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Updated Feb 27
Updated Feb 27

Mark's Girl 😍 πŸ’πŸŒŸSorry Not For Sale🌟

US$50,000 US$500,000

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Greetings fellow Poshers. 😸 All clothes are new or gently used. πŸ‘Ž to Paypal. πŸ‘Ž to trades. πŸ‘ to bundles. I try my best to ship the same day of your order or the next day. I negotiate on all items so if you see something that catches your eye, feel free to throw an offer at me. 9 times out of 10 I will take you up on your offer. πŸ‘Ž to low balling! I'm always updating my closet so checking it out every so often is a good idea. πŸ‘ Questions? Comments? You know where to find me. 😎
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jgertjegerdes Thanks for liking & sharing doll! @Jules2209
Aug 27Reply
brookeayy You're adorable. πŸ’—πŸ˜Š
Aug 28Reply
jgertjegerdes Thanks for sharing doll! @brookeayy
Aug 28Reply
jgertjegerdes Aww! Your adorable too honey! Thank you! ;-) @brookeayy
Aug 28Reply
brookeayy πŸ˜˜πŸ‘
Aug 28Reply
jgertjegerdes Thanks for the like doll! @swilliams22422
Aug 29Reply
jgertjegerdes Thanks for sharing babe! @73v3n
Sep 01Reply
jgertjegerdes Thanks for sharing doll! @arianna2496
Sep 02Reply
jgertjegerdes Thanks for the like doll! @shymo
Sep 03Reply
jgertjegerdes Thanks for sharing S! @vanadzor
Sep 08Reply
miami_wife np sweety
Sep 08Reply
jgertjegerdes Thanks for the like doll! @karlywiest
Sep 09Reply
jgertjegerdes Thanks for liking & sharing my listings doll! :-) @xluckyx
Sep 14Reply
jgertjegerdes Thanks for the like sweets! @amberlou1221
Sep 14Reply
jgertjegerdes Thanks for liking & sharing doll! @andreab27
Sep 16Reply
andreab27 @jgertjegerdes you got it girl! πŸ˜ŠπŸŽ€
Sep 16Reply
salrae Very cute closet!
Sep 29Reply
jgertjegerdes @salrae Thanks Shirley! I also appreciate the like & sharing my listings! Those shoes would be mine if they were my size! 😍 😘
Sep 29Reply
jgertjegerdes @mekaco Thanks for sharing!
Oct 01Reply
jgertjegerdes @iheartpurple Thanks for the like cutie! 😘
Oct 28Reply
jaydeek Thanks for the follow! 50% off sale on everything in either of my closet! @jaydeek and @jkbash
Nov 16Reply
jgertjegerdes @jaydeek Ur welc & thanks for ur follow & like!
Nov 16Reply
mrscade Where are you at? A convention? In that picture
Dec 08Reply
jgertjegerdes @mrscade Yes I am! You must be a sister!
Dec 08Reply
mrscade Yep! 😊 very nice to not officially meet you!
Dec 08Reply
jgertjegerdes @mrscade LOL Same here! I'm in Ga. I figured u were a sis after that comment & I saw you have as ur website like me. 2 cool 😎
Dec 08Reply
mrscade What is funny is I commented on your picture then I looked and saw that you had the website so I put it up cause that was a good ideA:D
Dec 09Reply
jgertjegerdes @mrscade Oh! LOL Yeah I just thought of that a few days ago. U never know how many ppl would check it out. I try to find creative ways to preach.
Dec 09Reply
mrscade That is awesome! You newly married? That is your husband?
Dec 09Reply
jgertjegerdes @mrscade I guess u could say I'm a newly wed. April will make 3 yrs. That is my German husband in the pic. What about u?
Dec 09Reply
mrscade Some what newly as well.... 2 yrs in March. I'll post a picture as well. That is awesome does he speak german
Dec 09Reply
jgertjegerdes @mrscade He can understand it & speak it if he heard it a lot but he doesn't really speak it. If we went to Germany he would pick it up fairly quickly. His patents are fluent in it. We were thinking of learning Spanish since we love to travel. We both know a little. U have kids?
Dec 09Reply
mrscade No kids just a dog :) what about you? And ya we just got the announcement about foreign language we have to look at the information board for the different types. We are thinking about it too. We are in the midst of going back to pioneering but having a hard time
Dec 09Reply
jgertjegerdes @mrscade That sounds cool. I would LOVE to pioneer! I work full time so it would be hard right now. I plan to increase my hours a little at a time. We write obituary letters. It's neat & something we can do when we're not able to go door to door. Learning a different language can defiantly help too! I'm sure with Jehovah's help u guys can pioneer again. No kids for me. I'm sure we will have some though. When is a good question.
Dec 09Reply
mrscade Oh that is funny, I am just now tryig to increase my time too. I hit my goal last month and I do a lot of letter writing too. And I work full time as well. What do you do for work?
Dec 09Reply
jgertjegerdes @mrscade That's great ur making progress. Letter writing is awesome for those with tight schedules. Do u plan to work full time & pioneer? I'm a Teller at a Credit Union. Been in banking almost 6 yrs. What about u?
Dec 09Reply
mrscade Oh no! I could never work full time and pioneer I am tired already ;) and I do death certificates and permits for a mortuary. Can you ever do part time teller?
Dec 09Reply
jgertjegerdes @mrscade Yes but a position has to become available & I want to pay off some debt first. Don't have much so it shouldn't take long. I agree with u. I'm so tired after I get off & I still have house work to do. I know I couldn't pioneer on top of that. I thought about auxiliary pioneering get my feet wet. Do u plan on going part time to pioneer?
Dec 09Reply
mrscade Ya my husband is trying to find something flexible and better paying then I can go part time. And ya we have a small amount of debt so we are almost done paying it off. We were going to apply to bethel but when we sat down and looked over the app we didn't feel right with the debt we had. And ya I cook almost every night and just trying to relax after work is even hard
Dec 09Reply
jgertjegerdes @mrscade sorry I fell asleep! U guys look beautiful together! How nice! Yeah like u said, just trying to relax after work is hard. I work out everyday after work too which takes a lot of time. Seems we have a lot in common. I would cook everyday but the way we eat is different from most. We really don't eat that much & we usually eat the same thing during the week so we cook our own meals. Meat, fruit, veggies. Going to Bethel is a great goal! How long would u like to stay? I'll have to give u my email address so we can stay in touch!
Dec 09Reply
mrscade Ya that would be great and that is so funny I do paleo so pretty much the same diet and chad just does it by deaf land we work out most days too. Hahaha ya email me when you get a chance
Dec 09Reply
cerina1 It s a pleasure of meeting the boths of you just wanted to drop a few lines. Merry. Xmas and. Happy. New. Year. God. Bless love cc
Dec 16Reply
jgertjegerdes @cerina1 Thanks for the like Cerina & I hope u have a wonderful week. Nice meeting u 2! πŸ˜™
Dec 16Reply
cerina1 Thank. You
Dec 16Reply
jgertjegerdes @naturelover Thanks for the like! 😻
Dec 22Reply
jaydeek What part of GA are you in? I've got friends from there.
Dec 22Reply
jgertjegerdes @jenniferraynor Thanks for your like! 😘
Dec 25Reply
jgertjegerdes @jenniferraynor LOL! Good point! 😎
Dec 25Reply
jgertjegerdes @yvette_6462 Thanks for your like Nina! 😎
Dec 26Reply
alldaythrift Im a Jw in FL :) Nice to meet ya
Jan 07Reply
1momx3 I was going to say the same thing!!! I thought the first pic looked like a convention too!!! πŸ‘ I'm from Michigan! πŸ˜‰
Jan 31Reply
jgertjegerdes @1momx3 Hi Melanie! Nice to meet u! There are a lot of witnesses on here! It's so nice to meet new ones! U married with kids? I have been married 3 years in April & no kids as of yet. πŸ˜„
Jan 31Reply
1momx3 Nice to meet u as well!!! Yes I'm married with three beautiful daughters - 17,15, and almost 4!!! I'm crazy starting all over but she was a surprise and she keeps us young! I have more info about myself and my family on my page if you'd like 😊. I never thought about looking for sisters on here until recently in a conversation a lady an I both realized we were all but witnessing to EACH OTHER lol!!! What a GREAT organization we belong too!!! So where are you from? Tell me more about yourself.
Jan 31Reply
jgertjegerdes @1momx3 Sorry it took me FOREVER to reply. I was cooking meals for my husband & I. That's so neat u guys were preaching to each other! LOL Well my husband & his family are witnesses too & I have some family that are as well. I have 3 small brothers that are much younger than me so I understand the age gap between your girls. We are 11, 16 & 19 years apart! I have 8 nieces & nephews & desperately want at least 2 kids of my own. I work full time at a credit union as a teller. I love writing letters to obituaries to share the hope of the resurrection. Would love to pioneer one day.
Jan 31Reply
jgertjegerdes @kfloridagirl Nice to meet u too Kayla! Sorry it took me a month to say that! I just saw ur comment! 😘
Feb 28Reply
51twenty Love the
Mar 02Reply
jgertjegerdes @kookc Thanks! I try to find creative ways to peach. U never know who might check it out. Nice to meet u! 😘
Mar 02Reply
51twenty That's wonderful!!:-)
Mar 02Reply
jgertjegerdes @kookc 😸 Thanks doll
Mar 02Reply
casa_de_blanca @jgertjegerdes So nice to meet you here on posh! I'm also a sister.
Apr 13Reply
jgertjegerdes @mdporter1972 Nice to meet u 2 Maria! There are so many sisters on here! 😸 I'm in Ga.
Apr 13Reply
casa_de_blanca @jgertjegerdes I live west of buffalo ny. My oldest son and wife live in Georgia! We'll be visiting Georgia in a few weeks! 😊
Apr 13Reply
jgertjegerdes @mdporter1972 Wow that's cool. Small world. I'm in Columbus. We have family in New York. I have never been but my husband seems to love it. Says the food is awesome! I would like to meet u if u will be close to Columbus.
Apr 13Reply
casa_de_blanca @jgertjegerdes I would love to meet you to! My son and his wife live in Conyers Ga... 30 minutes northeast of Atlanta. I'm not sure how far Columbus is from there.
Apr 14Reply
jgertjegerdes @mdporter1972 I know where Conyers is! We use to have our assemblies there once upon a time. It's 2 hours away. πŸ˜… So close but so far away. LOL How long will u be there? The food is pretty good in Atlanta. So many cuisines to chose from.
Apr 14Reply
casa_de_blanca @jgertjegerdes We'll be there for 8 days. So looking forward to it! We've had a rough winter... In Need of a little sunshine! Lol! The assembly hall in Conyers is beautiful! Alot of the congregations will be gathering there tomorrow for the memorial. My son and his wife will be there. We will be renting a car, so who knows, we may have to pass Columbus. I will keep you in mind. Have a wonderful memorial tomorrow! 😊
Apr 14Reply
jgertjegerdes @mdporter1972 Thanks! I hope u enjoy the memorial too & enjoy spending time with family. Have a safe trip. Let's keep in touch. 😊
Apr 14Reply
casa_de_blanca @jgertjegerdes Thank you, I will! My husbands giving the talk tonight. No matter how many times he's given talks, I still get nervous for him. 😰 enjoy the day! I will definently keep in touch! 😊
Apr 14Reply
jgertjegerdes @mdporter1972 How neat. I would be nervous too! That's a lot of ppl to talk in front of but I'm sure he'll do fine. Take care & talk to u soon!
Apr 14Reply
tnictaylor87 Saw your! I'm a sister in Kentucky. Just wanted to say hi 😊
Apr 19Reply
jgertjegerdes @tnictaylor87 Hey Tiffany! Nice to meet u. I'm from Ga. It's so nice to meet all the friends on here!
Apr 19Reply
kaleidoscope_cl Hey sis! I am getting excited seeing all these other sisters on here tonight!
May 30Reply
jgertjegerdes @kells_87 Hey Kelly! It's so nice to meet u. Yeah there are a lot of us on here! I'm from Ga.
May 30Reply
francesmomto3 @jgertjegerdes you are gorgeous!
Mar 18Reply
jgertjegerdes @francesmomto3 Aww! Thanks! Your so sweet! I'm Jasmine. Nice to meet u. 😘
Mar 19Reply
francesmomto3 @jgertjegerdes Pretty name for a pretty lady. One of the first things I notice about people is their skin...You have radiant skin. I am Frances...married mom to three (23, 17 and 13). Two girls and a boy. Loving Poshmark and meeting the wonderful women on it. I am so happy to meet you sweetie!
Mar 19Reply
jgertjegerdes @francesmomto3 Thanks! Your so sweet. 😊 I'm married too. No kids yet but my husband wants some soon. Guess I'll see what motherhood has in store. 😁
Mar 20Reply
jgertjegerdes @twggy Hey sis! Nice to meet u. I'm Jasmine. How's the whether in San Diego? I hear it's a beautiful place. 😊
Apr 15Reply
jgertjegerdes @twggy Wow! I can't believe it gets cold there! I would love to visit! 😍 I live with my husband in Ga. I'm auxiliary pioneering this month. Hope to do it next month & eventually never stop. Would love to pioneer one day. Don't have kids but might have some soon. I work full time at a credit union as a teller. Love cruising!
Apr 16Reply
sammy63 Hello sister feel free to cheeck my closet out
May 19Reply
sammy63 Hello sister I add more to my closet
May 19Reply
jgertjegerdes @yeahyeahyeah Thanks sis! How r u & the family doing? 😊
May 20Reply
jgertjegerdes @sammy63 Ok awesome sis! 😘
May 20Reply
sammy63 I am taking all offers just let me know so can lower the price
May 20Reply
jgertjegerdes @sammy63 Thanks sis πŸ’œ
May 20Reply
jgertjegerdes @yeahyeahyeah Oh nice! I'm sure that was encouraging. I'm going to try my best to auxiliary the month of our C/O visit. How's the baby?
May 20Reply
sammy63 Love your closet
May 22Reply
elizabethlobert @jgertjegerdes hello there! I'm a sister of yours. Wow the world is so small. I live in Michigan and I have been baptized since 1992. I'm 38 now. It's so great to meet you.
Oct 15Reply
jgertjegerdes @elizabethlobert Nice to meet you sis! I have been baptized since 2002 & I live in Ga. I'm 30. Increasing my hours in hopes of aux pioneering & eventually pioneering. There are a lot of us on here! 😍
Oct 15Reply
elizabethlobert @jgertjegerdes it's so encouraging to see so many sisters on here. That's a great goal. My mother has been pioneering since 1989 and still going strong. I continous auxiliary for 8 months but I now don't have the health. But I look forward to teaching all those resurrected in the new system. Please keep in touch. My phone is 810 841 5322. It would be a joy to hear from you.
Oct 15Reply
jgertjegerdes @elizabethlobert That's awesome! Thanks! I just sent you a text! 😍
Oct 15Reply
resas_closet @jgertjegerdes hi Sis nice to meet you. I'm from SC
Nov 12Reply
jgertjegerdes @resas_closet Hey! I'm from Ga. Nice to meet you sis. 😚
Nov 14Reply
equeen Hello my sister! 😁
Dec 22Reply
jgertjegerdes @equeen Hi! Nice to meet you sis! 😘 I'm from Ga.
Dec 23Reply
equeen I hail from the garden state of NJ. 😊
Dec 23Reply
xval_mel Hello sister! Greetings from NJ!!πŸ’š
Jan 20Reply
jgertjegerdes @xval_mel Hey sis! Nice 2 meet u 2! I'm from GaπŸ‘
Jan 20Reply
xval_mel @equeen aw I'm from jersey too!! Spanish congregation in Morristown πŸ€—πŸ€—
Jan 20Reply
xval_mel @jgertjegerdes so nice to meet you! πŸ€—β˜ΊοΈ
Jan 20Reply
jgertjegerdes @xval_mel Oh that's cool! I have always wanted to learn Spanish. I know a little. Are you married? April makes 5 years for me. My husband is a brother.
Jan 20Reply
xval_mel That's awesome congrats! Really? Spanish is easy! I can teach you! Lol and I'm not married, my father and my sister are also JWs
Jan 21Reply
jgertjegerdes @xval_mel Cool! Teach me. LOL I love the Spanish culture. Always have, even as a little girl. That's great you have family in the truth. It helps a lot. What do you do for work? I'm a teller at a credit union.
Jan 21Reply
equeen @xval_mel Hey there mama! Nice to "meet" you! I live in S. Jersey and I belong to the Absecon congregation. Our KH is in Atlantic City. Morristown isn't that far! 😬
Jan 21Reply
xval_mel @equeen that's lovely!! I should make plans w my sister to visit your KH.πŸ˜β˜ΊοΈπŸ€—
Jan 21Reply
xval_mel @jgertjegerdes yes! I work in a hospital as a patient registration. I just started this job two weeks ago. And I was afraid I wouldn't get the Fridays off bc that's when our meetings are, but I prayed to jehovah so much and I GOT ALL FRIDAYS OFF!! I'm so happy I couldn't believe it when my manager told me I could have every Friday off!!
Jan 21Reply
equeen @xval_mel that would be so amazing! Lmk if you do!
Jan 21Reply
jgertjegerdes @xval_mel That's awesome! Jah is so good isn't he!? I thought about the dental field so I could get Fridays off because I love Fridays but I love banking. I'm a teller at a credit union. Our circuit overseer is here this week so I'm auxiliary pioneering & I'm so excited to work out in service with him & go to the pioneer meeting!
Jan 22Reply
xval_mel @equeen write me an email so we can exchange numbers! This is awesome!! I told my sister so we can visit ur KH maybe once the weather gets better bc we have a snow storm this weekend 😫
Jan 22Reply
xval_mel @jgertjegerdes yes jah is the best! I had tears in my eyes when my manager told me it was ok to have Fridays off!! That's so good you guys are doing that! I'm going to give u my email so we can exchange contact and keep in touch. I would love to be friends specially to the fact that we serve the same God.πŸ€—
Jan 22Reply
jgertjegerdes @xval_mel Yeah I was thinking the same thing! Would love that. Can't have enough friends in the truth. Emailing you my info now! 😊
Jan 23Reply
equeen @xval_mel Emailed ya! πŸ‘πŸΌ
Jan 23Reply
msqueen0819 @jgertjegerdes your pictures are beautiful =]
Mar 01Reply
jgertjegerdes @msqueen0819 Thanks babe. 😘
Mar 02Reply
hickchick @jgertjegerdes Hi to you,I'm a sister in Monterey Bay Area πŸ™‹πŸ»πŸŒ΄πŸ’•
Mar 12Reply
jgertjegerdes @hickchick Hey! Nice to meet u too! I'm from GaπŸ‘ πŸ™‹πŸ½
Mar 13Reply
micloset40 Lovely family sis,
May 20Reply
jgertjegerdes @lari98531 Thanks! Nice to meet u sis!πŸ™‹πŸ½
Jun 02Reply
poshermrtz Hello from Corpus Christi TX my sister 😊 πŸ’Ÿ
Aug 02Reply
jgertjegerdes @marymrtz Hey sis! So nice to meet you! 😘
Nov 21Reply
poshermrtz @jgertjegerdes Always good to find our sisters here on Posh. ☺️
Nov 22Reply
thisladym Hi. Sis. From Whitehall congregation Pa
Dec 30Reply
jgertjegerdes @thisladym Hey Miriam! Nice to meet you sis! 😘 I love how Jehovah's people are everywhere!
Dec 30Reply
jgertjegerdes @marymrtz I love it! Our brothers & sisters are everywhere! πŸ™ŒπŸΌβ€οΈ
Dec 30Reply
stella67luna Agape from Charles Town, WV cong.
Jan 30Reply
jgertjegerdes @stella67luna Hi Sandi! Nice to meet you sis! Sending my love your way. 😘 I'm in the Cautaula cong. in Ga. πŸ‘
Jan 31Reply
tracyblue69 Hi Jasmine, thanks for the follow! Please let me know if you have any questions, I'm happy to answer any you may have. Happy Poshing! πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜˜πŸ’–
Feb 24Reply
jgertjegerdes @tweisy I appreciate the warm welcome. I'm here for you too! Thanks for accepting & following back! 😘❀
Feb 24Reply
tracyblue69 @jgertjegerdes My pleasure β˜ΊπŸ’–
Feb 24Reply
vrlovesfamily Nice to meet you my dear sister
Apr 24Reply
jgertjegerdes @vrlovesfamily Nice to meet you too my sister! 😘🌺
Apr 25Reply
numyumee Hi my sister! I'm Pam from Stockton, CA. Love to meet fellow poshers that are my dear brothers and sisters! πŸ’ŸπŸ’ŸπŸ’Ÿ
Nov 30Reply
anacasti Hi sis! πŸŒΈπŸŒΏπŸ¦‹ Nice to meet you. Greetings from TX!!
Apr 22Reply
jgertjegerdes @anacasti Hi πŸ‘‹πŸΌ sis! It’s so nice to meet you too! πŸ€— I’m from Ga.
May 09Reply
jgertjegerdes @numyumee Hi sis! 🌸 Nice to meet you! I’m so sorry for the late reply. I’m not on here often & just saw this. πŸ€—
May 09Reply
numyumee @jgertjegerdes no problem! I got u bookmarked here. πŸ’Ÿβ™₯πŸ’Ÿ
May 09Reply
tsmcrae Hi sis! Nice to meet you! ☺️
Dec 07Reply
loulourae Nice closet sisπŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ’•
Jan 04Reply

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