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Updated Dec 18
Updated Dec 18

HELLO! Just sharing a bit about my life & style!




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Hola! I’m Milly & I’ve been Poshing since 2015. Welcome to my fun & fabulously colorful closet from sunny SoFL! I’m friendly, respectful, & as a Poshmark Ambassador, here to support you with any questions you may have to build a great closet, make new friends, shop smart & have an overall positive experience. Enjoy shopping and please always remember to 🙏 thank God for your daily blessings‼️ 🙌🏼 🕊STAY SAFE 🙏 🎀HAPPY POSHING‼️🎀 Milly🐝
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designerbeb Hi Milly!!! Absolutely love what you have done to your closet!!! Fabulous!!!🌺
Oct 27Reply
millysmind @designerbeb Heyyyy there! Well thanks but I’m so far behind all your fabulousness❣️ 😉
Oct 27Reply
designerbeb @millysmind You are too good!! Love your selections... love your display... you must be working hard to do all that ... great work!!! Yes life has thrown a few curves... just trying to keep up... Posh although it's a lot of work, can be an "escape" if you know what I mean. So happy to hear from you!!! Stay well🌺
Oct 27Reply
millysmind @designerbeb I’ve been so busy with tracking down family in Puerto 🇵🇷Rico ...helping with sending provisions and staying on top of all the news it’s all but consuming my life. So yes, Poshmark is a great outlet. Going to try to post a bunch of stuff today to get in on the contest. Be well my friend. ❤️
Oct 27Reply
zardiva1 Pandy (my kitty) said “😽” to you for *liking* him (😆😆😆).
Nov 22Reply
designerbeb Hi Milly!!! Thanks for reaching out to me!!! Your closet looks fabulous!! Have you asked Posh about becoming an Ambassador? You have just what their looking for to represent Ambassador status... I love it!! Sorry I haven’t responded sooner been dealing with unfortunate news.. best of luck to you be well!!🌺
Nov 26Reply
millysmind @designerbeb Hello! Sorry to hear you’re dealing with bad news. I hope you’re ok. Drop me an email when you have a moment please. Hope your Thanksgiving was good at least. Wanted to say I actually am a Posh Ambassador- I think I posted it here somewhere but need to make it more obvious. Thx for the vote of confidence in me - you’re too kind. Worn out from Thanksgiving festivities so gonna crash and catch up soon. Big hug.. please stay well❣️
Nov 27Reply
designerbeb Gzee.... it’s right in your listing about being an Ambassador. Sorry bout that didn’t see it... Big congratulations!!! 🎉🎊🎈... I will get in touch soon... ❤️BB
Nov 27Reply
millysmind @designerbeb Hi my friend! Just checking in on you! Hope all is well as we gear up for the holiday season. Be well❣️
Dec 13Reply
designerbeb Beautiful Milly you are just to good for me... so sorry I haven’t been in touch lately... I’m dealing with some changes and I seem to disappear until I figure life out... so happy to hear from you!! I hope all is well with you!! You look gorgeous as ever!!! Are you going to share your secrets with us via YouTube? Love to you Milly... thanks for checking in...💐
Dec 13Reply
millysmind @designerbeb Hi Barbara!! Been thinking of you and hope whatever you’re going through is working itself out my friend. You’re always such a doll to me… Thank you! Can you believe I’m still struggling with this bug turned into pneumonia ... Aaaarrrggghh!!!! Must get well before the 22nd, so I can go out and party since I missed all the New Year’s eve festivities. Meanwhile I’m staying in for a while - too many scary bugs going on out there!!!
Jan 15Reply
millysmind @designerbeb Your closet is beautiful. Love your additions! Too bad my size 11 feet won’t fit those gorgeous boots. Just wanted to reach out .. hope your new year is shaping up well ... please be well. Big hug! 💝 Please feel free to drop me a line or even call me if you want to chat. Be well - big hug 💝
Jan 15Reply
clarabella92 I have s personal opinion question. What do you do when people bundle and then ignore you when you offer? Will you give them another chance if they come back or will you take them not seriously? Also, same with people who ask for measurements and modeling pics and then they just ignore you when you answer?
Jan 16Reply
clarabella92 I'm only asking because I put A LOT of time into this and get frustrated when this happens, so I'd just like an opinion from someone with high standings and an awesome closet 😊
Jan 16Reply
millysmind @clarabella92 Thank you for the lovely compliment. I typically ignore request for modeling unless they ask twice. With reference to request for measurements, I usually look to see if they’ve made recent purchases and if they’re respectable and fair in their ratings/comments. I try to list items with measurements but of course it’s time consuming.
Jan 16Reply
millysmind @clarabella92 For anyone bundling, I reach out and thank them for their interest and ask them if have any questions about what the bundled/or say if they purchase today, they’ll be a small thank you gift (I usually have make-up, perfume, shampoo samples) If they say their not ready or give me any response,
Jan 16Reply
millysmind @clarabella92 ..., I take it as a respectful shopper and offer a better deal. If they ignore, when they do another bundle, I ignore them too .. or at times just offer the bundle deal once ... I seldom have any one ignore. I hope that helps a bit.
Jan 16Reply
clarabella92 @millysmind thank you! That helped a lot 😊 I measure things out, but not everything. Like t-shirts... You know, senseless things lol. And then I get frustrated when they ask and that's the types of things that's like "well, what size do you usually wear? Ok it'll fit or it won't" lol. But in jackets and pants and such I do measure. I hope this comment makes sense!
Jan 16Reply
clarabella92 @millysmind and thank you again for your advice! It was very helpful and I think it could save me a lot of time! Thanks! ❤️
Jan 16Reply
millysmind @clarabella92 You’re welcomed. You have a good closet— just spend some significant time sharing and following new people and it will bring lots of exposure to it. God speed pretty girl!! Happy 🎀 Poshing!
Jan 16Reply
clarabella92 @millysmind thank you so much 😊❤️
Jan 16Reply
ashlyn_bekah Thanks for following my closet!!☺️💕
Jan 16Reply
millysmind @ashlyn_bekah My pleasure. 🎀 Happy Poshing❣️🛍
Jan 16Reply
ashlyn_bekah @millysmind checkout my follow game as well if you like!!💗🎉😊
Jan 16Reply
clarabella92 Sorry ahead of time... Coming back to bother you! Lol. If you resale something from the wholesale portal, does Posh still take their fee out of your selling price?
Jan 20Reply
clarabella92 Resell*
Jan 20Reply
millysmind @clarabella92 I’ve not done that but gosh I’m sure anything you sell they take their 20%. Let me think about who you can ask and get back to you but I’m almost certain they do.
Jan 20Reply
clarabella92 @millysmind Thank you so much! I was thinking about doing it, but trying to be fair on my prices for my buyers and myself. Thanks for the help... Again! You're like my Posh mom! Lol. Hope you don't mind! 😉
Jan 20Reply
millysmind @clarabella92 Too cute! I don’t mind at all! God speed❣️
Jan 20Reply
jeweled_by_elle Greetings!! Just an FYI...I offer bundle deals, accept reasonable offers, & will style you if you'd like 😘 don't hesitate to ask any questions...have a good night 💫 P.S. if you bundle your like(s), I'll send you an offer 🤗
Mar 07Reply
millysmind @jeweled_by_elle Thank you kindly. You have a good night too!
Mar 07Reply
designerbeb WOW.... what a selection of fabulous stuff!! Milly you have been working hard again my friend!!! Lovely... and you as always look lovely too... thanks for the shares!!! 💐
Apr 27Reply
millysmind @designerbeb well Hello my friend! Lovely to connect. Yes I’m burning that midnight oil; on top of all this also started a new business. Will email you about it when I have a moment to catch up. So exciting. Thanks for all the shares! Wow, you’re SO good about that!! 💝
Apr 27Reply
designerbeb Milly for me 3 key must... list 3 items a day if you can... share 10 closets 3-4 items... this is the hard one...share your own closet 3 times a day... I know crazy on top of living!!! But it has increased my sales! Posh is a ton of work if done correctly but will deliver. Love talking with you!! Be well!! 💐
Apr 27Reply
almostanisland @millysmind I just saw my order was canceled? I was wondering why?
Apr 27Reply
millysmind @almostanisland I’m sorry but I had just listed it and was going to mark it NFS (yet) when you purchased it. I have appt w/jeweler tomorrow to get this and several others appraised.
Apr 27Reply
almostanisland @millysmind oh ok, Sorry about that. Its just what i've been looking for. I got excited!
Apr 27Reply
millysmind @almostanisland I certainly appreciate your interest and excitement… I just have to make sure I’m not giving away my mother-in-law‘s jewelry… I will do my best to keep it as close to what it was listed as possible.
Apr 27Reply
almostanisland @millysmind I will keep an eye out for it
Apr 27Reply
almostanisland @millysmind Could you tag me when it gets relisted?
Apr 27Reply
jkez36m Hi my name is Angela Nice to meet you.
Jun 23Reply
millysmind @jkez36m Hi Angela! My pleasure to meet you! Wow you’re a very successful Posher! Congratulations‼️💐
Jun 25Reply
jkez36m @millysmind Thank you. I am still learning.
Jun 25Reply
millysmind @jkez36m That’s a good learn something new all the time! 😉
Jun 27Reply
kfab333 @millysmind Hi there💕😊I am Kimberly with Kfab Designs thank you so much for shopping with me💕😊if you want to bundle your likes I can send you an extra discount and I always send gifts 🎁
Nov 14Reply
millysmind @tonyporrazzo46 Hello sir! Welcome to Poshmark. This sales process takes time so please don’t let yourself get frustrated. I think men are just catching on to what is available. God speed!!
Mar 19Reply
pulkarifashion Wow love ur photos!! Stylish. Looking pretty! Thanks again for likes and sharing information. If u like anything in my closet, do let me know. I offer free shipping on certain orders and bundles. I can also necklace separate if u like.. I tagged u on white (real)crystal necklace 10 layer...
Apr 24Reply
millysmind @pulkarifashion Well thank you! How sweet of you. I’ll keep that in mind - much appreciate your offer. Happy Poshing❣️💐
Apr 24Reply
madblk3 💜I appreciate you checking out and/or following my closet😘 I will do the same💐💐🌸share and care💐😇🛍 Happy Poshing☀️😘 💜Be Blessed💜 😇💜 you are a beautiful woman with a beautiful closet you are blessed😇💜
Aug 04Reply
designerbeb Milly my beautiful friend.. thank you for all the shares!! Wow woman you have it all!!! Love your photo’s.. your skin is so beautiful and what a fabulous shape... Milly Milly.. blessed!! I hope you and your husband are well. Stay cool.. so wonderful to hear from you.. take care, ❤️B
Aug 06Reply
millysmind @designerbeb Awww how absolutely lovely of you; thank you my sweet friend. You’re ALWAYS so kind to me!!! 🥰 All is good. Waiting for cool weather in So FL 😅 Adding new beauties to my closet. Kicking it up several notches to keep up with YOU Ms Fabulousness ‼️ Hope life is treating you good ❣️😘💝 💐
Aug 07Reply
designerbeb Awww Milly... all that you’ve been through and the changes and additions you’ve made to your fabulous closet.. how do you do it? Keeping up with me?! No way...You must be the energizing bunny.. always going going going.. you’re a wonder for sure.. so good to everyone around you! So happy to hear you are well ... take care beauty.. talk to you soon ❤️B
Aug 07Reply
vineyardbeauty Your closet is absolutely lovely...happy to be following you!
Aug 21Reply
millysmind @vineyardbeauty Well thank you! Yours is pretty jazzy too. I’m looking for a Betsy Johnson bag for a friend in a wheelchair so it can’t be too small because she needs to carry quite a bit when she leaves the house but it can’t be too bulky. Still hunting but you have some lovely pieces!! 💐
Aug 21Reply
vineyardbeauty @millysmind Thank you for your kindness! I think you Liked my huge Betsey pink floral tote and the cosmetics cases. The bag is truly huge yet lovely. Also the Vera Bradley Lavender Meadows Bag holds an amazing amount. Either would look beautiful either on her lap or could easily travel with her via her chair’s handles. If you like any 2 items, let me know and I can bundle and send you an offer. Your friend is blessed to have such a caring friend 💕
Aug 21Reply
millysmind @vineyardbeauty Oh what a lovely thing to say. Thank you. My friend just ❤️s Betsy Johnson - will circle back with you if I decide on your pieces. Thank you kindly. 💐
Aug 21Reply
m_scheinholtz Hi there- Just spent a glorious hour perusing your closet & left you a few “love” notes - hope you don’t mind. You have a great home/landing page - The Many Faces & Spaces of Milly B”, I call it. Reinforces what I like to say, Don’t take life too seriously, just enjoy it when and where you can! Hope you are having wonderful day - Enjoy long holiday weekend!
Aug 30Reply
millysmind @m_scheinholtz Well hello there! Thx for all your lovely and kind words! I certainly appreciate you as a friend and repeat customer my dear lady. Hope all is great with you and your revving up for a beautiful fall season 🍁🍂
Sep 05Reply
m_scheinholtz @millysmind Back at you. And SO glad that to hear from you - got a little concerned when I hadn’t. Hope you are ok.? As for me, leaving vacày province of fun very soon & that will be drag. Maybe I should buy those black high heels you have & paint my little home town red when I get there. Fern, they’re size 11s, right?, Going for one last canoe paddle now 😎
Sep 05Reply
millysmind @m_scheinholtz Woweee!!! You’re still on vacay!? Good for you! I can’t canoe with these arthritic shoulders. I’d shrivel up and fall apart in pain. 😩 Great to hear you’re enjoying the great outdoors!! Can’t wait for Fl fall!!
Sep 07Reply
millysmind @m_scheinholtz I’ve been super busy. Helping with projects: new members luncheon at church, a friend’s 60th birthday party, my hubby’s birthday last weekend, prepping for a retreat 9/13-25. Lots going on. I also won a raffle of 3 nights/4 day hotel package in Fort Myers I have to use up by end of month 👏🏼! SO Talk to you in Oct! LOL Oh, the black shoes are hottttt !! 😉
Sep 07Reply
amethist02 Thank you for sharing my products, that’s really sweet of you! =)
Sep 27Reply
millysmind @amethist02 👍🏼 You’re welcome; that’s how we support each other❣️ Happy Poshing 💐
Sep 27Reply
tkgirl63 Hi milly❤️thanks for sharing my stuff❤️miss seeing you❤️
Oct 17Reply
bydonnywu Beautiful! Sharing some Posh love, happy poshing babe! 💋 Hi I’m Donny nice to meet you! I have lots new pieces in, come check it out! 🤗❤️
Nov 13Reply
millysmind @ginboutique21 Oh hi Donny! Thank you kindly sweet girl❗️I know I answered you in your closet b/c was looking at those darling cozy sweaters which I can barely use in SoFL. Here’s to selling them heading into this chilly winter !! 🍾🥂
Nov 19Reply
bydonnywu @millysmind 😘💕💕💕💕
Nov 19Reply
designerbeb Hi Milly .. I was thinking about you! Thanks for all the shares.. you look beautiful as always and your closet of course is fabulous.. great selection.. I hope this note finds you and your husband well.. Merry Christmas and may God bless you abundantly!! ❤️BB
Dec 18Reply
millysmind @designerbeb Aww.. thank you!! Wonderful to “see you”’ On top of 🎄🎶 Christmas👑 cheer✨ I wish you Blessings- joy & great health in the New Year too!! 🙏🎄
Dec 18Reply
chrisaf Love your style and closet !!
Dec 24Reply
millysmind @chrisaf How lovely!! Thank you! So sorry I just saw this. Hope you’re holidays were blessed & your new year is off to a great start!! Happy Poshing!! 🛍🎁💐
Jan 09Reply
chrisaf @millysmind u to ! Thank u 😊
Jan 09Reply
janfast Hi Milly! Thanks for following my closet and sharing my listings!💕
Jan 14Reply
millysmind @janfast Good morning! You got it!👍🏼 Have a blessed day!💐
Jan 14Reply
janfast @millysmind Right back at ya! Hope you are having a sunny day in Pompano Beach! ☀️🌴
Jan 14Reply
msistersm Hi Millie. Thank you for visiting my listing and sharing quite a number of my items! And, THANK YOU for providing all of the wonderful photos under "about me". Great job, great photos, wishes to Millie!
Jan 17Reply
msistersm Oops! Milly, my apologies.
Jan 17Reply
millysmind @msistersm Well hello! You’re most welcomed. I don’t know your name. I’m SO sorry for your loss and hope that you are doing much better. Peace and Blessings. 🕊
Jan 17Reply
robynridge I love your pins and your color coordinated clothes. I am a New Posh Ambassador and I am trying to get feedback on my closet, as far as pictures, items and prices. I would also love how to color coordinate them. Thank you @robyncantor
Jan 22Reply
millysmind @robyncantor How lovely- thank you! 🌺 Congratulations on becoming an ambassador! That tells me you’re doing things right and honestly, your closet looks fabulous! I’m going to private message you in a bundle with just a few pointers. Thanks for reaching out - I’m so honored you picked me for advice❣️ 😉 💐
Jan 22Reply
robynridge I love your closet and how it is put together. It is a pleasure to look through it! Thanks for your advice the other day.
Jan 27Reply
millysmind @robyncantor That’s so sweet of you! Thank you. I need to get serious and add lots more stuff but have been under the weather. You’re motivating me to get going! Thank you SO MUCH!! 💐
Jan 27Reply
millysmind @becomewinners Hi doll! Thank you kindly!!! Yours is fabulous too❣️ That black dragon 🐉 is hotttt! 🖤
Jan 28Reply
neydas_niche Hi! Thank you for the share.
Feb 22Reply
bagitbeautiful Hello Milly - Thank you for visiting my closet because I FOUND YOURS❣️ So very exciting looking at ALL your BEAUTIES. I hope, being a seasoned and successful POSHER you do not mind advising a newbie. I am a SWFL transplant from Music City and just started in Dec 2019. So much to learn but sooooo fun. Please reach out from time to time and I hope I can do the same. Oh and share any pointers - for example, how do you categorize your closet into Jewelry or skirts or shoes?Would 💖 to know how.
Feb 29Reply
momcheevic Truly wonderful closet. I’ve marked so I can back and wander again!💕
Mar 03Reply
millysmind @bagitbeautiful Hi again Hopelyn - Sorry took a bit after my initial response but here it is: The way to categorize your closet is by simply creating a new post as if you were to sell a new item. First make your title picture ... I use free app PIC COLLAGE - super simple. Or you can pick a skirt from your pics and by editing it you can add the letters SKIRTS (or shoes, dresses, etc) right on it. Simply create a new item in your closet and select the title pic you just created.
Mar 03Reply
millysmind @bagitbeautiful contd.. Select “other” as the category and instead of a title or description just place a single period in the places required: title, description, custom size, leave all the optional spots unnamed. Add a $0 value to both original price and selling price. And save it! You have just created your CATEGORY page.
Mar 03Reply
millysmind @bagitbeautiful contd... To organize underneath your newly posted category SHARE everything in that category underneath that title until they are all together and finally scroll back down to the title/category post one last time to bring it UP and in front of all those items in that category. Repeat with each category.
Mar 03Reply
millysmind @bagitbeautiful contd.... The drawback is when you share something to a party - you’ll have to do it with everything item in that category in order to keep it all lined up together. However it does look/feel good to have it organized. 👍🏼 I know this is verbose but I hope it helps!! Happy Posh organizing!! 💐 ✨Milly🐝
Mar 03Reply
millysmind @momcheevic Hi there!! Well thank you kindly. You’re welcome anytime - feel free to ask questions. Have a great day & Happy Poshing!💐 ✨Milly🐝
Mar 03Reply
bagitbeautiful I am so embarrassed that I am just saying THANK YOU! I got your message for arranging my closet and I am excited to try. You ARE AMAZING and a HUGE POSITIVE and KIND POSHMARK AMBASSADOR. I am so glad are closets met 😃🥰😃🥰💖💖
Mar 09Reply
millysmind @bagitbeautiful Oh no need to be embarrassed.... it’s all good! Glad we met too! Look forward to Poshing together! 😉 🌿🌷🌿🌷🌷🌿🌷🌿🌷🌿🌷🌿🌷🌿🌷
Mar 10Reply
melirosebtq Thanks for the shares💞 you have a beautiful closet😍Shared and following 😘
May 02Reply
blreibman1948 Wonderful items in your closet🌸
May 02Reply
millysmind @blreibman1948 Well thank you. You have some exquisite pieces yourself! Thx for shopping my closet. Stay safe!! 🌷
May 05Reply
grojivxatu Good afternoon, how you doing today. Can you please take a moment to check my Closet. I'm a Silversmith, all my items made by hand, many of my items one of the kinds exclusive handmade. I always working on new pieces, also have other designers as well... You can find something that you may like. Thank you for taking the time to read this message, I sincerely appreciate your interest. George Granovski.
May 25Reply
millysmind @designerbeb Hello my virtual friend! I was scrolling above and realized how rude it was to have such long conversations with others in your closet! Geez, a comment maybe - but not a chapter! So sorry! Anyway, just wanted to say hi, hope you are well and fairing social distancing ok. Isn’t this so CRAY-CRAY?! 🍃🌺🍃
May 26Reply
millysmind @designerbeb Oh Lord! 🙄🤭 I need to go to bed! I am in my own closet - not yours!! 🤣 Sorry about that!!
May 26Reply
designerbeb @millysmind hi sweet Milly ... it’s the heat and being locked in!! So glad to hear from you one way or another lol .. yes definitely craz craz I’m about done with it!! Love your new photo’s! Unbelievable how you just don’t change! You look fabulous!! Love your tan!! Gorgeous! Your husband looks wonderful too!! Beautiful couple!
May 26Reply
cricketlee001 Howdy Milly 👋 thank you very much for sharing my ASOS dress on Twitter! I'm not on any social media but I will be happy to share you more on here. I see that you live in Pompano; I used to live in Coral Springs, I loved going to Doris' and LaSpadas! 😊 Have a great day 💐
May 26Reply
millysmind @cricketlee001 Well hello! I 💛 Doris’ market; never been to Espadas. Will have to check them out! You gave up this weather paradise? ☀️🌴 Where do you love now!? I think Poshmark automatically shares Poshers closets to Twitter after the person sharing becomes an ambassador and has so many shares b/c it used to happen to me. I just did a general share; somehow they selected YOU 👏🏼 to go on Twitter!
May 27Reply
millysmind @cricketlee001 I actually have been meaning to look into it so I can explain it better. I have a Twitter account but mostly for reading news. I do appreciate your acknowledgment as you’re the first one. 😉 HAPPY POSHING & stay safe☀️🌴☀️🌴☀️🌴☀️🌴☀️🌴☀️🌴☀️🌴☀️🌴☀️🌴
May 27Reply
cricketlee001 @millysmind I'm in WA now, I moved for work. I really miss the southern FL area, going to places like Fern Forest and Festival Flea Market! I also thought the library in Coral Springs was the best! Yes, I think you'll love LaSpadas once you try it!
May 27Reply
cricketlee001 @millysmind Thank you for explaining the Twitter share! I'm not on any social media, but appreciate the exposure 😊 Your closet is full of great items and I'll be happy to share it more in future 💐💐💐
May 27Reply
danabella_92 Thanks for taking the time to look through my closet, and for the shares/likes on my items. If you see something in my closet that you would like to purchase, I’m sure we could find a price that we both think is perfect if pricing is an issue. I also have a bundle discount of 10% off of 3 or more items. 😊💕feel free to make an offer or bundle and make an offer.
Jun 03Reply
lakedwellerhb Hi Milly, thank you for following us!👍 We are Jimbo & G.🤠🐗🙋 I hope you have many sales & find tons of bargains!💰📈 Happy Posh'ing & we hope you have a SAFE & prosperous 2020! Be kind & have a blessed day! 🙏✝️🕉️☮️💞
Jun 07Reply
leonelamaya Greetings from New York! A pleasure for me to greet you and wish you success in your daily work! Nice pic!
Jun 07Reply
lucylovesyou123 @millysmind love your style and closet! love all the colors! so fun and unique.🥰🥰🥰💕💕💕
Jun 24Reply
millysmind @lucylovesyou123 Awww... well thank you kindly❣️Your church reminds me of the church I grew up; devout Christians - my dad a retired Pastor. They still were mantillas!! Blessings to keep enjoying life & stay safe! 🙏Milly
Jun 26Reply
millysmind @lucylovesyou123 *wear [mantillas]
Jun 26Reply
erikakessler1 Thanks for sharing
Jul 11Reply
erikakessler1 Sorry, I don’t have Twitter.
Jul 11Reply
millysmind @erikakessler1 You’re welcome & it’s ok b/c PM actually does this automatically when I select an item to share. So random too! Be well! 🌺
Jul 11Reply
believer13 @millysmind hi Gorgeous Milly j sent you an offer you can always counter stay safe 🙏😘
Jul 18Reply
lindajojac Hi, Thank You for sharing my closet, appreciate very much.Nice photos of you!!
Aug 03Reply
millysmind @lindajojac Hi there!! Y/w & thank you kindly! 🌹
Aug 03Reply
oilytribe Hi! I sell young living products, feel free to check out my page!
Aug 07Reply
millysmind @oilytribe Hi! I’m a Young Living member - thx!
Aug 07Reply
onegirlforever Hello beautiful lady! Jeremiah 29, v11 👍😘
Nov 29Reply
sargebill milly hi and thank you for your follow, wishing you all the very best, Bill and Samantha. now she's not a fancy dresser, neither am I, give me federal blue,brown khaki,O.Ds,Kersey wool, field gray, panzer black and Union Jack red, im happy. Samantha was an Army nurse, so she's informal in the everyday look. I don't know those female sizes, thought I was doing good and most were either too big or too small.
Mar 22Reply
rijovino @millysmind Nice Pic 👌🏾
Apr 10Reply
eblboutique48 Hi beautiful I just like for you to come check out my closet.
Apr 16Reply
poppypetalsbtq Thank You Milly for your beautiful kind words on my sons page!! So sweet of you to stop & write me all Of that!! Xoxo to your Hubs loss as well! It doesn’t matter how it came... it’s still a horrible loss & so difficult to pass.... Much ♥️♥️♥️ Sandy💋✌🏼🌼
Apr 27Reply
beclassybebold Thank you VERY much for generously sharing my closet!!! It is very kind of you! I am pleased to share your beautiful things as well!!! I wish you hot sales, my Poshfriend!!😃♥️
May 20Reply
kfab333 @millysmind Hello! ☺️Super Happy You Dropped Back By! I am Kimberly 💖-Always Happy to Assist You in Finding Your Perfect Style! All Orders are Shipped with Gifts 🎁! Please Sign Up on my “NEW ARRIVALS Listing” to be notified of NEW STYLES and PREORDERS!
May 23Reply
mischkapu 🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷🌹🌹🌹
Jun 02Reply
eclecticfit Hi Milly! Thank you for stopping by my closet and your sweet comment. I am happy to share your closet with my followers, you have some awesome merchandise that I'm sure they will love! 💖
Jun 02Reply
lillievonstoop1 Hi! Thank you for the follow and the ❤ Happy Poshing 🛍!
Jun 03Reply
whteverislovely One of the most fashionable and prettiest ladies I’ve seen on Poshmark! 😍 have a great week Ms Milly!! Wishing you tons of sales!! 😍😍 let me know if you’re interested in purchasing that orange 42 gold mules and I’ll get you a special offer and discounted shipping! 😍🤩
Aug 09Reply
millysmind @whteverislovely Hello Janina! What a 🍭sweet & lovely 🌸 msg - thank you kindly❣️ You’re such a 💎 gem and a rarity!!! I must have a accidentally liked the shoes when I was sharing your fab closet as I’m a much larger size 11 - which certainly helps my tall 6’ frame stand firm. 😂 (but thank you!) Hope you’re enjoying the summer☀️🌻 Happy sales and Poshing to you too! You’re amazing❣️ 💐Blessings always 🙏……
Aug 09Reply
whteverislovely @millysmind Hehe No worries!! Thank you for sharing! I'll share yours too. And aww, thank you for the words of affirmations. Made my day!! Wow!!! Are you or were you a model at some point? WOW!! 6' wow!
Aug 09Reply
millysmind @whteverislovely Many 🌙’s ago! 😉
Aug 09Reply
Aug 17Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your follow. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Aug 17Reply
1wildone Molly, good morning. You are super photogenic and beautiful! Like your closet too. Wishing you a fantastic day and best to you and your sales on Posh, Doug
Sep 02Reply
millysmind @1wildone Hi Doug! Very kind of you! Hope you’re enjoying this Labor Day weekend! 🇺🇸
Sep 05Reply
1wildone @millysmind 😀👍🌳🌲🌲🌲🌲🌳👍
Sep 06Reply
mrlonely78 you are gorgeous
Sep 07Reply
millysmind @mrlonely78 Hello William …. What a lovely thing to say - thank you!
Sep 08Reply
mrlonely78 you're welcome
Sep 11Reply
pittypatsporch1 @millysmind Love your Closet! I am a Southwest Florida girl! Bookmarked so I can find you again. Love your witness for the Lord, too! Blessings, Patti
Sep 11Reply
millysmind @pittypatsporch1 Well hello there Patti…. Nice to chat with you fellow Posher, Floridian & SIC!! Wow we have a triple whammy here!! 😆 … so cool!! Thank you for the lovely compliment & Posh💖. It’s absolutely imperative to give God glory for all the amazing blessings HE bestows upon us! 🙌🏽 Faith is what gets me (us) thru our days of weariness, fear & sadness during these difficult times with so much going on in the world.
Sep 11Reply
millysmind @pittypatsporch1 🙏We must keep our minds in prayers, hearts in gratitude and eyes in His word & Jesus will help us overcome. 🙌🏽 Such a beautiful 💫YOU to recognize HIS light in me❣️ As somber as this day is - enjoy a blessed weekend! ✨Milly
Sep 11Reply
pittypatsporch1 @millysmind I felt blessed when I found your Closet! Have been reading this am about one of the few things that survived the 9/11 plane crash in Shanksville, Pa. A Bible, barely singed, open to First Kings 13-15. Read it, it will describe today perfectly. Thank you again for the shares and the encouragement. Patti
Sep 11Reply
brendaragosta @millysmind Good morning! I like all your positive words but especially “ All things are possible with God.” Wishing u a wonderful weekend.:)
Nov 19Reply
millysmind @brendaragosta Amén! Faith is something my parents raised us in. Grateful for their legacy. My mom passed Dec 2020 & my dad died just last Sunday. Tough times but God gets me thru it! 🙌🏽 Glad your heart is touched by the message❣️
Nov 19Reply
brendaragosta @millysmind Hello. So sorry to hear about your Father. So hard to loose your parents, mine are deceased too. Faith is my cornerstone. I have a very good friend fighting Covid and he just made some headway after being in hospital for 19 days, so your messages helped me. God Bless.🤗
Nov 19Reply
millysmind @brendaragosta I pray your friend is well improved by now & ready to be home. These are extremely challenging times in the world so we cling to the one thing we know to be true & secure…. Our faith & hope in HIM. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO YOU AND YOURS! ✝️ 🍂 🧡 🦃 🍁
Nov 23Reply
brendaragosta @millysmind Hello, Thx u for your kind words. Our friend, Jeff entered Heaven last night. He was one of those sweet friends that would give u the shirt off your back if u needed one. These are challenging times that we live in but this is where Faith helps.:) Wishing u a good week. God bless.
Nov 23Reply
millysmind @brendaragosta Hello again. I’m terribly sorry for the loss of your dear friend Jeff. May you & all who love him be comforted by your faith.
Nov 23Reply
brendaragosta @millysmind Thank u so much. God bless u and your Family.❤️
Nov 23Reply
1wildone Great thought with the hemming tape. Funny. My mom used this on our pants so we could ‘grow into them’. Awesome picture of yourself, beautiful! You r right though, I could do that. Yes, be well and thank you, wow!
Dec 05Reply
millysmind @1wildone Smart mom! Well thank you sweetie❣️
Dec 05Reply
1wildone @millysmind She was. In retrospect I now know, didn’t then. Have a good night, Doug
Dec 05Reply
nylifeaccess Hi dear, welcome to Poshmark. 🎄Christmas is coming to town🎶 We are starting the Christmas Sale, BUNDLE 2 / 2+ items wtill get 25% off, 5 / 5+ items will get 35% off. Welcome to stop by my closet. Happy Holiday 🎄🎉🥰
Dec 16Reply
jkdesigns Thanks for sharing my jewelry! Jen
Dec 30Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Jan 07Reply
nylifeaccess Hi gorgeous , thank you very much to check out and following or share my closet. Just would like to let you know my closet is doing BUNDLE discount “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” and $25/3. Welcome to shop at my closet. Wish you have a wonderful day ;)
Apr 16Reply
eclectic_threds Thanks for the follow! You have a great closet! Happy Poshing!! 🥰
May 22Reply
millysmind @beautifynails Aww.. well thank you kindly - I work on it a lot!!! 😀 I want to try the nails for toes before we too long !! Looks fun!! Gorgeous sets! Wow!! 💗🌺
Jul 21Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Aug 10Reply
05teddy11 Blessings Molly on sharing from my family closet ❤️❤️💜. Super week and poshing 🛍🙏🤟🏻❤️💜
Aug 26Reply
1wildone Molly, your closet is super nice and your photos of you are beautiful. Thank you for the offer. I wish I lived in Florida. Best, Doug
Nov 17Reply
millysmind @1wildone Well hello there Doug!! How very kind of you… thank you!! You know darling … you can still shop outside of FL! 😉 Blessings & Happy Poshing!! 💫Milly
Nov 17Reply
1wildone @millysmind I still love that 30” long blurred plaid skirt I’d seen awhile back. Need to learn how to make/alter clothing. Yes, I can shop online and that unfortunately is where I’m at with that super bundle. Hard to not be able to try on…part of the satisfaction is trying on to see how well things fit!
Nov 17Reply
1wildone Well, that plaid is amazing and hemming/stitch Witcher is an option. Checking with you on wether this is a wrap skirt? Hope you are well and life is good for you and family.——Doug
Jan 23Reply
1wildone Can’t erase that prior message, damn
Jan 24Reply
samiandrosie Thank you for the love note💕💕💕 Happy you love them & they could find a new home!
Apr 06Reply
millysmind @samiandrosie 🌸 They’re SO NICE❣️Hubby keeping 2 & gifting the dup to a friend @ church that always admires his ties!🌸 ☦️ You rock! 💐
Apr 06Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your share. Any questions, please just ask. Same as ever with 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package and offers are always welcome.
Jun 14Reply
krystalmcc1621 👋Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your 👚items👖with my followers. Have a wonderful day ☀️and many sales 🧾!!
Nov 27Reply
cutehosiery @millysmind Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Mar 05Reply
nikwebs hi Milly! just wanted to let you know that I mailed out your scarf last week, I sent it via regular please keep an eye out for it! 😉
May 08Reply
millysmind @nikwebs Thank you kindly for- left you a message on the sale thread.
May 10Reply
nikwebs @millysmind yes, got it!! ypu are most welcome!!
May 10Reply

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Pompano Beach, FL
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Last Active: 3 hours ago

Pompano Beach, FL
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