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Updated Dec 02
Updated Dec 02

Hi! Welcome to my closet!



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I love flat shoes, Nike, Jimmie Choo, Prada (heels of course!) Thanks for stopping by! I moved to Portland, Oregon from the East Coast a few years ago & I’m loving it! Leave a comment and I’ll be sure to stop by your closet
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chammje Welcome to Posh!!! Thank you for sharing!💖✨✨✨
Apr 08Reply
poshmepnw @chammje Thank you as well!!💕
Apr 08Reply
share123 Hi - Welcome to Poshmark! Your closet is looking great! But if you do have any questions I'll be happy to help. Have a great day and Happy Poshing!
Apr 09Reply
poshmepnw @share123 Thanks so much. I will certainly reach out. Your closet is pretty awesome die sure!
Apr 10Reply
kjoyhm @poshmepnw Welcome to Poshmark! 🙂 @shawna_bee is up in your neck of the woods and is a dear friend. @wiredrose, @cb558, and @indygothreads are dear friends, as well. All these ladies have fabulous closets that you might want to check out. And if you ever have any questions, please let me know. I’m here to help. Looks like you’re already off to a great start, though!
Apr 10Reply
wiredrose @poshmepnw welcome! You will love it here and you are in great hands with @kjoyhm and her goodness, grace and great style.
Apr 10Reply
poshmepnw @kjoyhm thank you! I can’t wait to see their closets. Such inspiration on what to do!🌹
Apr 10Reply
poshmepnw Should be *for sure!
Apr 10Reply
poshmepnw @share123 that should be your closet is awesome *for sure!!🌹
Apr 10Reply
poshmepnw @kjoyhm oh my goodness - thanks for the input. Their closets are pretty spectacular. 💕So much to learn!
Apr 10Reply
kjoyhm @poshmepnw You’re very welcome! It’s a great community here. 😊
Apr 10Reply
crazyposh WELCOME!!! Thanks for following my closet. I absolutely ❤️ shopping and selling on Posh. 👚👠👕👖👞👗👙👒👓🧢👝🎒The community is awesome and very helpful. Let me know if I can answer any questions or help in any way. 😁
Apr 10Reply
poshmepnw @crazyposh Thanks so much! I could really use some tips on best lighting kits, where to best purchase half mannequins and rules around photos with models that already have the product on, etc. Your closet is devine. 🌹
Apr 11Reply
crazyposh Awww thank you! I got my mannequin on amazon and same with my lighting kit! (Limo studios - soft box lighting). If you check out emptyhanger ‘s closet she is on YouTube and has some great tutorials!!
Apr 11Reply
poshmepnw @crazyposh This is perfect. Thank you!
Apr 11Reply
crazyposh NP :)
Apr 11Reply
fourwildhorses Welcome to Poshmark! We are a wonderful community that likes to share and support one another. If you have any questions, I have a couple Q&A listings in my closet that may help. Best wishes
Apr 11Reply
poshmepnw @fourwildhorses Thank you! I will take a look at your Q&A!🌹
Apr 16Reply
poshmepnw @fourwildhorses your closet is both beautiful and informative. Thank you. Could you explain the share/follow games?
Apr 23Reply
fourwildhorses @poshmepnw I answered your questions in my “New? I can help” Q&A listing. I also tagged you in a share listing. Hope that helps 😊🦄💕
Apr 23Reply
ghsmermaid Hi Luv! I have shared your info with my followers along with your lovely listings. LMK if you ever have any questions. We are a friendly group and we all help eachother to succeed. 😙
May 06Reply
poshmepnw @nabernard Thank you! I do have questions! I will ask them later.💕
May 06Reply
tallman68 @poshmepnw - I removed the yellow shirt because I found a small hole under the collar by the label- the other 3 shirts are in great shape- I will throw in the yellow shirt for free in any bundle you put together - no one will ever know that hole exists- plus I give 20% discount on bundles.
May 16Reply
poshmepnw @tallman68 sorry for the late post. I don’t understand how this works. I went to pay for the shirts and the 20% discount was not reflected. Let’s touch base tomorrow morning.
May 17Reply
tallman68 @poshmepnw when you make the offer- make it for 80% of the price-
May 17Reply
tallman68 @poshmepnw I set it up now so it automatically gives a 20% discount when you make the offer on 2 or more items
May 17Reply
tallman68 @poshmepnw I countered your offer of $65 with one of $72 since that is what a 20% discount works out to be. We will figure this out together
May 17Reply
poshmepnw @tallman68 omg. I knew I was doing that all wrong!
May 17Reply
poshmepnw @tallman68 thanks for the beautiful shirts. Were you still sending the yellow shirt? It did not arrive.
May 23Reply
tallman68 @ the yellow shirt had a bigger hole than I thought- I decided not to send a flawed shirt even though it would be free
May 23Reply
tallman68 @poshmepnw at your convience please accept the shirts and give a rating
May 23Reply
poshmepnw @tallman68 Will do! Thank you for the beautiful packaging!
May 23Reply
tallman68 @poshmepnw my wife “cookiesforall” helps me with that.
May 23Reply
poshmepnw @tallman68 I figured that! ☺️
May 23Reply
poshmepnw I just caught that @cookiesforall is your wife! ☺️
May 23Reply
poshmepnw @tallman68 I accepted them. They are very big... TALL. Didn’t realize the significance of the T! I was pretty dismayed at the mistake. To my surprise, my boys LOVE them... One may even start his own posh site with a couple. Oh well. If you see them pop up don’t be surprised. Thanks @cookiesforall
May 24Reply
nanny0909 @poshmepnw Thank you for your offer. Crossing fingers on some sales so I can afford to buy new items from closet. Will be sharing your items. 🍃💕🍃💕💕🍃💕💕💕🍃🍃🍃
Jun 01Reply
resourcing_rob Thank you for visiting and following my closet, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
Jun 05Reply
kloset_konnect Welcome to Poshmark Doll 😘
Jun 10Reply
thriftgirltx Thanks for your offer on the Frye Shoes! I am open to negotiation on the price. If you would counter with your best offer (even if it is the same) I will respond with my lowest. You never know we may be closer than we think 😊
Jun 12Reply
poshmepnw @thriftgirltx I’m so new to this. I didn’t know what to do! I love the shoes!
Jun 12Reply
thriftgirltx @poshmepnw I completely understand! 😀. You will need to use the offer button to submit a counter
Jun 12Reply
poshmepnw @thriftgirltx are they hard bottoms or moccasins?
Jun 12Reply
poshmepnw My apologies. It's clear what they are. I totally missed that.
Jun 13Reply
thriftgirltx @poshmepnw So sorry I missed this. They actually have a rubber bottom that provides a soft bottom look with the durability of rubber. Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Jun 13Reply
poshmepnw @thriftgirltx perfect. I was rushing earlier. My husband told me he liked them so I hurried and pressed like to bookmark them!
Jun 13Reply
poshmepnw I will try this again.
Jun 13Reply
sharie436 Thanks for the like of the game!💞💞💞
Jun 17Reply
gordomom Hi - I see you’re in Portland. Are you in the Portland Posh Facebook group? Nice to meet you!
Jul 03Reply
poshmepnw @gordomom yes! thank you!
Jul 03Reply
poshmepnw @gordomom your closet is quite nice!
Jul 03Reply
gordomom @poshmepnw thank you! Your closet is lovely as well! I’m so sorry, I don’t know your first name so I don’t remember if we have interacted in the FB group. 😊 A couple of the gals have been talking about planning a summer meet-up. I’ve been so busy with work, so I haven’t been as active on PM or FB.
Jul 03Reply
poshmepnw @gordomom we have not communicated. I found you this morning and followed you! I'm Debra
Jul 03Reply
gordomom @poshmepnw Hi Debra! Sorry, when you said yes above, I thought it was in reference to the Facebook group. 😊 If you’re on FB and would like to join the group, I can tag you on the post that shows the URL. We meet up periodically (used to more often), sometimes to visit wholesale shows or fashion events and sometimes offer workshops, but mainly we offer local support for each other. If not, I can try to keep you posted if we have upcoming events. 💝
Jul 04Reply
poshmepnw @gordomom Oh my... It’s all I can do to keep up with what I’m doing now on Poshmark! I would love to shop more 🤗 if anything! My hubby would lose it if I spent any more time on this! Yup - heading out to socialize with my PFF! 💐💐💐💕
Jul 04Reply
gordomom @poshmepnw lol - too funny! When I first started, I spent hours each day, but work has been so busy that I’m lucky to be on for an hour. It’s usually checking in periodically. Earlier this year, PM hosted a Posh Live party in Portland and people brought their spouses. Maybe he will have a closet too 😊 Anyway, I’ll tag some friendly locals (and former locals) so they can show you some PoshLove. 💖
Jul 04Reply
raonow Thanks for the offer though!
Jul 13Reply
poshmepnw @gordomom Thank You!
Jul 18Reply
janfast Hi! Thanks for following my closet! 💕😊
Aug 06Reply
tetullis Hello and thanks for following. Happy poshing
Aug 06Reply
flippintreasure Thanks Bunches for the follow!
Aug 10Reply
kmsalter @poshmepnw Just wanted to leave a quick comment to let you know I am still LOVING ❤️❤️ the Dooney & Burke bag I purchased from you!
Aug 14Reply
kmsalter @poshmepnw Thank you so much for the likes! ❤️
Aug 15Reply
poshmepnw @tinamre311 No. Thank you.
Aug 19Reply
freedom2become @poshmepnw Just thought I would let you know that every time I visit your closet to share listings, I am always thinking...WOW what a beautiful closet!!!
Aug 25Reply
poshmepnw @freedom2become 💕Thank you so much. Your positive note was ✨perfectly✨ timed.
Aug 25Reply
go4gina So glad to meet you. Nice closet!
Aug 30Reply
poshmepnw @go4gina thanks for stopping by! I 💕 your jewelry!
Aug 31Reply
jordansmom_2010 Oh wow! Your closet is amazing! Here I am thinking you were a newbie and you are killing it! You do not need any suggestions keep doing what you doing everything looks awesome!
Sep 16Reply
poshmepnw @jordansmom_2010 Thank you! I needed that today! I ✨love love love✨ sharing from your lovely closet every day! Such splendid style. 💕
Sep 16Reply
jordansmom_2010 @poshmepnw the feeling is mutual! That's why I had to go check when you said you were getting ideas because I said to myself now I know we share from each other's closets and I love your style! And when I get there I see that yes you have an amazing closet! All your pictures look wonderful!
Sep 16Reply
poshmepnw @jordansmom_2010 Thank you. I just started the boutique side of things.
Sep 16Reply
chicstylemaven Love, love, love your closet! 😍 Will definitely have to come back & shop when I’m more wide awake. Thanks for stopping by my closet! 🛍😊🎊💝 Used to live in the PNW for several years & I miss it every day!
Sep 28Reply
alunalevi Happy sat sweetie
Oct 20Reply
freckledsue Hey! I’ll stop wearing back then also!! 😂. Love black!!!
Oct 25Reply
freckledsue @poshmepnw black not back but you got it anyway girl! Love the closet!
Oct 25Reply
bell1971 @poshmepnw 💄💄💄 Your a LIPPIE posher today 💄💄💄Enjoy💋
Jul 08Reply
poshmepnw @mylovejewelry thank you for stopping by and inviting me to take a look at your closet. Your closet is beautiful! 🌸
Oct 07Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Dec 09Reply
amyra1992 thank you for sharing my item YOU ARE SOOOOOOO AMAZING!!!! 🤩
Jun 09Reply
amyra1992 thank you for sharing my items you are AMAZING 🤩
Jun 10Reply
montreasures Hi!! I just wanted to stop by and let you know about my buy 1 get 1 FREE sale! EVERYTHING in my closet is eligible 🎉 I have TONS of items for sale so you will definitely find something you love! Hurry before your favorite items sell out.
Jun 16Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there❤️I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals🥳🥳🎉 if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing 🎉
Jul 14Reply
cutehosiery @poshmepnw Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 21Reply
best_2nd_chance Offers considered on the Row bag.🙂
Feb 28Reply

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Last Active: Mar 07

Portland, OR
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Last Active: Mar 07

Portland, OR
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