Hi, I'm Chelsea. Check out my instagram for my links to other platforms. I shop and resell my personal wardrobe. Vintage is a passion of mine, see my high end collection. So many fabulous brands!

242 others
like this

I love my pitbull too Beautiful!
May 09Reply

Love your closet!
May 09Reply

@rissa205 Thank you so much!! Have a wonderful day ;)
May 09Reply

Hi gorgeous!! Love your closet! Thank you for following my closet 👏🏼💕. I also have another website - if you have time, please check it out! Stella and dot. Adorable jewelry, handbags and more!! 💯💯guaranteed or Money back💋❤️❗️I have more details on "meet your posher" thanks love! Have a lovely evening 💕💕
May 13Reply

Love how the description just says "Me"😂😂😂and I,too, am a bully lover. U are totes adorbs❤️💜🐶
May 24Reply

Hello Chelsea, I would appreciate it if you would check out my closet; I'm always up to offers& bundle 2 items get 10% off (I have a little bully breed baby of my own;))
Jun 06Reply

Hey nice to meet you! Cute pup too 😄
Jun 16Reply

Hey Chelsea Lee welcome to poshmark. You picture are great and you dog look big. Nice closet.
Jun 26Reply

Great Closet! Love your style 💖✨✌🏼️
Jun 27Reply

I LOVE your closet too bad I'm such a lard *ss after having my son, if not I would so be all over your entire closet! Xoxoxo
Jun 29Reply

@jadynsbaby Congratulations on the baby boy!
Jun 29Reply

Thanks for the like the earrings are super cute and unique 💞💗💕💖
Jul 07Reply

Hey lady! Love your jimi tee:D Don't know if you ever 'trade', but if you see anything you like in my closet Lmk😊💕
Jul 28Reply

You have a beautiful closet! I love it. Hope you have a wonderful week!
Aug 25Reply

@hls192 thank you so much! You're going to love this's gorgeous!! I'll ship out in the morning :)
Aug 25Reply

Lovely closet..wish I was 6 sizes smaller🤐
Sep 26Reply

Hi Chelsea, I'm pretty new to posh and I just made a bundle sale to an even newer posher whose profile I noticed you commented on about a week ago (debaker24). There are several strange comments on this user's profile and I'm wondering if you know something I don' to ship? 🤔😥
Sep 29Reply

@clar1085 hi! I would ask the person who sold a bundle to her. Every day, she would bundle every item in my closet. I have several hundred items, I would understand if she bundled a couple things here and there.. not everything, over and over and over again.
Sep 29Reply

🛍🛍Hello beautiful! Welcome to Posh Mark! Ive learned that sharing and parties and sharing other Poshers really increase sales! Lets trade ideas! Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Oct 13Reply

Oops. Thought you were Mari. You're Chelsea. Nice to meet you.🤔🤔
Nov 08Reply

Love your closet esp the free people collection!
Nov 10Reply

Thanks for following my closet and Luv your fur baby ❤️️😀🐶🐶
Nov 12Reply

@enocharden thank you so much for taking the time! And thanks he is adorable :) :)
Nov 12Reply

@marigoldz I see you like sweaters - stop on by and say hi!
Nov 26Reply

@marigoldz Congratulations on your party! Please consider my Posh compliant closet for a Host Pick.💜⚓️😀
Dec 02Reply

Beautiful Dog
Dec 02Reply

It's the owners that make that beautiful breed look bad but they are some of the most loyal dogs ever I Love Pits and Rotts
Dec 02Reply

@marigoldz ➕🎊CONGRATULATIONS on being a co-host for this evening's Posh PARTY!🎊✨What an amazing opportunity to connect with fellow Poshers‼️If you have the time, I would be humbled and appreciative if you were to select some of my closet as part of your Host Pick‼️ Thanks in advance for your consideration, and Posh on! ➕
Dec 02Reply

AHHHHH! It's almost time!! Have a blast tonight!! :)
Dec 03Reply

Thank you for the share💜🙋🏼💜 and happy holidays to you!🎁🎅🏻🎄
Dec 19Reply

Beautiful closet
Dec 23Reply

Hi @marigoldz, amazing closet!! I shared a bunch of your items that I loved, I hope you could do the same for me (I'm new😊). Thank you and happy holidays!
Dec 24Reply

YOUR CLOSET: Versatile, Tons of Stock, Great Pieces at Great Prices. Your hard work at putting up listings and your chic taste shows! You definitely will be on my Statement Style Host Pick List this Friday 12/30/16
Dec 28Reply

Thanks for following my closet and Luv your fur baby 💕😊🐶💕
Jan 03Reply

Super cute closet !
Jan 10Reply

🎉Saying hello from the Midwest! Thank you so much for following my closet! 🎉
Jan 17Reply

Love this ❤ thanks for sharing!!
Jan 18Reply

You have the greatest closet omg haha I wish we were the same size 😫
Jan 23Reply

Fabulous closet! 💋
Feb 03Reply

Your closet is AMAZING!!!!!😍😍
Feb 13Reply

Thanks for sharing!🐥🦋🦄
Feb 13Reply

Great closet! Wish I was your size 😩
Feb 27Reply

Did you see the picture in my posh page?! I will take it down when you see it...
Mar 01Reply

@heymsrobinson I did see it, and I commented in it.. please see your listing for my comment :)
Mar 01Reply

@justdanadane thank you so much for the kind words and for looking! I'm always trying to keep my closet diverse and I'm beginning to add different sizes and not just my own! So keep checking back and I'll have some cute things for you to peruse 😍😍
Mar 12Reply

Great closet! Only downside is, it never ends, I'm forcing myself to hop out here :p
Mar 22Reply

@scoreks thanks so much for stopping in! It is a lot to look at :) let me know if you have any questions in the future
Mar 23Reply

Love you closet babe! So many cute dresses 😍👅💦
Mar 24Reply

@_blackvelvet thanks so much!!! ♥️♥️
Mar 24Reply

Wonderful closet!!!
Mar 27Reply

Thanks for sharing
Apr 02Reply

Love your pitty I have 1 too he sleeps in bed with me under the covers☺️
Apr 02Reply

FANTASTIC Closet! Thanks for letting me look! I will be back to shop! Have a great night 😋
Apr 04Reply

I LOVE your closet!!!😁💞
Apr 09Reply

Good evening Chelsea. Thanks for sharing my creations with my followers and I hope you will continue to follow my work 🌹
Apr 14Reply

Love your eye for vintage!!
Apr 18Reply

Hey, the coat is beautiful! Very unique. I'll wear a scarf since everything itches me, apparently. Thank you so much. Great doing business with you!
Apr 21Reply

And I'm so in love with dogs!
Apr 21Reply

Your closet is amazing!!! 😍👍💋
Apr 21Reply

Hello! Just wanted to stop by say hi! Do you like the brand Gryphon? 🎀💗
Apr 22Reply

@elliebellie1234 hi :) yes, I have a few items available and am open to offers if you're interested
Apr 22Reply

@marigoldz well I was asking because I have a EUC condition Gryphon Coat listed that I think you would love!!
Apr 22Reply

Do you think that might interest you?😊
Apr 22Reply

@elliebellie1234 no thanks
Apr 22Reply

@marigoldz okay. LMK if you find someone who might like it!! It's a really REALLY nice coat just not for me😊
Apr 22Reply

Thanks for sharing my listing
Apr 24Reply

Hi! Kind of random but you bought the for love and lemons bikini top from another posher yesterday. If for some reason you end up selling it please let me know :) thanks
Apr 24Reply

@fi6307 hey there! Not weird at all, sometimes things don't fit like we think or want them to :) I'll definitely let you know if I'm not going to keep it before I post it!
Apr 24Reply

I could spend all night in your closet!! Amazing😍😍
Apr 29Reply

Thanks sooo much for the Posh love and sharing my listing 💕💕💕 will definitely do the same for you 🛍🛍🛍
May 07Reply

@llwnbf hi there! Thanks for taking the time to look thru my closet :) I'm only open to offers and selling - I am downsizing but appreciate the thought. Thanks so much.
May 07Reply

@marigoldz Hello🤗 Beautiful Closet and style! 💜💚
May 09Reply

Your closet is amazing! 💕
May 10Reply

Hi Doll! Love your closet and great pics! :)) Thanks for Sharing!
May 15Reply

Your closet is amazing! 😍😍😍
May 17Reply

Thank you for the share. I now found your closet and the only sadness in the whole deal is that we don't wear the same size. I am going on a hunger strike today. 😉
May 20Reply

Thank you for sharing 💖💖
May 27Reply

@slave_to_love hey! I was listing on it earlier. I've had the other one for a year but never used it until recently! Isn't that shrug gorgeous, I accidentally tagged you when I got so excited and no I didn't buy it. Did you 🙃😍
Jun 07Reply

Hi! I posted the for love and lemons bikini top in my closet for sale I need a smaller size and thought I'd let you know :)
Jun 07Reply

@slave_to_love Ahhhh it was on my feed and I clicked out and back in and as like what is this gorgeous thing!!!? Betsey!!!
Jun 07Reply

@slave_to_love I said the same thing to my BF and wanted to buy it!!' It looked like a dolls size but it was too freaking awesome to ask questions!! Ahhh next time darlin!
Jun 07Reply

You have a fantastic closet!!!! I love sharing ur items!!
Jun 08Reply

@marigoldz Thanks for sharing please feel free to check out my closet anytime and my PFF's @johnelem, @g_fashiondiary, @bobo808, and @dadarokm808 for their great closet collection of fashion and style. Happy Poshing!!! 😘 🌹🌺🌸🌷ALOHA🌸🌸🌹🌷
Jun 17Reply

Hi chels
Jun 17Reply

@djabbott111 hey aunt deb!! 😘😘
Jun 17Reply

Love your closet!!! 💕💕💕
Jun 20Reply

Thanks for sharing. Beautiful family! 🌼
Jun 21Reply

@marigoldz: Beautiful pictures of friends and family above. Your closet is amazing! ❤️
Jun 23Reply

Thanks for the share Chelsea! Beautiful closet and family pics ☺
Jun 28Reply

I enjoyed looking at all your pictures. All MEN should have a hairy chest, all others are just BOYS! My husband of 36 years was hairy, too.😁 They used to tell little boys, "Eat you spinach/carrots/whatever. It'll put hair on your chest," so they'd eat whatever it was they didn't want to eat to grow up like Daddy. Now they "man-scape." What a tragedy!
I also love your dog; he's wonderful.
Jun 30Reply

@motherhenalaska this made me LOL! It's so true! All men should have hairy chests and bearded faces. I remember thinking hairy men were gross when I was a little girl but now older- all that manscaping is just too feminine - and who likes a prickly chest anyhow 🤣!? Thanks for the kind words and taking the time to say hello! Isn't the pup the cutest?! Have a wonderful weekend and holiday 😍😍
Jul 01Reply

@marigoldz Awesome Closet!!! Hope you have an amazing holiday weekend!!!
Jul 02Reply

Hi Chelsea Britt! Came across your closet and im in love with it! I regret im a size large because id buy half the items in your closet! Btw i love your red hair too!
Jul 05Reply

LOVE your closet!!!!
Jul 08Reply

thanks for sharing my listing! happy poshing☺️✨🌸
Jul 18Reply

You have such a beautiful and elegant closet! I love the way you have taken photos and modeled your items...what a sweet spread in your about me section. Your energy that comes through is peaceful and inspiring! I'm happy to have found your closet 😊
Jul 19Reply

Thank you for the follow! I absolutely love your closet :)
Jul 20Reply

Thank you for your share 🎉💓💓
Jul 27Reply

Thank you for the share! 😀🙌🏼💕
Jul 27Reply

Thank for share my items
Jul 28Reply

You have fantastic items 👍🏼👍🏼
Aug 04Reply

OMG! I love your closet!!!!
Aug 09Reply

You have thhhhhheeee best closet I've seen on posh😍😍😍😍❤️❤️🙃🙌 can't wait to keep stopping by❤️
Aug 13Reply

Hello! Thanks for the share :) You're beautiful, so is your family, & your dog! It's so cute! xoxo ❤ ❤ ❤
Aug 13Reply

@mocharocha thanks for stopping by and taking the time for the kind words :) your closet is lovely!! happy poshing darling 😘😘🎉
Aug 13Reply

@marigoldz You're very welcome & thanks! Happy poshing to you too :) xoxo ❤ ❤ ❤
Aug 13Reply

Hi. Thanx for sharing my items:)
Aug 18Reply

Girlfriend, you have an AMAZING closet. . . I can't even imagine how much time you put into posting all of your incredible clothes!!!! You are beautiful in every photo and have wonderful taste. Thank you for sharing with us!! ❤️
Aug 21Reply

@marigoldz thank you so much for sharing❤️
Aug 24Reply

Hey Chelsea, thanks for following!!!❤️🤗😊
Aug 30Reply

Congratulations for the party today. In case you are still looking for host picks, I hope you will consider my closet. Thanks ❤️
Sep 02Reply

@marigoldz hi Chelsea!!! 👋🏼 congrats on hosting this afternoon's party!!! 😆 I'd be so grateful if you could take a peek at my suggested users closet for potential host picks! 😘🎈💌🛍🍭🎈💌🛍🍭🎈💌🛍🍭🎈💌🛍🍭🎈💌🛍🍭🎈💌🛍🍭🎈💌🛍🍭🎈💌🛍🍭🎈💌🛍🍭🎈💌🛍🍭🎈💌🛍🍭🎈💌🛍🍭🎈💌🛍🍭🎈💌🛍🍭🎈💌🛍🍭🎈💌🛍🍭🎈💌🛍🍭
Sep 02Reply

Thank you for choosing my picture for your headliner 💓💕💕💓@dirtytalkvint
Sep 02Reply

Awesome closet!
Sep 11Reply

Holy moly on this dress collection! I'm almost glad it's not my size or I wouldn't know when to stop buying.
Sep 14Reply

Absolutely beautiful closet! Happy poshing and fast sales!
Sep 14Reply

Thank you for sharing my jewelry! Love some of your pieces!
Sep 19Reply

Love looking at your closet for gifts and etc; n I must say you are one sexy individual, keep up the good work and items to posh!!!
Oct 09Reply

Love your closet & love your puppy! My family has 2 rescue pitties, they are the best!! 🐾😊💕 Happy poshing! 💖
Oct 09Reply

Beautiful closet!!❤️💄🌸. Thanks for the share!!
Oct 10Reply

@marigoldz ❤️ your closet! I wish I had your torso length and abs😩You make all your items look great!
Oct 18Reply

@fashionsavvy4u thank you so much - I'm glad you enjoy the selection! ❤️❤️
Oct 18Reply

@l0litab0nita hi darlin: yes I have a little problem with clothing :) most wouldn’t call it a problem haha! Thank you so much for looking 😉❤️
Oct 22Reply

@marigoldz hi there 👋🏽 I just wanted to say I ended up here because your listing popped up on my homepage and I immediately noticed your forearm tattoo...I have the same one!! It's on the back of my arm. Most people in my world don't even recognize it's intentional art let alone recognize the artist ( which I don't mind, to each his own 🙃), so it's really cool to find another kindred spirit with a like mind! Nice to meet you 😊😙
Oct 23Reply

@supairam hi there. Thanks for stopping by to say so! I just got it this past July for my birthday and I am in love. After seeing it for years over and over I somehow always kept coming back to her, and no one knows which artist it is. I love that :) I’m sure yours is as beautiful as I imagine, how can it not be? ❤️❤️
Oct 23Reply

@supairam I’m obsessed with Picasso and Matisse sketches :)
Oct 23Reply

@marigoldz I love her too! Sometimes I color in her lips if I'm feeling whimsical ☺️ I like to think everyone has their own muse. His sketches are so light and simple. So much depth on a flat surface. My best friend has Picasso's camel drawing on her arm and everyone thinks it's a piece of string 😆 Believe it or not only children see it for what it is 🐫 Anyway, glad to make the virtual connection. That is way cool, made my day!
Oct 23Reply

Hey Chelsea! Would you mind if I used your model pic of the Anthropologie Maeve black floral dress?
Oct 28Reply

I just love your closet! Hoping to find something in the,Medium size range, gorgeous styles looking great on styles too! Thanks for your follow 🍃🌹🍃
Oct 30Reply

You are like a fashion lover, collector and model in one. Beautiful and surrounded by beautiful things. It’s a pleasure to go through your closet! ❤️❤️
Nov 03Reply

Love your closet and I know this is kimda a weird question but I see u model ur clothes have u ever thought of modeling? Im a scout & would love to talk w/u more im not allowed2 giv it out on here but lets put ot this way its a gmail account & it begins with Eaharbinc lol sorry for having to write it so funny but i really luv ur look!
Nov 08Reply

@buizybee09 I️ want to move into your closet! I️ love so many pieces! I’ll try to come back when I️ have more time to browse...
Nov 12Reply

Thank you sharing my wallet 😊. Let me know if you have any questions
Nov 12Reply

@jninag1812 thank u and i love your style so i giess that's a compliment to myself too lol... I've got tons & tons to liat still & I'm serious about shooting me an email. I love ur unique look!
Nov 13Reply

Good Morning 🌞 you have an AMAZING closet 🤗
Nov 15Reply

@celestefelicia thanks, please don't share 20 items to peoples closets.. a couple is ok, 5 at the most.. 20 is way too much
Nov 15Reply

@marigoldz did I send 20? Thanks ... Poshmark sent me a stylist request from you , and I'm still trying to understand the whole concept and rules of it. 🤷🏻♀️
Nov 15Reply

Hi, Welcome.😀 to Poshmark! Looking forward to visiting your closet again. Happy Poshing! Check out the guidelines for Poshmark ok.😀 Have fun!
Nov 19Reply

Great closet! Love it! 😍
Nov 19Reply

Hi doll I like your IM dress, does it run ample in the body for a size 2??? if I place a offer would you manually drop to save on shipping please
Nov 19Reply

@marigoldz just wanted to say I loveee your closet, one of the best I’ve seen!! Happy poshing!
Nov 21Reply

Hi Thanks doll for sharing my Todd's sunglasses and visiting my closet, I due accept offer's on all items🦋🐞🦋
Nov 23Reply

Aww cute pics! Nice to meet you. Hope you are loving posh! 💘
Dec 08Reply

Dec 11Reply

@marigoldz Hi Chelsea, ahhmazing closet! Would love for you to visit my closet for possible host picks next time you host a party. Thanks!
Dec 26Reply

@buizybee09 thank you so much, sorry I miss a lot of comments on here! Thanks for checking out my closet, I have an Instagram if you want to contact me on there, it is in my info @leavemeatthetree :)
Dec 28Reply

Thanks for visiting! If I would not offend you, please read about my daughter in my closet to learn more about me!❤️
Jan 04Reply

Hi Chelsea! I am very excited about my purchase.. HUGE FAVOR ! Since I am moving next week (Friday the 12th) can you kindly ship ASAP to ensure that I receive it before my move ? Thank you !!!
Jan 05Reply

@lfate821 hi there, yes I can ship tonight but it will get scanned in tomorrow most likely. Good luck with moving :) have a nice day!
Jan 05Reply

Thanks for the share! Love the variety in your closet. 😄
Jan 10Reply

Hey I hope I didn't offend you with my offer if so I apologize truly. I've sold a couple of items and awaiting the release of the money prayfully today. Thx so much again.
Jan 11Reply

@cupcake52 not at all! I was going to say if you want to reoffer what you did this morning please do and I’ll accept, it’s only a couple of dollars difference. It’s such a cute dress :)
Jan 11Reply

Thanks for the follow and like/share(s)! Please stop by my closet from time to time as I have tons more to list. Have a great day! ❤️👍🏻😀
Jan 16Reply

Beautiful closet!
Jan 24Reply

Love your closet even if not my size. Great style!
Jan 25Reply

Hey Chelsea! I’ve been following you since my first week on Poshmark and I’m so impressed by your closet. I also really appreciate that your share back! If you have two minutes would you please stop by my closet and offer any advice for more successful selling?
Feb 05Reply

@marigoldz LOVE your pup!!! I have a beautiful pit that will be 13 years old this year.. he’s light brown and white. 😍🐶
Feb 06Reply

@dalachildress thank you so much! I’m sure yours is super cute, ours is about 6.5 years old. They just get cuter and cuter with time. They are the best pups in the world ❤️❤️❤️
Feb 06Reply

Hi! Thank you for following me! 😀
I hope you like my items! I'm constantly adding a variety of new items!
If you see anything you are interested in or have any questions please feel free to reach out to me!
I am offering combined shipping on bundles & 10% off of bundles with 2 or more items 🤗
Feb 07Reply

Great pics! Lovely taste. Glad I came by!
Feb 15Reply

@missstacia1966 aww thanks, feel free to make an offer on bundles
Feb 15Reply

Sorry it took me so long to rate the dress! We were traveling and I just got home. Thank you!
Feb 15Reply

@zoberg77 thanks babe ❤️ I tired to go as low as possible for the bundle if you come up to $50 I’ll sell :)
Feb 22Reply

@marigoldz very excited about the bundle I just purchased. Can't wait!! :)
Mar 04Reply

@ktrang you purchased three of my favorite dresses!!! The Torn by Ronny Kobo is truly a beauty! You will love them all! Thank you so much and I’ll ship out tomorrow morning ;) I add new items weekly so check back often! ❤️
Mar 04Reply

@ktrang we clearly have very similar and fantastic taste ;)
Mar 04Reply

@marigoldz yes we do have similar taste. I love your closet and the Torn brand dress really caught my eyes.
If you can put all items in one box, that'll be great. (I purchased a dress separately and the bundle). Thank you, cannot wait.
Mar 04Reply

@marigoldz Hi marigoldz, were you able to ship all 3 separate purchases today?
Mar 06Reply

@ktrang hey! I was able to ship the first two this morning but got home too late to ship the other since it was purchased later last night I didn’t have time to pack it up. I ship daily so I’ll be sending it in the morning :)
Mar 06Reply

@marigoldz Okie dokie, thank you!! :)
Mar 06Reply

You have a beautiful closet...and I love your pit...I have an adorable gray one.
Mar 09Reply

Lovely closet! You have such a fantastic dress selection
Mar 15Reply

Love your closet, wish it was all my size! Also your dog is adorable 😍 I have a red nose pit, they’re the best dogs ❤️
Mar 17Reply

@karinannas thanks for looking! I have a little bit of all sizes :) my sister has an account too with more of a variety! Her name is @violetmarigoldz. I love red noses!! All pits really are the best! ❤️❤️❤️
Mar 17Reply

@marigoldz thanks! I will check hers out as well! And keep an eye out for something that will fit from yours 🤗
Mar 17Reply

Your closet is Amazing😍👏🏾
Mar 21Reply

@akimbostyle thank you for checking it out! ❤️ yours is pretty awesome too!
Mar 21Reply

Hi!! Omg!! I am obsessed w/ your closet!!! It is amazing!! I have to finish something right now, but I will be back to add even more!! Can’t wait for this purchase!!
Mar 22Reply

Ok, I will find it now and see if I like it!!! So busy tonight!!! I just love your closet!!
Mar 22Reply

You have a lovely closet Chelsea!
Mar 30Reply

OMG your closet is sooo fabulous! ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 03Reply

Beautiful couple and love your fur baby!
Apr 08Reply

Hi there! I’m just reaching out to a few people who have more poshmark experience than I you have any tips for finding an item I’m in search of? I just shrank my favorite sweater of all time and I’m desperately looking for a replacement. I created an ISO post, but do you have any other tips for finding it? I know it’s out there ✨
Apr 13Reply

You have amazing taste and great content! Keep up the fabulous work👍
Apr 22Reply

@roshellscloset thanks so much for taking the time for check it out. Keep at it and you’ll be there in no time ❤️❤️😍 poshmark is awesome!!
Apr 23Reply

@modernchoices thank you so much for the kind words ❤️😍
Apr 23Reply

@cindyjrenshaw thank you for your kind words my love ❤️❤️
Apr 23Reply

@minibackflips thank you! Yours is awesome also! I just got lost 😍
Apr 23Reply

@betagrey thank you for checking it out my dear ❤️❤️
Apr 23Reply

Hey! I know it's a bold question, but any chance I could use your photos from your (sold) Black Reiss Ruffle Party Dress to sell mine? Your photos are awesome and I cant fit into the dress any more so can't come close to showing how amazing it is! Thought it was worth the ask. Obviously, I totally understand if not! Thanks for considering -- LOVE your closet!!! <3
Jun 03Reply

@runner4good hey there, I just remembered that dress after I saw you like it! Thanks again for asking, many don’t. Of course you can use it! Just be sure to include a real photo of the dress. ❤️❤️ have a nice weekend. 😍
Jun 03Reply

@marigoldz Thank you so much! Yes, I'll include pics of the real dress -- of course :) Thank you again!
Jun 03Reply

Congrats on being featured as a lippie today 🌺💜Jan
Jun 04Reply

Absolutely love your closet❤️
Jun 18Reply

Hi. Thanks for following me. I am new to Posh and really appreciate your support 😄 Kata
Jul 16Reply

Thank you for sharing.
Aug 31Reply

Hi I mistakenly purchased something from you yesterday. I was making an offer on a purse & I must’ve also made one on a gryphon dress that u have listed. I’m sorry I just found out and it hasn’t been sent yet but it was bought yesterday. Pls cancel this. Thank you I apologize.
Sep 03Reply

@maldivino you actually countered the price back you did not accept the offer. Sure whatever i cancelled it for you “accidental fingers that hit buy”.
Sep 03Reply

Hi Chelsea,
LOVE Pictures Of YOU And Your four Leg
Baby. Also absolutely loved your closet exquisite so many beautiful and wonderful things to choose from you can just go on and on spend the whole afternoon looking at your closet Again
Loved IT. I Now Would Like to Thankyou
For Stopping by Mine And For Sharing
Thanks Again And Happy Poshing😀🙋
Sep 13Reply

Hello Doll!!! Thank you so much for following my closet!!🤗❣Please don't forget to bundle your item's for the best deals... Also, in honor of Virgo Season( My B-day month🎁)I will be having a sell this upcoming week with an additional 20% items!!!😝... P.s. This will be selected randomly, so don't forget to like your favorite items to catch the greatest deal of the month(PLS- " Private Likers Sale")!!!! Have a Fabulous Posh Weekend!!!!😉
Sep 16Reply

Your closet is goals and a dream😍
Sep 24Reply

LOVE your closet!!! super cute things... happy poshing!!!
Oct 07Reply

Love love love your closet. Will continue to follow
Oct 19Reply

@dawgette4ever thanks babe 😍😍 your pup is ridiculously adorable!
Oct 19Reply

@marigoldz Thanks. He is a rotten little man but we love him to death. He actually is my grand pup but he keeps breaking out of my daughters yard at their new house so he’s going to live with me til he either fattens up or... Thank you for the great dress. Hopefully it’ll fit me and if not my daughter has the same taste and she’ll be happy to get it. 😉. Love everything in your closet
Oct 19Reply

Yay! Thank you! ^_^!
Oct 22Reply

Great closet! 👍😊💕
Nov 14Reply

@emily10nes sure but it will just be in the bag since I usually secure it in a plastic clear bag for protection :)
Nov 18Reply

@emily10nes not a problem! Thanks :) I’ll ship Monday!
Nov 18Reply

So nice
Dec 05Reply

What does the the $20 cover exactly?
Dec 06Reply

@jainitai I didn’t mean to send out an offer on this lol I was in discount mode
Dec 06Reply

I mean, I do love a bargain!
Dec 06Reply

@jainitai well take a look darlin, always open to offers. :) sorry for the confusion
Dec 06Reply

I'm so sorry for the late acceptance; I had to leave town for a family emergency. Loved all the items I purchased and will be back!
Dec 06Reply

@littlemacys not a problem, I’m so happy you love your items :) have a lovely weekend! I’ll be adding some new items the next few days ❤️
Dec 06Reply

Got your what?? 😉
Dec 06Reply

@marigoldz Hello, I purchased the Zara knit tulip midi skirt. I was wondering if you’ve already shipped the skirt. If you haven’t would you mind cancelling. Only because I won’t be able to wear it because of the split. Pls let me know. Thanks you so much.
Dec 10Reply

@marigoldz Thank you for doing that.
Dec 10Reply

@mommatoo3 😁😁
Dec 10Reply

Your closet 😍😍😍😍😍😍🙌
Dec 10Reply

Dec 27Reply

Hi 👋❣️
Thank you for all of your shares, follows, purchases, and the Posh Love❣️💐💐💐
Wishing You a Happy & a Prosperous 2️⃣0️⃣1️⃣9️⃣❣️🍾🥂🍸🍾🎉🎊🥂
Jan 01Reply

Your closet,❤️😍💕💗 I love everything! Can’t wait to order some stuff! Best closet yet. I’m so excited!
Jan 04Reply

Super fab closet ! So much fun to browse... and like others said it’s obvious how much time you put into your listings. Will keep my eye out for things in my size.
Jan 05Reply

@llawela thank you so much for looking and for your sweet words! I appreciate you taking the time to say that. Have a wonderful weekend and I’m always open to offers, I love a good deal 👌...don’t we all 😉
Jan 05Reply

@marigoldz hi! I can’t easily see which one sold as the listing is gone. What about swapping that l’agence shirt / jacket I liked in?
Jan 07Reply

@llawela If you want to make a new offer with the blue shirt that’s fine, but I can’t do those three for $75
Jan 07Reply

@marigoldz oh !! Just looked back at the price now. Yes, that’d need a new offer . Let me deal with this all after work :)
Jan 07Reply

You have a fantabulous closet !!❤️👌🌺👗
Jan 28Reply

Absolutely love your style!! Hope you are having a great 2019 so far! :) :)
Feb 02Reply

Thanks for following
Have a great weekend
Feb 08Reply

Hi, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have a great day! :-)
Mar 15Reply

Hey girl!!! Fellow shopaholic here to say hello! ;)
Mar 16Reply

@yssirk730 they there! Thanks for taking a look! I’ll share some of your closet ❤️❤️ I’m a philly gal too
Mar 16Reply

@yssirk730 hahaha it’s you! I was like, I remember that carpet!! Totally didn’t recognize your name!
Mar 16Reply

@yssirk730 still sharing your awesome closet :)
Mar 16Reply

@marigoldz Thanks girl!! ❤
Mar 16Reply

Weird question. What kind of camera do you use for your listings? I use the camera on my phone, but it's a cheap phone.
Apr 02Reply

@mudvaynefan58 hey there, I use my iPhone camera! It’s all about lighting. Make sure you have lighting coming from both sides of your camera set up :)
Apr 02Reply

@marigoldz Thanks!
Apr 02Reply

Wow just wow!
Apr 07Reply

Love your closet and your fashion sense! So fun! 💖
Apr 09Reply

LoveYour Closet!!!🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🙋♀️🌉🌁
Apr 18Reply

Great Connecting With You!!
Jun 01Reply

I love your closet! Very exquisite items, quite interesting, have a great week and happy poshing!! 😊
Jun 05Reply

Hi... I had a 100 black boy dog I used to sleep with! As soon as I saw you sleeping with that dog... I hit the follow button...(you're in like flynn) lol
Jun 08Reply

Your closet 🙌🏼💟
Jun 09Reply

Thanks for following me. I am also following you on Instagram too.
Jun 09Reply

Happy Monday! I'm doing a sale of 10% off and free shipping :) . I have lots of cute items and Mystery Resller Boxes with Alicia + Olivia and for love & lemons and more in them :)
Jul 01Reply

Hi there! Thank you for following my closet. I have a bundle discount of 20% off 2 items or more. Also all of my baby clothing is BOGO free with an added 10% discount if you are interested 😊
Jul 04Reply

Hi beautiful thank you for the offer waiting to get paid!!!!!! ☝️☺️💋
Jul 09Reply

Hey!!! Thank you for the follow! If you are interested in any items, add them to your bundle and I will send you a deal, or feel free to send me an offer! I am also hosting a BOGO sale, but it ends in 3 hours! Add any two items to your bundle, and I will send you the BOGO deal! Happy Poshing!!!
Jul 22Reply

I am absolutely in LOVE with your entire closet!! So excuse me while I promote, promote, promote promote!!! You have a fabulous taste, GREAT sense of style! Love it all!!!
Jul 23Reply

Pleasure to meet you 😇
Thank you so much for the follow!! 😍
I am pretty new here but expanding my closet fast. Please take a peak and feel free to reach out with questions or the offers. Happy Poshing!! ☺️😃
Aug 09Reply

Hi Chelsea! I’m new to this so I’m trying to figure out how to message you. When should my package be ready to ship? How can I access the tracking info if it has already been shipped? Thanks so much!
Aug 21Reply

@sbodniza hey there! I'm having a really crazy week, i usually ship within 2 days but have been having a hard time getting to the PO. I'm getting your top to ship your item in the morning - thank you for your patience and for the follow on insta 😘😘❤️
Aug 21Reply

@sbodniza also ADORABLE pup!!!
Aug 21Reply

@sbodniza you’re package will scan in and you’ll get an alert that is when you’ll be able to track the package with the tracking number provided in the sale under “shipped” :)
Aug 22Reply

Love your style and closet! ❤️😍✌️
Aug 29Reply

Beautiful room. I also love vintage. I celebrate 1 year selling on poshmark. Sept 28. Amazing.
Sep 27Reply

Hi there, I love ❤️ your closet... thanks for following me. I am new here! Thanks for the support!
Oct 09Reply

I love your closet! You have so many great pieces. I would love if you checked mine out too!
Nov 06Reply

@marigoldz what a great closet!! I am selling a FPeople lace dress that you have already sold. It does not fit me anymore nor my mannequin. Would you mind if i used your photos and gave you cred in my description?
Nov 19Reply

Hi there. I left a question on your post with the black dress. Can you tell me the measurement is please.
Dec 28Reply

Hi! You have a beautiful closet. Happy poshing!
Jan 11Reply

Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
May 08Reply

Hi Chelsea! Stopping by to compliment your lovely closet. Happy Poshing and stay safe!
Jul 22Reply

HEY PRETTY...😃 🖐️💗💗💗💗💗come to visit My ROXY SHOP closet. I add a lots of new With tags items every week.👗👚👕🩱👒💼👜🕶️👡👠👝👙🧣👝👛 like ZARA,ASOS & more. I'm sure you will love them. have a wonderful Day & happy poshing.🤗💞💞
Aug 12Reply

Hi, I still haven't received the boots I purchased, and the tracking hasn't updated. Are you still planning to ship those?
Feb 26Reply

@poshleaf I’m sorry posh hasn’t reached out. I reached out to them over two weeks ago to let them know they were not tracking: they were shipped out with another item you bought. I’ll send them a message again now! I apologize I was hoping they would just show up, yoy know how usps can be sometimes.
Feb 26Reply

@marigoldz Thanks for letting me know
Feb 26Reply

Hi there,
Nice Closet. I see that we both love to shop, shop, and shop (Smile). I am so happy to share your closet with my followers and would love for you to stop by my place. My closet is full of fun, feel-good items for all sizes. Well, thanks a million and Happy Poshing. Grace
Sep 07Reply

you are so gorgeous 😍 n delicious 😋 ❤️ 😍 💖 ❣️ 💕 💘 ❤️
May 20Reply

Thanks for the follow Chelsea, you're absolutely gorgeous and have an amazing figure
May 20Reply

May 20Reply

Have an amazing week Red... ✨️💫🦄💪
May 20Reply

pits are the shits✨️💫 🐾 💪❤️
May 20Reply

Hey Chelsea! Thanks for the follow 😁
May 20Reply

Lovely modeling btw ☺️
May 20Reply

@kozdoc thank you for the kind words Jeff 💕
May 20Reply

You’re very welcome Chelsea 🙂
May 20Reply

@_blackvelvet wait I love your style!
Jun 10Reply

Incredible figure!! As good as it gets!!
Jul 05Reply

L🩵VE your closet, Chelsea!!!
Jul 16Reply

@mothtoaflame thank you!! 🥰 I love Phoenix, I’m coming there next week
Jul 16Reply

@marigoldz awesome👏 😎 I love it there, too:) I used to live in Tucson, and also from Philly area ☺️
Jul 16Reply

@mothtoaflame that’s too ironic! Thinking about moving out there after all this unbearable weather we’ve gotten so far this summer. Tucson is gorgeous, I loved it there too 💕
Jul 16Reply

@mothtoaflame and your pets are so cute 🥰
Jul 16Reply

@marigoldz My favorite state ever!!!! 🥰🥰🥰 You totally should!!! And thank you about my our pups. I lost my baby chi/min pin on Oct 6th ~ honestly will never be the same. We still have two bc we adopted another from Phila. Your baby is adorable, too ❤️
Jul 16Reply

@marigoldz Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 12Reply
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