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Hi there, I'm a Posh Ambassador who loves dogs, sea creatures (especially whales & manatees), and flowers. As for getting by in life, the arts & real estate, selling original Star Wars & other film memorabilia www. facebook.com/JoeJohnstonSketchbook. Also law degreed (J.D.). As for fashion, I'm a perfectionist & don't sell anything I wouldn't purchase myself because I already have! My faves=black & tan, rose hues, yellow, and bright neons. Share your stuff w/ me! Instagram: mismolmax

24 others
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Jan 10Reply

@voodoobird welcome!!welcome!! Welcome to poshmark 😊😊you are going to love it here!! Watch out!! Totally addicting😬shares=sales=$$$ best to you😊I'm always here f you have any questions 😊here are some other great closets and woman to help you along the way need be 😊@erikagannon @susanleeyogi @laaazer @artrip @bswirl81612 @siouxshawn @angel10 @cmjla @deangel40@2edgy @ridinghood13 @huesofpink @poppy64 @cultiverre @autumnlynn3 @dannic6
Jan 10Reply

Wel with a name like @voodoobird I had to stop by!!! Thanks so much for the introduction @daughter14 👯👯👯 if I can ever be of help please don't hesitate!!❣
Jan 10Reply

Thanks for the tag @daughter14!
Jan 10Reply

Welcome to Posh! Please feel free to stop by anytime or if you have any questions! Have fun! And as others have said it is very addicting! 😁
Jan 10Reply

Thanks, @daughter14! I really appreciate it! Thanks for the welcome, @erikagannon! Hi, @autumnlynn3! I love all of your closets! It IS addicting! I came on here to try to sell off one of my 3 closets of clothes, and now I'm just wondering how I can fit more clothes I want into them! You'll be seeing me! Thanks again. <3
Jan 10Reply

@voodoobird you are so welcome!! I hear ya!! I'm shopping as we speak!!😬😬😬😬
Jan 10Reply

@erikagannon LOL @ my name! Voodoo and Birdie are two of my rescued pups! When I signed up on my phone, I didn't know I couldn't change it! So I'm rollin' with it now. ha!
Jan 10Reply

@voodoobird Welcome, you are a stunning lady with a great start with such nice pieces in your closet. You will do well, with time and follow & share and keep those listing coming. I even have my eye on one of your sweaters! You will meet some of the neatest & most helpful ladies on Posh. I have & started in Aug & have enjoyed every minute! I have a pup but have been an avid Cat Rescurer! So for now, hello, but it will never be good bye! Thank you for the introducing me to Mollie @daughter14
Jan 10Reply

@priscilla1978 @lucksterlw @rebeccabrister @augustpinkstyle @akaerin @chrisseyo @rmccouture @vmallicoat @bellanblue @mimi021181 @lal30305 @thatbohochic @saundie Let's please welcome Mollie @voodoobird to the World of Posh. She is new, has a very nice start with her closet but let's help share for her and introduce her to get her quick exposure by sharing our Posh love. I told her we all are awesome, LOL! & she will love Posh!
Jan 10Reply

@2edgy my pleasure 😘@voodoobird you are off to a great start!! Wonderful woman on your path😊😊😊😊Happy Sunday
Jan 10Reply

@voodoobird I 2nd exactly what Sue, @daughter14 just stated!
Jan 10Reply

@daughter14 Mollie, @voodoobird is probably still sleeping out there on the West Coast, while it is 3 hours later on our cold (and here today our first snow this AM) ) East Coast, LOL! And Pow! Electric just went out... switched from computer to Cell
Jan 10Reply

@voodoobird Welcome to Posh Mollie Please feel free to contact me with any questions! 😙❤😊💜🎉
Jan 10Reply

Hello Mollie💕💕! Welcome to Poshmark!!! Let me know if I can help you. I know you'll have fun here especially around Carla💕😃 @2edgy.
Jan 10Reply

@2edgy Thanks so much! Following you. Love your closet! Yes, a bit behind here on the West Coast.
Jan 10Reply

@lucksterlw - Thank you! Really appreciate the welcome. @augustpinkstyle - Thanks so much! Love your closet!
Jan 10Reply

Hi @ridinghood13 - Thanks so much. yes, "A New Hope" sure did change cinema. This seems like a pretty cool place! I love so many things on here! Also, I love your username! 13 is one of my favorite numbers.
Jan 10Reply

@voodoobird Thank you! 💚
Jan 10Reply

@voodoobird loved your short story of your user name and @ridinghood13 cool to hear of yours. We ALL have our interesting stories, that is what makes the world go round and Posh so fun!
Jan 10Reply

@2edgy thank you so much....another great closet! @voodoobird welcome to Posh 😊 you have an absolutely stunning closet!!!
Jan 10Reply

@daughter14 & @voodoobird Ladies, I have never been so embarassed! I was just scanning back to see whom all commented & participated on the shares of Sue & myself, regarding you, Mollie and I re-read some of my & Sue's comments and Sue said, I see so clearly now, referring to me, "wonderful woman on your (Mollie's path)
Jan 10Reply

@daughter14 & @voodoobird and I, at the time, thought Sue said "Wonderful (WoMEN) on your path - plural, and I said, "I 2nd that". OMgosh, it appeared that I 2nd'ed that I was a wonderful woman on your path, how embarrassing, I didn't mean that....I, again, at the time, thought she said wonderful WoMEN on your path - which you do.... not just me, again my embarrassing apologies .... LOL! I just have to laugh about it now is all I can do
Jan 10Reply

@2edgy I didn't even catch that lol lol
Jan 10Reply

@daughter14 I'm glad you didn't or you would have thought, "who does she think she is", LOL! but now I just told on myself, but it was strictly an accident and just read the comment too quickly. Anyway, on with our evening, Cheers, my friend!
Jan 10Reply

Hi Mollie, I'm from LA too, fashion industry:) you have nice items.
Jan 11Reply

@2edgy - No issue at all. I took it the way you intended. Have a great night!
Jan 11Reply

@foryourbigdate - Hi Viktoria! Wow. Thank you! That means a lot coming from you. I love your closet!
Jan 11Reply

@voodoobird - Oh my!!! My last boxer looked JUST like this one! I almost thought you'd taken one of my pictures but I don't have any blankets that look like that. 😄 Adorable!!!!
Jan 12Reply

@kelseylh2 LMAO! I promise you, my Cleo is very unique with googly eyes and all. She's all over my instagram at mismolmax. Do you have an instagram where I can see yours? Was your white boxer deaf? Mine isn't but I have read many are. I was definitely prepared fpr her to be when I went to save her from death at the kill shelter, but to my surprise she could hear! Boxers are such huge babies. 💟
Jan 12Reply

Typo: for
Jan 12Reply

@voodoobird omg!!! Look a your fur babies & beautiful you😘😘😘😘your second one look my Sadie I lost last august😞. On a happier note😊Have a great day!!
Jan 14Reply

@voodoobird Ooooooo!!! Your boxer is so adorable! I have such a weakness for boxers 😍 My compliant closet listing at the top of my closet has a few pics of my little girl torturing my boxer boy 😆 I melt and tear up when I see a cute wrinkly boxer face. My boxer died a year and a half ago and I'm still not over it. They are such sweet dogs! ❤️❤️❤️
Jan 16Reply

@magmell Aww, they are the best! I grew up with a boxer and was excited to save the one I have now (Cleo) from the kill shelter. I have several dogs, but boxers are truly special. We are about to rollerblade. She runs as fast as she can with her harness and extendable leash on. I try my best to keep up on the blades. It's the best way I've found to get her the exercise she craves. She's still very young. Thanks so much for the comment. I hope another boxer wanders into your life soon. XO
Jan 16Reply

Welcome!! Love your pups! I have 2 of my own 🐾🐶
Jan 17Reply

@2dgnte Thank you! I saw the pic of yours! So cute!
Jan 17Reply

love the pups :D! gorgeous closet!!
Jan 20Reply

@marichristmas Awww, thank you! 💟
Jan 20Reply

Hi molly! I too have bought more than I've sold& love my 5 puppy dogs😘🐶!! however I'm In Texas. Happy poshing!!
Jan 21Reply

Your sweet babies are adorable! 🐶🐶🐶
Jan 21Reply

@kryssien How funny! I'm from Texas. Raised in Houston area. 😊
Jan 21Reply

@kryssien Thank you! Would love to see yours! 💖
Jan 21Reply

Wish I were there 🌞 😂 my babies are all on my meet your posher page too🐶
Jan 21Reply

Jan 21Reply

Beautiful! Love your style...and the Guy Fawkes mask! ;)
Jan 22Reply

Cute pups!
Jan 22Reply

@kerribu Thank you! Yours too. Beautiful dobie. 💋
Jan 22Reply

I'm in love with your profile picture. What a face to fall completely in love with. Love the other dogs pictures also. Aren't they amazing? I have 3 dogs and they are my life. Also a foster mom for animal rescues. Sometimes I feel I keep more of my fosters than having them go to forever homes. One I decided if someone was asking about him I was going to tell them he bites (he didn't).
Jan 23Reply

@lacie510 I just realized you're the seller with the socks I want! LOL! Just bought them with some of your other items. In regards to my profile pic and the pups... thank you! I have 5, and they are all rescues. Two of them are foster fails and one was saved right off the streets of LA.
Jan 23Reply

@lacie510 *I couldn't let him get hit by a car, so I jumped out of my car and saved him, but I also wasn't able to find him a different forever home or get him into a rescue. He's really old and all of the rescues I reached out to turned me down. Love that you're a foster mom, too. It's really hard to let them go sometimes. I'm maxed out at 5 and my partner says no more fosters until at least 2020 because I always get really attached.
Jan 23Reply

voodoobird First and the most important thing of all ..... You are AMAZING!!!!!! ( and crazy ....in a good way) Thank you for being such a lover of those fantastic four legged creatures that some " let go" for no darn reason. If it was not for you there would be more out wandering with no warm place, nor food &
sadly their remaining time would be so much shorter and not filled with love. Right now I'm out of town taking care of 2 beagles and their home. One of my dogs is also with me.
Jan 23Reply

@voodoobird I will go home to get your order in the mail tomorrow. I hope you enjoy what you had bought. Any questions please let me know and again, thank you for what you do and the dogs you love.
Jan 23Reply

Omg I love your white boxer 💞 I have one that looks exactly like yours!!!!! welcome to posh 😊
Jan 28Reply

Jan 29Reply

@hollyrider - Thanks, girl! Boxers are such wonderful goofs. Great closet you have!
Jan 29Reply

I had to stop in and letcha know how precious i think your pup is 🐾 💜 whadda angelic little face!
Feb 06Reply

Thank you for shere my jackey💐
Feb 08Reply

@voodoobird Sweet Pups! I have 6 ! 😊
Feb 14Reply

cute doggie ❤️ hi there❣ thanks for the like! let me know if you're ever interested in purchasing anything so we can work out better pricing (:
Feb 20Reply

@shopaholicsss Thanks! I love your closet! Will do.
Feb 20Reply

@voodoobird love your pups. Hope you'll stop by to visit my furry friends, oh yea, & my closet too. 😘
Mar 06Reply

@voodoobird Hi Mollie, I'm Kerri. Nice to meet you on here. Your dogs are adorable! When you get a chance, come check out my closet and hopefully you can grab a great deal! Have a great day! 🛍👜📦🌟😎
Mar 11Reply

@voodoobird Awww, such adorable furbabies! 😊💕💜💕😘🐾 And 😂😂😂 @ the last pic! The one in your avatar is pretty adorable, too! 😍😄
Aug 17Reply

Absolutely beautiful! Love your fur babies!!😀
Sep 22Reply

Hi, you're gorgeous & anyone who loves dogs is good & kind. Thank you for your kindness & compassion to these furry angels. Love your style & closet too btw. 😀🐕💞
Oct 16Reply

The dog in the third picture looks just like my doggie. Is it a cockapoo?
Oct 17Reply

@raid_my_spoils - EVERYONE thinks he's a cockapoo except my boyfriend and vet who are adamant that he's a schnoodle. He is a rescue, so we aren't sure exactly but he's a living, breathing, floppy teddy bear dog. I love him to bits. I noticed yours looks just like him! My Charlie is probably a Cockapoo but people can believe whatever they want. Schnoodle or cockapoo, he's amazing. How old is yours and what's his name?
Oct 17Reply

@dcelis - Thank you so much! I love your closet and will probably buy from it again soon! xoxo
Oct 17Reply

Well he DEF looks part oodle/poo and that's the part that makes them so snuggly and the best dogs ever! Cooper is our 8 year old doggie. His mom was a cocker spaniel and dad a poodle (others can come from 2 cockapoo parents). We got him from a breeder because my sister had one from same breeder and we loved her dog.
Oct 17Reply

I commend you for rescuing! Our first family dog was a rescue and next will be but when we met Coop it was love at first sight and we couldn't leave without him. He is the mellowest low-maintenance dog. He is so chill, loves people but not other dogs. Doesn't care if we walk him or not. He's just the best!! Your dogs are all adorable! If you're on Instagram, we use #thedoop when he's in pics.
Oct 17Reply

RESCUES ARE BEST! I feel a duty to say that as we're big into rescues. However, I'll admit, I have looked into cockapoo/schnoodle breeders because Charlie is just the coolest, sweetest and floppiest floppy flop doggie ever! Can't imagine life without him or one just like him! I get it when a breed suits your fancy and lifestyle. It's just as important to keep the pure breeds going as it is to save all the of dogs in need! I also can't imagine life without dog shows!
Oct 18Reply

@raid_my_spoils - RESCUES ARE BEST! I feel a duty to say that as we're big into rescues. However, I'll admit, I have looked into cockapoo/schnoodle breeders because Charlie is just the coolest, sweetest and floppiest floppy flop doggie ever! Can't imagine life without him or one just like him! I get it when a breed suits your fancy and lifestyle. It's just as important to keep the pure breeds going as it is to save all the of dogs in need! I also can't imagine life without dog shows!
Oct 18Reply

@raid_my_spoils - Meant to add but ran out of room: I will find you on instagram! I'm mismolmax on there! Hugs and kisses to your sweet Cooper. Thank you!
Oct 18Reply

@raid_my_spoils - Sorry for typos. Had to move words around multiple times to get it all in without going over the limit on here! LOL
Oct 18Reply

I'll find you too! Whenever I go over character count - which is quite often - I just cut and paste into a new comment.. I save my pruning for twitter!
Oct 18Reply

awww thank you sweet, kind Lady...I appreciate it & welcome you anytime even if it's to browse. I love your closet & style too, just that what I like won't fit my short frame w/ a "heavy" top. :( Thanks for being a return customer. Hope all is well w/ you. xoxo DC
Oct 18Reply

Oct 18Reply

So glad you love everything! (I hope you truly do!) Thanks for the awesome feedback. I appreciate it 💕
Oct 21Reply

@raid_my_spoils Oh, I absolutely do. I was born in Kansas and just love that, so the sunflowers are something I've had my eye on for a while and your price was right! I love the other items, too, and I am breaking in the boots today. I think they will be my "go to" once broken in. Thank you again! I'll be back and see you on Instagram in the meantime. 😀
Oct 21Reply

Hi Mollie! Thank you for the follow! Would you be interested in learning about Rodan and Fields?
Nov 20Reply

@hdupere No, I'm an Arbonne lover.
Nov 20Reply

Hi dear! Will be happy to see you in my closet! Hop you will like it 😊 just make an offer with price you like! Have a great day ❤️❤️❤️
May 11Reply

💚 15-20% off private bundle offers 💚
❤️ FOLLOW ME for $1 OFF 1st order +$30 ❤️
💜 SHARE 20 items $1 OFF 1st order +$30 💜
Jun 25Reply

Hi! Thanks for your offer! Happy to update my listing so you can get discounted shipping. Let me know!
May 30Reply

@bredwinners Hey, girl! Yes, please do. I'll buy. I want the blue one. 💙 X
May 30Reply

@voodoobird I went to pack up the MAC makeup and I noticed that some of them were definitely used more than once and I don’t feel right sending them like that when I said they’re only used 2-3 times. I’m sorry for any inconvenience for you.
May 30Reply

@fariemoonjewel Okay, can you cancel the order or have any ideas for remedy? Thanks!
May 30Reply

@voodoobird I can make a smaller post with the least used colors and take out the ones that were used more? I already did cancel the order.
May 30Reply

@fariemoonjewel Just saw that a few minutes ago. No problem. Thanks.
May 30Reply

@voodoobird do you want me to repost the least used ones?
May 30Reply

@fariemoonjewel -- No thanks, but thanks for offering. X
May 30Reply

Hi there! I am unable to send you the light blue rose studs you ordered but have tagged you in first pic in my page with a replacement! Please let me know so I can get shipped to you 😊💕💕💕
May 31Reply

@voodoobird So glad you loved everything! Thanks, again, for shopping with me! Don't be a stranger! 💓
Jun 01Reply

Thank you for shopping my closet today! I’ll be sure to ship your items first thing tomorrow morning! Happy Poshing!
Apr 09Reply

Hello, I hope you enjoy Poshmark as much as I do! Please feel free to check out my closet, I sell vintage and today jewelry (at some pretty great and reasonable prices too)! 📿💖 Happy Poshing!
Sep 19Reply

@voodoobird Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 27Reply
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