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Updated Jul 02
Updated Jul 02

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Hi beautiful ladies, my name is Jaismeen, 31 yrs old ,originally from India. I live in sunny California and work full time as a software engineer during the daytime and Poshmark all the time! . My second passion is to travel around the world Apart from Poshing, I like to play snooker and soccer.! Thank you for visiting my closet. Please don't hesitate in making an offer. I will work with you to get the best deal. Love Bundles Ships Fast.. Cheers, a fellow Posher.!
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iheartpurple @jaismeen nice to meet you pretty & welcome to posh 💐😘 thanks so much for your compliment ... Your closet is super cute as well... Good luck & happy poshing doll 💜👍
Dec 14Reply
jaismeen @iheartpurple Thankew so much for such a warm welcome and those lovely words 💓💓
Dec 14Reply
cmarshall38 @jaismeen I followed you so you can become my friend and give me all your haircare secrets!!!
Dec 17Reply
jaismeen @cmarshall38 Hi Chandra!! Thank you for the compliments but I really dont have any hair care secrets. Its generic and I got it from my Mom!! I keep on changing shampoos and oiled my hair a lot when I was a kid!
Dec 17Reply
cmarshall38 @jaismeen Oh geesh!!!! That's ok, I still think you have a beautiful closet!!!
Dec 17Reply
jaismeen @cmarshall38 Aww, thanks Hun :) You have a cute closet yourself :)
Dec 17Reply
japonica @jaismeen .... Awwww too beautiful
Dec 19Reply
jaismeen @japonica Thank you dear :) You are so pretty and gorgeous your self inside out <3
Dec 19Reply
jaismeen @mskfar Thank you so much for such beautiful compliments.!! Every women is beautiful and you are amazing yourself.!!!
Dec 21Reply
xoadrianna Beautiful &I the hair 💕
Dec 23Reply
jaismeen @xoadrianna thanks hon. You are pretty yourself.!!
Dec 23Reply
demitria67 @jaismeen 💞beautiful family💞
Dec 25Reply
jaismeen @demitria67 Thank you so much Demitria :) ❤️❤️
Dec 25Reply
jaismeen @kallystag Nice to meet you too Kallysta :)
Dec 25Reply
jaismeen @kallystag some affinity with India??
Dec 26Reply
jaismeen @kallystag that's nice.!! Hope you make there someday.!!
Dec 26Reply
Dec 27Reply
jaismeen @msred0604 No probs honey.!!
Dec 27Reply
tibo2008 @jaismeen You're too cute😄
Jan 06Reply
panaceanproject Your hair is beautiful!!! Welcome to the Posh family! Happy Poshing!!
Jan 06Reply
jaismeen @lexilouhoo84 thanks dear for the kind words!!
Jan 06Reply
lindsaym18 Awe girl I can just tell from your pictures how sweet you are !!!! Reach for your dreams girlie !!!! Best wishes to you !!! I'm sure you will own your own shop one day !!!
Jan 09Reply
jaismeen @lindsaym18 wow!! Thank you dear for believing in me! World is a better place with positive people like your self.! Thank you for your kind words! You are a beautiful person .!
Jan 09Reply
lynste70 Welcome to the Posh community! I'm also new to Posh and love the people I have had the pleasure to meet through this site! It is a pleasure to meet you! Your closet is beautiful!💖💖💖💖💖😊
Jan 11Reply
jaismeen @lynste70 Hello Lynda! Its nice to meet you too! you have a pretty closet yourself!
Jan 11Reply
specialtz4u @jaismeen welcome my sister posher😄
Jan 11Reply
lynste70 @jaismeen Thank you for sharing also!💗💗💗😊
Jan 11Reply
sammyj123 @jaismeen I love your long hair! I wish mine would grow like that!!
Jan 11Reply
jaismeen @sammyj123 Awww.! Thank you for the compliments dear!
Jan 12Reply
aleksiilove @jaismeen Thank you for sharing! ☺️
Jan 12Reply
jaismeen @aleksiilove No problem Julia!
Jan 12Reply
barbyq Adorable family, Gorgeous hair! Moms are the best.
Jan 12Reply
jdavis @jaismeen Thank You
Jan 13Reply
jaismeen @barbyq Aww, thanks dear :)
Jan 13Reply
jaismeen @jdavis Thank you for the shares :)
Jan 13Reply
jdavis @jaismeen I hope you get to see your mom soon 😉
Jan 13Reply
brown_eyedgrl41 @jaismeen thanks for sharing
Jan 13Reply
jaismeen @brown_eyedgrl41 no problem Elsie! And thank you for sharing and liking my closet!
Jan 13Reply
maca88 @jaismeen your hair is sooooo loooong! Wow! ❤️ I'm from germany and one of my besties is from india. Her name is Jancy! Happy poshing&nice to meet you! 😊👍
Jan 13Reply
jaismeen @maca88 thank you!! Nice to meet you too.! I used to work in a software company and my client was from Germany.! So we found connections.! Happy Poshing!
Jan 13Reply
jaismeen @pigeonheart Hi Rainy! Nice to meet you too.! And you really have a cute closet!
Jan 13Reply
jaismeen @cutegirl2013 Thanks Riffat! Nice to meet you too :)
Jan 13Reply
mitch327 Thanks for the shares Hun!!!! Love how long your hair is!!! So beautiful!
Jan 14Reply
jaismeen @mitch327 no problem!! You are so beautiful your self!
Jan 14Reply
mitch327 😘
Jan 14Reply
jaismeen @sixhundredseven Thankew !! You have a beautiful closet too!
Jan 15Reply
jezk @jaismeen hi! Thanks for following my closet! 💕 if you like something or have any questions I'm always happy to answer them 😄 happy poshoping☺️
Jan 16Reply
poshjstar This is so cute! I have some questions about it - what's your email address?
Jan 16Reply
jaismeen @poshjstar hey thanks. You can email me at
Jan 16Reply
pinktae @jaismeen beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing!!! Not to mention your closet is amazing :)
Jan 17Reply
jaismeen @pinktae thanks Lisa.!!
Jan 19Reply
jaismeen @saigey0103 hi Saige! Thanks for the compliments!!
Jan 19Reply
meliabonce Thanks for the Follow *Shared* Keep up the Good work! Your mom will be proud!
Jan 19Reply
jaismeen @meliabonce Thanks a lot Melisa!!
Jan 19Reply
jaismeen @gem53 thank you.!!
Jan 19Reply
jaismeen @blcemployee hahahaha! thanks!!
Jan 27Reply
jaismeen @blcemployee nice! You in California?
Jan 27Reply
jaismeen @blcemployee no I asked just like that. I'm in California.!
Jan 27Reply
jaismeen @blcemployee :) and welcome to the closet! LMK if you find anything interesting!
Jan 28Reply
lovelysara beautiful closet! love it, its so chic! <3
Jan 29Reply
jaismeen @lovelysara thank you so much Sara!! And a warm welcome to my closet!!
Jan 29Reply
vivinaisabelina You're so sweet, thanks for all the shares 😊
Feb 01Reply
nursetina1120 @jaismeen your hair is so long and beautiful!! Love your closet, thanks for the shares!
Feb 03Reply
jaismeen @nursetina1120 thank you so much for dropping by!!
Feb 03Reply
foamgirl Thanks for all your shares! Cheers
Feb 04Reply
thesassyblondes Thanks so much for sharing!! Love your closet:))
Feb 06Reply
jaismeen @lmfashion thanks a lot Lynn ❤️❤️
Feb 06Reply
thesassyblondes Your very welcome:))
Feb 06Reply
atargatis thanks for the shares <3 : )
Feb 11Reply
jaismeen @atargatis OMG, I should say thanks Jane!!! Thank you for tons of shares!
Feb 11Reply
atargatis You have super cute stuff! Just had to share them all. I think Im obsessed with your culture 0:) hope it leads to some sells. xoxo
Feb 11Reply
jaismeen @atargatis Thank you so much for those rocking lovely words :) :) I ll share yours too!! Lets have some sales :) :) xoxo
Feb 11Reply
atargatis cheers to that! * ;)
Feb 11Reply
beautiful_el Thanks for the share ☺️☺️☺️☺️
Feb 17Reply
alisonscloset Oh my goodness your hair!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Feb 18Reply
jaismeen @alisonscloset haha! Thanks Ali :)
Feb 18Reply
alisonscloset You're welcome! I wish I could do that! But then the ends get bad so I trim it again and it never gets longer! Hahaha
Feb 18Reply
rubyrz Nice to meet you!!😊 your bio is wonderful!
Feb 20Reply
jaismeen @rubyrz Thank you Brenda :) Nice to meet you too!!
Feb 20Reply
dannidramaqueen Nice to meet you as well :) your hair is so long and beautiful!
Feb 20Reply
jaismeen @tara_picks Thank you!!!
Mar 04Reply
keg90 @jaismeen - you are so lovely- OMG! Look at your long, lovely hair!! Welcome- I am Kim, @keg90 ! (My initials) hehe ☺️ my mom & I are super close too & you know I always wished I could I own a small boutique that clothes & specialized merchandise from local vendors. There are some lovely ladies on posh that make items that I would sell - but to dream, one needs $$ to get such a Plc started. Well lovely to meet you!! Love the bunny ear pic ✌️ too cute 👫
Mar 06Reply
jaismeen @keg90 Hi Kim!! Its so nice to meet you and thank you so much for all the lovely words! The kind of life and dreams we share, it feels like I found a sister!! yeah, boutique needs $$ but we should not lose hope :) you never know when we hit the jackpot. haha! But jokes apart, it was a pleasure to know you and your closet is simply awesome :) :)
Mar 06Reply
keg90 ☺️🎉💟
Mar 06Reply
mariz Originally from SJ. :)
Mar 08Reply
jaismeen @mariz Hey!! Nice to meet you! I have found couple of very nice poshers here who are from SJ :)
Mar 08Reply
mariz Really? I miss San Jose but not the traffic and the way people drive. LOL
Mar 08Reply
jaismeen @mariz haha! True that!
Mar 08Reply
mariz Been doing Poshmark for a while?
Mar 08Reply
jaismeen @mariz I started in mid December last year. How about you?
Mar 08Reply
mariz January last year. This is all I do now since I no longer work. Welcome to Poshmark! :)
Mar 08Reply
jaismeen @mariz happy first Poshmark anniversary :)
Mar 08Reply
mariz Thank you! :)
Mar 08Reply
japonica @jaismeen ...hey girly thx for sharing my items and wanted you to know if I don't return the favor right away I'm at work and I promise to return the favor ASAP♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Mar 09Reply
jaismeen @japonica hey dear!! Honestly I don't expect you to return favor!! I just want to stay in touch with all the dear ladies I like here! Hence, I keep sharing! I understand completely that we all have other businesses to deal with! So no problems! ❤️❤️
Mar 09Reply
sakshi9984 Sasriyakal jaismeen 🙏I m Sakshi . Changa lagya twhanu Milke . Assi we California vich rehnde hai .
Mar 13Reply
jaismeen @sakshi9984 Sat sri akal! fellow punjabi on Poshmark. !! Tuhanu milke vi boht wadiya lageya :) And you have got a really diverse closet! kinne chir toh ithe ho?
Mar 13Reply
sakshi9984 In California about 5yrs now . Forgot to u tell u that I love your hairs ..
Mar 13Reply
jaismeen @sakshi9984 Thank you Sakshi! And thanks a lot dear for the tons of shares!
Mar 13Reply
sakshi9984 Your welcome dear . Where exactly r u in California ?
Mar 13Reply
jaismeen @sakshi9984 I was studying in San Jose and last month shifted to Fremont. How about you?
Mar 13Reply
jaismeen @vmsiss Hey Vanessa! I got it online may be from Amazon. Its from roxys! coincidently , I was thinking of Poshing it.! I can do it if you want it :) :)
Mar 13Reply
sakshi9984 We live close to Los Angeles 👍
Mar 13Reply
jaismeen @sakshi9984 and you know what,,, Im traveling to LA tomorrow!! to Universal Studios :)
Mar 13Reply
sakshi9984 Wow that's cool . U r most welcome to come to my house dear 💖 we just took the kids to zoo last week though .,
Mar 13Reply
jaismeen @sakshi9984 Thank you for inviting :) Though Im not going to bug you on the weekends! That is the time for family :)
Mar 13Reply
sakshi9984 You are most welcome any Time dear
Mar 13Reply
eliteapplause @jaismeen Now I can say I got a Host Pick tonight!🐯
Mar 23Reply
suzycreamcheese Thank you thank you for the host pick .... I think you are the one that picked my Phillip Lim dress ..... So appreciate it :-))
Mar 25Reply
jaismeen @suzycreamcheese hey Robin! Congratulations again! The hosts of the party have picked those beautiful items for the Host Pick! I just drop by all the time to congratulate and celebrate with you!!
Mar 25Reply
suzycreamcheese Ahhh well thank you !!! You are sweet and pretty
Mar 25Reply
suzycreamcheese Thanks for all your shares, can you tell me how to post on the item , Host Pick ? I have no clue :-)) thanks
Mar 26Reply
jaismeen @suzycreamcheese hi! There are 2 ways to do that. You can either add the text Host Pick to the item's title. You can also edit the cover shot and add host pick to it by using any photo editor. Refer to one of my host picks for this. I generally edit the cover shot and add the text. Please let me know if you hv any questions .!
Mar 26Reply
suzycreamcheese Thank you so much . I don't have any colorful print like some people but its good ! Very kind thank you
Mar 26Reply
marlanap @jaismeen Lovely family photos! I am Marlana. Thanks again for the cheers last night. Congrats on your Masters. Great to have it while young. It took me several years to finally finish in 2007. Still very happy I did. I might go back for a second one. I love learning! 😊
Mar 27Reply
jaismeen @marlanap Hi Marlana!! Nice to meet you too :) its great to find another Masters buddy here :) what was your specialization? And yeah, you better go for another round! But I am totally exhausted for now.haha!
Mar 27Reply
marlanap @jaismeen Hi again. I am actually finding quite a few college students and grads on here. I think @tmoreira has a doctorate as I recall or working on one. I got an MED because I am an English and Reading Teacher by profession. Years ago, I was at Purdue as a teaching Graduate Asst. seeking an MA in English (Rhetoric and Composition). I did not finish! 😢 Long story. But my former Purdue dorm roommate who is by the way also from India got her PH.D. in the traditional English literature track. She is Very smart! We have lost touch, but I think she and her husband live in Chicago now. I always wanted an Master's in English or Creative Writing because I am a poet too. So if I do, I want an MFA low residency degree. That works best cm considering I bought my own home in 2009 and only work part-time now. Long answer. 😊
Mar 27Reply
marlanap @jaismeen Please excuse my typos. LOL, English teachers definitely know how to proofread! (-:
Mar 27Reply
jaismeen @marlanap No problem! And gosh , you are one heck of a talented woman! I wished I had such diverse skill set :) And congratulations on buying your very own house. Thats a big milestone to achieve! Im starting to plan out how I will do that! So lets see!
Mar 27Reply
marlanap @jaismeen Thanks! Not bragging, I was an A student for many years, in the Honor Society...and liked school in general so choosing a major was a little challenging. My family always expected me to focus upon my artistic side. But because of my good grades, I did have teachers who encouraged me to major in Math or Science. Thought about it for a minute. I did strongly consider majoring in Drama to become a professional actress, but teaching English was the safer choice back then. My dear late mother was a teacher herself. So you know she encouraged all her children to teach. No regrets. I try to be versatile. But I do favor the arts even now. You are much younger than I am, just beginning. We all know that women in Math and Science is a very, very big deal! Now more than ever! And buying a house early in life if possible is a great idea too! You are very ambitious and already very accomplished. Planning ahead is always helpful too. Nice meeting and chatting with such a positive young lady! Looking forward to talking with you again. 😊
Mar 27Reply
tmoreira @jaismeen hi!!!! So as @marlanap mentioned I am into science too. Actually a lot. You can pubmed me Tina Kiffer-Moreira to read my publication. I am a pharmacist and have al master and PhD in biological passion. I have been working on drug development for years and love it. My boos Dr Jose Luis Millan is a very famous scientist. He has a very effective treatment for hypophosphatasia, a rare genetic disease that affect kids badly. With the therapy the kids do so we'll...they can I feel very emotional when I meet the kids. Totally worth it my long hours of studding and work!!!!! Love my job and fashion hahahaha. @marlanap thank you for the tag. Now you can know a bit more about me too my sweet friend!!!!!
Mar 27Reply
marlanap @tmoreira Wow! I am totally impressed! I knew you had mentioned a PH.D! But you told me so much more! Such an accomplished woman! 👏And such a gifted husband too! 👏 Great to hear that he has done so much to help young people. 👏 See, none of us fit the fashion stereotypes? Women who love fashion can have beauty and brains too! Well, you and @jaismeen are into Science and both live in Cali. Happy I had a part in connecting you two on Posh. 😊
Mar 27Reply
tmoreira @marlanap sorry my boss not my boos....hahaha My hubby is an engineer. He is very smart!!!!
Mar 27Reply
jaismeen @marlanap You sure did play that part! Thank you. It is always a pleasure to meet smart woman! @tmoreira Hi there! Honestly you are over qualified for all of this :) And you must be feeling really content to help young kids regain life and joy! I wish I get such an opportunity and do something good with my life! Also, where do you live in California? Thank you so much ladies for this wonderful conversation. It surely made it a different day for me!
Mar 27Reply
tmoreira @jaismeen I live in San Diego and work in Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute. LMK if you need any help during your journey. Best of luck to you. You have a long one ahead of you but is going to be totally worthy. Mwahhhh 💋💋💋
Mar 27Reply
jaismeen @tmoreira I visited San Deigo last year december! And just came back from LA trip :) Thank you for your wishes.:)
Mar 27Reply
marlanap @jaismeen @tmoreira My day is sunnier having conversed with such intelligent and accomplished young women who still get excited about learning and helping others. 🌅 ☀️A good education always opens doors and is fulfilling. Tia knows that very, very well, but LoL I am speaking as the older person in this conversation. 😘 By the way, I live in AZ and have some Cali connections too. So you never know. Maybe Posh will have a meetup there for all of us Poshers? That would work for me as long as I can plan for it. Actually, we have 3 AZ Posh events in the planning stages. I hope one will be in Scottsdale, AZ! 😊
Mar 27Reply
marlanap @tmoreira @jaismeen Oops Tina, not Tia! I am sure people have made that mistake before! I think at least 10 people in here used to call me Marla so I apologize. Should have Doublechecked. 😊
Mar 27Reply
tmoreira @marlanap awww thank you. No worries. Now I am worried to write English in front of such qualified friend. Wish you were here in CA to give me some writing classes. 💋💋💋
Mar 27Reply
marlanap @tmoreira @jaismeen Ha, ha, ha!!! I did think Tina meant Boo. 😀 Well, a husband who is an engineer is awesome too! My Purdue roommate I mentioned married an engineer. My late husband was an MBA and CPA. All good catches. We can do for ourselves, but marrying well is great too! 😍😍😍
Mar 27Reply
jaismeen @marlanap haha! So true. I need to find a good catch yet! God bless me!
Mar 27Reply
marlanap @tmoreira You have a great sense of humor. I am still laughing! You have a PHD so whatever typos you put up are okay by me, Dr T! 😀 @jaismeen You too! I only correct people when they call me Marla! 😃Congrats!
Mar 27Reply
rebabilly05 @jaismeen omg 💟 ur hair and you are so pretty good luck on what u r planing to do 😘💐🌹
Mar 28Reply
eliteapplause @jaismeen My son lives in Newport Beach. Is that close to San Jose. I always liked that song.💐
Mar 29Reply
jaismeen @mary447 Newport is pretty far from San Jose! Almost 400 miles! It's closet to LA I guess. :)
Mar 29Reply
eliteapplause @jaismeen Ok just wondering.
Mar 29Reply
jaismeen @celena1d Hey thanks buddy!!
Mar 31Reply
livelifenow You are so pretty and beautiful hair. Wow :)
Mar 31Reply
jaismeen @livelifenow thank you Sonia! Thanks for dropping by :)
Mar 31Reply
jessicapacz Ty for sharing. .♡♡♡
Apr 02Reply
jessicapacz Your very helpful to some of us preposhers. I've been doing this for only a month now. And I actually have done pretty good. Poshmark is a blessing to me. But I learn something new everyday about the do's and don'ts. There's not really a handbook to teach you how to successfully use poshmark. you have been very helpful with your comments and I appreciate it. I'm working and looking forward to eventually getting a host pick and advance in everything poshmark has to offer. But just wanted to say thanks👍👍👍👍👎🎀🎀
Apr 02Reply
jaismeen @jessicapacz thanks for the kind words Jessica! I would love to help anytime. I'm planning to creat a listing where the newbies can drop by and ask any question! And about the host pick, please make sure you are following the Poshmark rules! I will try to give a exposure to your closet and may be you might get lucky!!🎉
Apr 02Reply
jessicapacz Wow I feel very honored I am working very hard every minute of the day on my closet. I'm learning rules and cleaning my closet up. I have so much to post because I sold clothes but in a different approach and it wasnt working. Poshmark has worked for me. I've made it a full time job.But like I said everyday I learn more about poshmark and the right way of going about it. I look forward to one day eventually having a closet like yours. I'll get there... Thanks for your time and words of encouragement. Take care. .Jessica🎀
Apr 02Reply
mytherapy @jaismeen Hi Jaismeen! You are so pretty! I'm Indian too :) trying to teach my girls some Indian culture, my husband is Korean and they get a lot of his culture, not much of mine. Thanks for visiting my closet, yours is great!
Apr 06Reply
jaismeen @mytherapy Hi Mina!!! Really??! You are lucky to get to know different cultures! It is so exciting to know how people from different places do the same thing differently! Beautiful family as well! Where do you live in US?
Apr 06Reply
mytherapy We live in Denver. I'm so tired of winter, but we still potentially have more snow to look forward to :( so envious that you are in CA!
Apr 06Reply
sakshi9984 Thanks for all the party invites dear . How have you been 😘
Apr 17Reply
jaismeen @sakshi9984 I'm doing good!! You know what, today only I was thinking of pinging you!!! I'm great ! How are you?? How are the kids!!
Apr 17Reply
sakshi9984 Thanks dear 👍I m doing good . Just little busy 😁. We have moved to a new house so packing unpacking . Kids are loving it and enjoying it 😍. Since last week I don't even get time to posh 😘
Apr 17Reply
jaismeen @sakshi9984 Oo!! Congratulations on your new house!! This calls for a separate party!! Don't worry! I ll keep sharing your listings!! You enjoy the moment with your little kiddos!! They are very sweet😘😘
Apr 17Reply
sakshi9984 Thanks darling . We had a jagran last week as our house warming . Will be doing sukhmani sahib path ceremony soon . I will surely invite you on that and we will definitely have a party 🎉🎉
Apr 17Reply
jaismeen @sakshi9984 I would love to come!! It brings those old memories when I used to go to gurudwara with mom for Friday paths!! I wish we both lived nearby!! Anyways, you folks have an awesome time and relish it! I'm sure you must be having loads of things to take care of! I won't disturb you and please do not return the share love! It's a mutual understanding!!😘😘
Apr 17Reply
classyvintage Hey sweetie - thank you for all the shares and I will be home in an hour or so to return the beautiful favor😘
Apr 19Reply
jaismeen @classyvintage no problem dear!! You don't have to!! Go home and get some rest for the party!🎉😘😘😘
Apr 19Reply
concept @jaismeen Hey there, thanks for the really sweet message you left on my Host Pick tonight😊✌️ I haven't come across your page in a while. Hope all is well with you and wishing you loads is sales😘💐
Apr 20Reply
jaismeen @concept I'm doing great! How are you doing? Thanks for your wishes! And your closet is beautiful! Thanks for dropping by🌹❤️
Apr 20Reply
augustpinkstyle @jaismeen Thank you so much the greeting and for sharing one of my Christian Louboutin stilettos which was one of the HPs during the Weekend Wear party last night!! I came by to say hello and share a few of your fabulous items as well! Thank you again💕💕💕
Apr 21Reply
jaismeen @augustpinkstyle hi !! Thank you so much for showing your gratitude!! Your piece deserved the Host Pick! I hope it sells quickly!🎉🎉🌹 and thanks for the posh shares! I will return the love soon!
Apr 21Reply
yesenia_barriga Thanx for sharing lovely!! I love your closet. I noticed you live in San Jose, only a few hours away from me:)
Apr 23Reply
jaismeen @yesenia_barriga Hi!! Thank you for your kind words!! where do you live??
Apr 23Reply
yesenia_barriga Corning. It's near Chico CA. ☺️@jaismeen
Apr 23Reply
jaismeen @yesenia_barriga That is so cool! It is so cool to find how close we all are! Nice to meet you Yesenia!
Apr 23Reply
yesenia_barriga Nice to meet you to Hun!! 😊
Apr 23Reply
thesequinhanger Gorg 💜💚❤️
Apr 26Reply
jaismeen @shenneneilleen Hi Shennen! Thank you so much :)
Apr 26Reply
christyluvs3 The link I got from you is not working?
Apr 26Reply
christyluvs3 I'm sorry you was tagged in this.... I was tagged also an I just hated seeing a girl get ganged up on😞 especially a sick girl
Apr 26Reply
christyluvs3 I'm blocked from that page?? Can you please ask her to unblock me??? Please? This can't be true 😢
Apr 26Reply
christyluvs3 I want the link!!! I want to click on it myself!! To see it take me to that picture to see that who ever posted that didn't make that her self!!!
Apr 26Reply
jaismeen @christyluvs3 I have posted on one of your listings. copy and paste it in your browser.
Apr 26Reply
christyluvs3 Oh my God...... Oh my God..... I'm so stupid!!!!! HOW CAN SOMEONE DO THIS!!!!!
Apr 26Reply
jaismeen @christyluvs3 Its okay dear. You also fell into her trap. Just talk to the other girls so that your reputation remains the same. I knew you were mistaken too. That is why tried to explain you. No hard feelings. You were doing what you thought was right but I am glad you got it before it was late.
Apr 26Reply
christyluvs3 WHAT IS GOING ON!!!! 😢😰 I'm going to be sick.... Something isn't right!!! This just isn't right!!! Oh my God I yelled at all those girls😱I feel so sick
Apr 26Reply
jaismeen @christyluvs3 You can talk to them dear. Calm down. DO you want me to tell them to unblock you so that you can apologize and talk?
Apr 26Reply
christyluvs3 OMG I'm so ashamed I'm so embarrassed yes please!!! I get off work in 1 hr! I'm calling the cops!!!!
Apr 26Reply
christyluvs3 That's internet fraud!!!!
Apr 26Reply
christyluvs3 😔so what now? What do I do now? 😔😕
Apr 26Reply
aprils2ndcloset @jaismeen Hi Jaismeen! You're sweet & beautiful! It's nice to be connected with you! 😊💖
Apr 26Reply
jaismeen @aprils2ndcloset Hi April! Its great to meet you too! I am glad we have finally met and connected well :) See you more often!
Apr 26Reply
mytherapy @jaismeen I'm glad you're feeling better! I'm not as scared, just a little, but I'm feeling really wary. I've had a few new followers, probably very normal women, but I'm so suspicious. I'm not sure when that will go away. Wishing we could go back a week, Posh was so much fun then 😘
Apr 26Reply
bathtubginagain Thank you for your kind words, you are a true gem of a person and posher extraordinaire. And soooooo beautiful! The pics above are classics. Love the one with - your mom((?')s stern eye!
May 02Reply
jaismeen @bathtubginagain haha! That is a stern eye! you got it. But she was cool at that time, I dont know why she gave that look, lol! Thanks buddy for your kind words. I see that you have a really pretty closet! Will keep sharing. Love to meet new people on here! And its really really nice to meet you Denise!
May 02Reply
rejuvekate Thank you for sharing! I'm new so it's very helpful!
May 07Reply
jaismeen @asheliz2012 Hi Ashley! Nice to meet you! Are you planning on adding items to your closet!! ?
May 09Reply
arigrldesigns @jaismeen hi there, You are adorable! And I 💓Love that... Face behind the closet 😊Great to meet you & I love your closet!!xo -Ari
May 12Reply
jaismeen @pmgr22 Hi Ari! Thanks and nice to meet you as well! and thank you for keeping me updated with the newbies, party invites! They are much appreciated!
May 12Reply
arigrldesigns @jaismeen yw😗🐳🐳🐳💝
May 12Reply
craftcraze Nice to meet you! 💖I love the photos above! 😘I love soccer too! (I use to play...., but now just doing volleyball & tennis) Congrats to you on co-hosting!!!🎉
May 24Reply
shatiki You're 27? You have such a baby face! I thought you were about to graduate high school lol
May 24Reply
jaismeen @shatiki haha! That is so sweet of you but I am really old now :(
May 24Reply
marifun @jaismeen nice to meet you and you have a adorable smile😊😊
May 24Reply
jaismeen @jenniferraynor hi Jennifer! Thank you so much! I love each and every item and I'm glad that there is someone who likes what I like!!
May 25Reply
mytherapy YAY! Congrats on the graduation! 🎉🎉🎉👯👯👯🎉🎉😘
May 28Reply
chic_happens Beautiful💕
May 28Reply
jaismeen @mytherapy Thank you Mina!! I graduated in December 13 but took the walk this summer!
May 28Reply
jaismeen @gin_uwine Thank you so much!
May 28Reply
arigrldesigns @jaismeen Congrats on your graduation! 🌹🌹🌹🌹Great picture too! I'm sure you are so relieved👏👏👏and happy with with awesome accomplishment! Much success and Joy in all your ventures🎀🌸💗
May 29Reply
jaismeen @pmgr22 thank you so much Ari😘😘. Your sweet words mean so much to me! 💕💕💕 I'm so relieved and even more happy to get a good job🎉🎉. All the good things are happening both at the job and Poshmark front!! 🎉🎉
May 29Reply
arigrldesigns @jaismeen ---ps I'll be doing a congratulatory share bomb-n- just want to share your awesome sale and closet too- please do not feel the need to share-back -k💋😍🌸🎀😘
May 29Reply
jaismeen @pmgr22 aah! Thank you so so much! I won't be able to resist to share the posh love💕💕 I will tomorrow morning!! Night dear!!
May 29Reply
petalsofposh Congratulations Jaismeen. You are such an intelligent and beautiful Posh Friend- inside and out. God bless you and yours always ~Mei
May 29Reply
alba330 @jaismeen Congratulations on your achievement, Jaismeen! I've never heard of snooker but I do, like you, play soccer. Still have my cleats ⚽and ready for a game, up for one?! 😃👍
May 29Reply
jaismeen @alba330 hi Alba! So nice to meet to you💕💕. Snooker is like 8-ball pool but it is a bigger version of it! And I'm not so good with soccer! Seems like you are a pro! And would beat me with a single penalty kick! Haha! It's good to find people here with like interests!!
May 29Reply
alba330 @jaismeen Thank you for the 411! I thought it was a cookie 😜 kidding! Yeah, I researched it. Nah, I'm sure you're really good and play it low key, eh! Likewise, I like educated and interesting people with similar likes to mine. Have you tried lawn bowling?! I'm really good at that, not to sound pretentious 🙀. My accuracy is impeccable 99% of the time!
May 29Reply
jaismeen @alba330 I haven't ! But I'm going to google around about it! Haha! Not pretentious dear! Good to highlight what you are best at! That is my motto! 💕💕 if you know it, you know it!
May 29Reply
alba330 @jaismeen hmmm... I like that! You're right 👍
May 29Reply
katz2 @jaismeen Hi, congratulations on your graduation! Woo Hoo! I know you will succeed in whatever you do.😘💕Love your pictures, too.
May 31Reply
backporchdealz 🎉🎉🎉👏👏👏👏👏💗💗💗💐💐💐👍👍💋💋CongratulatIons Sweetie🎉🎉🎉
May 31Reply
rebabilly05 @jaismeen awe congrats beautiful 😘👏👏👏👏🌹🌹🌹🎊🎊🎊🎊🎉🎉🎉💐💐💐💐💐💐💐🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈💕💕💕💕💕
Jun 02Reply
jaismeen @katz2 thank you so much Clara! 💕💕
Jun 02Reply
jaismeen @valorieann thanks Val! Finally it's completed ! 💕💕 happy and relieved!
Jun 02Reply
jaismeen @rabiha86 thank you so much!💕
Jun 02Reply
katz2 😘💕💕
Jun 02Reply
rebabilly05 @jaismeen ur welcome sweetie 😘🌹🌹🌹
Jun 02Reply
classy_sassy Nice to meet you! You are gorgeous!!! 💕
Jun 02Reply
jaismeen @classy_sassy Nice to meet you too Victoria! You have a fab closet!
Jun 02Reply
serrett 💄nice to meet you.😃
Jun 06Reply
backporchdealz 🎉🎉🎉🎉💃💃💃We're cheering you on tonight during your party debut.. I know you'll do fabulous 💖💋
Jun 06Reply
charming_mhel Nice to meet you Jaismeen. Sats ri akal ji. Satnam WHeguru Ji. 🌹🌹🌹
Jun 07Reply
luvbucs28 Congrats to you & your graduation 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎓🎓🎓🎓🎓🎓🎓
Jun 08Reply
marlanap @jaismeen Love the new graduation pic! Congratulations, Jaismeen! 🎉🎉🎉🎈🎈🎈
Jun 08Reply
jaismeen @charming_mhel nice to meet you too dear!!
Jun 08Reply
jaismeen @luvbucs28 hey Karen! Thanks so much! 💕💕
Jun 08Reply
jaismeen @marlanap thank you Marlana! 😘😘💕
Jun 08Reply
diggidy I'm from So Cal too!!
Jun 09Reply
jaismeen @diggidy Hey Dawn! Nice to meet you! Where in socal? I live in Fremont , near San Jose!!
Jun 09Reply
kimsthings 🎉🎉🎉congrats on graduation!!!!!!!! Beautiful lady.... Beautiful family!!!😘
Jun 12Reply
jaismeen @kimsthings thank you so much Kim!! 😘😘💕💕
Jun 12Reply
t_ms_sincerity Hi Gorgeous!👋💕💕💕@jaismeen
Jun 13Reply
jaismeen @t_ms_sincerity Hey!!! Happy Weekend buddy!!
Jun 13Reply
sarahjosephine CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jun 14Reply
tadams Love the pic with the diploma, u look so happy & accomplished. Congrats on graduating!!
Jun 16Reply
jaismeen @tadams hey Tracy! I was happy and relieved at the same time! Thank you for dropping by and sending your wishes!
Jun 16Reply
tadams 😊
Jun 16Reply
marinavivar So beautiful
Jun 16Reply
jaismeen @marinavivar Thank you so much Marina!!
Jun 16Reply
marinavivar You're welcome enjoy your trip ✈️🌅
Jun 17Reply
djtemptationz So beautiful! And congrats on the graduation. 👏❤️
Jun 18Reply
songbirdgypsy38 I love your closet! My daughter and I will be visiting it often!
Jun 19Reply
jaismeen @kathyhansen38 hey Kat!! I'm so honored to hear that! I would love to give you a great deal! I'm traveling out of country for a month starting July, so if there is anything I can help you with let me know!! And very nice to meet you!!
Jun 19Reply
songbirdgypsy38 Nice to meet you too! Thanks for letting me know you'll be traveling. We will do some serious looking soon.
Jun 19Reply
jaismeen @kissmymissy Yes! I got it! Are you firm on silk material? The one that im wearing here is not entirely cotton material. It has a silky finish to it and gives a subtle shine. I can get these since my Mom designs them! And do you like to wear fitted or little loose tunics?
Jun 19Reply
travelinggirl68 @jaismeen hi Jaismeen!!! I keep thinking about your trip to India and how I wish I could stow away in your suitcase! I was fabric expensive there? I was thinking about asking youth ring me some home (here is my email address: let me know and I can send you a picture of what I'd like. ☺️😘💋
Jun 20Reply
jaismeen @travelinggirl68 emailed you Christina!!
Jun 21Reply
vandendi Hi hun, are you just about ready to leave for home?
Jun 27Reply
jaismeen @vandendi Hi Diana! Morning! Im leaving next week on 2nd July.!
Jun 27Reply
vandendi Well go morning to you to. Are you excited and did you get all your shopping for your family done
Jun 27Reply
jaismeen @vandendi Not yet :( there is so many people to shop for! Im totally bankrupt! haha! Will go tomorrow to shop for my nephew. Clothes, bottles, diaper bags n stuff!! How are you doing?
Jun 27Reply
dierks24 Nice to meet you! Posh luck sent your way!:)
Jul 08Reply
aladdinboutique @jaismeen nice to meet you, beautiful photos😍
Jul 13Reply
aladdinboutique @jaismeen follow to follow😀
Jul 13Reply
petalsofposh Hi my sweet friend!! :) welcome back. So happy to see u!!♡♡☆★
Aug 17Reply
jaismeen @petalsofyouth Hey! Thank you! How have you been?? Such a long long time!!
Aug 17Reply
petalsofposh I know right, time really flies too quickly! Been pretty good, thanks. Hope you enjoyed your trip and blessings always to you & yours ♡♡♡
Aug 17Reply
dutchydeals @jaismeen just wanted to say hi! Ur beautiful, love your hair & your closet too!! 😁 if you ever have any Sari for sale please tag me!! Have a great day & happy poshing🌺
Aug 19Reply
jaismeen @dutchydeals Hey Lisa! Nice to meet you too! Thank you for visiting my closet :) I will definitely tag you when I post some saris. As for the Indian wear, I have couple of kurtis and shoes that I just brought from India! Have a lovely day :) Cheers!
Aug 19Reply
vandendi OMG I know exactly where Freemont is. I have driven through it many, many times. In fact, I left a pair of sunglasses in the ladies bathroom at a gas station there while in route to Yosemite. ..LOL
Aug 21Reply
anneykh Nice to meet you .. Hair 😍😍😍😍.. Lovely closet 👌
Aug 24Reply
jaismeen @anneykh thanks! Nice to meet you too 😊😊
Aug 24Reply
vandendi Jaismeen the name of the town about an hour outside of Yosemite is Oakhurst. That was driving me crazy that I couldn't think of it. It finally popped into my head....LOL I had to share that with you. .by the way, it was great talking to you my friend.
Aug 26Reply
thevintageroze Jaismeen you are too sweey😘😘
Sep 02Reply
thevintageroze I mean SWEET!! I hate spell check☺️
Sep 02Reply
jaismeen @nkhob haha! I hate spell checks too. Have embarrased myself lot many times coz of it :)
Sep 02Reply
dollface86 Hey Jaismeen hope you had a great Labor Day weekend!😘
Sep 02Reply
jaismeen @dollface86 Hey Stacy! I had a pretty lazy weekend :) How about you! And seriously, you shared my entire closet! I will have to sit for a while today to return the love! Thank you so much! Truly appreciated.
Sep 02Reply
dollface86 Lol no worries Jaismeen! 😊I had a lazy weekend too, my favorite kind 😜
Sep 02Reply
13thfashions 😊😊😊😘🌹🌹🌹
Sep 04Reply
jaismeen @hamptongal hahah! Thats the one I wore yesterday! I just love it. I purchased it from India this time :) One of my priced collection :)
Sep 04Reply
jaismeen @hamptongal No problem dear. And those tunics are sold off. I will tag you once I stock up the tunics :)
Sep 04Reply
jaismeen @hamptongal Please do not be ashamed. I totally understand it.! Honestly. I know you are a good person at heart and that is why kept on sharing your closet whenever I get time. I never judged you on that one occasion! I will definitely check out your closet and your sweet daughter's too :) And please come by for shopping ! :) Thank you!
Sep 04Reply
scootersbabe beautiful pics...thanks for your closet
Sep 11Reply
jaismeen @scootersbabe thank you ! For the kinds words and sharing as well! You have an amazing closet yourself!
Sep 11Reply
kittyavani Beautiful pics. Thanks for sharing.
Sep 14Reply
jaismeen @kittyavani thank you Kitty! Nice to meet you!
Sep 14Reply
rapn_angie You have an absolutely amazing closet! 😍
Sep 14Reply
jaismeen @rapn_angie thank you !! I'm glad to hear that you love my taste and my cultural pieces!
Sep 14Reply
erikagannon Great to meet you!! You are simply gorgeous!! I too would love to own a boutique one day...but for now it is Poshmark and the chemistry lab! Maybe for my retirement?!?! Lol thank you so much for the shares! I will certainly return the favor and look forward to checking out your lovely closet!
Sep 16Reply
jaismeen @erikagannon Hello Erika! Nice to meet you too :) I just adore your closet and keep coming back to share more! And chemistry lab??? What do you do! For me, its the computer lab making softwares :) And thank you for sharing my closet. I think I will have to make a wishlist of my fav closets and tag them. So many sweet ladies out here with such fabulous closets!
Sep 16Reply
lisamp123 Thanks for sharing my item!!!
Sep 16Reply
jaismeen @lisamp123 No problem! I would have loved to share more!
Sep 16Reply
erikagannon Thank you so much!!!! You just made my heart smile!!!😘😘😘 I work for Pfizer in the vaccines division... I LOVEEEEE my day job but I LOVEEEEEE fashion too!!
Sep 16Reply
kimsthings Hi doll. Well, sadly I have to give up on going to Poshfest. It has been the most difficult decision ever!!!😢😢😢😢 my health needs to be first. I have not told anyone yet. I will make a listing soon letting all my pffs I won't be there after all. This really breaks my heart. 💔. But, I want my ticket to go to good use. So, I want you to go in my place??? 😃 would you do me that honor? Xo Kim
Sep 17Reply
jaismeen @kimsthings hey Kim! That's heart breaking news. 😔😔😢😢. I hope your health gets better with the treatment. I will keep you in my prayers. And unfortunately I won't be able to go either. My mom and dad are coming on 31st October. And me and my brother are taking them to Yuba City in that week! I'm so honored for you to offer me and I would have love to go and pay you too. Coz it's your loss in terms of money as well. But I need to be with parents on that trip. I'm feeling really bad right now. I hope you don't feel that I'm ditching you. But we had this plan and this is the first time my parents are coming to the States. I'm extremely sorry Kim. 😢😢. I do. Is there any way we can find someone who can go. ???
Sep 17Reply
kimsthings ❤️oh Jaismeen. Don't you feel bad. 😃 of course you need and must be with your parents!!!😃😃😃 I bet there is someone that would like a ticket? I only paid the $180 (early bird). If you come across anyone needing one, please let me know. Have a super great time with your parents!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️Kim
Sep 17Reply
jaismeen @kimsthings I will definitely let you know if I find someone who is interested. Meanwhile. Do you wan to send an email to Poshmark stating your situation? Being a great Posher that you are with exceptional record, I think they might considering your request and do a refund, may be partially? I hope it works out for you. You can mention it in the listing you will create to let the PFF know. That might help and we can share it like crazy to get it some attention! Hopefully everything works out and most importantly your health.! 🌻🌻❤️
Sep 17Reply
kimsthings 😃I will try that Jaismeen. Thank you!!! Your so sweet!!! It's after midnight here (EST).... I better get some sleep. Xo Kim 💖💖💖💖
Sep 17Reply
jaismeen @kimsthings oh I'm sorry. Yes please., it's your sleep time! Good night Kim! 💐💐
Sep 17Reply
txbetty Hi pretty lady! I'm Liz nice to meet you! Your hair is amazing. My youngest has similar hair. Not quite as long as yours though. 😊 beautiful name too btw ✌️
Sep 22Reply
jaismeen @txbetty Hello Liz, nice to meet you too! Thank you so much for your kind words! You are really sweet. Im sure your girls are as beautiful as you! :)
Sep 22Reply
jwelsh85 Hi there! Just came across your closet when I followed you following me! Thank you for the follow and you have a beautiful closet 😍
Sep 25Reply
jaismeen @jwelsh85 Hello dear! Nice to meet you too! And thank you for sharing my closet! Much appreciated :)
Sep 25Reply
jwelsh85 You're very welcome! I liked a few items and will probably be back to see if I like more hehe.
Sep 25Reply
jaismeen @jwelsh85 Sure! Would be happy to give you bundle discount. And hopefully once we reduce the bundle price, you might get discounted shipping!
Sep 25Reply
jwelsh85 Ok, I'm ready to bundle all my likes except the shoe preorder listing please. I can pay for everything tomorrow, the latest Saturday if that's ok?
Sep 25Reply
jaismeen @jwelsh85 Sure, I can do a 24 hr hold. I will create a separate listing so that you can verify all your items put together. However, Please let me know by tomorrow if you change your mind! I have had a bad experience with holds :) Thnks!
Sep 25Reply
jwelsh85 Oh, trust me I know! I will let you know as soon as possible. I really appreciate it 😄
Sep 25Reply
aims2kids Thank you so much! You are a sweetheart!
Oct 01Reply
51twenty Hi Do you have Indian kurti or tunic In smaller sizes.. 32-34 bust (example). And small harem pants or are they all one Sz fits most/all?
Oct 01Reply
jaismeen @kookc Hi. So I am a size 4/Small and these harem pants fit me perfectly. And I have couple of tunics listed in my closet that fit me fine. For reference, I wear a 32DD. Let me know if you want me to tag you in the kurti listing. And yes, the harem pants should fit you fine :)
Oct 01Reply
51twenty Yes tag me pls
Oct 01Reply
playingblogger Love it 😃😃 Nice to meet you
Oct 03Reply
jaismeen @jules2209 Nice to meet you too :) How are your party preparations going on ??!! Prett excited, eh!
Oct 03Reply
playingblogger @jaismeen Ohh yes!! I waited for so long...and so happy is a saturday!! I anxious to know the theme. 😃
Oct 03Reply
jaismeen @jules2209 I am sure you are!! I was excited too when I received my invitation. !! Keep us updated about the theme!! These days Poshmark come out with really interesting themes! I am sure you will get a good one too.
Oct 03Reply
jaismeen @ericaluz Thank you so much for the overwhelming number of shares! I was trying to keep up with you but had to stop :) But will definitely start back again :)
Oct 10Reply
ericaluz @jaismeen I love you hair... Love long hair! It's no the, it was a pleasure sharing tu have such beautiful unique items and clothes.
Oct 10Reply
jaismeen @ericaluz Awww, thank you so much Erica! And I truly appreciate the shares. You actually shared the entire closet of mine!! woah!! Thank you again!
Oct 10Reply
ericaluz @jaismeen welcome dear 😝😋😋😋
Oct 10Reply
kawther Thank u so much for warm shares appreciate 🙏🙏🙏🙏💕🌺
Oct 11Reply
ajoneal @jaismeen Can you please let me know when they get here. Please let me see the 10's, 7 1/2. And 8 . Can you please let me be one of the first to pick so I can get one that fits me better. I also want to shop for Christmas. I really would thank you if you would let me. Can you show me what are the 10's,7 1/2and 8 if you know or did you just pick those and say what sizes you need? Please let me know and if you know what sizes are in the pictures I can tell you which ones I like the best in the pictures. It's late here on the EST. So it may be early morning before I can let you know. I just happened to get up and saw your message on my phone.
Oct 13Reply
jaismeen @ajoneal hi Angie! I will definitely give you the first preview once the shoes come in. Don't worry about it. You have been a really understanding customer and I would help you every possible way to get the shoe you wanted! I'm not yet sure about the sizes that come in each of these design. But I know that there wil be couple in your sizes.😊😊
Oct 13Reply
ajoneal Thank you
Oct 14Reply
ajoneal Hey Girl, if you keep changing your picture it 's getting harder to recognize you when you post a question. I am so use to looking at picture and you keep changing. HAHA ☺️ I just had to pick on you. Where did the picture go with all the shoes? I see one but you had one with more shoes?
Oct 15Reply
jaismeen @ajoneal I have tagged you in the shoe listing !
Oct 15Reply
ajoneal Will they be in soon?
Oct 15Reply
jaismeen @ajoneal yes , I will start listing them from 2nd of November.
Oct 15Reply
ajoneal @jaismeen You changed picture again.🌺 I thought you said that you were keeping that other one. HaHa😀 did you just leave that message about your party?👏👏👏👍I looked under the party post and there were so many people that I thought I would tell you congratulate on this one. I hope I was one of the first few to know? You know you I would want to know that exciting news 👏👏 I am so happy for you. You are so sweet to everyone. You promise that I will see your shoes before they get picked over? I need one 10 , two or three 8's and maybe a 7 1/2 (not sure) I want to get to pick before they get picked over. I like the jewel tones those colors and the purples. I can look at the picture and tell you which ones I like best if that will help? I really want my size. Let me know if you want me to let you know the ones I like best. I am sorry I said to promise because I know you may know other people better. I just want to get mine picked. You have so many friends and you are so good to everyone. You deserve to host a party!!!! Let me know when 😀 let me know if you want me to tell you what shoes I like out of the picture?
Oct 17Reply
jaismeen @ajoneal Hello Angie! Dont worry about it. I have promised you that I will give you the first glimpse of my collection that are in your size and the other sizes you asked for. So you will be able to pick the design you want. I have ordered more designs yesterday and will show you collectively when they arrive. So dont bother to pick now. Also, as per my understanding, you wear a true size 10 right? I was planning to get tad size bigger than the one sent you in the very beginning. How does that sound?
Oct 17Reply
ajoneal That's fine I was congratulating you on your party. You are so sweet to everyone. Just wanted to let you know the other sizes.
Oct 17Reply
ajoneal Do you know when you're hosting?
Oct 17Reply
jaismeen @ajoneal so yours is a true size 10 Angie? The shoes I sent you in the beginning, were you able to fit in those?
Oct 17Reply
jaismeen @ajoneal I think in the last week of November. Around thanksgiving time!
Oct 17Reply
ajoneal You know that you can look at my closet HAHA😀I will try and post more if I can tomorrow sometime.
Oct 17Reply
jaismeen @ajoneal definitely, you don't even have to say that. I will be keeping an eye on your closet 👀
Oct 17Reply
ajoneal The shoes that I bought only one was almost ok for me. I would say a size 10 will be good not to big and not to small if it is bigger than the round toe jewel tone one I bought. It almost was okay but a little too tight. So one bigger than that one. It almost fit.
Oct 17Reply
jaismeen @ajoneal got it! Thsnk you so much for answering my questions every time! I need to get you the perfect Cinderella shoe!!
Oct 17Reply
ajoneal @jaismeen So sorry I didn't mean to aggravate. I really wasn't trying to keep on. I was just trying to congratulate you on your hosting a party. I didn't realize I was saying the same thing over and over. I just was mentioning it every time. Thank you
Oct 17Reply
ajoneal I forgot to put 😀HaHa
Oct 17Reply
tazze Hello beautiful 💕
Oct 18Reply
jaismeen @tazze hi!nice to meet you!😃
Oct 18Reply
tazze @jaismeen it's nice to meet you too💕💕
Oct 18Reply
jaismeen @lizyourcrazy5 Hi Liz! Good to hear that there are people who share the love for indian culture ! I have met so many people on Poshmark who know so much about India! And to answer your questions, I'm do not ship from India. I visited my country in July and got all the stuff at that time. My parents are coming by the end of this month and I'm getting lots of new shoes, tunics and jewelry ! I can definitely get you packs of bindis! Do you prefer small ones or the big ones? Also, I have quite a lot of outfits listed in my closet! Did you get a chance to see them?
Oct 19Reply
jaismeen @lizyourcrazy5 alright, you got it.! I was going to order some bindis for myself too!! I'm getting some indian embroidered tunics in large sizes. Hopefully you like them! Not sure about the over sized sweaters as it's not so cold these days in India where my parents like. Hence, the vendors do not have a good collection right now. It may come in by the end of November or so. But let's keep out fingers crossed on the tunics! You can definitely wear them with leggings!
Oct 19Reply
jaismeen @lizyourcrazy5 thank you dear!! You are so beautiful yourself! Pardon my late replies. I have been dozing off and on ! But finally awake!😬😬
Oct 19Reply
mygoodvibetribe @jaismeen Nice to meet you! You are so pretty and your family looks lovely!
Oct 25Reply
jaismeen @megsbs Awww! Thanks dear. Nice to meet you too! I was just going through your beautiful closet! I loved the way you have placed the listings to spell LOVE! And you are so pretty :) :) Im glad we met (virtually though) :)
Oct 25Reply
mygoodvibetribe @jaismeen Aw thanks girly, right back at you!! :)))
Oct 26Reply
jenniferrlee Your mom's pretty Jaismeen! I can see where you got your beautiful looks from 😉💕💕💕
Oct 31Reply
jeanie52 @jaismeen , Hello Jaismeen, thank you so very much for sending out my package so quickly. I love it ! I can't wait to use it this winter. I know I live in southern Cali but the weather does get nippy. I Iove the special gift too. I just put it on my white gold chain. Hearts is one of my fave symbols to wear. Thank you. You're the best !! You have an awesome family and an awesome closet.. Keep in touch .. Xxoo
Nov 02Reply
jaismeen @jeanie52 such a beautiful feedback! Thank you so much Jeanie! I hope you love your gloves as much as the beanie! I went to Post Office today to drop your package but they were closed 😔. Usually they open till lunch time on Saturdays but my bad this time. I will drop them off Monday morning and keep you updated dear! Looking forward to hear back from you about it! And added a surprise gift too this time! 😊😊.
Nov 02Reply
jenangel89 Nice to meet you! You're so pretty!💕
Nov 08Reply
btessfaye @jaismeen thank you for sharing my items. You have a beautifully family! And cute closet!!
Nov 17Reply
jaismeen @btessfaye Thank you Brooke for your kind words! And thanks a lot for sharing my closet too :)
Nov 17Reply
lauras_boutique @jaismeen 💕Hi Jaismeen! My name is Laura, and I am new to Poshmark so I wanted to introduce myself and say hello! 😀💕💗 I have already met so many sweet and amazing women that I feel so lucky that I can be a part of this community!😍🌹🌺 You have a beautiful closet, and I look forward to talking to you again soon! Have a fabulous day! Laura 💕💝🌺👛💗
Nov 21Reply
jaismeen @msu0712 Hello Laura! Very nice to meet you too🌺🌺. I'm so glad that you are liking this community! There are so many beautiful and amazing women out here! There are handful of rotten apples too so be cautious! But otherwise my experience has been really good! I have been with Poshmark for just more than a year and already addicted to it! ❤️. Thank you for swinging by and say hello! Have a beautiful night dear!
Nov 21Reply
lauras_boutique @jaismeen 💕Thanks for the sweet note Jaismeen!😀 It is so nice to hear that ladies are finding posh such a great experience!😀🌺💗 It is nice to meet you and I look forward to talking and sharing with you soon! Have a wonderful day!💕❤️🌺💗🌹
Nov 21Reply
chictowear What a beautiful family you have! Nice to meet you, I am Lorena :) Btw, amazing closet!
Nov 27Reply
jewelry_party Hi nice to meet the youness of you! Lol what's snooker?
Nov 28Reply
jaismeen @mistyheart Hi! Nice to meet you too! Snooker is like Pool only but this one has a larger table with slightly different set of rules.!
Nov 28Reply
jewelry_party Your profile pic, are you on a boat in Lake Tahoe heading towards Emerald Bay?
Nov 28Reply
jaismeen @mistyheart Absolutely right! Wow, I am amazed that you are so familiar with the place :)
Nov 28Reply
jewelry_party Cool snooker huh! That sounds like a lot of fun.
Nov 28Reply
jewelry_party Oh , hehehe, well, I spend every second I can up there. Lol. It's like my second home.
Nov 28Reply
jaismeen @mistyheart Awesome! I just love that place. Been there just once but loved every bit of it! Beautiful place !
Nov 28Reply
jewelry_party If you're not into skiing and you just want perfect weather up there, it's best to go in the fall. Did you get a chance to do the salmon run while you were there? But then they only come up the river in the fall to lay eggs. Did you know that the seagulls come up there just to eat salmon? The ducks are in the river looking for their delicacy , eggs, but the seagulls will only take the salmon if they are weak and then they actually swallow them whole! And then just upstream we missed seeing a huge bear lunging into the water and grabbing salmon up for dinner! It was crazy! All the spectators viewing the salmon had no clue what was up until the bear charged out of the woods into the river and back away into the woods! Crazy!
Nov 28Reply
jaismeen @mistyheart ohh wow! That seems to be so much fun to watch! Almost surreal! We didn't get a chance to witness that! My friends were more into casino and stuff! We did the boat drive to the emerald bay. And then barbecue in our rented house! But I will definitely make sure to plan out seeing the sea gulls and the salmon show next time!!
Nov 28Reply
minime2 @jaismeen thank you for bringing your beautiful culture to posh :)
Nov 28Reply
jaismeen @minime2 aww thanks dear! And very nice to meet you ! I'm glad you liked the colors of my culture!
Nov 28Reply
minime2 @jaismeen nice to meet you as well.. :) yes beautiful colors beautiful fabrics beautiful patterns. I have always loved I know where I can buy them 🌹
Nov 28Reply
jaismeen @minime2 you are welcome anytime dear! I would love to do business with ya! Happy thanksgiving dear!
Nov 28Reply
saundie @jaismeen 💕💕💕💕💕Great pics!!!!👏👏👏
Dec 03Reply
jaismeen @saundie Aww! Thanks Saundra!!
Dec 03Reply
dollface86 I like your new pic Jaismeen! 😃
Dec 05Reply
jaismeen @dollface86 aww! Thanks Stacy!! And thank you for dropping the share bomb in my closet! You are such a darling, like always!
Dec 05Reply
dollface86 Aww no prob thank you for the shares too Pff! 😘😘
Dec 05Reply
annasophia8 You're Beautiful
Dec 05Reply
jaismeen @annasophia8 Aww! Thank you so much! And I love your name! Love the sound of it :)
Dec 05Reply
annasophia8 @japonica Awhh thanks ☺️
Dec 05Reply
jeanninenicole I love your closet!!!!
Dec 22Reply
jaismeen @jeanninenicole thank you so much! And thank you for your shares!
Dec 22Reply
jaismeen @ridinghood13 thank you so much! I found your closet recently with those beautiful wildfox tees and denims! And I absolutely adore you! Thank you for coming by !! Happy Holidays!
Dec 22Reply
sammy @jaismeen is snooker pool? Just a guess, lol. I didn't look it up!!!
Dec 23Reply
jaismeen @sammy Your guess is spot on! That is what it is! I play both snooker and pool but prefer pool better!
Dec 23Reply
sammy @jaismeen I love pool but haven't played since my fybromyalgia. What is the difference between the 2? Do u have a table or go out? Fun!!! Happy holidays Jas!
Dec 23Reply
jaismeen @sammy Snooker table is bigger than pool table and the rules are a little different. Snooker is more about accumulating points as each ball you pot has a point associated with it. I dont have a table but where I lived before used to have a table in a shared lounge area! It was super fun! Happy Holidays dear!
Dec 23Reply
sammy @jaismeen I like that game. Sounds interesting.
Dec 23Reply
sammy @jaismeen my first apt building here in Cali had one too. Tennis was my first love before my condition. Have a great holiday!!! ❤❤❤🎁
Dec 23Reply
beaukitteh Your hair is GORGEOUS!!
Dec 23Reply
ajoneal Hey girl 😊 I haven't heard from you in a while. How are you? Wanted to let you know I got a Host Pick for tonight's party.😀👏👏 It is my Green Coach Bag. Keep intouch.
Dec 25Reply
jaismeen @ajoneal that's great news Angie!! Congratulations dear! I'm doing great! I left you a couple of message before but I think I should tag you more! How are you doing these days? And wish you a Merry Christmas dear! 🌲🌲
Dec 25Reply
bethjennings You have a beautiful closet!! :-)
Jan 04Reply
melodicmistress Hi🙋. Great cover photo! I hope your year is off to a good start✨☺️. Thanks for always sharing💕😘😘🐝
Jan 05Reply
jaismeen @bholiday Hi Emeline! A big thank you for always, I mean always sharing my closet! My new year has been really welcoming till now! Hoping for the best! A very Happy New Year to you as well!
Jan 05Reply
melodicmistress Thanks love✨☺️💕🐝
Jan 05Reply
hollynoel25 @jaismeen Hi Jaismeen!! Hope you're having an awesome start to 2015! Lots of love!!💕🌺💕✌️
Jan 05Reply
13thfashions Hi How was your Holiday?
Jan 06Reply
jaismeen @sweetbee17 Hello Sherri! my holidays were relaxing and fun. took my parents to Universal Studios. The last pic is mom and me at Universal LA! it was super fun! They had a great time :) how about you?
Jan 06Reply
pinkiosk @jaismeen very pretty pixtures and closet :)
Jan 11Reply
vandendi @jaismeen these pics are simply adorable. I didn't realize how long your beautiful hair is. You should be in a hair commercial !
Jan 21Reply
dollface86 Hey pff hope you are having a great weekend!😘💕💗✨☀️
Jan 25Reply
jaismeen @dollface86 Hey Stacy! I had a good one! How are you? !!
Jan 25Reply
51twenty Hi Jaismeen Do you have kaftans?
Jan 25Reply
jaismeen @kookc Hi Carolyn! I do not have kaftans :(
Jan 25Reply
51twenty Okay. Thank you 🙆
Jan 25Reply
dollface86 Hey jasmine sorry for the belated response, I didn't really get to posh yesterday it was a busy weekend & I'm just now catching up my feed 😆 glad you had a good weekend Pff 💗💕💗hope you had a great Monday!
Jan 27Reply
jaismeen @ajoneal Hello Angie! Thank you for all the shares! How have you been? Hows health and how is everyone in the family!! Long time.
Feb 09Reply
ajoneal I haven't said hey in a few weeks so I decided to look at your beautiful closet.🎉. Your closet is beautiful.😊
Feb 09Reply
jaismeen @ajoneal Aww! You are such a sweet person in and out! Hi dear! :)
Feb 09Reply
aridni99 Hi pretty lady 👯😊👯😊
Feb 19Reply
dollface86 Aww cute new pic Jaismeen!💗
Feb 27Reply
jaismeen @dollface86 thank you Stacy!! You are so kind!!
Feb 27Reply
jaismeen @shannancarolina Thank you! I just tagged you in all the 8.5's! Enjoy! And let me know if you have any questions!
Feb 27Reply
abstractdreams You have a beautiful name.👍💋
Mar 07Reply
justfashme Hello beautiful, I am in loveeeee with your closet 😍😍😍
Mar 08Reply
jaismeen @soangeline Aww! thanks dear! I am glad you like my closet!
Mar 08Reply
classyvintage Hi! You are such a cute and look at your hair! Wow
Mar 09Reply
jaismeen @classyvintage Aww! Thank you so much Marie! You are really very kind!
Mar 09Reply
stylebright Thanks so much for the share :))
Mar 10Reply
wenrella Its nice 2 meet U ✌
Mar 16Reply
jaismeen @wenrella Hi! Nice to meet you too!
Mar 16Reply
shooby_loopsie Hi ☺️its always a pleasure sharing your wonderful closet! 😘❤️thank you for the generous shares 💕
Mar 17Reply
jaismeen @shooby_loopsie no problem Rebecca!! And thank You for returning the shares everytime!
Mar 17Reply
shooby_loopsie ☺️of course! Have a great night
Mar 17Reply
pqugirl Hi!! Your closet is fabulous!! 🎀 Love it!!🌻🌺🌼
Mar 18Reply
jaismeen @pqugirl Thanks girl! Happy to know that !!!!
Mar 18Reply
lovefashion13 I love your closet! It's so unique! 😃
Mar 18Reply
jaismeen @lovefashion13 thank you so much Sara! I'm glad you like my collection. I offer discounts on bundles of 2 or more! Just in case you want to do some shopping!
Mar 18Reply
smellsogood19 ;-) Thanks for the shares!!
Mar 21Reply
bbarnes362 Thank you so much for all of your shares! 😘
Mar 22Reply
windylouu Tag me in a listing of your choice for the party pls! :)
Mar 23Reply
jaismeen @windylouu aww! That's so nice Of you to do that! I will tag you in one now! Truly appreciated!
Mar 23Reply
51twenty Hi Jaismeen! I've been wearing my pretty shoes a lot lately 💕
Mar 24Reply
jaismeen @kookc that's great Carolyn!! Spring is the time to show off your beautiful shoes!! I'm glad you like them and making use of them😊😊😊. Thank you for letting me know sweetie!
Mar 24Reply
51twenty Yes! You are welcome Cute necklace
Mar 24Reply
jaismeen @kookc thank you ! It's a Posh find from @katef closet! I'm yet to create a #poshfind listing!!
Mar 24Reply
51twenty Ahh!
Mar 24Reply
incognito13 @jaismeen Hi Jaismeen! I just wanted to stop by and say thank you for always sharing my closet. I finally had a chance to make it over to your closet and I love your gorgeous items. Especially the shoes!
Mar 31Reply
jaismeen @liv1966 Hi Olivia!! Nice to meet you ! and thank you so much for always sharing back! Im glad you like my shoe collection!
Apr 01Reply
vandendi @jaismeen darn girlfriend, look at you living life !!! Den loved to play pool and I'm not bragging but he was an ace at pool and in the 31 years of being with him I have never seen him loose a game, not one time. He tried to teach me but gave up on me when I tore the GREEN on his pool table out on our back yard terrace next to the swimming pool. That was one time he wasn't very happy with me. you are an awesome you lady to do such a scary thing.
Apr 02Reply
jaismeen @vandendi oh he did!! Then he is my favorite gentleman in America! Coz I love to play pool! This pic was taken on a work offsite activity and I beat another guy 2-1!! And I did skydiving last weekend! It was a crazy experience!!
Apr 02Reply
vandendi Wow, 13 packages to send off all at one time !!!! Wohooooo
Apr 02Reply
lacci916 Omg I love to play pool
Apr 04Reply
jaismeen @lnp916 haha! By any chance, do you live in Northern California!! ?? We can be pool buddies! I love to play pool and snooker!
Apr 04Reply
lacci916 No I live in Tennessee and I have sky dived b4
Apr 04Reply
jaismeen @lnp916 Thats great! I did recently and it was one hell of an experience!!
Apr 04Reply
lacci916 Oh I know but I was so sore afterwards
Apr 04Reply
51twenty 👋
Apr 04Reply
pretty_lady @jaismeen ...just saying hello! Thank for all of the shares I get from you and the continued support :-) Nice to meet you!
Apr 10Reply
jaismeen @pretty_lady Hello!! Nice to meet you too! Thank you for always sharing back! You have a beautiful closet and it's fun sharing it!!
Apr 10Reply
reem_cakez Hey girly! I love your closet! Thx for all the constant shares! 💞
Apr 11Reply
lalalilly Hi!! Thanks for the shares! I'm in lb & love to shoot pool too 😊
Apr 11Reply
jaismeen @beautifuller Hello there!! 👋👋
Apr 14Reply
jaismeen @lalalilly Hi Lala!! Nice to meet you!! Glad to find fellow Pool lovers!! Wish we all lived much closer and so could play a game or two together!! We could have had Posh Tournaments may be!!
Apr 14Reply
cjtang Great to 'meet' you! Cute closet and great photo skydiving!! 🙈🙉🙊
Apr 17Reply
jaismeen @cjtang Hi Carol!! Nice to meet you too!! Your closet is adorable ❤️.
Apr 18Reply
vegasmisa You have a great closet. I hope you like it in CA. I'm in Las Vegas. I enjoy sunny days☀️
Apr 30Reply
travelbugginger So nice to meet you, Jaismeen. Thank you for stopping by and having shared so generously. I'm also in sunny California, though it's "June Gloom" this morning. ;) What part of India are you from? I grew up abroad and spent some time in India. Loved so many things about it. Sounds like you enjoy your life! :) Thank you again and a lovely day to you!
Jun 15Reply
bdalton25 Love your closet! The shoes are beautiful!
Aug 26Reply
ingwhit Beautiful closet!!
Sep 04Reply
kornbread11 Oh my God you been skydiving how much fun was that??
Sep 05Reply
theposhypeacock Great cover shot, Jaismeen!!! Billiards is one of my greatest outlets for relieving stress... Next to PM, of course😃
Sep 14Reply
maremare711 @jaismeen beautiful closet 🌈
Sep 23Reply
shethkh Hi! Nice to meet you😊
Sep 23Reply
andreawarchol Have you heard anything about the shoe bundle ❓
Oct 09Reply
jaismeen @andreawarchol Hi Andrea! I got an email today from Poshmark saying that they reviewed the case and are going to release my earnings. They didn't mention anything else. Did you hear back anything?
Oct 09Reply
andreawarchol No that's why I texted you I'm clueless
Oct 09Reply
jaismeen @andreawarchol ohh. I'm not sure what's happening. May be message them back.
Oct 09Reply
ginabj @jaismeen Welcome to Posh and also your pictures are great. I too enjoy life's adventures, I have done so since a young girl like you. Have fun and enjoy every minute 😉🌹
Oct 10Reply
lebaneselove @jaismeen hi dear do you ever get any heavily embroidered lehengas in?
Jan 15Reply
lolomichelleb Lovely Closet!!!💖
Feb 28Reply
goldielocks1960 Nice to meet you!! I love to play pool too! You have a great closet😊
May 21Reply
mybestof Congratulations 🍾🎉🎈🎊 of
Feb 22Reply
jaismeen @hanasale Thank you !
Feb 22Reply
srmor Beautiful pictures. Made me smile!!! Thanks for sharing them with us. Best to you!! 🖤🖤
Feb 22Reply
jaismeen @srmor Thanks! Glad it brought a smile :)
Feb 22Reply
dollface86 Congrats Jaismeen! 😊🎉🎉🎉🌸🌺🌹☄
Feb 22Reply
jaismeen @fashionstudio Thanks so much! Im glad you like our culture! btw, I have wrapped up your package and will drop them off first thing tomorrow! Good night :)
Feb 24Reply
clydster Your pictures of you, I assume, are just beautiful!
Feb 26Reply
jaismeen @clydster indeed they are! Thank you!
Feb 26Reply
busolawon @jaismeen congratulations on your wedding! Such a gorgeous bride 🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾
Mar 06Reply
jaismeen @busolawon Thank you !
Mar 06Reply
mytherapy Congrats! I think I'm super late, your wedding pics are beautiful ❤️😘
Mar 08Reply
jaismeen @mytherapy Thanks so much :)
Mar 15Reply
jaismeen @dollface86 Thank you :)
Mar 15Reply
onemorecolor Came here from blukat's closet, congratulations on your wedding! You are beautiful! Followed :)
Mar 20Reply
sakshi9984 Congrats Jaismeen 💐 you are looking so gorgeous in the pics . May god bless you in new beginning of life 🙏🏻.
Mar 20Reply
jassgill Hi...can we ship our product in these envelope????
Mar 20Reply
jaismeen @jassgill Hi, yes you can. As long as its Priority Mail
Mar 20Reply
neon_orange Many congratulations !!🍃🙏🍃
Mar 20Reply
jaismeen @sakshi9984 thank you Sakshi! How have you been?
Mar 20Reply
jaismeen @onemorecolor thank you so much!!
Mar 20Reply
sakshi9984 I m good , busy as usual with kids and family 😊. I guess now you are too ?
Mar 21Reply
chupchick congrads on the wedding... beautiful closet ... I have a personal share group of girls I share daily... would you like to join my list?
Mar 23Reply
jaismeen @chupchick Hey! thank you ! I dont have a definitive time to do shares. But I try as much as possible! thanks for offering :)
Mar 23Reply
jaismeen @platinum_beauty Hey! Thank you for such beautiful wishes!
Mar 25Reply
jenniferrlee Hi Jaismeen! It's been awhile since I've poshed and I don't know when you got married but congrats!!! Such beautiful photos for a lovely bride! 👰🏻 Hope all is well with you ☺️
Apr 07Reply
personal_essay @jaismeen You are so beautiful! I think it is so impressive that you are a software engineer!
Apr 07Reply
jaismeen @jenniferrlee Hello Jennifer! Thanks so much for your wishes. Yeah, I got busy with the wedding preparations and wasnt doing Poshmark. Hope all is good at your end!
Apr 07Reply
jaismeen @personal_essay Hey! thank you! You have a lovely collection !
Apr 07Reply
maverick24 Beautiful! Congrats!! 🎊
Apr 07Reply
mommy387 This is very beautiful!!
May 01Reply
jaismeen @mommy387 thank you!
May 01Reply
normaje16 Great closet and congratulations on your marriage ..welcome a fellow posher.. it's addicting ..i love it as well.. you look beautiful in your wedding picture... have a great day happy poshing
May 04Reply
kristylynn Absolutely gorgeous wedding photos. Congratulations!! 😍😍
May 04Reply
jaismeen @normaje16 Thank you! Happy Poshing :)
May 04Reply
jaismeen @mzcubs Thank you so much!
May 04Reply
grumpdump Congrats on the marriage! Wishing you and your family much success and happiness. 🙌🏽🌻
Jul 23Reply
katiesqe Such a beautiful couple! Wishing you every possible blessing!
Aug 14Reply
astyleaddict Congratulations on getting married!! Love your pictures!!
Sep 05Reply
housleygirl Hi ..was wondering if my shoes shipped?
Sep 14Reply
jaismeen @housleygirl hey, sorry about the delay. Your shoes are wrapped up. I am working from home today. So will sneak out in between to deliver them to USPS. Will update you as soon as I do. Thanks.
Sep 14Reply
housleygirl checking
Sep 14Reply
jaismeen @housleygirl hey, I dropped your package at the post office. Should get scanned tonight. Thanks.
Sep 14Reply
housleygirl @jaismeen ...thank u so much!
Sep 14Reply
lovingpurple Congrats on your wedding!!!! ❤❤❤ happy poshing!
Oct 03Reply
jaismeen @lovingpurple Thank you! Happy Poshing !
Oct 03Reply
suzlow Haha!! Is the tan headband that I bundled?not available
Nov 01Reply
jaismeen @suzlow yeah the brown/tan one is available.
Nov 01Reply
suzlow Thanks Jaismeen!! Can’t wait to get them! I need warmer items when I visit my son and family up in San Mateo! It’s a lot cooler there than in SoCal!
Nov 01Reply
alma4posh Congratulations beautiful! Thanks for visiting and sharing my closet!
Nov 02Reply
jmbt Can do $15 on Celtics ring
Nov 04Reply
ragstoobags Hi there !!! Are names are similar in mine is spelled Jasmine && I'm also 27 from Cali!!!! How coo
Nov 07Reply
globalboutique @jaismeen aww...Congratulations! It is wonderful to meet you.
Nov 08Reply
51twenty Congratulations Jaismeen 🌹🍃
Nov 10Reply
jaismeen @51twenty thank you :)
Nov 10Reply
51twenty You’re welcome. You look beautiful 🌟✨
Nov 10Reply
eholder Congratulations 🎊🎉🎈🍾. Your photos are beautiful and you’re an engineer! Super cool.
Nov 11Reply
sharon856 Congratulations
Nov 11Reply
u_so_deserve_it Congrats 🎉
Nov 16Reply
catwalk2reality Congratulations 🎉
Nov 18Reply
jaismeen @eholder Thank you lady !
Nov 18Reply
sharon856 @jaismeen you're welcome
Nov 18Reply
darlinginak Thanks for the share! I have a pair of Liz Claiborne earrings in my closet you might like! I wore them with a bronze and gold sari top and it was super cute!
Dec 29Reply
looloopep I love your closet! It is so unique!
Dec 31Reply
jaismeen @looloopep Thank you ! Im glad you find the pieces unique :)
Dec 31Reply
sunnydayvintage Love your closet! The jewelry is so unique and pretty!! And your wedding photos are gorgeous ... My dream is to attend a celebration like that 💜
Jan 03Reply
jaismeen @serena0023 Than you so much dear ! My wedding was in India last year. I wish you get the chance to celebrate such weddings. These are all about fun, food and vibrant colors :)
Jan 03Reply
lizbethm88 😍😍😍 you're pictures are beautiful!!!
Jan 06Reply
jaismeen @lizbethm88 Thank you ! And so are you :)
Jan 06Reply
anitasaw Thank you for sharing my listing! 🙋🏼🤗👏🏻
Jan 06Reply
pink_embers @jaismeen - Thank you for the shares!
Jan 07Reply
cresentcitygirl Gorgeous shoes!!! Love your closet!❤❤❤
Jan 07Reply
jaismeen @cjc131 thanks !
Jan 07Reply
lilmamainoc What a beautiful and unique closet-love it! 😊👌🏾
Jan 08Reply
jaismeen @lilmamainoc Thank you !!
Jan 08Reply
upcyclefunk123 🙋hi friend, beautiful things you have💃💃💃❤️❤️❤️
Jan 10Reply
noeliamitchell Thank you for sharing 😊❤️
Jan 12Reply
livingpink @jaismeen Do you personally make the knit cuffs or stock pile shop/boutique? They are awesome! 💫
Jan 12Reply
jaismeen @livingpink hello ! I ship them in bulk. Wish I had the talent to make them myself ! Thanks !
Jan 12Reply
mrs_calijewels I love your closet and those shoes!!!! Oh my gosh!! Adorable. Do you ever have them in a 6? Thanks!
Jan 15Reply
jaismeen @mrs_calijewels Hello, I have some in size 6.5 . If you are between 6 and 6.5, then these ones should fit you perfect. Would you like me to tag you in them ?
Jan 15Reply
mrs_calijewels @jaismeen yes! Thank you. :)
Jan 15Reply
therebelunicorn You should open a shop on Etsy if you do t already have one. Your items are amazing
Feb 01Reply
jaismeen @therebelunicorn hello ! No I don’t have one. Thanks for the pointer ! Appreciate the appreciation !
Feb 01Reply
msullivan034 You have an AMAZING closet!!! Absolutely love the shoes and hopefully will be purchasing myself a pair soon 😍
Feb 03Reply
jaismeen @msullivan034 Thank you so much ! And for the shares too ! Im glad I could offer something that intrigues you lovely poshers !
Feb 03Reply
anusharayapati Hi iam from india..nice to meet tou.. you have very good collection in your closet
Feb 08Reply

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Last Active: 2 hours ago

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