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Updated Apr 17
Updated Apr 17





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Hey, it's me! I'm that guy from that thing. I like rap music and space. I sell cool stuff for cheap to feed my family and fuel my dreams. Make great offers and get smokin' deals. Lowball and get dunked on.
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poshhere    HAPPY 2021🎉 PM Closets contain something for everyone, including 🎁🎁 for ANY occasion! Wishing you SUCCE$S with Selling! If Buying, make OFFERS! CREATE A BUNDLE & SAVE on shipping! As a PM Ambassador, I'll help in any way I can. Check my Closet often, as different items are frequently added. Happy Poshing & SHARE, SHARE, one another's closets for max exposure.✌& stay safe🙏.
Jan 09Reply
margitscloset welcome to poshmark and my closet. thank you for stopping by. please don't hesitate to ask questions. have fun and happy poshing. 🌞
Jan 11Reply
514lenab Thanks for the support, Erick! Hope u have a great day, take care for now!😁✌❤
Jan 26Reply
chrisschilling 🌼🌺Welcome to Poshmark!!🌺🌼 Feel free to check out my closet!! Lots of great items and offers always considered!!
Feb 17Reply
thetripimon Hi Erick, I see North Face and and Vans often when sourcing. I will pick up some solid finds from those two brands and message you when I do. What is your shirt, pant and shirt size? Jon
Feb 17Reply
northbaygirl Welcome to Poshmark!! I am a Poshmark Ambassador and I would be happy to answer any questions you might have. All the best!
Mar 26Reply
northbaygirl Oops! You have bern here for a while, I see! Terrific closet!!
Mar 26Reply
jkez36m Hi Eric. Welcome to Poshmark
Mar 27Reply
alice_stella Thanks for sharing the Posh Love 😍 I add new items to my closet often so please pop in again soon. In the meantime, take care and Happy Poshing! ~Jessica
Apr 06Reply
effibabe Thank you so much for sharing my closet!🎈🎈 Could you help to share more items of my closet. Really appreciate 🙏🙏🥺🥺
Apr 13Reply
alessentials Hi! Thank you kindly for sharing. Receive a complimentary gift with each purchase.😊
May 05Reply
angielgalvis could you rell me what happened to the short orange? so l never knew how delivery was, l only know that the money was withdrawn from my credit card and not a communication dignal with the seller
May 12Reply
evantil @angielgalvis Hi, the orange shorts will arrive at your address in the next week or so. I am the seller and am handling the delivery. Don't worry, everything is going as it should :-)
May 12Reply
alessentials Hi! Thank you kindly for sharing. Receive a complimentary gift with each purchase.😊
May 14Reply
oswald88 Thanks for sharing man!
Jun 29Reply
khochme Thanks for the offer! Sorry, I accidentally clicked “like” instead of “share”. The jersey is too small for my kids. Hope you sell it soon!😀
Sep 11Reply
adcgoodfellow Hey Evan, thanks for the discounted offer on the Lulu shorts. If you’re willing to do $30 with $9.99 shipping, I think that’s a pretty fair deal that I’d accept right away. No worries if not. I’ll keep an eye out in case you’re game for that. Thx man.
Oct 03Reply
evantil @adcgoodfellow Hey man, if you decline the $36 offer I’ll send over $30 + $9.99
Oct 03Reply
adcgoodfellow @evantil Done. Thx! 🙏🏼
Oct 03Reply
yvonnemrdavie @evantil Hello Erick thank you for sharing from my closet. I truly appreciate your thoughtfulness and support. Thanks you for your time All the best to you. 🙂⚘🌿
Oct 07Reply
jgirouard1969 Hey Evt thanks for all the shares in 2021. Yuh always have the coolest and hip stuff. Have a Merry Xmas and a prosperous New year
Dec 23Reply
evantil @jgirouard1969 Thanks Joanne! This has been a great year here on Posh and everyone has been so awesome to deal with. Happy Holidays and here’s hoping 2022 is your best year yet!
Dec 23Reply
jdlcloset @evantil hi there! how's it going? thank u for sharing my item much appreciated. kindly please visit my closet i bundle sale for 4 items of 20% discount. also mny of my listing i just drop prices, u might see something u like just let me know. thank u very much and happy shopping 🛍 😊
Jan 07Reply
saamaanthaa939 Thanks for the shares - I also wanted to share that I have some incredible deals right now like 😉2 for $20 on many items, 🤑2 for $100 on many name brand items worth much more, and a 🤗FREE w purchase gift on some purchases!! Hope you get to enjoy ❤
Mar 13Reply
lrosizzle hi Evan, I accidentally purchased a pair of blue vans in a size ten. somehow, I must have confirmed this order when I fell asleep on my phone. I do t actually know anyone in this size. is there anyway I can cancel this order with you? so sorry for the inconvenience.
Mar 14Reply
evantil @lawrarobertson Hey, no problem. I will cancel the order.
Mar 14Reply
lrosizzle Thank you so much. I really appreciate it!
Mar 14Reply
lrosizzle So, turns out my husband was in my account and bought them for his brother... Will be rebuying these once they are available. Worst buyer ever!
Mar 14Reply
evantil @lawrarobertson Haha, all good. Will send you a private offer.
Mar 14Reply
evantil @lawrarobertson Offer sent 😎😎
Mar 14Reply
verescak hey man - my kid was messaging around with the offer on the red Nike's... can you please cancel it?
Mar 14Reply
verescak @evantil thx bro .... my bad
Mar 14Reply
myoun210 Hello, I just received an order of Nudie Lab Selvage jeans from you. These jeans are 100% fake. They are not selvage, and the inside pocket writing has almost every second word spelled wrong, and Nudie is spelt as Mudie is areas. Please contact me so that we can arrange me to return these jeans and get my money back
Mar 28Reply
evantil @myoun210 Hey Mike, Poshmark will approve a return and you’ll have a return shipping label shortly.
Mar 28Reply
myoun210 @evantil thank you for the response
Mar 28Reply
atzek Hello! Thank you for your order. I’ll send out your item ASAP ⭐️
May 11Reply
princesscat69 Thank you for your purchase!!
May 12Reply
setolig Hi there I would like to bring this to your attention. I do receive 20to 30 shares by you on the same item . I do thank you couple of times as it is . Is there something wrong with your system ? or Poshmark it self. Please look in to this matter ....ASAP
Jul 04Reply
milianderson what a beautiful closet you have, wonderful display and amazing affordable prices!
Sep 30Reply
evantil @milianderson Thank you. That’s very kind
Sep 30Reply
514lenab Thanks for Sharing, dope closet, BTW!!
Apr 19Reply
mojonissan300 hi feel free to make an offer on the hocket stick
Aug 17Reply
irishleprechaun Hi My Name is Jason ULTIMATE COLLECTOR STORE Great Christmas Gifts 🎁 Great Collectibles ⚾️ 🏀 ⭐️ I have 4 VIP Taylor Swift⭐️ ⭐️Stage Seats For Sale ⭐️ 🖤🖤BLACK FRIDAY SALE🖤🖤 🖤6/$20 For $5-$8 Items ❤️3/$20 For $10-$15 Items 🩷25% OFF Bundles of 3 or More Items With $9.99 Shipping 🎅 ⛄️ 🎄 Free Shipping Over $100 I Support and Raise Donations For 🧡Multiple Sclerosis Awareness 🧡 Please Come Check Out My Closet Please Share ❤️ Thanks Jason
Nov 12Reply
irishleprechaun Hi Happy Boxing Day My Name is Jason Have A Collector Store Since 1988 💖30% OFF BUNDLES 💖OF 3 or More Items ❤️For Sale❤️ -Pokémon Hockey Sealed Card Packs -Barbie -Horror -Vintage Toys -Celebrity Autographs Eminem, Mariah Carey Betty White Plus More Plus ⭐️Have 4 Taylor Swift VIP ⭐️Stage Seats For Sale ⭐️In Toronto November 2024 Please Come Check Out My Closet Please Share and I’ll Share Back❤️ 🎁⛄️Happy Holidays Jason
Dec 26Reply
smilingheart5 Hi there! Hope all is well out your way! I have mentioned before how your closet gave me inspiration in poshing. Would you be willing to advise if there is an app you purchase or how I could go about getting the mfg logos like you use?
Jun 25Reply
evantil @smilingheart5 Heyo! I use Canva Pro and Google Images.
Jun 25Reply
michealskinner I'll give u 100 for them
Sep 28Reply
evantil @michealskinner I’d do 150+shipping
Sep 28Reply
michealskinner @evantil okay I'll do that brother can u give me couple day
Sep 29Reply

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