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Anything can be solved with knowledge and understanding. I have my service dogs that help me through out the day. I am human and do my best to not block anyone. Everyone has good and bad days. If you like an item I have later in time if you are blocked that’s a sale I miss and my loss. Please be kind to one another, kindness is contagious
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lisaernst Hi. I’m so sorry that I was such a pain. Also sorry for commenting under your listing. My dad had a heart attack and Is a hemophiliac, bleeder. He lives 16 HRs or so away. So I left in a huge hurry. I should have just closed but wanted to get the stuff out
Jul 19Reply
lisaernst Please accept my sincere apology for your inconvenience and take 20% off any item of your choice if u shop in the future. I’m embarrassed and sad that it didn’t go well with you as u haven’t purchased from me before. Lastly the item u received looked Sm like pants not big like purse. Right?
Jul 19Reply
sunnyrey @lisaernst I understand I have done the same thing, no worries.
Jul 19Reply
sunnyrey @lisaernst the item was in a Sm VS bag with handles tied together, I didn’t look and see. If the buyer that received my sweats than normally it’s what they purchased. I can look if you like me too
Jul 19Reply
lisaernst @sunnyrey that’s the right one. Thanks again. U are precious
Jul 20Reply
lisaernst @sunnyrey btw, if u don’t mind me asking about your health? I have severe systemic lupus RA and adrenal failure. I have 29 compression fractures from all the steroid use over yrs. I take chemo every 3 months. I obviously have no idea how u feel, just want u to know i am thinking about you and will keep in prayer
Jul 20Reply
caylee_marie27 Thanks for the like! Feel free to make an offer!
Aug 02Reply
malvarez1210 zhivago been trying to reach you but the number was incorrect. I also sent you my email and haven't heard back. This will be my last attempt to see if we can get together so I can see the items. Thank you.
Aug 03Reply
sunnyrey @malvarez1210 I will put it under the long sleeve shorts shorts jumper when you message me on it.
Aug 04Reply
sunnyrey @malvarez1210 I accidentally deleted still have the jumper.
Aug 04Reply
sunnyrey @lisaernst I am back, finally moved still putting items away and all that fun stuff. I just wanted to let you know❤️ I hope all is well with you. Today is the first day of the rest of my life, I will make it the best day possible. 😎🌸🌼🌷💐🌹🌻🌺🍀🌈☀️
Sep 06Reply
sunnyrey @malvarez1210 I will text you my new address. I am still in the Cape
Sep 06Reply
malvarez1210 @sunnyrey. Ok thanks.
Sep 06Reply
elizaleestyleb Hi Annie- I’m not sure if you wanted a bundle for the free people tank top and asymmetrical dress. I made an offer about a week ago. Then it looks like you added the split back tank top to the bundle again a few hours ago. I’m not sure if you want the bundle active so wanted to check. I apologize for my confusion.
Sep 09Reply
sunnyrey @elizaleestyleb no worries I was confused myself, I just moved and things have been crazy. I love both items but I did have that dress before
Sep 09Reply
elizaleestyleb @sunnyrey I hope things have settled a bit for you and you enjoy your new place. I think I’ve dropped the price on both since the bundle was created but the 10% 2 item-bundle discount made the purchase price even lower. Please let me know if you’re still interested in either item. Thank you so much for looking and sharing my closet. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday😊
Sep 09Reply
mariaelena1234 You can counter the offer :)
Sep 13Reply
aastheticxx Hi! I was wondering if you were able to sell any service dog gear or if you had something you never used. Thanks!
Sep 16Reply
sunnyrey @aastheticxx I do have a couple items that are not used or still in good condition. I have a tag that has Service Dog on it, it’s brand new I never had it engraved, and I have 2 reflective Velcro patches along with 2 Sm saddle bags and a size M/L harness. I can post them if you like. It’s too hot in SW FL for Cooper to have saddle bags on, I also have a collapsible bowl that clips on to the harness
Sep 16Reply
myblueskydays @sunnyrey @myblueskydays hi! Awesome pics! You and your baby are beautiful! I wanted to thank you for the great offer on your fp Jeans! I just shipped a bunch! I’m praying you’ll still have them when I’m paid! I lost 40-60 lbs? Drs don’t know why yet! It stinks I’m desperate for clothes bottoms especially! If you don’t life is crazy..your welcome to send me reminders! Ty so much again!✌🏼💗😊☀️🌈
Sep 20Reply
loopholer I just adore you! sitting w my sons dad showing him your family! lol
Sep 20Reply
sunnyrey @loopholer lol thank you
Sep 21Reply
sunnyrey @shayrenee411 He is trained to preform things for me that I can no longer preform. He had to pass several tests to preform these activities for me. He also has to have my doctor state that he serves a purpose for myself that I find difficult or no longer can preform. He is in a data base backed by the Federal government so he has rights that a normal dog does not. If you have any other questions I would be happy to answer
Sep 25Reply
sunnyrey @myblueskydays God bless I had the same issue but I had thyroid cancer, now I have hypothyroidism. It’s when my metabolism slowed and it affected my mood, my body felt it was stolen my an invasion but good news now they can control it with medications and I have lab work done all the time. It’s hard for me to loose weight but the stress from things I can not control actually helped me lose a lot, lol good luck and stay positive
Sep 25Reply
sunnyrey @myblueskydays and no matter what do not get down on yourself just because your body may hate you now doesn’t mean you have to hate it. Love yourself and stay positive. I know it is not easy to say or do but you are beautiful and need to tell that body you have now that it is going to lose because your love for it is stronger than its hate for you👍❤️🌈😎
Sep 25Reply
myblueskydays @sunnyrey oh wow! I was checked for hyperthyroidism but I didn’t have it, diabetes, I’m having a ton of blood work I was suppose to have horrible surgery after having the big c to prevent in my colon my mom died made me promise to take care of it my daughter and I were devestated she didn’t want me to said she couldn’t handle it that was 2011
Sep 25Reply
myblueskydays @sunnyrey I’m very scared but I’m not in a financial situation where I can even afford to eat or pay my rent I’d be in bed for like six weeks. I also have been hit by three trucks and ten cars! I needed spine surgery then I fell from a tow truck..n then the hurricane I had four falls I was in a hotel I begged an Er dr for my meds not a sleeping pill or a benzo! He thought it was a joke I was there with two service dogs n a good old friend of my daughter who was like a son n posed as my aid!
Sep 25Reply
myblueskydays @sunnyrey I told him there was carpet I have been sleeping that I was in serious danger! Nothing! Then I got a text from Walgreens get your hurricane supply for the same meds I ran out the door they were closed sign said go to the 24 hour there were closed smashed my sternum ribs fracture my back my puppy trying to save me accidentally scratched my cornea broken toes you name it!?
Sep 25Reply
myblueskydays @sunnyrey I sold my home I wanted to move to ca I’m in so much pain here I also have fibromyalgia a neuro disease that I’m told his fatal messes with my speech my vision I just got injured again my eye and back...and I can’t see well I’m really scared I have to get a cat scan I was in the hospital 8 times pneumonia for the chest wall injuries! I would tell them I was too sick to be discharged I’d be back in a day or so with a 104-5...I need lawyers I lost my dream every dime
Sep 25Reply
myblueskydays @sunnyrey I had no where to live from Jan to June in May I lost my baby he was 6.5 my service dog..,I cry everyday and night my bella is the reason I’m still here omg I love her she saved my life three times a few weeks ago! I couldn’t pay my storage I don’t have my rent n my dr is 250 a month they are like drug dealers...I’m so sorry for sharing all mom n dad both had the thyroid I lost my last ovary at 38.. n I started getting so sick mine went hyper it was pretty bad
Sep 25Reply
myblueskydays @sunnyrey if your hormones are messed up your whole body gets messed up! I lost 20 needed then just dropped 4o more im too thin for my skin I dreamed to be thin! Started dieting at 12 I can’t explain I try on Small’s b they fit I’ve heard and seen on like Oprah that people who are obese
Sep 25Reply
myblueskydays @sunnyrey that loose like a whole other person have trouble coping n many gain it back...I kind of get it I’m finally thin I should be happy but not til u know why or its whatever I’m pretty scared I have no clothes one pair of jeans! I went on a shopping people n now I was crying last night! Looking for photos to list!
Sep 25Reply
myblueskydays @sunnyrey I want to wear my clothes so bad! I figure the only way I can get clothes is to sell mine! It’s just I love them n never got to even wear most! I keep looking for things I have in my size from other sellers! I have a huge inventory I invested a fortune that’s my boutique I never sold what was purchased just for me before!
Sep 25Reply
myblueskydays @sunnyrey I love your closet as soon as I can I’m hoping those jeans are still available it’s not just a want it’s a need! If you could bare all my blah blah blah I thank you n now I feel a lil embarrassed for sharing it all..I was greatful that you shared with me I feel like look discusting I also lost 3/4s of my hair...I’m going to take your advice loose and skin and all I thank you from the bottom of my heart you are love! ✌🏼💗😊🙏🏼😇
Sep 25Reply
sunnyrey @myblueskydays I totally understand that’s how I ended up. I figured fashion is always changing so even if I So love one item if it sells I will find something else I will like again then I had all sizes and started selling now most items I purchase are to sell. It took me years of investing and making smart decisions but sometimes it sucks because you don’t want to give it up
Sep 25Reply
sunnyrey @myblueskydays I do love your taste in clothing your boutique is super fab with a twist of vintage and today’s style in fashion. Very well rounded and well organized👍👍
Sep 25Reply
sunnyrey @myblueskydays I do not believe people choose to be obese at all because if your body’s chemical make up isn’t right and your thyroid and pituitary gland are giving your body goofy signals it doesn’t matter how hard you try or what you do to avoid it your body will gain weight. Its your job to have a health balance, for some people they may never have to watch but others, it is very hard to maintain
Sep 25Reply
myblueskydays @sunnyrey I agree I fought I did every single diet but when my body didn’t want to shrink it wouldn’t I was very sick from surgical menopause a homeopathic internist put me on bio identical hormones I went up to a 16!! But I wasn’t sick or passing out anymore! I’m also an addiction counselor sadly there are many that abuse food just like others it’s drugs or sex or hoarding! I pray for them and your right sometimes your body just wants to hold on to it n now I can’t gain?
Sep 25Reply
myblueskydays @sunnyrey it really is scaring me I’ve been cancer free for seven years! And played Russian roulette I’m trying to find a person who will have my back so I can have the surgery! I hope you stay healthy!!! Thank you again sweetie! ✌🏼💗😊🙏🏼😇
Sep 25Reply
myblueskydays @sunnyrey @myblueskydays just hopped on pm and it opened to all your pics! They are all amazing! Copper is precious I didn’t know you had a service dog too I’m so happy you have him! I live in south Florida! Where do you live? It looks beautiful!!!✌🏼💗😊☀️🌈
Sep 25Reply
myblueskydays @sunnyrey @myblueskydays I just read your comment about my closet thank you so so much I’m very grateful! I’m in yours all the time fingers crossed I can start buying!!! ✌🏼💗😊
Sep 25Reply
myblueskydays @sunnyrey I know!! I kept my business n my clothes separate...I only sold brand new I invested a fortune so that I could have a job n be disabled if that makes sense but it’s too slow I’m about to try amazing it’s only a dollar an item n people charge full price for new retail items! I’m praying it’ll work out! The fees here and the offers are killing me!! ✌🏼💗😊
Sep 26Reply
sunnyrey @shayrenee411 it is a preference. I travel a great deal and prefer that he is registered with an ID. It saves me trouble of bringing all his paper work everywhere I go, and if asked for identification it’s way easier to have his ID on him. As you know it’s completely free to resister a Service Animal and the only difference between a SA and an ESA (emotional support animal) is a SA has training and a ESA is not required to have any training just a letter from a doctor.
Sep 28Reply
sunnyrey @shayrenee411 I adore dog people, if you don’t mind what type is your fur baby? Dog people have always been so nice and easier to talk to than cat people, at least that’s the info I gathered from my experiences.
Sep 28Reply
sunnyrey @shayrenee411 I think I may have confused you. He is also a K9 Good Citizen as well. I have trained dogs for over 20 years and all breeds and types of behaviors. He was trained by myself and the K9 Good Citizen is a program where the training is more intensive and social. It is an actual title and he goes to institutions for pet therapy programs, where people or students can have a safe hands on experience in a setting where they normally wouldn’t.
Sep 28Reply
sunnyrey @myblueskydays I know that, it’s a slow time right now till about Nov till Jan then slow then spring break. It is frustrating at times. I think it’s super amazing that you are an addiction consular. I feel just like you addiction runs all across the board. Too much of something is not good for anyone. Life is a delicate balance that can easily be off Set.
Sep 28Reply
myblueskydays @sunnyrey awww thank you! I did a lot of interventions those can be brutal! One in an icu! My first love was the teens I worked with...try to save them while they are still’s a brutal disease can happen at anytime to anyone!! You’re awesome!!! Thank you sweetie!! ✌🏼💗😊
Sep 28Reply
sunnyrey @myblueskydays I am no stranger to that world and it is sad. I moved to FL from NE OH Youngstown because if I stayed I would not be here today. I hardly get on Facebook because all I see is another friend taken away for a reason that could have been prevented. I have lived in SW FL for 10 years now and at peace with myself and who I am.
Sep 28Reply
sunnyrey @aastheticxx hello I was able to get pics and measurements on the extra items I have. I will post them, just let me know when you are on again and I will start that process
Sep 30Reply
ashliboutique Happy Poshing ❤️❤️❤️
Oct 02Reply
sunnyrey @ashliboutique U as well😎
Oct 02Reply
wildtimefashion 👋 Thank you for liking/following my closet! I hope you find fun exciting items! I carry a large selection of NEW women’s apparel shoes accessories and of course lots of jewelry! Any questions please feel free to ask. And visit me anytime as I am adding new inventory all the time! Thanks for choosing my closet and please enjoy! Great closet for gifts too! Lorrie Very cute dog!
Oct 03Reply
sunnyrey @shayrenee411 I never thought a Weimaraner would work but Cooper thinks he is a Weiner dog. I have added so training or tricks. My friends do get a kick out of him getting beer from the fridge. He is very special and personality personified, as most working dog are with their handlers
Oct 08Reply
myblueskydays @sunnyrey @myblueskydays stopping by to say hi...and hawk at the beautiful clothes!! Got my car legal! Got my two months of storage n unbelievable late fees I search for a new place to live...I so hope I can buy soon! I hope you’re feeling well!!! Have a beautiful night sweetie!!! ✌🏼💗😊🌙⭐️🌛✨💫
Oct 12Reply
sunnyrey @myblueskydays sounds like things are looking up for you
Oct 12Reply
myblueskydays @sunnyrey getting there...but I have a long way to go! You’ll be the first to know!! lol!’ ✌🏼💗😊
Oct 12Reply
sunnyrey @myblueskydays my bad month is now going into 2 so why is it when things get bad it feels never ending? My friend that passed away, his offspring that is female is now stocking me. I was chatting with a friend and return buyer about the crap that this person has put me through. I had to block her on my phone so she called my dad. My dad was shocked at what she said, basically she don’t care what happens as long as she gets me out and gets her half.
Oct 12Reply
sunnyrey @myblueskydays papa Smurf was shocked and he knew that this person never visited him in 10 years and whenever his health, hygiene, and living area really declined and the house should have been condemned. She did nothing at all. I do not care what my family ever did I sure would not ignore any of these conditions. I was taught to respect and care for the elderly especially a parent because they took care of me. So dad was not too surprised that this girl did nothing to step in.
Oct 12Reply
sunnyrey @myblueskydays it’s very sad and she is an RN. You think she would ask him about alternative living situations and not ignore all of this. I don’t regret the last 4 years that I was there for him and I did help give him a very nice living area, I don’t regret one minute. Apparently she does though because I had to block her on social media. She was spreading lies about me. She still doesn’t know me or much about me at all
Oct 12Reply
sunnyrey @myblueskydays she threatened to sue me and made up all this crap thinking she was going to cause issues with me on here by leaving nasty comments that just proved what a C U Next Tuesday she really was. She just thinks she is so much better than everyone when all she is is a very nasty bully.
Oct 12Reply
sunnyrey @myblueskydays most people on here knew what I have been going through and how sad the situation was. I turned her in for harassment and they kicked her off. She then created another name using another account saying I recruited her. Poshmark caught on faster than me and got rid of her again. She needs to just stop and accept that she is a mean selfish ignorant bully
Oct 12Reply
myblueskydays @sunnyrey omg!! What a psycho? I don’t understand why this person is hating you and stalking you? Anytime nine five four four nine four seven nine five one! I’m like a total zombie these diseases cause such pain and fatigue! I’m having trouble seeing!! But we should talk! Lol! Having trouble speaking! N have to make important calls!
Oct 12Reply
myblueskydays @sunnyrey it’s like walking a tight rope! I try to take a break n rest but I have so much to do I can’t rest either!! I’m so sorry your having a hard time sounds like what I’m living in! It’s a driving nightmare I need to get out so badly? Maybe we can talk later? Whatever you like! I got your back! Always going to be here for you! ✌🏼😊💗💪🏽
Oct 12Reply
sunnyrey @myblueskydays just another day in paradise👍
Oct 17Reply
1curatedcloset @sunnyrey 😍 what a handsome precious dog! I have a female Weimaraner that I dogshare w/my sister. Is yours a service dog?
Oct 20Reply
heyitsmorgannnn Hi! I noticed you mentioned your “registered service dog.” According to the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), service dogs do not need any form of registration!:)
Oct 20Reply
sunnyrey @heyitsmorgannnn I know that but as I said it is a preference. I travel a great deal and it is so much easier to have an ID on him rather than carrying all his shot records, and make sure he is healthy. On the front there is a scanner icon and when scanned all his information will all come up.
Oct 21Reply
heyitsmorgannnn @sunnyrey Are you located in the United States? If so, that card is meaningless, and by using an ID, you’re making it much more difficult for the next team that comes in. It may be “easier” for you, but you’re going to make the lives of other handlers even more difficult than they already are.:(
Oct 21Reply
sunnyrey @heyitsmorgannnn are you saying to carry all the paper work with me when I go in somewhere that pets are not allowed or fly? I never had any issues with anything thus far and I have used him for 4 years, but I do not want any in the future. I have a nasty bone disease and he has save me from falling over
Oct 21Reply
sunnyrey @heyitsmorgannnn if my gate is off he will alert and brace so I do not fall down. My spine is fused and bending down is no very easy, if I ask he will pic up objects and hand them to me. I had used him for 4 years and have not had any issues with bringing him anywhere that pets are not allowed such as restaurants and flying. He is 6 now.
Oct 21Reply
sunnyrey @heyitsmorgannnn if you know of a way that makes it easier on me so I do not have issues in the future I would appreciate your input. He has had a personal trainer and myself when he was younger as I said he is 6 and I have used him for 4 years. Thank you for your time and please let me know I would appreciate it
Oct 21Reply
heyitsmorgannnn But why would you need any paperwork for him when you’re going to restaurants, when they are not required by law? I’m not questioning his legitimacy. All I’m saying is by presenting an ID, you’re making it difficult for the next SD team that comes in. The ID you have is a meaningless piece of paper/plastic.
Oct 21Reply
heyitsmorgannnn Advice I would give, though, is to educate yourself on the laws of service dogs, your rights as a handler, and the rights of businesses. You’re causing establishments to believe that all SDs will have an ID, even though it does not make a dog a service dog.
Oct 22Reply
sunnyrey @heyitsmorgannnn as I said if you have another way to help make the issue easier on me and him I would appreciate it. It is not anyone’s business why I need him, as you know. I was asked to leave an outside cafe because I could not show them that he was a service dog. I even demonstrated by dropping my keys and he pick them up.
Oct 22Reply
sunnyrey @heyitsmorgannnn I am asking you what do I do in a situation like that, so I do not have that embarrassing moment and I am do not have any documentation on him or myself
Oct 22Reply
heyitsmorgannnn @sunnyrey If you have Instagram, please DM me on there. It will be much easier to communicate: @heyitsmorgannn. I would be more than happy to educate you on your rights and how to approach the situation you experienced.
Oct 22Reply
heyitsmorgannnn As previously mentioned, you DO NOT need any form of documentation when entering an establishment (with the exception of when flying). I recommend having some law cards on you that stage your rights and the questions that businesses may ask. I also recommend that you talk to some people that are highly educated on SDs and learn the laws!
Oct 22Reply
sunnyrey @heyitsmorgannnn I do have a packet of law cards that were given to me. The only time I had any issue was that restaurant. I was so embarrassed and upset that I did not want to press the issue and be the customer that has their food sit in. I do realize that the majority of people are not aware of my rights and the best thing to do is educate them
Oct 22Reply
sunnyrey @heyitsmorgannnn I thank you for your input and I will try and contact you. I do feel the same way as you do and educating others is the best way to address the issue, however there has to be a better way so that any party involved does not have to be the one pressing the issue and causing difficulties or embarrassment.
Oct 22Reply
sunnyrey @heyitsmorgannnn I do have an account on there but never use it. I will let you know my screen name as soon as I figure it out, thank you again for your time. I do appreciate it. I was going to start a separate listing because of all of the SD chat but if it can help another person and help educate them, it should stay up👍🐾🐶
Oct 22Reply
sunnyrey Hello I wanted to ask you have you always had German Shepard’s? I do not know an extended amount about the breed and have to ask a question. I know they are prone to hip dysplasia because the AKC wants their body to larger in fro t and leaner in back hind quarters. My friend has 2 K-9 police dogs, one retired and the other active.
Oct 22Reply
sunnyrey @shayrenee411 and the UKC’s conformation requires the dog to have a stronger build without that low slope in the hind quarters. My friend explained that both their dogs have came from over seas. My sister had a German Shepard and not one vet around in NE OH could figure out what the dogs issue was
Oct 22Reply
sunnyrey @shayrenee411 he only lived to be 4, no hip issues but he was thin for a Shepard. He would eat and drink but never gained a full weight. He had no parasites, and according to his lab work no known disease or reasons for this. She even took him to Ohio State to have them check his insides out out and nothing. He was a great dog and very well mannered and no good reason that could be found for his symptoms. She even had an exam after he passed and still nothing
Oct 22Reply
sunnyrey @shayrenee411 if you know of any reason or possibilities I would love your input. I have an associates degree in Veterinary Sciences or Vet Tech and have been clueless for years as to the reason for his symptoms and death. I never worked in any office but I did volunteer work for the ASPCA and having horses, dogs, lizards, and just about ever animal you can have, so my education did not go to waste.
Oct 22Reply
sunnyrey @shayrenee411 I also realize that every breed has their own issues. I had 2 Dalmatians and can tell you all about them and their history, quirks, personalities, and any health issues common in them. I was able to even educate the vet I took them to and educated him on urinary tract issues. He was rather grateful and never charged me for any exams after that. I am not that educated in German Shepard’s that much, hoping you may help ❤️🐶🐾
Oct 22Reply
sunnyrey @shayrenee411 yes he was and the breeder offered her another dog from a different litter, she declined. I was just hoping you may haven idea. He did have a skin condition but it was able to be cared for with meds. We think that he may have been stung by something but it was a disorder he had all of his life. The only issue he ever had was a skin problem
Oct 24Reply
dancergirl221 @sunnyrey hello! I am new to selling and i am wondering if you could give me any advice on selling and how to sell on poshmark. Thanks!!! Love you stuff btw❤️
Oct 27Reply
sunnyrey @dancergirl221 sure, I am here to help. You really need to share a great deal and when a party comes up make sure that you share others listings and more than not, they will share your listings, before you know it you will have a ton of followers, and that means more potential buyers.
Oct 27Reply
eng_labluvr I ❤️your closet! I hope that I can get my own closet to where I can call it a second job. Any suggestions, I would gladly welcome!💕 I noticed, in your comments and conversations, we are quite similar. I, too, have a beautiful service dog. I’m a stage 3 Triple negative Breast Cancer Survivor.Like you, I was forced into early menopause and I’ve got Thyroid and pituitary issues. Talk about discouragement! Thankfully, my beautiful SD and best friend, Brixton, came into my life.
Oct 28Reply
sunnyrey @kkaytigirl I have had some rough health concerns and as you know they are not fun, especially being single and doing everything myself. I have always been independent but it can get lonely, especially when you have no clue who you are from one min to the next. You may think all those mood swings how could it possibly be lonely? Lol
Oct 28Reply
sunnyrey @kkaytigirl I would love to help you with pointers and things you can do to boost your sales. My innovatory is a little low for me at this time but I always have items coming in, and thankfully going out
Oct 28Reply
heidisue608 ♥️I love you, Cooper ♥️🐾
Nov 06Reply
sunnyrey @heidisue608 Cooper ❤️s you too 🐾
Dec 06Reply
heidisue608 @sunnyrey Awwwwww 🐾♥️🐕
Dec 06Reply
artmonkey Thanks for the bazillion shares!!!! That's awesome!
Dec 06Reply
eng_labluvr @sunnyrey I just noticed this comment. I’m still wondering where the months, of October and November , went. They flew by! If you don’t mind answering, you said that you always have new stuff coming in. How do u go about getting Free People and other items, at such a great price, for you to turn around, and sell it lower than retail? I’ve been researching and watching all kinds , of videos, and still don’t know how to get on board? As well, I hope you are well this Holiday Season💕
Dec 09Reply
sunnyrey @kkaytigirl I can't give all my secrets away on here but I will make a listing for us to chat on
Dec 09Reply
eng_labluvr @sunnyrey I would really appreciate it. I’ve got to really try to make this as successful and positive, as I can. My youngest son is graduating and will be join his brother, up at UNR IN Reno, NV, and I’m trying do do, as much as I can, to help them$. I’ve got a couple , of surgeries of surgeries, coming up. Therefore, I won’t be working, for a bit, and, as a hairdresser, I don’t get paid if I’m not working. I would be extremely grateful!!💕💕
Dec 09Reply
sunnyrey @kkaytigirl honestly it was a hobby I love fashion. I know a few designers and it took years for me to be able to know if I could take a Gamble and make a high purchase and know when to sell or play it safe and purchase something I may lose some on. Fashion is tricky because it's constantly changing. I have had my losses more than gains for years till I started listening to the audience or buyers
Dec 09Reply
sunnyrey @kkaytigirl once you know your audience or buyers you will be able to know the person's size and body style without even seeing a picture. I make the majority of my purchases from Free People directly, however I have out sourced if the price is right and I can make some profit.
Dec 09Reply
cfotouhi Love your closet! Do you buy wholesale?
Dec 15Reply
sunnyrey @cfotouhi I go normally go straight through Free People but I have also out sourced and purchased from other stores or people. It all depends on supply and demand. If my supply is low I will purchase from other sources. If Free People no longer has the items, or sold out in order to keep my listings fresh and current
Dec 15Reply
eng_labluvr @sunnyrey hey!! I just saw this! I appreciate your input. So, basically, I need to find a bunch of $ and buy, buy, buy, and then, hopefully, sell, sell, sell!😆 I, honestly, don’t know how you are even breaking even w/ the % that Posh takes. Awesome, for you, to have figures out the trick. Once again, u have more new stuff that I ❤️❤️❤️ and want, badly. 💕
Dec 16Reply
eng_labluvr @sunnyrey It’s getting ⛄️cold here , in Northern Nevada( Lake Tahoe). I’m looking, for some really great layerable sweaters, but, not too warm. I’m a hairstylist so I get warm really quick when I’m working. Let me know if u have or see anything that I HAVE TO HAVE🤣 to layer, over my tunics and slip dresses. Looking, for great legging, too💕 HAPPY HOLIDAYS, my dear friend🎄⛄️
Dec 16Reply
jangesi40 You have a beautiful closet. Wishing you lots of sales in 2019 🎊🛍🌟
Jan 01Reply
sunnyrey @jangesi40And you as well😊👍
Jan 01Reply
eng_labluvr @sunnyrey Hi Annie!! Just wanted to say hello and wish you a Very Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year!🎉 I really appreciate you, PFF💕 , your guidance, and the mentoring you’ve given me❤️
Jan 02Reply
sunnyrey @kimfuentes hello I apologize and do not want to be mean but you can not advertise your closet on someelse's closet. It is very tacky and disrespectful. You may not have known, that's why I informed you, have a great day
Jan 29Reply
kimfuentes I'm sorry but I don't know what you're talking about
Jan 29Reply
christyanne629 @sunnyrey is cooper a weimareiner?!?
Feb 03Reply
sunnyrey @christyanne629 yep he was a rescue as well. He took to training like he was on Earth to preform the tasks that he does. When I am in a department store people that have/ had, or know the breed are shocked. He is also on the small side, perfect height for me though
Feb 04Reply
sunnyrey @christyanne629 He just turned 7 but because if you go by height and weight he is on the line of middle breed and large breed. I don't have the worries of a large breed like hips, twisted gut, arthritis, shortened life span, and more
Feb 04Reply
sunnyrey @christyanne629 I am not just saying that to brag because he is my SD. He really is all in one amazing dog. As I said he was a rescue, from a puppy mill, so he is papered and his grandparents are field champs. I will never get another dog like him.
Feb 04Reply
sunnyrey @christyanne629 I wanted to breed him once in hopes that one would take on his traits of picking objects up and bringing certain objects and much more but his composition is terrible like I said he is small for a Weimaraner. His mother was silver, father gray, grandparents both blue. I had a blue years ago. I ❤️ the color
Feb 04Reply
christyanne629 @sunnyrey that’s wonderful! My tank is 6 and a 1/2 now and equal parts troublemaker and love bug. He is a rescue as well and has some residual behavioral issues bc of that but he is my snuggled so we’re all just a little weird together! Glad you’ve had such good success with cooper and I’m glad you get to cherish the time you have with that fur baby!
Feb 04Reply
sunnyrey @christyanne629 the hardest part was getting him over that timidness that is in the breed but he was extremely timid, and then you get the people that say oh he must have been abused. No he was not it is just in the breed along with being super distractive
Feb 04Reply
sunnyrey @christyanne629 I was able to turn that destructive behavior into a positive behavior. My friends laugh when they visit because I let him bark 3 times then say, find Cooper's pillow. He will stop barking and going crazy and sit with a pillow in his mouth. If he likes the person he will give them his pillow. It worked. I am a single female and he has a big bark and I feel safe most people don't know that he will bark and hide under the bed lol
Feb 04Reply
sunnyrey @christyanne629 If I had a man stay over I think Cooper would definitely kick him out of my bed because that's his spot. He didn't always like to be held or snuggled with at night but he sure does now. Only other people that know the breed or have one understands
Feb 04Reply
sunnyrey @christyanne629 I trained dogs for years. My first was a dalmation I had at 18, so I was used to training more obedience and agressive behaviors. Cooper was completely opposite. I live in SW FL and when the windows are down people will ask his name at red lights or stops and when they say his name he dives under the back seat like, oh no they know me and they are going to eat me, lol
Feb 04Reply
sunnyrey @christyanne629 Cooper goes everywhere with me and I am blessed to be his human
Feb 04Reply
heartsongshappy Your Free People collection is amazing? #jealous 😆🥰💯
Feb 25Reply
sunnyrey @fosterjenni thank you doll, I am restocking invatory right now so it's a bit low. I do accept reasonable offers and will give you the best discount on any bundle.
Feb 25Reply
sunnyrey @fosterjenni you have some items I love myself. I never ask and only traded a handful of times because I need the $ more, but if you like we can work something out because I do like so many of your pieces
Feb 25Reply
rescuelady3 Thank you sister. I am a more seasoned queen but adore looking sexy still and free people always does that for me. I have been a Rescuer for 13 years helping people understand the great need to help animals and shut down mills. . I too have a service pup cocoa. Twice dumped now forever loved I hope to get into the selling part of posh very soon and thin out the hoard. I’ll be looking you up gorgeous. Thanks for being brave and showing us you Deborah the rescuer SCBR
Feb 28Reply
sunnyrey @shayrenee411 he did have a very high white blood cell count and skin issues, this was also over 15 years ago and technology has improved tremendously.
Feb 28Reply
sunnyrey @shayrenee411 I understand and agree with you but we still have horrible back yard breeders that continue to breed knowing that trait is in there. AKC standards and UKC standards are different for most breeds and in the US they prefer the UKC standards are a better fit for the job than AKC standards. Personally I prefer the AKC standards over the UKC because I do like the deeper slope along with the all around confirmation
Mar 01Reply
sunnyrey @dancergirl221 I just notice this message now. I apologize and yes I can help you. I am not up to par yet but as soon as I am I will get back to you
Mar 01Reply
dancergirl221 @sunnyrey okay great thank you ❤️
Mar 01Reply
sunnyrey @dancergirl221 no problem if you don’t hear back from me in a week just please remind me ❤️👍
Mar 01Reply
dancergirl221 @sunnyrey will do ❤️❤️
Mar 02Reply
myblueskydays @sunnyrey @myblueskydays hi sweetie! Just came by to see what’s new and say hi! Hope all is well sweetie! ✌🏼💗😊
Mar 04Reply
smaroulis Hi Annie- beautiful dog🌺 I’m Susan & I have new beautiful items in many sizes & budgets- great designers- Free People, BCBG, Vince CAMUTO,The Limited, Valentino, Coach, Marc Jacobs, Dooney & Bourke, jewelry, & furs! AND coats, size 12👠, blouses from ESCADA, luxury pantyhose from France, Belgium and Italy and more- all from my own smoke free closet 🦋I’m a 5 Star Rated Seller🌟 & a Posh Ambassador 😊You have a great closet!
Apr 18Reply
sunnyrey @smaroulis thank you for the complement
Apr 18Reply
smaroulis @sunnyrey I love your clothing & your photos are awesome!
Apr 18Reply
sunnyrey @myblueskydays thank you for checking in, sorry I just noticed your message now. Things are getting better everyday. I still have good and bad days and balancing health isuues however, I am staying positive about the future. How have you been?
Apr 18Reply
myblueskydays @sunnyrey awww it’s ok you don’t ever be sorry! I’m glad your doing well...sadly I’m not yet I hate complaining...almost went to the hospital today! But I didn’t yet...I’m praying so hard I get better soon I’m getting so scared! I always say this shall pass...but everyday has been getting worse then the day before! I’m really getting scared! Hanging on for dear life! You keep up that positive spirit! Chin up! I believe in you!!! ✌🏼💗😊😢💔🙏🏼😇💪🏽
Apr 19Reply
sunnyrey @myblueskydays I know that feeling. I go to the meat market (hospital) and I aware they say my first name and last then tell me, your normal room. Knowing the nurses by their first name isn't all that bad though, they already know what you like and need. LOL STAY POSITIVE. You don't know how strong you are till you have to be, and you are definitely no wimp👍❤️
Apr 19Reply
jeanperry2000 Hi SunnyR. I love your closet!
May 28Reply
myblueskydays @sunnyrey @myblueskydays hi sweetie! I was thinking about you! How are you feeling! I hope much better’ always in my heart and prayers!! Have a beautiful day! ✌🏼💗😊☀️🌈
Jun 08Reply
sunnyrey @myblueskydays thank you it’s always a pleasure to hear from you. I wanted to keep that jumper so badly. I put it at a high price thinking no one will purchase and son of a gun someone did. I need to get more items from you, not just because I love your goodies but you are good luck❤️
Jun 09Reply
myblueskydays @sunnyrey wow should I be jealous! Nah cause it helped you! And I have a lil story about that jumper myself so being paid for it at all was awesome cause as far as I know I didn’t !! Not sure but pretty sure! lol so good for you!! I’m glad you liked your goodies! ✌🏼💗😊
Jun 09Reply
lori30756 Hi, no worries!! I’m sooo sorry about your baby Wooly!! Mine was a boy named Howard, he was a stray someone just let loose!! My heart was crushed when I lost a dog named Julian, and God was watching and sent me Howard. Howard has been gone for a little more then a year now......and God’s still watching and I have Maria and Jack to care for now. One never takes the place of another they just lift us up to keep going. I hope you feel better soon!! 😊🐾
Jun 13Reply
myblueskydays @sunnyrey @myblueskydays you are a beauty inside and out! And so is your beautiful furry family! Can’t imagine not having one! They are the best!! Yours look precious! And I’m so happy that you found each other’ ✌🏼💗😊😇🐾🐾🐾🐾
Jun 13Reply
lori30756 I will be out of town until next Monday, so no hurry on shipping the top!! Feel better!!
Jun 13Reply
suzytwist123 Hi there! I love your closet and your write up about being kind. That's how I try to live. I'm trying to become an ambassador but it is difficult to get merchandise. Maybe you could help?? 🌺 Thank you in advance!
Jul 25Reply
angiet2003 Glad you love the dress! Isn’t it the cutest? Enjoy 😉
Aug 10Reply
suzytwist123 Hi there! I'm doing pretty good with following n followers but nobody's buying? I just dropped my prices today. Ugh!
Aug 14Reply
suzytwist123 Hi Annie, I just wanted to let you know that if you purchase my dress today before 12PM, I will have it out to you today!!🎉🛍🛍🎊 Boom!!! Lol!!
Aug 16Reply
mw_online May you be blessed with much success.
Aug 27Reply
mw_online Beautiful fur baby!
Aug 27Reply
myblueskydays @sunnyrey @myblueskydays how’s my sweet sunny? Hope you have been feeling well! How’s the 😇🐾🐾...I have a roomie! Yay saved my life! And just put a deposit so I’m waiting fingers crossed! It’s the cutest one..but a wee bit small be bye king size bed lol! But compared to my hell! It’s going to be paradise! Looks like I’m staying on the east coast!! ✌🏼💗😊💋
Sep 22Reply
peacocknrobin Hi! Did I read right you've got FP connections? I am looking for the victorian angel cardigan. The bigger the better cause they seem to run ridiculously small i read. And what a beautiful dog!!! I have a cream colored German shephered. She's a rescue so she needs lots of training. She was very neglected. I suspect she was to be the breeder in a puppy mill. She's 20 mo. Not my 1st big GS, but asking advice from dog lovers as I am starting from scratch with her.
Oct 15Reply
meepiesfinds Thank you for starting your bundle when you add your second piece I will price out for you 💕😊 if you want to purchase my Free People Top solo I can discount to $18
Nov 19Reply
honeymanchanda Hi I see you sell a lot of free people items would you be interested in selling mine can we work something out
Dec 05Reply
oyealiz Omg! I have two Weims, Pippa and Zeus. Love your boy! 💙🐾🐾
Jan 30Reply
emilywick15 Such a cute doggo!! 😊
Mar 09Reply
editalt Thank you very much for all your likes and shares 🌹🌹🌹!
Mar 27Reply
devlyn2828 thanks for the share. I will do the same
Apr 02Reply
dmonotjr2 Hey I sent you an offer on all 3 items you liked..if you dont want all 3 decline the offer i sent you and i will accept the one you sent me on just the dress
Apr 06Reply
mhegre @dmonotjr2 oh no! I already shipped the item. You can click accidental purchase under problems/inquiry.
May 06Reply
sunnyrey @mhegre I did but it was too late when I noticed. They only give you 3 hrs. If I put in a return when I receive it and explain it was accidental would you accept it back? It won’t go against your ratings or anything it will be like the sale never happened. If not I would have to rate you and I do not wish to rate anything negative about my experience even though I did buy it, I tried last night to text you before it was shipped
May 06Reply
mhegre @sunnyrey Can you just try to sell it? I am not sure how it would work with you sending it back.
May 06Reply
sunnyrey @mhegre it’s easy I would contact Poshmark Support and open a case and take pics and let them know what happened, you will be able to comment and take a chance on them approving or you can approve a return. If you approve a return Poshmark will send me a prepaid label at no cost to you and I will put the label on the package so you will get it back
May 06Reply
sunnyrey @mhegre pm likes when the buyer and seller work it out so if you approve it won’t go against you at all. You can simply explain that you feel badly but understand mistakes and want your buyers to be happy and return to purchase again so you would like to approve the return.
May 06Reply
sunnyrey @mhegre I would sell it but it really isn’t an item that is geared to my buying audience and it wouldn’t fit myself. I would have to resell it at$25 to make my money back. I would if it was an item label or style I vary. If you do not approve and I have to resell I would have to rate you
May 06Reply
sunnyrey @mhegre I purchased the item late last night and the mail or PO Box isn’t opened yet. I left 2 messages early in the am between 3-4am that it was a mistake due to my phone malfunctioning. The mail or PO was not yet opened which leads me to believe you either never checked before your mail carrier or PO was open and you shipped it without checking to make sure all was well and good,
May 06Reply
sunnyrey @mhegre and that customer service and the happiness of the buyer is not a priority but you getting the money is. As I said I dislike giving any negative feedback and try my best to avoid it that’s why I am contacting you over and do over prior to being scanned and now. I would greatly appreciate it . I really need a new phone. And I am truly sorry for this inconvenience
May 06Reply
sunnyrey @mhegre Every Penny I have is important I live on a fixed income and make ends meet by buying and selling certain items. $25 pays for my medication deductible each month and some months I am too sick to even ship items. I am on permanent disability, not something I am proud of or tell others often. I am hoping you can help me on this.
May 06Reply
sunnyrey @mhegre I have another idea as well I can look through your listings and if I find something I like would you be willing to trade the suit back? Thank you for your time
May 06Reply
suzmahoney I absolutely love your fabulous closet! Not to mention your beautiful pup. My daughter trains dogs, she has her wonderful medical alert dog who is a treasured part of our family! I am so happy you visited my closet , I will be sure to visit often
Jun 15Reply
sunnyrey @suzmahoney I have trained K9s for so many things. People are surprised to see a Weimaraner as one and his abilities. Thank you for the compliment if you like please bundle and I will chat and we can come up with a plan so you get what you want At unbelievable prices.🐾
Jun 15Reply
suzmahoney @sunnyrey thank you!!! Same to you😘😘❤️❤️
Jun 15Reply
emersondcloset hi!! noticed u may be interested in stone fox swim.. i have a small NWOT top in my closet -- as well as beach riot, tavik, and vitamin a if ur interested! :)
Jul 02Reply
sunnyrey @haleykcloset I wish I wore a S again. I will check it out, thank you
Jul 03Reply
emersondcloset @sunnyrey ahhh totally understand! My vitamin A is size M if that helps at all :)
Jul 03Reply
emersondcloset @sunnyrey if you're XS though I may not be able to help you out there haha
Jul 03Reply
lillyg11 hi! i saw u liked a ilektra bralette post and i have a bundle of 6 of them that are brand new with tags! the price is super flexible and if ur interested i would love to negotiate :)
Jul 07Reply
laigymnast1234 How do you put something on hold?
Jul 09Reply
styledbydee @sunnyrey Hi there! You have a beautiful closet💕 Please check out mine also.
Jul 17Reply
bootsie9 Hi:) I noticed that you liked several items n my closet...please feel free to bundle and make an offer
Jul 17Reply
slewisnm77 OMG I have a Weimaraner too!! Her name is Jazmine.
Jul 18Reply
sunnyrey @slewisnm77 they it will blow your mind that he is a service dog. Everyone that lies the breed or has/ had one always asks me, how did you get him to do that, lol. Once I was in Walmart and dropped a bag of treats he picked them up and gave them to me. I thought this elderly woman was going to faint, lol
Jul 18Reply
sunnyrey @slewisnm77 love him so much. I had 2 others in my life but not like him. He is unbelievable. I am not saying that because he is mine but because of how he catches on to the smallest signals along with the breeds personality! Gotta love them🐾💕
Jul 18Reply
redbedhead11 hi!I just sent you a discount on the fp bundle you created. let me know and I can ship out today. all the best and stay healthy ❤️
Jul 30Reply
michellelegs @sunnyrey love your baby!🐶
Aug 29Reply
justjenn279 Hey!!! It’s Jenn frm Vinted! I don’t know how or why but I got blocked frm messaging anyone over there!!!!
Sep 21Reply
sunnyrey @justjenn279 I just replied to a message about the black dress
Sep 21Reply
sunnyrey @justjenn279 see if you can message me, or if you got my messages
Sep 21Reply
sunnyrey @justjenn279 did you get my messages?
Sep 21Reply
lauriezshop Daaawwww!!!!💕🐾💕🐾💕
Oct 28Reply
supermarie OMG, thank you for those shares! 🥰🥰🥰
Nov 06Reply
zardiva1 😃😘🐕‍🦺
Dec 04Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉🎉🤗
Feb 19Reply
myblueskydays @sunnyrey @myblueskydays hey sweetie! You are on my like lists! It’s been so long! How are you and your angel doing? I hope all is well! Have a beautiful night! ✌🏼😊💗🌜⭐️💫
May 04Reply
askliser Hi you had wanted and bid on my FrreePeople slip dress (pale pink) well ,the woman who bought it has just reposted it if you want it. Her closet namw is glidad
May 06Reply
sunnyrey @askliser thank you I purchased it ❤️
May 07Reply
hockey113 Hey! Feel free to check out my closet! I have plenty of brands and pieces that I am sure you will love!
Jun 11Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Nov 18Reply
ahnikx Let me guess…besides swf, it looks super familiar to me…I’m in punta gorda..I don’t want to say where I guess those photos are, but for me it’s total dejavue
Dec 17Reply
sunnyrey @ahnikx yep lol ❤️ it, originally from NE OH moved 14 years ago and never looked back lol
Dec 17Reply
sunnyrey @ahnikx I can probably help you find some of those item your looking fo👍❤️🐾
Dec 17Reply
ahnikx @sunnyrey that would be great! Definitely keep me in mind! Thank you
Dec 18Reply
sunnyrey @ahnikx I sure will👍
Dec 18Reply
wwest1635 @sunnyrey - awe! What kind words!! If only ppl were all what they say the world would such a better place!
Mar 12Reply
malvarez1210 Hi, not sure how to send you a photo of a FP items I'm looking for to see if you have one or what it's called. you're like the queen of FP and knows just about all of their items. can you help me post a photo so you can see the item? thanks!!
Mar 15Reply
sunnyrey @malvarez1210 of chores I will take a look for you. Hopefully I can get the name and where, if it can be available 👍
Mar 16Reply
bkrome Hey girly, if you’re interested in the items you liked from my closet, make me an offer you like and I’ll probably accept it 🥰🥰 love your style, and your pup!!
May 01Reply
watsonlilmommy @sunnyrey hello check out my closet see something you like send me a offer and I will help you out bracelets an earrings sets
Jun 28Reply
sportzkutie16 Okay I’ll buy it at $63 if you wanna sell it to me. Thanks the teal blue free people romper size l
Jul 29Reply
rensrevive Beautiful closet! Beautiful dog and owner too! Clothes and dogs are my favorite things(I love my kids and hubby too lol)- I have wheaten terriers- have always loved them. My daughters best friend just got a Weimaraner and named him Lupo- they are strikingly beautiful dogs and so smart- it’s been a pleasure getting to know him!❤️🐾
Jul 30Reply
sunnyrey @rensrevive thank you, he is my Service Dog. I trained dogs for 30 years and when I am out with him everyone that knows the breed or has or had on always stops me and asks, How did you do it? Lol 😂 he is a special Weimaraner for sure. I had 2 others and I wish I could clone him❤️🐾
Jul 30Reply
sunnyrey @sportzkutie16 I apologize but it was sold on another site.
Jul 30Reply
vamaguana16 Hi, your purchase will go out tomorrow morning!🙂🙂
Jul 31Reply
melswilson ❤️🐶
Aug 26Reply
cindyscloset574 Hi Annie Marie, I had made an offer on your Gray Birkenstocks. size 40. I Offered $70 and the discount shipping will expire soon, thanks.. Have a Blessed Day
Aug 28Reply
watsonlilmommy @sunnyrey hello how are you check out my closet see something you interested in send me a offer all offers accepted
Sep 15Reply
watsonlilmommy @sunnyrey hello check out my closet see something you interested in send me a offer thanks
Sep 28Reply
malvarez1210 Hi, hope you're doing well. Is there any way you can show me how to put my listings with an all white background and put lettering on the side like you put Free People? you can email it to me if you want. thanks!
Feb 05Reply
jmaeday You seem like an amazing soul! Stay strong!
Mar 12Reply
sunnyrey @jmaeday thank you, and you as well ❤️
Mar 13Reply
pillowpest Hello neighbor! I live across the bridge from you I Ft Myers! Made an offer on a couple of your items, free People is so awesome for Fla! Thank you! Tammy
Apr 07Reply
worldhippie Hi there!! If you want the boots too I’ll do $130 for both 🙂🌟
Apr 15Reply
malvarez1210 Hi! hope you've been well. I put 3 things in a bundle I'd like to purchase this coming Friday, sooner if I can. Do you still have those items, just want to make sure. Thanks!
Jul 09Reply
cutehosiery @sunnyrey Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 16Reply
southernrockyhi 🌺 Check out my closet for Freebird Free People Guess and boho 💕 And those toenail Rainbows are soo cute 😍
Aug 12Reply
saundrasoloved Hello, can you please cancel purchase. Poshmark is making me wait 7 days b4 I can do it myself. Thank you
Jul 16Reply
mrs_dleo Just dropping in to say THANK YOU for your generous shares!
Sep 06Reply
sunnyrey @mrs_dleo you’re are very welcome 🤗
Sep 07Reply
carolynfritz123 I am trying to discount these tops for you but it won’t let me. How does $35 sound?!
Sep 08Reply
thekillercloset hey do you want the SPANX you liked for $10? if i lower the price today you would get discounted shipping. ill put it in your bundle so you know which one. please reply to this comment if you want it! same day shipping today
Jan 24Reply
dorothymaxey LOVE your closet DO you have the dream big salopette quilted
Feb 11Reply

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