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Updated Sep 02
Updated Sep 02

Meet Designer Place Posher Jewelry is Gift Boxe

Many Brands including Designer



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I have manufactured and sold high quality fashion jewelry for many years. I have traveled the world and will be listing many items I acquired while doing so; along with some great jewelry. I rescue cats and dogs in my spare time and find homes for them. If you have any questions, just ask. Bundles and Offers are Welcomed. All reasonable Offers Considered. Clothes Make Up Handbags more
  • Seller Discount: 30% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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designerplace Thanks for stopping by, I will list new items every day!
Apr 11Reply
1centwiz Welcome! The key to sales is Share, Follow, Share! Gain followers by joining my PFF (Posh Friends Forever) team and playing follow, share games. Check out my closet and feel free to ask any questions, as a Posh Ambassador, always glad to be of help! 👍🏻💖😎
Apr 13Reply
emc23108 Hi, I left a comment regarding your blue St.. John set...wondering if you saw it. If this is no longer available, kindly advise same. Thanks so much.
Apr 15Reply
designerplace @emc23108 Thanks for you interest, I did reply, if you need anything more, let me know. I have lots of interest in it, but it is still available at this time.
Apr 15Reply
hyde719 Thank you for checking out my closet! You have a lovely selection yourself and great taste. Happy sales ☺️
Apr 19Reply
designerplace Please peek at my closet!
Apr 24Reply
designerplace PLAY VIP Like, Comment, Bundle and Share
Apr 27Reply
designerplace PLAY VIP Like, Comment, Bundle and Share
Apr 27Reply
designerplace Thanks for Sharing, come play my VIP Game
Apr 29Reply
designerplace @connie_posh Thanks for the FB, have a super day
Apr 29Reply
janfast Hi there! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Apr 29Reply
gigi11155 Thank you dear for sharing my HOST PICK!! You’re a real doll!!❤️👍😊🌹🌹🌹🌹
Apr 29Reply
designerplace See Great closet and come play VIP Game!
Apr 30Reply
hmsimon1 Good afternoon. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Apr 30Reply
janfast Thanks for sharing my listings!💕
Apr 30Reply
designerplace Great Mothers Day Gift
May 01Reply
spreadlove Hi, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have a great day!
May 01Reply
designerplace Thanks so much!
May 01Reply
designerplace Appreciate your views, come play my VIP game
May 01Reply
jojomall Hello doll, thank you for following me, its an honor. Please pop in & check out my closet, I have many items I think you would love🥰 PS your closet is Awesome! Im sharing 10 of your great items Right Now💘 It would be great if you could share back. May all your fashion Dreams come true🌈 ❤️ Thank you for rescuing dogs and cats‼️
May 06Reply
shoppinghut Hi there, thank you so much for the shares! You have a beautiful closet! Wishing you continued Posh success!👗👒👠👜💍
May 06Reply
lovely_joeannie @designerplace thanks for sharing my Items..Wishing us more sales! Best of luck and God bless!
May 06Reply
nice_matters11 🌵🌷🙋🏻‍♀️ Hi thanks for all the share. That was so nice of you!! Really appreciate that!! Happy Poshing 🛍🙋🏻‍♀️
May 06Reply
jubuttons Love your closet! I'll be watching. Julie
May 06Reply
designerplace @geauxongurl Wonderful closet, come see mine, best of luck with sales, come play VIP.
May 08Reply
designerplace @nice_matters11 Wonderful closet, come see mine, best of luck with sales, come play VIP.
May 08Reply
designerplace @shoppinghut Appreciated it!
May 08Reply
designerplace @jojomall Wonderful closet, come see mine, best of luck with sales, come play VIP.
May 08Reply
designerplace @janfast Wonderful closet, come see mine, best of luck with sales, come play VIP.
May 08Reply
designerplace @hmsimon1 You are welcome
May 08Reply
designerplace @gigi11155 Thanks, appreciate it.
May 08Reply
designerplace @connie_posh Thanks for advice
May 08Reply
designerplace @hyde719 Wonderful closet, come see mine, best of luck with sales, come play VIP.
May 08Reply
designerplace @1centwiz Wonderful closet, come see mine, best of luck with sales, come play VIP.
May 08Reply
jojomall @designerplace Thank you! Ohh I love a good closet! I will definitely check out your closet!
May 08Reply
carolynade68 Thank you for sharing my listing
May 08Reply
designerplace @1centwiz Thanks for Sharing, Liking, Bundling and Playing VIP
May 09Reply
designerplace @jojomall Thanks for Sharing, Liking, Bundling and Playing VIP
May 09Reply
mayatudor16 Hey, I have the Invicta. I can mail it out today if you can email me the correct label (if not address of recipient).
May 09Reply
designerplace @mayatudor16 I have emailed 2 labels to you, hopefully you can use one. Please let me know when it is shipped. I want to send you a gift for you honesty and efforts, please provide address.
May 09Reply
designerplace @mayatudor16 THANKS EVER SO MUCH
May 09Reply
mayatudor16 @designerplace its my pleasure. No worries
May 09Reply
cathyfrangos I just wanted to say hello and welcome you to my closet and make you aware of my 50% off my entire closet sale through May 12th. Just offer me half of the listed price and its yours! Take an additional 10% off if your bundle 2 or more items!! Come stop by and take a peek!!!
May 09Reply
mayatudor16 @designerplace The watch has been shipped to its rightful owner. :-)
May 09Reply
computershoptx Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you have a great weekend!😄
May 10Reply
joy_land Thanks so much for the share, love your closet as well 😉
May 10Reply
amythecrafter You're so very welcome sharing is what Poshmark all about it helps all of us 😉
May 10Reply
designerplace @amythecrafter Is there a way to SHARE more than one item at a time....some Poshers have so many listing....I was wondering if there is a way to share more. Thanks.
May 10Reply
mamastimetoposh @designerplace please take me off this list, I never asked to be on it. This is a private list from @bell1971.
May 11Reply
designerplace Per earlier email, it has been removed
May 11Reply
amythecrafter @designerplace not that I know of if you find out please let me know
May 12Reply
demonhunters Yes, you do have a nice closet with a variety of items for everyone...
May 14Reply
sherden1205 I am not trying to low ball or insult on MK watch. That is all I can afford. I LOVE that watch. Sherry
May 14Reply
designerplace @sherden1205 I have marked it down for you. Grab it before someone else does
May 14Reply
sherden1205 @designerplace I put in a bundle I am waiting for offer. Thank you!
May 14Reply
sherden1205 I don’t want to loose pls make offer on bundle!
May 14Reply
patty2605 Thank you for share 😊
May 15Reply
scorpiomvp Hi, I'm Angel ! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day! ∞ Sнoppər|#ShopSmall ∞,#GETMORE for way less ∞ #ShopSmallBiz + ✅ Verified #Google Business Owner #🌍❤️🔑 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ @scorpiomvp ┈┈┈┈╱▔╲▂▂╱▔╲┈┈┈┈ ┈┈┈▕╮╱▔╲╱▔╲╭▏┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱╋▏┊▕┊┊▕╋╲┈┈┈ ┈┈▕╋▕━▅━━▅━▏╋▏┈┈ ┈┈▕╱▔╲▔╭╮▔╱▔╲▏┈┈ ┈┈▕┊┳┊▔╰╯▔┊┳┊▏┈┈ ┈┈┈╲╰━━╯╰━━╯╱┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱▔╭┈┈┈┈╮▔╲┈┈┈ ┈┈ 🛍🛒🎀 👚👡👔👖👕👟🎩👙🧤🧣👒👜🧢👘👢👗👡👠💼👜👛👓🎒🌂🕶👓
May 20Reply
samato69 @designerplace you have a gorgeous closet hun! I'm disabled so I like items and bundle them so it is easier for me when I get my very small disability check to buy them. God bless you and your family sweetie
May 29Reply
bluepuka Thanks for the shares! And the compliment. Your closet is lovely as well. Quick question, did you mean to put “High Guality” in your title or “Quality”? Wasn’t sure if it was a type-o or maybe a nickname or something. Best of sales to you!
Jun 04Reply
designerplace @spreadlove Thanks, if I can assist you, please let me know.
Jun 07Reply
designerplace @samato69 Yes Bundle than I can give you the lowest prices and lowest shipping or free shipping.
Jun 07Reply
designerplace @bluepuka Yes, thank High Quality
Jun 07Reply
designerplace @808classysassy Thanks, if I can assist you, please let me know.
Jun 07Reply
demonhunters I have shared you closet as you requested for assistance. I don't consider sharing my signs as a share back. You can look for someone else to share your closet or your own. My mother loss her job last week due to MGM Resort huge cut back. So I am trying to gain some exposure for my closet as well. Have a wonderful day...
Jun 07Reply
designerplace @808classysassy Just Shared your closet, best luck, we all need it.
Jun 07Reply
rosaramirez94 Hello, thank you for visiting my closet, I shared and will be sharing more of your closet, you have very nice items, I love the jewelry, I also wish you best sales, happy poshing😁😁
Jun 10Reply
robynmycloset Thank you so much for the kind words
Jun 11Reply
deniraye I love your closet thanks for sharing mine. I love all the sparkle in yours.
Jun 11Reply
callielives Hi 👋🏽Please stop spamming my listings. 🙃
Jun 12Reply
designerplace @callielives I will try not to share anymore of your listing
Jun 12Reply
callielives @designerplace Hi. Thanks. And I actually keep really good contact with my sharers... you haven’t shared any of my listings in the last 2 days... but you’ve posted the spam comment on 4 of my listings in the last hour. 🤦🏽‍♀️
Jun 12Reply
lydiadan1 I love that you help the animals 😘😘😘 I like that red lipstick. Just need a wee bit more information on it. Goes it stay on n not bleed through do you know. Color is fabulous. Thank you
Jun 12Reply
designerplace @lydiadan1 It a great color and long lasting lip color, you will love it, I lowered it
Jun 13Reply
designerplace @callielives Shared many of yours
Jun 13Reply
vegoodson Thank you for the share! I appreciate it! 🙂
Jun 13Reply
resourcing_rob Thank You for visiting and following my closet, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a Poshin Day! 😁
Jun 14Reply
tibird Love your bio and amazing closet. Thank you for visiting mine! Best wishes, Ti✨✨✨
Jun 17Reply
designerplace @tibird You are so welcom
Jun 17Reply
class0fad9 Thank you, you have an awesome collection as well!
Jun 17Reply
mariam2sell Hi, thank you for visiting my closet. I visited yours as well I see you have beautiful items. Did some sharing wishing you luck and speedy sales ;-)
Jun 19Reply
wondergiz #12 closet done all sharings, wishing you a successful and prosperous sale event with love from your new Posher friend ✨🤗🤩🤗✨
Jun 22Reply
designerplace @mariam2sell Thanks, will do
Jun 24Reply
designerplace @wondergiz Thanks, will come see yours soon
Jun 24Reply
wondergiz @designerplace your welcome my dear ✨🤩✨💖✨
Jun 25Reply
designerplace @wondergiz Good luck with your sales, I am moving so will accept any reasonable offer.
Jun 25Reply
sjyumi0601 @designerplace Hello! ☺️ Thank you for liking my 1.State booties! I can offer them to you for a better deal so please feel free to send me your best offer if you are interested in them and I’ll try my best to make it work 😊 No pressure at all but wanted to say thank you! xx
Jul 01Reply
designerplace @sjyumi0601 Thanks, I will look at your closet
Jul 01Reply
sjyumi0601 @designerplace Thank you very much! 😍
Jul 01Reply
lionqueen614 Thank u.. U as well.
Jul 05Reply
designerplace @lionqueen614 Appreciate your viewing my closet
Jul 06Reply
designerplace @sjyumi0601 Wishing you the best in sales
Jul 06Reply
_filippo_ I really like your closet — quality items for sure!!
Jul 06Reply
designerplace @_filippo_ Thanks, Bundle, so I can pay your shipping and lower the price. Also remember I send a free gift with every bundle.
Jul 06Reply
designerplace @kayyys_closet Add more to your bundle and I can lower the price and provide lower or free shipping. Also remember I give a free gift with bundles
Jul 09Reply
cosabella05 Thank you so much for all the shares. I totally appreciate it 🎈🎊💃💃🏻🎈🎊💃💃🏻💃🏻💃
Jul 11Reply
designerplace Thank, very much appreciated.
Jul 17Reply
inthistogether Thanks so much for sharing my closet!!! 😊💕It's so appreciated as a new Posher!!
Jul 18Reply
designerplace @mykintsukuroi Thanks so much, am moving so have added many items
Jul 18Reply
ilovegod2023 Happy Poshing🌻.....May your journey continue to be a success....God bless you❤....Feel free to stop by my closet I have beautiful shoes and clothing for women and more....I will be sure to stop by your closet🌻
Jul 31Reply
designerplace @ilovegod2019 Will do, thanks
Jul 31Reply
unboundfarms Thank you for the the share!! 🙂🙂🙂🙂
Aug 21Reply
mw_online Welcome! May you be blessed with much success.
Aug 27Reply
designerplace @ilovegod2019 Your kind words are appreciated.
Aug 28Reply
designerplace @unboundfarms You are most welcome
Aug 28Reply
reaganstewart Hi there ✨ I just wanted to share with you that I have a beautiful 1. State Terry T-shirt dress in size Small in my closet👗 It’s beautiful and brand new with tags If you’re ever interested 🌸🛍 Happy poshing!
Aug 28Reply
anasbcloset Hi, Thanks for the share.
Aug 31Reply
designerplace You are most welcome, love your closet, come see mine too!
Aug 31Reply
piperjadekids Hi ! I am new to Posh and would love it if you would consider sharing my closet. We are a small business, 3 generations, with my daughters love for fashion and our love for our precious Piper Jade. She is now a 3x open heart surgery survivor (she’s 2.5 yrs. now) and we gladly and gratefully donate 10% of each sale to Children’s Hospital LA. where there are so many amazing doctors and nurses that saved her life by the grace of God.
Sep 09Reply
designerplace @piperjadekids Wishing you all the very best.
Sep 09Reply
piperjadekids @designerplace Thank you sooo much❤️❤️❤️
Sep 09Reply
designerplace Have a super weekend
Sep 14Reply
janfast Thanks for sharing my Reusch Gloves!
Sep 23Reply
designerplace Thanks, appreciate your viewing.
Sep 23Reply
alott84 @designerplace just sent you an offer on the Kat D lipstick 💜🤗🙂
Sep 25Reply
alott84 @designerplace Hello and thank you for following my Poshmark website. If you add 2 or more item's out my closet you will receive a 15% discount and I also ship out same and next day as well 🙂❤🙂 ... Remember my prices in my closet won't break your pockets, and if you see something you like just make me an offer 🤗❤🤗
Sep 30Reply
rthiel4676 Hi, I just shared 50 items from your closet! When you have time, would you be kind enough to share 50 of mine? Thank you!
Oct 05Reply
rthiel4676 Hi, Im doing a new thing. I just shared 50 items from your closet. Would you, when you have time, share 50 items from mine? Thank you!
Oct 05Reply
designerplace Thanks will do it as soon as I can
Oct 05Reply
jbauerle4 Hello! Thank you for sharing my listing on your Tumblr and Twitter account. I really appreciate it. Enjoyed looking thru your closet : ) Cheers~jennifer
Oct 11Reply
alott84 @designerplace Good evening I have a 3/$20 sale in my closet today bundle three item's out my closet offer me $20 I will accept and have it packed and shipped out today before 5pm. 😊❤😊 and I also have some of my coming soon item's available on Sunday morning too.
Oct 11Reply
designerplace @jbauerle4 Your are Welcome
Oct 12Reply
longisldgurl Hi there! I haven’t done any boutique selling yet, can you tell me how you like it? Do you feel it’s worth it? Thank you for your time! 😊
Oct 19Reply
wifeof1man Welcome💎Thank you for all you do, rescuing and finding homes for our furry friends. You have a beautiful and eclectic closet collection as well, there’s something for everyone in there. Have a fantastic day, many many blessings and sales to YOU!!
Nov 11Reply
designerplace @wifeof1man Thanks for your kind words.
Nov 11Reply
wifeof1man @designerplace You’re truly welcome💎
Nov 11Reply
designerplace @wifeof1man If you see anything you want, let me know, I will work with you. Sue
Nov 11Reply
wifeof1man @designerplace Thank you, I will for sure💎
Nov 11Reply
bobbett328 Hello🙋‍♀️Thank you so much for stopping by, following and sharing my closet/boutique 😊 I’m happy to do the same for you 🌺🌸Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Nov 17Reply
donnafab good morning Posher!! thanks for the follow and shares. have a great week!!
Nov 18Reply
designerplace Same to you, I appreciate your efforts. If I can make you an offer let me know.
Nov 18Reply
designerplace Remember I send a free gift with all bundles, a Nice Gift
Nov 19Reply
donnafab good morning Posher!!! we made it half way through the week!! hope you’re doing amazing! thanks for the follow and shares!!
Nov 20Reply
designerplace Same to you and hoping you are getting ready for the holiday.
Nov 20Reply
donnafab good morning posher!! thanks for the follow and shares. have a great week!!
Nov 20Reply
designerplace Would love to see more sales!
Nov 20Reply
jekalozano make a bundle and free gift
Nov 26Reply
madblk3 🧡Beloved🧡I am delighted to know you🥰My commitment is caring🌸sharing🌺and being respectful to all in the Posh community💕🎀If you want message me😇I only pray for your health wealth and joy💯🛍Happy Poshing💐🌷☘️🧡Be Blessed🧡
Nov 29Reply
designerplace @madblk3 Thanks, so kind of you.
Dec 03Reply
designerplace @madblk3 Added many more items you will love!
Dec 07Reply
desylulu99 Hello, thanks for the follow! Happy Poshing :)
Dec 13Reply
designerplace @desylulu99 Thanks, Make a Bundle, I send a free gift with all bundles
Dec 13Reply
designerplace @desylulu99 Make a bundle, so I can lower cost and shipping and send a free gift.
Dec 14Reply
lindadiane7 Good Morning, Thank you for liking the Calvin Klein beautiful dress, I like offers! Enjoy your day!☺️
Dec 21Reply
lindadiane7 Opps! Not Calvin Klein, Ann Taylor,😃
Dec 21Reply
designerplace @lindadiane7 Same to you, if you would like something, just make an offer, I will consider all
Dec 21Reply
designerplace @designomama Send personal emails directly, please
Dec 23Reply
ramosadam92 Hello and nice to meet you. Thank you for letting me look in your closet.
Jan 08Reply
designerplace @ramosadam92 You are welcome, I add things daily.
Jan 08Reply
luckygirlinpink Thank you for looking through my closet I am glad you were able to find something that you like! If you would like to make an offer feel free, or make a bundle for a discounted price.🤗 I hope you have a wonderful day 💙💜 Happy Poshing!‼️
Jan 10Reply
designerplace @luckygirlinpink Same to you and have a great day
Jan 10Reply
patternpalette I just spent hours viewing your amazing closet listing in the hopes to learn from a pro like yourself! I simply wanted to take the time and compliment you on such a unique, fashion forward, organized, and amazing pictures with wonderful descriptive verbiage.
Jan 20Reply
patternpalette @designerplace (continued from above) I just recently received the honor to become a Posh Ambassador and still in the process of building up and bettering my closets listings. If by any chance possible you have some spare time out of your busy schedule, I would truly appreciate any advice, critiques, ideas, and/or help and assistance, if you would be so kind to offer me. Any help would be greatly appreciated! However, no worries if not😊 Kindest regards, 💗Sarah💗
Jan 20Reply
designerplace @patternpalette Thanks for your find comments
Jan 20Reply
designerplace @patternpalette If I can assist you in any way, please let me know.
Jan 20Reply
patternpalette @designerplace I truly appreciate that and will definitely take you up on your kind offer, as I'm sure I'll have some questions along the way! Thank you in advance for all your help😊 Kindest regards, 💗Sarah💗
Jan 20Reply
linda0606 Come check out my closet. I think you may like it. Thanks.
Feb 07Reply
designerplace Thanks, you can contact me directly if you want
Feb 11Reply
weavinggems TYVM for sharing and following my closet. Best of wishes to you. 😊
Feb 18Reply
designerplace @weavinggems Thanks, if I can assist you, please let me know
Feb 19Reply
hairswhatsup Hi I purchased a ring from you and says it shipped but now it’s saying it was delivered. What should I do?
Feb 20Reply
designerplace @hairswhatsup I emailed Posh from the item for you. You might want to do the same.
Feb 20Reply
hairswhatsup @designerplace yes I did. Never had this happen before. Wondering why it did that.
Feb 20Reply
hairswhatsup Did you ever have this happen before?
Feb 20Reply
designerplace @hairswhatsup I can not answer your question, maybe Posh can. We will have to wait for them to reply, it takes a little while. They will fix it and if they don't in a day or so....or it gets delivered, I will contact them again. If you have tracking number, please send to me.
Feb 20Reply
hairswhatsup @designerplace Qi can’t get the tracking number cause when I click on the item it go right to the page of it was delivered and for me to rate the item. It won’t let me see the first page when I try to open it it goes to the rating part!
Feb 20Reply
designerplace @hairswhatsup Same for me, we will have to wait for Posh's reply
Feb 20Reply
designerplace @hairswhatsup Will let you know if I hear anything...let me know if you receive it, please.
Feb 21Reply
hairswhatsup @designerplace yes I definitely will I haven’t heard back from posh yet.
Feb 21Reply
hairswhatsup Could you email posh with the order number ? It is 5e4c7608dce0327c1b79f401 . Thanks!
Feb 22Reply
designerplace I already did this, and they said they are looking into it.
Feb 22Reply
hairswhatsup My ring made it! I got it today I accepted it and I’m so happy I purchased it! The ring is gorgeous! Thanks again for good communication when the problem arose! I will be back!
Feb 22Reply
designerplace @hairswhatsup Delighted to hear this! Posh never did answer. It comes in yellow too! And I have many of these high quality rings in my closet. Thank you.
Feb 23Reply
hairswhatsup @designerplace I’m absolutely in love with my ring I’m going to check your closet out again! Thanks so much and thanks for keeping intouch with my over the issue we had!
Feb 23Reply
designerplace @hairswhatsup I add new items every day, so do come back, thanks a lot!
Feb 24Reply
janiceogata Hi, thanks for your comment. I was wondering how do I direct share, self-share, and share new Poshers? I only need to complete those things to become a Posh Ambassador. I just hit my 1 year mark. Thanks for your help❤️❤️😀😀
Mar 03Reply
flippingrefined Hi Sue - Thanks for the note. I'm not sure why I was showing up as a new seller?! I have over 1700 listings and 89k followers! I haven't been new in years. Thanks so much for reaching out, though!!
Mar 03Reply
designerplace @flippingrefined You are doing great, best of luck
Mar 03Reply
designerplace @janiceogata Go to FAQ and read each slowly, lots of details, you will make it. Share is done by clipping on to items and Sharing; your own or others.
Mar 03Reply
unclaimed thanks for your support
Mar 03Reply
erikakessler1 @unclaimed Thanks for sharing my closet
Mar 04Reply
ryanfit Poshmark Hello 👋, and thank you for stopping by my closet. Hopefully you find something to your liking 😊, and all prices are negotiable 👌. Have a great day, and happy poshing! 🎊🎈.
Mar 05Reply
linda0606 Come check out my closet. I think you may like it. Thanks.
Apr 03Reply
liz406383 Hi, Thank you so much for the like! 🙏🏼😊🌸💞💖 Just wanted to stop by and show some love. ❤️if you’re interested in purchasing make sure to bundle to save. 3 for $15 and 3 for $8 on selected items. I also accept all reasonable offers on regular priced items. Don’t hesitate to ask any questions. Happy Poshing! 🌺🌸🌺🌸🤗
Apr 08Reply
designerplace @liz406383 Thanks for your note...take care of yourself and yours.
Apr 08Reply
liz406383 @designerplace thank you likewise! Stay safe 🙏🏼💞💖
Apr 08Reply
designerplace @liz406383 Loading new items.
Apr 10Reply
alluneedfashion @designerplace Hi! Ty very much🤗
Apr 16Reply
designerplace @alluneedfashion Thank you! Take care of yourselves!
Apr 20Reply
05teddy11 Blessings on sharing from/ loving my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Super week and poshing 🛍🙏🤟🏻❤️💜
Apr 20Reply
luckyladybug4u @designerplace Thanks for sharing and the offer to give assistance. I, too, am a Posh Ambassador, but I just don't advertise it. I sold so much, so quickly, that Poshmark made me an Ambassador after only 3 months of selling!!! Take care and best wishes to you. :) :) :)
Apr 20Reply
coachandtrunk Love your closet, but I especially love that you rescue cats & dogs🐾💜🐾 I'd love for you to stop by closet sometime. I have 100% Authentic Coach merchandise and Sterling Silver jewelry. Take care, Sharon
Apr 27Reply
designerplace @coachandtrunk Will check out your closet, thank you.
Apr 28Reply
babisplace hi there. I noticed you like some of my Chicco stop. Remember you can bundle. And I will give you an extra discount
Apr 30Reply
babebear57 Would be nice to know your name, Posher.
May 19Reply
babebear57 Hello_______,🤗 Nice to meet you, I'm Brad😁. I've only been on Poshmark for several months so I don't have a lot in my closet. Maybe soon I will have something you can't live without. LOL 😂. If you could please share my closet and I'll do the same for you! And thank you for following my closet 😋. Be safe, be cool and be happy. Sincerely Bradley A Gill.
May 19Reply
designerplace @babebear57 Thanks,I will take a peek
May 19Reply
babebear57 Very nice to meet you Sue 😊❣️
May 19Reply
hairswhatsup Thank you!
May 20Reply
designerplace @hairswhatsup Wishing you and yours the best
May 22Reply
hairswhatsup Hi I was looking at the shipment you send but it doesn’t seem like it’s moving on my end. Was wondering if it was showing on your end?
May 24Reply
designerplace @hairswhatsup USPS does not update on Sundays and Holidays, give them some time to move your order.
May 25Reply
hairswhatsup @designerplace I do see it moving now!
May 25Reply
designerplace @stylesbymae Thanks,the same to you!
Jun 08Reply
thistleandarrow Thanks so much for the share!
Jun 18Reply
designerplace @thistleandarrow Thanks to you too!
Jun 19Reply
rose_ariel Hi there - love your closet! Thanks for liking my 3.1 Phillip Lim top. Let me know if you have any questions or are interested in an offer 🥰 open to deals with bundles!
Jul 30Reply
nichailajacques Hello! Just checking in to say: You are absolutely, positively amazing. Keep being awesome! Blessings! 🥰🌟🙌🏾.
Aug 02Reply
designerplace Thanks, have a super week
Aug 03Reply
designerplace Same to you
Aug 17Reply
alyson108 🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍 Happy Poshing I may have some items you'd be interested in! Come take a peek! 💰💰 I love sending offers 💰💰 items too! 🏮🏮🏮🏮🏮🏮🏮🏮🏮🏮🏮🏮🏮🏮🏮🏮
Aug 21Reply
designerplace @alyson108 Great, will take a look, added new items to my closet
Aug 26Reply
nici_nini Hey there! I wanted to invite you to check out my closet. I’ve got tons of fun items. 😊
Sep 05Reply
ashtyn_2584 Hi! My name is Ashtyn! I hope you’re finding everything well. I have a fun thing I like to do, which is for all my followers, if you choose 2+ items to purchase together, I offer a 15% discount. I also add plenty of other discounts, ranging from price reductions to shipping reductions, regardless of the number of items purchased. So feel free to take a look at my page! Any and all reasonable offers made will be accepted on the spot, so don’t be afraid to send one in! Happy Poshing!
Sep 15Reply
ileanalopez57 Thank you for the shares!❤❤❤
Sep 22Reply
designerplace Thank have a lovely closet
Sep 23Reply
serena4957 Hi just wanted to let you know that I sent you an offer on the VS pink pink mess collection. Please get back to me and let me know. Thank you. By the way I love your closet it’s very nice.
Sep 28Reply
designerplace @serena4957 Thanks, will take a peek at your closet
Sep 28Reply
serena4957 @designerplace Are you unaware that you hearted the Go go Merry Pinkmas Holiday collection. From Pink Victoria Secret?
Sep 28Reply
stylesbytere @designerplace good morning !!☀️ thank you so much for all the likes please let me know if there is anything in particular that you are interested in!! Thank you 💕🛍
Sep 28Reply
pdemoe Hey thx for the offer, gently declining. Tryn to refrain myself, hahaha. Luv ur jewely❣❣❣
Oct 14Reply
designerplace Thanks, good luck
Oct 15Reply
ritzi02 Hey, you can lookout my store and lmk if you wanna buy any of my paintings, I can recreate any of my paintings and I do commission(custom)paintings also, so whatever you want I can paint for you within your price range ❤️😊💕
Oct 21Reply
thelillyjoyce Thanks for following:) I am offering $2 off everything when bundled!! Just counter offer me your price. All orders go out same day:) stay safe xoxo
Oct 27Reply
designerplace @msacks12 I will take a look...please view my store, deep discounts
Oct 28Reply
eclecticplace @designerplace Thank you for liking my blue Sweater🥰
Dec 15Reply
designerplace @eclecticplace You are welcome, come see my closet, lots of new items
Dec 16Reply
designerplace Will do, Happy New Year
Jan 04Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy New Year. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊
Jan 07Reply
designerplace Thanks, will do, please check my super closet!
Jan 07Reply
designerplace Yes, I did, it's lovely
Jan 08Reply
eserenabeana @designerplace Thanks for sharing my closet 🛍️☺️ I shared your closet on Twitter 🥳 Happy Prosperous Poshing 🥂 and Stay Safe 😷
Jan 19Reply
designerplace @eserenabeana Thank you and the same to you.
Jan 20Reply
tiamat4040 Hi you have a beautiful closet and thank you for sharing mine. I appreciate it! I'm so glad you do rescue. I've had 37 years of dogs and one cat. Only my first 2 Danes were not rescues. My girl now (the black one) is a dominant female and needs to be a spoiled only child. If she wasn't I'd have a menagerie. Enjoy your day.
Jan 28Reply
designerplace @tiamat4040 No Danes at this time, Just Neo's' and yes they are spoiled, thanks for looking. Sue
Jan 29Reply
cyndisbackyard Thank you for checking out my closet! I have a lot more coming and I give awesome discounts on bundles so bundle up for savings!
May 15Reply
designerplace @cyndisbackyard If you are interested in this item, let me know
May 15Reply
thriftynavymom Hello Sunshine🌼 Congrats on Posh Ambassador. 🌻 Just stopping by to give you some page love 💕. I love your closet 🛍. Have a great wee and HAPPY POSHING👗👙🧣👚👖👔🩱👛👠
May 21Reply
designerplace @thriftynavymom Thank you, let me know if you are interested in this item
May 22Reply
katokumura Hi! You liked an item in my closet. Please bundle and send me an offer. I’m sure that we can find an agreeable price. I offer a 15% discount for a bundle of 3 or more items and you will only need to pay one shipping fee. Aloha from Hawaii 🌺, Kathy
Jun 15Reply
designerplace @katokumura If you are interested in this item, just make an offer
Jun 16Reply
amberkarels Hi! Thank you for liking one of my items. I’m currently running a sale of buying 2 items & get your 3rd item free! 🎉☺️
Jun 26Reply
vanhagar Hello thanks for the like on the Cincinnati Reds Shirt. It is clear out closet today. If your really interested I will drop the price 10% and Poshmark will pay partial shipping. Just let me know if you are. Thanks Happy Poshing.
Jul 09Reply
designerplace @vanhagar Make an offer if you are interested.
Jul 10Reply
oliviaami Thanks for following me
Jul 12Reply
patriceoreilly Hi hun it’s Patrice Oreilly I recently bought a gold ring guard n last nite I finally to applying to my ring but I don’t know wut I did wrong n a piece broke off!!( not your fault at all!! But could u sell me another with maybe a discount I would truly luv to try again. Patrice 😊💕
Aug 31Reply
designerplace Yes, just put it in your bundle and I will discount it.
Sep 01Reply
rhetal Hello, I saw you liked a blouse on my page. Because of the low price it's hard to leave an offer. If you would like to buy it I can lower the price to $13. Thank you for the like.
Sep 03Reply
designerplace @rhetal Thanks for the email.
Sep 04Reply
designerplace Just your bundle up an I will lower it for you. Sue
Sep 04Reply
valladares83 Hello, Hope you are having a great time shopping come checkout my closet🦋✨
Sep 25Reply
designerplace @valladares83 Thanks. I have many new items in my closet
Sep 25Reply
tatnaples Hi! Thank you for your follow and support, happy Poshing 💜 Tamala
Oct 16Reply
designerplace You are most welcome, if I can assist you with anything just email.
Oct 17Reply
designerplace Thanks, see my closet
Feb 04Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Feb 18Reply
designerplace @candy258 Wow! Come see my closet
Feb 18Reply
lamarquez16 Hello, I appreciate the follow. I'm new to selling but not new to buying on Poshmark. I started this adventure with my daughter as a means to spend quality time together. We have a variety of clothes for women, men, and youth boys. We shared some items from your closet and we hope you can do the same? Thank you. Happy Poshing!
Sep 15Reply
designerplace @lamarquez16 Good Luck, if I can help you with something, just let me know
Sep 16Reply
shoesnsun Thanks for your like. Please feel free to make an offer. We add to our closet new with tag items daily. Thanks.
Oct 26Reply
elhusuba Thanks for following!!💛🙌 We Sell only Authentic bags!.. 🚨Good news!.. ‼️Limited Time ‼️ When you Like any our designer bags or wallets, get up to 30 percent off!!👍->❤️💸 Or make and offer i can do best! Have a wonderful days and work!. 🌈🦋
Dec 03Reply
designerplace @elhusuba Thanks for your comment on my item, if you need assistance, please let me know
Dec 04Reply
missamyrogers Hi There, I hope all is well with you and yours. I would like to invite you to visit my closet. I have several vintage clip on earrings you might enjoy, as well as a few other items. We could build a nice bundle 🛍️🛍️🛍️and you could save BiG! Posh on❣️
Jan 28Reply
designerplace @missamyrogers Thanks for your note
Jan 29Reply
so1012 Hi! I just wanted to invite you to check out my closet because I’m having a great 3/$15 sale that includes lots of items! Listings are added every few days 😊
Jun 04Reply
sparkielane4u Hi, do you carry any shorter 12" gold (plated) chain? I'm looking for one for my dainty heart-shaped pendant. Thanks.
Mar 14Reply
designerplace Go to my closet for chains
Mar 14Reply
jaspercy Hi!- The Coach bag you just liked is a fake! Coach never made bags in Korea! That's a known fake country of manufacturing.
Sep 17Reply
designerplace This is not Coach, non is it listed as such
Sep 18Reply

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