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Updated Feb 01
Updated Feb 01


US$923 US$923,000

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TODAY IS MY SON ALEX'S 16th Birthday!! Happy Birthday son! I became a Posh Ambassador TODAY! Yet another reason to celebrate one of the best days of my life!
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richmondhillmom @numyumee @ crazyamerican @danyell138 @ brittalyss @ shira_15 @ ses54 @ srk4 @ wladyslawlovesm @ alenkasol @ zada0001 @ hila808 @ brunomars90 @ annagarde
Sep 26Reply
numyumee Yay!!!! Congratulations girlfriend! !👍👍👌👌👏👏💟💟💟
Sep 26Reply
richmondhillmom @numyumee Thank you sweetie!! 😊🎉
Sep 26Reply
richmondhillmom @ piyotiki2 @ debalina23 @ katie661@ rhorho12 @ schx4 @ mariemay29 @axh5007 @jessibear1 @luxeattire @autumnshyne @ jserowiecki @triciatx @joanieonie @prcs841 @sunnyni @ollie_feok @ lwatson80 @jeweledpassion @ penelopejean @ jwyn312 @ vividrose @cwildandfree @ pchrissy @giraffe1226@ moraimag
Sep 29Reply
luxeattire Congratulations 🎉🎈🎊🍾
Sep 29Reply
giraffe1226 @richmondhillmom congrats!!! Happy birthday to him
Sep 29Reply
jeweledpassion Congratulations!🎉🎊🎈
Sep 29Reply
richmondhillmom @debalina23@katie661@brunomars90@moraimag@schx4@pchrissy @vividrose@shira_15@hila808
Sep 29Reply
richmondhillmom @luxeattire @jeweledpassion @luxeattire Thank you for the Posh❤️❤️ Love ❤️❤️Ladies!! 🎉😊
Sep 29Reply
ollie_feok Congrats!! And Happy Birthday t🎈 your son!🎉🎉
Sep 29Reply
richmondhillmom @giraffe1226 Aaaaw thanks Sweetie!! I appreciate it!!😍
Sep 29Reply
richmondhillmom @ollie_feok How kind of you! Thanks so much!💖💖🌞🌞
Sep 29Reply
penthouseluxe @richmondhillmom Aww congratulations & happy birthday to your son! I hope you both have a wonderful day of celebrations 💕
Sep 29Reply
richmondhillmom @jessibear1 We both had a great day! Thanks for your thoughtful wishes! 😍🎉
Oct 04Reply
pretyposhmchne Wishing your son a very happy birthday!!! Way to go with achieving ambassador status! That’s a huge accomplishment! Keep up the killer work love! Closet is looking fresh! 🔥🖤👻😈💣
Oct 17Reply
richmondhillmom @danyell138 Thank you so much my DAY1 PFF & Sister Mom of Two boys!👦👦 I remember when you told me we had a HP together in Best in dresses. 👗👗If it hadn't been for you, I would have never known!! YOU ARE DA BOMB!! 💣💣
Oct 17Reply
ftblfam218 @richmondhillmom 🤗 just wanted to drop in and say hi! Hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas 🎉🎄
Dec 28Reply
ftblfam218 Happy New Year to you and your family 🎉💝
Jan 01Reply
richmondhillmom @ftblfam218 Thank you my PFF! Sorry I was away visiting family in Jersey & have been trying to stay away from the computer during the holiday. Belated Christmas wishes & a here's wishing a Healthy, Happy, & Prosperous New Year to you & yours! Cheers! 🥂🎊😍
Jan 01Reply
laurarscloset I was born and raised in RH 😊
Feb 05Reply
richmondhillmom @laurarscloset Love it....small world!!💗🏡🌎
Feb 05Reply
ftblfam218 Happy Mother's Day my friend 💗💗💗
May 12Reply
chrissymariej hey nice to see another georgia native. im from savannah. happy poshing!
Jan 25Reply
katsnakebears Greetings from Sunny ☀️ Florida! Thanks so much for the shares! As I am new to this amazing POSH community, I am truly grateful for the support. Happy POSH-ing! 💻📱🤳📦
Jan 28Reply
kathe_reen @richmondhillmom hi this is your tracking number for the wrong item. 9400128206335053359044
Feb 06Reply
richmondhillmom @kathe_reen thanks for the update on shipping. Will you PLEASE flag my comment with my address as SPAM so posh will remove it?
Feb 06Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Spring is on it's way, but winter is still rearing its ugly head. So stay Warm and Cozy cuddle up and Posh in your Pjs. What better way to chase away the winter weather Blues. I'm always having Specials and Sales so feel free to stop by. Wishing you and your Family continued blessings we go into the New Year. So stay Warm and Think Spring. And continue to be Poshtastic ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Let the Countdown to Spring Begin 🌻🌻
Feb 11Reply
sacposh Thanks for the like on the top coat. Let me know if you have any questions.
Feb 12Reply
amazingoffers4u You were so fortunate to have met Kobe I always admired him and my son too thought of him as the greatest basketball player ever and he will remain that way I am sure in years to come! Very few times is someone a mentor and more wrapped into one.. He must have a special duty in heaven as to have not been allowed to live longer on this earth and do his good so ❤️💛rest in peace Kobe and Gigi....
Feb 13Reply
richmondhillmom @amazingoffers4u Thank you so much for those beautiful, heartfelt, sincere words. They're very comforting. Yes is was a pleasure & honor go meat The GOAT as my son called Kobe. A hero to him & many others. He was not just a great basketball player, but a wonderful human being & great dad! 🙏💕🕊 RIP Gigi & Kobe & the other beautiful souls that were lost.
Feb 13Reply
christieee_3 Thank you for stopping by my closet and “liking” an item!! I would love to send a package your way. Feel free to make an offer!
Feb 13Reply
sacposh Thanks for taking a peek and liking an item in my closet🚪. Let me know if you have questions. I am open to offers. Or if you prefer add it to your bundle and I can make you an offer. Best of luck Poshing🛍
Feb 14Reply
kathleenbranson thank you so much for the host pick. no bites yet but I am hopeful. it was kind of fun. this whole pushing can be addicting....not yet lucrative but I am hopeful. thank you again. you have been most kind and gracious.
Feb 15Reply
lilychicago Hi there Michelle! I see you've liked one of my dresses in my closet! Feel free to let me know If you had any questions, or put in an offer! I love helping Poshers find great pieces to wear! Happy poshing! 🌟 💐 🌟
Feb 15Reply
richmondhillmom @lilychicago Hello. I liked the dress bc I selected it as a Host Pick for my Everything Plus Size party. Hope you have a quick sale!
Feb 15Reply
lilychicago @richmondhillmom And it was so appreciated! I just like to remember that our Posh party hosts are buyers too and to always provide the same level of customer service! 🥳 Thanks for the host pick again! 💖
Feb 15Reply
richmondhillmom @lilychicago That's definitely a good outlook. If I wore plus size, I certainly be shopping in your closet👍🏽
Feb 16Reply
styl1stcloset thank you so much for the shares you seem like an amazing woman and clearly your karma has given you the success you deserve, stay strong so we can work together to change this political climate and get women in the house.
Feb 29Reply
styl1stcloset @richmondhillmom may god bless you. may your beautiful spirit (don’t ask how i can feel it) let yourself pass thru this phase of loss and keep your eye on the here and now, passing everything forward as we can keep what we have only by giving it away. should you need a medium contact me
Feb 29Reply
richmondhillmom @styl1stcloset Thank you so much. I truly appreciate the compliment! Thank you 4 being so awesome. Just doing my part to be a good human being 2 those I share the planet with. You just gave me chills. I've been a parent leader in my sons schools for over a decade & decided to join a women's group 20 for 21. Twenty women will run for City Council or other political positions in 2021.
Feb 29Reply
styl1stcloset @richmondhillmom I’m an empath. It’s hard to say that and not feel immediately uncomfortable but the bottom line is there are only a few of us that understand men didn’t always rule this planet and Mother Earth is the real goddess. You should absolutely read 7 virtues of a Philosopher Queen. It’s the book that came to my mind when I envision you - I can send you my copy if you want
Feb 29Reply
styl1stcloset . I see some deep pain in your past you must set free and let go of and the moment you do - and it will be a daily reprieve meaning let it go actively every day if you must - surrender to your good soul and let it be magical and boy do you have some amazing things in store
Feb 29Reply
richmondhillmom @styl1stcloset Thanks for sharing your position insight.🌞
Feb 29Reply
nycgrl_boutique @richmondhillmom - I just wanted to say hi and see how you are doing after seeing the picture of a place so near and dear to my heart on your page. I hope you are well and staying safe. Happy poshing ❤
Apr 02Reply
richmondhillmom @nycgrl_boutique We're doing well here. Thank God. Hope all is good with you & yours. My teenagers are going stir crazy being home all day but everyone has to adjust & be mindful of those who actually have to deal with being sick or loved ones who are suffering. We're New Yorkers so we'll get through it.❤🗽🍎 Thank you so much for dropping by. I appreciate the posh love. Sending some your way. Stay safe. 💞🙌
Apr 02Reply
nycgrl_boutique @richmondhillmom So very glad to hear that. Thank you for the posh love. I very much appreciate it. Stay safe, healthy and home. Your kids are not the only ones going stir crazy, I'm also going stir crazy, but this too shall pass. Be blessed ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
Apr 02Reply
richmondhillmom @nycgrl_boutique Yw & thanks, you too. (❤ your closet name btw.) We only leave when we run out of food or other necessities. Thank goodness the supplies are back in stock. I completely agree this too shall pass. Stay strong. God Bless🙏
Apr 02Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow💐
Apr 19Reply
richmondhillmom @lillievonstoop1 Yw, just trying to connect with more poshers especially my NY PFFs. Hope all is good in your neck of the woods! 😊❤🗽
Apr 20Reply
lillievonstoop1 @richmondhillmom Well..... you live in NY like I do... it's all good. No more snow though.... I'm ready for heat. Stay safe and healthy 🌷 Best wishes 🌠
Apr 20Reply
luxgrly Thank you for the welcoming comment for the share group! I hope you make lots of sales this weekend! 😊🌸😊🌸😊🌸😊🌸😊🌸😊🌸😊🌸😊🌸😊🌸
Apr 26Reply
richmondhillmom @luxgrly You're so very welcome! Wishing you many sales also!💞
Apr 26Reply
astridcompany @richmondhillmom Hi Michelle, thank you for sharing my listings! You're very kind. I wish you continued success and sales. Have an amazing and blessed weekend!
May 01Reply
richmondhillmom @astridcompany My pleasure! Just trying to spread the Posh Love as much as I can. God Bless!🙏💞
May 01Reply
msneverending1 richmondhillmom just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for following my closet and sharing my listings. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Please Stay Safe, Love & Peace Carol
May 04Reply
dolladoctajenn Thanks for the shares! If you ever see anything you like make an offer or bundle for discounts! I have a pineapple special. Three items with pineapple in the title sell 3 for $25!!!🍍🍍🍍 I’m also having a kids clothing sale for a limited time 4 for $20 to clear out my closet! Happy poshing!😊
May 04Reply
aserbest Hi @richmondhillmom, thanks for following me!
May 06Reply
2tropical Congrats on hitting 180k that is such a huge accomplishment have a great weekend.
May 09Reply
richmondhillmom @msneverending1 Hi Carol. I want to thank you for your heartfelt words & kindness! I appreciation the encouragement. Your closet is lovely also. You are an inspiration! Every day is a good day when we can wake up to see the world again. God Bless🙏🌍💞🌻
May 09Reply
richmondhillmom @2tropical Tysm sweetie! I sent some posh love your way. Enjoy Mothers Day weekend with those you care about!💐🌻🌼
May 09Reply
2tropical @richmondhillmom Thank you and Enjoy Mother's Day with your loved ones.
May 10Reply
05teddy11 Blessings on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Happy Mother’s Day 🛍🙏🤟🏻❤️💜
May 10Reply
le_fashion_lab Hi! Beautiful closet!! I see that you’re hosting a party tomorrow. I will be attending! I wonder if you would be so kind to consider checking out my closet for a possible host pick. Thank you so much! Hope you’re staying safe and healthy during this difficult time.
May 21Reply
kay_scloset @richmondhillmom Thanks Michelle so much for the HP last night and I am still doing my little happy dance 💃. Just sharing again as a thank you new PFF! Kay 💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏🥰. It was an awesome 😎 Party!
May 23Reply
ninalooks thank you so much for your kind words and all the shares!!! 🙂👍😉💕❤️😍💞
May 31Reply
camillehshea Hi. Congratulations on hosting a Poshmark party tomorrow. I hope you have many shares and lots of sales. If you are in need of a host pick, I would be very grateful if you would consider an item from my closet. Thanks so much.
Aug 13Reply
itsariana_xo Hi there! If you like homemade soaps and candles, I would like to invite you to visit my Poshmark Closet. I make everything from scratch and use all natural ingredients. Stay safe & Happy Poshing!! 🛍 Always, 🌸 Ariana
Aug 23Reply
jsj40 Just wanted to THANK YOU for all the "Likes"--so incredibly nice of you!! and btw, I love that "Mark" verse you posted :). happy poshing, my friend :)
Oct 11Reply
tracieanne Awww..Happy Birthday to your son!
Oct 11Reply
2004lexus2004 Hi Michelle, I want to pop in & say Thanks for all the shares. Please let me know if you have any questions. Happy Poshing!!
Oct 19Reply
vegasgurl4peace Hi Michelle! Thank you for shopping my closet! Have a wonderful week, stay safe!!! ⭐️🙋‍♀️🎤🎸🏈🤹‍♀️✌️🔮⛄️🎄
Oct 19Reply
kaydesue Hey there!! Just wanted to say thank you for sharing my listings and spreading the POSH LOVE 💗!!! It means more than you’ll ever know!! I’ll definitely return the favor and check out your closet, can’t wait!! Thanks again for the support and Happy POSHing!!! 😊😊
Oct 22Reply
kaydesue Girl!! Thank you sooo much for your continued support and POSH LOVE!! It truly means a lot!! 🥰🥰
Oct 23Reply
stevenb712 Hello....Godspeed to you and happy poshing indeed ....
Nov 06Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for following me I’m Emily if you like any of my things create a bundle for a great deal! Happy Holidays😊💕
Nov 22Reply
pdinorae Thank you so much, for help me to where my listings:)
Dec 10Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Dec 15Reply
sickgirlcreatio Thank you for looking at my closet. Till the end of December Bundle & I’ll send an offer of half off all additional items of equal or lesser value of the highest price item added to your purchase.
Dec 21Reply
snapcrackleposh Hi Michelle. Thanks so much for sharing my info on Everyday Luxe future opening. May the new year bring you and yours much health, happiness and love.
Dec 26Reply
richmondhillmom @jsj40 🙏🏽💞
Dec 26Reply
richmondhillmom @tracieanne 💞💫🙌🏽
Dec 26Reply
kay_scloset @richmondhillmom Congratulations 🎊🎉 to you and Happy Birthday 🎁 to our 16 year old!!!
Dec 26Reply
richmondhillmom @everydayluxe My pleasure. I enjoy spreading posh love. I love the mother & son duo. As a mom of two boys, it touches my heart.💞 Wishing you & your family a safe, healthy & happy holiday season!☃️❄🙌🏽
Dec 26Reply
edunc22 Hi Michelle, Thanks for taking a look in our closet & the likes...always open to questions & offers, let me know if you have either!
Jan 16Reply
lcross316 @richmondhillmom I love that Bible verse!! Praise the Father for the Word that is living and active and sharper than any 2 edged sword!! 🙌🏻
Jan 23Reply
dagmarstone Congratulations on your purse selling so quickly 😘😘😘
Jan 28Reply
tweedydo2 💕Thank you for checking out my closet💕
Feb 11Reply
spiros101 Thanks gorgeous your the best you have an amazing Valentine’s with the ones you love be safe and stay strong God bless you
Feb 14Reply
spiros101 Hey you live in Richmond hill toronto Canada 🇨🇦 or NY 🇺🇸 ?
Feb 14Reply
spiros101 Nm I answered my own question lol hahaha
Feb 14Reply
richmondhillmom @spiros101 Thanks. Happy Vday to you too!💝
Feb 14Reply
richmondhillmom @spiros101 Lol...I didn't realize they had one😊
Feb 14Reply
sandyswensen1 I'm not sure what the material is.My grandaughter has the same ones n she has sensitive ears n they don't bother her. Sorry I couldn't help you more.
Mar 10Reply
richmondhillmom @sandyswensen1 I'm not sure what item your talking about but please reply on the listing where I posted the question. Thank you
Mar 10Reply
jaaymack Thank you for the add! Wishing you nothing but success and happiness for all of 2021 , and many more years to come 😊👍🏽Happy Poshing ❗️
Mar 12Reply
richmondhillmom @jaaymack My pleasure. Just trying to spread those positive vibes. Thanks for the shares. Sent some posh love ur way. Wishing you safety happiness, health & prosperity. I love ur uniquely curated closet!😎👌🏽
Mar 12Reply
jaaymack @richmondhillmom thank you so much for being so awesome ❤️❤️ i appreciate you more than you know🌹💐🌷❗️Take care😊
Mar 12Reply
richmondhillmom @jaaymack Ditto! 😌 🙌🏾
Mar 12Reply
dulciesdelites Thank you for following me🙏🏻 Go Mets!
Mar 28Reply
alanis779 Hi there! Thanks for the follow and taking a few minutes to share. At this time, I'm on an unpaid leave of absence from my job as a Reading teacher. So, any purchase will help. Feel free to bundle and make me an offer for anything you would like to purchase or just share a few items and I'll share back. Thank you!!😀😀
Mar 30Reply
cachendosa Thank you so much for sharing items from my closet. As a new seller I really appreciate the shares and support. I will do the same for you too. Happy Poshing!😊
Apr 22Reply
cachendosa You are so kind. It is greatly appreciated!😉✨
Apr 22Reply
concierge Thank you for following my closet dear🌞🙏🏾 You are from my former neck of the woods❤@concierge
Apr 28Reply
rhonda_anne Have a blessed year!
Jun 04Reply
twinsdesign @richmondhillmom Love Poshmark!! Everyone has something different open 24/7. Stop by I have One Of A Kind Jewelry and more. Have a great day! @Twinsdesign
Jun 08Reply
littlepeachxo hi i’m having a huge sale!!! low prices & all bundles are 50% off!! all earnings go to help child abuse survivors. 🤍
Jul 26Reply
so1012 Hi! I just wanted to invite you to check out my closet because I’m having a great 3/$15 sale that includes lots of clothes and press on nails 💅 Listings are added every few days ☺️
Aug 22Reply
eromo00 @richmondhillmom 21 shares, hope they bring you many sales and a ton of exposure🤗Blessings🍁🌺
Oct 25Reply
earlstuff Thank you for following my closet. Have a wonderful blessed day Poshing
Nov 16Reply
perlerbeads Hello, I love your closet! There are so many cool things and congrats on being a ambassador. If you don’t mind can you please check out mine? If you don’t like anything I can always take requests. Have a good day! 😊❤️
Nov 20Reply
mdsrds I shared 23 of your items.. I like this idea, share for a share. great closet
Dec 05Reply
princessminou33 love your closet!! 🤠 happy Poshing.
Dec 05Reply
jennifereveart good morning Michelle, I just sent you a sweet private offer for the Tiffany pen.💜✍️✍️✍️ I can ship out today and wish you a very happy holiday season and happy new year! All the best to you and your son! I have a big boy too! age 25. 🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁
Dec 08Reply
snwluxury Greetings! Thank you for the follow. 🤗 When you have a moment, please check out my closet. I’m constantly adding new items and I’m sure you will find something that you love! ❤️ Happy shopping!! 🛍
Dec 29Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Jan 15Reply
zardiva1 Congrats on your PA II ⭐️ status! 🎉🎉🎉
Mar 24Reply
nycgrits @richmondhillmom Hi Neighbor!! I’m positive I saw a message from you but I can’t find it anywhere. We were driving home from visiting my daughter and I glanced at the app and saw that your sons were home from school. I’m sorry that it’s taken me two weeks to reply—just dealing with a lot of family issues but getting back on track and catching up on shares. Thank you for always spreading joy!! 💕
Apr 07Reply
bundle23 Thank you for following me. When you get a chance, please visit my closet. I’m kicking off summer with a Sale of 25% off this week and a shipping discount for bundle of three or more items. Happy Poshing!!!!!😊😊
May 12Reply
ghill36 Thank you for the follow! So appreciate you and enjoyed browsing your closet!
May 16Reply
watsonlilmommy @richmondhillmom hello how are you check out my closet all offers are accepted have some beautiful bracelets sets you maybe interested in as well
Jul 09Reply
watsonlilmommy @richmondhillmom hello how are you check out my closet see something you like send me a offer all offers are accepted have some beautiful bracelets set you maybe interested in as well ❤️‍🩹
Jul 27Reply
cutehosiery @richmondhillmom Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 02Reply
marywilliams130 Hi this is Mary 😊 thank you for following my closet 😊
May 10Reply

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Last Active: 3 hours ago

Richmond Hill, NY
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Last Active: 3 hours ago

Richmond Hill, NY
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