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Updated Nov 17
Updated Nov 17

About me :)




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Hi, I'm Sarah :) I'm a full time dental hygienist addicted to buying/selling stuff online. I love traveling, my cute/smart BF, hanging with friends and family (last pic is my sweet baby niece) I hope you enjoy my closet feel free to ask any questions/negotiate. I do not trade will be moving soon and am trying to downsize. Please don't ask lowest make an offer and I will negotiate.
  • Seller Discount: 20% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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irisqjq Hey, I really love them. Can we negotiate a good price😊
Sep 03Reply
gillyg @sfinke08 hi there! Dress is lovely! I’m on a bit of a holiday budget and can’t really spend above $100 and since posh doesn’t offer free shipping, I hope you’ll consider my offer 🤞
Nov 17Reply
khajduczok Hi! I was really interested in your black lace Nicholas dress, and was going to buy when the listing seemed to not be there anymore. I was just wondering what happened. Thanks in advance!
Feb 07Reply
hayuud Welcome to Poshmark
May 07Reply
ferrimar000 Thanks for the likes. I'm offering half off bundles of you are looking for a good deal.
Feb 21Reply
secondchancebtq Hi Sarah! Beautiful closet! I invite you to check mine out as it has sizes and styles you may be interested in. Have a great evening and I wish you many sales! ☺️
Sep 07Reply
melfreyv Great closet ! Beautiful lil babe you got there :) I’ve got 4 !!! I can’t go higher than $85 for the bundle but totally understand if you can’t go lower. Just wanted you to know your closet is great 💛
Nov 15Reply
sfinke08 @melfreyv I couldn’t find the Madewell plaid shirt. :( is there something else you would like to substitute or I have a black and white small Madewell one I don’t have listed I could substitute.
Nov 15Reply
melfreyv Please put in the black and white madewell shirt .. is it flannel ?
Nov 16Reply
melfreyv And bummer, I like that flannel . Can you send me a pic of the black n white madewell shirt ?
Nov 16Reply
sfinke08 @melfreyv i added a pic in this listing
Nov 16Reply
melfreyv I don’t love. Can we cancel the order and then I offer $75 ?
Nov 16Reply
melfreyv Although I’d be super happy if you found the flannel !
Nov 16Reply
melfreyv Actually let’s not cancel!! Can I do the two pairs of Zara pants instead??
Nov 16Reply
crewjunkie Great closet Zara! ;)
Nov 17Reply
ifaltower24 @sfinke08 hello I have a question about a pair of jeans you have listed I would like to know how long the inseam is please
Nov 23Reply
syr888 This massage regarding the Coach gloves, what kind of material inside?
Nov 25Reply
sfinke08 @ysr777 I don’t see any specific note on them, but most coach gloves are lined in cashmere and that’s what it feels like
Nov 25Reply
syr888 Suppose to be posted on the tag inside or can post a picture
Nov 25Reply
sfinke08 @ysr777 oh okay I looked at the price tag before when I was looking. I don’t have them with me I will check on Wednesday
Nov 25Reply
syr888 What is your lowest on them?
Nov 25Reply
marzia9 Hi, do you know why the Sequoia bag order was canceled?
Jan 03Reply
sfinke08 @marzia9 I found it had a stain on the outside and I tried to wash it out but it didn’t come out looked like a ink stain :(
Jan 03Reply
marzia9 @sfinke08 oh! that's too bad, what a cool looking purse. thank you for letting me know! I already sent a inquiry to Posh support, so sorry if they come to you about it ahead of time! thank you for doing that 🙂
Jan 03Reply
vkdelarosa Congrats on hosting!! Love your closet def going to bookmark and save. If you get a chance please check out my closet :) xoxo happy poshing
May 19Reply
aftinnn Just found your closet after reading a post on your blog/website regarding Posh tips 😊 Surprised to see I was already following you ❣️ I used to work in a private dental practice full time as a DA and admin/front desk. Doing both at the same time was such a challenge but I really enjoyed dentistry. I’m now pursuing medicine, but will always have such respect for the dental field!
May 22Reply
aftinnn It’s so neat you have a consignment store - do you have a storefront in the Durham area? I’m living in SC and I travel up that way pretty often. I’d love to stop by next time I’m up there 💕
May 22Reply
sfinke08 @aftinnn I love the dental field, but opened up my store now that I have a baby so she can come in with me. I own ReStyle Boutique in downtown Cary, NC :)
May 22Reply
aftinnn That is so awesome, and even more so because you are able to support your family and still pursue your passions. I love it 😊 I’m getting ready to launch my first business. I’ve gathered different tips and inspiration from different businesswomen. I would love to hear more about your story and business ventures ❣️ Would you be willing to chat via email? I could also use Facebook messenger if that is easier for you. I just liked your business page a few minutes ago
May 22Reply
May 23Reply
playboy_jewelry Congratulations on hosting springtime faves 🎉 I’d love a host pick from my Poshmark compliant closet ✅ Thanks so much 🙏
May 23Reply
jazzygemstyle Congrats on co-hosting the Spring Posh party tomorrow!!! 🥳😁🎈🌟 I would love to be considered for Host Picks if possible. Thank you❣🌹⚘
May 23Reply
sahibtrends I congratulate u on hosting the Posh Party. I wish u the very best and much success. I would appreciate if you check out my closet for your possible host-pick. I have followed you. U stay happy and healthy ❣💖
May 23Reply
sahibtrends cute baby 💖
May 23Reply
le_fashion_lab Hi! Beautiful closet!! I see that you’re hosting a party tomorrow. I will be attending! I wonder if you would be so kind to consider checking out my closet for a possible host pick. Thank you so much! Hope you’re staying safe and healthy during this difficult time.
May 23Reply
hpbanana4 Hi!!! Congrats on getting chosen to host tomorrow’s party 🎉 🍾🥳🎊 I have been really getting into poshmark lately and have been posting a ton of super cute new items to my closet. I also have been getting more involved in the community by sharing and following other closets :) Even with the extra effort, I am still struggling to make sales. I would love if you could check out my closet, provide me some feedback, and possibly consider me for a host pick 🥰🦋💘
May 23Reply
jaolsen61 Hello and congratulations on cohosting the Springtime Favs! I would love for you to take a look at my closet in consideration for a host pick! I posh for a cause! Thank you!
May 23Reply
charmingcookie Congratulations on hosting tomorrow!! 😊💕✨😊💕✨
May 24Reply
fashionwonders 💕💕💕Dear Sarah, congratulations on hosting a Springtime Faves Posh Party! 🎉🎉🎉 I am very excited for you! Enjoy hosting and I will be there to celebrate with you! If you consider a host pick from my closet, I will be very grateful! Have a great time and wishing you many happy sales! 💕💕💕💕
May 24Reply
masarsky Hey hun, congratulations on hosting a party. I would greatly appreciate if you would consider my closet for your HP! Sharing poshmark love. ❤❤❤
May 24Reply
bwood8 🎉🌟CONGRATULATIONS on HOSTING🌟🎉 ⭐️Please check out my PFF’S closets! ⭐️ 🏆(they are AWESOME)🏆 🥳🥳WE cant wait to party with you! 🥳🥳 🛍✨🌟🥳🍾🎉🍾🎉🍾🎉🥳🌟✨🛍 🥂@sun2city 🥂@stars4u99 🥂@brookewinters 🥂@acelestialsoul 🥂@bellefemme6 🥂@thefebresappeal 🥂@highfashnz 🥂@fashonbyalexis 🥂@kkaytigirl 🥂@stylish_paige 🥂@frillsnthrills 🥂@lorimasterson 🥂@fryemeup 🥂@JennaLyn19 🚨💃🏼Thank you & see you at the party!💃🏼🚨
May 24Reply
demonhunters 💐Good Morning Sarah 🦋 🌸👗🌸🏆🌸💍🌸Congratulations on Hosting Posh Party “Springtime Faves” •👗•💍•👚•👛•👙• How exciting! Wishing you a Fabulous Party, many Sales and have FUN on your Special Day! 🎉🎈🎉 It would be an honor to be considered for a possible Host Pick 🌟💖🌟💖🌟💖🌟 💖🌟 Thank you and Happy Poshing 🌟💖🌟💖🎈💖🌟 🌟😇Take Care, Stay Home, Stay Strong and Be Safe 😇🌟 🌺🏝Much Aloha Rhonda🏝🌺
May 24Reply
nicole_parr Congrats on hosting!!!!!! That’s so exciting!! If you have the time, please consider one of my listings as a host pick :) happy poshing🦋💕🌙
May 24Reply
dressscore @sfinke08 Hi, hello, just another person asking for a Host Pick🙋 I take professional photos and would love to be considered! -Audrey
May 24Reply
agleiss Congrats on hosting! It would be an honor if you considered my closet @agleiss for a Host Pick! Thank you and I hope you have a blast hosting! 💕🎉
May 24Reply
fryemeup 🥳Congrats on Hosting🎉 Tagging some PFF's. Please ✔️out their Beautiful Closets along with mine for a HP💕Thanks So Much! 🎶💃🏼🎵💃🏼🎶💃🏼🎈 PARTY ALERT 🚨 🥳@fryemeup 🥳@tpk95 🥳@justgivemeone 🥳@808classysassy 🥳@tarcherscloset 🥳@soflolor 🥳@helpmehelpu 🥳@1kawaii1 🥳@mdbrodney 🥳@minkalamour 🥳@bwood8 🥳@preppyshoppe_4u 🥳@stylish_paige 🥳@craigd3747 ty @bwood8 for the tag
May 24Reply
adornedlovely Hi😊, Congratulations on Hosting the Springtime Faves Posh Party!!! I would love it if you would consider selecting an item from my closet as a host pick for your party. Wishing you a successful party. Stay strong & healthy during this time. Thank you & Happy Poshing 😊💕💕💕
May 24Reply
manslayerchick Hey my name is Nicolle💕😏🔞🔥 come check out my closet for a possible feature in your party. I consider my style🔥💥🖤🔥💥 I have high quality items, all different designers, cheep prices, and great picture quality. Thanks 4 your time
May 24Reply
yaya1990 Hi! Congrats on getting the honor of co-hosting the party tonight! I'm sure you've gotten this request alot, but I truly would love it if you would consider browsing my closet for potential host picks? Whether you do or no, have fun! I cant wait until I get to host a party!! 🎉🎊
May 24Reply
ciaobellaposher 💛🧡❤️💜💙💚Hi! Congrats on host party today! Please check out my closet - I would love you to consider for a HP. LOVE your closet btw! Stay safe & Happy Poshing! 💛🧡❤️💜💙💚
May 24Reply
myaddedsparkle Congratulations on co-hosting today’s party: Springtime Faves! I’d really appreciate it if you could please check out my closet, full of jewelry and hair accessories! Thanks, and congrats once again! ☺️🤍🌺
May 24Reply
megarbini 🎉🥳✨Congrats✨🥳🎉 and THANK YOU for co-hosting tonight’s Springtime Faves Posh Party!! I am very much looking forward to the party before having to work again tomorrow (#nurselife!) and I would be 🙏🏼honored🙏🏼 if you would consider taking a peek at my closet for a potential 💖Host Pick💖 Thank you & much Posh Love💕💕
May 24Reply
proverbs2323 Hi🌹🌷❤️ 🎉Congratulations on Party hosting! 🎉 I’m excited to participate and join in on the celebration! Looking forward to finding some fun, fabulous fashion finds! Happy Poshing and Blessings to you!🌸 ❤️🌸
May 25Reply
goldneyez311 Hi.👋😁 How are you? Just wanted to invite you to come check out my closet!! 🛍I have a ton of inventory to list right now- So make sure to keep an eye on my closet. I have everything from Women's, men's, kid's,(in all sizes)makeup, skin care, home name it! I am more than happy to spread love by offering great deals on anything you like and bundle! We can all use a little joy in these tough times. Come check it out! 😁💗Wishing you Happiness and Health. Be safe. xoxo @Goldneyez311
May 25Reply
acelestialsoul Sarah!🐟A🏝L🌸O🐚H🦀A🐳!🌊 I'm so excited about the🏵🌹SPRINGTIME 🏵 FAVES💐🏵🌹Party! My closet is Posh Compliant & filled with lots of just-listed items just perfect for the party. Will you please ✅ it out for 🏆Host Picks?🏆 TY! I’m a 🦋Social Butterfly🦋 & share on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumbler, Pinterest & Poshmark; I Power Sharing my favs. S🦞E🐬A🌼 Y🦐O🌺U🐠 T🦑H🐡E🐙R🌊E🌋Tricia
May 25Reply
tls_and_co Congratulations on hosting! Have a great party!!
May 25Reply
lindalaviguer Hi Sarah, I hope your day is going well and Congratulations on hosting the Posh Party tonight! I’m excited and looking forward to it. I would love for you to check out my closet @lindalaviguer. I am a Poshmark Ambassador, a Top Rated Seller with a 4.9 Star Rating, a Fast Shipper & I am in the Top 10% for Sharing, Thank you so much for your time and consideration, Linda
May 25Reply
hans_gerlich Hi Sarah, Have fun hosting and clearing you closet in the process. Best, Hans G.
May 25Reply
empirez_sun 🎉🎊CONGRATS🎊🎉on being selected as Co~Host!! Please check out my closet for some Beautiful items if you have time. Thanks!🌈🌸
May 25Reply
acampbell8528 Can’t wait for the posh party tonight🙏❤️👑🎩
May 25Reply
yaya1990 Good evening! so excited for the party to start 🥳! If your still searching for host picks, and haven't browsed my closet yet, I'd be honored to be considered for potential picks 😁 have fun tonight!
May 25Reply
heyallisonn So cool, I live in Durham too! Congratulations on hosting 🌟 I'll be there partying with you! I'd be so honored if you considered my closet for a potential host pick! 🍾
May 25Reply
flipnstylz Congratulations & wishing you an awesome time hosting your posh party today. If you wld plz take a peek in my closet for a possible HP Have funnnnn & happy Poshing 🥳🎉🎈🎈🎈
May 25Reply
kelli_z Please consider an item from my closet as a host pick 🥰
May 25Reply
west_coast_life Congratulations on hosting tonight’s party🎉Would love it if you consider my closet for a host pick🎈😊
May 25Reply
sierrashey Hi there!! 🎉 You’re co-hosting my favorite party of the day!! 💃🏽 Please consider my closet for Host Picks if you’re still looking ❤️ Thank you so much for considering me and happy Poshing!! 💛💛
May 25Reply
kristinb911 I’m new to Poshmark and am trying to figure out the sales cycle. I came across your closet clearout tips and tricks. Thank you for writing that, it was very helpful. 🛍
Jun 12Reply
amber2286 Hello! Congrats on you win!! Please enjoy my closet and I’m happy to offer HALF OFF for all winners for any item whn you bundle and use code word “winner.” Please do this so I can know to send your special offer. So excited for your big win and be sure to spoil yourself because you deserve it!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Oct 31Reply
sandycupcake P😍sh L♥️ve 🌹🌹 🌹🌹 🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹 Congrats on your “Love it or List it” Win! Enjoy guilt free shopping Sandy
Nov 01Reply
amber2286 Hello! Congrats on you win!! Please enjoy my closet and I’m happy to offer HALF OFF for all winners for any item whn you bundle and use code word “winner.” Please do this so I can know to send your special offer. So excited for your big win and be sure to spoil yourself because you deserve it!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Nov 01Reply
abree1998 Hi, looking for an answer to my comments on the Tommy sweatshirt
Nov 02Reply
dressed2the9sss @sfinke08 Hi! I hope this message finds you well. Please check out my closet if you have time. I have items from some of your favorite brands that you might like. Thank you!
Jan 15Reply
vyluxx Hi I ordered a bundle from you recently and noticed it hasn't been shipped. I believe I ordered on Jan 22. Will you still be sending or should I cancel and get my payment back? Thanks! Vy
Feb 02Reply
sfinke08 @vyluxx I’m so sorry I thought I canceled. I don’t have all the items. I just cancelled
Feb 03Reply
hipps04 Hi I had placed a order for the TB brown bag but I see it hasn’t shipped yet. Can you tell me when it might ship?
Dec 06Reply
sfinke08 @hipps04 It was shipped this morning it just hasn’t started tracking yet
Dec 06Reply
hipps04 @sfinke08 thanks so much☺️
Dec 06Reply
sfinke08 @hipps04 it actually just started tracking
Dec 06Reply
hipps04 @sfinke08 I saw that as soon as you sent the message
Dec 06Reply
hipps04 @sfinke08 hi I just received the bag and it’s so cute but it is so small, like a child’s small. I am 5’10 and wearing as a crossbody it doesn’t even come to my hip😭😭 is there any way I can return it and be refunded? I typically don’t ever do returns but paying $125 for it and I won’t be able to use it will be such a waste of funds. Thank you
Dec 10Reply
sfinke08 @hipps04 Poshmark doesn’t do returns, but you can reposh . Did you extend the strap?
Dec 10Reply
hipps04 @sfinke08 I can make a request to return it based off how small it is but I was hoping I could contact you and we could handle it that way.I can take photos of it on my. It is on the last in extended and it doesn’t come down at all. The pictures make it look so much bigger and since there wasn’t measurements I assumed it was a bigger bag. I can barely fit my phone into it😭 I’m super disappointed.
Dec 10Reply
sfinke08 @hipps04 sorry, you didn’t ask for measurements before you purchased or I could have provided them.
Dec 10Reply
hipps04 @sfinke08 so you’re not willing to let me return it? I’ve never asked to return anything on Pm and I’ve been on here a long time selling and buying.
Dec 10Reply
jeribrad Hi Sarah - I really liked your Tips & Tricks about Closet Clear Out. What I’m still confused about is: Does this only apply to likers or does it get sent to anyone when I choose “Public?” Thank you for your help! Jeri
May 07Reply
sfinke08 @jeribrad it just sends notifications to people who like the item
May 07Reply
jeribrad @sfinke08 thank you for letting me know. Have a great weekend!
May 07Reply

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Last Active: Mar 18

Greensboro, NC
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Last Active: Mar 18

Greensboro, NC
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