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Updated Feb 13
Updated Feb 13

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FOUR LIMES SHOP, LLC 🌱 A Zero Waste Company Owner: Erynn. Mommy, Attorney, Reseller Mentor, Coffee Addict, Vintage Lover, Blog Writer, Poshfest Speaker, Content Creator, & SEO Closet Consultant. 🌈 SHOP ・Sustainable Style ・Vintage + Modern ・ New Listings Daily ・ Bundle Discounts ・ Fast Shipping ・ Avg. 5 Star Rating 🌈 CONNECT ・ FOURLIMESLLC.COM ・ IG: @ErynnTheReseller & @FourLimesShop ・ Facebook Groups: Poshmark Thrifting, Poshmark Sellers, Clubhouse Resellers, Vendoo: A Seller’s Best Friend Thank You for Shopping Small + Helping to Keep Sh*t Out of Landfills ♻️
  • Ships to: United States

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pdee09 Cute baby clothes!
Jun 07Reply
fourlimes @pdee09 thank you!! 💕
Jun 07Reply
sdancer9 Hey, Erynn! I saw you added two of my listings to a bundle, and I just wanted to make sure you knew I give a 5% discount on bundles of two or more! If you want, I can create a separate listing for you and we can negotiate price (I am very flexible on price). Thank you so much for your interest!! Love your closet💖
Jun 14Reply
kslade10 Would love to come to an agreement on the price of the two piece suit set and black NY& co dress! Can ship out tomorrow!!
Jun 19Reply
fourlimes @emiller982 thank you that is so sweet!
Jun 19Reply
fourlimes @kslade10 I did not realize that the Top was a 10, but thank you so much anyways! It is adorable!
Jun 19Reply
katpuccino Thank you so much for all the many shares 😊 Wishing you success on your cute closet 🙈🎉💕
Jul 26Reply
fourlimes @katpuccino thanks! You too! I love your closet 💕
Jul 26Reply
katpuccino @erynngiff 🙌🏼♥️
Jul 26Reply
fourlimes @becomewinners Thanks so much! I love yours too! I do lashes! 💕
Jul 29Reply
jv71 Hi beauty!!!!
Aug 02Reply
melaniecrodgers Honey what I’m going to try doing is cancel my first order so we can bundle all three items. The s&h is crazy!!!
Aug 03Reply
melaniecrodgers Well it won’t let me cancel since it was an offer. Can you offer a price for the other two with free shipping so they can all come in same box?
Aug 03Reply
alicekleiner Cute Closet Mama =) Welcome to Poshmark!
Aug 04Reply
lindaavalos1 Check out my closet ❤️
Aug 05Reply
katerinavas7 Hey! I was wondering how to trade on Poshmark? Is there a specific way to do so? Someone is wanting to trade with me! :-) Thanks so much! 💕
Aug 08Reply
fourlimes @katerinavas7 hey Katerina! I’m going to warn you that Poshmark does not cover trades. This means that if something goes wrong, neither of you are protected under Poshmark for your purchase. Trades are done when two people agree to “trade” via commenting, and then they set their items at the same price, usually $3, and they simply buy them from each other.
Aug 08Reply
fourlimes @katerinavas7 if we were to trade a shirt for a shirt, we would agree on a time to both set the item to $3, and both make the purchase. Hope this helps! Poshmark also has info about trades under “Help”
Aug 08Reply
katerinavas7 @erynngiff That was super helpful! Thank you!!! :-)
Aug 08Reply
slhhhh I am so glad you reached out.I was trying to find you! You sent me an order days ago that included pants & tops that I did not order. This is my husbands account & I use it just for purses.The order had the order # & your real name, but no Posh name. Searching for your real name didn't work. I looked through my orders to find the matching order #, but I couldn't find the order after clicking on about 30 of them. I sent an email to Posh with your name & the order # so they could reach out to you.
Aug 08Reply
slhhhh Poshmark only allows 500 characters. Lol...anyway. I have your tops and pants and I would like to get them back to you and get the purse I ordered from you.
Aug 08Reply
slhhhh 500 characters per comment
Aug 08Reply
slhhhh After looking at your account & filtering, I see I ordered a coach purse from you. However, I left you a note which I never do unless I have actually received an item. I think this may be a case of you just printing out a duplicate label & shipping something to me. When I get in, I will look through my purse inventory & see if I received the bag. I could have made a mistake, but I'm usually pretty good about those things, so if I accepted I probably did get the purse. I will make sure.
Aug 08Reply
fourlimes @slhhhh thank you SO MUCH!!!! This package has been lost and I’m incredibly thankful that you have it and found me! What did Poshmark say? I am happy to pay shipping to get that back!! Thank you so much
Aug 08Reply
slhhhh I told Poshmark they need to add the order number to the My Purchases page because it is almost impossible to find an order using that number I order a lot & I actually have to click on each order to open it & look at the order #!
Aug 08Reply
fourlimes @slhhhh you received the purse last month! I printed the wrong label is exactly what happened! Thanks so much for reaching out! What can I do next?
Aug 08Reply
slhhhh @erynngiff - I sure did! I checked! Let me check my husband's email account to see if Poshmark sent him a return label already. I asked him the day after I sent Poshmark the email. I will get back to you after I go through his messages (lol) and see Poshmark's response.
Aug 09Reply
fourlimes @slhhhh I can’t thank you enough! I really appreciate you taking the time to look into this!
Aug 09Reply
slhhhh Hi @erynngiff. I looked through my husband's emails & Poshmark responded yesterday & asked me for pics of the items you sent. I sent those. I initially told them you were supposed to send me a purse, but sent me the wrong items. I updated them & told them I received the bag already and this was a mislabel. I expect they will send me a label to return the items to you today. I am going to send you an update when the email comes in from my account - @purse_whisperer.
Aug 09Reply
fourlimes @slhhhh thank you so much!!
Aug 09Reply
purse_whisperer Hi @erynngiff! OK. Poshmark sent the label and those items will be on their way back to you tomorrow morning! Yay! The returned items are coming home so they can be sent away again! :-)
Aug 11Reply
fourlimes @purse_whisperer thank you so much for all of your time and effort!! You are amazing!
Aug 11Reply
fourlimes @purse_whisperer I got the package back! Thanks again!
Aug 16Reply
purse_whisperer I am so happy you got everything back! So sorry I had to rip your nice tissue paper up for the pics Poshmark wanted, but I am so glad everything worked out. It was so great that you sent that thoughtful after the sale. Without that, it would have taken longer to identify you! I'm glad it all worked out!
Aug 18Reply
purse_whisperer I meant it was great that you sent that thoughtful message after the sale.
Aug 18Reply
fourlimes @purse_whisperer me too! Thank you! The buyer is also super understanding and compassionate! Her package is finally on the way to her! I appreciate both of you!
Aug 18Reply
072365 Sorry....I messaged the wrong person. 😊
Aug 23Reply
ellagrev Hi! I had a question about if a buyer buys two items in my closet. Should I send separate packages because there are separate shipping labels or can I just use one package and put both items in there? Thanks!
Aug 28Reply
fourlimes @ellagrev good question!!! You CANT put them in the same package.... if both labels are not shipped, you will not receive credit for them (plus a dishonest buyer may claim to never have received) What I would do is contact them & ask if they would like you to cancel both purchases so they can re-purchase in a BUNDLE. Then you can ship them together w. 1 label. But if they don’t get back to you in 24 hours, go ahead & send them (shipping time effects your Poshmark status)
Aug 28Reply
ellagrev @erynngiff okay thank you so much!
Aug 28Reply
fourlimes @ellagrev you’re welcome! Happy Poshing!
Aug 28Reply
kimkay78 Hello, Thank you for the follow! I am already following you. I hope you have a great day! 😊
Sep 16Reply
pjmloom123 Hello if I like what I want and put it all in a bundle what kinda discount would you be able to give me? I'm interested in a lot of your baby boy.
Sep 25Reply
fourlimes @pjmloom123 Hello! Most of my baby selection is BOGO❗️(Buy One, Get One Free)! And I reduce shipping for baby bundles with 12+ items as well! 👶🏼 Put your “likes” in a bundle and we will chat there 😊
Sep 25Reply
thelakersstar Thanks for the follow! If you haven’t already, please check out my closet I’m sure you will find something you love! Pick one or bundle and save even more ✨ Thanks for your time I hope we can work together and make a deal!
Nov 01Reply
cestsibon What a great color categorized closet. Enjoyed browsing.
Nov 11Reply
fourlimes @cestsibon thank you!!! Happy Poshing!
Nov 11Reply
tonegak Very nice smile
Nov 12Reply
nelsislande 😍😍😍
Nov 12Reply
brooke2701 Saving for college! Check out my closet!! 😊❤️
Nov 15Reply
fourlimes @brooke2701 Welcome to PM! make sure you check out Posh etiquette!
Nov 15Reply
brooke2701 @erynngiff omg, so sorry !!
Nov 15Reply
lasisterscloset Great closet Erynn! I shared 20 items from your closet with my followers. I hope you will shop and share mine, too! 👓👖🧢👙💰🧤🧣👗👞👘👔👠👚💼👕🎒💵👒👖👟👛🌂🧥📿
Nov 17Reply
mmdell11 Hi! I hope you are having a good day! K wanted to let you know I'm having a clear out closet sale if you are interested! & a 3 for $20 (or less) sale on certain items as well!! Feel free to check it out! I'm very open to shares, bundles and offers! Happy poshing ❤️
Nov 29Reply
dejaboo951 I saw your IG photo on Zenni optical because i was interested in getting glasses from them and randomly saw you had a poshmark!! thats awesome lol i do too!! How are the glasses from Zennie if you don't mind me asking?
Nov 30Reply
fourlimes @dejaboo951 hello!! They’re great!! I have over 10 pairs! Can’t beat the style or the price!
Nov 30Reply
dejaboo951 @erynngiff Awesome!! Yes they have tons of cute styles, Thanks for letting me know l, deff ordering a few.
Nov 30Reply
fourlimes @dejaboo951 I actually just ordered some gift cards for friends! Perfect gift!
Nov 30Reply
4evryc Why are you coming on my page attacking me as if I was the one selling one item on two separate accounts? It would have been nice for her to let me know within that 3 hour period to let me know the item was sold? Plus if you do have your items listed in both closet at least have the courtesy and be professional about it.
Nov 30Reply
4evryc Let your consumers know it’s no longer available and most importantly take it down right away because it’s not fair for another customer to buy it and think it was available. That’s very unprofessional and that’s not how you do business.
Nov 30Reply
fourlimes @icua410 I'm not attacking you at all. You tagged me to inform me that the seller is a fraud.. and I'm just hoping you have the grounds to do so. You involved me in this matter. You should be thanking me to bring to your attention that you're bullying her in violation of Poshmark's standard.. when it may just be a seller under 2 closets who has not done anything wrong.
Nov 30Reply
fourlimes @icua410 And yes, it is critical if you're cross-listing to remove the post from other forms once sold on one. This is a common practice. Most sellers do not sell from one closet exclusively, or even from Poshmark exclusively.
Nov 30Reply
eprince04 Hi! Sorry to be so random but I’m afraid I’m being scammed by someone (a buyer) who also tried it with you. Whatever happened with the sleeves lady? How did you resolve that issue?
Jan 13Reply
fourlimes @eprince04 hello! The lady that says that the sleeves on her sweater had been sewn? Is that who you’re referring to?
Jan 13Reply
eprince04 @erynngiff yes! I sold a brand new dress and she says there is an “extra row of sequins.”
Jan 13Reply
fourlimes @eprince04 yeah I saw her comments on your post. She rated me 1 star because she said the sleeves had been removed and sewed back?? Nothing of the sort ever happened to the Sweater. 🙄
Jan 13Reply
eprince04 @erynngiff so how does Poshmark handle this stuff? I have never had a problem before.
Jan 13Reply
fourlimes @eprince04 I did not report it. I have enough perfect ratings that her fictitious one did not make an impact
Jan 14Reply
eprince04 @erynngiff thanks for your help. It ended up working out!
Jan 14Reply
spreadlove Hi, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have a great day! :-)
Jan 24Reply
micheleclong Hi there! In addition to being a law student and a paralegal, you are clearly a business success story on Poshmark. I just wanted to say hi because I myself am a lawyer. I am retired now, but enjoyed my career and still do a little here and there. I am thrilled that you are a law student, and I want to encourage you. If you ever have questions about your career, just get in touch.
Jan 28Reply
fourlimes @micheleclong aw! Thank you for your kind words and encouragement! I’m a 1L (part time) in my second semester, and doing well! Which kind of law did you practice?
Jan 28Reply
micheleclong @erynngiff I started out in a large law firm doing banking & real estate. Later I switched to the federal courts. I was with the Office of Staff Attorneys for the US Court of Appeals, 8th Circuit. I eventually became a supervisor there and stayed 27 years! I retired in 2017.
Jan 28Reply
fourlimes @micheleclong wow that’s incredible! Congratulations!
Jan 28Reply
micheleclong I should also have said if you ever have questions about school just get in touch! I learned exam writing technique early on and ended up graduating first in my class. But it was a long haul. Sometimes like eating sawdust. But it IS and WILL BE worth it. I’m happy for you and proud of you because I know it’s not easy to work law school into your life and family life. Plus Poshmark! You go girl!!!
Jan 28Reply
micheleclong You can and will do the law thing too. No doubt. You clearly have the energy and drive and intelligence.
Jan 28Reply
fourlimes @micheleclong thank you so much 😊
Jan 28Reply
theshadeshop @erynngiff Absolutely love your closet👗👙👚👕👔👠👡 Have fun shopping✨🥳 Also love the feed of your account🤩
Feb 06Reply
fourlimes @os_authentics thank you! You too 😊
Feb 06Reply
dress4_lesslie Thanks for sharing. 💗
Feb 10Reply
ms_leand_3 💖Hey hun, I'm just stopping by your lovely closet to show some 💖"Posh love!" 💖Have a Poshtastic day!💖😘
Feb 12Reply
sweetpeamom Omg! Loving your closet too! Gorgeous 😍
Feb 17Reply
lvlady502 Loving this closet.💕💕
Feb 21Reply
jeanlover05 Hey your post says buy one get one free is that go everything
Mar 04Reply
fourlimes @jeanlover05 Hello! The details are on the post! Check it out! It includes kids items that have “ BOGO ❗️” in the title!
Mar 04Reply
vpl1116 Great selection! i’d totally love if you want to check out my listings 😊❤️
Mar 04Reply
fourlimes @vpl1116 I just went to check out your closet, unfortunately you have NON COMPLIANT listings 😢 Make sure you check out the guidelines!
Mar 04Reply
cait_ny I just dropped off your shipment at USPS! Enjoy your purchase!
Mar 13Reply
fourlimes @cait_ny that was literally the quickest shipment ever!!! Thank you so much 💗🛍
Mar 13Reply
vibeunderground You're doing fantastic, Erynn! I LOVE what you're doing in your closet! 😍
Mar 23Reply
fourlimes @vibeunderground thanks so much! ❤️
Mar 23Reply
dawnmfen You are absolutely gorgeous and adorable!!! Best of luck in All of your endeavours!!
Apr 02Reply
fourlimes @dawnmfen thanks so much!!!
Apr 02Reply
its_shop_oclock @erynnsthreads I was reading about the LBB group on the FB page...did you get in on that yet? If so can you tag me? Thx!
Apr 15Reply
fourlimes @rukiddingme33 Hello! The woman who ran that group doesn’t do it anymore, she was just telling me about It.. but we did create a new group called “Poshmark 5 Star Ambassadors”!
Apr 15Reply
dailydrip Ur killing it it ! Looks like ur on ur way to a legendary life ! Just wanted to send positive vibes ur way. Precious family as well 🙏🏻💯
Apr 25Reply
skhovis Hey, Erynn. Thanks so much for your help yesterday. I have another question---How do I lower shipping? Is cutting the shipping basically a discount on the item? I see some people have $4.99 shipping. Thanks so much for your help again!
Apr 30Reply
fourlimes @skhovis you’re welcome! You lower shipping by making an offer to liners!! This is done by going to the item & selecting “offer to likers”. It means that you pay the difference!
Apr 30Reply
fourlimes @dailydrip thank you! 😊
May 01Reply
rykervintage Erynn, Your closet is amazing!
May 12Reply
fourlimes @rykersvintage thank you 😊
May 12Reply
romacooper This is my very first time buying here. Thanks for making it fun! 😁
May 17Reply
fourlimes @robynmcooper I’m so happy to hear that! Thanks for shopping my closet! Xo 💗
May 17Reply
manish Thank you for sharing the comment on my listing. In gratitude of our amazing community and passionate seller stylists like you!
May 23Reply
fourlimes @manish thank you!!!! 😊
May 23Reply
thriftylane_289 @erynnsthreads thanks for all your kindness today. Posh PFFs 🌻🌼🌸
May 29Reply
bama157 Hi love that purse but want to stay at 45. (The coach teal) thanks !
Jun 13Reply
fourlimes @bama157 thanks so much for your interest! I countered your offer with my best available price 😊
Jun 13Reply
mctocco Hi, Erin. Love your closet! A real pleasure to browse and share!
Jun 18Reply
fourlimes @mctocco thank you, yours as well 😊
Jun 18Reply
silkbird Hi Erynn! Really enjoying being a part of the FB 5Star group 💗💗 Donna
Jul 03Reply
fourlimes @ddnuz Aw! So glad to have you xoxo
Jul 03Reply
thedotarchive Love your close Erynn! Very trendy and stylish! <3
Jul 10Reply
fourlimes @thedotarchive thanks so much! 💗
Jul 10Reply
melaniecrodgers Awesome!!! Beautiful pics and your son is a doll!! 👶🦶💋
Aug 13Reply
vblanchette loovelooveloove your closet😍😍😍
Nov 21Reply
fourlimes @vblanchette Thanks girl!! Happy to offer you a discount! xo
Nov 21Reply
tabithasbless 🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊Congrats on your co-hosting party Wardrobe Must-Have🎉🎊🎉🎊Please take a moment to look through my closet for a possible Host Pick💕Thanks💜💚❤️😘😘❤️💜💚🎉🎊🎉🎊💕💕💕💕🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊
Dec 11Reply
adornedlovely Hi😊, Congratulations on Hosting the Wardrobe Must-Haves Posh Party. I would love it if you would consider selecting an item from my closet as a host pick for your party. Wishing you a successful party. Thank you & Happy Poshing 😊💕💕💕
Dec 11Reply
scarlethreads congrats on hosting a wardrobe must haves party tomorrow!!🌟 please check out my closet for some fabulous potential host picks!!! 💝💝💝😊
Dec 11Reply
vitrineonline Congrats on hosting!! Please consider me for some host pick
Dec 11Reply
vitrineonline Congrats on hosting!! Please consider me for some host pick
Dec 11Reply
palmbeachvibe Congratulations on hosting a POSH party! 🎉 🎈 I would love for you to check out my closet for a possible host pick. Thanks so much for looking. Wishing you speedy sales!
Dec 11Reply
artelart Congratulations on hosting a party tomorrow night!!! 🎉🌺🔴‼️🎈🌸😊🎉🎉🎉🎉👡👠👠👠👠👠 You have an amazing style and beautiful closet! Please feel free to stop by my cupboard and check out if you would like to choose anything for a host pick, if you’re looking of course!!! 😘Have so much fun tomorrow! Can’t wait to see all the HP’s!!!
Dec 12Reply
lindsayrm21 Congratulations on hosting! I hope your party is a great success! I’m new to Poshmark in the past 5 months and I’d love to have the opportunity for you to follow my closet or choose one of my pieces for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering! Good luck tomorrow!
Dec 12Reply
playboy_jewelry Congratulations on hosting 🎉 I’d love a host pick from my Poshmark compliant closet ✅ thanks so much 🙏
Dec 12Reply
bardolator Hi, I hope you have a fantastic Posh party this evening. If you get a chance to take a look at my listings for a possible host pick, I’d be most grateful. Thank You and Happy Poshing.
Dec 12Reply
jasdressingroom Congrats on hosting!! Would love a HP if you’re still looking. Thanks and can’t wait 🥂♥️🥳
Dec 12Reply
Dec 12Reply
cleogemshop Hi! Congrats on hosting tomorrow! Please check out my closet, I have lots of great picks for you. 💕👠👙👗👚🥾👒🧤👛🎒
Dec 12Reply
lindsayrm21 Congratulations on hosting! I hope your party is a great success! I’m new to selling on Poshmark in the past 3 months and I’d love to have the opportunity for you to follow my closet or choose one of my pieces for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering! Good luck tomorrow!
Dec 12Reply
msuppes1 Congrats on hosting the Wardrobe Must-Haves Posh Party tonight! I would really really appreciate it if you could take a look at my closet and see if there is anything that you would consider for HP. Congrats again on hosting, and Happy Poshing!
Dec 12Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much!
Dec 12Reply
savvynycshopper I love your style & Taste. And the way you have organized your closet by color is AWESOME!!!
Dec 12Reply
cathyfrangos Congratulations on hosting your upcoming party! I would be so honored to be considered as a host pic for your party. I have everything trendy to the classics. I have just recently reopened my closet after a reverse total shoulder replacement and could certainly use the exposure! Thank you so much for your consideration I would be very grateful.
Dec 12Reply
kristina11616 Congrats on hosting tonight! 🎉 If you get a chance, I’d really appreciate if you could take a look through my PC closet for a possible HP! Good luck & have fun! I will be there sharing & supporting! 🥰❤️
Dec 12Reply
poshwitherika @erynnsthreads Major props to you on all of your accomplishments! Fantastic closet, Congrats on hosting the upcoming Wardrobe Must Haves Party 🎉 Id truly love if you could take a peek at my closet for a possible Host Pick! Have a fantastic party 💕
Dec 13Reply
cocosverobeach Hi Erin! My name is Ronda and I’ve been following you for awhile now and was hoping that you’d be kind enough to honor me with a Host Pick this evening. Either way I’ll be there sharing my buns off at your party 🎉 @cocosverobeach also my pff has never had a Host Pick if you wouldn’t mind @jahjahjewelry
Dec 13Reply
acelestialsoul 🎄Thanks for hosting the Wardrobe Must-Haves party. 💕 I've JUST LISTED more BEAUTIFUL pieces FOR THIS PARTY! Please take a peek at my Posh Compliant closet for Host 🏆 Picks...✅ 🎄Check out my LACE BRALETTES, 🎅BOHO MAXI DRESS, 🎁 Zara Leather City Bag, ❄️Coca-Cola Polar Bear Christmas Sweatshirt, 💎Diamond Earrings or all kinds of awesome-ness! I’m spreading the Holiday 🎄Cheer on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumbler, Pinterest & Poshmark. 🎁Happy❄️Holidays!🎄Tricia🎅
Dec 13Reply
sammikam So excited to shop and share in your Posh Party tonight! Would love to be considered for a host pick, if interested!
Dec 13Reply
tiffsflips Hi there! So exciting you’re co-hosting this posh party! If you happen to be searching for host picks, I have a couple of items that I would be honored if you could consider. No pressure though! Wishing you speedy sales, happy poshing! 💝
Dec 13Reply
thread2thread My Love ... congrats on your hosting!!!! And thank you from the bottom of my heart for the HP .... PFF ❤️❤️❤️
Dec 13Reply
vaguelyurban Hi and congrats on hosting!!l I’m brand new to Poshmark and am having a BLAST! I welcome you to check out my closet and potentially share a Host Pick. I have a wide range of styles and prices high to low. Please consider one of my items for a host pick! Happy Poshing and happy sharing!
Dec 13Reply
moudgil62 Congrats on hosting tonight! Please check out my closet for a possible host pick. Thanks!
Dec 13Reply
ridicfabfinds Please take a look at my closet. Thank you so much!
Dec 13Reply
fashionicon2020 Hi Erynn-Nice to meet you! do you do it all-school, work , mom... & Posher??!! -Cheers, Michelle🌸
Dec 13Reply
bardolator Hi, I hope you have a fantastic Posh party this evening. If you get a chance to take a look at my listings for a possible host pick, I’d be most grateful. Thank You and Happy Poshing.
Dec 13Reply
msuppes1 Congrats on hosting the Date Night Posh Party tonight! I would really really appreciate it if you could take a look at my closet and see if there is anything that you would consider for HP. Congrats again, and Happy Poshing
Dec 13Reply
dressscore @erynnsthreads Hi, hello, just another person asking for a Host Pick 🙋. I take professional photos & would love to be considered! -Audrey
Dec 13Reply
cocosverobeach Hi Erynn, My name is Ronda and I’ve been following you for awhile now and I was hoping that you’d be kind enough to honor me with a Host Pick this evening. I’ll be hosting again shortly and surely will return the gesture! Either way I’ll be there sharing my buns off at your party 🎉 @cocosverobeach and my pff hasn’t yet had a HP @jahjahjewelry it would mean more to me to give her one than me 😊
Dec 14Reply
bluegirlsvm 💙🦋 CONGRATULATIONS on the 🎉 Date night party 🎉 - I’ve moved a few items to the top of my small closet hoping you might pick something 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 a bit intimidated by it so anxious to see what you and the other hosts pick💙🦋
Dec 14Reply
casconsignments 🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉Congrats on hosting! I’d love if you checked out my closet tonight for a host pick. 🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊
Dec 14Reply
noelous1 Congratulations on hosting the party tonight. Please take a look at my closet. I will love a host pick. ❤🛍
Dec 14Reply
thismomhasstyle Congrats on hosting🎉and good luck selling 🍀! Would you consider a host pick from my closet? Thank you❤️
Dec 14Reply
timelinestyle ✨ ERYNN ✨thank you for visiting Timeline Boutique 👠 as seen on Fashiontv 👠 excellent service + same day shipping! ✨
Dec 14Reply
jadeavenue Thank you SO much for the host pick!!!! XOXO🌹🌹🌹🌹
Dec 14Reply
sitpretty Congratulations on hosting Date Night Erynn! Thanks for the host picks! Wishing you a very successful party and many sales! Happy Holidays to you and your precious son and family! 💗💗
Dec 14Reply
hangingclothes Hi, if you have some left over Host Picks for your party tonight would you please check out mine and some of my PF’s closets for potential Host Picks?? Thank you and Happy Poshing!! @gee10 @kellstreasures @shaylenescloset @jayceebelle02 @pinksmithco @mp0186 @vplats @gapeach165 @lalasboudoir @keri_krull @mariyahmeredith @prov31gals @lauren8930 @dressinglauren @sanie5 @kortmissy @vee_on_posh 🚫private list, please do not copy🚫
Dec 14Reply
gigi11155 Congratulations on HOSTING!! Such an honor👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 If you can find a min would you see if I might have a HOST PICK PLEASE?? Tyvm and Party on!!❤️❤️👍👍😊😊👏🏼👏🏼🌹🌹🌹🎊🎊🎊🎉🎉🎉🎈
Dec 14Reply
quality_outfits You have an awesome closet! Keep it up, I’m rooting for you to be successful 👍🏾👍🏾
Dec 14Reply
mrsmom_224 👋🏻 Hi! I'm Alice! Congrats on making it to Law School and best of luck to you and that handsome little guy!
Jan 13Reply
fourlimes @mrsmom_224 thanks so much! Xoxo
Jan 13Reply
nickiruhl10 Hi there!❤️ I would love it if you checked out my closet and let me know if anything sparks your interest!🌟😊
Feb 21Reply
daffodilstrend Hi Erynn, thank you so much for the very nice review 😊. This is my personal Instagram account: perouzie 😊
Mar 01Reply
desireeroy18 Thank you so much for your sweet review!! Literally just made my day ✨💘 I’m clearing out some old stuff but I’ll be adding tons more clothes and accessories soon! So glad you liked everything!
Jul 22Reply
fourlimes @desireeroy18 I will definitely be back! Thanks! Xo 🍋
Jul 22Reply
monolidi Happy poshing!!🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like! Have a great day☺️
Aug 28Reply
jazzygemstyle Congrats on hosting tomorrow night’s party!!! 🎉 🎊 🎈 If you’re still looking for host picks, I would love for my closet to be considered. I have added lots of new items this week! Thank you. 🛍💐
Sep 11Reply
sandy0102 Yay!! Congratulations on hosting the posh party 🎈🎈 Please consider my close for host picks. Thanks!
Sep 11Reply
lorensworld Congrats on your Bold & Beautiful party!! Good luck and wishing lots of sales! 🎊🍾🎉🎈👑
Sep 11Reply
crp60 🎉Congrats on hosting the upcoming Bold and Beautiful Posh Party. Would love for you to visit my closest to possibly consider an item for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering. Good luck tomorrow. Looking forward to the event. ♥️
Sep 12Reply
rowdyruckus Congrats on your host pick tonight! See you at the party!!
Sep 12Reply
sahibtrends Congratulations u on hosting the party💥💥. Wishing you the best. I would appreciate if you check out my closet for your host-pick. You have a great weekend💕
Sep 12Reply
_khara_ Super cute closet! Love your color groupings and variety of items! ☀️
Sep 12Reply
angelalfrazier OMG... is your closet color coded? I am blown away. such fabulous items.... wow
Dec 16Reply
kuffa Thank you for the shout out! I will see you tonight at the party :)
Jan 20Reply
fourlimes @kuffa thank you! Happy hosting!
Jan 20Reply
julius17 WOW! CONGRATULATIONS ON HOSTING! That is sooo cool!! If you can, I would love if you could check out my closet to see if I have anything worthy of a host pick! I have Columbia, Eddie Bauer, Oakley, and The North Face listings for the party!😁Thank you for your time and have an amazing day! @julius17☺️✨
Feb 10Reply
tocs6 @fourlimes Thank you so much for picking my boots as your host pick!🥰🥰🥰
Feb 10Reply
jillian0404 Woohoo! Congratulations on co-hosting the Outfit Perfection party tomorrow. Please consider one of my items for HP. All the best for Posh success.
May 09Reply
crp60 🎉Congrats on hosting the upcoming Outfit Perfection Posh Party. Would love for you to visit my closest to possibly consider an item for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering. Good luck tomorrow. Looking forward to the event.♥️
May 09Reply
proverbs2323 “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” ‭‭ 🌸 ❤️🌸 Proverbs‬ ‭31:25‬ ‭NIV‬‬ 🌸 ❤️🌸 🎉Congratulations on Party Hosting! 🎉 ❤️God bless❤️ ~ @proverbs2323
May 10Reply
ditooshop @fourlimes Congratulations on cohosting today's Outfit Perfection party. I hope you can take a moment to check out my posh-compliant closet for a potential host pick. Thanks!
May 10Reply
nicole_parr Congratulations on hosting!!!!! I’d be so grateful if you considered one of my listings for a host pick 💖🦋🥳🙏
May 10Reply
needfulthyngs Hi Erynn! 🎉Congratulations on hosting the Outfit Perfection Posh Party!🎉 Would be grateful if you could swing by my closet while considering Host Picks. Thank you, wish you good luck, and see you at the party! 👍 🎉🎈💃🥳
May 10Reply
oliviacat24 Hi congrats on hosting a posh party! Please come check out my closet for any host picks for tonight’s party! Thanks and happy poshing! 🎉
May 10Reply
thisgirlmarlo Congratulations to you and thanks for hosting tonight’s style party! Drop by my closet on the lookout for outfit perfection!
May 10Reply
cuti1959 Poshmark Congratulations on hosting the ” Outfit Perfection posh party ”. Please consider an item from my closet to share. Please check out some of my PFF’s too, they have great closet. @earthsong69@chrismbc@buybrunostuff@watermelon78@dan12shot@msneverending1@tinymorel Best wishes in your sales 🐶🐶🐶😻 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶 🐶🐶🐶🐶 🦴 🦴 🦴
May 10Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much!
May 10Reply
janay121 Hey there! Congrats on hosting tonight’s party 🎉 If you still need a host pick or two, I’d love for you to check out my closet! Lots of cute stuff💜🙌🤩 Thanks! 🥰 -Janay
May 10Reply
monascollection @fourlimes 🍷Congratulations on hosting the upcoming party. I would be honored if you considered any of my hand fashioned jewelry designs and hand knit accessories for men and women🎉🎂🍹as a host pick. 🍾💝🎊I’ve had a host pick.
May 11Reply
fancycandy007 💎 Wicked Exciting! 💎 Outfit Perfection Posh Party ⚡️👖👔🎩👞💎👗👡👛💎👚👠💄⚡️ 🎉Congratulations on C0-Hosting!🤩 I wish you much success! If you have a moment, I would love for you to take a sneak 👀 peek into my closet, it's full of color and love! 💚 I will be supporting all the Host Picks and sharing all the glam! Let's get ready to Party! 💜 @FancyCandy007 🧁️🍰🍫🍬🍭🍧🍬🍭🍧🧁️🍦🍨🍭
May 11Reply
fancycandy007 🌈🎉📣💰Let's get excited! 👒👛👚👡👕👢🎽🧥💼👗👞👔👜👚👟👖👠👓👝 Congratulations for being nominated as Co-Host! Can't wait to see all the Host Picks! Cheers to my party pals! See you in style! @dmg4050 @lightandpower @conniemarie12 @gogogiglio @seansanburn @designerd @stricklen101 🍰🍧🍬🍭
May 11Reply
borregapayan Hello, excuse me do you have any information about the shipping delay of my bracelet? Thank you, and have a great day.
May 20Reply
fourlimes @borregapayan Hello, unfortunately not much. As you can see by the tracking info, it was shipped immediately after purchase on 5/12. When I reached out to USPS and Poshmark, they just said that many locations are experiencing delays due to staffing. They assured me it’s on the way. Thanks for your patience! ❤️
May 20Reply
fourlimes @borregapayan Hello, I contacted USPS again, they gave me the very generic response about how many post offices are behind right now, and assured me it’s on the way. I also contacted poshmark to explain that it was mailed on 5/12 and tracking info hasn’t updated in weeks 😞
May 27Reply
borregapayan I know, it was for a a gift and now it's too late😔, but I understand it's not your fault, thank you so much, and let's see what happens! Have a wonderful day💛😇.
May 27Reply
poshglamgirl saw u on posh line, thx for hosting, was looking for the lady w 8k inventory
Jun 10Reply
fourlimes @poshglamgirl hey! That’s me! Many of my listings are multi-quantity
Jun 10Reply
dawnmfen @fourlimes I received an offer from you. However, I can't seem to make sense of it. I think maybe you made a typo.. I would love ❤️ it if you might check it out when you have time, and I promise I will keep an eye 👁 out for it as well. Hope you are having a Blessed Sunday!!
Oct 01Reply
dawnmfen BTW...You and Your family are Just Too Adorable!!!!!
Oct 01Reply
fourlimes @dawnmfen hey there! Any offer you received is correct ❤️
Oct 02Reply
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Last Active: 4 hours ago

Assonet, MA
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