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Updated Aug 16
Updated Aug 16

Artist Created Museum Quality Line of Jewelry

Sterling Chains! Freshwater Pearls!



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➤ These are the same designs I hand create for museums! ➤ A theme for everyone - wolves, dragonflies, "fleur de lis", "Star of David", dragons, lighthouses... ➤ Sterling silver chains & pearls! ➤ Ask me for a specific "theme" - I have many more! ➤ Discount of 10% off 3 or more! ➤ My jewelry has been featured on TV and in magazines. ➤ Thank you for visiting my Poshmark shop!
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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s1ncerelyjules Hey! Welcome to Poshmark! Let me know if you have any questions, I’d be happy to help! Happy Poshing!!💖🦋
Sep 27Reply
1213jewelry @justpeachyjules Hello. :) It was very kind of you to send a message. I had hoped Poshmark would be another way for me to sell my line of handmade jewelry but I don't think it is; sadly. I had hoped Poshmark would be a place to sell but it seems mostly used clothes and accessories (which I like too❤) are what sells. Maybe I need to consider doing that. Ty4listening. :) Much peace always, Peshah
Sep 28Reply
anaimless1 Hello, neighbor! I live in Waveland, and I was just checking out other Poshers on the coast. Your jewelry is beautiful — thanks for sharing it!
Oct 28Reply
1213jewelry @anaimless1 Hello! :) Thank you for your kind words and uplifting heart. ❤ You made me happy! May your Fall season be a prosperous and healthy one!!!
Nov 02Reply
staceywho Please feel free to add this item and another to a bundle of an additional 10% off. Thank you for visiting my closet.
Apr 18Reply
1213jewelry @staceywho Thank you for your kindness!!!
Apr 19Reply
staceywho You’re Welcome!
Apr 19Reply
yung_swolan Hi! I just sent you a bundle of shoes you purchased from me and I just realized that I didn’t pack the jeans in the bundle. I’m so sorry I am sending them out today!!!
May 05Reply
1213jewelry @yung_swolan Thank you for letting me know and for shipping the jeans also. I am extremely grateful. 🌻
May 05Reply
yung_swolan They are on the way again I am so sorry!!
May 05Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
May 06Reply
1213jewelry @yung_swolan Your kindness means so much to me!!! Thank you. 🌹
May 06Reply
longatti4 Hi 👋 just wanted to thank you for your purchase and let you know your new shoes are on their way. Have a great week!
May 18Reply
1213jewelry @longatti4 Awww, yay!!!! Thank you so much for letting me know. :) Have a happy week!!! :)
May 18Reply
sunfloweracres Hi, thanks for liking all those items in my closet! If you want to bundle any I can give you a deal:)
Jun 13Reply
1213jewelry @sunfloweracres Thank you for your kind offer and also for sharing my closet too. 🌻🌹🌻 💕🌻🌹🌻
Jun 13Reply
1213jewelry And, you sew beautifully!!!💕
Jun 13Reply
1213jewelry And you sew beautifully!!!🌻🌹🌻
Jun 13Reply
sunfloweracres Thank you, your jewelry is beautiful too!
Jun 13Reply
1213jewelry @sunfloweracres Thank you!! That means alot to my heart. 💕🌻💕
Jun 13Reply
spreadlove HI, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have great day! @spreadlove
Aug 05Reply
1213jewelry @spreadlove Thank you for your kindness!🌼🌼🌼
Aug 06Reply
lara2000850 Thank you for sharing on Twitter.
Aug 07Reply
1213jewelry @lara2000850 Of course! Have a super happy and peaceful and prosperous year! ♥️♥️🌼♥️♥️
Aug 07Reply
irenecase Wishing you a wonderful day 😊💕💐
Aug 14Reply
1213jewelry @irenecase May your year be prosperous and happy!♥️🌼♥️
Aug 14Reply
mntntop4me THANK you so much for your LIKES and shares!! I will give you an EXCELLENT DEAL TODAY.
Aug 21Reply
adi1una Beautiful jewelry. I wish you success. 🙏🤍🤞🏻💰
Sep 16Reply
macheels your creations are beautiful, have you considered the site Etsy to sell? Wishing you many sales. I am liking your site for possibly future purchase. I am also sharing, you definitely have a talent that should not go unnoticed. Good luck and Happy Poshing. 👍❤️🙏
Oct 12Reply
1213jewelry @macheels 💕Your kind words really help my heart. Thank you for your encouragement and for sharing my designs. I am grateful.♥️ I do have an Etsy store and also an Amazon Handmade store and my main website is I love Etsy but I have only had 102 sales in about 1.5 years. I don't know why it is so slow. My hope, prayer and belief is that my Etsy store would get so busy that I could close my Amazon store. Thank you for caring and for listening and for your uplifting words. 💕
Oct 12Reply
macheels @1213jewelry don’t give up. This has been a slow year for most due to pandemic. Most people are afraid to spend. The holidays are around the corner, praying 🙏🙏 that things will change. Hang in there sweetie. Don’t ever give up. Thanks for the shares. Wishing you many sales🥰🙏👗👠❤️💍👖👢.
Oct 12Reply
1213jewelry @macheels ♥️You truly have helped my heart and soul. I just finished crying and your message came in. Thank you again for taking your precious time to care and to message me. I am praying for you also, that your business prospers in ways above and beyond your dreams and that all you have hoped for comes to you speedily. 💕
Oct 12Reply
kailjuice Hope your thanksgiving was wonderful my friend. Much love!! ☺️❤️
Nov 29Reply
1213jewelry @kailjuice My sweet friend! I am so, so happy to know that you are happy! Awwwwww, thank you for messaging me! I love you too💕💕💕
Nov 29Reply
kailjuice @1213jewelry of course my dear!! Hoping you have wonderful sales, missed talking to you! Hope you’re staying safe and healthy ❤️❤️❤️
Nov 29Reply
1213jewelry @kailjuice I miss talking to you too.💕 You are such a Light in this world! I feel your beautiful Spirit through the messages and that blesses me tremendously!
Nov 29Reply
cathyp62 Hi I saw that you liked my jeans. I tried to send you an offer but because I would make $0 it won’t let me give you discount shipping.
Dec 06Reply
1213jewelry @cathyp62 Hi sweet friend🌼 Thank you for being so kind💕 I just bought the 👖. I hope that blesses your day🌄
Dec 06Reply
cathyp62 @1213jewelry Thank you so much. Happy and safe Holidays
Dec 06Reply
1213jewelry @cathyp62 💕💕🌄🌼🌳🌻🌻🎁🎁🌎💕
Dec 06Reply
rtharris2005 Good Morning, Thank you so very much for sharing my closet. Thank you for going out of your way to help promote others. I hope you have a very healthy and prosperous 2021. Best Wishes, Rebecca 🤗😊
Feb 08Reply
1213jewelry @rtharris2005 Good morning, Rebecca. Thank you for your kind words. 🧡 May you and your family have a peaceful, prosperous and healthy 2021 and future. 🌼
Feb 08Reply
osakagirl @jewelry1213 Hi Peshah! How have you and your daughter been? I hope healthy and well 💕
May 20Reply
osakagirl @1213jewelry Sorry, please see the message above. I inverted your name! 🤦🏻‍♀️
May 20Reply
1213jewelry @osakagirl Hi, my sweet friend. 🤍 We are doing well. I think of you and wonder how you are also. 🧡
May 20Reply
1213jewelry @osakagirl You are so sweet. 🧡You spelled my name correctly. 🤍 I am happy to hear from you and pray your year is blessed and full of happiness.🌼
May 20Reply
osakagirl @1213jewelry You too! It was a rough year, I pst my Mom; not sure if we’d been in touch since. I hope you and your daughter will continued to be blessed with good health and I wish abundance and prosperity for you & your jewelry business! Have you triedetsy. as well?
May 20Reply
1213jewelry @osakagirl Sweet friend, yes, you had shared your heart about your mother crossing over. I will keep you in my prayers.🧡 Yes, I have an Etsy store (1213JewelryByPeshah) and my main online store that I built about 7 years is ago is 🌼
May 20Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your follow. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Feb 09Reply
1213jewelry @glassprism70 Thank you for your kindness🌷
Feb 09Reply
glassprism70 You are so welcome. Please take care.
Feb 09Reply
sweety106 Hi there thanks for your offer level jeans will be out soon by Usps today and I will let you know.. thanks have a blessed day 👍🙏😀
Feb 18Reply
1213jewelry @sweety106 Thank you so very much! May 2022 be full of joy,happiness and blessings for you!💙🤍💙
Feb 18Reply
sweety106 @1213jewelry o so sweet of you mam…. Same to you & Appreciate all you kindness 👍🙏😀stay blessed:)
Feb 18Reply
sweety106 @1213jewelry hi there your envelope is handed over to Usps mail so hopefully you will be get it soon thanks…have a great evening:)🙏👍😀
Feb 18Reply
1213jewelry @sweety106 Thank you so very much! Have a beautiful weekend!
Feb 18Reply
sweety106 @1213jewelry my pleasure mam…tc
Feb 19Reply
1213jewelry @sweety106 💙💐💙
Feb 19Reply
pinktenaj Thanks very much for your purchase of my midi top. I will get it ready and out today😁
Feb 22Reply
1213jewelry @pinktenaj Thank you for selling such a cute top to me! I appreciate your kindness! Have a beautiful week!🌷💙🌷
Feb 22Reply
sweety106 @1213jewelry hi there thanks so much for your great stars and sweet comments. It’s really helpful … appreciate yr kindness and valuable time… stay blessed 🙏👍😀
Feb 23Reply
pinktenaj It looks like your cute shirt is due to be delivered on Saturday per tracking, I got it out yesterday. I’ll keep watching it😁
Feb 24Reply
1213jewelry @pinktenaj Thank you for your kindness. 💛 Our post office is closed on the weekend (I have a po box address at the post office) so I apologize that if the package arrives on Saturday I won't be able to pick it up until Monday morning. Thank you again.🌷🤍🌷
Feb 24Reply
pinktenaj @1213jewelry Thank you for letting me know, we had a PO Box too for a long time so I know about that. No problem here at all😁
Feb 24Reply
1213jewelry @pinktenaj Thank you for your understanding. 🌷🌷🌷
Feb 24Reply
pinktenaj @1213jewelry WOW, thank you for your 5 star rating and sweet comment🥰. I’m so happy you are happy, that’s my goal, I’m so surprised you got it today and glad you didn’t have to wait till Monday with your PO closed on Saturday. It was lovely doing business with you, I wish all buyers were like you!
Feb 24Reply
1213jewelry @pinktenaj I'll definitely keep your Poshmark business in my thoughts and prayers, that all your customers are as kind as you are and that your closet is extremely profitable! 🌷💙🌷 You deserve that, and even more goodness! 💛🌷💛
Feb 24Reply
1213jewelry @pinktenaj Thank you for your lovely words about my hand created jewelry line. That means so much to me.💛
Feb 24Reply
1213jewelry @adoringstyles May your year be blessed and incredibly prosperous💛💛🌷💛💛
Mar 16Reply
leslielew222 👋 Thanks for the like. Make an offer if you want. 😊 😎 jewelry designs!
Mar 19Reply
cutehosiery @1213jewelry Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 12Reply
1213jewelry @cutehosiery You are so, so, so kind🦋 Thank you for your uplifting words; they helped my heart tremendously🌷 Thank you for the shares; I shared your closet also. Your jewelry is very pretty. 🛍 May 2022 bring you the best year for your business and family💗
Jun 12Reply
melanieander922 Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
Jun 12Reply
1213jewelry @melanieander922 Thank you for your kindness🦋🌷🦋
Jun 12Reply
its_crystal28 @1213jewelry Hi🌹 Im Crystal , hope ur doing great today, by the way, if u have time I would love to invite you to check my simple closet, and if you like something just simple click the “❤️” or make an offer , always open to Offers😉 thank you in Advance. God bless and Happy Poshing my friend 👗👗speedy sales to you
Jun 19Reply
1213jewelry @christaline28 for your kindness and for the shares.💙 May your year be full of great blessings!🦋
Jun 20Reply
1213jewelry @tutuwig I am happy to share your closet! 🌷Thank you for your kindness!🌼
Sep 16Reply
jennifereveart Hi there🌹🌺❤️ I'm Jennifer a Poshmark ambassador, artist, dreamer🥰 Please explore my closet! *Vintage*,Contemporary,Ralph Lauren, Luxury, Women's, Mens, Kids, Home and original artwork. Wishing you a happy, safe and joyful year❤️❤️❤️ Jennifer
Nov 04Reply

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Hattiesburg, MS
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Last Active: 6 hours ago

Hattiesburg, MS
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