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Updated Dec 19
Updated Dec 19

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I have sizes XS-22W. I believe everyone should be able to find something that makes them feel good, look good and pay a reasonable amount. I am always open to offers that are reasonable. Asking for less then half of the asking price is not only not reasonable it is disrespectful. I try to keep in mind the shipping when I price things so please keep in mind what poshmark takes. I work hard to post great pictures and details of the item but if I missed something please ask. Happy poshing 😊
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bethjennings Welcome to the family! Molly is a great lady for you to be working with, she is so sweet πŸ’• There are so many people here willing to help you succeed. You have a great closet!! Keep up the good work! πŸ˜€πŸŒΈπŸŽˆ
Aug 18Reply
cinderellasrags @bethjennings thank you for the warm welcome.
Aug 18Reply
tousleddolly I can't find where we were talking about the bee necklace
Aug 19Reply
cinderellasrags @tousleddolly I think it is on the jacket you were interested in.
Aug 19Reply
chicknthesticks @cinderellasrags Hi Dannielle, I'm Robynne. It's nice to meet you! You are beautiful, and so is your family ☺❀ Love your closet. Happy Poshing!
Aug 26Reply
cinderellasrags @rcatheron awe 😊 thank you!! I am loving the posh community!!
Aug 26Reply
chicknthesticks @cinderellasrags I'm so glad! We have a fabulous group of women here who have huge hearts, and who love to help newbies succeed. I'm working on a "tag group" of awesome Poshers who follow the rules and who are stellar performers, both at selling and at mentoring. If I ever get it done, I'll tag you. It sure helped me grow my lists of followed and followers. ☺
Aug 26Reply
chicknthesticks @cinderellasrags One bit of advice: Always maintain compliance with Posh rules, and try to only follow Posh-compliant closets. It will help propel you into the Top 10% Seller list, and eventually the Suggested User program! Btw, if you see that a Posher is a Suggested User or SU, or has Host Picks, 99 times out of 100 their closet is Posh-compliant. Once in a while I'll see something that isn't allowed, but that's rare. You're off to a fantastic start! Good luck! πŸ’–
Aug 26Reply
cinderellasrags @rcatheron the only follow posh compliant is hard when you first start out and you are trying to hit the follow button on as many ppl as possible. I am going back through when possible and unfollowing ppl that are not but I know I just hit the follow on a bunch of ppl. What drives me the most crazy is the baby 😝clothes. Posh is meant for woman's fashion
Aug 26Reply
chicknthesticks @cinderellasrags I felt the same way when I first started. So many had numbers up in the hundreds of thousands! Now I concentrate on quality and compliance, not quantity. It takes a little longer, but it's worth it. You're going to see some hilarious things for sale. I can't wait to hear about them! I've seen half empty bags of diapers, tires, almost empty makeup and perfume, horse tack including a saddle, a couple of couches, and the list goes on. It's crazy! Trust me: I report it ALL.
Aug 26Reply
cinderellasrags @rcatheron it really is a shame that ppl can't just follow the rules. I want to do well at selling so I can keep buying. I like to buy really unique pieces. There is this bee necklace I want bad😍 I have no idea what I would wear it to/with but I want it!!! Lol
Aug 26Reply
chicknthesticks @cinderellasrags I'm with you! I gave up trying to downsize my actual closet. I keep replacing everything I sell with new stuff! Btw, I love bees! I have a few of Joan Rivers' bee pieces, and I treasure them. I hope you go ahead and get that necklace. Wear it with blue jeans!
Aug 26Reply
tousleddolly Your so cute!! I had to come snoop πŸ˜€ btw I think you should buy the bee necklace too lol
Aug 27Reply
cinderellasrags @rcatheron I bought the bee necklace. It took the rest of my posh money so I need to make more. Hopefully I will sell some stuff this week but it was really worth it. 😊 you should check out her closet and send her some posh love.
Aug 27Reply
chicknthesticks @cinderellasrags Hurray! Good for you. Who's closet is it?
Aug 27Reply
chicknthesticks @cinderellasrags I mean WHOSE closet. Good grief ☺
Aug 27Reply
cinderellasrags @rcatheron it was @tousleddolly closet. She does homemade antique&unique pieces.
Aug 27Reply
chicknthesticks @cinderellasrags Ah, I like her closet!
Aug 27Reply
abstractdreams πŸ’‹
Oct 21Reply
cinderellasrags @abstractdreams thank you 😘
Oct 21Reply
bishopsma @cinderellasrags :) I was looking for your Meet Your Posher posting ;) Here it is!!! Congrats on getting married!! If you ever need help or have questions selling on Poshmark or online in general feel free to tag me ;) I've helped a few people with their closets. Thinking I may just start doing it as a side business. I love selling clothing online..started in 2006 :) Happy Poshing!!
Dec 03Reply
cinderellasrags @bishopsma thank you 😊
Dec 03Reply
closetrevel Nice to meet you! Cute kitty cat :)
Jan 06Reply
alimermaid Welcome to Posh, I'm pretty new on here to, but if you have any questions feel free to ask away and I'll try my best to answer :)
Jan 11Reply
bayleigh30 Check out my closet when u get a chance. I think u will like a lot of things. I am open to bundles and offers. Feel free to ask questions. Let m Dino's what u think and if ha re interested in any thing. BayleighπŸ’•πŸŽ€πŸ’•
Jan 20Reply
channel121 I have bundle and am offering 16. Please don't hesitate to negotiate.
Feb 13Reply
cinderellasrags @channel121 I don't see any offers in my offer tab. It looks like you have 5 items bundled? A 15% discount is applied when you check out. Let me know if you need help. 😊
Feb 13Reply
cyndra0322 Hey Sweetie ... I have 6 items in your closet that I would like to purchase. Can you look and see what they all will be? Thanks!
Feb 21Reply
cinderellasrags @cyndra0322 absolutely 😊 did you need me to bundle them into a listing for you? There is a 15% discount applied at check out if you bundle of not I will go ahead and deduct it and then set the listing price.
Feb 21Reply
cinderellasrags @cyndra0322 I have 7 items total that you liked. The total came to $43 and with the discount totals $37. Did you want me to create a listing?
Feb 21Reply
stephunruh Cutest closet name ever! Cute closet too πŸ˜€
Mar 20Reply
cinderellasrags @stephunruh 😊awe thank you so much!!! I am going to pop over and go see yours.
Mar 20Reply
chana70 That is true were all pretty in our own size come to mine you might like something and give me a offer
Mar 29Reply
heidirivas @cinderellasrags Hi Ladybug!! I just bundled a bunch of items in which I placed offers on. Yes, I goofed:( Thank you:)
Apr 02Reply
cinderellasrags @heidirivas did you want to purchase the items? If I hit accept will it be charging you a separate shipping for each? I can bundle the items for you with the discounted offers already applied?? Let me know. I have pulled the items that you wanted and will get them ready to ship today if you want. Thank you for shopping my closet.
Apr 02Reply
heidirivas @cinderellasrags Hi! Can you please bundle them for me. I would appreciate it. Thank you:)
Apr 02Reply
cinderellasrags @heidirivas Yes the normal price is $52.00 if I did $42.00 with one shipping cost would that work for you? That is a 20% discount for bundling multiple items?
Apr 02Reply
cinderellasrags @heidirivas I have it bundled for you. :) And ready to ship today
Apr 02Reply
heidirivas @cinderellasrags Thank you sweetie Cinderella!! :)
Apr 02Reply
kitty_katkat HiπŸ™‹ Thanks for the like on the Dior wallet & bag set. Please let me know if you have any questions. Have a great dayπŸ˜‰πŸŒΌπŸ˜‰πŸŒΌ
Jun 21Reply
thedimepincher Great pic! Loving the birdcage veil! Happy Poshing!!! πŸ’—β€οΈπŸ’—
Jul 08Reply
cinderellasrags @thedimepincher thank you so much 😊
Jul 08Reply
thedimepincher You bet! πŸ˜€
Jul 08Reply
pacific_nw Thank you so much for following me πŸŽ‰πŸ’•That was so very sweet of you! 😊 Happy Poshing! πŸŽ‰πŸ›πŸ‘ πŸ‘—πŸŽπŸŒΈπŸ’ƒ
Jul 22Reply
madisonv17 Check out my closet love❀️ huge sales tonight
Aug 01Reply
jillianlouann Awesome closet!!!! If I had time, I'd be sharing Every piece!! Great closet. Great motto & bio. You rock! Happy Poshing!! πŸ˜€
Aug 07Reply
cinderellasrags @jillianlouann thank you so much for saying so. I will go look at your closet now. 😊
Aug 07Reply
auntynem7 Too funny. nickname is Cinderella!
Aug 18Reply
charlanntart @cinderellasrags Thank you! I'll ship the crocs tomorrow. I hope you love them😊
Oct 17Reply
sheila62_ I love ur closet. So many things I like.
Nov 06Reply
cinderellasrags @sheila62_ awe thank you! 😊 I have a great bundle discount and I accept offers that are fair so feel free to shop away. πŸ˜† Bahaha
Nov 06Reply
sheila62_ Hun, ur prices r so reseaonable, I'd never ask for lower. When I can, I'll be purchasing a bundle from you. Ur a very pretty, and sweet lady.
Nov 06Reply
sheila62_ Thx so much for sharing my items. Im new to selling on poshmark so i don't have the nack of it yet. Im not new to buying anymore though. Lol :)
Nov 06Reply
sheila62_ Thx so much for the help. See its the sharing, getting to the ppl that I'm having a problem with. Ppl have shared my things, and im learning the sharing concept on here.. I'm gonna look at it all better when I get home. I have so much more to list, but here lately, time hasn't been on my side. Lol Again thx so much. One thing I'd like to learn is to put pictures with words like i see so many do. U even do it. :( ?????
Nov 06Reply
sheila62_ Also, I changrd phones so i can't even get the little characters/emojis. Its on here somewhere im sure. I have a Galaxsy S7, do u know how to do it on this phone?
Nov 06Reply
enocharden Thanks for following my closet 😊❀️
Dec 09Reply
cinderellasrags @zenobe thank you so much 😊
Mar 11Reply
cinderellasrags @zenobe you are absolutely welcome to repost. The only way to cut and copy paste it would be on a computer. You can retype it or screenshot it as a picture. It's perfectly fine if you would like to.
Mar 11Reply
rosieismypuppy πŸ’πŸ’Thank you for visiting my closet. I am Wendy, I would love n opportunity to serve YOU. Reasonable offers are welcomed, and I provide a bundle discount. Have a wonderful day and happy poshing.πŸ’πŸ’
Apr 17Reply
anka0921 Hi! Check out my closet n follow.....hope something catches ur eye!!!πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜πŸ˜
May 30Reply
pmharn Hello Cinderella. I am from Billings and i saw you are from Red Lodge.
Jul 27Reply
cinderellasrags @pmharn that’s awesome. I grew up in red lodge. All my family still lives there. I am now in SC. 😊
Jul 27Reply
pmharn I saw you went to denver. How did you end up in sc?
Jul 27Reply
cinderellasrags @pmharn my EX. Lol. Yes miss Denver. But I am happy remarried and living here in sunny warm SC. No more snow ❄️ haha
Jul 27Reply
pmharn Never been to SC. i lived in prosperous seattle a long time, then moved back to mt to take care of my parents and inherit the house. But it didnt work out, and now i am kinda trapped here in mt. I am just dealing with it. It's ok. My sales have been s.l.o.w. lately. How about you? Whats up with that?
Jul 27Reply
flasrhastheeye hi there and thankyou for your purchase.... I think u will love these slides!! they will be on their way to you Monday. Happy Poshing always😁
Apr 28Reply
cinderellasrags @flasrhastheeye 😊 thank you
Apr 29Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing πŸ’•
Jan 06Reply
a_deal_awaits_u Happy Poshing πŸ› πŸ› πŸ› πŸ£πŸ€πŸ°Wishing us All Many March Sales & Great Deals as We Shop Small Businesses πŸ°πŸ€πŸ£ Woman's History Month🌴Daylight Savings Time to Spring Ahead 1 hr πŸ•‘ Happy Spring Time & Spring Break Getaways 😎 ☘️Happy St Patrick's Day☘️Shamrocks & Shenanigans☘️🐣Happy Easter Holiday🐰...Simply make an offer I can't refuseβ€ΌοΈπŸ›βœ…οΈ or Let Me know if you want to Book a Cruise πŸ’™πŸ›³πŸŒŠπŸš’πŸ©΅βš“οΈβ£οΈon any Cruise Line❣️
Mar 07Reply

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Last Active: Jan 23

Mauldin, SC
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Last Active: Jan 23

Mauldin, SC
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