Love Monster Baby Book by Rachel Bright
US$6 US$8
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Love Monster
Baby Book
by Rachel Bright
Good Used Condition
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This book is awesome❤️

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Thanks for sharing my closet.
Oct 31Reply

@ig0000 you are welcome. 😊
Oct 31Reply

hey I still want the bundle I will purchase in the morning my bank card is lost.Im going to get a temporary tomorrow 🙃 thank you for your patience.
Nov 01Reply

@rebelrebel1963 thank you for the heads up😊 no rush❤️
Nov 01Reply

hi my dear thank you for asking we are ok my daughter is bipolar so on top of the Cerebral palsy she has that I just roll with the punches 👊 😉
I'm kinda freaking out I haven't had any sales since last week 🙃 what's up with that ?girl I am still posting I'm a bit ADHD and OCD..I wanted to say sorry about not purchasing the vans they ate still on my list if you have them later anyway hope you are good and your family..looking forward to my LABARETH BOOK.
Nov 06Reply

David Bowie is my idol as I REBEL rebel,I have loved him since I was like 13 anyway looking forward to reading to my daughter.
hope you have a good evening and thank you for taking the time to say hi.much appreciated 😊 I don't get out much and I'm ok with that I just have a handful of people I talk too.
Nov 06Reply

hey if your ever interested in purchasing just let me know I will give you an awsome deal just wanted to let you know 😊
Nov 06Reply

@rebelrebel1963 I appreciate that, thank you so much. Did you check your message from me in your “purchases” tab.
Nov 06Reply

@rebelrebel1963 rad. I will definitely let you know.
Nov 06Reply

@rebelrebel1963 I was going to say David Bowie looks pretty hot in the book. He was always my favorite Goblin King❤️
Nov 06Reply

@rebelrebel1963 no worries about the vans. The other things are no big deal either, you have a special brain like me. I don’t think we would be alive if we weren’t so uniquely created😊
Nov 06Reply

@poshrae1 Hey, Rae! I see you've been real busy putting up lots of new stuff! You sure have a lot of merchandise, especially books, real interesting! Also where do you get all those unique toys for kids? OMG so much merchandise!!! You keep me busy and not bored to share all of your inventory!🌞
Nov 24Reply

I am trying to figure out how exactly to share videos through my YouTube! I have never shared before so it's new to me, believe it or not! 😐 Apparently one of the easier ways is to have the person in your phone contacts. It is what I have tried out already and worked but any other way, I still need to figure out. 😗
Nov 24Reply

@normayvonne74 no worries. I’m just going through your list that you told me about. I like your taste in music❤️
Nov 24Reply

@poshrae1! Glad you like👍
Nov 24Reply

@normayvonne74 I homeschool my daughter and we look for fun things to do. Most of the toys are almost 18 years old, I have just had them nicely stored away😊
Nov 24Reply

@poshrae1 Hi, Rae! How's it going?? Thanks for the shares and glad you are selling!! 🤠
Dec 12Reply

@normayvonne74 thanks. Trying to get ready for the new year. Sharing is caring!🥰
Dec 12Reply

@poshrae1 Hi Rae, so happy to see all your hard work paying off! You deserve everything and more, you’re such a lovely person 💕. Thank you for all your sharing and thoughtfulness. Hope that you and your family have the brightest holiday season and the most joyful New Year! You are an inspiration 🥰💕🌸💋🍱🙏!
Dec 21Reply

@normayvonne74 you are so welcome. Sending you warm holiday wishes!😊
Dec 22Reply

@floradivalinda hope December has been a good month for you, I love the bee blanket you recently added. Thanks for being so encouraging, it has made this experience a lot more fun. Have a very Merry Christmas!🎄
Dec 22Reply

Hi, Rae! Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!🎄🎇🪅
Stay Safe & God Bless! Thanks for the shares! 💟
Dec 25Reply

@normayvonne74 Norma, you are awesome! Merry Christmas!!🎄
Dec 25Reply

@poshrae1 🤭😊⭐
Dec 25Reply

@tutuwig thank you. Wishing you lots of sales😊
Jan 30Reply

Hey, girl! Thanks for all the shares!! As soon as I can, I will return the shares! I will also include you in some posh parties when I see one relatable. 😉✨⭐
Mar 05Reply

@normayvonne74 I appreciate it! Hope all is well.😊
Mar 06Reply

Hey, Nice Girl! How have you been? Hope you are doing well...🐰🌺
I've been listening to your boyfriend's music! Shared some of his songs to my son.🙂. How is the music coming along???🤠
Apr 06Reply

@normayvonne74 hey beautiful lady, it’s great to hear from you. Thanks for sharing his music, really appreciate it. He is working on helping our son make music😊
Apr 06Reply

@poshrae1 That's great your son is also talented and ambitious about music! Kuddos to all of you! 💟🌟😎
Apr 06Reply

@normayvonne74 🤩❤️
Apr 07Reply

@poshrae1 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 24Reply

@cutehosiery I feel flattered to get a comment from you. I have seen you being very encouraging throughout the app and it’s really awesome. I wish you lots of sales.🥰
Jul 24Reply

Aloha Rae: Those are fabulous booked!!Welcome to my Closet! Lets all SHOP SAVE SELL AND SHARE our way to SUCCESS!! Happy Poshing!
Jul 25Reply

Hey, Rae!!! Wishing you HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR 🌟🎉💚🌲💐. Thanks for the shares and friendship!!!🤠
Dec 20Reply

Hi, Rae! I was wondering if you had anymore of the smaller size beeswax candles? I would buy some in about another week or so. thanks 🌺
Feb 14Reply

@normayvonne74 yes I do. I can even make you some fresh ones.❤️
Feb 15Reply

@poshrae1 Hello! Just getting back on that! yes, that would be wonderful!! I will get back with you soon...need to get my funds to go through this weekend then go to my bank and deposit to the account I use for my shopping. Thanks!😺. Hope you are doing well over in California.
Feb 22Reply
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