I am addicted to this site!
US$0 US$666
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I wear lots of black. Here to update my wardrobe, not make a living. I don't consider low offers rude. If something is priced at $15 or less in my closet I'm prob. willing to almost give it away esp. if you bundle with other low priced items. If something is priced at $20-$30 or more it probably reflects the lowest or near to what is the lowest I'll be able to accept for that item. Among the few things I really don't like about Poshmark is receiving boxes that smell like detergent or cigarettes.

25 others
like this

Well welcome we do have a 12 step program to get out but you only get to use it on e you spend $5000, I'm kidding of course, but it can get addicting. Thank you for giving my bag a 💖. If your ready to buy please put in your best offer, if your not ready to buy please keep me in mind. I'm an Posh Ambassador so I'm more then happy to answer any questions you might have.~Drool
Nov 16Reply

@drool Thanks!
Nov 16Reply

Lol me too 🤪
Nov 19Reply

Hey girl! If you accept my offer I’ll throw in some free goodies too! I feel bad that we are $5 apart, I’m just stretched beyond and you’re so sweet that I came down a little but now I’m stuck! I hope you understand! I can get all this out for you tomorrow if you accept! ❤️
Nov 19Reply

@kelly2457 You're referring to my dislike of opening a shipment to the overpowering scent of cigarettes, heavy detergent, or washing machines that are long overdue for a cleaning, am I right?
Nov 22Reply

@plexus2016 Thanks!
Nov 22Reply

@theanoeticist I don’t remember referring to anything ? sorry
Nov 22Reply

@kelly2457 3 days ago you wrote "lol me too"
Nov 22Reply

@theanoeticist ohhh yes your right 😊
Nov 22Reply

Hi! I made an offer on your bundle and also suggested some items as requested. If you want to add anything just decline the offer and make your additions, then I'll send a new offer ;) Thanks!!
Nov 27Reply

@blingdesigns I have been trying to write this comment now three different times. The Poshmark interface is aggravating in that if I touch the screen it sometimes makes all of the text disappear. Yes as another seller I do understand that. I am very familiar with the way this site works -- in fact, one of its key features is that it enables negotiation, so what I typically do when someone makes me an offer is...
May 22Reply

@blingdesigns ...I look at the amount by which they reduced the item in question, then make a similar jump down again from that price as an opener for bargaining. Sometimes the seller is motivated to just get rid of the item and they just accept my initial offer, but what I generally expect is that a negotiation begins. Feel free to offer it to me again. I found your item by doing a search for ADHD. I would like to have it because I have ADHD and I struggle with it.
May 22Reply

Thank you for the Shares❤️ let me know if the bundle price works out for you. Love your profile pics. Very thought provoking😉
Jun 05Reply

I sent your items, I forgot to ask if you wear earrings. Also, loved your style request. Never done it before so sorry, the first few items may not have matched your style card. The rest will. Have a happy Friday!
Jun 08Reply

For sure I want the Run DMC shirt, gotta narrow down the rest and will purchase Friday!
Jun 18Reply

@afenismama I'm so glad that someone is buying it I love that shirt !!! 🌄
Jun 18Reply

Good morning! I see you bundled the fossil top...will you be adding other items to the bundle? If not feel free to make an offer...please let me know if you have questions and thanks for browsing my closet!
Jul 21Reply

Hi sorry about the dryer sheet I guess I never thought of it of being disgusting?! But I see Wher ur coming from it was a brand new 1 if that helps ... but i just rather use a dryer sheet than perfume because some of my items are stored in the basement and even tho it’s finished I always think it has the “basement “ smell anyway thanks for the input! Hope to do business with u again
Jul 30Reply

Feel free to check out my closet! :-)
Aug 03Reply

Aug 21Reply

Aug 21Reply

@blingdesigns I did and I have. I'm supposing you didn't go to the link I gave you which explicitly shows the difference and explains.
Sep 02Reply

@blingdesigns I understand. Thing is, charoite has a translucent swirly quality to it. This has white lines through it. Are you Russian? Did you get these from the source? Otherwise maybe someone gave you the wrong information/stone?
Sep 02Reply

@blingdesigns I didn't ask you about your race. The reason I asked if you were Russian is because charoite comes from Siberia. If you knew the stone then you would know that. I was asking because it would bolster my confidence that you actually know what you're talking about. I've already filed a complaint. I only gave you 5 stars because of the fast shipping. You're being rude.
Sep 02Reply

Thanks for all the shares!!🌺🌼🌹🦋
Sep 10Reply

I'm with you 100% on this 🤘🏼💖🤘🏼
Sep 14Reply

@thornpele Sweet 🥰
Sep 14Reply

@ggslp7 Welcome! 🥰
Sep 14Reply

@mailllle Thanks! 🥰
Sep 14Reply

@special_stuff @djinnjenn hello 😀 thank you for stopping by my closet 😁 my dressing room gives an automatic discount of 30% on bundles of 3 items or more but I'm very negotiable especially if you add more items 😎 I'm not motivated to make a profit just downsize 😋 let me know if you have any questions 🤗 happy poshing
Sep 14Reply

@libertytrust @sulabelle hello 😀 thank you for stopping by my closet 😁 my dressing room gives an automatic discount of 30% on bundles of 3 items or more but I'm very negotiable especially if you add more items 😎 I'm not motivated to make a profit just downsize 😋 let me know if you have any questions 🤗 happy poshing
Sep 14Reply

@kelly2457 Great minds think alike! 🥰
Sep 14Reply

@thequirkygirl Sorry I never responded. This site moves so quickly! 🥰
Sep 14Reply

@louisvgirly0608 Same to you! 🥰
Sep 14Reply

@baduramajama Thanks, albeit a belated one. 🥰
Sep 14Reply

@abbyro46 Thanks for your comment. Sorry it took so long to respond. 🥰
Sep 14Reply

@fletchin @louisvgirly0608 Thanks for your comments. Sorry it took so long to respond. 🥰
Sep 14Reply

@monasharona @lotus1234 @carrawayseed hello 😀 thank you for stopping by my closet 😁 my dressing room gives an automatic discount of 30% on bundles of 3 items or more but I'm very negotiable especially if you add more items 😎 I'm not motivated to make a profit just downsize 😋 let me know if you have any questions 🤗 happy poshing
Sep 14Reply

@theanoeticist No worries! I totally understand ! Have a pleasant weekend!
Sep 14Reply

@thequirkygirl You too!
Sep 14Reply

Love 💗 your closet 🤠🤩
Sep 16Reply

@nic1981 Thanks! 🥰🥰🥰
Sep 16Reply

Love ❤️🖤💜🧡 your closet 💝💝💝💝
Sep 16Reply

Hi I like your style! Gotta go out for a few hours. when I get back, I will put some black items with your purchase of birds and Custo top. tell me your sizes . size 9 1/2 shoe…
Sep 18Reply

What size is your daughter?
Sep 18Reply

@fabfindz6 Awesome! I look forward to being able to look through all that. Haha. I'm looking for mainly size 10/12 or bigger for my daughter. Size 3 big kid shoe or bigger.
Sep 18Reply

Hey there! I saw you created a bundle and made you an offer. I wanted to reach out to you because someone else just made an offer for the purple galaxy shorts, but since you seemed interested first, I wanted to get in touch with you and give you the first opportunity 😊 ❤️
Sep 26Reply

Hiiii 🖤🖤
Sep 28Reply

I rather smell dryer sheets than a unclean item or cigarettes!!!!
Feb 04Reply

@blackallblack How about none of any of that? I will not buy from anyone who I know is going to put dryer sheets in a box coming to me. It's awful. A straight up health hazzard.
Feb 04Reply

@blackallblack what?
Feb 04Reply

Ohhh lol i hear ya..i read one seller that said she never ever wash any thing before she ships...i was like what if its dirty? 😳
Feb 04Reply

I have received straight up cat hair or some type of animal hair in a hat that o bought.😳🐱🐶. Yeah
Feb 04Reply

Oh sorry wrong person😊
Feb 04Reply

I sent your package, but it came back to me. I'm sending back out tomorrow. I'm sorry for the inconvenience
Feb 07Reply

I'm sorry for delay in your shipment, but took to post office to be told I could not use flat rate shipping box, after sending more than a dozen! I had to print off new label. You should have Saturday or Sunday.
Feb 08Reply

Thank you for liking my velvet bow, Hazel. It is a beauty! You have a great closet! Happy Poshing!😊❣️🌷
May 21Reply

Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Jun 01Reply

Hazel just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing my listings today. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Aug 04Reply

@msneverending1 oh you're most welcome 🌟
Aug 04Reply

I’m sorry I’m not able to make an offer on your
Bundle. It wont allow me to. You are
Welcome to make an offer
Thank you for shopping my closet.
Aug 04Reply

Hazel just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing & liking my listing. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you have an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Aug 05Reply

Hello, U have created a bundle on my page but I can’t make anymore offers it seems. How much would u like to pay?
Aug 07Reply

Lol I promise my things don’t smell like either detergent or cigs🚬 ... ewwwww. Thanks so much for the ‘shares’ and the ‘likes’. I too want this stuff outta my closet so if you’d like a bundle discount I’m happy to offer one👍🏻 Happy Poshing🖤
Aug 08Reply

@ellenjannino awe Thanks haha 🌻🌹🏝️💗🐵
Aug 08Reply

Hi! Check out my bow tie hair clips listings and the rest of my closet! I think you’ll love them!
Aug 26Reply

Hi! Check out my bow tie hair clips listings and the rest of my closet! I think you’ll love them!
Aug 26Reply

I don’t understand the bundle from my closet and yours. How does that work? Am I supposed to offer a lower price? Thanks for your help.
Nov 16Reply

Hi, did you leave me a message? I can’t find it. As usual, I have to learn something else. I see your a single mother. How many children do you have? Do you work daytime?
Nov 24Reply

👋 thank you for adding the apron to your bundle. Please feel free to ask me anything. Bundle and save more. Thank you, take care n happy poshing!😊
Dec 02Reply

@stormrivera123 I don't usually respond to comments on my own posts over here in my closet about things that I have in other people's closets other than to tell them that I'm not sure why your contacting me here at all in the first place. This comment could have been made on the bundle itself. Thank you.
Dec 06Reply

@bunny2312 I don't appreciate you asking me personal questions like this. I'm going to report your account because those are the kinds of questions that a predator would ask. I'm not a single mother. I don't have a kid. I'm home 24/7 and I'm armed to the teeth. A gigantic, hulking Navy Seal lives here. Don't try me "bunny". There's no way I'm selling anything to you at this point because it's obvious that you just want my home address.
Dec 06Reply

@mkpeetz Hey thank you for your interest. If you're trying to sell me something it's best if you make a comment on the bundle itself rather than here which is a listing of mine and doesn't indicate to me anything about what you're trying to sell to me. Thanks.
Dec 06Reply

@bostongalpm If you're trying to sell me items in a bundle that I've made from your closet it's best to comment on the bundle itself rather than on a listing in my closet. Thank you.
Dec 06Reply

@hashimama I know this is much after the fact but if you're trying to sell me stuff that I've bundled from your closet it makes more sense to comment in the bundle rather than on a listing that has nothing to do with what you're trying to sell me in my own closet. Thank you.
Dec 06Reply

@suzette01 This is long after the fact but I wanted to thank you. 🍦🐝⚓🦪🛸
Dec 06Reply

@theanoeticist Aw, Thank you, Hazel! Sweet of you! You still do have an amazing closet! 😊💛
Dec 06Reply

@suzette01 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈
Dec 06Reply

HI. You’ve got three bundles lined in my closet. They total $60. Would you pay $50 for it all? I can send you offers on each that will total $50. Just let me know. Thank you so much!
Dec 25Reply

hey are you still active hun? I commented & sent an offer yesterday but no replies? :(
Feb 21Reply

Hi Hazel,
Thank you for your purchase. My little Post Office closes at noon. I will ship Monday from TN. Enjoy the weekend. Dawn
Feb 29Reply

I saw you like some items from my closet! If you would like to put them in a bundle it will be an automatic 20% off. Let me know if interested. 👋 😊 🛍
Mar 03Reply

Hi Hazel! I would really appreciate it if you could check out my closet, I mainly sell kids/tween clothes:) Wishing you the best of luck with future sales, have a great rest of your day!😊
Jul 24Reply

Thank you so much. You are so much more than fair. I really respect and appreciate the way you communicate. You are excellent at this job. Really, thank you.
Aug 01Reply

Sep 24Reply

I can relate! 👍
Sep 24Reply

😘 SHOP from HOME 🛍🛍
Dec 01Reply

Hey Hazel! Thanks for the like! I’m currently offering a Holiday special where you buy 5 items, get 5 for free! Plus free shipping and a free gift! Feel free to bundle 10 items, and I’ll send you an offer with the 5 lowest priced items for free. All you have to do is press accept and it will be shipped out same day! Happy Holidays! Let me know if there’s anything I can do 😀
Dec 21Reply

Hello, I wanted to let you know today is closet cleanout. I have lowered the price on the Dollhouse bra you liked by 10% with $4.99 shipping. Terri
Feb 12Reply

Thank you for all the likes, feel free to make a bundle of your favorites and make an offer. Happy Poshing. :)
Mar 14Reply

hi i’m having a huge sale! everything is under $10 + discounted shipping! and all bundles are 50% off.
Apr 03Reply

Hello, Welcome to our closet.. We are "The Indiana Hillbillys" offers welcome! Bundle for great deals! Thank you for visiting our closet! Check out my two sisters and my mom's closets @indiana1992 @halfpintlove @indianalove1971
Apr 14Reply

If you would like the canvas for 15 make a offer and I’ll except...enjoy your night
Apr 15Reply

Thanks for the likes on my dishes. Feel free to make an offer or bundle if you are interested. I ship daily!
Aug 03Reply

good afternoon. I left you a lengthy comment about the bundle that you have for my closet. please let me know what you'd like me to do. thank you so much and have a great rest of your day.
Aug 03Reply

I'm addicted to this site too. For 5 years I have bought everything for birthdays, Christmas, etc on Posh.
Thank you for your interest in these glasses. I have sent an offer to you with discount shipping. If you choose to buy, I will also include a lovely gift to say thanks for shopping my closet. Happy Poshing!
Aug 06Reply

Hello! I've bundled your items and sent you a great offer! Thanks so much for shopping my closet. If you choose to buy I'll get packaged and to you this week. I will also send you a lovely gift in thanks!!
Aug 11Reply

Thank you for your interest in this ring. I've sent you an offer. If you bundle with anything of equal or lesser value, I will honor the $14 offer and also offer discount shipping $4.99 because I'm having a bogo free sale.
Oct 06Reply

Hi! Thank you for liking one of my items. I’m currently running a sale of buying 2 items & get your 3rd item free! 🎉☺️
Oct 17Reply

Hi Hazel I’m Serena4957. Ty for hearting my man’s shirt. Wanted to let you know that I’m having a sale. If you buy any 2 things I will give you 25% off. Any 3 and up is 30% off and discounted shipping. If you want to take part please bundle the amount you want and put Black Friday in the comments under your bundle. Everything must go in my closet before January 24th 2022. I
Nov 30Reply

’m trying to get to my daughter who’s do to have a home water birth in February. So I will most likely have this sell for the next two months. So ty and let me know if you decide to buy anything. Or if you want just an offer on the man’s shirt. Ty Serena4957
Nov 30Reply

Hi dear, welcome to Poshmark.
🎄Christmas is coming to town🎶
We are starting the Christmas Sale, BUNDLE 2 / 2+ items wtill get 25% off, 5 / 5+ items will get 35% off.
Welcome to stop by my closet.
Happy Holiday 🎄🎉🥰
Dec 17Reply

@nylifeaccess hello... I've been on Poshmark for quite a few years. but thank you for the welcome
Dec 17Reply

hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet in anyway. 😊 Happy Poshing
Dec 30Reply

Are shopping still or buying?
Jan 30Reply

@butterfly4122 why are we having this discussion over here?
Jan 30Reply

thanks for the like have a safe and blessed night send a offer if you like be careful out there
Mar 06Reply

Hi, I'm Audi. Just stopping by to say thanks for all the likes and the shares, much appreciated.
May 23Reply

Hi Hazel, I just tried to send you an offer on your bundle and I am getting a message thar I have exceeded the amount of offers to you without a response! I dont think so, right!?
Anyway, you are going to have to make the offer since I can’t😉
Jul 11Reply

hello- I'm letting everyone know all my clothing listed on posh will be donated this week so if you see something you like make me an offer, I'll accept it. I'm moving and can't take much so all my posh clothing has to go. 😔
Thanks and happy new year.
Jan 02Reply

Hey There! I’m giving away One Free Piece of Jewelry with Every Purchase. Lots of Inventory to choose from.
Apr 08Reply

Hey There! I’m giving away One Free Piece of Jewelry with Every Purchase. Lots of Inventory to choose from.
Apr 08Reply

@theanoeticist Hi Hazel, my name is Michele, a recent Posh Ambassador. ☺️ I came across you closet and it was so cute, so I went a little crazy on sharing! 😂 If you have a chance, swing by my closet and check it out. Stay happy & healthy!☺️
May 05Reply

Me too I don’t like the smell of cigarettes!! We don’t smoke in our house! 😊♥️
Jun 04Reply

Hello Hazel. I noticed that you liked several items in my closet. I also see you started a bundle. If you add items to the bundle I can give you a better deal. You will also save on shipping up to 5 pounds. The more items in the bundle the better price I can usually offer. Thank you. Jim
Jul 06Reply

Hi Hazel! Thank you for supporting my business in the past :) I am having a grand reopening of my store with buy one get one free offer until the end of the month. Please take a look and have a beautiful day!
Jul 18Reply

Hi, feel free to bundle your likes and I can send you an offer. Thanks again, have a great evening!
Sep 07Reply

I'm replying to the comments you made on several of my Jewelry items How is this "ethnic"
They were made by a Local Student in Jaipur. The Capital city in the State of Rajasthan in India. If you have any other questions or concerns about my items feel free to reach out anytime. Thanks
Nov 08Reply

Hi thank you for your interest in the top. Please feel free to bundle for a great deal!! Happy Poshing!! @Poshmarkddes
Dec 09Reply

You did a like on my listing (two bras). would be happy to sell for 6. Make me offer for 6 if interested.
Jan 02Reply

@theanoeticist Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jan 10Reply

Hi, thanks for your purchase. I will drop your package off at the post office tomorrow. Have a wonderful day ❤️
May 10Reply
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