posh ambassador. Your closet and vibes are fresh and on trend! 🌸 💫 😌 I’m now following you and I’m looking forward to sharing you awesome 🤩 finds. Take a second to check Retrend11 out and rest assure that we meet and surpass all of poshmark service requirements. ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Aug 26Reply

You're pictures are so beautiful!💜💜
Thank you so much for your likes 😊
Mar 09Reply

Hi Erin! I love your closet! Especially the Betsey Johnson items!!! Have a blessed weekend! 😀😀👗👗💜💜🌸🌸
Aug 14Reply

Wow you are so beautiful love how you dress. You look like a model. You go girl 😊🤗
Oct 01Reply

Oct 27Reply
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