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Updated 4 days ago
Updated 4 days ago

Brand names cheap! 💭shipping mildly delayed I will connect with you!



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Thanks for looking! Everything is priced to sell. Feel free to offer but please don’t be offended if I don’t accept. I ship from Massachusetts. If you purchase, I will contact you with my estimated/ship date. Im a blue belt competitor in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Ive worked in cannabis since 2017. (Or mixology lol) Everything is stored safely in a separate room & storage bin away from sunlight, and all items are from a cigarette-free home. I have a cat and a dog, but before shipping, I double check the items are washed, neat, clean, and free of any lint or fur. Feel free to ask questions. Just please tag me with the @ symbol so I see it! I’ve been on posh since 2013 ✨ I’m actively taking photos of an entire closet- please bear with me..I’m finally letting go of things I love but don’t wear…Or people seen me with too much (that someone else can love) 🩷 I’m so tired I still have more UNIF, MSI, & other brands to post 😮‍💨
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tristenebailey your so pretty (:
Mar 03Reply
ambercarreon Aw thanks @tristenebailey 💕✌️
Mar 03Reply
ambercarreon Thankyou for the sharing :) @tiff_liu
Mar 26Reply
ambercarreon Thankyou for sharing i appreciate it :) @shopforever2014
Mar 26Reply
tiff_liu @ambercarreon np girl! Sharing is caring! I always return shares! I hate it when ppl don't 😔 if I take the time so should those ppl we share for! 😁
Mar 26Reply
ambercarreon 💕✌️😃
Mar 26Reply
hollieboro Nice snakebites haha. At first I thought you were selling your cats.
Apr 05Reply
ambercarreon Haha! I thought someone may think that! That first pic is my cat Moo, i had to recently put him down😕 still miss him! Hmm😔..But, thankyou!! i had my snakebites since i was 16😊✌️@hollieboro
Apr 05Reply
hollieboro Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss.
Apr 05Reply
ambercarreon Its okay, thankyou @hollieboro
Apr 05Reply
andrea_27s So cute! ❤️
Apr 06Reply
ambercarreon 😊✌️💕
Apr 23Reply
ambercarreon Not right now thankyou but im watching it 😉@vodka_cupcakes
Jun 03Reply
ambercarreon You too😄thanks 😊@vodka_cupcakes
Jun 03Reply
bbabb Thank you for all of your shares! 😄 love your style!
Jun 15Reply
ambercarreon @bbabb thankyou :)
Jun 15Reply
ambercarreon & your welcome
Jun 15Reply
ambercarreon Thankyou:) Im glad we can relate, i just replied on your about me also :)@ridinghood13
Jun 29Reply
ambercarreon Thankyou, i really do appreciate it❤️sometimes i just keep it all in ...and it just makes it worse, if i dont talk about things. But some peope dont understand the pain ya know? So thankyou for being there ☺️@ridinghood13 Enjoy your day to the fullest💕
Jun 29Reply
blandw I might have told you this… I can't remember, but I love your fur babies!😻😻😻😻
Jul 01Reply
ambercarreon Aw thanks 😊@blandw first one boy is Moo, second is a boy, Stitch (after lilo and stitch) and then Rolo...a little girl Lol ❤️
Jul 02Reply
ambercarreon Thankyou @kceciliaa i hope your doing well, enjoying the weather!!- just not the humidity lol thats the worst blehh
Jul 14Reply
ambercarreon @kceciliaa im glad your back:) the humidity is killing me! My closet has been alright i just have to share to make sales, but i cant keep up everyday. Its an on and off thing. I hope your doing well in posh and real life :) haha
Jul 14Reply
britleo10 I was recently diagnosed with fibro, it's def a struggle I knew nothing about until I got it. Everyday is different. Can't wait for Illinois to hurry up on their medical program!!!! All signed up just gotta wait! Bless you!!!!
Aug 15Reply
ambercarreon It is tough, but makes us strong. Thankyou, you also 🙏😊
Aug 15Reply
britleo10 @ambercarreon I haven't found my strength yet :/ it's so hard. Thank you
Aug 15Reply
ambercarreon @britleo10 i hope you find strength at really hard times💕 aqua physical therapy is amazing for us!
Aug 15Reply
britleo10 @ambercarreon aqua physical therapy? What is that it sounds lovely!
Aug 15Reply
ambercarreon You should google it its just physical therapy in a pool pretty much @britleo10
Aug 15Reply
britleo10 @ambercarreon ohh cool I will thanks
Aug 15Reply
ambercarreon No problem! It helps in a lot of different ways @britleo10 hope you find something at least to ease the pain ✌️💕
Aug 15Reply
ambercarreon @morgancreek ive heard of it. Please don't advertise here. If you read the fine print for the app your talking about- its only free for a limited time. Thank you.. Im good on Posh, there are a lot of other apps like this i know
Sep 05Reply
ambercarreon @poshlove78 definitely wearing that ring in the last pic i bought from you but cant remember which hand :):)
Sep 23Reply
poshlove78 The opal is beautiful luvie 💕. If you ever decide you don't want it ill buy it back hun. You are such a beautiful person! If if I hear/see one more person advertise about that new site I'm turning them in for spam. UGH SO ANNOYING
Sep 23Reply
ambercarreon Aw thankyou😊 and yea people keep advertising that app😒 very annoying! but i love my ring, i wear it everyday thankyou so much, if i did ever sell i would tell you first💕
Sep 23Reply
andrea_27s I wish they word allow me to be A medical user. I'm sick of suffering!!!!!
Sep 27Reply
ambercarreon 😕 hope things get better, stay strong💕@andrea_27s
Sep 27Reply
andrea_27s You too lovely. I go Monday for some more blood work results! I'm a human pin cushion . This one is to target what my titters are and see if I have chronic Epstein-Barr virus. Yay, let's add one more to the list! What I take for pain is crap, Gabapentin, max of Tramadol, Etolace (misspell) for inflammation, Zanaflex, Soma, and two migraine meds! And guess what, I still hurt everyday.
Sep 27Reply
ambercarreon Awgh 😔i had tried every medicine family since i was 13 and now after 18 decided to not take anything except just one medicine. The cycle is on going with drs, bullcrap and pain. More stressful of coping with it which sucks so bad. Im glad my state voted. Still no stores here ..but it being legal for me helps so much, i hope they accept it where you are:( @andrea_27s
Sep 27Reply
ambercarreon Ive given up on medicine (pills) after having every side affect and, being sooo sensitive too everything
Sep 27Reply
andrea_27s Me too, fingers crossed. I keep getting refered to pain management and something always goes wrong. The last the one stopped taking my insurance after my first visit. In the beginning the drs wouldn't except me because they said fibro was a psychiatrist issue. But with all the new diagnoses they could take me but there isn't any drs on my insurance right now. I'm going to being it up again tomorrow. I'm sorry your young and going through it all. I've tried so much medication too with serious side effects. Anyhow lol I'm getting off my soap box :)
Sep 27Reply
ambercarreon At this point im learning to live with it, but its wicked alive though..✌️⭐️💕
Jan 04Reply
hunnybunches14 What does direct offer mean hun?
Jan 30Reply
ambercarreon You can click the offer button and offer me a different number and i can approve and you automatically buy, or i can deny or haggle pretty much with you :) @honeybunches14
Jan 30Reply
ambercarreon @hunnybunches14 i dont hold anymore and the only thing i wont bundle is listed, or the tripp pants unles maybe two pairs only just lmk
Jan 30Reply
hunnybunches14 Id be interested in bundling all the xl tripps except faded camo...
Feb 06Reply
smarsh93 I'm in ct!! We're pretty close that's awesome!
Mar 05Reply
ambercarreon Yea it is @smarsh93 :):)
Mar 10Reply
smarsh93 Put more up sorry it took a while will send pics in am
Mar 10Reply
ammykins You are absolutely awsome.thankyou so much for the little gifts you added.i loved the necklace so much.i melted at the are the cutest!!!thankyou soso much.i love all your msi stuff. If you have F B Mine is Ammykins Alamode Pav
Jun 24Reply
ambercarreon Thankyou love @ambercarreon my FB Is the same as my posh account Amber Carreon Massachusetts
Jun 24Reply
ambercarreon @ammykins I found you on FB and I'm glad you liked your gifts :}
Jun 26Reply
ambercarreon @timtess1996 can we do both for $85?
Dec 17Reply
unifboy666 @ambercarreon I can but I'm still attached to that 666 smiley cuz I even have the socks to those as well I'm just saying its hard for me I have a lot of tanks and narrowing some down but I still like that one
Dec 17Reply
ambercarreon 😔 @timtess1996 would your price, for both of $90 be better?
Dec 17Reply
ambercarreon Thankyou @timtess1996 please lmk about the other one 💚
Dec 17Reply
unifboy666 @ambercarreon I will make a deal with you if you can get the end is at hand tank that's Unif then I will give you the 666 smiley I'm really looking for that tank if you have I will trade you
Dec 18Reply
ambercarreon Okay I'll try @timtess1996 xs or s?
Dec 18Reply
leysa Hi there :) I have just a few UNIF tops I am in search of. If you happen to have any of them and decide to sell or trade I'd love to hear from you X
Jul 13Reply
ambercarreon Which ones are you looking for? @leysa
Jul 13Reply
leysa I will tag you in my pic love X
Jul 13Reply
madisonv17 Checkout my closet love✨ love the piercings !
Jul 29Reply
ambercarreon @thirteensporks OMG HAI!!! I was thinking of you randomly one day and was creepin on your page lmao. Hope all is okay! Staying strong I hope🤘🏼💛
Jul 29Reply
ambercarreon Thankyou Madison @madisonv17 I'll check it out!
Jul 29Reply
f_l_girl Even with the bubble wrap packaging the eye pencil broke? That's horrible to hear. 😔
Aug 08Reply
ambercarreon Yes but it's okay Thankyou! I guess it's not your fault so I respect that🙏🏼🤘🏼☺️😘✨
Aug 09Reply
f_l_girl Hi lovely! I'm having a HUGE sale on the 31st of August of my Urban Decay stuff since I'm moving and thought of you! It was so sweet what you did with the ratings, so I wanted to thank you with an extra gift of your choosing! Good Gestures should never be forgotten! 💕☺️
Aug 20Reply
ambercarreon @f_l_girl awe your amazing! I've been sick all day laying in bed trying to sleep it away and woke up to your message :) I haven't scrolled through but if you have a primer, highlighter or bronzer, or a liquid eyeliner in green, purple, sparkles or not...Anything along those lines are handy in my life. And oh my gosh thanks a bunch!! I appreciate it! You have great deals on good quality and branded items! 🙏🏼❤️
Aug 20Reply
f_l_girl I'm so sorry you don't feel well. 😔 I'm on it, though! 💖
Aug 20Reply
ambercarreon Thnx a bunch :} @f_l_girl
Aug 21Reply
peedy1 I couldnt see the flaw you mentioned. What kind of flaw is it and where is it?
Apr 30Reply
abbydamon02 Looking for a gorgeous ring this holiday season? Check out this beautiful black diamond ring I have listed! I can ship it out this weekend so it will arrive just in time for the holidays! If interested, just send me an offer! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Dec 03Reply
ambercarreon @peedy1 on what item?
Jul 27Reply

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Hudson, MA
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