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They keep growing and so do their appetites 🏆😝 (mine has too). Single mother selling wardrobe for 💰 (and working full time) to pay the bills, bills, bills, and keep food on the table ♻️💚 my best friend and unconditionally loving companion cocoa 🐾🥀 just had to be put down 😔... trying to stay afloat the medical bills and keep our giant new rescue dog gator happy!

107 others
like this

@clothesrat little boys eat a lot!! I raised two as a single parent!!
Aug 17Reply

Aug 18Reply

@msforward 🏆💘🏆💘🏆💘🏆💘🏆💘🏆💘🏆💘
Aug 19Reply

@ewrpmom 💆🏼👏 it is mothers like you who inspire me! 👍💪👊🙏🐥🐣 haha emojis are so fun I get carried away.... 🌸😋😋😋
Aug 19Reply

I admire your dedication to raise that precious son well!! I raised one alone too, who is now a 22-year-old college senior...! The days are so short before they're gone off into the world so enjoy every second!! God bless. :)
Aug 23Reply

What a doll your little man is!♡♡♡
Oct 15Reply

@kmcnett thank yoU! <3
Oct 15Reply

@clothesrat Welcome to posh Tara❤️ I just wanted to tell you the inseam measurement is from bottom of crotch to very bottom of pants. I'd hate for you to miss a sale, I had to google it when I started😋
Oct 20Reply

You have a Cute little boys 👍😀
Jan 12Reply

@clothesrat I messaged you regarding the sunglasses. You have not responded, I am aware that another posher was going to see them after the fact that I paid for them. They still show in process.. I want your honesty and tell me where in the process are my sunglasses I paid for 4 days ago?? Can you be so kind and respond to me?
Jan 13Reply

@catwoman1972 no one else is getting your sunglasses. have you purchased anything from poshmark before? as a seller you are given 7 days to fulfill the order. I am a full time working single mother and do not have "free time" they should scan the package in by today or tomorrow depending on my local post office... do you live in CA?
Jan 14Reply

@catwoman1972 The postage poshmark provides for us is 2/3 day delivery but I've had orders show up the next day as well as have orders take longer than expected... I would not sell something you purchased to anyone else, please don't worry ☺️
Jan 14Reply

Hello friend,
Please note we are offering 30% discount when you bundle my items for a limited time. Plus a free 🎁 with every order. 😄
Jan 16Reply

@clothesrat right there with ya!! Keep up the good work & busting your bum!! 😘
Feb 23Reply

Im withya Sister!
Mar 04Reply

@ozfanbb 👯
Mar 04Reply

I feel ya Tara. After my divorce, I was content as a single mom to my 2 wonderful rugrats...the most satisfying and fulfilling job ever! Hard work, but so fun. I was scared at first, but I see people like you and it gave me hope that I could do it too. By some miracle, I unexpectedly met my soulmate and took a chance again. I'm now the proud mom of 6: 1 girl, 5 boys, lol!Keep up your good work, people like me admire you and are rooting for you.Keep faith, you're doing better than you suspect
May 05Reply

Thank you for being my 4000th follower! As a treat to you, you can take $5 off anything my closet, including bundles!! Let me know if you're interested in anything in my closet, everything is buy one get one 50% off :) shirts are buy one get three free, and sweatshirts are buy one get one free! ❤️ Everything is also cheaper on Ⓜ️ercari 😊
May 19Reply

Thanks for following my closet and Luv your fur babies and 2 legged babies 😊😊❤️🐶😺👧🏻👦
Nov 25Reply

📲Follow Me😊
🛍If you buy 2 items you get 20% OFF, 3 items get 30% OFF, & 4 items get 40% OFF $$$
Dec 28Reply

@cmoore72013 i have a scheduled pick up by USPS for tomorrow!! i've been adding things into your box since i've been home :p if you have any favorite colors/materials now's the time to let me know !!! (it usually takes the day to update the shipping information but i will keep an eye on it too)
Jan 19Reply

@hollypeligro i don't know why it's a thing either but money is money right?! doing as much as i can to provide for my family 💁🏼
Feb 21Reply

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!! 💕💕💕💕You're the best...my jeans fairy💐
Feb 26Reply

Thank you for accepting my offer❤
Apr 03Reply

@lolanme you're welcome!! sorry i wasn't able to get measurements or respond this weekend - one of the many reasons i LOVE OFFERS! :) also on that listing there was another posher interested :) incase you end up wanting to reposh xoxo will be shipping out tomorrow!
Apr 03Reply

Your a good women thanks for the compliment
Apr 11Reply

@cvill47 yay! just went through that scared me for a second!!!!! phew ! hahaha
Apr 11Reply

@cvill47 😃😃😃😃 so exciiiiited yay!
Apr 11Reply

Tara is a very lovely posher. Thank you for your kindness. I hope you continue to make lots of sales.😘
Apr 18Reply

@millsbills78 thank you for the kind words! I'm so sorry to hear about the negativity you've experienced on poshmark along with the unpleasant transactions you've had to deal with! I hope you decide to shop again soon and hopefully start with my closet so I can show you
how great poshmark can/SHOULD be!!!
Apr 18Reply

Hi Tara, thank you for visiting and sharing my closet! Make an offer on anthing. Everything must go!
Apr 22Reply

@alma4posh Ahhh the bittersweetness of poshmark!!!! i'm in the same boat 👯💞😋 wishing you many sales! you have a great closet!
Apr 22Reply

@clothesrat Thank you! It's addictive and I'm trying to get rid of stuff and some how manage to bring more stuff home. It's getting bad, husband says it's time to get it out
Apr 22Reply

Fellow Santa Barbarian here. Well I am a Ventura Transplant now but I was born and raised in SB. I actually still work at UCSB so I feel like I never left. Anyway, just checking out your closet and wanted to say hello! Happy selling!
Apr 25Reply

@poshfashions805 right on!! we should get together sometime!
Apr 25Reply

@clothesrat 👌👍😋
Apr 25Reply

@clothesrat You are absolutely awesome! You've got a rockin closet and I feel the same! I wish we wore the same sizes because I would be going nuts shopping! Best wishes to you & your adorable son! Wishing you a ton of success! #MomsWithClosetsROCK!☺️
May 01Reply

I'm glad you like the shoes!!!
May 07Reply

Hi dear, will be happy to see you in my closet! Hop you will like it! Just make an offer with price you like! Have a great day ❤️❤️❤️
May 20Reply

Hi!!! I have not run across any good converse in your son size. I do have some inventory to go through, I am not sure about sizes, you bought 2s last time, do you want me to tag you if I get the next size up, 2.5 or 3's? I did about 3 prs of red ones too!❤️ let me if you are still interested... Liz
Jun 05Reply

@happy_heathan thank you!!! LOVE that you kept in touch and remember!! he's still eagerly waiting to fit into the size 2's so we can twin 😋 so if they make anything smaller for boys than that (and it's a reasonable price) like a 1.5?! i'm interested now otherwise i'll definitely let you know when he's outgrowing the 2's!
Jun 05Reply

@clothesrat - let me see what I got. I just bought a ton and I am in the process of cleaning them up. I might have 1.5 - I like to try to keep prices reasonable, I understand shipping is a blah... I get all my shoes at Goodwill when they are having 50% off sale! I keep you mind when I go in! Thank you and yeah - I have a weird memory... lol Have a good week!
Jun 05Reply

@happy_heathan yay! yea definitely keep me on your back burner!!! and you go girl! love what you do 💞 love my own weird memory too 😋😋
Jun 05Reply

Thank you for your purchase! Already boxed! I will ship from work today! 😄😄😄
Jun 22Reply

@saw8486 YAY!!!! so excited 😺 thank you!
Jun 22Reply

Looks like mailman may have already come this morning so they might go out tomorrow. =/
Jun 22Reply

Thank you SO much for the 5 stars! Have a great weekend! 😄
Jun 29Reply

From Badass to Badass, congratulations!
Jul 05Reply

Hi Tara!
Im a beauty you tuber and would love for you to check out my channel/ please subscribe if you love 💕
Aug 09Reply

Wishing you much success with your closet. Beautiful family pictures. Thanks for your support
Sep 12Reply

Hi there!! You know I
Love your closet! I don’t remember that shirt, but I want it. I’m a bundler, so I’d like to look around your closet..it’s been a while.💓
Oct 06Reply

@mdreis1969 hi! yay! i remember you! you called me your jean fairy 😋💞😍 haha i’ve been trying to keep uploading whenever i get time to! bundling is my favorite too 👯
Oct 06Reply

@mdreis1969 there’s also one of that same under armour shirt in black 🙂
Oct 06Reply

Hahaha! That’s right! You tracked me down some great jeans! 💓
Oct 06Reply

Thank you for stopping by and liking my items and creating a bundle. I will add the discount to your bundle. 😊
Oct 10Reply

Your purchase is packet and I will take it to the post office today😊
Oct 12Reply

Hello i wanted to inform you that I just dropped off your package to the post office.
Oct 12Reply

Thank you so much for that comment and rating!!! 😊
Oct 17Reply

Hi! Welcome to Posh, what a beautiful family, your fur people too. Sorry to hear about your loss, I have lots of fur babies too! I will share you, and much success with everything! 😇
Nov 15Reply

Hello Tara my names shane, congratulations on hosting a men's style party tomorrow. If you get a chance perhaps you could have a look at my closet. Thank you so much, good luck with all your sales 🍀
Dec 03Reply

Hi Tara - I'd love for you to consider a few items in my closet as possible HPs for the men's style party. I'll share a few directly with your closet - hope that's ok! Thank you so much for considering!
Dec 04Reply

Thank You for the host pick so nice of you
Dec 05Reply

I’ve added a boys LA Dodgers shirt to my closet. Stop by and check out.💕😘Xo, Lori & Charlotte
Jan 11Reply

Hi there! Feel free to bundle your likes for a personal de trabajo discount!😉
Jan 18Reply

Hi! I️ know there are many closets but I’d be grateful if you check out mine. Either way I️ was just stopping in the say hello. Have a great day!
Jan 29Reply

we have more than our name in common!!! single mama too....and had to put my lover pug down last sept :( still not ready to rescue but that is my plan too! go girl!!
Feb 09Reply

@deezy347 wait!! She’s a single mother?? Ok now I get it! That’s y she sees my page as “expensive” and so angry with me enough to call me out my name😭😭. Ok I get it now . If I were her n looked in the mirror everyday I would be upset too.. well, back to my gym session. Love to all who love and HATE me.. 💕💕
Mar 16Reply

@deezy347 i added items that were more expensive things to the bundle and couldn’t purchase because of @kensiesmom86 “block party” ... here’s a thought/message for the both of you: what susie says of sally says more about susie than sally 👍🏻✌🏻
Mar 16Reply

@clothesrat yea yea yea.. yada yada. It’s just your pettiness being reciprocated.. you were nasty and it backfired end of story.. ✌🏼is what I wanted you to do in the first place.. so yea thanks..blah
Mar 16Reply

@kensiesmom86 i only tried to buy your items and i’m SO GLAD i didn’t! don’t want any of your bad juju or bad vibes! it’s quite a shame that you’re a “mother” as the rest of the world is going to have to try and peacefully coexist with your rotten offspring...
Mar 16Reply

@clothesrat yada yada blah blah blah.. bless up 👋🏼
Mar 16Reply

@kensiesmom86 she marked my comments as spam 🤣🤣🤣 but talking about “offsprings”, which on is hers? The dog or cat? 🐕🐈
Mar 16Reply

👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼 cannot believe this horrible posher _______________ had to share with you wonderful people @maccpaula @spreadlove @tholloway16 @ewrpmom @msforward @fashionweek65 @kmcnett
Mar 16Reply

@classyfashion @sammyjo13 @bjz_boutique @stineweitzel @main_event @lilmoma225 @ozfanbb @samsgirl1127 @itsjustjocyy_ @enocharden @4luxeshoetique @mdreis1969 @lolanme @christinachacha @cvill47 @millsbills78 @alma4posh @zenobe @poshfashions805 @addisonandgrae @happy_heathan @oliaposka @saw8486 @malues @vyntagevibes @mj91331 @vceijas @unclaimed @face200505 @marthashopper @houseofmartin @schaumbie
Mar 16Reply

@clothesrat we can go back n forth Tara but I’m not going to. Obviously me blocking you has triggered something in you to bring out some type anger or maybe it’s something you’re very upset about and I just won’t feed into it. Your son is beautiful as all children are and I refuse to say anything bad about anyone’s child. I’ll be the bigger person and leave this behavior up to you if you choose. I sincerely hope you feel better and this is where it ends for me.. positivity and ❤️ to all!
Mar 16Reply

@deezy347 listen.. don’t give this behavior any more energy. When fools argue from afar you cannot tell who is who.. and I’ll leave it at that. So sad this stems from a simple block of someone playing sales games. You’re to good to feed into this leave that up to others..
Mar 16Reply

@kensiesmom86 meanwhile all your other comments are still posted along with your @deezy347 friend harassing me as a tag team and calling me fat.... yea that’s not what being the bigger person is about 👩🏼💻
Mar 16Reply

@clothesrat only stemming from you calling me a betch for a block? Ok .. ya . And the beat goes on.. feel better Tara❤️
Mar 16Reply

@kensiesmom86 all i tried to do was purchase a bundle and your attempt of a clever little “welcome to my block party” comment backfired and yes pissed off a customer, a fellow posher, and as you made sure to point out a single mother. if i can warn people about you and spare them the time i’ve wasted on you - i’m sure going to do so because i have compassion for humanity and shoppers everywhere ❣️
Mar 16Reply

@clothesrat it was obviously miscommunication Tara but do you think calling a stranger a bit h and harassing them is the answer either? My sincerest apologies for making that comment. I actually take that back I was upset as you would’ve been if someone called you out your name. However, you were not in the right either Tara . Can you agree? I sincerely apologize for wat I said. .. sometimes ppl play on poshmark and this is what I concluded at the time
Mar 16Reply

@kensiesmom86 no sales games on my end! focus on your grammar.
Mar 16Reply

@clothesrat look, and you keep taking digs.. see what I mean? 😂.. spell check isn’t necessary I’m not writing a resume that’s besides the point. Could we call a truce and remove this negative tit for tat once and for all?
Mar 16Reply

@clothesrat I see you don’t like peace so continue to drag, tagging ppl etc and I’ll just let you do that on your own. I’ll focus on my grammar and I hope you focus on not being so bitter. It’s very unhealthy 💕and I truly hope you experience true happiness someday. What you put out is what you get to keep hunn. Bless✌🏼
Mar 16Reply

@kensiesmom86 truce accepted but for your benefit while you’re looking into grammar, i suggest looking up the definition of peace. i was blocked by you, my son is awake and sick home from school... PLEASE leave me alone already! go away 🤯 good riddance 🤮
Mar 16Reply

@kensiesmom86 and it’s not tit for tat when you’re harassing someone and calling them fat ✌🏻
Mar 16Reply

@clothesrat You tagged me so here’s my opinion. Be grown women- block each other & move on. Negativity does not make money & people will remember you for this more then your closet items... which is sabotaging yourselves. If someone blocks you they don’t want your business, don’t take it personal- spend your money with someone else. On another note for my little sister lol @cmoss916 look as moose’s twin🐶⏫
Mar 16Reply

Keep kicking azz LADY!! 💃🏻
Mar 23Reply

Thank you for the follow sweetie! I really like that saying about the mom taking the dad role too. I'm the opposite...dad taking the mom role too. They're definitely worth it!
Jun 21Reply

@flanaganx66 it works both ways!!! and yes they’re totally worth it 💯
Jun 21Reply

Thank you for accepting my offer , I have been looking for these for a while , I have a beautiful summer shirt that really matches these perfectly . Thank you ! I can’t wait to wear this outfit 😊
Jul 18Reply

Hi , are you going to be shipping the pants soon ? I was hoping to take them with me on vacation
Jul 21Reply

@patkat70 hi!!! so i'm trying my best to get them shipped out today, your package is my #1 priority right now, i'll message you as soon as i get them packaged up, i couldn't find where i stored them that day they sold 😩 when is your vacation? i'll drop them off at post office as soon as i can because sometimes items get accepted into transit over the weekend so if that happens there's a chance they'll get to you by monday!! i'll keep you updated the whole time, sorry for the delayed response!!
Jul 21Reply

No problem. , thank you so much 😊
Jul 22Reply

Thank you for all the shares!
Happy poshing!
Have a Blessed day!
Sep 15Reply

Hello! Good evening I was wondering if you received your package today safely?
Sep 29Reply

Hi there 😊
Thank you for stopping by my shop, For The Love Of Ash! Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions. I’d be more than happy to help in any way I can. Sending some share love your way and I’ll check back on you soon.
With Love,
Sara Ashley
Instagram: fortheloveofash_
Jan 03Reply

Awe all your babies are so cute! I have 3 boys. Joy of my life!
Jan 10Reply

Thank you very much. I like yours as well. If you have any questions for me please don't be shy. Thanks again for your consideration.
Jan 15Reply

Now I feel bad for even asking. I'm so sorry. Good job Mom!!
Jan 15Reply

Love the first pic... And I can TOTALLY relate 😎😘😘😘
Jan 22Reply

Thank you for the likes; care to bundle them for a great deal?
Jan 31Reply

Hello and welcome to Poshmark please feel free to check out my closet and let me know if anything there can be an extension of your beauty. Happy poshing
Feb 25Reply

Hey love thanks for all the posh LOVE hope you have an AMAZING day!💋 btw your boy is adorable!
Feb 27Reply

Hi Tara! Thank you for sharing on Tumblr! I appreciate you sharing! I hope you have a wonderful day and Memorial Day weekend! 🤗💛💖💕💕
May 24Reply

Amen! Especially to the comment about being a dad too. Man..... been there. ♥️
Jun 22Reply

Thanks for the shares love! Happy summer and wishing you
Many many speedy sales! Posh love ❤️
Jul 25Reply

Hello Tara! I’m Sarah. What a rocking closet! Beautiful! Thanks for following. Check out my closet. Make offers. bundle for extra 15% off. Happy Poshing! 🌹😊🌹
Jul 28Reply

Hi Tara, I noticed you liked an item in my closet. If you have any questions or would like to make an offer please feel free to contact me. Hope you have a wonderful day and thanks for checking out my closet.
Jul 31Reply

@jenchance1 please do not worry about returning the items! i truly apologize for any inconvenience the transaction may have been for you. hopefully you can still enjoy the sleepmask! 💞
Aug 29Reply

@jenchance1 and please if you see something that you think is misleading in my closet let me know! i would truly appreciate it and i respect all constructive criticism/ opinions as i always strive to make transactions satisfactory at the very least... wishing you lots of luck finding more of that style haviana! they're definitely a great one to love! 💞
Aug 29Reply

@zachsmom81 definitely have my eye on a few pieces!!! tried to share a bunch while scrolling through, 💞💖
Aug 29Reply

@zachsmom81 i swear there is just something about milk glass that is so irresistibly desirable !! you have so many gorgeous pieces listed 😍😍 hopefully i'll own one someday soon!
Aug 29Reply

@zachsmom81 i'm a sucker for the ones with the light pastel hues/colors 😍
Aug 29Reply

Okayyy your closet is almost as cute as you! I wanted to introduce myself I’m Xoxo Olivia💋
Sep 01Reply

@jenchance1 ew
Oct 07Reply

Hello Tara ... Lil bit about me: #IAM911 🚑🚒🚓🚒🚑There’s always something to ⭐️FIRE UP⭐️ your wardrobe in my Closet 🎉FLASH SALE🎉 💲Prices Negotiable💲2 PINK 🏩 ITEMS 30% OFF, for Breast Cancer Awareness 🧶 MAKE AN OFFER🌈 🛍Bundle for discounted Shipping📬 📦Ships ASAP!
Oct 20Reply

Wishing you a very Happy Happy New Year ❄Thank.you very much for following me and Sharing my closet. I returned Posh Love ❄ Get in your Pjs...baby it's cold outside. A cup of hot chocolate and Enjoy. Poshing in your Pjs is the best. I'm having a Mega Sale, check ot out if you have half a chance❄ Wishing you are yours a Fantabulous Happy New Year filled with all the blessings you so richly deserve❄❤
Jan 20Reply

when can you ship my order?
Feb 03Reply

Hi Tara! I'm Dani and I just wanted to reach out, say hello, and invite you to check out my closet! I am happy to answer any questions and consider all offers, or offer you a private discount if you'd like to bundle :) have a lovely rest of your day and happy poshing!
Jun 13Reply

Tara........GREAT PHOTOS
🐕🐱 Hope You guys are Staying HEALTHY and Safe, Making lots of Memories this Crazy Summer 🤸♂️
🌿Allow Yourself some RELAXING LEISURE🍷 TIME, EXPLORE & STROLL💃my Ever so Slowly, yet ALWAYS Expanding CLOSET & CUPBOARDS
🎭 JAM PACKED ,w/Vintage LINENS......Bavarian, UNIQUE JUNQUE
😎 Watch for YOUR REQUESTED ITEMS AS INQUIRIES WELCOMED: however Patience Necessary (Mom/Priority)
Jul 20Reply

Hi I think your pics and closet are wonderful...and Santa Barbara is my favorite place on earth. Blessings💕🧚♀️❤️Alex
Aug 15Reply

Happy poshing!!🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like! Have a great day & happy holidays☺️
Dec 01Reply

Hey, you can lookout my store and lmk if you wanna buy any of my paintings, I can recreate any of my paintings and I do commission(custom)paintings also, so whatever you want I can paint for you within your price range ❤️
With the holiday season coming up, it will be great to gift someone with personal touch 😊
I’m having holiday sale in my closet Buy 1 get 50% off on second with lowest price on all my craft work with red dot , please do have a look 🔴🔴❤️
Dec 19Reply

Hi Tara. Thank you for following me. I love your closet and am sharing you with my followers. I wish you much success this year❣️
Jan 27Reply

Hello!! Congrats on your win!! That’s so awesome and I have won in the past, it was a great day! Be sure to spoil yourself! !
If you aren’t familiar with what’s going on please check your emails and look at messages from Posh!
In the meantime.I’m running a HUGE special for all winners! HALF OFF my entire closet for the lucky winners. Just be sure to make a bundle and use code word “Winner”
May 02Reply

P♥️sh L♥️ve
🌹🌹 🌹🌹
🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹
Congrats on your “Love It or List It!
Enjoy your guilt free shopping.
May 03Reply

@clothesrat hi, are you going to mail the CAbi shirt I bought please?
Jun 02Reply

@rlbuchanan hi!! yes it's been shipped just waiting to be scanned in USPS... my local post office gets pretty overwhelmed/behind when there are like long holiday weekends, i'll definitely keep an eye on the tracking progress on my end 💞💞
Jun 02Reply

Good morning! Your package is in the mail and on its way to you. I hope you enjoy and thank you for shopping my closet!
Jun 21Reply

Hi can you cancel the Orlando magic hat purchase I had already bought a different hat and forgot to cancel the offer
Aug 22Reply

Can you by chance please cancel the magic hat i purchased ? It’s the wrong color I needed white and blue
Aug 22Reply

@logdog23 hi! i remember that order was an offer that i accepted, so I might have to reach out to customer support to cancel it so it doesn't affect my ratings... i'll keep you updated! if you could submit something to posh support that might help speed up the situation!
Aug 23Reply

I think if you just don’t ship the hat after 7 days I can cancel the order and then I’ll give you a good review as well. Thank you just tried to catch you before you sent it.
Aug 23Reply

Hell yea girl get it for sure I feel ya it’s hard to stay afloat sometimes but you look like a beautiful woman that has a good head on your shoulders keep your head up girl you got this and I’ll check your closet out I spend a grip of money on here I’ll try and help a mother out lol
Sep 30Reply

Isn’t that the truth🤗
My niece just had triplets if that make you feel any better😉
Oct 28Reply

Just wondering if you would like to bundle the two shirts for extra savings 😃 Have a great weekend!
Nov 20Reply

Hi, there thanks for the likes feel free to bundle and I will give you discounted shipping plus 10% off
May 10Reply

🌸💋🌺💕🌸💋🌺💕 Happy🌸🌸Poshing🌸🌸Continue🌸🌸With🌸🌸 Much Aloha🌸🌸 Success🌸💋🌺💕🌸💋🌺💕 Be fabulous!🌸
Aug 06Reply

Hi 🙋🏽♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Sep 18Reply

Sorry had to change my address but in order to do so had to delete offer then resubmit offer with new address . Thanks ! Hope you’ll consider 😃
Oct 03Reply

@clothesrat Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 23Reply

Hi there! I have a fabulous NWT jacket from Anthropologie that I think you’d love! I welcome you to stop by and take a look. I offer FREE shipping and a bigger discount on any 2+ items! 💃🏼
Nov 10Reply

Hi Tara. I would love to invite you to visit my closet. I have more than 1000 items, some of which I think will be of interest to you. Thanks so much for taking a few minutes to stop by.
Apr 19Reply

Hello, how are you💛 Hope you will find a minute to check Little Artisan' closet. Thank you, and have a wonderful week. Ivana
Sep 27Reply

@clothesrat Tara, I purchased a Tory Burch wallet from you on 12/10. Please let me know when you will ship. I have tried to reach you through the sale but you are not responding. I hope everything is okay, but this was bought as a gift for Christmas. Please respond and ship. Thank you
Dec 17Reply

@clothesrat Hello Tara, I would appreciate it very much if you would ship my order or at least advise me as to when you will ship.
Dec 21Reply

I don’t appreciate that you have ignored the messages that I have sent regarding my purchase. PoshMark is now aware that you have not shipped the item I purchased on 12/10 and also that you are not responding to any messages. As a seller myself, I value my customers.
Dec 22Reply

I realize that right now is a busy time for everyone, but if you can’t uphold your obligations to ship to your customers or at least communicate with them, maybe you shouldn’t sell during busy times or participate in $5.00 Team Posh share shows. I would really like to receive the Tori Burch wallet I purchased.
Dec 22Reply

I just want to receive what I ordered. You could have enough decency to communicate with me. If you are having problems shipping, personal problems whatever it is, I can understand - but I don’t understand you not communicating with me.
Dec 23Reply

Please ship the Tory Burch wallet.
Dec 24Reply

@sonja1234 responding to all of these comments that I'm just now seeing! has been hectic lately with winter break and our cat welcoming five kittens into the world! I want to reassure you that I’m completely ok with the sale price! As I read through your comments, became confused about shipping so will send it so you can decide if you want to keep it. I sincerely apologize for the unexpected shipping delay
Dec 25Reply

@sonja1234 I hope you understand that this was not intentional. It was my first time participating in Poshmark team live sale show, and will use this experience as a learning opportunity for improvement!
Dec 25Reply

@sonja1234 P.S. As a seller on Poshmark I do not have access to the financial transaction and support handles refunds and such, so that will be who will be communicating with you further
Dec 25Reply

@clothesrat all you have to do is ship the item I purchased. Participating in a Team Posh Share show is no different from participating in any other show. Can you ship the item Now?. I will contact PoshMark and tell them you are shipping.
Dec 25Reply

@clothesrat thank you. Please ship.
Dec 25Reply

Feb 13Reply
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