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Updated Mar 05
Updated Mar 05


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Hello fellow Poshers, I'm Breanne. I am a wife to my wonderful husband Matt, dog mommy to our little Fannie, & soon to be mom to our little boy, Finn. • I am 26 Weeks Pregnant ➖I am having a difficult time as I have Hyperemesis Gravidarum ( HG ). I have intense nausea on & off all day, worse at night so I'm hardly sleeping. I have been in the ER & Hospital, weight loss, minimal appetite, & extreme fatigue. ➖I am doing my best & appreciate your patience with my slow work pace. ✨🙏🏼 ✨
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gigworn @mrsperkins Congratulations and welcome to Posh. Great closet! Wish I was your size. Have fun💜😊
Oct 22Reply
mrsperkins @sheridan109 Why Thank you so much! I'm having fun and it's a great way to actually do something with all the clothes that are just hanging out in my closet. I'll have some mediums up soon too if that helps. Thank you SO much for your kind words, very welcoming
Oct 22Reply
mariza28 @mrsperkins beautiful pictures! And great closet! :)
Oct 27Reply
julia_rose Congrats on your new nuptials you both look amazing love your pics. I didn't know you were new to Posh. Please let me know if you have any questions or need anything welcome 👏👏👏☀️💋😘👆👆🎉🎉💃😍😁💄💞💖
Nov 03Reply
mrsperkins @mariza28 Thank you very much. :)
Nov 03Reply
mrsperkins @julia_rose Thank you Julia! Yes, new to Posh and I am having fun :) Thank you for being so kind to offer help, I am definitely still learning about this sight. So far, it's fun and really convenient. :))
Nov 03Reply
blueyevee So cute !
Nov 05Reply
mrsperkins @blueyevee Awe, thank you so much. 😊so sweet of you to say.
Nov 05Reply
mrsalliexo @mrsperkins Beautiful photos! I love your fur baby! I have two English Bulldogs 💙
Nov 06Reply
mrsperkins @mrsalliexo Thank you so much! Their faces are just too adorable and their personalities are way too much fun :))
Nov 06Reply
jlowery05 Girl! You all are gorgeous!
Nov 06Reply
mrsperkins @jlowery05 You just made my morning nice and sunny:) Thank you so much, my husband seems to think so too! Good thing. Lol.
Nov 06Reply
mrsperkins @blueyedbrunett3 @blueyevee @teshad @mariza28 @inik @sheridan109 SALE!! 20% off all bundles and discounted shipping!
Nov 08Reply
haileenicole801 You are beautiful! ♡♡
Dec 08Reply
mrsperkins @pinklove1044 Thank you so so much. Sigh... Such a lovely compliment <3
Dec 08Reply
mrsperkins @natalie81 Good Morning Natalie. Thank you SO much!! What a wonderful compliment to receive first thing in the morning. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Dec 22Reply
corinnethedoll You are beautiful beyond belief oh my goodness!
Dec 27Reply
mrsperkins @corinnethedoll Sigh... That just made my evening. Had to show the husband. Thank you, thank you,thank you. Best compliment.
Dec 27Reply
corinnethedoll Happy holidays to you, your husband, and that adorable pup of yours!! ☺️
Dec 27Reply
mrsperkins @corinnethedoll our holidays have been so lovely as I hope yours are and continue to be throughout the new year.
Dec 27Reply
mrsperkins @mrsalliexo here's my baby
Dec 30Reply
mrsalliexo @mrsperkins I knew I already saw your baby! So adorable and you and your hubby are such a good looking couple ❤️
Dec 30Reply
mrsalliexo @mrsperkins Do you have an Instagram? 💖
Jan 01Reply
mrsperkins @mrsalliexo no, I don't. I have actually never been on there.
Jan 01Reply
mrsperkins @mrsalliexo do you use your instagram to sell as well?
Jan 02Reply
jent98 You're gorgeous ! :) cute closet
Jan 02Reply
mrsalliexo @mrsperkins No, I keep it very private... I get funny about adding people to it
Jan 02Reply
mrsperkins @jent98 thank you so much for your kind words💙
Jan 02Reply
mrsperkins @mrsalliexo that is how I would be too :))
Jan 02Reply
mrsalliexo Being nosy! @jent98 @mrsperkins You found each other!! You will like each others closets a lot and I really like talking to you both =)
Jan 02Reply
mrsperkins @mrsalliexo you are more than welcome to be nosey anytime! Yay, meeting new people on here, good people, is so refreshing. Hmm.. I'll have to check out her closet!!
Jan 02Reply
mrsperkins @mrsalliexo @jent98 you were right Allie, love her closet, already bookmarked two items :)) Thank you
Jan 02Reply
jent98 Thank you @mrsalliexo !!!! 💋😘
Jan 03Reply
sheryl1971 @mrsperkins just received my package today. Thank You so much!!! Everything is perfect and thank you for the gift. I love it 😍😍😍👍 I will be back.
Jan 05Reply
mrsperkins @sheryl1971 Oh wonderful, so happy it arrived safely. Yay, thrilled you love it all and you are so very welcome. I look forward to working with you again Sheryl.
Jan 05Reply
breanna5568 @mrsperkins Are you newlyweds? 😊
Jan 10Reply
mrsperkins @breanna5568 yeah, I'd say we still are. We were married on may. Been together since 2007
Jan 10Reply
breanna5568 @mrsperkins Awesome 💕 We just got engaged the week before Christmas! 💜 Where did you get married?
Jan 10Reply
mrsperkins @breanna5568 Awe, congratulations!! It's such a wonderful journey. We were married at the Casitas estates in arroyo should check it out online!! Sooo gorgeous
Jan 10Reply
breanna5568 @mrsperkins Thank you! It's such a wonderful feeling to be wearing a symbolic ring. Just looked at the website! Beautiful spot!
Jan 10Reply
mrsperkins @breanna5568 yes, it's such a wonderful feeling. It really does feel different being married too. It's hard to explain, but you'll feel the difference. Thank you, we loved it
Jan 10Reply
breanna5568 @mrsperkins I can imagine, I feel that way just about being engaged. We don't have a date set yet, but I'm loving my wedding idea board on pinterest! So fun!
Jan 10Reply
mrsperkins @breanna5568 it's a ton of fun and an emotional ride. Lots of highs and lows while planning a wedding. And remember, it's always more expensive than you think and always ask if you are questioning anything. It's all about you that day. Make sure you are happy. We planned on a $25k wedding and we flew over that margin.... Soared high. And make it personal. I can give you all of our things we did as ideas. The most compliments we had were based on how intimate and personable it was. 53 people in total.
Jan 10Reply
breanna5568 @mrsperkins Thank you so much for that info! That is really what I want, an intimate, personal, non generic wedding. I'd love to get together and talk wedding ideas! 😊
Jan 10Reply
mrsperkins @breanna5568 yes, I'd love to, I'd love being any help.
Jan 10Reply
breanna5568 @mrsperkins Great! My email is Let's set something up😊
Jan 10Reply
sbousquet12 ❤️❤️very true!!
Jan 12Reply
ali65 Gorgeous!!
Jan 12Reply
mrsperkins @ali65 Good Morning Alison. Thank you so much! I am so thankful for my little family, so the compliment means a whole lot, thank you
Jan 12Reply
ali65 @ali65 Awww , looks like you're real happy!!!! I love seeing that,,, great pics! And CLOSET !!!!😍😍
Jan 12Reply
mrsperkins @ali65 I am very happy. I wanted to be this man's wife for a long time, so I couldn't be more thankful and everyday is still so surreal. We parted for a year, a year and one month, not one email, text or call exchanged. We had one date after all that time and we were engaged four months later. Dream come true. And thank you about my closet. I'm still trying to get it together and figure out the best ways to do it all, but I'm getting there at least. Lol. :)
Jan 12Reply
ali65 @ali65 So glad it worked out for you. Wow that must have been a LONG year.... And a month, ouch!!!! Looks like it was meant to be!!! Guess he realized you were the ONE!!!!!!! Big congrats!!!!!☺️😊😊
Jan 12Reply
mrsperkins @ali65 yeah, we were at a point, I wanted to marry, he wasn't ready so we set each other free I guess you'd say. Gave the whole saying "If you really live someone, let them go.." real meaning for us. Thank you for listening. I'm sure that was more than you expected to hear.
Jan 12Reply
elizmul guys are PRECIOUS! ♡ LOVE your photos! ♡ Wonderful to meet another "sassy" gal! ♡ Just wanted to stop in...say "WHAT UP" and share some of your lovely things! ♡ Be BLESSED and GOOD LUCK on your closet sales!! ♡
Jan 15Reply
mrsperkins @elizmul Elizabeth, how sweet are you! Yes, us ladies need to keep the sass, sometimes it's what gets us through our day. Thank you for the precious comments, I take them to the heart every time. <3 <3 <3 It's so wonderful to meet another lovely, kind woman on here. I have had a few rough patches with posh recently, so it's always refreshing to have someone like you pop in my day! Another couple sweet ladies you shoudl meet are @tfullerton12 @roxyjane, & @jtieman! It's always nice to spread the word about goodhearted ladies, especially on here. It's a great way for us all to interact and get along. There is plenty to go around for all of us, so let's all promote each other and help one another. <3
Jan 15Reply
jtieman @mrsperkins thanks for the mention, pretty lady!! You're so sweet. :) Hi Elizabeth! Nice to meet you. :) @elizmul
Jan 15Reply
elizmul @mrsperkins...Thank you as well!!! ♡ I appreciate being introduced to some other awesome ladies as well! ♡ Too bad I'm not in the Bay Area...would love hanging with other Pishers...wanting to get something together myself like that where I live! Will have to wait a bit though...this summer my family and I are moving back home to SC. Waiting on my baby girl to graduate. She's a Senior this year! @jtieman...Wonderful to meet you!! ♡
Jan 15Reply
mrsperkins @elizmul That is such a good mom/parent, being patient and allowing your daughter to graduate with all her friends. It's always a pleasure meeting other kind poshers and spreading the word. Posh fest just happened recently in San Francisco and I am kicking myself for not going. 20 minutes away and I passed. You should start your own little posh community in SC and lead the way to shopping success for locals! @jtieman Thank You Jennifer, as you yourself are too adorable and gorgeous, not to mention that handsome little man of yours you have. We are hoping to start in March/April ourselves!
Jan 15Reply
elizmul Oops...hate auto-correct..."Poshers" not "Pishers"...Hehe! ♡ Thanks again for being such a kindhearted person! ♡ YOU ROCK! ♡
Jan 15Reply
mrsperkins @elizmul Auto-correct kills me all the time! I hear ya! Thanks girl, you're pretty great yourself! Stay in touch :) Visa versa
Jan 15Reply
elizmul I sure will...same to you! ♡
Jan 16Reply
thesequinhanger Most beautiful bridal picture 💝
Jan 16Reply
4darina @mrsperkins beautiful pictures, you look beautiful and happy :-) I agree with everything that you have said...I'm new here and I love it too !!!!! Great community of a Strong Women, love It ♡ Wishing you the best !!!! :-)
Jan 16Reply
mrsperkins @4darina Hello Darina, Thank you so much for the compliments. Welcome to Posh, it is so fun and most of the time easy. There are a few bad apples, but you can just avoid those trees once you come across them. <3 Thank you for the future wishes as I hope you the same! Come by anytime Darina! Thanks again
Jan 16Reply
mrsperkins @shenneneilleen Thank you so much Shennen! Very much appreciated, it was by far a fairytale. xo. Thank you for saying something
Jan 16Reply
stephanyy Btw your wedding gown is amazingly stunning! As are you!😍♥️
Jan 16Reply
mrsperkins @stephanyy thank you! It was love at first site. It was THE ONLY dress I tried on.
Jan 16Reply
stephanyy That's amazing. But it's gorgeous so I wouldn't wanna see anything else either!😉👌
Jan 16Reply
mrsperkins @stephanyy Thank you. Your wedding dress is pretty personal, so the compliments make a deep impact. 💕💜💙
Jan 16Reply
4darina @mrsperkins thank you for kind welcome ☺
Jan 16Reply
alexislovebee Gorgeous! ❤️
Jan 16Reply
mrsperkins @alexislovebee thank you, you're a doll. Every bride deserves to feel gorgeous on her special day!
Jan 16Reply
vivacouture Nice to meet you ! Love the pictures and that lavender farm is it ? Looks so peaceful !! 🌺
Jan 16Reply
mrsperkins @vivacouture thank you so much. It's The Casitas Estates in Arroyo Grand over by San Luis Obisbo. It's was such a wonderful wonderful venue. Three day wedding, a little fairytale. Thank you very much for the compliments.
Jan 16Reply
tokyoatl You are stunning! Lovely closet too. Happy Poshing. 🌴✌️
Jan 16Reply
lascalaaa Awwww what a mush.. Ur dog is adorbs
Jan 16Reply
cmarshall38 @mrsperkins what a perfect little family!! Love reading the meet the seller posts!!
Jan 16Reply
mrsperkins @cmarshall38 Hi Chandra ! I'm Breanne, so nice to meet you. I love reading them too, so nice to hear about other lovely families. 💜💕😙
Jan 16Reply
cmarshall38 @mrsperkins Breanne you are sweet!! Stop in and say hi anytime!!!
Jan 16Reply
mrsperkins @brandijolittle Thank you Brandi, thank you so much 💕Best day of my life, easily.
Jan 17Reply
mrsperkins @brandijolittle Thank you, as were you. We all deserve to be outstandingly stunning in our wedding day💜
Jan 17Reply
mmina1210 You are so pretty! And your wedding gown is gorgeous! 😍😍
Jan 17Reply
mrsperkins @mmina1210 Thank you so so much!! It was the first and only dress I tried on. I wasn't even there to try one on, but I saw it and fell in love. Thank you for stopping by and saying that. 😍
Jan 17Reply
mmina1210 I can completely see why you fell I love with it 😍 happy poshing!! Love your closet :) and thanks for sharing!
Jan 17Reply
yungslickk Beauty✨💛✨
Jan 21Reply
goldhagens Omg Your Dress?!♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ Stunning!! and LOL my bf/hubby looks like your new hubby and we used to have a white english bully too! Lol she passed away :( so now we have a light brown colored bully names Honey! 😊
Jan 22Reply
mrsperkins @goldhagens Thank SO much, it was the first and ONLY dress I tried on! 😍 love at first sight. We have home a family vacation home in Santa Fe New Mexico and we went into this designers boutique. She only makes one of every dress. I loved that she was local, that it was a true one of a kind and that it didn't feel "traditional". There was just no way I was leaving without it. They are the best breed🐶💕
Jan 22Reply
mrsperkins @lolos_couture Thank you so so much! You are unbelievably gorgeous. I sat and went through your entire close! Beautiful taste!
Jan 22Reply
lolos_couture @mrsperkins Likewise! You are a knockout! Your figure is traffic stopping! I love your wedding gown... And all your photos :) so nice to meet you! Poshmark is the. greatest! :):) have a great day! ❤❤
Jan 22Reply
mrsperkins So wonderful to meet you as well! I could go on and on, but your pictures speak for themselves. (I'm also obsessed with your hair). Yes, posh is truly so much fun for all us lovely ladies💕
Jan 22Reply
mnjbx6 Nice to meet you. Looking forward to shopping your closet. :)
Jan 23Reply
mrsperkins @mnjbx6 Nice to meet you too, Michelle!
Jan 23Reply
mytherapy Love your closet! And we're the same size- perfect!!! 😊💕
Jan 23Reply
katty I love your closet! 😍
Jan 26Reply
mrsperkins @katty Thank You! 😊I am SO behind, I have so much to upload, it's overwhelming at times. Whew. I live how clean and pristine your closet looks. It's bright and easy to see and tell what is for sale. 👏👍💕
Jan 26Reply
mwooding Giiirl I love your closet! And your puppy is adorable 💗
Jan 27Reply
mrsperkins @mwooding Thank you so much Megan, such lovely compliments💕😊
Jan 27Reply
missdestiny78 @mrsperkins Thank you for all the shares!😊💕
Jan 27Reply
signedkenadee Your gown is STUNNING & you're perfect in it! 👰
Jan 28Reply
texasbella There he is again🐶 OMG❤️love it💋and you are Beautiful 💃and both of you look so Happy
Jan 29Reply
mrsperkins @texasbella Thank you so much. We are so happy, thrilled were finally married 💕 lol, yes miss fannie🐶, she's the little cookie monster. She's the best
Jan 29Reply
shugahs Awww, congrats to you both and you make a beautiful couple💏💖💟💘 Cute pooch!
Jan 31Reply
mrsperkins @shugahs Thank you so much! We waited a long time to be on the same page in life. We were so thankful to be married. 💟 Makes my eyes water so often still, I am just so thankful to have him.
Jan 31Reply
mrsperkins @shugahs sorry and yes, Fannie is adorable, but don't let her fool you to think she's all rainbows and waterfalls.
Jan 31Reply
shugahs @mrsperkins Awwww, I'm super happy for you both now and those are happy tears! The Lord brought the two of you together and I pray you're both blessed immensely😉💑💖💟👍 LOL!!! She looks sooo innocent too😆
Jan 31Reply
jameginn Thanks so much! Right back atcha!!!! Love your photos and closet. So pretty!!
Feb 01Reply
mrsperkins @jameginn Thank you! It's always fun coming across good closets we like or can at least relate to in some way! I saw your picture in my news feed and you were so beautiful, had to check out your page and it was just as pretty. You have great taste.
Feb 01Reply
drea_nickole @mrsperkins thank you so much for all the shares 😍😍please let me know if you are interest in bundling anything ☺️
Feb 03Reply
wildpeonyandco Such beautiful photos! I love your wedding bouquet 😍 peonies are my favorite! I'm so sorry girls are being mean to you, just keep your head up.
Feb 03Reply
mrsperkins @adriannaleighb Sigh... Thank you Adrianna. It has been really rough on here for me lately. I really appreciate you stopping by to send some love my way... I really needed this. Thank you, sincerely.
Feb 03Reply
alyssw12 And you are one to talk- you guys are a lovely couple!! 😘 so nice to meet you! Let's stay in touch! If you ever come to Colorado we will show you around! 😉
Feb 04Reply
mrsperkins Aww, Thank you!!! You are so sweet. Yes! Let's stay in touch, that would be great to have locals show us around some! We want to do a trip this summer, to get a good feel for it. I will definitely make contact if/when we do.
Feb 04Reply
acidentlyamazin @mrsperkins Congrats on your union. My husband and I are celebrating our 10th year wedding anniversary this June 4. May God bless you with a lifetime of Love and happiness😘
Feb 11Reply
amlee2 Love your are so beautiful! What a beautiful couple 💗 oh Fannie is sooo cute.
Feb 25Reply
mrsperkins @amlee2 Thank you Anna! We just ADORE our little poo-butt. She is so funny, the Frenchies are truly a wonderful personality
Feb 26Reply
amlee2 She does look like she has lots of cute :)
Feb 26Reply
mrsperkins @amlee2 It was really dark here today, so no modeling 😔I will have painters in the home tomorrow and sat, so until Sunday or Monday, no more new listings. I'm sorry. :( You can wait or if you'd like to bundle, more than welcome too! Just wanted to give you a heads up
Feb 27Reply
amlee2 Hi Breanne :) No worries at all, thank you for letting me know 😊 fun painting, we just did that couple of weeks ago :) I'll just go ahead with the bundle I have for now and then I can start another one ;) 💕
Feb 27Reply
dzcloset -Hi Breanne 😊 thank you for your shares. I really appreciate it since I am finally getting my closet going 😋. You have a great closet! -Congratulations on your wedding/marriage! - I'm also in the Bay Area 👍. Did you hear about the meet-up on March 28th? I'm afraid I can't make it, but I bet it will be a lot of fun! 🎉
Mar 10Reply
mrsperkins @dzcloset Deana, you are more than welcome for your shares. I will officially add you to my common share list to help you build. It feels so slow watching your followers go up, I feel like I've been trying forever to just get to 5,000, so any help I can do, I am more than happy too! Thank you very much, we are very lucky to have one another. xo. I haven't heard about the event, but I'm not sure that's for me. I prefer to just be online with this site. Does that sound bad? Not meaning it too! Thank you for stopping by and please, if you ever have any questions (not just my closet, referring to anything) don't be shy, ask away! Like I mentioned, I will help any way I can, this is a great women's community on here.
Mar 10Reply
dzcloset Hi Breanne, sorry for the delayed response-it was a bit hectic today 😝 I hope your day went well. Thank you for adding me to your share list. Is there anything I need to do? You're very sweet and thoughtful and I appreciate the help. I have found some very nice people through Poshmark as well. I had gone to Poshfest and really enjoyed meeting the women there as well as getting all sorts of tips and suggestions. I don't think it's a bad thing if you want to keep things strictly online. I just wanted to share the event with you in case it would be something you would want to attend. Maybe you would even be able to meet some of the nice woman you have befriended on here. 😉 It's kind of funny because for me, all this online has been new to me. I don't have Instagram or any of those and I'm a pretty private person so it's been interesting balancing it. Does that make sense? 😜 Well, good night for now. 😊😴
Mar 11Reply
purpleandlace @mrsperkins LOVE your closet!!! 💜💜💜
Mar 18Reply
mrsperkins @grace425 Thank you dearly!! Always do wonderful to hear that! 💝
Mar 18Reply
anabel22 😱was about to share your closet but mostly everything is sold/reserved!!👏👏Awesome job!!! I'll try and find items that are not so I can share!!😘💞
Mar 19Reply
juliangooo You and your husband are so beautiful together 😊😍
Mar 22Reply
mrsperkins @juliangooo Thank you very much, I will treasure that thought for a lifetime
Mar 22Reply
brandilynn00 Wow! You are gorgeous and the two of you make the absolute most beautiful couple! 😆
Mar 28Reply
mrsperkins @brandilynn00 Thank you so so much, truly appreciated 😊
Mar 28Reply
brandilynn00 Just stating the facts! 😆
Mar 28Reply
cynthaaa I love you closet, it's definitely getting bookmarked!! I'm so glad you visited my page lol ☺️💕
Mar 29Reply
mrsperkins @cynthaaa Yay!! So happy to have you! It's always nice to meet new people and you seem like such a doll
Mar 29Reply
mrsperkins @amlee2 @mjshinsky @timberlie @katrineee I am going to tag you girls on a few listings. If any of you want one, please let me know and I'll throw it in your bundle. If you miss some, I will be posting more items and doing this again soon.
Mar 30Reply
amlee2 Great, thank you Breanne 😊
Mar 30Reply
mrsperkins @kateromero29 Sincerely Katie, thank you so much
Mar 31Reply
lovestoryshop @mrsperkins You are seriously SO beautiful Breanne! Love all your photos! 😍☺️💕
Apr 04Reply
mrsperkins @lovestoryshop Thank you so much. That was such a sweet thing to say. The feeling is so mutual.
Apr 04Reply
mrsperkins @forever1986 You too Heidi, Happy Easter doll!
Apr 05Reply
mrsperkins @yesit Good Morning Yesi, thank you SO MUCH! What a wonderful way to wake up and start my day. 😙😙I'm a very very lucky girl to have him. You are too sweet, thank you again. 😙😙😙
Apr 08Reply
mrsperkins Hi ladies. I just wanted to let you know, I'll be uploading my new arrivals for the rest of the evening. @amlee2 @tfullerton12 @mjshinsky @forever1986 @tracynareau @brew5341 @anabel22 @kateromero29 @sonya1230 @mmriord @andrealoves7 @kvoigt @mycahjoye @lovestoryshop @jvininh @ajohnson2008
Apr 11Reply
kvoigt 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👀
Apr 11Reply
lovelyinlife Your gorgeous, Congrats!!!! Great closet!!! I've been married 16 years and have one son who is 14 😳😜😜 Crazy how time flies!!!!! Enjoy sweetie!!! Marriage is a wonderful thing! 😍
Apr 11Reply
lovelyinlife @mrsperkins ^^^^^ooops forgot to tag you in above comment. Have a great weekend!
Apr 11Reply
mrsperkins @tracynareau @forever1986 Also.. I have the cutest fedoras for the 4th of July! 😉😚I think you two ladies would love them.
Apr 20Reply
jrsboop Love it! ❤️
Apr 29Reply
mrsperkins @jrsboop Thank you so much!
Apr 30Reply
heatherschoice Beautiful pics & I love your closet. Blessings💝
May 04Reply
mrsperkins @heatherschoice Thank you dearly
May 04Reply
ah85 these photos are breathtaking, such beautiful couple I really hope I find a man that treats me well and I hope to get married. I pray this happens to me one day.@mrsperkins @mrsperkins
May 28Reply
kcdurocher @mrsperkins beautiful pictures
May 30Reply
threebeez Love all the new pics :) Y'all are so cute!
May 31Reply
mrsperkins @threebeez Thank You so much Tracy. As you know I'm sure, it's easy to be cute when you are happy 😊😊😊
May 31Reply
threebeez Love it. You two must be EXTRA happy because you are extra cute, haha!
May 31Reply
mrsperkins @threebeez You are so sweet, made my hubs smile too. Thank you Tracy, as always, wonderful to hear from you.
May 31Reply
richbororiches @mrsperkins you are just the cutest thing!!!!!
Jun 01Reply
mrsperkins @richbororiches Awww, thank you! So kind of you to say. Happy girls are always cute
Jun 01Reply
amlee2 What a beautiful couple 💕 sooo adorable😍
Jun 03Reply
mrsperkins @amlee2 Thank you Anna💕
Jun 03Reply
sydneyconstance Oh my!!!! I just saw your beautiful Fannie! She is perfection! Seriously crying right now. Reading your story. I believe things are meant to be and I feel like I was meant to find you on here.
Jun 04Reply
lovelyinlife @mrsperkins adorable couple!!!!! I love, love! My 16 year anniversary is coming up in July and my 40th B day in a couple months 😳😜. OMG, Crazy!!! Nice to "meet" you! Your gorg and sweeeeet😘😘😘😘💐💐💐
Jun 08Reply
mrsperkins @lovelyinlife Thank yous o much for stopping by and introducing yourself. Happy early anniversary and birthday girlie! xo
Jun 08Reply
mrsperkins @forever1986 Do you think your sister would be interested in the sales I offered you? I know you're different sizes.
Jun 08Reply
lindleyy I love your wedding gown! You look stunning! I am about to start looking for gowns myself, but have no idea where to start! I am so excited about the process though. Xox
Jun 11Reply
mrsperkins @lindleyy Thank you so much! It was the one and only gown I tried on. I came across it and it was love at first sight. Bought it on the spot. Good luck with your wedding journey. It's such a lovely, emotional, thrilling adventure.
Jun 11Reply
lindleyy Wow, on the first try! You definitely lucked out. I think I'm going to go to local boutiques to see their options. I don't know that I want a generic dress but at the same time, if I find something that works for me, I guess it doesn't matter!
Jun 11Reply
mrsperkins @lindleyy I was so lucky. We (mother in law and I) were in the boutique to finalize her measurements for the piece she was having made for the wedding and while I was waiting, I saw this gown and already had it on when she w came out of her fitting. I wasn't leaving without it. You just need to have no expectations because what you think you want might be opposite of what you end up with. Easier to just be open to all possibilities because you'll KNOW the second it's on
Jun 11Reply
lindleyy That's very true! I usually know what shapes flatter my figure the best, and I feel like I would avoid certain styles because of that..but I should really be open to all silhouettes and materials because you never know! I'm just quite tall with an hourglass figure so I don't know whether I should highlight that or not! 💕
Jun 11Reply
cherryblast @mrsperkins omg not only are you gorgeous you have a gorgeous husband and a very sweet looking doggie. My daughter wants this kind of doggie but they're like 3,000 and we cannot afford one. I'm hoping to find one thru a rescue! Wish me luck and so nice to meet such a beautiful woman!
Jun 14Reply
mrsperkins @cherryblast sigh... You are such a sweet, kind woman. Thank you so much. Yes, she wasn't cheap, about a little over $5,000. And they sure are an upkeep. My husband is obsessed with the breed of dogs, so he did months of research and watched every episode of The Dog Whisperer before winding up with her. They are definitely dogs you need to do your homework on.
Jun 14Reply
mk4 Lovely couple! Thank you for sharing my closet. You have a fabulous closet and I appreciate the kindness!🌸💕
Jun 16Reply
mrsperkins @mk4 Thank you! So sweet of you to say. Of course, happy to share. ❤
Jun 16Reply
mk4 😊👍🏻🌸💕
Jun 16Reply
sydneyconstance Hi beautiful! I've been telling my friend about the people I adore and trust on here and you are number one. @elleemann Donell this is Bre! Bre meet Donell! Bre is the sweetest, most trustworthy incredible human you could ever meet. Her clothes are the highest quality and are absolutely gorgeous!!! I'm on my third bundle now. 😚💕😚💕😚
Jun 17Reply
mrsperkins @elleemann So lovely to meet you! Thank you Syd @sydneyconstance for introducing us. How adorable are you! Syd, you are always such a pleasure. Donell, I hope we develop a nice friendship the way Sydney and I have. It's always wonderful to have a new sweet posher in our group. Another great closet to shop in is Aliies @mrsalliexo She has Fab👌 taste and she's a doll. We are a lot alike, so I know you'll love her too. Yay! New Poshers Allie! We just live welcoming new ladies to our group
Jun 17Reply
sydneyconstance @elleemann @mrsperkins So happy to introduce you two! 😚💕😚💕 The second one I was going to tag you on was Allie's @mrsalliexo Bre beat me to it! 😉 Allie's is a doll and has impeccable taste as well. 😚💗
Jun 17Reply
mrsalliexo @sydneyconstance @mrsperkins @elleemann Yay!!! Thank you so much ladies 💗 Nice to meet you Donell 😊👭 I love all our little friendships 🙆🏻😁 So fun introducing each other's pages 💋🎉
Jun 17Reply
sydneyconstance @mrsalliexo Mwah! 😚💕 It is so fun! 👗
Jun 17Reply
ataggart7 Wow you're so gorgeous! And you and your husband are such a beautiful couple! 😌💖
Jun 18Reply
mrsperkins @ataggart7 Thank you very very much. ❤❤❤
Jun 18Reply
mrsperkins @mpcloset Thank you so much. I appreciate you sweet words.
Jun 18Reply
rachaelgentile Add me please to any lists you send out! Beautiful pics!! 😘😘😘
Jun 20Reply
mimibunny8 Just had to say that your wedding dress is absolutely stunning!!!😍😍😍
Jun 22Reply
mrsperkins @mimibunny8 Thank you so so much. I was so lucky to have found it. One and only dress I tried on
Jun 22Reply
mimibunny8 It was truly meant for you!❤️
Jun 22Reply
lalunagypsy ❤️❤️❤️
Jun 24Reply
amandaspretties Hi! I'm Amanda and I'm new to Posh. Gotta say ur closet is one of the best I've seen!! You have a lovely family! Do ur model? If not, you should! Your photos are amazing! Hope we can do business together! I've already got my eye on a few things you are selling! Thanks so much!
Jul 01Reply
mrsperkins @alynnswan Hi Amanda, I'm Breanne. (Bre or B if one too). Thank you so much, that is very kind of you to say. No, I don't model. Believe it or not, I am way too shy to do that. It took a while for me to actually start modeling in my closet. I would love to work with you.
Jul 01Reply
mrsperkins @alynnswan A little about my closet... I do holds for those clients I have built relationships with and with those holds, I just ask you are 100% sure and I hold for a week or two (a pay period). I have a sign up sheet for New Arrivals so when I do uploads I tag you so you can see first! Okay, just wanted to let you know a little about my space. xoxo Btw, I LOVE your profile pic, you two look so dang cute with your hats on together
Jul 01Reply
bella4 @mrsperkins what a gorgeous couple 👫
Jul 02Reply
mrsperkins @bella4 Thank you so much Bella, I am a lucky girl to have him
Jul 02Reply
bella4 @mrsperkins that's so wonderful;) you two look very happy. God bless
Jul 02Reply
grace4d Hi Breane, wonderful pics. Y'all are so cute together. You both seem genuinely happy. Love it. I really like the one outside with you in the red skirt. The smiles & location are awesome. Great photography too! I'm on my way to check out your closet. Have a blessed day. Dee
Jul 02Reply
mrsperkins @grace4d Hi Dee, so nice to meet you. Thank you. We are very happy, we are both just very appreciative of having each other and that always helps. Thank you Dee, so so kind of you to stop by and pop in any time to say hi :)
Jul 02Reply
juliet03 Cutest couple & cutest story 💑
Jul 03Reply
lalunagypsy @mrsperkins hey love trying to find that listing you tagged me on with the bracelets. Is there any way you can find it again? Just want to make 100% sure it's the same style 😊💕
Jul 13Reply
nezzieswalk_in @mrsperkins thanks so much for the shares!! ❤️❤️ Btw your closet is amazing!! My Poshmark inspiration😀
Jul 27Reply
jenortega1975 @mrsperkins Beautiful couple !!! 💞👩👨🐶
Jul 27Reply
paypopcorngirl Your wedding dress is to die for 😍
Jul 27Reply
mrsperkins @paypopcorngirl Thank You SO SO much. It was the one and only I tried on. Love at first sight
Jul 27Reply
lindsayhopkins Hi! Slightly new to PM, so do you but from discount shops and resell or do you work at a boutique? I've seen a lot of diff circumstances other than reselling pre loved items and was just curious!
Jul 30Reply
hjrs Hi! I came across a listing the other day of an item you had expressed interest in should the price be lowered. I tagged you and wanted to make sure you saw it. 😊
Jul 30Reply
wendygonzalez @mrsperkins Hi :). Are you attending poshfest this year ? Commented a few days back but didn't hear back . Hope all is Great 🙏❤️💃
Jul 31Reply
mrsperkins @wendygonzalez Sorry, We have been in Disneyland since Sunday, just got back this afternoon. I am not sure, I don't even know when it is. Have you been before?
Jul 31Reply
wendygonzalez @mrsperkins Hi :). Oh Disneyland ~ fun :)! Yes I went last year . It's the weekend November 7-8th. It's in San Fran.. Be awesome to meet you . I'll be hanging with my sis @wowenypon as well ❤️
Jul 31Reply
mrsalliexo @mrsperkins I love your new photo! Is that from this weekend? 💗
Jul 31Reply
mrsperkins @mrsalliexo Thank you Allie. Yes it is. Matt hates it, says he's too close to the camera and it makes his head look huge. Lol. So I'll be changing it up soon😔😞😂
Jul 31Reply
sydneyconstance Awww....I love the new pic B!!!! You two and too cute!!!!! 😚💕👫💏💖
Jul 31Reply
mrsperkins @sydneyconstance Aww, thank you so much Syd!! 😘😘😘😘
Aug 01Reply
gijane66 @mrsperkins I do I do absolutely love the new pic! Love those smiles. You look so adorable with your glasses Bre.
Aug 01Reply
lizzie1332liz @mrsperkins I love your glasses and hat in the first pic! Always looking so cute!!! 💕😉💚
Aug 01Reply
mrsperkins @ajohnson2008 Aww, Thank you girlie! I am always so uncomfortable in my glasses. I just can't get use to them for some reason
Aug 01Reply
mrsperkins @gijane66 Thank you so much Jane, you are so sweet. I just can't get comfy in them, I need to wear them more. Matt loves them too.
Aug 01Reply
lizzie1332liz @mrsperkins Your welcome, girl I am the same way! I have some swelling in my eyes so the doctor wont let me wear my contacts for now... so I feel your pain! lol I got a pair of Tory Burch glasses... and love them!
Aug 01Reply
1707resale Thank you so much for the share love!!! I appreciate it very much, I'm new to selling on posh and just getting the swing of things. Your closet is packed with great pieces, I'll be back to pick something up ❤️ Best wishes
Aug 04Reply
mrsperkins @iheartbrenda Thank You so much Brenda, I really appreciate it.
Aug 04Reply
ali65 Love you closet!!!💕💕💕👍👍👍
Aug 07Reply
mrsperkins @ali65 Thank you so much Alison!
Aug 07Reply
mrsperkins @lovestoryshop It's so strange that she put your pic back up. Did you tell her she could use it in the end?
Aug 07Reply
worcutestld @mrsperkins your so beautiful!! Oh my gosh that wedding dress is stunning beyond words 😍
Aug 11Reply
mcvvb You're so gorgeous!!!!! Thank you for sharing my listings 💜
Aug 12Reply
crlynelia Gorgeous photos 😘! I love love love your wedding dress.
Aug 16Reply
mrsperkins @crlynelia Thank you Carolyn. It was the one and only I tried on. Purchased on the spot, knew it was the ONE
Aug 16Reply
margaritte @mrsperkins thanks for all the generous shares! You have a great closet and I love your wedding dress too!! 🎀 happy poshing!
Aug 16Reply
alexac You're stunning!
Aug 16Reply
kendrabroooke So nice to meet you, I am Kendra! You're stunning! So happy I stumbled onto your closet!
Aug 16Reply
mrsperkins @slgraham2 I'm sorry, the one top says zero tags and the other top is just the brand tag, there is no price.
Aug 18Reply
klh12579 @mrsperkins beautiful couple and pics! Love your closet
Aug 19Reply
lolapahola OMG might be going to Cali for my 21st! Would LOVE to meet you ☺️
Aug 19Reply
mrsperkins @lolapahola How fun! That will be a great birthday destination!!
Aug 19Reply
mrsperkins @klh12579 Thank You so much Kristin
Aug 19Reply
mrsperkins @kendrabroooke You are so so kind, Thank you!! Bookmark me :)
Aug 19Reply
paulaalbe1 You are Gorgeous!!
Aug 21Reply
thelovelybee B so how did you end up getting the party with Allie ?? How crazy lol !!!
Aug 24Reply
katiemariern @mrsperkins i absolutly love your closet! I will definitely be back for my likes!
Aug 28Reply
methodclothe Congrats to you. Enjoy and you have a great closet. Take a look at my closet if you need anymore hp's.
Aug 29Reply
lauras_boutique 💝💐Hello I'm Laura, and it's so nice to meet you!😘I love poshmark, fashion, shopping and meeting other posher's!😍❤️I live in Michigan with an amazing hubby and 4 sweet kitty furry babies that we adore!😍🐱You have a beautiful closet, and I would love to stay in touch!❤️Have a lovely day and happy poshing! Laura💐💝
Aug 29Reply
toryshop @mrsperkins Congrats see ya tonight! @toryshop
Aug 30Reply
molinda25 Love your closet 💕 you are beautiful 😘 have a fabulous weekend 😘😘😘
Sep 06Reply
mrsperkins @molinda25 Thank You so much, so sweet! I hope you have a lovely holiday weekend
Sep 06Reply
annegagnon2 Hi! Hope this message finds you well! I have a question & hope you don't mind me asking. I went to a posh party in Miami a few weeks ago & met the CEO of Poshmark. He told me that I need to be selling wholesale. I have done some research & know that I need to obtain the retail license but my question is about how to find the right wholesaler that represents you & your brand? Any insight would be greatly appreciated & in return you can have a couple items from my closet for free 😘
Sep 14Reply
kbordeaux Thank You for All Shares Dear! You seem Like such a Sweet girl @ so pretty too!;))
Sep 19Reply
suthe42 Thanks so much for the love! I love your closet 💗
Sep 19Reply
vousco Picture perfect.❤️
Sep 19Reply
brittneyb125 @mrsperkins these pictures are so precious!! Love your closet!!😍😍
Sep 23Reply
mrsperkins @brittneyb125 Thank you very very much💓
Sep 23Reply
mrsperkins @thesolomama Thank you so much sweetie
Sep 23Reply
mrsperkins @suthe42 More than welcome and thank you!
Sep 23Reply
mrsperkins @rackay Awww this is such a sweet sweet comment. Sorry I am just getting back to you. Been so darn busy. You out the biggest smile on my face when I read this, this morning. Xo
Sep 23Reply
mrsperkins @kbordeaux Thank you so much. Very kind and generous of you to say💓
Sep 23Reply
sassystraughn Congrats to you both! Such a beautiful closet!!!!
Sep 24Reply
finnishgirl Love love your style and closet. I have a few closets I shop (too much) from and I am going to add yours. Thanks for the shares. I cannot sell to save my life.
Sep 26Reply
rmuller850 What an adorable little family ♡
Sep 28Reply
loveinlyfe0515 I love the dress!♡
Oct 07Reply
alittledeer Thank you so much for all the shares! You are wonderful and have an amazing closet! And are absolutely beautiful! 💕
Oct 09Reply
mrsperkins @rmuller850 Thank you very very much darlin'!
Oct 09Reply
mrsperkins @jbcraig Thank you Jen and you are more than welcome!!
Oct 09Reply
mrsperkins @loveinlyfe0515 Thank you Stephanie. It was the one and only dress I tried on!
Oct 09Reply
mrsperkins @alittledeer Cassie, you are more than welcome. Thank you so so much
Oct 09Reply
mrsaridiaz Awesome closet darling!! Don't forget to come and check out mines 😍🎊💕🌸
Oct 12Reply
lorenposh Thank you for all your shares @mrsperkins I love your closet 😍
Oct 15Reply
mrsperkins @medranoloren Thank you. 😙You are more than welcome🙌
Oct 15Reply
lorenposh I have to ask do you have any awesome tip to increase sale? @mrsperkins you have amazing sales ⚡️
Oct 15Reply
mrsperkins @medranoloren Hi Loren! For me personally, my sales took off once I started modeling my clothing. Women like to see how it sits and lays on the body.
Oct 15Reply
lorenposh Thanks so much @mrsperkins you are a lovely posh mentor ❤️
Oct 15Reply
mrsperkins @medranoloren Thank you dearly, gorgeous compliment
Oct 15Reply
designergirl78 Honey thank you so much for the share backs. Sorry I couldn't do more. We had a death in the family this morning and not able to be on much. I hope you have a blessed evening
Oct 17Reply
mrsperkins @designergirl78 Oh my gosh Melissa. I am so sorry. You are in my thoughts. That is devastating to hear and I hope you heal from this
Oct 17Reply
ahirosky Absolutely beautiful Pics! Thanks for all the shares. 😀😘
Oct 18Reply
mrsperkins @ahirosky Thank you so much. You are more than welcome🙌
Oct 18Reply
designergirl78 Thank you for your support Breanne. It's much appreciated. 🙏🏽
Oct 18Reply
designergirl78 And I promise I will share more as soon as I can. ❤️
Oct 18Reply
mrsperkins @vashby Thank You sooo much! xo
Oct 19Reply
azrnjen @mrsperkins What a gorgeous closet you have! I can't thank you enough for all the shares from mine, I know it takes time and energy and I want you to know that it's appreciated! I'm only really just starting to understand the way PM works and the value of sharing... But I think I'm still a little clueless lol! Thank you again, and I will see you soon!
Oct 19Reply
designergirl78 Awe, your compliment was so sweet. It really means a lot Breanne. I'm just me 😘 so thank you very much! You are equally as wonderful!
Oct 29Reply
devlo @mrsperkins Thank you so much for all the shares! You are gorgeous and I am loving your closet! 😍
Oct 30Reply
designergirl78 Hey sweetness! Thank you for all your shares! I am making dinner-will share more as soon as I can! 😘
Oct 30Reply
melrouse215 @mrsperkins Thank you for sharing my closet!💕
Nov 10Reply
zodin Please tag me when you add new items!! I love your closet❤️❤️
Nov 11Reply
mrsperkins @zodin Thank you for signing up, you've been added! xo
Nov 11Reply
katzkoz Nice to meet you and your pictures are spectacular! Beautiful clothes! Thanks for visiting my closet already or I would never have seen yours! Thank you!💟
Nov 13Reply
mrsperkins @katzkoz Awww Thank you do so much. Very kind of you to stop by and say ❤
Nov 13Reply
designergirl78 Hi sweetie! I wanted to stop by and say thank you for all your shares even though I haven't been able to share back. I love your new clothes and you are a beauty modeling them! Moving is taking a lot out of me physically and mentally, but I hope to be back on Posh full time very soon! Until then I hope you are well and blessed and continue to be! 🙏🏽❤️👩‍❤️‍👩😘
Nov 17Reply
mrsperkins @designergirl78 Good Morning Melissa. Thank you for stoping by and touching base, I really appreciate it. Kind of you. You are more than welcome, I love sharing your closet. Ya, moving is a PAIN, BUUUUUT, redecorating and organizing is THE BEST PART. Moving alone or in your own place?
Nov 17Reply
jackee3177 @venarangel Hey Ashley meet Breanne. She has an AMAZING closet and I have nothing but great things to say about her closet and etiquette 💜
Nov 21Reply
designergirl78 Hi sweetie! Yes it's a pain moving! I'm helping my parents move to the mtns, and moving at same time! This month has been CRAZY. I honestly don't know where I'm going to put everything. So stressed. Lol. My studio is all down-everything is down-so I don't have a way to take pics and just no time being back and forth to posh. I try to share when I can. I appreciate you very much! I hope you are enjoying this beautiful season with your hubby Breanne!
Nov 21Reply
sundrops_roses Aloha, you have such a fun closet. <3
Nov 25Reply
sjml214 OMG! Your wedding gown is stunning and you looked so beautiful in it! nice closet and thanks for the shares! Happy Thanksgiving!
Nov 27Reply
smartyknickers Hi Breanne! I'm Danielle (your newest follower). 😊Nice to meet you!💕 Oh how I love the Bay Area! (I live in NM.🌵) It must be so fun to be able to SHOP in such fabulous places on a regular basis. You have a gorgeous closet. I've seen your lovely things in the newsfeed, but I'm so glad I stopped in today to take a closer look today! Thank you for the shares, as well. I will be bookmarking your closet to share from when I can.💝
Dec 02Reply
jsallyyy Oh my gosh I love the new covershot and your new profile picture! You're so pretty Bre ❤️
Dec 07Reply
mrsperkins @jsallyyy Thank You So so much Jill!!! So sweet of you to say. Made me blush
Dec 07Reply
jsallyyy Oh but of course love! 😘 hope you're doing well. Enjoy the holiday season!!
Dec 07Reply
mjshinsky @mrsperkins Love the new pictures of you.
Dec 07Reply
bella4 @mrsperkins love the new pics and default bre. Gorgeous!
Dec 07Reply
mrsperkins @bella4 Thank you very much Nancy❤
Dec 07Reply
mrsperkins @mjshinsky Thank you Melissa!! 💖
Dec 07Reply
kvoigt Love love love 😍
Dec 07Reply
jcrewzie Beautiful closet...and beautiful you!! :-)
Dec 07Reply
mrsperkins @kvoigt Thank you Kayla, thank you so much 💖
Dec 07Reply
mrsperkins @jcrewzie Thank you Patricia!! 💕
Dec 07Reply
timberlie Look at you, love the new photos!!!
Dec 07Reply
nikkiexx540 Your closet is absolutely amazing & completely my taste! I've been thinking about revamping my closet for awhile now and you definitely inspired me! Xo
Dec 08Reply
mrsperkins @nikkiexx540 What a beautiful compliment, thank you so much!
Dec 08Reply
thepinkhorse awwww love your new pics lady :) so pretty!
Dec 08Reply
thepinkhorse happy holidays :)
Dec 08Reply
mrsperkins @sarah35o Thank you Sarah, thank you very much and a happy holidays to you too! 🎄
Dec 08Reply
sami023 You two are such an adorable couple! 😄❤️
Dec 08Reply
mrsperkins @sami023 Aww😄Tank you so much darlin'
Dec 08Reply
tunnyashe @mrsperkins! You look gorgeous! Love your new pics! You are so blessed!
Dec 09Reply
mrsperkins @tunnyashe Thank you Elizabeth, thank you so much 💖
Dec 09Reply
candicecouture Hey lady :) what app doe you use for Posh and the sales when you put the names at the top. LOVE
Dec 09Reply
shopstyleshark Thanks for the likes and shares!! 😍😍❤️❤️
Dec 09Reply
mrsperkins @candicecouture Hi there! 💕 I have many favorites but not a specific one. Just search on iTunes or you Play Store "photo editing apps" to find your favorite." 👌😆
Dec 09Reply
jsallyyy Love this new cover pic! You both are just perfect together 💜
Dec 14Reply
mrsperkins @jsallyyy Thank you so much Jill💕
Dec 14Reply
disa498 @mrsperkins Hi Bre!! I love love the pictures!!! That sweater you're wearing in the first pic looks very familiar!! If you got it from Allie, I have the same one, too, lol!!!
Dec 15Reply
leesha_33 I have that sweater you're wearing in the 1st pic ☺ Love it!! Did you get it from Allie? 💖
Dec 15Reply
mrsperkins @leesha_33 @disa498 @mrsalliexo I did get this sweater from Allie Bears. I just LOVE it and have already begged her to find more colors😍
Dec 15Reply
leesha_33 @mrsperkins @disa498 @mrsalliexo I love mine too! So comfy & cute! 😄💗
Dec 15Reply
disa498 @mrsperkins @leesha_33 @mrsalliexo I love mine as well!!!
Dec 15Reply
reneemarie1024 @mrsperkins you're so gorgeous!! L❤️VE your wedding dress!!
Dec 16Reply
mrsperkins @reneemarie1024 Thank you very much Renee!
Dec 16Reply
jenn_sd Beautiful couple! Thanks for all the shares, I'll be back soon to return the favor! 😊
Dec 16Reply
mrsperkins @jenn_sd Thank Uou very much Jenn! xo See you soon!
Dec 16Reply
mrsalliexo @mrsperkins @leesha_33 @disa498 💗😊 Its so pretty on! I hope to get it in grey 😬 HOPE! Bre looks beautiful in it 👸🏼
Dec 16Reply
nikkidimitra Both you and you closet are gorgeous girl! Thanks for the share, glad I found your closet :)
Dec 16Reply
leesha_33 @mrsalliexo @disa498 @mrsperkins Ooh gray would be so cute!! 😍
Dec 16Reply
thepinkhorse ahh love it im going down to union square for ice skating next week :) LOL cheesecake factory.. always a great stop!
Dec 16Reply
mrsperkins @melilew It is still way to dark for photos. This is so irritating. Ordered a photographer light, so hopefully I won't have this problem anymore
Dec 17Reply
melilew Aw yeah I can imagine that being a pain in the arse lol it's dark and gloomy here today 👎🏻
Dec 17Reply
melilew Thanks for letting me know 😘
Dec 17Reply
mrsperkins @melilew It's so crappy. I have 30 be cute items to get pics done of and no light
Dec 17Reply
melilew Ugh the worst I have a bunch I want to post too but it's been so gross and I only have time on the weekends. But a photography lamp is w good idea!
Dec 17Reply
mrsperkins @miallen Hi there! 🙋Thank you so much❤We do, we love living here. My husband grew up here and went to school down south and was more than excited to end up back here... So lovely to meet you.
Dec 18Reply
erinedube Beautiful closet 💖
Dec 18Reply
timberlie Love the new pics you posted, so much!
Dec 19Reply
timberlie Fannie has a matching coat, lol, to your scarf
Dec 19Reply
timberlie I meant your shirt
Dec 19Reply
lauralee271 Nice to meet you! Love your closet 😍
Dec 19Reply
mrsperkins @timberlie Haha. Yes. We found her coat first and then searched for ours 💕
Dec 19Reply
voguewolf Hey breanne you're so pretty! Good luck selling! By the way, I recently started up a style & beauty blog & I thought you might like to check it out, it's called
Dec 22Reply
voguewolf You should model
Dec 22Reply
alyssw12 Hi!! I am so glad to see your closet has exploded since we last spoke!! 😊😊 I've just decided to start selling retail and was curious if you had any tips or tricks of the trade?! I'd greatly appreciate any help 😊 I'm a stay at home mom of 3 so I'm trying to bring in a little extra income for our family! Thanks love! So glad to see you doing so well ❤️
Dec 23Reply
lindleyy Love the red lip on you xox 💋💄
Dec 23Reply
mrsperkins @alyssw12 Thank you darlin'. I go to a select amount of stores/boutiques and I hand pick all my items. I sometimes order through the boutiques as well. The MAIN key is modeling your clothing, that's the true seller. Again, thank you so much
Dec 23Reply
mrsperkins @lindleyy Thank you love!!!
Dec 23Reply
alyssw12 Thank you! ❤️
Dec 23Reply
toryshop @mrsperkins Breanne/I love your name! And you have a lovely family! I too have way too many things/but continue to find just must have items! You have a beautiful closet My dream is to meet some of my Posh Angels/I have cancer & was unable to go to Posh Fest this year/but Amy goal is to get better so that I might attend nest year💞to meet them all💞! @toryshop💞🎄💞
Dec 26Reply
mrsperkins @leniepanini Good Morning Lena! Yes, we are in Novato, where are you? Thank you so much, hope you did as well
Dec 27Reply
nerk14 @mrsperkins Cute photos! 💕💕💕
Dec 29Reply
danystormborn @mrsperkins thanks for congratulating me on my party! Your closet is adorable!
Dec 29Reply
daisy561 Thanks for all the shares 💜
Jan 01Reply
tamaralite 💖 Hi Breanne, its a pleasure to meet you. I live in PA, so clear across the states. I have cousins who live out by you, but then again who doesn't. I can't wait to explore your closet. Jan 😊
Jan 02Reply
cayteemichelle I'm from the bay too! 😊😃🌉
Jan 03Reply
jane2004 Gorgeous !
Jan 03Reply
shopacutecloset @mrsperkins seriously you are too cute! Nice job with your shop!! 😊
Jan 04Reply
shopfrankis So obsessed with your pup😍😍😍😘😘😘
Jan 06Reply
mrsperkins @franki Aww, thank you. We're obsessed with her too. 🐶💕
Jan 06Reply
annaandthelion Love your closet. You have such great style!!! I love all your listing pictures!!!!
Jan 06Reply
mrsperkins @annaandthelion Thank you very much honey💐
Jan 06Reply
vojniksr03 So Gorgeous and stylish! Love your much to pick from. Can't wait to buy something. I'm new here so trying to meet people and get the hang of it. Have a blessed night! 🎀
Jan 06Reply
mrsperkins @vojniksr03 Thank you so much for stopping by and more importantly, Welcome to Poshmark!! 😄😆This is such a fun little world for women. Speaking of, you need to meet my good friend, Allie @mrsalliexo. She is so lovely and I know you'll live her closet too💕💐
Jan 07Reply
vojniksr03 Thank You...I already found her and follow her a well. I need someone like you in my life to dress/style me everyday. Ha! Have a blessed night sweetie.😊
Jan 07Reply
shia92 You have a lovely closet! <3 And beautiful hair! New hair goals for me :)
Jan 10Reply
leshelle1 @mrsperkins hi and what a beautiful family you have😊
Jan 10Reply
megaounce Beautiful closet!! xo
Jan 11Reply
haleyw Aww what an adorable Frenchie! What's his/her name? I have a little French bulldog too..his name is Pierrè 🙈
Jan 19Reply
mrsperkins @haleyw Aww, what a cute name! Her name is Fannie
Jan 19Reply
gynith Welcome💋
Jan 20Reply
gracethedawn @mrsperkins Hi, your just as beautiful as your closet. I love your Family pics. I enjoy shopping in your closet. Yesterday, I purchased some more items that I have kept my eye on. Today, I was able to wear my "Ralph Lauren Jacket" and I loved it. Here in Florida we don't have to many cold days to wear jackets. We're just a bunch of girls having fun on here. I have so many items to list but I'm so lazy or busy I can't figure that out yet! Lol. Have a beautiful Evening. Dawn
Jan 20Reply
jazzymclovin I love love love your closet.
Jan 21Reply
erinedube Love your closet Breanne💖 and I love your pics👌🏼cheers, Erin
Jan 22Reply
mrsperkins @erinedube Thank you so so much ❤️
Jan 22Reply
hila808 I love your closet! 😘
Jan 23Reply
carriepabst Your closet is amazing. Serious posh envy over here!😍
Jan 29Reply
mrsperkins @carriepabst Thank you so much Carrie
Jan 29Reply
anabel22 Dropping by to say hello!🙋😘💞
Feb 01Reply
mjshinsky @mrsperkins ❤ the new pics.
Feb 06Reply
mrsperkins @mjshinsky Thank you Melissa! <3 Thank you so so much. I needed at least one or two new ones.
Feb 06Reply
haylsyeah1 You have a great closet! I am defiantly going to make a bundle soon for my new spring clothes! QUICK QUESTION.. Where are your white jeans from, the ones you are wearing modeling your newer arrivals? They are very cute! Thanks(:
Feb 10Reply
mrsperkins @haylsyeah1 Thank you so much for the beautiful compliment Haley. The one's with the slits in the knee's are Joe's or Jbrand and the more destroyed are Paige I believe. Both found at Nordstroms
Feb 10Reply
haylsyeah1 Thank you for your reply! All my favorite brands for pants. I will look. Thanks again!
Feb 10Reply
frenchie80 Good morning!! I wanted to let you know that I think you are such a beautiful girl with a beautiful soul. You're story is like a modern day fairy tale. Your husband is very lucky, but I'm sure he knows that. 😊
Feb 16Reply
mrsperkins @frenchie80 Thank you so much Scarlett, that was such beautiful comment. I love sharing my story as it has made me all of who I am today. 💕You really touched me, thank you. Xoxo
Feb 16Reply
frenchie80 Hi, I'd like to start selling clothes but I really don't know where or how to begin. Do you have any helpful advice when it comes to buying wholesale or from a distributor? How much am I looking at roughly to begin? I hope I'm not coming across as nosy or "crossing the line" by asking you this. This is not my intention at all. Thank you 😌
Feb 17Reply
msmande @mrsperkins thank you lady for all the shares!!! 😍
Feb 18Reply
mrsperkins @frenchie80 Good Morning hun! Sorry I am just getting back to you. You know, to be honest, you'd be better off asking a seller who does Wholesale and shops from distributors. I don't really have much knowledge on it besides he said she said... I wish I could help you more in that department.
Feb 18Reply
frenchie80 Ok I gotcha..thanks for getting back to me. I'll keep doing a little more research 🕵☺️
Feb 18Reply
mrsperkins @frenchie80 Yeah, no problem. I wish I could help. I don't have a license, I've just never got into that field
Feb 18Reply
mrsperkins @a080175 Hi you.. Just crossed my mind, thought I'd say hi🙋🏼What are you guys up to this weekend?
Mar 05Reply
mrsanderson96 @mrsperkins Hey🙋 oh far taking the girls to breakfast then sprucing up the flower beds🌺🌞 I keep telling the hubs we need to go to the beach!! So nice here right now!! Just sipping mojitos and eating ceviche right now tho!! YUM!! How about you?
Mar 05Reply
mrsperkins @a080175 Haha! You are so cute! I can picture you now in Florida.. Sippin' mojitos while the sun it setting. ☀️Jealous. It's raining here. We need it though. Aww I hope to go to breakfast tomorrow morning too! I always get drench toast almost every time. We don't eat like that at home so I always want it when we're out. Sounds like a lovely little day you have planned tomorrow
Mar 05Reply
mrsanderson96 @mrsperkins I'm excited for tomorrow, Savannah is going too(: with school and her work and our work our schedules can be so conflicting- literally walking out as one is walking in😧 Def looking to indulge tomorrow (: no yogurt tomorrow😂 We are actually having perfect {for FL} weather right now so taking it all in!! I do like rain tho in the evening and night, so calming😏 I'm loving these 3 day weekends, being spoiled-hah!! Any other plans other than breakfast??
Mar 05Reply
mrsperkins @a080175 Oh how great for you girls!! To have her join too. I bet the schedules are tough, so it makes these moments every better. Had it confirmed- we're going to breakfast too👍🏼🙌🏼 I LOVE rain in the evenings/nights as well. It's beautiful. I've been wanting a good quality rain stick for the house. I need to run to a few boutiques for posh shopping (closed on Sunday's). Then I'm not sure.. Relax in the afternoon probably. Tea and snacks
Mar 05Reply
mrsanderson96 @mrsperkins YAY!! French toast🙌 Don't let posh consume ALL of your weekend!! Enjoy some of it😎 So besides rain, is it warning up at all in CA?? Oh hell... of anyone should have a good rain stick, FL should!!😅 I'll keep my eyes open for you. My dad is all into the weather, I'll start there! My husband only worries about fronts and hurricanes😕
Mar 05Reply
jewelsie Hi Breanne thank you for all the shares. You are too sweet. You always share my closet. I follow and share but have never introduced myself. My name is Jewels HI☺️ I love your closet also! Thank you again. Stay sweet! ☺️💓
Mar 07Reply
astyleaddict Love your post here. I miss the bay I grew up there but I moved last month to Folsom for my husbands job. Lots of love laughs and sales.
Mar 10Reply
feelosophy Love your style✨✨✨ and you are gorgeous 🙆🏻💕
Mar 14Reply
mrsperkins @feelosophy Thank you so so much💕🙆🏼💞
Mar 14Reply
star__noel Hi ! I know this is more of a selling app but I really need fashion advice ( so I'm asking a few of my favorite accounts and the best closets I know ! ) what are good shoes to wear with shorts? I still want a dressy look and I got a pair of black lace up flats ( Nine West "signmeup" flats ! ) but people say they don't look good with denim shorts 😭😭
Mar 16Reply
kimmerscali Thank you for sharing my listing. Much appreciated. Thank you! Kim
Mar 22Reply
mrsalliexo @mrsperkins I love the photos 💕✨😍😘
Apr 17Reply
monicagoodys79 Such a beautiful lady! Love, love your closet and how you do your pictures! 🙂
Apr 18Reply
lindleyy I LOVE seeing you doing so well on Posh! Xo
Apr 22Reply
finnypants What a gorgeous closet!! I love it!
Apr 22Reply
emmegreen @mrsperkins Lol! Is it bad that I knew right away you were at Union Square when I saw Saks in the background? Lol! California girls forever ♡
Apr 28Reply
scrockett01 Natural beauty , lucky girl. I just joined so I am learning lol. Love ur closet!
May 03Reply
savvyyykats My love and support for your closet continues lol! I lust over your new items all the time but I am waiting to buy a whole new wardrobe until I'm back to feeling like myself body wise. Baby boy is keeping me active plus squeezing in some workouts , I should be there in no time 🤗 and here shopping your closet like I used to hahah 🙈. I'm happy that your Posh is continuing its success! You deserve it girly!! 😘💕💕💕
May 09Reply
foreverfortyone Greetings to you from the state of South Carolina. Please stop by and visit my closet anytime. I offer great bundle discounts and I always accept any reasonable offers.
May 18Reply
janetmarie93 You're gorgeous! 💜 Hope you have an amazing time on your trip. Thanks for visiting my closet!
May 19Reply
hmcfall7788 Hey just so u know ....take an additional 50% OFF EVERYTHING !!! :-) MSG ME TO CHANGE PRICES !!
May 22Reply
d_laney82 Hi Breanne! Thank you so much for all the shares!! I love your closet!! I'm hoping to add more soon and my ultimate goal is to become a retail Posher 😉 I'll be back for some purchases again! 😊💜💕💜💕✌🏿️
May 23Reply
gorgeouskb You have an awesome closet xo
May 24Reply
thehappyhosta What a lovely lady you seem to be inside and out. Already so willing to check a sizing when I can see how busy you must be. What a lovely man too and the other lady!!! Hope your life is full and peaceful.
May 31Reply
h_banana_m Hello Breanne! Adorable closet! I would appreciate it if you would check out my closet which is acceptable to offers;)
Jun 08Reply
tiffsthreadz you're gorgeous! 😍 I love your closet 💘
Jun 12Reply
shopdaliajade omg I LOVE your closet and your style! I just wanted to drop in and let you know! My name is Roxy and I've been on here for a couple months now and am loving it! If you have any great tips to share with me, that would be AMAZING! Have a great day!
Jun 22Reply
luvbucs28 Congrats 💙💙💙🌹, co- hosting , & cute pictures !
Jun 24Reply
luigiandfriends @mrsperkins Hi! I have a couple questions for you... Can I ask here? :)
Jun 24Reply
mrsperkins @gabbyliz Hi love🙋🏼Absolutely, ask anything💐
Jun 24Reply
luigiandfriends @mrsperkins Ok! Cynthia rowley tees & tanks are my favorite! I think they're such good quality and wash so well. I always look and look for different colors and they seem to be difficult to find in colors other than black and white. So if you ever come across some different colors or get some in, please tag me! If I don't already have that color, & maybe even if I do I guarantee I will buy! Lol. I had another question for you but am drawing a blank now 😁 If I think of it I'll comment again lol
Jun 24Reply
mrsperkins @gabbyliz Hi sweetie! Doesn't she have lovely stuff, she always uses nice material😍I will try to remember, absolutely! I sell her often, I just forget to list her as the brand a lot
Jun 25Reply
deborahrn Fabulous closet. I'm Deborah and nice to meet you.
Jun 25Reply
alyssw12 Good morning, babe! I know we haven't talked in like, a year and a half lol but just wanted to say I've continually watched your closet and am so glad to see you doing so well! Your closet is amazing and I'm glad you've become so successful! Keep up the good work, love!! I hope you're having a lovely day!
Jun 29Reply
mrsperkins @alyssw12 Awww sweetie, that was so sweet to stop by and say. Thank you very much. I've really enjoyed building my closet, it's been a lot of fun. I really appreciate you taking the time to connect- meaningful💕💐I hope you are doing well and the family is good. Happy Mid-Week!! Yay🙏🏼
Jun 29Reply
alyssw12 Totally meant to respond to this 🙄 Anyways. You're so welcome! I wish we lived in the same state so we could chat Poshmark! 😘 I really admire how far you've come! I've done okay with retail but know I could be doing better!!! Hope you had a wonderful 4th! 🇺🇸❤️💙
Jul 06Reply
mrsperkins @gloria0228 Oh lovey, you are more than welcome. That was so sweet to say❤️
Jul 07Reply
vonnah Super pretty closet for an even prettier lady!💞
Jul 07Reply
mrsperkins @vonnah Awww☺️Thank you🤗
Jul 07Reply
bcgreer Thank you so much for all of your shares! I always look forward to looking through your many adorable pieces! 🌸☀️
Jul 13Reply
mrsperkins @bcgreer Aww, you are oh so welcome!💐That's sweet of you to say, thank you🙏🏼🎀
Jul 13Reply
katesaintclaire You're a true beauty @mrsperkins!!! Inside and out! 😘 Xoxoxo
Jul 19Reply
mrsperkins @katesaintclaire You are the sweetest person. You always make me feel so good. ❤️Thank you so so much. This was the best day for me to hear that. Thank you
Jul 19Reply
mrsperkins @gloria0228 Thank you so much, you are too sweet☺️I see you are modeling, you are already on your way! Sharing is how we all can support each other. I always appreciate when my closet is shared, means so much.
Jul 20Reply
bcgreer @sheriejenee check out Bre's closet 💙
Jul 22Reply
katesaintclaire @mrsperkins Omg Breanne, I had no idea you were having surgery! How are you feeling, beautiful? Is everything alright? Keeping you in my thoughts & prayers! Xoxoxo, Kate Sainte Claire K. ❤️
Jul 27Reply
hvedz I recently stumbled upon your closet and I am OBSESSED. Not only is your styling beautiful, but it is clear that your kindness and professionalism has produced a loyal following. As someone who is new to Poshmark, you are a great role model and example to follow. Lots of Posh love @mrsperkins 💕💕💕
Jul 28Reply
chicbomb love your cover shots concept:) very nicely done. xo
Aug 02Reply
mrsperkins @chicbomb Thank you so much🙏🏼What a beautiful compliment 🤗
Aug 02Reply
mrsperkins @igtbar Yes, I will be posting tomorrow. Check out my Closet News at the top of my closet, I always let you know😘😘😘
Aug 03Reply
mrsperkins @stongbeauty100 Thank you for asking and wanting to follow💐, but no, I don't have an Instagram😕
Aug 07Reply
thepinkhorse Hey lady hope all is well ☺️🌷
Aug 10Reply
faithnate2 @mrsperkins thanks so much for the share , I'm new to this and I really appreciate it 🙏🙌💜
Aug 10Reply
mrsperkins @faithnate2 Aww of course! 💐 Welcome to posh🤗
Aug 10Reply
kentfrances @mrsperkins thank you so much for sharing some of my items!
Aug 10Reply
faithnate2 Hi , I commented a message to you yesterday , I'm new at this , may I ask a ?😬someone just purchased 3 items in a bundle ? How do I do that so only one ship label will print? Hope u can help Thanks Sorry to bother🙆🏻💓
Aug 10Reply
mrsperkins @faithnate2 Hi sweetie!! So, when someone purchases a bundle, posh emails you. In that email is your shipping label. Also, if you are on a computer, go to orders, sales and click on that sale and you can print that way as well😘👍🏼
Aug 10Reply
faithnate2 Omg thanks girl 🙏your a blessing!
Aug 10Reply
swanky_panky Thanks so much for hosting tonight! It was fun. I find a few great finds! No sales for me yet but I know they are coming! Off to enjoy movie time with my man! 😘
Aug 13Reply
alexac You are super model gorgeous! 😍
Aug 14Reply
mrsperkins @alexac Aww☺️Thank you so very much Hun, beautiful compliment, made my day🤗😘
Aug 14Reply
jessicaorganica @mrsperkins You're so beautiful!😍 I love your hair too. God Bless🙏
Aug 16Reply
mrsperkins @rawdollz Oh gosh🙈☺️Thank you very much, what a beautiful compliment 🙏🏼❤️
Aug 16Reply
jessicaorganica @mrsperkins You're very welcome 😊
Aug 16Reply
aanyaa_ Hey! I love your closet 😍. Check out my closet! I think it matches your style 💅🏽 Feel free to make offers/purchases! ✨ Happy Poshing ♡
Aug 18Reply
rebekah1184 @mrsperkins I am always appreciative of the shares, thank you thank you!🙏🏼😘
Aug 23Reply
pemberline Love your closet! Do you do bundle discounts by any chance? I've discovered a few items I love and also want to gift 😍❤️
Aug 24Reply
jaybirdthreads 💕LOVE💕 everything in your closet! And love your stories you share. I'm newer to poshmark and it's so cool to see how it has been so positive in people's lives! Thanks for sharing!! 😊
Aug 24Reply
mgierach @mrsperkins hey lady!! Just a quick note to tell you how much I sincerely appreciate you sharing my listings!!! You have SO MANY followers, that's amazing!!! Makes my measly following look sad haha!! Regardless, truly appreciate it, and for what it's worth, will plan to re-pay by doing the same for you!!! 💋xoxo
Aug 25Reply
bekindbetrue You've got great energy, so positive... Thanks for sharing on a personal level... I believe if you touch the life of one person a day then you've lived. 😊
Aug 30Reply
bekindbetrue Thank you for all the shares❣❤️
Aug 30Reply
thenavycloset You have fabulous taste. Looking forward to following your gorgeous closet. 😘
Sep 20Reply
missjessica1226 @mrsperkins Hi miss lady! Thank you so much for sharing my stuff!! I admire what you got going on here. I hope someday to be as successful as you are on posh! 😘😘
Sep 25Reply
mrsalliexo @itsjamison 💕💕😊 You need to meet Bre! Her closet is amazing, she has the same guidelines as me, packages beautifully and truly cares about her customers. Take a peek and add her 💐🌟🤗
Oct 21Reply
happylilbean Your truly lovely 😄and your closet is beautiful!!😘🌹🌹🌹🌹 so happy I found it😄
Nov 08Reply
mrsperkins @happylilbean Awwww ☺️ Thank you so so much for saying that. ❤️️ Very kind words.
Nov 08Reply
nastazio_03 Thanks for the warm welcome!😊
Nov 30Reply
slocklear Thank you for the shares! Hope your feeling better. You will get through this challenging time, and your reward will be worth it all! I promise!
Dec 07Reply
luxdesignvault Love your clothes. Congrats on the baby. I have a ton of designer baby girl items if you're interested. My little one grew so fast she barely wore anything more than once. Praying for a happy healthy mama and baby!
Dec 08Reply
danix0dolce ADORE these updated pictures 💗💗💗! So beautiful, @mrsperkins! & loving the little moccasin picture on your baby update page 😍💞👶🏼🐶!
Dec 09Reply
mrsperkins @danix0dolce Awww! Love ❤️ Thank you SO much!! My page needed a face lift badly. I really appreciate you saying that. New pictures from this Fall 🍂
Dec 09Reply
danix0dolce You're so welcome, @mrsperkins! You look absolutely stunning, per usual! Loving your little pup too 💞🐶. Great pictures 🤗! Hope you're having a wonderful day ☀️💐!
Dec 09Reply
mrsperkins @lanboutique That was SO kind of you to say 💕 Truly. Thank you. It is, it's the best Christmas yet 🎄
Dec 09Reply
chantydelauzzz I love that dress and the new pics Bre! Hope you feel better.
Dec 09Reply
katesaintclaire @mrsperkins LOVE your new photos, Bre! You are glowing! Never seen you more beautiful!
Dec 09Reply
mjshinsky @mrsperkins I ❤ the new pics. I love your dress you are wearing.
Dec 09Reply
mrsperkins @katesaintclaire Thank you Kate!! ✨🙏🏼✨
Dec 09Reply
mrsperkins @chantydelauzzz Thank you sweetie... feeling a tiny bit better, still a daily struggle. Thank you for stopping by ✨
Dec 09Reply
mrsperkins @scdghd Awww Stacey, thank you ☺️
Dec 09Reply
mrsperkins @mjshinsky So sweet Melissa, thank you. I love this dress, so beautiful. Had to have it the second I saw it
Dec 09Reply
katesaintclaire @mrsperkins I mean this just fills my heart with joy!!!! & the dress couldn't be more perfect. I'm truly so so so happy for y'all!!! Hope to see more photo shoots as the bump continues to grow. I hope you're starting to feel better too. I've been dealing with nonstop nausea (not pregnant), no appetite, etc and it's terrible!!! Hope your symptoms are getting better. 💕
Dec 09Reply
mrsperkins @katesaintclaire You're so sweet 💕 I loved this dress the second I saw it, the print, the colors... the sleeves! 😍 Had to have it. Oh no, I know daily nausea and how debilitating it is. I'm so sorry. I hope you get through it soon ✨🙏🏼✨
Dec 09Reply
summergirl16 Omg I love your family pictures @mrsperkins you look so beautiful ❤️
Dec 09Reply
lindleyy Stunning new photos! ❤️🐶
Dec 12Reply
mrsperkins @summergirl16 Thank you so much Summer! I was so so sick out there with horrible nausea, so I was just happy if One good picture came out 🙈
Dec 12Reply
mrsperkins @caseyscouture Thank you ✨🙏🏼✨
Dec 12Reply
mrsperkins @lindleyy Thank you so much girlie 💜
Dec 12Reply
summergirl16 Awww I'm so sorry that you been having nausea, I hope you fell better soon. All your pictures came out great for having nausea. ❤️ i hope you have a good Christmas and start feeling better @mrsperkins
Dec 12Reply
anabel22 Love new photos! Always beautiful! 💝
Dec 16Reply
amy_sals I absolutely love your dress! What brand is it if you don't mind me asking?😍
Dec 17Reply
mrsperkins @amy_sals Thank you ✨🙏🏼✨ Free People
Dec 17Reply
amy_sals Awesome thank you! Does it have a reference or style number on it? Trying to find one very similar :) if not, no buggy! Love your closet selection too BTW
Dec 17Reply
mrsperkins @amy_sals Thank you! It's on the Free People website, just take a peek
Dec 17Reply
timberlie Oh my gosh, just gorgeous!!! Merry Christmas Bre!
Dec 17Reply
mrsperkins @timberlie Thank you such honey, so so good to hear from you!! 💜 Happy Holidays Love
Dec 17Reply
limero9888 LOVE these photos!
Dec 18Reply
11thstreet So beautiful, your pictures look like a storybook fairytale and you are the princess! 📖✨
Dec 18Reply
mrsperkins @limero9888 Thank you Honey 🍯
Dec 18Reply
mrsperkins @11thstreet Awww how sweet was that! You are such a doll, Thank You so much for saying that ❤️
Dec 18Reply
mollysunshine Adorable!!!! 🐶💕💕 What a precious introduction!!!! Kindred shopping spirit here!! Nice to have found your closet!! 😍
Dec 22Reply
lana248 ❤️❤️❤️
Jan 08Reply
mz_fashionista Thanks for reaching out @mrsperkins 😊 You are both beautiful and kind. ❤
Jan 09Reply
mz_fashionista Btw, how would I share your listing?
Jan 09Reply
mrsperkins @mz_fashionista You just click on the listing and share to followers 🎀
Jan 09Reply
mrsperkins @swedishninja Thank you so much 😊🎀
Jan 09Reply
dalachildress @mrsperkins Congrats to you! You have a beautiful family and closet! 💗
Jan 12Reply
niki44 What a beautiful family! 💕
Jan 15Reply
mrsperkins @niki44 Thank you so much 😊
Jan 15Reply
mrsperkins @dalachildress Thank you love ❤️
Jan 15Reply
thespacesbtween Thanks for sharing ❤️ cute closet!! Xoxo
Jan 16Reply
jennaf2525 Wondering where you got that beautiful maroon maxi!! 😍
Jan 17Reply
msleslied1 Happy to share 5 & you share 5...girlfriends working together....🎉🎁📬📪, thank you, Leslie. AND I LOVE your dog...what a cutie!! Nice closet too!
Jan 25Reply
awhitlow45 Hello, Thanks for sharing my closet!😄👍🏾 Hope you are having a great week.
Jan 25Reply
pixielated @mrsperkins thanks for the share! Love your closet and congratulations on the little one. Love Baby Finn's name 😄
Jan 25Reply
mrsperkins @awhitlow45 You are more than welcome 😊Thank you, You as well
Jan 26Reply
mrsperkins @pixielated Aww Thank you so much honey 🍯
Jan 26Reply
d_paparazzigirl Fannie is killing me in the last picture hahahaha Total Poser 🤣🤣🤣
Feb 09Reply
mrsperkins @leapederson Hahaha! She's a crack up. Have you seen her listing I have under my SOLD sign? She is a major poser 😂
Feb 09Reply
d_paparazzigirl @mrsperkins Hahaha no. Let me look now lovey.
Feb 09Reply
mrsalliexo @jesserinmccall Jessica have you met Bre yet?? If you haven't... this is her page! 💕😊🛍 She has the same guidelines as me, cute unique pieces and is most of all my best friend 👯✨🎀 Add her if you haven't
Feb 10Reply
jesserinmccall @mrsalliexo I have not!!! I gladly will and take a peek at her closet! Thanks babe! 😍💋 I want her frenchie lol 🐶
Feb 10Reply
mrsperkins @jesserinmccall So nice to meet you Jess 🙋🏼 I'd love to have you stop by anytime!! 🤗 @mrsalliexo Allie Bears, I adore you so much 👯
Feb 10Reply
jesserinmccall @mrsperkins you as well! I love your fur child 🐶 as soon as I move with my BF I am getting a frenchie...they are the cutest things ever! Awww you and @mrsalliexo are so cute 👭💋 So sweet to eachother...some girls on here can be so yucky towards others! 😒 love that you guys support one another 😘👍🏼
Feb 10Reply
thewhitelotus @mrsperkins Okay girl, you've been way too quiet so what's going on? Not feeling well, or just tired and needing a break? Caring minds want to know! 😂💋♥
Feb 15Reply
mrsperkins @rawfudi Good Morning Connie ☀️ I have had a super busy week and not feeling great on top of it. I'll try to get things up Thur or Fri
Feb 15Reply
mrsperkins @rawfudi We bought a house down by my family in the Central Valley, so with renovations, packing, and getting things ready these past few weeks, needed to take a small break this week 💗 You are SO sweet for checking in on me. Means a lot
Feb 15Reply
thewhitelotus @mrsperkins Oh I don't care about the listings. Well I do, of course, but it's too early for me to bundle, but I am concerned about you being so quiet comment wise. So I just wanted to make sure you were okay. That's all. Take your time loading. I'll check in periodically. Thanks for the text. I'm still loving my tops! Btw, I washed that blue sweatshirt and it cane out amazing. 👍💋😀
Feb 15Reply
thewhitelotus @mrsperkins haha we just crossed texts. Stupid me forgot about the packing up part! 😂😂♥😂😂
Feb 15Reply
royalbeauty1992 Hello new posh friend my name is justina I jus wanted to stop by say thank you for the follow please stop by my closet when you have time I love offers and bundles next day shipping as well
Feb 19Reply
mrsperkins @margb Thank you! It's Marc Jacobs 🙌🏼👌🏼 ⭐️
Feb 25Reply
mrsperkins @margb No I don't
Feb 25Reply
dreamjer2911 Hi! I too have a little one coming this summer (25 weeks along)! I have had HG with both my firstborn and this little guy. I know it's rough. It will all be worth it soon! Hang in there, Mama. 💗
Mar 03Reply
cinnamonnsugar Congratulations!!! You have the cutest baby bump!!! Sending positive vibes your way and wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy/delivery❤.
Mar 05Reply
auctionpricebtq @mrsperkins beautiful family💕🙏💕
Mar 05Reply
mrsperkins @girltalk123 Thank you so much 🙏🏼💕
Mar 05Reply
mrsperkins @everybreath Awww ☺️ You are so kind, Thank You 😘
Mar 05Reply

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Last Active: Feb 25

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About the seller



Last Active: Feb 25

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1 day

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