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Updated Dec 30
Updated Dec 30



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🙋🏻🌺💐 ALOHA🌺 I'm Marie... I'm Blessed to be a Mom of a Son & Daughter & a Nana Tutu to 6 grandchildren! Most important I'm a Proud Child of God🙌🏼 My Faith is the foundation of my soul... I've carried crosses that you can't imagine ... Reflecting through the rear view mirror... I'd go through them again... If only to be as Blessed as I am today! Wasn't easy... Wasn't painless... Definitely worth it! ... I won't give up! 🎉❤️💐 Living & the appreciation of the little things in life keeps ...
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marie5143 me young as does the Liturgical Spiritual HA Dancing. 🌴Mahalo for browsing through my closet... Shop with confidence!! I would NEVER post anything I would not purchase myself! I'm a firm believer in treating people with Honesty & Fairness! I Live by two morals ... Can I face myself in the mirror? & God see's & knows ALL!! With that I'm assured His Grace is Sufficient! 💐🌷🙌 Lets have FUN & if you choose I'm open to negotiations through the offer button. 😊 Mahalo 🌺 Happy Poshing!
Jun 25Reply
hrachal Hello Beautiful! How are you feeling?
Jun 25Reply
marie5143 @hrachal Aloha Heidi.. I'm so much better thank you :) missed you.... trying to STILL catch up.. LOL going to post new items starting today... Yay :)
Jun 25Reply
hrachal OMG friend...I'm in the same boat. I'm so far behind in posting from a week of being sick as well. I'm so glad you are feeling better. If you ever get into a situation like that again, please let me know and I'm more than willing to share your closet to parties, etc. Again, I'm so glad you're doing had so many of us so very worried about you. xoxo Heidi
Jun 25Reply
marie5143 @hrachal You just MELTED MY ❤️ Mahalo SWEET PFF!! Email me so we can exchange #'s. 💐🌺
Jun 25Reply
hrachal Yes, I will! I've been meaning to email you. It just shows how overwhelmed I've been by everything as well. Talk to you soon! xoxo Heidi
Jun 25Reply
emlalalovesyou Thanks for the follow! Let me know if you see anything in my closet you like!
Jun 25Reply
marie5143 @gnrstreasures You are So sweet 💐💐💐 Mahalo... Ya know you just mentioning that is all I need... 💞🌺🌷 I absolutely have no room in my life for bad thoughts or drama... I stay positive. I don't go there at all! I know who I am. Maybe Breast Cancer (BC) helped me realize who & what & when to let go ... You my dear are So Sweet & have survived much yourself. You have a radiant smile & ALWAYS SO FRIENDLY to myself & others. Mahalo.
Jun 26Reply
cmarshall38 @marie5143 I love your spirit Nana Tutu!!!! God bless you and your beautiful family!!?
Jun 27Reply
habanera87 @marie5143 Aloha awesome and gorgeous friend. Thanks you for having me in mind at the sharing group yesterday. I really appreciate it! 😘👏💐
Jun 28Reply
marie5143 @cmarshall38 Aloha Chandra Mahalo so much for your Beautiful comment that really means much to me. 💐😊 Have a Beautiful Spectacular Sunday 💞💯🌷
Jun 28Reply
marie5143 @habanera87 Grecia but of course I wouldn't forget you... 😊 Beautiful PFF💐 Mahalo for ALL your shares from my closet as well. Have a Stunning Sunday. 💞🌺🌷 Mahalo also for your beautiful sweet words of Posh Love Friendship. ☀️💞🌻
Jun 28Reply
cdelp116 Beautiful Family, Beautiful You!!! God defitnely has Blessed you with much fortune!! Keep moving forward and enjoying his glory!! 💕stay Blessed💕😊😊
Jun 30Reply
marie5143 @cdelp116 💐 Cheryl Mahalo, So precious & Sweet of you! 💞. I sincerely appreciate words of inspiration & encouragement! I LOVE YOUR CLOSET PAGE ... "God is Good ALL THE TIME!" So TRUE!🙌🏼 Stay Blessed yourself BEAUTIFUL PFF. BLESSINGS & Prayers to YOU. 🙏🏼😊💞🌺
Jun 30Reply
marie5143 I was Blessed to have a Nana Tutu day with my oldest Granddaughter... So we did "Shopping Damage" & Took Silly Pictures @ Her request... & also had pictures taken of my 6 Grandchildren ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙌🏼😘🌺
Jul 06Reply
hrachal LOVE LOVE LOVE them all! Beautiful pictures of a beautiful family!!!
Jul 09Reply
marie5143 @hrachal 💐 Mahalo 🌺 Beautiful & Precious PFF Heidi... My oldest Granddaughter leaves tomorrow 😂😂 OMGOODNESS I had the BEST TIME EVER with ALL of them ... Their parent tooooo LOL! Went Bowling today! It was FUN! 😊🌺❤️
Jul 10Reply
lifeisgood63 @marie5143 🌹🌻🌺Marie you are stunning!��🌺��
Jul 12Reply
livealohagrl @marie5143 aloha Marie! What a beautiful Ohana. Are you from Hawaii Nei?
Jul 12Reply
mturn2 @marie5143 Thx love for the shares! So appreciate the help.
Jul 13Reply
lbailey52899 Where do you live in Hawaii?
Jul 13Reply
marie5143 @mturn2 💐 Sondra Aloha You are very welcome... I also thank you for sharing from my closet. Mahalo 🌺 I appreciate it every share helps right? Happy Poshing 🌷🎀🎉
Jul 13Reply
marie5143 @lbailey52899 💐 Aloha Lori, no I live in the Monterey Bay CA. I am Hawaiian, Filipino & Spaniard 🌺💕❤️ I do liturgical Hawaiian Spiritual dancing. Where are you from.? 💐🎀🌷🌺
Jul 13Reply
lbailey52899 Buffalo NY. I have bee looking for someone that lives in Kona to get me some candy lol. I went to Maui and The Big Island last year for my 15 yr wedding anniversary
Jul 13Reply
bettrthanew Hello Marie! So nice to meet you. I'm Heather. I love your closet.
Jul 13Reply
marie5143 @heathersimms 🌺 Aloha Heather! Extremely Nice to meet you as well PFF 😊💞 Mahalo for the compliment on my closet. 💐 I absolutely love sharing your closet in our share group... You to have an adorable closet 👌🏼😍 Have a Beautiful Day! 🌺🌷💞
Jul 13Reply
1pickyshopper @marie5143 This is so nice, I love what you have said.. A few months ago when I first started I signed up to participate in a party and I didn't understand the whole thing and I guess I tried at the wrong time and the girl in charge wasn't answering me. I tried to send her a comment after and she had blocked me. Your so nice,, does my closet look ok. My prices are low but nothing is really selling and I share all the time.😀
Jul 14Reply
1pickyshopper @marie5143 Hi, do you live in Hawaii ?
Jul 14Reply
1pickyshopper @marie5143 Another question I just put that bundle ad in, so if someone wants to buy some things, will they send me a comment and then I will cancel the listings and put it on 1 listing. Do I need to put what you have.?
Jul 14Reply
dehavenarts thanks for the shares ! nice family
Aug 12Reply
cmc514 Heyyyyyy Great to see you back!! missed you PFF ❤️
Aug 14Reply
marie5143 @pre_pa514 💐 Ms. Claire Ohhhh My SWEET Precious PFF! Good to FINALLY HEAR FROM YOU! I've MISSED YOU TOO! 💞 How is my buddy Tango? 😊 I'm actually on a Retreat these few days so I almost 100% back! Haha... MONDAY I will be back. Without a hectic schedule ... So did you get you're new job? I'm on a lunch break so I've gotta get some shares in ... Talk to YOU soon... Green BEBE TOP 👍🏼🌴 Pretty on💞 Mahalo PFF 🌺😘
Aug 14Reply
cmc514 I can imagine that green top on you!! SO PRETTY!! I have gotten job offers, until the one I accept is written in ink I'm not saying anything! =) Tango is awesome, bugging me right now, growling in my face saying "PLAY WITH ME!"
Aug 16Reply
arrowoodt @marie5143 hi Marie, hope you had a great vacation and that you got some rest. Thinking about you and also praying your patient is doing better. Have a great Monday ❤️❤️
Aug 17Reply
resthomas @marie5143 . Nana tutu I love that what a beautiful family you have and you're a beautiful lady yourself
Aug 24Reply
juliaprtz @marie5143 God has certainly blessed you. You have a Godly attitude. Keep it up. Beautiful family, a great deal of love.
Aug 25Reply
marie5143 @arrowoodt 💐 Tina Mahalo for asking! 😊 Yes! I had a WONDERFUL VACATION & truly relaxing! 💞🌺💐 My patient is doing Great also. 😊 Have a GREAT evening PFF 💞
Aug 25Reply
marie5143 @resthomas 💐 Robin 💞 Mahalo 🌺 Yes Nana Tutu is what the Grandchildren who can talk call me! 😇 Mahalo so very much for you're compliment ... Means SO MUCH TO ME. 💞❤️😘
Aug 25Reply
marie5143 @juliaprtz 💐 Mahalo Julia 🌺 God is Good! I appreciate you're loving words sweet beautiful PFF💞🌺😘
Aug 25Reply
sylviaharris55 Hi Marie I'm Sylvia Harris it's nice to meet you I like the way you did my sharing ofcoarse you didn't have to do that but I'm glad you did. Maybe, just maybe I'll be able to sell something. It's been hard selling AMYTHING in these last few mths. But here comes Christmas so I have to get my closet ready and find somemore clothes. It's so nice to meet you Marie I have an awesome PFF also in Hawaii here name is Hila @hila808. I just love that girl she's such a sweet girl I just Love her😘
Aug 26Reply
cmc514 Marie my beautiful Hawaiian friend, did you share bomb me?!!? I feel like you def shared extra (or I signed up for a group and FORGOT! lol it's possible lately). Thank you. I Hope all is well.
Aug 26Reply
marie5143 @pre_pa514 💐 Aloha Claire 😊 I sure did my precious friend as a huge Mahalo for sharing my HP 😍😇💞 with me! All is GREAT with me over here. Getting ready to add newbies to my closet so I can buy some things from yours😍💞🌺 Have a FANTASTIC DAY! Happy POSHING 😘🌷🌹
Aug 26Reply
marie5143 @sylviaharris55 💐 Aloha Sylvia 💞 Good to meet you also! I live in CA Monterey Bay 😊 I haven't met @hila808 however I've visited her closet. She is truly a beautiful person. We were in a tag a few months back. 🌺 I wish the best of $ales anything I can do to help... Just tag me PFF! 😊🎀🌷🌺💐 Have a POSHTASTIC DAY 😍👍🏼🌴
Aug 26Reply
_sochic 💕HELLO PFF MARIE! 💕 VERY NICE TO OFFICIALLY MEET YOU😉🌷 YOU HAVE SUCH A LOVELY FAMILY😍 Your House Must Be Full Of Joy With All The Blessings God Has Given You (6 Grandchildren) 💕🌷 Very Happy to have you in my posh life pff💕🌷 LOVE YOU PFF AND KEEP IN TOUCH😘🌷💕 @marie5143 😊🌸
Aug 30Reply
wayofthegoddess @marie5143 You are a special lady, thank you and God Bless you and Family!
Sep 02Reply
fabtrends385 @marie5143 Love the photos PFF! 😘💞
Sep 10Reply
hila808 Aloha Marie! You have such a beautiful family! What part of Hawaii are you from? I grew up in Waipahu! I miss home!
Sep 10Reply
marie5143 @hila808 💐 Maylene, currently I live on the Monterey Bay in CA, I have much family in HI.. I visit there often. 🌺 🌴 Mahalo for the compliment on my Ohana, they are truly a Blessing. 🙌🏼❤️😊💞🌺
Sep 10Reply
loulouv Nice to meet you. You have a pretty closet. @marie5143
Sep 12Reply
lexiemadeit Hi Marie! I am glad you're better. Just wanted to thank you for so much posh love, you are so sweet. I will be returning the kindness. I hope you have a wonderful evening.
Sep 14Reply
riyasshop Wow beautiful family😊😍
Sep 15Reply
kornbread11 What a beautiful family
Sep 16Reply
leliluv Yay, I see the sales! Great job PFF! :)
Sep 22Reply
wendimb @marie5143 Thank you so much, Marie! I will get those out tomorrow. You are a great mentor! 😘
Oct 02Reply
marie5143 @wendimb 💐 Mahalo Wendi! 🌺 I'm here if you ever need me! 💞😊🌺 💐 Have a fabulous evening 🎀
Oct 02Reply
wendimb Thank you! You, too!! ✨
Oct 02Reply
janimack7 Hello!👋🏼 My name is Jan! it is really good to meet you!🌹
Oct 03Reply
marie5143 @janimack7 💐 Aloha Jan 🌺 I'm Marie 😊 I'm Honored to meet you as well PFF! 💞😊🌻🌺🎀🎉🌹You have a stunning closet & an Amazing Personality 🙌🏼💞❤️😊🌻😍 Have a Fantastic Evening 💞🎀😊❤️🌴🌺
Oct 04Reply
janimack7 Marie, you made me smile! Thank you for your kindness!😊🌹💞🌹😊
Oct 05Reply
elise_1 @marie5143 Aloha! I love the pictures of your Ohana❤️ it reminds me of home so much! I grew up in Hawaii. God has truly blessed you, I read through the posts and you have a beautiful soul. I could feel it. Much Posh love from Utah! 💕🌺
Oct 09Reply
marie5143 @elise_1 💐 Elise 🌺 🌺 Aloha from CA... So extremely PRECIOUS of you to leave beautiful Heart Felt Words 😍 Mahalo ... 🌺🌴 Much POSH LOVE TO YOU AS WELL! 😊😇🌺🌹
Oct 09Reply
alexac You have such a beautiful family, and even more seem to be such a beautiful soul. Sending blessings and happiness to you! ❤️
Oct 10Reply
auchieau48 Your family is beautiful and I sense such a good aura!! So nice to meet you and I love all the sparkle in your closet 😍
Oct 10Reply
hiilei Aloha Marie! Nice to meet you! 💗
Oct 13Reply
melissa_anne_83 @marie5143 His grace is sufficient indeed! 💗
Oct 14Reply
anandahonculada Are you doing the Best of Fall & Winter share group today?
Oct 19Reply
marie5143 @anandahonculada 💐 Yes sweet PFF sign up are posted
Oct 19Reply
marie5143 @anandahonculada 💐 sorry I hit post accidentally sigh up sheets are posted I will tag you in the sigh up sheet if you would like than please tag your name ... That is where you can find it each day 💞😊🌺
Oct 19Reply
anandahonculada Yes! Please tag me 😃
Oct 19Reply
vixen676 Hi Marie, where can I find the Fall/Winter Share Group sign up sheets? I've shared with the group a few times, but I forgot to keep it in my likes.
Oct 20Reply
marie5143 @vixen676 🌺 Good morning I tagged you in the closet my PFF 💞
Oct 20Reply
vixen676 Thank you! 🌸😘🌸💛🌸
Oct 20Reply
janet0103 @marie5143 The power of God shines in You!
Oct 26Reply
deefallen22 Hi @marie5143 do your remember me Diana ? I was jesse's ex lol like over 10yrs ago in az!!!! Holy moly I just randomly saw your pic off of someone who just started following me on my page and I was going through her closet and instantly saw your pic !! What a crazy small world !! Anyways I hope all is well with your family and God bless !!! ❤️
Oct 27Reply
marie5143 @janet0103 💞❤️🙌🏼 My PRECIOUS PFF 💞❤️ as you can imagine my feed is going crazy with my upcoming Posh Party... I was wondering if you have my Bundle ready OR DID I MISS IT??? 🌺 Mahalo my lovely Mentor for the compliment 😘🙌🏼🙏🏼🌺❤️💐
Oct 27Reply
marie5143 @deefallen22 💐 Aloha Diana lol small Lovely World 💞😊 Happy Poshing my dear! God is Good 💞 Blessings to you & Yours ! 😊❤️💐
Oct 27Reply
janet0103 @marie5143 I know how BUSY You are!! I will re-send for you to like then purchase!! Don't you just love all of the beautiful closets that you're invited into!!😛😀
Oct 27Reply
bibiblocksberg @marie5143 Wise and true words you wrote in your post😘 My name is Christine and i live in the Central Valley and sometimes just 30/40 min from you😉🌊🐋🐚 I am happy, that people like you still exist💜💚 Hope we see eachother around here on PM :) Take care and keep being strong, happy and healthy💐💛
Oct 29Reply
molinda25 @marie5143 You have a beautiful family!!!! You are Beautiful!! I'm so glad we have met on Posh 😊 Hope you have a fabulous Friday & fun filled weekend 😘🎃🎃
Oct 30Reply
1smalltowngirl 💙 💚 💙 🌴 👣 🌴 💚 💙 💚 ^ Gorgeous lady and fsmily!
Oct 30Reply
richera137 Hello Marie beautiful family & gorgeous closet! :) I am @richera137 Nice to meet you :)
Nov 06Reply
kymmistry Mahalo. Have a wonderful day. Nice to meet you.
Nov 09Reply
anawat @marie5143 hi doll you have a beautiful closet and family it was truly nice to meet you at Poshfest 2015 🎉🎉had a blast ❤️👑💋🎉👏🏽
Nov 10Reply
fashionista21 So pretty! Great pictures😄
Nov 27Reply
glitzylife Hi, I love your closet! Isn't it great to be older and have great taste...:). We still got
Dec 05Reply
wendimb Hi Marie!! So happy to see you!! How are you doing?
Dec 31Reply
heatherdrefke Hey it's Heather Drefke. I love the BeBe blue shoulder wrap. I've had my eye on it for a while. Thank you for posting it. Mail it when you are able and feel better. Happy new year.
Jan 02Reply
heatherdrefke Thank you so much for the blue Bebe wrap and gifts. It's even more beautiful in person. I love it!
Jan 08Reply
_sochic Hi pff 💕hope everything is going well. Miss you😘💕🌷
Jan 13Reply
leliluv I'm thinking of you and hoping things are ok. Prayers and good thoughts and shares your way (don't share back!) 💕💕💕
Jan 26Reply
caits_clothing please check out my closet! 💞
Jan 26Reply
ladykrc Hi there beautiful smile!!
Feb 03Reply
kerrir414 @marie5143 Hi there Marie, nice to meet you. My name is Kerri. Hope you're having fun Poshing. Let me know if I can help in any way. When you get a chance, come check out my closet and hopefully grab yourself a great buy! 😎🌟🛍👜💍🕶💄👠👡👛
Feb 24Reply
apriljerseygirl Beautiful family and u of course!!!
Feb 27Reply
leliluv I'm thinking of you. Sending prayers and good thoughts your way. 💕💕💕
Mar 01Reply
kysteina Aloha
Mar 10Reply
51twenty Hi Marie! How are you? I L❤️VE all the pictures.
Apr 09Reply
whatsthebigidea Hi marie, u have wonderful stuff. I think we've met before. Is your sister pacida and lydia? Im vicki
Apr 13Reply
grace4d Thank u 4 sharing your faith and your lovely family. Just love it. 🌻🌻🌻💖💖Dee
Apr 21Reply
lorilouie @marie5143 Hi, Marie! How are you? We haven't had another meet-up recently, so I just wanted to stop by & say " Hi"😀 I've been a little bit less active, especially when it comes to posting more items. My dad had a heart attack in Jan, so I have been trying to help him. I hope we'll get a chance to see each other soon. 😊Take care & God bless you, PFF.😙 - Lori
May 16Reply
poshboutique16 Love your story n closet sharing it n my Pinterest page love happy God is good 😘
May 29Reply
resthomas Marie... Miss you tons!!!! Hope you are feeling fine...this place is not the same without you!!!!!!!huggs n kisses
Sep 03Reply
marie5143 @resthomas 🌺 Hi there PFF... I should be back real soon... Almost back to where I should be thanks to God! 🙌🏼 Miss you too PFFFF 🌺❤️👍🏼🌹🌺 ((((Huggsss) )))) Mahalo for the note.. I appreciate you & the Prayers! 🌺😇
Sep 03Reply
resthomas I am so happy to hear😀💋😇 I miss sharing with you and seeing your happy face❤ you just brought a giant smile to my otherwise dreary day hugs and kisses and can't wait to see you back again😍📯😘🌼🌺🌾🍁
Sep 03Reply
ellejayz Hi Marie! I've just recently been told about the share groups & I see you lead one. How can I join? Can I be a member of yours? I'm very dedicated to Posh & what I refer to as my business, as that's what I'm striving for. I just started around May 2016 although I joined in Dec 2015, I believe. Ty for listening! :-) Elle J♥
Sep 24Reply
kateklosettoday Such a beautiful family 💘 You have inspired me to add some of my family pictures 💓💓💓💓 Happy poshing 😘
Feb 25Reply
marie5143 @leemkate1977 Mahalo 🌺 I look forward to seeing you're lovely family. Happy POSHLOVE 🌺💐💗
Feb 26Reply
dancingbee05 Your family is gorgeous!!!! So happy I stumbled in pin your closet xoxo
Mar 23Reply
barremom64 Beautiful
Jul 25Reply
bellanblue hey girlie! how are you?
Aug 24Reply
alaska42 Hey 🙋 you have a beautiful family! Just had to say your hair is so wonderfully thick and wavy I'm so jealous! 😘 love the items in your closet
Sep 07Reply
sioux54 @marie5143 Hi Marie, I hope you are well. I made a purchase from your closet and was concerned because you had not replied. Please let me know if there is a problem with the order. With all of this awful weather I was concerned.
Sep 28Reply
sioux54 Still interested in purchasing the suit. I was very disappointed to have to cancel my order due to your failure to respond and ship.
Sep 30Reply
ebkenterprise Hi! Great closet! I think you'll enjoy my closet! Come by and check it out! ;)
Dec 19Reply
resthomas Just checking in on you, its been ages since I've heard from you... I hope you are doing well. Miss seeing you around poshmark.. Hope you are being safe from the crazy volcano eruptions... you were the 1st person I thought of when it started 🤗be safe and stay well, 💟🌼😚😚😚 Robin
May 06Reply
resthomas Oops, ur in CA...😄still thought of you
May 06Reply
watsonlilmommy @marie5143 hello how you check out my closet all offers accepted also have some beautiful bracelets sets you maybe interested in
Aug 02Reply
shelvys @marie5143 Season's Greetings! 🌟 Sending you festive joy and warmth this holiday season. Feel free to explore my closet; you're always welcome. Your visit is much appreciated. Best wishes, @shelvys.
Dec 12Reply
cutehosiery @marie5143 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 08Reply

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Last Active: Aug 07 2019

Seaside, CA
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Last Active: Aug 07 2019

Seaside, CA
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