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Updated Jul 12
Updated Jul 12



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ks4ever Kim- I'm not sure what Us post service is doing with your converse shoes I shipped you. If you look at the tracking, they've been all over the state of Alabama now in New York. Was the address you provide accurate? Thanks! Gina
May 24Reply
mcgedney @kimbeleescloset unfortunately I'm not very much of a jewelry person! I'm sorry! I am uploading more items later so once I upload them I can let you know and you can see if you like something else that would add up to your sweatsuit amount!
Jun 15Reply
lisavmeadows Hi, I'm willing to trade for that Jessica S. Bag.
Nov 22Reply
lisavmeadows How do we do this trade?
Nov 22Reply
luxecargo @lisavmeadows you wanna trade the bag and shoes for the cross body?
Nov 22Reply
lisavmeadows @kimbeleescloset The bag and bracelet for my red shoes with bag
Nov 22Reply
lisavmeadows And the skirts too
Nov 22Reply
lisavmeadows Just add it to the bundle like I did in my offer 😆
Nov 22Reply
luxecargo @lisavmeadows I am out of that bracelet ... do you see anything else ? I will makes a bundle myself :)
Nov 24Reply
fmrp Girl, slam those babies into a bundle I’ll make u an offer.. I have more wiggle room with closet items also ttyl
Dec 05Reply
sdnorton Hi Kim, If your still interested in those two shoes you bundled I’ll accept $10!!! Let me know!! And thank you for checking out my closet!!
Jan 31Reply
sdnorton Hi Kim! I just mailed those off for you! I hope you enjoy and they fit you perfectly!
Jan 31Reply
luxecargo @sdnorton Thank you !
Feb 01Reply
hmsimon1 Good morning Kimberlee. Welcome to Poshmark. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Feb 01Reply
sdnorton Hi Kim! I see the shoes got delivered! I hope you enjoy! Happy Monday!
Feb 06Reply
luxecargo @sdnorton @sdnorton yes I got the shoes and I dont mean to sound rude but that was a waste of money ... I dont know if you would actually wear or boots that look like they are chewed up but I would be ashamed to be seen in those let alone sell them for profit ..
Feb 06Reply
sdnorton @kimbeleescloset Kim, I’m so sorry you feel that way. I took pictures of the heel part and mentioned in comments they were torn up..... I know people that redo shoe and take shoes to repair places so that’s what I figured someone would do cause the rest of the boots were in good shape! Again I’m sorry you feel this way! I’d be happy to take them back if you want to return! 😥
Feb 06Reply
marjorie8299 Hi Kim, I didn't want to put my offer as a comment directly on the floral maxi dress listing so I wouldn't mess you up in terms of someone giving you a better offer on the medium size. I submitted an offer to you yesterday...if you accept that, then I'll take the dress! Thanks!!!
Apr 25Reply
luxecargo @marjorie8299 ok that’s so thoughtful and yes I’ll accept that ... I’ll put the order in now and keep you posted :) thank u doll:)
Apr 25Reply
mahverdyan Please check out my closet! I have lots of gorgeous dresses that you will love!
Dec 08Reply
cristi0887 @kimbeleescloset Hi, nice to meet you. You have a very cute closet. Make sure to visit my closet and make offers on any items you like. I have a beautiful dress from Wren brand Im sure you will love. Let me know your thoughts, best Regards🛍🛍
Feb 04Reply
kfab333 @kimbeleescloset Hello!🥰 We are so happy you popped in! Please Bundle Your Likes for One Time Shipping- An Extra Discount and Gift W/Purchase 💕💕💕
May 10Reply
chels_closet1 Hi! I would love for you to check out my closet! Fast shipping, bundle discounts, and offers welcome! 🛍
Sep 02Reply
dayzhabrooks Ah! Congratulations on your win! I'm sure you're hyped to have the cash boost - I would love to give you a BOGO free deal on your whole order! Feel free to take a look at my closet to see if there's anything you'd love to have! 😍🤗❤️
Oct 04Reply
swagslayer ♥️🥂CONGRATULATIONS ON WINNING "MAKE A DEAL DAYS"!!!!🥂♥️ Come see if we are Stylemates @swagslayer, I HOPE we are! Current Promo: BUT 2 GET 1 FREE AND 2 FOR $15 I LOVE OFFERS! ♥️♥️🥂🥂CONGRATS!!!!🥂🥂♥️♥️
Oct 04Reply
nyce_style Congrats on Winning on PM, enjoy your Shopping Spree!! Feel free to check out my closet. Helpful Tip: Pick multiple items from 1 closet to save on shipping fees. Happy Shopping!!
Oct 04Reply
amber2286 Congrats on your Deals Day win! It’s so exciting! I have won in the past and be sure to check your email and read the rules. This free money does expire, just FYI. So I’m running a huge special for winners with HALF-OFF my entire closet this week. Just make sure to make a bundle and use code word WINNER so I can be sure to give you a special discount Congrats again and be sure to spoil yourself ❤️
Oct 04Reply
ksfashionfinds Hi I seen your name on winners list congratulations 🎊🎉if you haven’t already be sure you find the link under news from poshmark saying congratulations you won $100 list it challenge and click the bell to accept it! Then look under account credit it should appear there right away! Happy Poshing ❗️🥰🌷🌟
Oct 05Reply
sourpoi Congrats on your WIN! Enjoy your mini shopping spree! Have a beautiful day and Happy Poshing!
Oct 05Reply
thriftforphd Hiii! An item you liked from my closet is now part of my 🎃 5/$20 deal, feel free to stop by! 💌
Oct 12Reply
laurenlindback You've got great style! Check out my closet for some items I think you will like!
Oct 27Reply
luxecargo @appelbc omg thank you for telling me it was supposed to be for another posher who had to cancle the order !!! I’m so sorry I used wrong label...
Nov 17Reply
babymeboutique Hi! ☺️ Today is the LAST DAY I’m offering FREE SHIPPING on my entire closet with the purchase of $20 or more! Please read about the details on my page 💕. Hope you can checkout my closet! Have a beautiful day! 🌺
Dec 10Reply
thriftforphd hello! a dress you liked in my closet is now part of my 🎃 5/$20 sale, feel free to stop by! happy Poshing 💜
Jan 16Reply
thriftforphd the dress you liked in my closet is now part of my 🔮 5/$20 sale! feel free to stop by. happy poshing 🛍
Apr 03Reply
ksimscloset Hey girlie! Thank you for the likes! Please feel free to bundle and send me your best offer. I would love to accept. 😊💃🏼
Apr 05Reply
rubystar1010 Thanks for the great offer on the coffee pot. I have already purchased one😟
Apr 20Reply
tiffanymw89 Thanks for the like! I'm currently having a buy one, get one sale on my entire closet with discounted shipping! If you're interested just make a bundle and I'll send an offer! 🤗
Apr 22Reply
hscates Thanks for the like. Please let me if you have any questions😀
May 02Reply

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Last Active: Mar 26

Decatur, AL
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Last Active: Mar 26

Decatur, AL
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