Hi, I'm Adiel! | @rosegoldlining on Instagram
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Hi! My name is Adiel (pronounced add-yell). Find me around the web as @rosegoldlining. I'm a daughter, sister, wife, mom, & friend. I have a passion for nail art, personal style, and my little family. I used to be a closet hoarder before Poshmark, but now I love seeing my pieces find new loving homes. Follow me on Instagram @rosegoldlining for my personal style, #PoshFinds, nail art designs, pics of my #PoshMinis, and the occasional Posh Tip! (link in profile)! Blog: rosegoldlining.com

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Congrats on the Host!📣🥇|🌸
Sharing and following🙃 |🌸
Wishing you speedy sales💕|🌸
Also so I’d ⓁⓄⓋⒺ❤️to have my Columbia Jacket |🌸listing considered for Host |🌸
Pick but its totally fine if not!😅 Happy Poshing!👌 |🌸
Oct 16Reply

hi, best wishes on the party and hosting! rather new to poshing and learning still. love your pretty closet and I invite you to swing by my cupboard anytime you're near... door's always open. as ever, lb
Oct 16Reply

@rosegoldlining Hi Adiel! Congrats on hosting the Outdoor Adventure Posh Party today! I’d be honored if you could please consider my closet for a Host Pick to feature! Thanks so much & have fun hosting! (:
Oct 16Reply

@Ariel Can LOLE outerwear be added to Outdoor Party today? Thanks & Best wishes! Barbara, Posh Ambassador, NYC 🍁🍊🍂🎃
Oct 16Reply

Hi!!! I see that you’re hosting a fun little party tomorrow and I have a few items in my closet I’m hoping you’ll consider for possible Host Picks!!! Thank you!
Oct 17Reply

Congrats on hosting! 💜
Oct 17Reply

Congrats on hosting! 💜
Oct 17Reply

Congrats on hosting a posh party tomorrow! If you have a few extra moments, I would love if you could check out my closet for a potential host pick :)
Happy poshing 💕
❌⭕️❌⭕️ Kaycie
Ps- I follow you on insta 😍 @kcnaela
Oct 18Reply

Hey! Congrats on hosting a party. 💃Sharing and following 🎉 I would looove for you to check out my closet and consider me for a host pick tomorrow! I do have a lot of Victoria's Secret Pink items and a beautiful sequin dress from ASOS that is perfect for this holiday season 🤗 have fun!
Oct 18Reply

🎉yay .. you are hosting one of my favorite Posh Parties to shop 😁 it’s almost party time👚👖👗 if you still are looking for host picks I’d love for you to check out my Zara and Converse items ⭐️ Congrats again and happy sales🛍🛍
Oct 18Reply

Congratulations for you hosting my dear 🌺💖❤️🎁please take look my closet if you still need the host pick 🌺💖❤️🎁🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎉🎊🎉
Oct 18Reply

round two... 🤗 Good luck with the party!!! I’ve got one very cool item (a Levi’s jean jacket) with a great backstory and hand painted image of the world… in my small closet!!! If you like it, maybe you’d consider making it a Posh Pick!! (fingers crossed). have a super weekend!!!
Oct 18Reply

Congrats on the Host!📣🥇|🌸
Sharing and following🙃 |🌸
Wishing you speedy sales💕|🌸
Also so I’d ⓁⓄⓋⒺ❤️to be considered for Host |🌸
Pick but its totally fine if not!😅 Happy Poshing!👌 |🌸
Oct 18Reply

Congrats on hosting! Would love if you could check out my closet! ♡
Oct 18Reply

Congrats, hostess! Boho is my middle name! Many new fall listings from FP, Johnny Was, Anthro. LB & more! All NWTS! Grateful if chosen! @stylabration
Oct 18Reply

Love your closet! Beautiful family and nail art! 🥰
Oct 18Reply

🍀 Good luck with the party!!! 🌸🌸🌸 I’ve got a tiny (compliant) closet and would be soooo proud if you liked any of my 5 Free People and Anthropology items enough to select as your Host Pick!!! 🤞🏻🤞🏻 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
Oct 19Reply

Good morning, thanks for the ig love. Came through to spread some Posh Love! Wishing you an amazing weekend! _Lauren PS Ah-mazing closet!!!
Oct 19Reply

Congratulations on being selected as a host for the party tomorrow! 💜 I have a super cute pair of Lululemon leggings with a fun pattern down the side in my closet if you have time to check them out. 😊
Oct 19Reply

Congrats on hosting!! 🍾🎉 feel free to stop by my small yet humble closet, I just posted a great Adidas best and Nike Dri-fit jacket!! ☺️ Congrats again and have fun with the party! 💐💕
Oct 19Reply

Congrats on hosting a posh party! If you have a few extra moments, I’d love if you could check out my closet for a potential host pick :)
Happy Poshing ✨
Xoxo Kaycie 💕
Oct 20Reply

hi! congrats on hosting! 🎉 if you need any inspo for a host pick, feel free to check out my closet! i’ve got some great nike pieces! ☺️ happy poshing! 💕
Oct 20Reply

Love love the look and panache.
Oct 20Reply

🎉🎉🎉🎉 Congratulations on your 🎉🎉🎉🎉 I will be there and Share for sure🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 Love for you to take a look at our closets for a possible Host Picks🙏❤️ Wishing you Massive Success 🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍💰❤️ Bringing my Sand Dollar Babes 🏖💵@listingleague @sun2mysunflwrs @poshmadyz
Oct 21Reply

Congratulations on hosting the Luxury party Adiel!!🎉🥳🛍🥰
I would love to be considered for a host pick and have a 100% all luxury closet with Men David Yurman Jewelry, Gucci Bags and All designer shoes: Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada and more! Thank you so much!🥰
Oct 21Reply

Congratulations on being selected as a host for tomorrow’s party! I would love it if you have time to look at some items in my closet. 😊💜
Oct 21Reply

Congrats on hosting! Take a look at my closet if you’re searching for some host picks! It would mean so much to me! Thank you! 😊
Oct 22Reply

@rosegoldlining going to follow you !
Oct 22Reply

🎉Congratulations on hosting the Designer party today!🎉 The NWT Alice + Olivia dress in my closet would be a perfect host pick if you're still needing some! 😊 I hope you have a blast hosting!
Oct 22Reply

Congrats on hosting please consider selecting my coach shoes for the party! Thank you 💞🥳
Oct 22Reply

See you all at the partyyyyy 💕💕
Oct 22Reply

@rosegoldlining Hi 👋 & Congratulations 🎉🍾 on Hosting ! I’d like to invite u to take a peek 🧐in my closet to find 🔍ur HP. I look forward to 🛒🛍 n joining u at the party 🎉! I will be there sharing, supporting & shopping...Thank You 😊
Oct 22Reply

•Hello there•
Check out my closet
For host pick
•Thank you•
Happy Poshing!!!
Oct 22Reply

I would appreciate it if you took a look at my closet for a potential HP! 😍❤️
Wishing you all the posh success 💕💕
Oct 22Reply

congrats on hosting. Please consider my vinyard vines whale shirt for host pick!! thanks!
Oct 23Reply

Congrats on being host!!!! Love your closet 🥰 if you have a minute please check out mine 🙃
Oct 23Reply

Congrats for hosting the Preppy Posh Party today! What fun that will be. I’m newer to Posh and I’d love if you could select one of my closet items as a host pick! I have a totally men’s closet and I’d love to be able to show off the clothes in there. Please check out my closet to see what could be featured. Good luck and hope you get lots of sales.
Oct 23Reply

Followed! I’m on insta too @lindseymurphy19 🥰
Oct 23Reply

Hello, I am going on my 3rd month Poshing, Have some really FRESH RAGS for the Preppy Party, please let me know if any of my Brooks Brothers, TH, KS and VV freshness in my closet catch your eye!!! Really hoping to spread some Freshness, please consider my closet. Much appreciated!!!! David
Oct 23Reply

Congrats on hosting a party! If its no problem please check out my closet for possible host pick! Happy Poshing!
Oct 23Reply

Such a lovely closet Adiel! ;)
Oct 23Reply

Congrats on your posh party! 🎃🧡🎃🧡🎃🧡🎃🧡
Oct 23Reply

Hi I have a J Crew Sport Coat and a Ralph Lauren bath robe I am trying to share to your party and the app won’t let me. Both brands are on the party list and all categories are permitted. Is there a way to get my listings shared? Thanks in advance, Andy
Oct 23Reply

Congrats for hosting the Outdoor Adventure Party today. What fun that will be. I’m newer to Posh and I’d love if you could select one of my closet items as a host pick! I have a totally men’s closet and I’d love to be able to show off the clothes in there. Please check out my closet to see what could be featured. Good luck and hope you get lots of sales.
Oct 24Reply

Congratulations on hosting your Trending Zara... party tomorrow! I would be so honored to be considered as a host pic for your party. I have everything trendy to the classics. I have just recently reopened my closet after a reverse total shoulder replacement and could certainly use the exposure! Thank you so much for your consideration I would be very grateful.
Oct 25Reply

Congrats on hosting tomorrow! I have some items that would make a great addition to the party. Please check out my closet!! Thanks! @lasourced
Oct 25Reply

Congrats on hosting! I would love a host pick. Happy hosting!!! @rosegoldlining
Oct 26Reply

Congratulations on being selected as a host for tomorrow’s party! 🎉 If you have time, I would love if you could look at a few items in my closet! 😊💜
Oct 26Reply

Followed ❤️
Oct 26Reply

Congratulations on hosting this afternoon’s party!
If you’re still looking for some Host Picks, I’d be honored if you took a look at my closet.
I’ve shared some of my favorites to the top
Now let’s party ! 🥂🥰
Oct 26Reply

Congrats on hosting this party! I would appreciate you checking out my closet for potential host picks!! 💕
Oct 26Reply

Congratulations on being selected to host another party tomorrow - you’re killing it! 🔥🎉 If you have time, I would love for you to look at a couple items in my closet! 😊💜
Oct 26Reply

Wooohooo! Congrats on hosting the best party of the week. Please consider one of my items for HP. All the best for success.
Oct 26Reply

Hey there! Super excited for tomorrow’s party!! I have a really stunning Anthro dress in my closet that is waiting for the right person - take a look!! In the meantime, I’m going shopping in your closet :)
Oct 27Reply

Congratulation Adiel on hosting. Have a great day.
Oct 27Reply

💜❤️💜❤️Congrats on co-hosting such an awesome party! 🌸🎉🌸 I’m partying with you!! 🕶😀🕶If you’re still looking for Host Picks please check out my closet. 🌼🛍🌼👠Happy Poshing!!!❤️💜❤️💜
Oct 27Reply

Congrats on your posh party 🎈 🎈🥰🎃🧡🎃🧡🎃
Oct 27Reply

Congrats on hosting!🎉 Love your closet! Would love it if you checked out mine😊 I have lots of athletic clothes for sale and would love it if you could consider for hp:)
Oct 28Reply

Great closet! I shared your post, can you please check out my page for possible host picks?
Oct 28Reply

Congratulations on your Luxury Posh Party! 🎉🥳 I know you’re going to crush it!💪I’ve got 1 fun luxury item that I think you’d love. Proud of my 1 item and still growing my closet! Hopefully you take a look and spot a host pick.🌟💃🏻🤞🛍
Oct 28Reply

@rosegoldlining hi Adiel! CONGRATULATIONS 🎉🎊🍾 so excited to join the party! I hope you get a chance to check out my closet in hopes that you see something worthy of a Host Pick! 💞💞💞
Oct 29Reply

Hi Adiel! Congrats on hosting the luxury party! One of my favorites! I know this may be short notice but I would greatly appreciate it if you check out my closet! My 2 Hermès scarf listings are right on top ☺️
Oct 29Reply

Awesome on hosting! Love your closet. I have a MICHAEL KORS BEDFORD SATCHEL HANDBAG that you can show off at your party. Good luck!
Oct 29Reply

Congratulations on hosting your Designers party tomorrow! I would be so honored to be considered as a host pic for your party. I have everything trendy to the classics. I have just recently reopened my closet after a reverse total shoulder replacement and could certainly use the exposure! Thank you so much for your consideration I would be very grateful.
Oct 29Reply

Hello, My name is Juliet and feel free to check out my closet for tomorrows party. I have two bags, Coach and Michael Kors. Also, huge congrats on hosting. How exciting!!!
Oct 29Reply

Congratulations on your latest co hosting of a posh party!!! 🛍🎉🎀 how exciting 🤩🤩
If you could check out my closet, I have several brand new Michael Kors bags 👜, sweaters, and vests that I would love it you would pick for the party. Thanks for you consideration 😌
Oct 29Reply

@rosegoldlining Congrats on hosting tomorrow! I joined PM a few days ago and have been working hard to add listings to my closet. So far, I love the community aspect of PM and these parties seem like a fun way to get involved! Wishing you the very best! ❤️ ❤️
Oct 30Reply

you have a beautiful closet. it's a real inspiration to a new seller like me.
Oct 30Reply

Congratulations on Hostessing the Cole Hahn Posh Party! I would appreciate it if you would stop by my closet and check out some of my Cole Haan Listings including a lambskin Blazer, Shoes and Bag. Happy Poshing!
Oct 30Reply

Really cute pics. You look like you are so happy and it radiates from your pics. Just saying. 😉. I had to check you out as I’ve never seen anyone with so many followers. Wow. You must be on PM since day one. Congrats on your party and all your success. Roz
Oct 30Reply

Congrats on Hosting and creating an awesome brand! Very inspiring!
Oct 30Reply

🌵Hi, Posher 🥰
🌵I’m here to Spread Kindness,
🌵Happiness and Gratitude 🙏🏼
🌵Sharing your Lovely Closet
🌵in hopes of many sales 🛍
☀️I hope you Have a Wonderful
☀️Week 🥰
🎃🍂🍁Happy Fall
🎃🍂🍁Happy Fall
🎃🍂🍁Happy Fall
🌵🧩🌵 🌵🧩🌵
🌵 🧩 🌵 🧩 🌵
🌵🧩🎃Monica in AZ🎃🧩🌵
Oct 30Reply

🎉🎉🎉🎉CONGRATS ON HOSTING🎉🎉🎉🎉 I would love if you would take a look at my closet for a potential host pick!!!
Oct 30Reply

You have a lovely closet happy poshing. 😁
Oct 30Reply

Hi, Adiel. Nice to meet you. Congratulations on your Poshmark Haul series! Thank you for posting the episode. And thank you for sharing a little bit about yourself to your Poshmark family here. :-)
Oct 30Reply

🎉CONGRATS on hosting 🎉
🖤🖤🖤Please consider something from my closet🖤🖤🖤
⭐️🛍⭐️I’ll be sure to share some of your fabulous Host Pick during your party to my followers⭐️🛍⭐️
Oct 31Reply

Y’all did a fantastic job with the haul video!! Two thumbs up🎉🥳💕
Oct 31Reply

🎉CONGRATS on hosting Preppy 🎉
🖤🖤🖤Please consider something from my closet🖤🖤🖤
⭐️🛍⭐️I’ll be sure to share some of your fabulous Host Pick during your party to my followers⭐️🛍⭐️
Oct 31Reply

Hi I am New to posh I wanted to congratulate you on your party you are hosting. I Would love for you to check my closet and share with your followers
Oct 31Reply

Hello 👋 CONGRATS 🎈🎉🍾 ON YOUR PARTY.. I am Fairly new on posh and I would Love ❤️ for you to check out my closet and let me know what you think
Oct 31Reply

Thanks so much for hosting the party today! I got a lot of traction off of it
Oct 31Reply

Hi! Running a "no offer refused" special for the party! Would love a host pick! :-D congrats and happy poshing!
Nov 02Reply

Can’t wait to host a party one day! I have a pair of platform Converses that would be perfect for today’s Trending & More Party @maji343
Nov 03Reply

Hi Adiel
Congratulations on hosting.
Nov 03Reply

Hi Adiel! I’m a newbie to this great business since June. I’m trying to learn the ropes from you wonderful people & expand my business! Congrats on hosting the Best In Trending party! 🎉 If you wouldn’t mind taking a peek at my closet I would be absolutely honored in receiving a host pick on one of my items! Thanks again & happy Poshing!!! ♥️🥰
Nov 03Reply

Congratulations for being selected for the Best in Boho Hostessing! I would appreciate it if you would stop by my closet and take a Look at my Johnny Was Holiday Red Embroidered Top! Happy Poshing!
Nov 04Reply

How fun to be hosting a party 🥰🥰 please consider something from my closet as one of your host picks 🥰🥰
Nov 04Reply

Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, will you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much!
Nov 04Reply

Congrats on hosting the Pretty, Flirty & Girly Posh Party!!! I would be so honored if you checked out my closet and considered one of my items as a host pick! Thank you so much! Have fun and happy poshing!!!❤️❤️❤️
Nov 05Reply

Hi Adiel, Congrats on hosting today. Wish you and the others a successful one. If it's not too late, could you please check my closet for a late hour Host Pick. I'd be most grateful. Thanks a lot. 🌹🌹
Nov 05Reply

Congrats on the Host!📣🥇|🌸 Sharing and following🙃 |🌸 Wishing you speedy sales💕
Nov 05Reply

Hiya Posh Boss! Congrats on co-hosting a party! 🎉👍🏼🎊😍I’d love to be part of it with you, so please check out my closet for a host pick! 🔥🎈🏆🎀😻 A million thanks! 🎈🎊🎉🦄🐼 Have a great day!
Nov 05Reply

hey, congrats on hosting!! i have some super cute pieces that i'd love for you to consider for host picks!! happy poshing, congrats again❤️❤️
Nov 05Reply

Hi love, good luck hosting!!☺️ If you get a chance, I’d love for you to check out my closet if you’re in need for picking a host pick!🥰
Nov 05Reply

Love your style & taste!!!🎉🥳💕
Nov 05Reply

Nov 05Reply

Congratulations on hosting! I hope your party is a great success! I’m new to Poshmark in the past 4 months and I’d love to have the opportunity for you to follow my closet or choose one of my pieces for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering! Good luck tomorrow!
Nov 05Reply

Congrats on hosting my favorite party to attend on Poshmark!! 🎉🎉 I have a great selection of premier designer shoes and clothing and would be most grateful if you would consider my closet for a host pick 🌺
Nov 05Reply

Congrats on hosting!! 🍾🎉 feel free to stop by my small yet humble closet ☺️ I’ve got some great girly pieces!! Congrats again and have fun with the party! 💐💕
Nov 05Reply

Yay! Huge Congratulations on hosting! Feel free to take a look at my closet. ❤️🎊🎉
Nov 05Reply

congrats on you co hosting your first posh party 🎉 🎈 🎊 feel free to check out my closet for some host picks!
Nov 05Reply

Congratulations on hosting a party!! If you visit my closet please consider any as a host pick. Enjoy the party :)
Nov 05Reply

Congratulations on hosting a party!! If you visit my closet please consider any as a host pick. Enjoy the party :)
Nov 05Reply

Congratulations on hosting a party!! If you visit my closet please consider any as a host pick. Enjoy the party :)
Nov 05Reply

Congratulations on hosting a party!! If you visit my closet please consider any as a host pick. Enjoy the party :)
Nov 05Reply

Congratulations on hosting a party!! If you visit my closet please consider any as a host pick. Enjoy the party :)
Nov 05Reply

Love ❤️ your pictures. Very stylish 💃🏼. Congratulations on hosting the party tomorrow , enjoy every minute of it and happy sales🎉. I would be grateful if you would kindly check out my closet for a consideration for a host pick. 🥳😉🤗🎉
Nov 05Reply

Congrats on hosting party tomorrow 🍾Wishing luck with choosing fashionable pieces! If you get a chance to check out my closet,I have a few pieces what I would love to get promote.
Thank you Nana from @viewofstyle🛍🤞🏻
Nov 06Reply

Congratulations on hosting the pretty, flirty, girly party!🎊🥳💖 If you need some options for your host picks, please feel free to check out my closet! I am compliant and have a ton of girly stuff☺️ thanks for your consideration💕 goodluck with the party, see you then🎉🥂
Nov 06Reply

Congrats on hosting the Pretty, Flirty & Girly party tomorrow night!! 🎉🎉 I would really appreciate if you would consider my closet for a host pick. 💃💃 Thanks so much for your consideration and have a blast!! 😊😊💖💖
Nov 06Reply

Congratulations on hosting the pretty, flirty and girly party! 🤗 I'd be so grateful if you could look through my closet for any potential host picks! Thank you so much in advance! Can't wait for the party! 💓
Nov 06Reply

Hey I have some great deals on CHANEL coats, I also recieved an invite to a Posh party for luxury items. but I don't know how it works exactly. Can you help?
Nov 06Reply

Congrats on hosting tonight!! Please check out my closet for a potential host pick 😊Thanks for your consideration!!
Nov 06Reply

Congrats on hosting!! Would love a HP if you’re still looking. Thanks and can’t wait 🥂🎶🥂🎶
Nov 06Reply

Hey there! I’m sure the notifications are rolling in! I’d love to be considered for a host pick. Thanks, happy poshing 😘
Nov 06Reply

congrats on your hosting gig! 🎉👏🏻 i’ve got some great pieces in my closet, and i’d love for you to come by and check them out! 🧥👚👖😘 see you at the party! 🛍💕
Nov 06Reply

Hi Congrats on hosting! Feel free to take a look at my closet ❤️🎉🎊
Nov 06Reply

🥳 Congrats on your hosting gig tonight! Would love if you took a peek at my closet for some potential host picks! ❤️
Nov 06Reply

Congrats on hosting! If you get a second please check out my closet! I’m currently
donating 10% of all sales to those who were affected by the hurricanes and tropical storms on the east coast. We have already donated close to 800$!!! 💕😘 I’ll be by to share some extra posh love throughout the day too! 🎉🥂
Nov 06Reply

Congrats on another party! I love your Insta page ;) Please follow mine! @handmadeforearthlings
Nov 06Reply

@rosegoldlining Hello there!! Congratulations on your HOST PARTY tonight!! My favorite part of all this is packing my boxes up with a little extra love and shipping them off! I would love a HOST PICK tonight. Unfortunately, I am closing up shop and would love to share my beautiful boutique with as many as I can before I go!! BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!!! ❤️
Nov 07Reply

Hello & Congratulations 🎈🎉🎊🍾 Hosting tonight’s party! I wish I had a clearer idea of the theme. What kinds of listings fall under that?
Nov 07Reply

Great closet!!
Unique selection and lots of “ make your outfit” pieces!
Nov 07Reply

⭐️⭐️ Congratulations on hosting the posh party ⭐️⭐️
Nov 07Reply

Hi I have an MK purse that would be great for tommorw’s Party. Wishing you many share and sales.
Have fun hosting!
Nov 07Reply

I'm inspired by you modeling your own Poshmark pieces. I've only now started getting bold enough to add pics of me in my closet. But I think it adds such a personal touch. Thanks for your confidence in your own style. It pushes me to represent the gray haired set, as well.
Nov 07Reply

Don't you think that the Posh party live share event is a bit skewed? I mean shouldn't a town of 10,000 people have the same chance to win as a town of 1M. shouldn't it be based on a percentage of poshers per shares etc
Nov 07Reply

Good morning
I would be grateful if you consider an item in my closet for host pick. Have a great day.
Nov 07Reply

Thanks for hosting the Nominate Your City Posh Party last night. I got a lot of traction off of it!
Nov 07Reply

Congrats on hosting your party. You have a lovely closet. I wish you many quick sales and a lot of fun tomorrow. Godspeed !
Nov 07Reply

So excited for the Preppy party!
Nov 07Reply

Sooooo Cute I have the matching Kate Spade Maxi Dress 🍋 and Swimsuits 🍋
Nov 07Reply

Possible on the Kate Spade Host Pic List? It was a Best Seller 🍋
Nov 07Reply

Congratulations on hosting a party! I would love for you to check out my closet for a possible host pick. Thanks for looking!
Nov 07Reply

🙋🏼♀️ hey girl!
Nov 10Reply

Good morning.....LipSense is ths product of the brand SeneGence. Like Tarte or any other brand. FYI
Nov 10Reply

Fabulous Photos! 💗
Nov 10Reply

Hi! Congrats on hosting today!! I have a few Zara pieces in my closet I would love you to consider for a HP. Thanks so much and hope you have a lovely day!💕
Nov 11Reply

Hey there ! Big Congrats on co-hosting the Trending Party ! Im just here to show some much posh love & have hopes you check out my closet for any possible Host Picks ! Thanks & Happy poshing to you 😁💫
Nov 11Reply

Hi love, good luck hosting!!☺️ If you get a chance, I’d love for you to check out my closet if you’re in need for picking a host pick!🥰
Nov 11Reply

Wooohoo! Congratulations on Co-hosting the Anthropologie Party. Please consider one of my fabulous Anthro pieces for HP. All the best for success.
Nov 11Reply

Adiel your photos are amazing and your insta is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥! I’d be so honored if you considered some of my Anthropologie listings for host pick!!
Nov 11Reply

Love your closet and really excited for the party! xo
Nov 12Reply

Congrats <3
Nov 12Reply

Hi! Congrats on your party today! I would be so appreciative if you could take a look at my closet for a host pick if you have any time. Thanks ❤️
Nov 12Reply

I love your style! All of your merchandise is amazingly cute! Beautiful family!
Nov 12Reply

Congratulations on hosting! Your closet is so professional and stylish! I’ve been selling on here for a few months now and I’m hoping to eventually be as successful as you are! If you have a moment to check out my closet and possibly consider a host pick I would really appreciate it. Either way I’ll see you at the party! Happy hosting! -Emily
Nov 12Reply

Congratulations on hosting a posh party!!!🎉🎉🎉 If you have time, please take a look at my closet. I think my Adidas jacket would be perfect for the party!!🌷🌷
Nov 13Reply

Congrats on hosting the Luxury party tomorrow. I wish you lots of success with your Picks and bumper sales from your ever-so-lovely closet. 🎉🎉🎉
Nov 13Reply

Congratulations on hosting tomorrow’s Designer Party. If you’re still looking for host picks I have an MK purse that would be great for this party. Have fun checking out everyone’s closet.
Nov 15Reply

Congratulations on Hostessing today! I would appreciate it you would stop by my closet to check out the many Coach and Cole Han Shoes, Boots, Bags and Leather Jacket for consideration! Happy Poshing!
Nov 15Reply

Hi Adiel!! Congrats on hosting today's party!! I have a beautiful MK purse in my close that I would love for you to consider for host pick .... please and thank you!! :-)
Nov 15Reply

Hi Adiel! I'm new to poshmark and I'd be grateful if you had time to take a look at my closet- I have several Coach and Michael Kors pieces that could make a great host pick. Thank you!
Nov 15Reply

lovely closet
Nov 15Reply

Hi! Congrats on hosting today! I have some great pieces in my closet I would love you to consider for a HP. Hope you have a great rest of your day!! 💕
Nov 15Reply

@rosegoldlining Hi! You have a BEAUTIFUL closet! Congrats on hosting the noon Michael Kors Posh Party! Please consider one of my Michael Kors items as a HP! Thanks for the consideration and have a great Posh day! -Dee😊
Nov 15Reply

hey girl!!! I love your closet!!! Congrats on hosting <3 I am new here and would love to be considered for a host pick! Check out my stuff if you have a chance! :) xx Jordyn
Nov 15Reply

@rosegoldlining Congrats on hosting the upcoming Preppy Posh Party 🥳 I shared a couple items with you that I think would be great Host Picks 🌈🌟✨ Please feel free to browse my closet for any others! Thanks for your consideration & Happy Poshing to you! 🌼
Nov 15Reply

Congratulations on hosting I have so many great things in my closet including Kate spade JCREW vineyard vines and Lilly Pulitzer. I would love and appreciate it if you took a look and consider something as a host pick! Thank you and have a wonderful time hosting!
Nov 16Reply

Hello Adiel! Love your closet! Maybe you can check out my designer top picks from my closet and see if there’s something you’d like to pick! Thank you!
Nov 16Reply

Congratulations on hosting!! 😍💖😍👑✌🏼🥂🍾😄👻 I hope you will consider me for a host pick. Thank you! Happy poshing! ✨✨
Nov 17Reply

Congrats on being a posh party host 💥💥💥 please consider choosing something from my closet as a host pick 💥💥
Nov 18Reply

@rosegoldlining Congratulations on hosting a Posh party!! 🎉🙌🏼💃🏻I will be there to celebrate your host picks and party with you!! 💃🏻🎉🎈Please take a look at my closet if you still are looking for host picks - my closet is pc. 🎉🎉🎉Congrats again!!🎈🎈🎈
Nov 18Reply

@rosegoldlining Congrats on hosting today, I love the variety in your closet!
Nov 19Reply

Congrats on hosting! I’d love if you took a look at my closet for a potential host pick 🎉❤️🎊
Nov 19Reply

Hi! Congrats on hosting today! I have some great pieces from Zara, Joie and Club Monaco in my closet I would love you to consider for a HP. Hope you have a great rest of your day!! 💕
Nov 19Reply

Wooohoo! Congratulations on Co-hosting the Anthropologie party. Please consider one of my pieces for HP. All the best for success.
Nov 19Reply

💗💕💗💕🍾🍾🍾LETS PARTY!!!!🍾🍾🍾💕💗💕💗
Congrats on HOST!!! I have an amazing Free People Bali Nights purple Maxi dress in my closet I would greatly appreciate to have chosen as one of your favorite HOST PICKS!! 🥰 Have fun at your Parry!!🎉 🎉🎉 Wishing you many speedy sales!!! ❣️❣️❣️
XO - Smoke&Clover
Nov 19Reply

Congrats on hosting tomorrow! I’m new to Poshmark and would love it if you would consider something from my closet for a host pick or following me! Good luck!
Nov 19Reply

Amazing closet!! And you💕
Congrats on hosting today. Please pass by my closet and che k my beautiful shibori hand-dyed by me💙🙏🏻⭐️
Nov 19Reply

@rosegoldlining Congrats on Hosting! If you're still looking for Host Picks, I just shared all of my Anthro & Free People items to the top of my closet--I hope you'll consider one of them! -Audrey
Nov 20Reply

@rosegoldlining hi & nice to "meet" you. I'm with you on finding a new home for clothes. I hope anything I sell puts a big smile on someone's face 💜 Congrats on hosting a party tomorrow morning! I'd sure appreciate it if you could check out my Athleta & Lululemon pieces for a possible host pick 💞💞💞 have a great day!
Nov 20Reply

Congrats on hosting the party!! If you would consider one of my listings as a pick that would be awesome! Have a great day
Nov 21Reply

Congrats on hosting this morning's athletic party!! So exciting! I have some great Nike leggings in my closet that I would love for you to consider for a host pick ... please and thank you!!!! :-)
Nov 21Reply

Congratulations on your co-hosting on the Party at 9:00 AM tomorrow morning! That is so cool! 💫💫🥂🥂🥂I would be very honored if you would look at my closet and consider my listing for a Host Pick! I am a new Posher & excited to add more listings! 😘😘
Nov 21Reply

Congratulations on hosting your Luxury party tomorrow!! I would be honored to be considered as a host pic for your party. I have everything trendy to the classics. I have just recently reopened my closet after a reverse total shoulder replacement and could certainly use the exposure! Thank you so much for your consideration I would be very grateful.
Nov 22Reply

Congratulations on hosting the upcoming Luxury Party! My closet is full of Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Burberry, Chanel and Dior. I would love it if you would take a look and consider any of it for a Host Pick! In any case, have a wonderful weekend! 💕
Nov 22Reply

congratulations on hosting the party. please take a look at my closet. I will love a host pick. 🛍🛍
Nov 23Reply

So excited for your party!! 🥳 I just uploaded my Michael Kors Whitney small leather shoulder bag and would love for you to consider it for a host pick! Xoxo
Nov 23Reply

Congratulations on hosting a party! I can’t wait! I would love for you to check out my closet for a possible host pick. Thanks for looking!
Nov 23Reply

Hey! Congrats on being a host! I have a lot of great JCrew items in my closet, I think they’d be great for the current posh party! Check them out 🤗💗
Nov 24Reply

Greetings and congrats on hosting! I only shared one item today. It's a Lilly Pulitzer hooded tunic with the elephant walk design. It's very cute and great for fall. I'd love for it to get a Host Pick! Thanks for your dedication. Lisa
Nov 24Reply

hi!! I have a great Ralph Lauren top in my closet if you still have a host pick to give 🤗
Nov 24Reply

Hi Adiel! I notice that you’re often a party host. I was wondering how to become one. I sent poshmark a request form a few times many months ago and still nothing. I’d love a chance to host a party. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you 🙏 🥰
Nov 24Reply

Hello! I have a great North Face copper collection NWT puffer that I think would be a great host pick. Would you mind taking a look?? I can tag you as well. Thank u!
Nov 24Reply

Hello! I have a great North Face copper collection NWT puffer that I think would be a great host pick. Would you mind taking a look?? I can tag you as well. Thank u!
Nov 24Reply

Congratulations on hosting the party! If you would consider one of my listings as a pick it would be super appreciated! Have an amazing day!
Nov 25Reply

@rosegoldlining Hi, do you know why Obermeyer isn’t featured in today’s party? Just curious. Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving week! 🦃
Nov 25Reply

Congrats on Hosting a Posh Party! I would love for you to consider an item from my closet as a host pick! Thanks💗
Nov 25Reply

Hi! Congratulations on hosting this awesome party!!🎉🎉🎉 I would love love love if you took a peek in my closet!💖💖💖 happy poshing!😘
Nov 26Reply

Love your clothes,
Love your fashionn style❤️ beautiful closet, I am learning from your experience and your example, thank you Rose
Nov 26Reply

Hi! Have so much fun with the posh party 🎈. Please consider my closet as a host pick! Thanks so much ❤️❤️❤️🐰
Nov 26Reply

Nov 27Reply

🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾LETS PARTY!!!!!🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾
@rosegoldlining CONGRATS ON HOSTING!! ✨🎉✨🎉✨🎉✨🎉 ✨Can’t wait time see some of your gorgeous HOST PICKS!! I Will definitely be in the showroom sharing! Please consider some of these amazing, beautiful, Posh compliant closets for a host pick:
🥂🥂Here’s to speedy sales for all! 🥂🥂
Nov 27Reply

@rosegoldlining congrats on hosting love! Thanks @smokeandclover for the tag! 💕💕💕
Nov 27Reply

Hi! Congrats on hosting today! I have some great Zara and Club Monaco pieces in my closet I would love you to consider for a HP. Hope you have a great rest of your day!! 💕
Nov 27Reply

Congrats on hosting tomorrow!! I've got some great picks for you, please check out my closet. Happy Thanksgiving!!! <3 xoxoxoxoxo
Nov 27Reply

🌵Hi, Posher 🥰
🌵I’m here to Spread Kindness,
🌵Happiness and Gratitude 🙏🏼
🌵Sharing your Lovely Closet
🌵in hopes of many sales 🛍
🍁Happy Thanksgiving🙏🏼🍂🎃
🌵🧩🌵 🌵🧩🌵
🌵 🧩 🌵 🧩 🌵
🌵❤️🧩Monica in AZ🧩💙🌵
Spreading Autism Awareness🥰
Nov 27Reply

Yay! I’ll be joining the Anthropologie party too 🥳
Nov 27Reply

Congratulations on your Posh party! Have fun and please consider some nice Anthro items in my closet as a host pic.
Nov 27Reply

Congrats on hosting!!!🥳 Please feel free to take a look in my closet for a host pick😊 Thank you🙏 see you then!💓
Nov 29Reply

you have a lovely closet happy poshing. 🌹
Nov 29Reply

Congratulations on hosting Activewear Party!!🎉 I would love ❤️ if you would take a look at my closet and maybe even see a potential host pick!! Thanks
Nov 29Reply

💜❤️💜❤️Congrats on co-hosting such an awesome party! 🌸🎉🌸 I’m partying with you!! 🕶😀🕶If you’re still looking for Host Picks please check out my closet. 🌼🛍🌼👠Happy Poshing!!!❤️💜❤️💜
Nov 30Reply

Congratulations on hosting your Designer, MK, etc Party tomorrow morning!! I would be so honored to be considered as a host pic for your party. I have everything trendy to the classics. I have just recently reopened my closet after a reverse total shoulder replacement and could certainly use the exposure! Thank you so much for your consideration I would be very grateful.
Nov 30Reply

Congrats on hosting tomorrow's party- I'm so excited to see all the beautiful styles! I have a beautiful Coach wristlet that I'd so appreciate you checking out as a possible host pic for the party :)
Dec 01Reply

Hi! Congrats on hosting today! I have some great pieces in my closet I would love you to consider for a HP. Hope you have a great rest of your day!! 💕
Dec 01Reply

Hi! I’d love for you to Check out my closet! Thank you! 😘
Dec 01Reply

Congrats on hosting tomorrow’s party 🛍 I’d love to have one of my items be selected as a host pick🎀 I’ll be there shopping and sharing the posh love💖💖
Dec 01Reply

@rosegoldlining Hi Adiel! Congrats on hosting the Preppy Posh Party tomorrow! If you have room for another Host Pick, I’d appreciate if you’d please consider my closet to feature! Thanks and Happy Posh $ales! 😊
Dec 01Reply

Congratulations on hosting the party tomorrow! I would love if you could pick one of my JCrew items for a host pick
Dec 01Reply

Hi Ariel! Congrats on hosting a posh party!🥳 If you have a chance, please take a look at my page for a host pick💗💗 Thank you!
Dec 01Reply

Hello and congrats on your posh party! I hope you’ll check out my closet.
Dec 02Reply

Hello! Congratulations on hosting the party! If you would consider one of my listings as a host pick it would be very appreciated! Have a great day!
Dec 02Reply

Congrats 🎉 on hosting!!! I’d love for you to consider my closet for a host pick 💕 Thanks 😍
Dec 02Reply

Congrats on today's party! If you're looking for HP's please consider my closet 😊
Dec 02Reply

Congratulations on hosting your posh party tomorrow!! I’m sure it will go well 😀if you see anything in my closet that you would like to feature as a host pick I would be honored!
Dec 02Reply

Love your pics! Amazing. Have a blessed day! 🤗
Dec 03Reply

🥂Congrats on hosting a POSH PARTY! Love your closet so much & would be love if you took a peek! 🥰
Dec 04Reply

Congratulations on hosting the party tomorrow!! I hope it goes well and you sell lots of items. ❤️ I have some Zara pants in my closet that are in great condition, I’d love if you could feature them as a host pick! They’re listed first!
Dec 04Reply

Congrats!!! I’ve placed a rare Vince Camuto tank dress in black at the top of my closet for you just in case! Happy Poshing! 👗👗👗👗👗👗
Dec 05Reply

What a beautiful family!! Congrats on hosting today and wishing you success you deserve it!
I got my first ever HP last night and I’m hoping my sister @hlk726 will get hers today too! She has 2 amazing vintage Victoria’s Secret sleep shirts & Size 14 Levi’s
We are new to selling & posh compliant and trying to make new friends! Thanks again :)
Dec 05Reply

He girlie! Congrats on hosting this morning's party!! Please consider my closet for a host pick :-D Thank you!!!!
Dec 05Reply

Hello and congrats on your posh party! I hope you’ll check out my closet.
Dec 05Reply

Congrats on hosting!!! Please check out my closet for a host pick❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕
Dec 05Reply

You have THE BEST closet I have EVER seen! Goodness women! Goals, for sure. Saw you are a host in tomorrow's party. Glad I found you, going to follow you on IG! 🖤
Dec 05Reply

Congrats on hosting and you have an absolutely stunning closet! i would be honored and greatly appreciate if you can take a quick look at my closet. Thanks so much and happy holidays :)
Dec 06Reply

Hi😊, Congrats on Hosting the Activewear Posh Party!!! I would love you to consider an item from my closet as a host pick. Much success on your party. Thank you & have a Poshtastic day!!!😊💕💕💕
Dec 06Reply

Congrats on hosting tomorrow! I know you will be getting a lot of requests for host picks, but please consider me ❤️ Thanks love!
Dec 06Reply

hi 😉 come follow me too at tanyarwoodard
Dec 07Reply

🎀Congrats on your upcoming Posh Party🎀
So exciting!! Please consider my closet when choosing your host picks⭐️ I will be hosting this weekend as well🎉 Enjoy & have FUN😃
Dec 07Reply

Hello gorgeous ❕✨ I have tons of brand new activewear in my closet 💙 Check it out, you won’t be sorry ✨
Dec 07Reply

Hey - great job on today's Activewear party! Please consider our new line RECOLLECTION that has upcycled tie die Nike Hoodies! Thanks!!
Dec 07Reply

Lovely Meet the Posher Photos!
Dec 08Reply

Congratulations on hosting ❤️❤️❤️❤️ if you have a second can you take a look at my compliant closet for host picks.. I would truly appreciate it. Hey, I just saw your from Sunnyvale. My husband and family lived there almost his entire life❤️❤️
Dec 08Reply

Hi Adiel, I sent you a listing from my closet I’d like you to consider for a host pick in the “Designer” Posh Party. Thanks.
Dec 08Reply

Congratulations on hosting! If you are still considering host picks, I would love for you to look at my closet! Thank you!
Dec 08Reply

Congrats on hosting today’s Designer Party. I can’t wait to host a party one day soon, if you’re still looking for host picks I have an MK bag that would be great for this party. Have fun hosting. Happy Poshing💕
Dec 09Reply

⭐️Congrats on your upcoming Posh Party! I’ll be there;) Please consider my closet when choosing your host picks⭐️Enjoy & have FUN⭐️
Dec 09Reply

Thanks for hosting today🌷Please take a look at my hi low dress and my skirt both Michael Michael Kors. I am quite new to Poshmark and both items as well as my closet need exposure tothe community. Thanks so much!🌷💕🌈
Dec 09Reply

Hi Adiel! I love your closet- congrats on hosting today’s party! I have some items from Coach and Cole Haan and would love if you checked them out in my closet✨❤️🙏🏼
Dec 09Reply

⭐️Congrats on your⭐️
💚💚💚💚 ♥️♥️♥️♥️
💚 💚 ♥️ ♥️
💚💚💚💚 ♥️♥️♥️♥️
💚 ♥️
💚 Posh ♥️Party!
I’ll be there;) Please consider my closet when choosing your host picks⭐️Enjoy & have FUN⭐️
Dec 09Reply

Hi Adiel - wondering if you would be kind enough to share how to accumulate such large amounts of FOLLOWERS - - there obviously must be another way other than the incredibly time-consuming method of "FOLLOWING" others which generally results in a 1 to 1 ratio.....I'm trying hard to drive sales and would greatly appreciate your expertise.
Dec 09Reply

Hi😊, Congratulations on hosting the Preppy Posh Party! I would love for you to consider selecting an item from my closet as a host pick for your party. Wishing you a successful party. Thank you 😊💕💕💕
Dec 09Reply

Hello and congrats on your posh party! I hope you’ll check out my closet.
Dec 09Reply

Congratulations on hosting tomorrow! If you get an opportunity, I have just put on a great pair of Tommy Hilfiger riding boots that would make a fun host pick! I really appreciate it. Congratulations again. Thanks, Kristi
Dec 09Reply

Congratulations on hosting your posh party! Your closet is fantastic! I am hoping to one day have a Poshmark closet as successful as yours. If you have a moment to check mine out I have a beautiful NWOT Vineyard Vines dress I am hoping to rehome. Having that as my first host pick would help. Thanks so much! Happy hosting!
Dec 09Reply

Hello there! Have the best time tonight at the wardrobe party! Can’t wait to see all the HP’s!!! I would love to be considered if you’re still looking! Never had a pleasure of the experience! 😊
Dec 10Reply

@rosegoldlining congrats on your host gig! if you need a pick come over to my closet @begin_the_begin ! I’ve got a sweet jacket by The North Face in my closet.
Dec 10Reply

Thank you for hosting the Outdoor Adventure posh party tomorrow evening. If you could consider looking at The North Face adventure pant in my closet, I would appreciate it! Thank you and happy poshing!
Dec 11Reply

⭐️Congrats on your⭐️
💚💚💚💚 ♥️♥️♥️♥️
💚 💚♥️ ♥️
💚💚💚💚 ♥️♥️♥️♥️
💚 ♥️
💚 Posh ♥️Party!
I’ll be there sharing your beautiful closet ;) Please consider my closet when choosing your host picks⭐️Enjoy & have FUN⭐️
Dec 12Reply

Congrats on hosting! 🎉 If you get a chance, I’d really appreciate if you could take a look through my PC closet for a possible HP! Good luck & have fun! I will be there sharing & supporting! 🥰❤️
Dec 12Reply

Hi ADIEL! 🏷 My daughter SKYLAR & I (MICHALLE) are having such a blast together running and building our closet! WE CURRENTLY HAVE a decent amount of the brands mentioned for the party tomorrow! If you have a chance to visit and see anything that catches your eye for tomorrow for a HOST PICK- we would so be appreciative!! 🏷💛🏷. It would be our 1st! WE WISH YOU A SUCCESSFUL PARTY!
WE ARE: @desert_green
THANKS for your time
Dec 13Reply

🎉Congratulations on Hosting a Party 🎉 Feel free to check out my closet in consideration for Host Pick. I would greatly appreciate it 💕
Dec 13Reply

Hey Adiel, please check out my closet for a host pick in the Zara,Converse,Levi’s, and more Posh Party. Thanks.
Dec 13Reply

Nice to meet you! Love 💕 your look and the way you style yourself! I have lots of NWT Victoria’s Secret items that I’ll be adding to your “Trending” posh party! If you like any of them I’d love for them to be considered as Host Picks! Congrats on Hosting ! 👏
Dec 13Reply

⭐️Congrats on your⭐️
💚💚💚💚 ♥️♥️♥️♥️
💚 💚♥️ ♥️
💚💚💚💚 ♥️♥️♥️♥️
💚 ♥️
💚 Posh ♥️Party!
I’ll be there sharing your beautiful closet ;) Please consider my closet when choosing your host picks⭐️Enjoy & have FUN⭐️
Dec 13Reply

Congratulations on hosting the boho party tomorrow! If you still need a host pick I have an adorable free people dress, it’s the first item I have listed ❤️ happy poshing!
Dec 14Reply

Possible host pick?
Dec 14Reply

Thanks for hosting Adiel!!! Check out my closet for some 🔥 host pick opportunities.
Dec 15Reply

hey hon. congratulations on hosting a party. please consider my closet for HP.
thank you
sharing poshmark love
Dec 16Reply

🎉🎉🎉🎉 Congratulations Adele on your 🎉🎉🎉🎉 I will be there and Share for sure🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 Love for you to take a look at our closets for a possible Host Picks🙏Happy Holidays🎄❤️ Wishing you Massive Success 🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍💰❤️ Bringing my Sand Dollar Babes 🏖💵@listingleague @sun2mysunflwrs @greatforgifys @sassyclassy33
Dec 16Reply

hi, congrats on hosting! Best of luck to you!! 🤩🤩💜
Dec 17Reply

Congrats on hosting today! 🤩🤩 would love it if you could check out my closet💜🛍 🥰
Dec 17Reply

Congrats 🎉
Dec 17Reply

⭐️Congrats on your⭐️
💚💚💚💚 ♥️♥️♥️♥️
💚 💚♥️ ♥️
💚💚💚💚 ♥️♥️♥️♥️
💚 ♥️
💚 Posh ♥️Party!
I’ll be there sharing your beautiful closet ;) Please consider my closet when choosing your host picks⭐️Enjoy & have FUN⭐️
Dec 17Reply

Wooo Hooo!!! Congrats on hosting Designer: Michael Kors, Coach, Cole Haan & More Posh Party!! Hosting a posh party is so much fun and ill be joining the party sharing away as well :) Feel free to take a look and share some awesome jewelry and accessories from my closet, Id greatly appreciate it!!
Dec 17Reply

Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much
Dec 17Reply

@rosegoldlining , wishing you the best on your party tomorrow! If you haven't already chosen all your host picks, I'd really appreciate you showcasing one of my items to help me gain more followers. Merry Christmas! -Sherry
Dec 17Reply

Congrats on another host gig!
Dec 18Reply

Congratulations on Hosting Again! If you could please consider my closet, I truly appreciate your time and experience! Happy Holidays =)
Dec 18Reply

Congratulations on hosting! Please consider my closet for a host pick. Thank you 😊
Dec 19Reply

Congrats on hosting today’s party! If you have a chance to check out my Patagonia jacket for a host pick that would make my day! Thank you! Happy posting!!
Dec 19Reply

⭐️Congrats on your⭐️
💚💚💚💚 ♥️♥️♥️♥️
💚 💚♥️ ♥️
💚💚💚💚 ♥️♥️♥️♥️
💚 ♥️
💚 Posh ♥️Party!
I’ll be there sharing your beautiful closet ;) Please consider my closet when choosing your host picks⭐️Enjoy & have FUN⭐️
Dec 19Reply

Hi! Congrats on hosting! Please consider my closet for a host pick! Happy Holiday! xoxo <3
Dec 20Reply

Check out my closet if you still need tour host pick 🥰💫💖
Dec 21Reply

Wow your closet is GOALS! I am just in my first months of Poshing, and I am looking to people like you for help growing a sustainable side hustle. I saw you are party hosting today, and I have a really cute pair of Steve Madden heels at the top of my closet. These shoes are in great condition, and I can't believe they haven't sold yet. if you have any other host picks left, I'd be honored if you take a look. either way, happy poshing!
Dec 21Reply

Obsessed 😍 congrats on hosting and stop by to check out my closet 🛍😘
Dec 21Reply

Hey!! Sorry it’s last minute! But if you are looking for any more HP’s, please consider my PC closet! 🥰 I’d truly appreciate it. I will be there supporting, sharing & of course, doing some last min shopping! 💕 🛍 Good luck & have fun❗️
Dec 22Reply

Congratulations on hosting a fabulous party! 🎉 I would love for you to check out my closet for a possible host pick. Thanks so looking! Wishing you speedy sales! 🛍 🙌
Dec 22Reply

Congrats on hosting!! I would be so grateful if you checked out my closet before the party tomorrow for HP!
Dec 22Reply

Hi @rosegoldlining ✨ Happy holidays! Hope this finds you well! Reaching out as I would love to be considered as a host pick. But even any feedback would be appreciated :) I sell designer samples. Designers include Off White, Retrofete, Mansur Gavriel, & Prabal Gurung. I want to continue listing items, so I hope to make more sales. I just love nice things & find so much joy using Poshmark! Thanks, Cargo ❤️
Dec 24Reply

Happy poshing 💕be sure to check out my closet 😊
Dec 24Reply

Hi Adiel! Congratulations on Hosting Tmrw’s Coach/Michael Kors Party! 🎄☃️🥳🥳🥳I am submitted 2 Purses for your Consideration. It will be a great Christmas 🎁 to get a Pick from you Tmrw! 😉 🤗 Xoxo Alicia 💋
Dec 24Reply

Hope you are enjoying your time off. I wanted to reach out to wish you a happy holiday and to thank you for all the posh parties. Your support and time is appreciated to all of us! Sending all my best to you!
Dec 25Reply

Congrats on hosting!!! I hope you consider my closet for a HP
Dec 25Reply

Congrats on hosting!! Hope you had a great holiday
Dec 26Reply

Adiel, your closet is looking sooo good! Posh on and Happy New Years! ;)
Dec 26Reply

Congratulations on Hostessing tomorrow! I would appreciate it if you would stop by my closet and check out newly posted MAC and Mary Kay!
Dec 27Reply

Congrats on hosting the posh party tomorrow!! If you need anymore host picks I’d love for you to check out my closet, I have some great Zara pants at the top ❤️. Thanks and happy poshing!
Dec 29Reply

I will be at the party soon. I just put on a great Zara cape that would make a fun host pick! Thank you. Happy Poshing! Kristi
Dec 29Reply

🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊Congrats on your co-hosting party 🎉🎊🎉🎊Please take a moment to look through my closet for a possible Host Pick💕Thanks💜💚❤️😘😘❤️💜💚🎉🎊🎉🎊💕💕💕💕🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊
Dec 30Reply

Hi there!! I wanted to drop by and ask if it's not too much trouble, please take an look at my items for today's Boho posh party! I think I have a great selection at some awesome prices!! 😊 I would really appreciate it! ❤ Happy hosting!
Dec 30Reply

☺️☺️☺️👍👍👍👍👍👍Congrats on being a host for tomorrows party 🎉 if you get a chance feel free to check out my closet for a host pick🎉🎊🎉🎉🎉
Dec 31Reply

Hi! Congrats on hosting a posh party!🥳 If you have a chance, please take a look at my page for a host pick💗💗 Thank you!
Dec 31Reply

💥💥Congratulations on Hosting today! Please consider taking a peek at my closet for host pick for the Party. Thank you kindly! 😊💥💥💥🙏 Julie
Dec 31Reply

Happy New Year! Congrats on hosting the Designer Party. I can’t wait to host a party one day soon, if you’re still looking for host picks I have some items that would be great for this party. Have fun hosting. Happy Poshing💕
Jan 01Reply

Congrats on hosting!! 🎉❤️🎉❤️🎉 Newbie here and would LOVE to be considered for a host pick. 🤗
Jan 01Reply

Congratulations on the host! I love your style. I’m still learning and growing on Poshmark, so it’s great inspiration to see successful closets like yours. I would love a HP. Best of luck on a successful party.
Jan 01Reply

Congrats on hosting your party! Would love to be considered for a host pick! 🌸✨ Thank you and Happy New Year!
Jan 02Reply

Congrats on hosting the party for tomorrow 🎉 I’ve never been a HP, please check out my closet 🥰
Jan 02Reply

Good luck with the Designer Posh Party!!! I have a few NWT Coach bags I’ve moved to the top of my small (compliant) closet and would be proud if you might like one of them enough to select as a Host Pick!! (fingers crossed) TY
Jan 02Reply

@rosegoldlining Hi, I was wondering if you would consider my JCrew blazers as a host pick. Happy New Year!
Jan 02Reply

🎉🎊🌸💝🌺Congratulations On Hosting a party tomorrow at noon! 🎉🎊🌸💝🌺These are some of my most favorite brands! If you have a minute, I’d like to invite you to check out my closet as I do have plenty of items by the featured brands which I am so proud of! If you’re still looking for inspiration, please feel free to pick something you like from my collection 💕🌺🎊🌸❤️🎉🙏
Jan 02Reply

Hi Adiel, GREAT SHOP!⭐️...looking forward to your party 🎉...hope you might consider one of our J. Crew items for a host pic! Thanks for your consideration from my daughter & I
@desert_green 🙂
Jan 03Reply

@rosegoldlining GO GIRL!!!
Jan 03Reply

Hi there! Congrats on being a host!🥂🖤 I have a posh compliant closet and I’ve had ongoing host picks. My closet is very eclectic and has a mix of vintage, urban, and sophisticated items • one in particular could be a lovely choice for the upcoming party! I will tag this item in hopes you can review for a host pick! Thank you for your consideration and wishing you all the best in your poshing journey :) @bsnowcloset
Jan 03Reply

Adial- please consider my closet for a host pick. Thank you Lisa
Jan 03Reply

Great style!! I love your "meet the poster" pics! Congratulations on hosting!
Jan 04Reply

Hi I’m real new to Poshmart parties where you can list and buy items. I rsvp to the makeup one for tomorrow at 9 and I see you have too. Do you know how I go about listing my items for the party? Is it separately done from a personal listing?
Jan 05Reply

Hi! I would love for you to check out my closet for the Trending party! Thank u :)
Jan 05Reply

Hello fellow Bay Area lady, congrats on the cohost! Check out my closet for some rad Pink Men's Levi's for the Posh Party tomorrow morning :)
Jan 06Reply

Heyyy! Congrats on hosting. I have a Victoria’s Secret coat that would be a cool and unique host pick!
Jan 06Reply

Congratulations on being a host pick I’d love it if you check out my closet and possibly considered me for a host pick, Happy Monday and Happy Poshing 💓
Jan 06Reply

Hi! I noticed Free People is listed in the description for the party today but isn't listed in the brands. Just want to make sure I can share my free people dress! Congrats on hosting!
Jan 07Reply

Your style is amazing and your family is adorable!! I’m a little newer to Poshmark so i can only hope to gain as many followers as you one day!!!
Jan 07Reply

Hello! Congrats on hosting the party! Consider taking a look t my closet to see if you like anything! Happy new year. Love and sharing your closet 💕😀
Jan 07Reply

Hi! I see that you’re hosting a party and I hope you will consider looking at my closet for items to include. I have over 1150 listings with many different high-end brands and different categories. I will also share generously from your closet. Thank you so much, Jennifer 😊
Jan 07Reply

Adiel- please consider my Adidas tennis dress for a host pick. Thank you. Lisa
Jan 07Reply

Congratulations on hosting an upcoming Posh party! Please consider visiting my closet @ctspain for possible host picks! Thank you! ❤
Jan 07Reply

@rosegoldlining i see you are one of the hosts for party tomorrow and was curious why not or if they could add Gaiam to the activewear category since it is a nice yoga brand..
Jan 07Reply

Hi Adiel, lovely photos! @Britishcloset
Can I just ask a question? In the Activewear party the brand Zyia Active is never included. Do you know why this is? Didn’t know who to ask about this but though I’d ask you since I noticed you are one of the Hosts of this mornings party. Many thanks!
Jan 08Reply

Congrats on hosting! If you get a minute can your check out my closet for host picks? Thanks and happy Poshing!
Jan 08Reply

I love you closet and congrats on hosting a posh party! I have tons of Nike athletic wear in my closet that would make a perfect host pick😉!
Jan 08Reply

Congratulations 🎉 on party host. I’d love ❤️ to be a host pick. If you a chance pop by closet, I’d appreciate haveit so much 😊
Jan 08Reply

Can you host pick my top item please and thank you
Jan 08Reply

Followed! Beautiful closet! 💕
Jan 08Reply

Congrats on your hosting! If you have any time to look at my closet i would be so honored for a host pick. Thank you and have a great day
Jan 09Reply

@rosegoldlining I see that you are hosting the MK/ Coach party tomorrow! I have a beautiful coach handbag! I would great appreciate you checking it out fir a possible Hist Pick. Thank you!
Jan 09Reply

Hi Adiel! Thanks for hosting today. I’m sure it takes a lot of time to organize and promote. I do appreciate the exposure and opportunity to reach out to fellow Poshers. Wishing you lots of sales and much success! Most of all, have FUN....Stephanie 🌻
Jan 10Reply

Hey Adiel! I absolutely love your closet & style & am looking forward to seeing your choices in today's party!! Also, If you could please take a moment to check out my closet out & consider my item/s as your host pick/s in today's party; I would really appreciate it & YOU!! Now... let's partayyyyy!! See ya later ;)
Jan 10Reply

I have a Coach purse and it won’t let me join ?
I do realize I’m a rookie at this still, but? Hhmm?? Thanks
Jan 10Reply

@koryz make sure to fill in the brand on your listing!
Jan 10Reply

Hi! 🔥❤️💝💐🥰🌟Congratulations hosting another Poshparty Vineyard Vines! I would like to invite you to check out my closet for stylish items like Kate Spade, Tory Burch and other awesome stuff and share with your thousand if followers and maybe a chance for a host pick!!! Likewise, I already saw your awesome closet and won’t hesitate to share your items. Happy Poshing!!!
Jan 10Reply

Hi! 🔥❤️💝💐🥰🌟Congratulations hosting another Poshparty Vineyard Vines! I would like to invite you to check out my closet for stylish items like Kate Spade, Tory Burch and other awesome stuff and share with your thousand if followers and maybe a chance for a host pick!!! Likewise, I already saw your awesome closet and won’t hesitate to share your items. Happy Poshing!!!
Jan 10Reply

Thanks, YeA. I had extra words in that spot. I’m a rookie. Thanks
Jan 10Reply

Hi Adiel! Congrats on hosting a posh party! I joined late last year and would love it if you check out my closet for a host pick!
Jan 10Reply

hi adiel, congrats on hosting the preppy party 🥳 if it’s not too late, I’d like to ask that you check out my closet for a host pick! i just shared 2 listings i think would be perfect!! 🤍
Jan 11Reply

Hello. Congratulations on being a party host! Please consider one of my items for a host pick! Best🌿🌿💕💕
Jan 11Reply

Congratulations on co-hosting your POSH Party! 👏🍾🎈🎉 I would love it if you would check out my closet if you have an opportunity. Thank you and enjoy yourself!
Jan 11Reply

@rosegoldlining GO GIRL! SUCCESS to all of us!
Jan 11Reply

Hi there!! Congrats on hosting!! Would you mind checking out my closet for potential host picks? I would really really appreciate it! Goodluck and have fun at the party!
Jan 11Reply

Congratulations on Hosting the party please check out my closet too ❤🎁💖
Jan 11Reply

Fabulous closet !! Congrats on hosting today ! I was wondering if you could help 😫every part I try to enter now says “ no listings available “ my account just started doing that .. so now I can’t share from the party :((( thanks for any help !💕
Jan 11Reply

Congrats on hosting your party Adiel! I would love if you could check out my closet! I shared some awesome Madewell stuff to your party :) Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Jan 11Reply

Your closet is amazing!! It’s a “Posh Goals” closet, for sure!! 😍😍😍
Jan 12Reply

Congrats on the co host! I have a few items that follow the theme, I'll make sure to tag you on them. Much appreciated either way! 💕🙏🌟
Jan 13Reply

Congratulations on hosting this party tomorrow! I've RSVP’d and can't wait to participate. I would really appreciate it if you looked through my closet and considered something for a host pick. It would mean a lot. Thanks!
Jan 13Reply

Congratulations on hosting this party tomorrow! I've RSVP’d and can't wait to participate. I would really appreciate it if you looked through my closet and considered something for a host pick. It would mean a lot. Thanks!
Jan 13Reply

🎉 Congratulations on hosting this up coming Party tomorrow. I am looking forward to sharing and shopping this party!!!! If you get a minute to check out my closet for a possible Host Pick I would really appreciate it. It will be a wonderful party. 🛍🎉🌺
Jan 13Reply

Hi! Congrats on hosting! Please check out my closet for some great picks! 💕✨💕✨
Jan 13Reply

Congrats on hosting! I'll follow you on Instagram! I have a Zara top I bumped to the top of my closet that is like asymmetrical and plaid- unique, would love for it to be considered!
Jan 14Reply

Congratulations on hosting a Posh Party! 🍾🎉
I have some pieces I know you will love 💕 Please consider for a Host Pick! 😊
Jan 14Reply

Congratulations on hosting!! Love your closet!! Pop by my closet if you’re interested in any items for a host pick! Thank you! Happy Poshing! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jan 14Reply

Hi! Congrats on hosting today! I have some great pieces in my closet I would love you to consider for a HP. Hope you have a great rest of your day!! 💕
Jan 14Reply

🎊🎉🎊Congratulations on being our host for the Trending Posh Party🔥🔥🔥!! I’m selling Converse and Victoria Secret items that match the party theme and would appreciate it if you would take a look at them and hopefully consider any for a host pick. Thank you!!🌻🌺🌻
Jan 14Reply

Congrats on your cohost party event. Sending 2020 blessings for success and happinesses ! Sharing your closet for posh love!💙🎉💕💴
Jan 14Reply

Hi Adiel! I’m Tobi! And I’m new to selling! Congrats on Co-hosting the party today! I don’t have anything in the party today, but I’m so appreciative of them as I’ve been able to get more exposure & gain connections! Your closet is gorgeous! I would love if you’d check mine too & maybe follow me back! I would be so happy if you ever see anything worthy of a HP! But I’d be just as happy with a hi & follow!🥰
Jan 14Reply

Absolutely LOVE your closet flow! I love seeing the different personalities through the pictures! Brings your closet to life! Lol! Happy Poshing!
Jan 14Reply

🎉Congratulations on hosting the Boho party tomorrow. I am looking forward to this party. Shopping and sharing the Posh ❤️. If you have a minute to look through my closet for a possible Host Pick, I would really appreciate it. I have tones of new and EUC items from all the qualifying brands 😊. Can’t wait to party! 🛍🍾🌺
Jan 14Reply

Hi!😊 Congrats on hosting this party! I RSVP’d and can not wait to participate. I would greatly appreciate if you checked out my closet and considered something for a host pick. It would definitely mean a lot. Thank you!♥️ I’m so excited to follow your page!
Jan 15Reply

Congrats on hosting this week!! Hope you have an amazing time!
Jan 15Reply

💥💥Congratulations on Hosting today! Please consider taking a peek at my closet for host pick. Thank you kindly! 😊💥💥💥🙏 Julie
Jan 15Reply

Hi, Adiel! Your closet is beautiful. Warm and inviting. Definitely PoshMark goals! It would be an honor if you would peek into the closets of two of my PFFs. They both have items that would be perfect for your party tomorrow. We all hope that you have many sales tomorrow and a lot of fun! Thank you! 🤩🤩🤩
Jan 16Reply

Hey posh babe!!
Congrats on hosting a posh party this afternoon!
If you have a few extra moments, I’d love if you stopped by and checked out my closet for a potential host pick 💕
Xoxo and happy poshing!!
Jan 16Reply

Hi Adiel!! I’m a newbie to this great business since June. I’m trying to learn the ropes from you wonderful people & expand my business! Congrats on hosting! 🎉 If you wouldn’t mind taking a peek at my closet I would be absolutely honored in receiving a host pick on one of my items! Thanks again & happy Poshing!!! ♥️🥰
Jan 16Reply

Hi Adiel!...⭐️🙌🎉hope you and your Posh business are doing well!...looking forward to the party at noon, I have a Nike hoodie that if able to kindly get a host pick for, we would greatly appreciate! It is priced to move! Thanks for your consideration💛 wishing you many sales!🎊🎉😁
Jan 16Reply

Ariel, Thank you for hosting another party. Congratulations, what a wonderful accomplishment I hope maybe you’ll consider something from my closet but if not I completely understand. Thank you for all you do. Nancy
Jan 16Reply

Hi, what are the requirements for becoming a host pi I for the parties?
Jan 17Reply

Congrats on hosting! Take a look at my closet if you’re searching for some host picks! It would mean so much to me! Thank you! 😊
Jan 17Reply

Congrats on hosting tomorrow AM! ! 🍾🎉🎈 I can’t wait for this Posh Party! It is perfect for me I love Cole Haan shoes and have a few in my closet!!!! 👠 i’ll be there re sharing HOST PICKS to my 115,000 followers. ❤️🎉 If you don’t already have picks- please come check out my closet! I would love to be considered. I’m already following you. Thanks babe!!!! ❤️🍾🎉
Jan 18Reply

Congrats on hosting the designer party! 🥳 🎉 Please look and see if there’s anything from our closet that you want to share! I made sure to follow your account!
Jan 18Reply

Hi! Thank you for hosting! Please take a look at my closet if you have time. It would mean a lot❣️I shared a lot in your closet as well. Have fun ! 🤎🤩🤍🥳
Jan 18Reply

Happy Poshing. I hope you will select something from my closet for a host pick. I have Michael kors, true religion and lots of Marc Jacobs sunnies😊
Jan 18Reply

heyy!! hope your posh party is going well!! I have a Michael Kors wallet for a great price and some Pandora jewelry. thanks for hosting!
Jan 18Reply

Hi Adiel! Congratulations on hosting another Posh Party! May I invite you to look at my closet for a lot of stylish items fit for the theme to like, to love, to share and maybe to be considered on your most coveted Host Pick. 💐🔥🥰💝🌟💫thank you so much and more power.
Jan 18Reply

Love your style. Have to follow you so I can get tips or hints and maybe if my size, to purchase. I love style and fashion. Vintage is my favorites to find. Just started here and starting to add to my closet today. Please share any advice or tips to be a better seller. Also to make some good fashion friends is priceless.
Jan 18Reply

Hi, Congratulations on being selected as a host!!! Can you please check out my closet and see if you like something for the host pick! Thank you!! 💐💐🤞 stay blessed!
Jan 18Reply

@rosegoldlining Hi Adiel! Congrats on cohosting the J. Crew Posh Party today🎉🎉😍 Please consider one of my of my J. Crew items as HP! Thanks for considering and Happy Poshing!
Jan 19Reply

Hello Adiel! You are the one person who got me to take the leap for PM! Thank you! ;)
Jan 19Reply

Congrats on hosting a posh party 🎉 if you could please give my closet a look and see if there’s anything worth sharing! I have tons of J. Crew! Thanks!
Jan 19Reply

Congrats on hosting a posh party 🎉 if you could please give my closet a look and see if there’s anything worth sharing!Thank you for the consideration!
Jan 19Reply

Congrats on hosting a party! I’d love it if you could check out my closet. I have The North Face items and other good stuff. I hope one catches your eye for consideration as a host pick. Cheers and Happy Poshing!
Jan 19Reply

congrats on hosting today! I would be honored if you would consider an item from my closet for a host pick. beautiful closet by the way! I love everything 🌼🌹🌼🌹🌼🌹🌼🌹🌼🌹
Jan 19Reply

Hey! Congrats on being a Party Host🥳 I’ve been a posh member for about a year now but recently just got into selling. Please take a look at my closet and consider picking one of the items for a host pick! Thank you🤩
Jan 19Reply

Congrats on hosting tomorrow! So excited to join ya and would appreciate if you wanted to take a moment to peak at my closet for a possible host pick. Wishing you many sales and Happy Poshing <3
Jan 19Reply

Congratulations on hosting a Posh Party! 🍾🎉
I have some pieces I know you will love 💕 Please consider for a Host Pick! 😊
Jan 21Reply

Hi congratulations on your party tomorrow I’ll be sharing to it for sure would love love love if you would consider an item of mine for a host pick much thanks for your time and appreciate it a million 😊❤️
Jan 21Reply

Congratulations on hosting the Trending Party! I would love it if you would visit my closet and see if any of my items would make a good host pick! Thank you! Wishing you a successful party!🌸🎉❤️🎉🌸
Jan 21Reply

Congrats on hosting today! I have a ton of trending styles like Levi's jeans, Lulu's dresses and tons more! I'd love to be considered for a host pick if you're able to take a look in my closet. Thanks, and congrats again!
Jan 22Reply

Congrats on hosting! If you get a minute can you take a look at my closet and see if there is any picks? Thank you and happy Poshing!
Jan 22Reply

hi, just got my FP order in and posted some awesome stuff. Asking to be considered as a hos pick for the party tomorrow.
Jan 22Reply

Hey there. I’m hosting my first party at 2 today. Just to clarify I can share 10 of my own PLUS 100? Or is it a MAX of 100? Also. I have to wait until the party starts in order for them to post to the host picks showroom correct? Thanks for your help.
Jan 22Reply

Hello! Congratulations on hosting!!🎉🎉🎉 If you have a chance please take a peek at my closet I've just added a ton of items. (I have a couple that will fit the category) . I'd love to be a part of this and considered for a pick.
Jan 23Reply

Thanks so much for sharing your story. I would love to have any of my items considered for host pick for your upcoming party.
Jan 23Reply

Congrats on hosting another party! 🥳 I have a ton of boho style items If you wouldn’t mind giving my closet a look! Thanks in advance!
Jan 23Reply

Congrats on hosting! I just listed a ton of Free People if you were looking for more picks- one in particular- Free People rainbow rays button tunic top medium (its SO cool- the back design is like a circus tent!). I'll look you up on insta- I'm there too and run a blog!
Jan 23Reply

Happy Poshing!! I have some pretty awesome Boho items in my closet like Free People and Wildfox! Would love to have a potential host pick. Thanks for consideration.. ☺️☺️
Jan 23Reply

pretty pleeeeasssee choose me for a host pick!! 💞😁🙋♀️ xxx
Jan 23Reply

Hello and congrats on hosting today's Posh Party!! If you have a moment, my closet has lots of great Free People and Anthro options and I would SO appreciate a host pick! Thank you!!
Jan 23Reply

Congrats on hosting!! I’ve got lots of Nike running shorts available 🏃🏻♀️🏃🏻♀️ come check them out if you would like! 💛
Jan 23Reply

Congratulations on hosting! I would love for you to check out my closet for a possible host pick! Thank you for looking and wishing you lots of sales!
Jan 23Reply

good morning! sending you good vibes today!
Jan 24Reply

Hi there 👋 Love your closet!! I saw your Mystery Box listing - it is very interesting to me, but as a newer seller I'm not sure if it's a good idea/time for me to try this. Any advice? Thank you!! Happy Poshing!!
Jan 24Reply

Trying to post my champion apparel on your Activewear party but it isn’t listed in the Brands available? Most of my listings are champion😅😭
Jan 24Reply

Id love your posh help on gaining new followers :)
Jan 24Reply

You have a sensational closet that I would love to share! Would you please consider my Lululemon work out pants for Host Pick? I want to be successful as a new Posh Ambassador and trying to learn the way to succeed. If you would please look at my closet, share what you like and tell me your opinion on my items, pictures and prices. You are obviously great at promoting your closet on Poshmark. I would love to learn some of your skills. Thank you very much! @robyncantor
Jan 24Reply

hey hon. congratulations on hosting a party.
please consider my closet
sharing poshmark love
Jan 24Reply

Hi Adiel! I’m Tobi! 👋🏻 I love your bio! 💕Congratulations on Hosting the Luxury Handbag Party!! I have a couple Gucci bags I’d be so appreciative if you would check out for consideration for a potential Host Pick! I so appreciate these parties as I have made wonderful PM connections! Have a great time! Happy Poshing!💕💝💕
Jan 24Reply

❤️congratulations🎈on host pick🎈Can you take a look at my store for an item that can be showcased for your party?🎊 🎉 I have high quality items, all different designers, cheep prices, and great picture quality. I consider my style🔥💥🖤🔥💥
Jan 25Reply

Hi..I’m Pat..I’m kinda a newbie & was wondering if I RSVP to a Posh Party, do I have to do anything but shop & share my items that pertain to the theme? 😊
Jan 25Reply

hey hon. congratulations on hosting a party.
please consider my closet for HP.
sharing poshmark love ❤
Jan 26Reply

Hello Beautiful! 💐🍾👗👠Congratulations in co-hosting another Posh Party! May I invite you to check my closet for stylish ITems from Cole Haan, Michael Kors and Coach to like, to love and to share and maybe considered for your moat coveted Host Pick. I am also spreading the Posh Love by sharing your closet. More Posh Power to you. Thank you so much!❤️🎉🍾🌟🔥
Jan 26Reply

Congratulations on hosting today🎉🎉🎉 Would love to be considered for a Coach Host Pick!! See you at the party 🛍🛍🛍
Jan 26Reply

Hello! Love your closet and style! I just joined Poshmark January 1st and am excited to be part of the community. Congratulations on Hosting! Would love to have my hot pink Leather COACH diaper bag be considered for a Host Pick! ❤️
Jan 26Reply

Congrats on hosting a party today! 😎💗 I have a few new Coach purses in my closet. Would you mind checking them out and considering any o them for a host pick?💞👜👛💝 Thanks!💋
Jan 26Reply

Hello lovely! Love your style and closet! I’m fairly new to Poshmark but so enjoying it already-if you still need host picks for today please check out my closet! Thank you so much 😊🎉👍🏻❤️
Jan 26Reply

I’d be so honored if you would look at my closet for a host pick for tomorrow’s party. I have lots of great nearly new J Crew men’s shirts as well Polo. Thanks so much for considering me! 🎉💕❤️
Jan 26Reply

Congratulations on hosting tomorrow 🎉🎉🎉 Would love to be considered as a Host Pick for the Lilly Pulitzer vest in my closet !! See you at the party 🛍🛍🛍🛍
Jan 27Reply

Hi Ariel!
Congratulations on being selected as host! 🎉🥳🥳🎉I’m new to selling at poshmark and would truly love if you checkout my closet and would be honored if you considered some really cute and classic Ralph Lauren rain boots that I have as one of your picks. 💕✨
Jan 27Reply

Hi there! So looking forward to your party today- for both shopping & selling. If you have time in your day, I’d love for you to check out my closet. I’m fairly new to the Posh family and still learning. Welcome any tips & advice you have for growing my business ❤️ 👛
Jan 27Reply

Hello 🌸🌸✨congratulations on your hosting party 🎉 🎉🎉I wish you all the best in your sales 🌸✨✨
Jan 27Reply

Hi! Congratulations on hosting the party. I have a couple of amazing items and would love to be considered for a Host Pick <3
Jan 27Reply

Hello Beautiful!🍾💐Congratulations on co-hosting A Posh Party. I would like to invite you to check my closet for several stylish items from Kate Spade and other brands for you to like, to love, to share and maybe to consider for your most coveted “Host Pick”. I am also sharing your lovely closet to help promote Posh Love. Thank you so much!!❤️👠👗🔥👜🌟🎉
Jan 27Reply

Hello Beautiful!🍾💐Congratulations on co-hosting A Posh Party. I would like to invite you to check my closet for several stylish items from Kate Spade and other brands for you to like, to love, to share and maybe to consider for your most coveted “Host Pick”. I am also sharing your lovely closet to help promote Posh Love. Thank you so much!!❤️👠👗🔥👜🌟🎉
Jan 27Reply

Hello! Just wondering if you could make a hostess pick from my closet? Would truly appreciate it. Have fun and success with this party💕
Jan 27Reply

Huge congrats on hosting today’s preppy posh party!!!🥳I love your closet and would love if you could check out mine for some possible host picks!! Cheers!🤗🌟🌟
Jan 27Reply

hi thanks for inviting me to the party! please check out my closet. yours is just Beautiful.
Jan 27Reply

Good evening. You are the first host listed for tomorrow's OUTDOOR Clothing event. I was surprised that the Eddie Bauer Brand wasn't included. Is there any possibility that it may be added? Thanks for your time!
Jan 28Reply

hey hon. congratulations on hosting a party.
please consider my closet for HP.
sharing poshmark love ❤
Jan 28Reply

@rosegoldlining Congratulations on hosting today! Hope you have fun!
Jan 28Reply

Love your closet!! You have the cutest style!!! 😍😍😍
Jan 28Reply

Hi Adiel! I just started following you on IG! :D Wishing you a FANTASTIC PARTY tomorrow! :D Check out my closet as you consider Host Picks! Thanks so much! All the best to you! P.S. I also followed your @nailsbyadiel IG account! xoxoxoxo #poshlove #bestinmakeuppicks
Jan 29Reply

Hey congrats on being hosted ! Can you please check out my closet?
Jan 29Reply

Hi! Congrats on hosting a party tomorrow!!! That’s exciting and I would love to one day (so hopefully I will!) I wanted to stop by and say your closet is awesome and that I would love it if you wouldn’t mind looking through mine for any possible Host Picks 😊 Thank you so much and Happy Poshing!!!
Jan 29Reply

Congrats for the hosting!🎉 I would love if you consider my closet and the closet of my poshmark friend @yourbestyou for the party!!! Thank You so much💗💙
Jan 29Reply

Can you host pick my vans sneakers? They are nightmare before Christmas
Jan 30Reply

✨ ADIEL ✨thank you for visiting Timeline Boutique 👠 as seen on Fashiontv 👠 excellent service + same day shipping! ✨
Jan 30Reply

Congrats on hosting a party today, love! I’d really appreciate it if you could help me out and host pick my Topshop dress- thanks 🥰🌠
Jan 30Reply

Congrats on hosting a party today, love! I’d really appreciate it if you could help me out and host pick my Topshop dress- thanks 🥰🌠
Jan 30Reply

Hi! 🥰 You have some great items in your closet! I wish you continued success on your posh journey! 💕📈🎊 Also, would it be possible if I could be a host pick?
Jan 30Reply

Great closet!
Jan 31Reply

Hi!⭐️🙏🏻I hope today is an awesome day❤️ if you can pass by my closet and check my few Anthropologie and Lucky Brand items left It would make my day too!⭐️🙏🏻
Jan 31Reply

Hello Adiel! CONGRATS on Hosting today’s 🎉Boho Party 🎉! You have a TON of followers! Please visit my closet to see if anything catches your eye for a Host(ess) 👑 Pick? I’m only 3 sales away from the coveted Ambassador title. It would mean so much! Thank you so much for looking! Good karma coming your way…💃 FROCK ON!
Jan 31Reply

✨Congrats on hosting!✨
Jan 31Reply

@rosegoldlining Hello Love! I just tagged a friend under you SFC Jerry floral Jumper because I know she was looking for it in the size you have listed... Just lookin out for my fellow Poshers! I wish you many speedy sales Girl! XOXOX
Jan 31Reply

@rosegoldlining just shared your closet. Enjoy those posh minis. The days are long but the years are short. Any tips for being successful on iG and posh I’d love. I have a great message and want to get it out there. Love and blessings
Jan 31Reply

Congratulations on hosting the Poshmark Activewear Party tomorrow. I appreciate if you want to take a look at my closet for more picks. Happy Poshing! Best Regards
Jan 31Reply

Hi friend!! I look forward to finding you on Instagram! 😍 I LOVE your style!!
Feb 01Reply

Congratulations on hosting this afternoon! I know I’m late in the game and your phone is probably still blowing up with notifications (sorry, I’m not helping 🤦♀️), BUT if you’re still on the hunt for some last minute cute host picks, please consider checking out my closet! I even bumped up the athletic wear to the top so you don’t have to hunt too hard! Thank you for your consideration and have a great weekend! 🥳🌟😎
Feb 01Reply

🎊🎉🎊Congratulations on being our host for party🎊🎉🎊!!! Im selling items that match the party theme and would appreciate it if you would take a look at them and hopefully consider any for a host pick. Thank you!!🌻🌺🌻
Feb 01Reply

Hi! I am a new Posh Ambassador, still trying to learn the System. Will you please consider one of my items for HOST PICK?
Thanks @robyncantor
Feb 01Reply

Hi Adiel! I’m Tobi!👋🏻 I love your bio, pictures & closet!💕Congratulations on Hosting The Luxury Chanel, Gucci, etc.🤩Party🎉! I would be so grateful if you would check out my closet for any potential Host Pick worthy pieces (I have a whole 2 Gucci bags!)💕 I so appreciate participating in all the parties (sharing mine & other’s pieces!) as I’ve gained many connections & PFFS as a newish seller! Thank you, have fun & Happy Poshing!💝🤗
Feb 01Reply

Hi again Adiel! I’m Tobi!👋🏻 I forgot that Prada & Jimmy Choo are included in the Luxury Party!! I have shoes (plus the 2 Gucci bags!)!! I especially love the blue patent leather Prada sandals! I do a lot of self shared, but they’re not getting noticed?!! I would so appreciate if you could check them out! Thank you so much and Have fun!! Happy Poshing!!💝🤗
Feb 01Reply

Congratulations on hosting!
Feb 01Reply

Hi, congrats on your hosting! Would be really lovely if you could visit my closet for the lyxury party. Thank you 😊
Feb 01Reply

Hello Miss Adiel, congratulations 🍾🎉 on being a Co-hostess! I’d be honored if any of my Vuitton or Gucci items were to be a Host Pick! I’ve started partying already sharing to my followers and will continue to do so👌😃👍Thank you for your kind consideration! ✨🙏✨
Feb 02Reply

Hi there! I see you’re hosting a luxury party tomorrow night. I don’t have any luxury items for sale myself, but my mom (@cbeyda) does. She’s not very good at this whole poshmark thing and it would make her day and mine if you chose one of her listings (she only has 2) as a host pick ❤️. Thanks so much!
Feb 02Reply

hey hon. congratulations on hosting a party.
please consider my closet for HP.
sharing poshmark love ❤
Feb 02Reply

Hey! Congrats on hosting today’s Luxury party! I’d love it if you’d consider my David Yurman bracelet listing as a HP. Thanks, and happy hosting! 🎉🛍
Feb 02Reply

Greetings! Would be grateful if you could consider me for a host pick today! Cheers!! 🌈🌈🌈
Feb 02Reply

Hi! I just tried to share Oscar de la Renta & Armani in the luxury posh party but those brands aren’t on the list. Can those brands be added? 🤗
Feb 02Reply

Hi love 🦋 Congratulations 🤩 It’d make me so happy if you would check out my closet for a potential host pick! I have tons of cute Michael Kors items in need of a new home ✨ Thank you — Happy Poshing 🤍
Feb 02Reply

Congrats on hosting your coming up party! I am excited for the invitation. Please check out my closet and thanks for your inspiration!
Feb 02Reply

Hi! Congratulations on hosting 🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊I’m sharing your beautiful host picks ❤️🌹 I would appreciate if you Stop by my closet and look for a great host pick!🛍 ❤️❤️❤️
Feb 03Reply

Hi. My name is Victoria. Congrats on hosting today!! 🎉 Best of luck in your sales!! I haven some great Dooney and Coach bags in my closet. If you get a chance to check them out for a possible host pick I would appreciate it!!! Thank you.
Feb 03Reply

congratulations on your party
Feb 03Reply

I’d be honored if you would check out my men’s closet for the party tomorrow! Lots of nice J Crew shirts! Thanks so much!
Feb 03Reply

check out my closet for a host pick 🍒💋✨ i have a lot of j crew and lily!
Feb 03Reply

hey hon. congratulations on hosting a party.
please consider my closet for HP.
sharing poshmark love ❤
Feb 03Reply

Congrats on being a host! If you have a chance to check out my closet I would really appreciate it! Happy poshing! 💖💫
Feb 03Reply

You are inspiring! I'd be honored if you chose an item from my closet for host pick! ❤️😍💫💫💫
Feb 04Reply

I am @maplebetsy on Instagram 📸 ❤️
Feb 04Reply

Congrats!🌟🙏🏻⭐️I hope it will be awesome and that you’ll be able to enjoy every minute.💋
🙏🏻Pass by my closet and check my beautiful Madewell, J.Crew and more clothes in my closet, I know you’ll loveeee them 💕❤️
Feb 04Reply

Congratulations on hosting today's party! Would love to be considered for host pick if you have a chance! :)
Feb 04Reply

Hi , My name is Kelly. Nice to meet you. I am looking for my 1st Host Pick. Could you please take a look at my closet? Thank you
Feb 05Reply

Congrats in hosting a party! I hope one day to host a fabulous party like this! ☺️ till now I’ll hope for a host pick! I would
Love it if you consider me for a host pick for your party! ☺️❤️ thank you!
Feb 05Reply

Hi Adiel, Congratulations on hosting the upcoming party. I'm still learning the Poshmark arena and needing a little help promoting a great pair of Zara boots in my closet. Would love it if you could have a look-see if you think they are worthy. Regardless, best of luck and wishing you much Posh success!! 🦚🦚🦚🦚☺✨✨
Feb 06Reply

Hi Rose. You’re hosting this party, and I just wanted to ask about the fragrances. I see a lot of listings and even host pick listings that have fragrance in them. I thought we were not allowed to ship fragrances per PoshPost policy. Please advise. 😊
Feb 06Reply

Hi! Congratulations on hosting the party. I have a couple of amazing items and would love to be considered for a Host Pick <3
Feb 07Reply

Oh my gosh I love all your outfits on this post!!! So cute 😍 check out my closet for tomorrow party 😊🎉❤️ @gabigorawr
Feb 07Reply

Hello , please look into my closet when you have time , thank you, I’m enjoying your closet!😊
Feb 07Reply

Hi @rosegoldlining congrats on hosting the Anthro/Free People Posh Party! 🎉 I have a TON of great new with tags Anthro styles available in my closet right now that are perfect for the upcoming spring season! 👗 I would really appreciate it if you would take a look at my closet and consider choosing a style or two as a host pick! Regardless I wish you a great party and lots of sales!
Feb 08Reply

I LOVE your Items!!!😍👏👏
Would you please be so kind and check my closet? You may be pleasantly surprised by different things you’ll see there!😍Ty!
Happy Poshing, Great Sales Day!😃♥️
Feb 08Reply

Congratulations on hosting tomorrow!!! Even though I’m sure your phone is already blowing up with notifications (sorry I’m not helping!) if you’re still on the hunt for some cute host picks, please consider checking out my closet! I’ve even bumped a few options up to the top so you don’t have to waste too much time scrolling! Thank you and have a great day! 🥳💖😎
Feb 08Reply

Hi Adiel! I’m Tobi ( @tpk95 ) 👋🏻! I’ll see you on IG!😍Congratulations on Hosting The Luxury Chanel, Gucci, Louis, Etc. Party!🎉 I’d love if you’d check out my closet/Prada blue patent leather wedges! I’m having trouble getting exposure despite many self shares!🤗 If I may add a few PFFS closets! @empirez_sun @littlejaka @minkalamour @fryemeup @eclectic_threads @posh4tacos @fashionwonders @clawsjascloset @1kawaii1 @teresajc @frock_of_ages @808classysassy Thank you! Enjoy! Happy Poshing!💝
Feb 09Reply

Congrats on the hosting a posh party! Please check out my closet if you have time for a host pick ❤️ it would mean a lot to me!! My closet is posh compliant 🥰
Feb 10Reply

Congratulations for your luxury party!
Please visit my closet for some authentic luxury items. 😊🌹🌹😘
Feb 10Reply

Hi Adiel! Congrats on hosting today! I’m fairly new at this (11/19) however, I would love to present some new Michael Kors Platform beauties for consideration. They really give off boho chic vibes! Thanks so much!
Feb 11Reply

Hi! Congratulations on hosting the party. I have a couple of amazing items and would love to be considered for a Host Pick <3
Feb 11Reply

@rosegoldlining Congratulations on hosting party 🎉 Please check out my closet for potential host picks.
Feb 11Reply

Hey there! Congrats on being a host pick again! It would be awesome if you could check out my closet — I’ve got Dooney & Bourke, Vineyard Vines, Sperry, and tons for that would fit your upcoming parties. Thanks in advance! 💕
Feb 11Reply

Hi! I am a fairly new Posher but I am on Instagram 📸 @maplebetsy ❤️😊 Thank you!
Feb 12Reply

Congrats on hosting your upcoming posh party! Please check out my closet. I’ll be marking items that might be a good fit for a host pick in hopes you’ll come check them out! I’ll be there and wish you success! ❤️🌼
Feb 12Reply

congrats on hosting!
Feb 12Reply

Congrats on hosting this awesome Posh Party🎉 I hope that you could consider an item from my closet to be included😊 Happy Poshing!
Feb 12Reply

Hi Adiel! I’m Tobi ( @tpk95 )👋🏻! Congratulations on Hosting another great Party- The Galentine’s Day Posh Party!!🎉 I’d be so grateful if you’d check out my closet for any potential Host Picks! And if I may tag a few PFFS.. @minkalamour @empirez_sun @fryemeup @1kawaii1 @taa22 @jlotopper @modig @posh4tacos @kwturner14 @pwall2012 @teresajc @frock_of_ages @bagsnbistros @merri_graceland @eclectic_threds @fashionwonders Thank you! Enjoy!💝
Feb 12Reply

Congrats on hosting a party!!! Please check out my closet for Host Picks. Thanks!!! 😘
Feb 12Reply

Feb 12Reply

Congratulations on hosting! I hope your party is a great success! I’m new to selling on Poshmark in the past 3 months and I’d love to have the opportunity for you to follow my closet or choose one of my pieces for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering! Good luck tomorrow!
Feb 12Reply

Congrats on hosting! If you get a second please check out my closet! I’m currently
donating 10% of all sales to those who were affected by the hurricanes and tropical storms on the east coast. We have already donated close to 800$!!! 💕😘 I’ll be by to share some extra posh love throughout the day too! 🎉🥂
Feb 12Reply

Congrats in hosting a party! I hope one day to host a fabulous party like this! ☺️ till now I’ll hope for a host pick! I would
Love it if you consider me for a host pick for your party! ☺️❤️ thank you!
Feb 12Reply

Congrats on hosting a party! if you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much!
Feb 12Reply

Hi and congratulations on your party!! I love the theme. If you have a minute to take a look in my closet for a potential host pick, I would be thrilled! Can’t wait, see you then!
Feb 13Reply

hello! congrats on hosting tomorrow! i would love to be considered for a hostess pick!!🙂❤🎀🌸
Feb 13Reply

Hello, Congrats 🍾 on your Host Gig, please look into my closet , thank you!👍
Feb 13Reply

Congratulations on hosting a party! 🎉 Wishing you tons of sales! I would love for you to check out my closet for a possible host pick. Thanks for looking! 🛍
Feb 13Reply

Followed your Instagram ☺️ Congrats on hosting tonight!! 🥳I would be so honored if you checked out my closet! Happy poshing! 💕
Feb 13Reply

Hi, I hope you have a fantastic Posh party this evening. If you get a chance to take a look at my listings for a possible host pick, I’d be most grateful. Thank You and Happy Poshing.
Feb 13Reply

Hi😊, Congratulations on Hosting the Galentine’s Day Posh Party!!! I would love it if you would consider selecting an item from my closet as a host pick for your party. Wishing you a successful party. Thank you & Happy Poshing 😊💕💕💕
Feb 13Reply

Congrats 🎊🎉 please consider my closet!
Feb 13Reply

Hello there! 🎉 Congrats on hosting! I'd love to be a part of your party. If you're still looking for picks please consider taking a look through my small but growing closet 🤩 and my PFFs too @tpk95 Thank you so much!
Feb 13Reply

Congratulations on hosting tomorrows Makeup party💕Please check out my closet for a potential Hp✨💕
Feb 13Reply

🎈Congratulations Hosting. Please check out my Posh Compliant Closet for Host Picks. Thanks in advance. ✨Let's make some sales. Have fun, Bunny
Feb 13Reply

Congrats on co-hosting a party! I know it will be a posh-some affair! I would love for you to look at my closet for a HP! Happy Poshing!
Feb 13Reply

Congrats on hosting the Galentine’s Day party tonight!! 🎉🎉 I would really appreciate if you would consider my closet for a host pick. 💃💃 Thanks so much for your consideration and have a blast!! 😊😊💖💖
Feb 14Reply

@rosegoldlining 🎉🍷Congratulations on hosting the upcoming party. I would be honored if you considered my hand created accessories, and the stellar listings of my PFF’s as a host pick. 🍾💝I’ll be there and sharing.
Feb 14Reply

@rosegoldlining 🎉🍷Congratulations on hosting the upcoming party. I would be honored if you considered my hand created accessories, and the stellar listings of my PFF’s as a host pick. 🍾💝I’ll be there and sharing.
Feb 14Reply

Hi🌹🌷❤️ 🎉Congratulations on Party hosting! 🎉 I’m excited to participate and join in on the celebration! Looking forward to finding some fun, fabulous fashion finds! Happy Poshing and Blessings to you!🌸 ❤️🌸
Feb 14Reply

Congratulations on hosting tonight!!! Even though I’m sure your phone is already blowing up with notifications (sorry I’m not helping with that!) if you’re still on the hunt for some cute host picks, please consider checking out my closet! I’ve even bumped a few options up to the top so you don’t have to waste too much time scrolling! Thank you and happy Galentine’s Day!!! 🥳💖😎
Feb 14Reply

Congrats on hosting! I would love a host pick. Happy hosting!!! @rosegoldlining
Feb 14Reply

Congrats! You’re hosting Everyday Essentials Posh Party tonight!⭐️It will be awesome, so enjoy every minute.
🙏🏻Pass by my closet to check the incredible art to wear necklaces, my hand dyed shibori clothes and scarves and the artisanal Ponchos & Shawls. Lovely Madewell and Anthro clothes that hopefully you’ll love and maybe share🙏🏻 💋xoxo🌿
Feb 14Reply

Already following you on PM & IG!
Feb 14Reply

Hi! Would you please consider my self care set listing for the galentines day posh party? Thanks! 🥰
Feb 14Reply

Congrats on hosting!!! I would love for you to check out my closet ❤️♥️❤️
Feb 14Reply

congrats on hosting tonight's party! I would be honored if you would consider an item from my closet for a host pick! have fun hosting and beautiful closet! 💕💗💕💗💕💗💕💗💕💗💕💗💕💗💕💗💕
Feb 14Reply

Howdy! My name is Savannah and I joined posh recently to help pay for school so if it’s possible I’d love it if you looked in my closet for an hp!!
Happy galentines!!!
Feb 14Reply

Congrats on the Co-Hosting! If you're not too busy, do you mind taking a peek at my closet for any possible host picks? That would mean a lot to me! Happy Poshing!
Feb 14Reply

Congrats on hosting!!❤️ I would be honored if you would select my items as Host Pick.@kate_stylist😊💓
Feb 14Reply

Congratulations on hosting! 🌟So exciting! I'll be there partying with you! I'd be SO honored if you considered my closet for a potential host pick! 🍾 have fun 💗 xoxo
Feb 14Reply

🎊🎉🎊Congratulations on being our host for the ❤️💜❤️💖❤️💖Galentine’s Day Posh Party💜💝❤️💘❣️!! Im selling stylish clothes that would be cute for valentines and would appreciate it if you would take a look at them and hopefully consider any for a host pick. Thank you!!🌻🌺🌻
Feb 14Reply

Congratulations on hosting a posh party! Please check out my closet for a possible host pick. Thanks!
Feb 14Reply

Hi and congrats! If you had time to look at my closet I would be so honored! Thank you and have fun 💕😊
Feb 14Reply

Congrats on Hosting the Trending Zara Party tomorrow!👏✨❤️I have some prices I’d love you to consider for a host pick. Have a great party 🎉
Feb 14Reply

Hey just followed you @rosegoldlining my insta is @passporttoindia
Feb 14Reply

I loveeeeee your whole closet 😍😍😍😍
Feb 14Reply

Hi, I'm Angel ! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day! ∞ Sнoppər|#ShopSmall ∞,#GETMORE for way less ∞ #ShopSmallBiz + ✅ Verified #Google Business Owner #🌍❤️🔑 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ @scorpiomvp ┈┈┈┈╱▔╲▂▂╱▔╲┈┈┈┈ ┈┈┈▕╮╱▔╲╱▔╲╭▏┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱╋▏┊▕┊┊▕╋╲┈┈┈ ┈┈▕╋▕━▅━━▅━▏╋▏┈┈ ┈┈▕╱▔╲▔╭╮▔╱▔╲▏┈┈ ┈┈▕┊┳┊▔╰╯▔┊┳┊▏┈┈ ┈┈┈╲╰━━╯╰━━╯╱┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱▔╭┈┈┈┈╮▔╲┈┈┈ ┈┈ 🛍🛒🎀 👚👡👔👖👕👟🎩👙🧤🧣👒👜🧢👘👢👗👡👠💼👜👛👓🎒🌂🕶👓
Feb 15Reply

Congrats on hosting!!!
Feb 15Reply

Thank you for choosing my items as the host pick for Galentine’s day posh party last February 13. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰Congratulations on your hosting. Happy Poshing! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾
Feb 16Reply

@rosegoldlining Hello Adiel🌹🌹🌹GORGEOUS family photos are giving me all the feels🤗🤗🤗So jazzed for your Living your best life vibes, sweetie🌟🌟🌟May love always surround you💕💕💕
Feb 16Reply

🎉 Congratulations on Hosting a Party 🎉 Feel free to check out my closet in consideration for Host Pick. I would greatly appreciate it 💕
Feb 17Reply

Congratulations on hosting a party! 🎉 Wishing you tons of sales! I would love for you to check out my closet for a possible host pick. Thanks for looking! 🛍
Feb 17Reply

Came here to see if you had a blog. You are the cutest and I love your outfits!
Feb 17Reply

Congratulations on hosting your upcoming party! I would be so honored to be considered as a host pic for your party. I have everything trendy to the classics. I have just recently reopened my closet after a peripheral nerve implant in my back and could certainly use the exposure! Thank you so much for your consideration I would be very grateful.
Feb 17Reply

🎉 Congrats on Hosting The Poshmark Party! Sharing your items for speedy sales! 🎉😊
Feb 18Reply

It’s no wonder you have so many followers, great closet!
Feb 18Reply

Hi, Congrats🎉 on hosting the upcoming Party. I would love if you would look at my closet for a possible Host Pick. Thanks much. Happy Poshing! 🛍🌻
Feb 18Reply

Uhh l lol
B culinary put inbib n
Feb 19Reply

hi host pick me please
Feb 19Reply

Hi there! Looking forward for today’s 11am Posh Party! I would love to have this amazing Vintage Michael Kors Hooded Blazer featured as a Host Pick! I love it and would love for others to view it also!🌺
Feb 19Reply

I LOVE your Items!!!😍👏👏
Would you please be so kind and check my closet? You may be pleasantly surprised by different things you’ll see there!😍Ty!
Happy Poshing, Great Sales Day!😃♥️
Feb 19Reply

You have a very beautiful selection of things. Awesome taste!
Feb 20Reply

Happy hosting!!!
Feb 21Reply

Can’t wait to see all of the wonderful host picks! Much love 💕✌️
Feb 21Reply

I've asked before but I'll try again. You list LipSense as a brand allowed in this morning's party, however, the brand is Senegence, LipSense is a product. Because it's posted this way ni other Senegence make up can be shared. Can this be corrected?
Feb 22Reply

Love your style! Congrats on being a party host today 🥳🥰🥰🥰 you’re going to crush it! I would love for you to check out my closet for a potential host pick! Happy Poshing!
Feb 23Reply

Congrats 🎈🎉🍾 on hosting!! Would love if you would check out my closet for a possible host pick
Feb 23Reply

Boho seems like an odd category to limit brands. My best boho stuff is vintage or handmade.
Feb 23Reply

Congrats on the Co-Hosting! If you're not too busy, do you mind taking a peek at my closet for any possible host picks? That would mean a lot to me! Happy Poshing!
Feb 23Reply

@rosegoldlining Hi there 👋🏼 and congrats on hosting the Anthro/Free People Posh party tomorrow! 🎉 I have a ton of great new Anthro and Free People pieces in my closet and would love it if you would consider one for a host pick! Have a great day!
Feb 23Reply

Congrats on hosting!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Feb 24Reply

Hi! Congratulations on hosting your BOHO party today. I don’t have many of those brands but I will be sure to share! Best wishes❣️❣️
Feb 24Reply

Congratulations on your host pick!! I would really appreciate it if you take a look in my closet!! Thank you!
Feb 24Reply

Hello!!! Congrats on all your Poshing success! I would love for you to check out my closet for a host pick! Thank you ☺️
Feb 25Reply

❤️ Congratulations 🎉 on Hosting The Poshmark Party! ❤️I wish you many Speedy Sales! 🎉 Wishing you much success with your closet!
Feb 25Reply

Hi Rose! I’m Tobi! Congratulations on Hosting The Luxury Posh Party!!🎉 I’m so new to understanding the am party- if HP’s are chosen? If so, I’d love to be considered! Tagging PFFS.. @empirez_sun @808classysassy @1kawaii1 @fryemeup @absolutlyyumyum @minkalamour @savinavalentine @tarcherscloset @mariposacloset @luturnbull @dimplekrist @eclectic_threds @modig @sofopicks @beoirem @fashionwonders @posh4tacos @frock_of_ages @lisaluvs2thrift @derinda @terrilynns @swirlygurl @clawjascloset TY!💝
Feb 25Reply
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