Cabelas Tan Outdoor Gear Hunting Safari Short Sleeve Button Down Shirt - Vintage
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This professional Cabelas tan outdoor gear hunting safari short sleeve button down shirt exudes quality and poise.
Its superior craftsmanship is made from 100% durable nylon allowing extra protection and comfort.
The tie waist design gives a slimming effect with the puffed arms providing a stylish look.
Perfect for your hunting safari or outdoor activities, you can be sure it will last for many years.
Crafted to different sizes and a vintage edition, you will surely feel confident wearing this classic shirt!
Model is 5'9, 170lbs, average shirt size medium, waist 32", inseam length 30". Clothing may show signs of being lightly worn, marks, piling, wrinkles, etc. as shown in photos. Just like to disclose its pre-owned / pre-loved.
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