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Updated Dec 05
Updated Dec 05

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Hey everyone! I'm Allison. My favorite brands include Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Tiffany & Co., Harley-Davidson, Grunt Style, and more! I’m a top 10% seller and top rated seller! I do my best to offer great deals and bundles. My goal is to find quality items to offer you at a GREAT price! Shop my closet with confidence that you're interacting with an open and honest seller :) happy poshing!
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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nikki4112 Hi sweetie! Thank you for purchasing I'll be shipping it out tomorrow! 😙
Dec 17Reply
alliesurber91 @nikki4112 thank you so much! I'm so excited about the jeans! I'm gonna have my hubby wrap them for me to open on Christmas :) and thank you for sharing some of my listings!
Dec 17Reply
nikki4112 @alliej91 aw that's cute lol I'm so happy you're excited! You're very welcome! 💕💕💕💕
Dec 17Reply
nikki4112 I shipped it out this morning! 💕
Dec 17Reply
alliesurber91 @nikki4112 yaaaaay thank you!!! 👏🏻😁💞
Dec 18Reply
nikki4112 @alliej91 Thank you so much for the awesome rating! I really appreciate it! 💕💕💕💕😙😙😙
Dec 19Reply
kerrlandia thank you!!! I'm so excited!!! XXX
Jan 18Reply
alliesurber91 @kerrlandia awe you're welcome! 💕 I'm glad you can use them :) I'll have them shipped out tomorrow!
Jan 18Reply
kerrlandia @alliej91 ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ X
Jan 18Reply
cricketgrl972 Allie...this is Cricket...I am an IDIOT!!! LOL..I totally spaced checking my sh$t...I been a bit daughter had an appendectomy...ANYWAY... I resubmitted a new offer and added a couple of things...I'll be on the lookout for your I didn't respond...and just FYI...I would've said yes to your counter offer 😉😀😁.
Sep 05Reply
alliesurber91 @cricketgrl972 awe it's ok! Life happens, I totally understand! I hope your daughter is ok! I accepted your offer :) you picked such cute stuff! I'll package it up and mail out tomorrow for ya! 😊
Sep 05Reply
cricketgrl972 Oh...and btw...that pic of you sitting on the mountain side... AMAZING!!! Makes me feel real small in this big BEAUTIFUL world we are so BLESSED to live in and be a part of!!!
Sep 05Reply
alliesurber91 @cricketgrl972 thank you!!! I stopped by the Grand Canyon when I had to move from California to Tennessee. Such a long drive but was able to see amazing things along the way! We are so fortunate to enjoy this beautiful world and I hope everyone gets the opportunity to travel. It's amazing!!!
Sep 05Reply
cricketgrl972 @alliej91 ONE...D@&M YOU ARE FAST!!! TWO...I agree... traveling (road tripping) is so fulfilling...even when you have a carload of kids and by the time you get to where you are going your car smells like feet and booty cheeks and you can no longer see the floorboards!!! Still ... TOTALLY WORTH IT! THREE...THANK YOU. 🤘💖
Sep 05Reply
cricketgrl972 @alliej91 oh...and thank you for the kind words about my daughter....she is the best thing I ever did!
Sep 05Reply
alliesurber91 @cricketgrl972 I usually have my phone on me so I always try replying as soon as possible 😂 I don't have kids yet, but I drove with a truckload of animals lol!!!! I can't even imagine attempting a road trip with a car of kids but it sounds like a lot of work lol!!! And you're so welcome! You so sweet 💕
Sep 05Reply
jeanih 😊 Hi @alliej91 ! Are you’re items smoke-free?
Mar 30Reply
alliesurber91 @jeanih hi! For the most part, yes :) my home is a smoke free environment. If anything was previously owned by someone who smoked, it will be mentioned in the listing. I only have two items listed that were previously in a smoking environment, but they’re collectible shoes and are kept separate from my other items.
Mar 30Reply
jeanih @alliej91 thank you so much for your quick reply 😊
Mar 30Reply
alliesurber91 @jeanih Absolutely 💕😁
Mar 30Reply
dailyrefinement Hey Allison!
Apr 18Reply
cantbeblank3434 Hello Allie! I just got back from vacation - as I told you last week - when I received the jeans - they will be returned - you told me I had to wait for posh to send the return label - they did not before I left however - the jeans are NOT a true 8 - fit more like a size 2 - 4 - posh has been notified and will send me the label now that I am back - thank you !
Apr 30Reply
luv2shp777 hi I just anted to make sure u know I bought ur Athleta top ok lol thx
Jun 16Reply
alliesurber91 @luv2shp777 hey there! Yes I did, thank you! I’m back in town Monday or Tuesday, so I’ll be sure to ship out as soon as I’m back :) thank you so much!
Jun 16Reply
Jun 16Reply
mmdell11 Hi! I wanted to let you know that I am trying tp clear out my closet, so if you see something you like...send an offer! I am also having a 3 for $20 (or less) sale going on as well! Feel free to stop by & happy poshing!
Oct 23Reply
alliesurber91 @candycrazy no worries! Thank you! :)
Nov 16Reply
alli1286 Hello i purchased the red bull snapback hat from you thank you for accepting my offer when will you be able to ship out it a gift for my son
Jan 13Reply
alliesurber91 @alli1286 hi! I’ll ship out tomorrow when the post office opens back up :)
Jan 14Reply
alli1286 @alliej91 ok thank you
Jan 14Reply
carrosie5 Hi, can you let me know your lowest on the sapphire ring, love it🥰
Feb 10Reply
carrosie5 Hi, what is your lowest for sapphire ring?😍
Feb 10Reply
alliesurber91 @carrosie5 hi! Feel free to send me an offer and if need be, I’ll counter with my lowest :)
Feb 10Reply
veenessflytrip As soon as I laid eyes on your pretty face I knew that I would like doing business with you. You look so nice. You Under promise and over deliver😉. You rock! And you’re pretty to boot!
Apr 03Reply
alliesurber91 @veenessflytrip you are such a sweetheart! Thank you so much for the positive feedback. It means so much to me ❤️ I’m sooo glad you’re happy with the sweater :) you’re awesome!!
Apr 04Reply
luxe4u Hey Allie,,,,,I apologize can you cancel this order for me. I accidentally hit the accept button on this and didn't mean to. It was the coach shoes like 9 mins ago. Sorry about that
Jun 06Reply
soflolor @alliesurber91 Thank you so very much for acceting my offer. This will be perfect for our family pictures, We are all wearing blue, but my daughter always m has to have something about her outfit to stand out 😍 Wishing you a blessed and prosperous fall season 🙏🏻 Lori C “SoFloLor”
Nov 13Reply
alliesurber91 @soflolor you’re very welcome! I’m glad you sent an offer! Oh my goodness, this will be perfect for her to wear! It’s your color theme, with just the right “flare” to stand out :) I’ll mail it out tomorrow for you! Wishing you all the best 💕
Nov 13Reply
soflolor @alliesurber91 thank you so much. Wishing you and yours the same :)
Nov 13Reply
terrienewell @alliesurber91 Allie ! I am so sorry ! Thank u for your generous offer and I had some family emergencies and didn’t see the expiration until now 🤦🏻‍♀️Good grief and now I have missed your discount on shipping —would u accept my new offer ?
Jan 25Reply
alliesurber91 @terrienewell oh no worries! I know how that goes, I hope everything is ok on your end! And yes, I will accept your offer. Thank you for asking!
Jan 25Reply
terrienewell @alliesurber91 Thank you Allie ! Very kind of you ! Thank you for your wishes —Life is tough but God is bigger 🙌🏻
Jan 25Reply
morsy11 Fast responding and amazing customer service. Thank you so much
Feb 23Reply
alliesurber91 @morsy11 no problem! Thank you for the kind comment, made my day!
Feb 23Reply
mamabogler Good Morning! I purchased the Oakley Distressed sunglasses and wanted to know if I paid for overnight shipping can we do that? I am heading to San Diego and need the glasses before wends.... (Mine were stolen last week)... just wondering if that was an option?- Thanks so much❤️
Feb 24Reply
alliesurber91 @mamabogler hi! So poshmark automatically sends me a priority label for 2-3 day shipping. I can’t confirm the arrival time, because it’s based on when USPS delivers it. Poshmark doesn’t give an option for overnight shipping :(
Feb 24Reply
alliesurber91 @mamabogler but I’m sorry yours got stolen, that’s terrible!!
Feb 24Reply
mamabogler Darn it. I wish they had an upgrade option for that. It’s ok.. I still want them. Thanks for quick response love!
Feb 24Reply
alliesurber91 @mamabogler I know right??? I’ll try contacting poshmark corporate with the suggestion. They’re pretty good with being open to ideas! But sure thing, I’ll send them your way! I’m glad you can enjoy them!
Feb 24Reply
mamabogler Thank you😘
Feb 24Reply
dragonfly_love Hi Allie. I am so sorry but could you decline the offer on the Dooney, I just found out it is not authentic.
May 18Reply
dragonfly_love I'm so sorry
May 18Reply
alliesurber91 @jenieggspuehler oh no! Yes I’ll decline it. Thx for the heads up!
May 18Reply
dragonfly_love @alliesurber91 thank you again. I am so sorry. lesson learned.
May 18Reply
alliesurber91 @jenieggspuehler no worries! I’ve learned things along the way as well! How did you find out it’s not authentic?
May 18Reply
dragonfly_love @alliesurber91 they commented on it. they were not nice about either. ☹
May 18Reply
dragonfly_love @alliesurber91 when I bought it a couple of years ago, it "was". but, they got me. I would never do it on purpose.
May 18Reply
alliesurber91 @jenieggspuehler oh geez. Yeah people can be rude on here! No need for the rudeness when trying to help out. I’ve noticed replicas or misrepresented items from other poshers, but go about it in a helpful way instead of accusatory. Sorry that happened!
May 18Reply
alliesurber91 @jenieggspuehler and you have a beautiful closet!
May 18Reply
dragonfly_love @alliesurber91 thank you so much.🙂 I really have a lot of fun doing it.
May 18Reply
pinkfire3 @alliesurber91 I’m not sure if you saw my reply but I’m fine with purchasing the metal mulisha shirt as is, it is no problem and you don’t have to cancel the sale, you can ship it, thanks!
May 19Reply
alliesurber91 @wheatray80 yeah lol! I’ve been doing this for years. It’s taken a long time, but I love it! My posh closet is super disorganized right now, I try sharing listings to keep them in order lol
Jun 23Reply
alliesurber91 @kornsnap awe thank you! I needed that today, thank you for spreading kindness and positivity 💕 you are beautiful inside and out!
Sep 22Reply
lexiebro @alliesurber91 I just got my jacket!!!! The shipping was so incredibly fast 💨 and it fits me perfectly. Thank you for being so kind and placing it on hold. Will be stalking your shop for all your💎 incredible items Also it smells amazing! I don’t know if it’s perfume or just your house but it smelled incredibly fresh and felt pressed/laundered
Sep 23Reply
alliesurber91 @lexiebro yay I’m so glad! Thank you for letting me know! It’s a beautiful jacket, so glad you can bring it to life 💕 Why thank you! I’ve had it inside, so it’s probably a mixture of my home 😋 You’re the sweetest, wishing you the best! ❤️
Sep 23Reply
alliesurber91 @luxulia thank you so much! I’m looking to purchase another bag, so I’ll be checking out your closet. Thank you!
Jan 21Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Dec 19Reply
janiemeier Are you coming back soon? I loved one of your swimsuits.
Jun 09Reply
alliesurber91 @janiemeier hi! I will be available to get back to poshing on the 16th. I can re activate my posh closet on the 14th or 15th to allow for orders to be placed 😊
Jun 09Reply
cutehosiery @alliesurber91 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 03Reply
mjh122089 Hello! (I don’t know how to send messages lol) but I would absolutely love to do that deal w u for the Columbia jacket!!! I just have to wait a couple days before I get paid but could also look at ur closet to maybe bundle some stuff? Lmk thanks so much
Nov 06Reply
alliesurber91 @mjh122089 hi! No worries, yes you can bundle items :) just let me know when you’re ready to purchase and I can send out another offer on it, or if you want other items with it then we can work out a bundle deal 😄
Nov 06Reply
mjh122089 @alliesurber91 thank u so so so much
Nov 06Reply
jameskraatz Hi I called around to see if the red pelle could be fixed & dry cleaned . The cheapest place near Detroit where I live wants $225 both
Jan 30Reply
alliesurber91 @jameskraatz hi! I’m sure it could be dry cleaned. Not sure on ability or cost to fix. It could be touched up with a red sharpie if you don’t want the scuffs to be noticeable (they’re already hard to see though when wearing). There’s also leather paints and products out there for DIY projects, but I’m not sure if they work the same on polyurethane material.
Jan 30Reply
rod61 i love your energy
Feb 07Reply
coolpre1 can you please post the length on that japan polo shirt
Apr 19Reply
alliesurber91 @coolpre1 hi! Oh my goodness I’m so sorry I missed your question, I’ll get measurements for you 👍🏻
Apr 19Reply
wideglide70 Wow i was just shopping and seen your picture and thought to myself holy shit absolutely gorgeous!! Got it goin on girl!!🤘🤘🤘❤️‍🔥
Apr 21Reply
alliesurber91 @wideglide70 that’s very kind of you to say, thank you! 😁
Apr 21Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing DEALS✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing✨🎉 🎉
Aug 23Reply
lvraiders2020 Looking very fit!!! Very nice!
Aug 21Reply
lvraiders2020 Developed shoulders and arm look great on a woman. Yours are looking great. You look like you’re all about resistance training. Great diet and just enough cardio. Which is the least important of the 3 I rarely do “traditional” cardio any more
Aug 21Reply
lvraiders2020 Your anterior delt ties in nicely with your upper pec. You’re doing something right! A lot of things right. Anyway always good to see fit people on here
Aug 21Reply

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