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Updated May 06
Updated May 06

Hi, I’m Rebekah


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Hi, I'm Rebekah! I'm a Posh Ambassador and try to add several new items to my closet each day! I have a wonderful husband & 3 great kids! I have been a full-time seller on eBay for the past 12 years and 6 years on Posh. I have 800+ items in my closet at any given time and almost 20,000 positive feedback. I’m a tennis addict so if I’m not sourcing, listing or sharing I’m on the courts!! I have 2 dogs and two precious kittens that love to help me list!
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abstractdreams Do you sell the same kinds of items?
Sep 18Reply
3_dog_day @Abstractdreams In my eBay store? Yes. All my items are listed there first and then I put random items from there onto Poshmark.
Sep 18Reply
candykissa143 Gorgeous sweetie
Dec 26Reply
3_dog_day @candykissa143 thanks for the share bomb! That was a lot for you to do, but I appreciate it. Hope you have a great evening!
Dec 26Reply
candykissa143 Your very welcome and I'm very grateful thank you for thinking of me on your very special party day I feel honored girl ;-) and humbled of course
Dec 27Reply
3_dog_day @countryroads woohoo! 😊. That was quite a game wasn't it?!?
Jan 11Reply
3_dog_day @countryroads I'm kind of a new fan too. My husband is from the Pittsburg area, we got married 2 years ago and I became a fan. 😊. We are still talking about that game here at our house!! Lol!
Jan 11Reply
3_dog_day @countryroads I totally agree! My boys would love to play football and they'd prob do really well, they are big boys, but I'm not going to let them. Not until they are a lot older, it's just gotten too rough, when those guys play rough like that it trickles down to the kids games! I don't know why he wasn't fired!!
Jan 12Reply
3_dog_day @messerac hey, I am commenting here because I don't want to be discouraging on the posh society page. 😊. It looks like you are doing way better on here than I am. I just don't put much work into posh, eBay is my full time job. As for that group, when I was part of it it was free and she was giving really good advice. Things that did help me understand how posh works. Like following new users and sharing my own items more often.
May 09Reply
3_dog_day @messerac Now she charges for the advice she gives which I totally support, she's spends a lot of time with her people. I'm not sure you would learn a lot from her to make it worth your time or money. You'd prob learn as much from the various fb groups. But hey, if you want to give it a try, go for it. She is totally legit. Hope this helps!
May 09Reply
shopherposh @jean_obsession hey! Thank you for being honest ; ) I am going to start selling on ebay again too. I'm going to buy the ebay store mid level one that starts around like $50/ month for 500 listings. Do you have any tips or anything to avoid doing on ebay? I'm happy to exchange any posh advice in return ; )
May 09Reply
3_dog_day @messerac I just sent you a message thru Facebook.
May 09Reply
love_nashville Your closet is one of the best !!
May 22Reply
3_dog_day @love_nashville awe, thank you so much!! 😊❤️
May 22Reply
regrrl @jean_obsession What a fantastic closet! You are living the dream of creating an independent lifestyle. Can only imagine that with 3 spare time is a rarity 😂! Would you be willing to take a peek at my closet and make any recommendations? I've been on Posh about 3 months and trying to learn best practices. I'm looking at my original listings and seeing that I need to post measurements. Your layout is fab! Do you use a particular app (if you don't mind sharing). Thanks!
Nov 03Reply
3_dog_day @regrrl hi, thank you!😊. I think your closet looks really nice! The app I use for my photos is moldiv. I love it, pretty basic and simple. I think your closet looks very nice. I bought a lighting kit and paper backgrounds from Amazon and I think that has helped with the 'look' of my items. I also have a large canvas board that I bought at Michaels that I covered with some of the backgrounds that I use for my jeans.
Nov 03Reply
3_dog_day @regrrl I started out very small on eBay 8 years ago and it took me about 3 years to make a 'real' income. I'm pretty organized now, I write down daily/weekly/monthly/yearly goals for myself and I write down in a day planner exactly how many things I listed each day/how many item I sold/what my sales were. I think this really helped propel my business. 98% of my income comes from eBay.
Nov 03Reply
3_dog_day @regrrl I've just started getting serious on posh in the last 2 or 3 months. There are pros and cons to each, but I think it's good to sell on both. If you are on Facebook there is an excellent group called Poshmark Seller Tips. The advice on their has helped me a lot! Lmk if you have any other questions! Good luck!!
Nov 03Reply
regrrl @jean_obsession Thanks so very much for your insights! Very appreciated.
Nov 03Reply
hopeandstar @jean_obsession those Negan costumes!
Nov 05Reply
3_dog_day @nicnic71 ha ha, they had fun pretending to be him! But it was so hot Halloween night here is Georgia that my son took everything off right after! 😁
Nov 05Reply
3_dog_day @jackiekiddo ha, yes! They both had fun dressing up this year! 👻
Nov 12Reply
lrsorenson Omgeeee!!! Stahp with the awesome costumes!!! The Walking Dead is the best and the fact that your children are into it too it too great!!! Best pic I've come across yet!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻❤️
Nov 22Reply
3_dog_day @lrsorenson haha, thanks! I had a lot of fun dressing them!!
Nov 22Reply
newmarketshop Hi Rebekah, I just wanted to stop by and introduce myself. My name is Natalie and I love, love, love your closet. I actually read a comment you wrote on Poshmark Tips and Advice on Facebook and I just had to come visit your closet. You are doing exactly what I want to be doing as far as selling goes. I'm going to write you a little message there too. Hope you don't mind. ☺️ Have a great and joyous Christmas season with your beautiful family. 😄🎄
Dec 01Reply
lindamcco22 Jean obsession?? Ya think??? Dang girl awesome closet😂. Thank u for the share and you seem very nice even though it a Pittsburgh fan lol. Just kidding . Hava great weekend!
Dec 02Reply
3_dog_day @lindamcco22 lol! Thanks, you have a good weekend too! 😊
Dec 02Reply
regrrl @jean_obsession Just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for your encouragement and shares this year on Posh. You've been an incredible inspiration! Wishing you a blessed year to come.
Dec 30Reply
fearlessfrock Hey! I'm in Woodstock too and specialize in jeans:) Love your closet. If you don't already, I shop at Park Ave in town. Awesome place:)
Jan 22Reply
3_dog_day @fearlessfrock Thanks! You have a nice closet too! :)
Jan 22Reply
alecsander316 Hey there! Let me know if you want anything in my cllset! BOGO Free! :)
Jan 22Reply
lovinglately Great closet and great choice in football team. Love the picture. Here we go! 😁🏈
Feb 03Reply
3_dog_day @lovinglately thank you!!! Sad that the Steelers lost, but the Falcons are our 2nd fav team, so woohoo RISE UP!
Feb 03Reply
regrrl @jean_obsession Rebecca! Good morning! Wishing you a wonderful weekend! 💕
Mar 04Reply
bmjmatheson ☀️
Apr 20Reply
3_dog_day @piedrita hi, I received a request to style you. 😊 Just lmk what your sizes are and what types of clothes you are interested in, tops, jeans, etc and I'll share some items you might like.
May 16Reply
karenwrubio @jean_obsession 👋 what's your eBay stores name?
May 23Reply
3_dog_day @karenwrubio my store is jean obsession and my user id is 3-dog-day
May 23Reply
greatnanacloset 😊hello Rebekah, 😍 you have an awesome closet. .... I like most everything you have 😀 I have been looking for a Snow White Polo sweater, just like you have...however I can't pay quite that much and live on Social Security. So wanted to ask if you could hold for me until the 19th when I get my check and let me make an offer I could afford and still be beneficial to you. 😊💖😊
Jul 01Reply
greatnanacloset I meant to say also I love you photos so cute of you all (boys) if you can't I understand. I have a lot more items to list in my closet so if I make some money before 19th will purchase. I am a M so I feel sure this one would fit and it is Snow White like I have been looking for 💖
Jul 01Reply
greatnanacloset *your photos, I hate making mistakes.
Jul 01Reply
3_dog_day @sfpatterson hi, thank you, you are very sweet! 😊 I don't hold items, but if it's still available I'll be happy to consider offers. I also offer a 30% discount on all bundles. Have a great day!
Jul 01Reply
greatnanacloset @jean_obsession thank you and I understand 💖😊💖
Jul 01Reply
cheersnj @sfpatterson hi, great closet! I really like the way you styled it. For the life of me I can't figure out how to get the brand names with my items. Example you have J Crew Free people etc Is there an app?
Jul 06Reply
3_dog_day @cheersnj Thank you! Do you mean how I have the words "j.crew" or "free people" on the main photo? I use an app called moldiv and I've googled and saved stock photos of the logo's or I've just created some of my own thru that app.
Jul 06Reply
cheersnj @jean_obsession oh ok, that's exactly what I meant. Thank you so much. I'm definitely not a tech😊
Jul 06Reply
blondemoment35 Hey love do you still have the other shirt I liked? Remember the michael star top I bought. I love the red one! It fits great
Jul 27Reply
3_dog_day @blondemoment35 hey, I do still have it! I saw you found it again and liked a few other things. I'm in the mood to make some deals today, so feel free to make me an offer!! 😉
Jul 28Reply
blondemoment35 @jean_obsession hey!! I did find it lol. I'm wearing my top today that I bought from you. I feel so cute. I do want to purchase the one as well but I'll have to wait until I get paid again. I'm saving up some money to get a few things done that I need to get done. And yes I liked all the jeans too lol
Jul 28Reply
3_dog_day @blondemoment35 I'm so glad you like it!! I totally get it , my kids are heading back to school on Tuesday and I'm just about broke w buying school supplies and stuff!! Lol, gotta save up for this every year!! 😊
Jul 28Reply
blondemoment35 Hahahah yes back to school! Gotta love it lol!! Haha.. if it's still there I'll snag it.. 😘😘
Jul 28Reply
daisydora I received you Sweet Pea blouse today and LOVE IT!!! Thank you so much!
Aug 08Reply
geomag Hi your closet is 😇WOW! Thanks👏 and go Steelers 🏈
Sep 09Reply
3_dog_day @geomag Thank you! 😊
Sep 09Reply
stephandersonn I love your closet and the wide range of clothing brands and sizes! I have to ask, where do you buy all of these amazing jeans since they can’t all be yours? Do you shop at consignment shops and try to resell? What a great idea!
Nov 13Reply
3_dog_day @stephandersonn Thank you! I've been selling jeans on-line for 10 years now and get my items from thrift stores, consignment stores, estate sales, etc
Nov 13Reply
knelson3245 @jean_obsession hi. I used one of your free shipping posts and modified it. I hope that’s ok. If not I’ll remove it but I wanted to let you know from one posher to another
Nov 30Reply
3_dog_day @knelson3245 No problem at all! Good luck with it!! :)
Nov 30Reply
hillaryshouston @jean_obsession omg!! We just became PFFS!! Lol my son and husband dressed up as Negan for Halloween and I was thinking we had to be the only parents on earth who thought of it. I wore a yellow raincoat boots hat and held a red balloon. No one got our costumes. I had to explain them all night. I can't believe y'all did TWD as well!! I LOVE IT
Dec 11Reply
3_dog_day @hillaryshouston LOL! We actually did it last halloween (a year ago). This year our costumes weren't near as cool!
Dec 11Reply
kjajra I love your closet! Great items :)
Dec 12Reply
3_dog_day @kjajra thank you! And thanks for the shares! 😊
Dec 12Reply
lavandabyjc Thank you for sharing on Twitter ☺️
Dec 14Reply
whtlama That's all set.
Dec 29Reply
whtlama Noticed the Steelers shirt. I myself have Patriots. I think we narrowed down some info. LOL! Talk soon. Thx.
Dec 29Reply
3_dog_day @whtlama Oh no, not patriots! LOL! Thank you for your purchase, I'll get these shipped out tomorrow. Have a good weekend and Happy New Year!
Dec 29Reply
croweart Hi. I'm Lisa from @croweart and I'm reaching out to fellow poshers in my area to see if there's interest in a Posh meetup to get to know our local PFF's, share ideas, do some brainstorming and just have a little fun! I live in Woodstock and want to try to keep our meetups close-by. If you have any interest, let me know and I'll tag you once I get some info together. Look forward to hearing back! Lisa
Jan 18Reply
3_dog_day @croweart Hi, I might be interested. I'm usually hesitant to do these types of things because I don't want to help or create competition in my own area. But please let me know if you do get one together. Good luck!
Jan 18Reply
croweart @jean_obsession Hey, thanks for wouldn't have to do a thing...and there's really no competition since we all sell online and not locally, it's more about putting our heads together, sharing ideas and lifting each other up! It's great fun to meet other Poshers and get out of the house...I know I spend alot of time indoors! I will tag you once I get more info and I would love to meet you! Lisa
Jan 18Reply
3_dog_day @croweart Well the competition comes from people finding out where I source locally and that's what I find that people want to know more than anything. Otherwise, sounds good!
Jan 18Reply
lvnut66 well hello Neighbor!!! I'm in Woodstock too! Acworth mailing:)
Jan 24Reply
gabgot Hi - how do I bundle the two items I just got?
Feb 03Reply
3_dog_day @aimeecloset you are so sweet and all your messages made me lol and smile! 😁😁😁. Thank you so much! And that is so cool that your grandma lives in Woodstock! Such a small world huh!?!? If you have any questions about anything just lmk!!
Feb 17Reply
3_dog_day @aimeecloset I’m out, date night with my husband, but when I get back I’ll check it out!! 😊
Feb 17Reply
3_dog_day @aimeecloset that was sweet of you to give that jacket away. I wouldn’t worry about what anyone else says. You know the saying ‘no good deed goes unpunished’ sometimes with some people you just can’t win. But like you said, as long as your heart is in the right place! 😊😊
Feb 18Reply
cindyk1974 I missed the offer. Could you make the offer for the items and I’ll accept it.
Mar 09Reply
realandsimple Hi there, your closet is great! Thank you for your patience and I appreciate your offers. I hope not to offend you in any way, but I will just try to offer. Have a great weekend!
Mar 11Reply
3_dog_day @realandsimple thanks! I’m always happy to negotiate!
Mar 11Reply
realandsimple @jean_obsession again thank you! It's just too many great buys in your closet. A lot to like 😊
Mar 11Reply
jens_clothest You have an absolutely beautiful closet! I feel ya on the Jean obsession haha. Happy Poshing and wishing you quick sales. ❤️⚡️💕
Mar 12Reply
3_dog_day @jenitan oh thank you, that’s very sweet! 😊
Mar 12Reply
coco66 Hi!! I love your closet!! I see you are a Steeler fan! I live in Pittsburgh! Do you live here too?!
Mar 31Reply
3_dog_day @coco66 thank you! No, I live in Atlanta, but my husband is from the Pittsburgh area and is a big Steelers fan. 😊
Apr 01Reply
kellidunn76 Wow...u have alot of jeans😉
Apr 05Reply
3_dog_day @amanda_parrott hi, I sent them to the address on file with posh. I looked at the tracking, it’s odd, but I wouldn’t worry about it at this point. You could contact your post office and see if they have any info.
Apr 05Reply
mommybaker Hi Rebekah! I made an offer for a bundle this morning and I wanted to apologize for how low it was. You must’ve felt insulted and I had to say I’m sorry! I was wearing my contacts and thought I saw your bundle offer and typed in the incorrect amount. I didn’t want to insult you with my very low ball number! (Now that I put in my contacts, I’m feeling very bad!!!) Thank you for your understanding! - laura
Apr 06Reply
3_dog_day @mommybaker oh you are too sweet. 😊. It’s ok, I didn’t take offense. I understand trying to get a good deal, but that’s why i put that message so you’d know why I didn’t accept it.
Apr 06Reply
mommybaker @jean_obsession I totally wouldn’t have offered that low; just misread amounts. One day my silly eyes are going to get me into big trouble! Thank you for your understanding!!!
Apr 06Reply
tricia77r Nice to meet you on posh. Hope you are loving it! 💕
Apr 29Reply
skunie Thank you for the fabulous discount 😘. We are Steelers fans too! Hubby is from Pittsburgh!
May 14Reply
3_dog_day @skunie oh cool! My husband is from that area as well, grew up in Beaver Falls! I’ll get everything shipped out for you today! 😊
May 14Reply
lisalayna77 Sorry on the jeans- on a budget- not sure they fit- shipping is high too! Just got 3 pair in the mail that are too small so out $90- and unable to return. But thanks for the counter offer. Best of luck to you:)
May 18Reply
3_dog_day @lisalayna77 the best advice I can give you is to know your measurements. I recommend taking your favorite pair of jeans and measuring the waist across, the inseam and the rise. If you know these basic measurements you should be able to buy jeans that fit. Also, list those jeans that don’t fit onto Posh! It’s super easy! 😊
May 18Reply
courtcs @jean_obsession i'm new to this so not sure i'm doing this correctly :) would you accept $25 +4.99 shipping on the item I added to a bundle?
Jun 29Reply
3_dog_day @courtcs hi, I’m not willing to go quite that low, but I’ll send you an offer. Just an FYI, when you get offers that show a lower shipping it’s because I’m actually paying for shipping, which makes my profit lower. Also, for my closet the best discount you are going to get is by bundling more than one item. I give bigger discounts when you purchase more! Hope this helps!
Jun 29Reply
3_dog_day @courtcs oh I see I already sent you an offer, you can counter that, but that’s probably my best unless you bundle.
Jun 29Reply
gigirob1969 @jean_obsession: Thank you so much for accepting my offer. You have a GORGEOUS closet! I want most of it, lol! I will be shopping your closet, little by little to buy all I like. So, I see that you and your family are Pittsburgh fans. Yay! We are too! 🐧 Penguins fans here in Philadelphia. Hubby is a die hard fan!
Aug 07Reply
3_dog_day @gigirob1969 thank you for your purchase! I’ll get everything shipped out tomorrow! My husband is from the Pittsburgh area and loves his PA teams!! I became an automatic fan when we got married! 😂😊
Aug 07Reply
gigirob1969 @jean_obsession: Same, Lol. Only my hubby is born and raised in Philadelphia. My daughter will be going to Carlow University in Pittsburgh in a few weeks! Beautiful area!
Aug 07Reply
3_dog_day @gigirob1969 oh cool, good luck to her! We live in GA now, but were just up there visiting family back in July. I love GA, but that really is some beautiful country up there!
Aug 07Reply
gigirob1969 @jean_obsession: Aww, thanks. I’m a bit emotional, as she’s my only child. Though I’m excited for her, I’m a bit anxiety filled, as this will be her first time away from home. I’m so used to having her here, you know? It will be an adjustment for me, for sure. GA. Is a beautiful state! I have a friend who lives in Valdosta. I’ve traveled through GA on my way to Florida. The folks in GA are so friendly! I actually want to move to the South.
Aug 07Reply
3_dog_day @gigirob1969 I love it down here, it gets hot, but a very short winter!!
Aug 07Reply
brownskinde1 Thanks very much for all the shares. I think I’m going to retake all of the pictures to be clearer, lighter & brighter. Including a high level description.....need to get these babies sold.
Sep 14Reply
3_dog_day @brownskinde1 you are welcome! Your photos aren’t that bad, but if you invested in a light box from amazon, your bags would really pop!
Sep 14Reply
brownskinde1 @jean_obsession thanks for the advice
Sep 14Reply
brownskinde1 I am so sorry I could not complete the transaction, very sorry.
Sep 28Reply
3_dog_day @brownskinde1 that’s ok, I understand.
Sep 28Reply
3_dog_day @jpdriggs thanks! My name is Rebekah, Jean obsession is my store name because I sell lots of jeans. 😊
Dec 10Reply
soho2socal @jean_obsession You got a great closet, I appreciate the follow as well. Go Steelers
Dec 10Reply
3_dog_day @jpdriggs 😂👍❤️
Dec 10Reply
principessalisa Hi, Rebekah. I ordered the Melissa McCarthy white jeans recently. I want to take them on vacation with me this Friday. Do you think I can have them by then? I haven't seen a shipping date yet. Do I need express shipping? I'm in NC. Thanks! Couldn't find another way to contact you LOL
Feb 19Reply
3_dog_day @principessalisa hi, I’ll be shipping them tomorrow. Im in GA so they should get there by Friday. 😊
Feb 19Reply
principessalisa @jean_obsession Any chance you could send them today? Or can I pay for expedited ship method? Just worried they won't get here for my 3pm flight on Friday!
Feb 19Reply
3_dog_day @principessalisa no, I’m out of town.
Feb 19Reply
principessalisa @jean_obsession Ah ok. I should have checked. My fault. But if you find when you get to the post office there is a faster ship method I'll pay you for the difference. Thank you!
Feb 19Reply
leatherandpine Love your story! 💕. Also, I countered on the pants. Not trying to be a pain but have no clue if they will end up fitting. I usually don’t buy pants online but need black slacks for a one night gala. Giving it a try! Thanks!!
Mar 29Reply
myjoyfamily Thank you for the following! May our Posh closet bring some inspiration and joy along your journey!
Oct 28Reply
cdminmty WoW! I want to know your system!!! Any tips besides renting additional storage.?.lol
Nov 06Reply
3_dog_day @cdminmty ha, I’ve been doing this a long time, so I do have a number/inventory system and a ’closet’ in my basement where I store everything. 🙂
Nov 06Reply
05teddy11 Blessings on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜 cool posher pictures 💜 Happy 🦃🙏🤟🏻❤️💜🍁🙏🦃
Nov 18Reply
bobbett328 Hello 🙋‍♀️Thanks so much for stopping by and following my closet/boutique 😊🌺🌸Happy Poshing 🛍🛍Wishing you and your family the Happiest of Holiday’s 😍😍
Nov 29Reply
computershoptx Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you have Happy Holidays and successful Poshing!😊🎄
Dec 13Reply
trendycouple Great closet! Wishing you much success!😊
Jan 03Reply
truereal20 Nice closet and hard work. Congrats!
Mar 11Reply
jinxy231 Thank you for sharing my item. Have a wonderful day 😊
Mar 28Reply
merlekb Hi Rebekah, thank you for visiting my closet. I had a chance to check out and share your closet too. Do hope I get a share back. Stay safe and have a great day!
Mar 30Reply
bsdean2017 I don't see your listing for the Miss Me jeans... have they been sold?
Apr 02Reply
3_dog_day @bsdean2017 if you don’t see them then they were sold on another site.
Apr 02Reply
bsdean2017 @jean_obsession oh okay thank you
Apr 02Reply
rosegoldrivet Oh my gosh I’m so glad I found you - looking for a fellow denim lover’s closet to feature on my IG this weekend, and yours is IMMACULATE. Would that be cool with you? ☮️❤️👖 // Shannyn
Apr 10Reply
3_dog_day @bennysmama226 oh you’re so sweet! That’d be awesome! What’s your IG?
Apr 10Reply
rosegoldrivet @jean_obsession I’d love to! My Insta is jeans_and_more_boutique. 😊
Apr 10Reply
3_dog_day @bennysmama226 I just followed you from my personal account. I don't do much in insta with my business. I should, but I'm not there yet! ;)
Apr 10Reply
rosegoldrivet @jean_obsession I’m trying, lol. I don’t have a huge following but it’s really hard to grow it, I’ve found. Anyway, is there any other information I can include in the post? I like to do a short bio, and I can always just use what’s here on your MTP.
Apr 10Reply
3_dog_day @bennysmama226 Its a little out of date, lol. I've been doing this full time since 2008. I think I've sold around 25,000 pairs of jeans since then! My best friend got me into this and she's still a full time seller too, she'd be a great one to spotlight as well, her posh is @thejeanjunkie
Apr 11Reply
rosegoldrivet @jean_obsession what I love is we all carry a lot of the same brands! I would love to showcase her closet, too. It really is hard sometimes to find closets that fit the mold: clean look, lots of jeans in all sizes, measurements... so I’m always open to suggestions! 😁✌️
Apr 11Reply
3_dog_day @bennysmama226 another closet I love is @regrrl She is just the sweetest!! 😊
Apr 11Reply
djlamck1 I would like to discuss the possibility of you having the ability to find a particular pair of jeans for me. What would be the best channel on this app to do so?
Apr 11Reply
3_dog_day @djlamck1 Hi, What are you looking for? I'll try to help! :)
Apr 11Reply
regrrl @jean_obsession Right back at you Jen! Hope you and your family are doing well. Crazy times eh? Be blessed and Happy Easter!🐣
Apr 11Reply
vtsquare Thank you for the follow and shares on Poshmark! I also followed you on Instagram...squarevt2018 and hope you will follow me back as well. Working together is amazing!❤️
Apr 16Reply
jrlo23 Thank you so much for sharing my item....thanks and stay safe!!!
Apr 26Reply
janfast Hi Rebekah! Thanks for following my closet!😊
May 19Reply
absolutelykate YAY 🏈 STEELERS FAM❗
May 20Reply
erikakessler1 @absolutelykate Thanks for sharing
May 20Reply
absolutelykate @erikakessler1 It's a black&gold blood thing -- you are most welcome and stay thee safe and sensational ~ Kate ✒ absolutely
May 21Reply
05teddy11 Blessings Jean on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Super weekend and poshing 🛍🛍🤟🏻❤️🙏💜
Jun 12Reply
elmojo3 @05teddy11 hi i havevlots of pgh sports sruff check out my closet
Jun 30Reply
mzzy88 Hi. 👋🏼 I’m interested in the Frye boots but need to make sure my calves fit in the boot shaft. Can you please measure the circumference. Thanks
Jul 05Reply
gladyshernan403 Thank you so much for the follow and for the shares. Please let me know it there’s my closet anything that’s catches your eye. I offer super cool deals and I am open to offers. 👍⭐️👌Happy poshing ... regards
Jul 09Reply
rmsilvey Welcome. I’m a Poshmark Ambassador so welcome to the community. I’m a complete fashionista and shopper that used to work in TV and Media. I then adopted two daughters and opened a Classical Pilates Studio. Closets and closets if fabulous clothes many still with tags. So Shop, Bundle and Save safely from your home and if you go out....WEAR A MASK😷😷😷😷😷
Jul 20Reply
alfieandlulu 🤗hello 🕶thanx for follow ✈️ we have enticing items to make life fabulous! 👑🛍
Aug 01Reply
monolidi Happy poshing🥳🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like!🤗
Aug 07Reply
sarastcyr I bought the Paige jeans yesterday. But kinda want those lucky jeans too! Are they at all stretchy? What kind of deal can we do? ☺️
Aug 25Reply
3_dog_day @sarastcyr I just lowered the price on them about 2 hours ago, so you should have received a discounted shipping price from posh. I’ve already shipped the Paige, so I can’t do combined shipping.
Aug 25Reply
sarastcyr @jean_obsession I saw you shipped right after I sent that message. Thank you!! Have a great day!!
Aug 25Reply
sarastcyr Hi. I received my jeans today. The Paige Jeans. The zipper is broken. ☹️ what would you like me to do??
Sep 01Reply
3_dog_day @sarastcyr hey, I’m sorry about that! You’ll just have to open a return thru posh and they’ll take care of it.
Sep 01Reply
sarastcyr @jean_obsession no worries. I will do that. Just wanted to reach out to you first.
Sep 01Reply
3_dog_day @sarastcyr that’s very sweet of you, I appreciate it! 😊. I’m hoping they’ll just let you keep and give you a refund.
Sep 01Reply
sregions1989 hi 😃 will you please resend me the offer on the cropped tanks
Sep 17Reply
computershoptx Thank you for the Posh sharing 💕! I hope you have a great week and successful Poshing!😊🇺🇸
Sep 21Reply
3_dog_day @missmoly she deleted her about me page, lol.
Oct 08Reply
missmoly @jean_obsession , Ha Ha. I just saw that! I wonder if she will make a new page. How will we be able to see? I feel so bad for others. The best part is I made a new friend being you!
Oct 08Reply
3_dog_day @missmoly idk, I figure whenever I see someone who has no about me page that they’ve deleted it for a reason, lol. I had a feeling she would do that... oh well, yes, nice to make a new posh friend out of it! 😊😊
Oct 08Reply
sprinklesbaker Hi! I'm Emily. Thanks for stopping by! If you like any of my items feel free to create a bundle so you can get a great deal! I’m a quick shipper I usually send them out a day or two after😊 I’ll accept any offers on clothes, jewelry and books!
Feb 20Reply
the_gift_box Great name! Shambala 😎
Feb 23Reply
3_dog_day @the_gift_box thanks!! 😊😊😊
Feb 24Reply
sherid10 @3_dog_day Hi. I want to take this on a trip and I’m leaving a week from tomorrow. Will that be a problem?
Mar 15Reply
3_dog_day @sherid10 Not on my end. I'll get it shipped out today!
Mar 15Reply
sherid10 @3_dog_day Great. Thank you. ❗️❤️
Mar 15Reply
lsejism1 Thanks for your purchase! I will mail it out today. If you happend to want more than one, please cancel and I'll make you a great deal... $5 each with $4.99 shipping. These make great gifts :)
May 05Reply
lsejism1 I have a Cinco de Mayo BOGO special today. Would you like another item from my closet?
May 05Reply
3_dog_day @lsejism1 sure, I’ll take a look.
May 05Reply
lsejism1 @3_dog_day Great! Please cancel your order within the 3 hour window.
May 05Reply
lkhshop Hello @3_dog_day. I wanted to reach out and apologize for accidentally purchasing your J Crew gray sweater and then having to cancel the sale. Not sure exactly what happened...but somehow the Buy Now button was hit while carrying my phone. It looks like a fabulous and very cozy sweater, but just not something I need at the moment. Best of luck with your sales!
May 08Reply
1betdavis Hello! You made an offer and I missed it, I've not been on Posh for hours. will you re-send your offer? Thank you😊
May 12Reply
dorothy_wirth Thank you for viewing my closet it is greatly appreciated. Dorothy 💜
May 12Reply
rhonda_anne Have a blessed year!
May 26Reply
ltbbalance What an amazing much variety and style...something for everyone...💫💞🎀🌻 I have shared Posh love by sharing items from your closet to my followers and to any active Posh party that applies...I hope you will do me the honor of visiting my closet and if you are so inclined, sharing mine too🥰🌷.. Happy Poshing!!💕⚘🎁💥
Jul 14Reply
hgracian Thanks for the feedback ☺️ I’m glad your son liked the Crocs 🙂
Aug 20Reply
cyclingtoomuch Thanks so much for the shares, Rebekah!
Dec 18Reply
kaz_chic_kloset Hi Rebeka, beautiful family & pictures! Thank you so much for the shares my dear. I really appreciate it! I hope you have a beautiful & blessed day 💖✨🙏🏻
Mar 01Reply
cutehosiery @3_dog_day Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Dec 22Reply
krystalmcc1621 Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your items with my followers. Have a wonderful day 🌞 and many sales📦!
Jan 17Reply
pazarhino1313 Thanks for the follow!!!
Jan 28Reply
marywilliams130 Hi this is Mary 😊 thank you for following my closet 😊
Feb 04Reply
kbetzwiser Feel free to make an offer. Thank you for looking at my closet
Feb 08Reply
lisakay100 Welcome, Happy Poshing, Check out my Closet‼️
Feb 10Reply
rad0529 Hello Rebekah, my new friend, I pray your day is truly blessed as well as all your tomorrows, God Bless always, Rhonda
Mar 01Reply
pjhb Hi Rebekah! Thanks so much for sharing my listings! Would love to make you a great deal! I do take reasonable offers!😃
Mar 04Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Mar 04Reply
rhonda_anne Hello...welcome to Poshmark! I am offering a free sterling silver heart necklace with the purchase of any this month of March
Mar 07Reply
dare2bchic2day Great success! I am still learning read as much as I could to apply to increase my own sales in almost a yr! I just it a circus at times, I am putting i. Too much time need to learn how to manage it better to keep hubby on board with this new obsession
Mar 16Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing DEALS✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing✨🎉
Jul 06Reply
oldesires Hello, WELCOME & THANK YOU for your “follow or like(s)”. Please feel free to visit, scroll, make an offer or just ask?’s. Hoping your Posh adventure is fun & successful.
Aug 03Reply
shirlscreations Your kitties are darling.
Aug 06Reply
3_dog_day @shirlscreations thank you! I need to update this, they are big kitties now!!
Aug 06Reply
diggsf Hi there. What size is the ring? Says OS but just need to know size (I.e.,5, 6, 7), before purchase. Thank you 😊
Aug 30Reply
diggsf Hi there! What size is the ring? Says OS but just need to know the true size (i e 6, 7, 9) before purchase.😊 Thank you
Aug 30Reply
work_gal82 Hi @3_dog_day Thank you for the follow! You have such a positive outlook on life and love your story! Happy Poshing. 🌼
Nov 03Reply
le_stage Hi! Just wanted to say thank you so much for your warm welcome! Look forward to poshing with you! 🌺 MelissaL
Nov 08Reply
3_dog_day @le_stage ❤️❤️
Nov 08Reply
3_dog_day @work_gal82 ❤️❤️
Nov 08Reply
brandauthentic Hey posher!!💛🙌 Come & Join to BrandFam! We only sell 100% authentic designer items! If you would like to be notified about our live shows like our “Crazy Mom’s Deals” listing!🔔Don’t forget to make offer on items in our closet and get the discount✨
Nov 28Reply
rposen Hi Rebeka! It’s great to meet you!🌸
Feb 14Reply
twizzy30 Thank you for sharing!
Mar 20Reply
corinnesechrist You have a beautiful family. You are blessed.
Mar 30Reply
jean_davidson I would live to buy the ring, but it is still a little too much for me.
Apr 12Reply
misserin7 Hi! Nice to meet you. I’m having a Moving Sale. I just added a lot of Urban Outfitters and Madewell items to my closet at amazing prices!! I hope you’ll check it out.
Apr 17Reply
astro2011 Thanks for sharing 💕
Apr 28Reply

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