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Updated Jan 06
Updated Jan 06

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Welcome to my closet!!!! I hope you love poshing!! It is so much fun. I am buying right now and plan to start selling again soon!! ****HAPPY POSHING****
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dinofinder @bamagirl017 your closet is incredible!!!! So beautiful!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jan 28Reply
kristikreations @dinofinder Thank you so much!!
Jan 28Reply
kristikreations @rose7940 Thank you so much!!!! Roll Tide!!
Feb 02Reply
kendramcsd Hey girl RTR from Mobile , AL ! I'm a Christian too ! I love Dooney and Bourke !;)
Feb 02Reply
kristikreations @kendramcsd nice to meet you!!! I am fro Montgomery,Al but live 15 minutes in the outskirts in Mathews, Al now. RTR!!
Feb 02Reply
kendramcsd @bamagirl017 I attended Bama in 92 !!!
Feb 02Reply
kristikreations @kendramcsd Cool!! I wish I could say the same but I only went one semester to AUM (Auburn of Montgomery). I got married and preggers so I never went back.
Feb 02Reply
kendramcsd @bamagirl017 well don't feel bad I graduated from Faulkner state and two years, at Bama and never got to go back lol!
Feb 02Reply
kristikreations @kendramcsd Awe!! Girl you have so much college under your belt. You should go back. I wish I could say that I had that much. I am proud of you for getting that much done.
Feb 02Reply
kendramcsd @bamagirl017 I plan on it ! I have a high school junior and senior this year
Feb 02Reply
kendramcsd My niece is getting married the day of our posh weekend !:( I would've love to bern there
Feb 02Reply
kristikreations @kendramcsd Awe! I wish we could meet. My babies are grown now. About to turn 21 and 25. One is married. Feeling old. I am 45 but feel 25 at heart. Have fun at the wedding. They always make me cry! 😂
Feb 03Reply
jjyj2010 I am going to be away from the computer for a bit
Feb 03Reply
jjyj2010 i tried to put my stuff in the party maybe i will get HP but it doesn't look like it
Feb 03Reply
jjyj2010 i am soon will be off to bed
Feb 03Reply
kristikreations @jjyj2010 Me too! Have a great evening!
Feb 03Reply
kristikreations @jjyj2010 For tonight's party?
Feb 03Reply
jjyj2010 yes
Feb 03Reply
kristikreations @jjyj2010 I have shared and shared closets before and didn't get one. It really is hard sometimes though. I had so many people I wanted to give HP's to at my 1st and 2nd party but there are just not enough to go around. I am giving you one at my party.👍🏻
Feb 03Reply
jjyj2010 really?
Feb 03Reply
kristikreations @jjyj2010 Yes!! You deserve it!!
Feb 03Reply
hila808 What a lovely closet! 😘🙌👍
Feb 03Reply
kristikreations @hila808 Thank you so much!!!
Feb 03Reply
seashell1373 Such a beautiful lady, inside and out💕💕💕
Feb 03Reply
kristikreations @seashell1373 Thank you!! How sweet of you to say!! I will share back sometime today. Gonna catch a few more zzz's!! Lol!!!! Hope you have a Wonderful Wednesday!!!
Feb 03Reply
angel3988 @bamagirl017 hi kristi how youve been congrats to you co hosting👍🏼😍😘👌🏽
Feb 07Reply
kristikreations @angel3988 I have been ok. Just not sleeping well. I am about to try to get some sleep in just a few minutes. I have been up ALL night!! Sheesh!!! I hope you are doing well!! I wanted to make sure that I tagged everyone that I am friends with for my party!! 🎉🎉🎉
Feb 07Reply
angel3988 @bamagirl017 yes im doing fine. Take care of yourself always.god bless you and your family
Feb 07Reply
kristikreations @angel3988 God Bless you and yours too!!!!!🙏🅿️
Feb 07Reply
80blueyes Roll Tide!!!
Feb 14Reply
kristikreations @80blueyes Roll Tide!!!!!!!🐘❤️🏈
Feb 15Reply
warrior04 @bamagirl017 Kristi I love your closet, Gorgeous.
Feb 17Reply
kristikreations @warrior04 Thank you so much!! I really appreciate the Posh Love!!😘😘
Feb 17Reply
dixienallen Hello I am Dixie, I love your profile. I hope I see alot of that. Thank you, and God bless
Feb 19Reply
dixienallen @bamagirl017 me too, if feels great . Thank 6our everyone. .God bless
Feb 19Reply
kristikreations @dixienallen Thank you so much!! There are a lot of great ladies here. I have made some good friends!! I think you will really enjoy Poshmark!!!!
Feb 19Reply
nn990 HELLO! Welcome!☺️ Check out my closet share some of my listings and I will share! Every item or items you buy, you get unlisted item or items free along with your purchase😊 Recently there's been a scam account made & I'm on it LOL BUT, I can assure you that all my items are great, well described items! Don't believe me? Check my love notes!! Any further questions? Ask me☺️ I'm 100% a honest seller! If you don't want me "advertising " your closet, just let me know NICELY😝
Feb 19Reply
abstractdreams Love the updo!💋
Feb 20Reply
kristikreations @abstractdreams Thanks! I was just playing with my hair one night and liked it so I took a selfie!! Lol!
Feb 20Reply
flutter_buys Hi! I'm Karen, I don't think we officially met. I like your list above! I am all of them too. Except for # 4! Lol. Thanks for sharing my sale! 💞👍 Have a great night! 😃
Feb 20Reply
kristikreations @kcford24 Nice to meet you Karen!! Yes, I have some weird collections. lol!! I hope you will join my Party listing!! If you already have please excuse the overlook. My feed has been very busy lately. 😊
Feb 20Reply
flutter_buys Hope you feel better! I know how that goes! Have a good night! Nice talking to you! 😃💞
Feb 20Reply
kristikreations @partijessi Nice to meet you too!! Happy Poshing!!🎀
Feb 21Reply
tonyaflavell Are you from alabama? My dad lives in dothan, and calls it bama, thats why i was wondering.
Feb 27Reply
kristikreations @tonyaflavell Yes, that is exactly right!! I am in Alabama. Have been all my life!! Proud Southern girl!! Lol!!!
Feb 27Reply
tonyaflavell @bamagirl017 my husband travels to alabama. Everytime he's there, you get bad weather. The last time was when you got the snow. I told him, they are going to stop letting him come down if he is bringing Ohio weather with him. Lol...He goes to the Honda Plant and trains. I enjoy visiting, its a beautiful state. I love Dothan, because its 2 hrs away from the panama beach.
Feb 28Reply
kristikreations @tonyaflavell we are lucky where we live. We are 3 hrs from Fl and 3 hours from Mobile. Beaches on both sides!! We have crazy weather all the time. One day it is hot and the next day it's cold. 😬
Feb 28Reply
tonyaflavell @bamagirl017 we have the same thing, one day its 68 degree, next it 9. Its very bipolar.
Feb 28Reply
abstractdreams Hope today's a good day hon!💋👍🏽
Mar 09Reply
kristikreations @abstractdreams Starting to feel better. Ty😘
Mar 09Reply
abstractdreams I'm glad. 👍🏽Spring is a rough time for me...💕
Mar 09Reply
kristikreations @abstractdreams When is your daughter going to be on Vampire Diaries?
Mar 10Reply
abstractdreams Idk...unless she knows on set, she often won't hear until pre-production or sometimes right before something airs.😳
Mar 10Reply
rrhaefner @bamagirl017 what a beautiful intro I have been on Poshmark, not active until recently. I cared for my mom for 3 years after her stroke and finally 😞💜and tears had to put her in assisted living. We share high moral values I worked to teach my 5 sons grown now 2 firefighter/paramedics 1 world traveler/volunteer and 2 still in college. I am going through my moms closets and selling Please check out my closet and if you have pointers I would love that I am also a part time student
Mar 10Reply
kristikreations @rrhaefner My son has been married almost 2 yrs and my daughter is getting married in June. We are going wedding dress shopping today. I would love to check your closet out. I am going to take a little snooze first because I didn't get any sleep last night. That hamster wheel in my head just wouldn't stop turning. So much on my mind. Ttyl, have a great day!!
Mar 10Reply
kristikreations @abstractdreams Do you know what part she played?
Mar 10Reply
rrhaefner @bamagirl017 oh how exciting I have one married last summer so much fun. Kinda scary for his new wife him being a firefighter but while raising him he was a bullrider I try to explain how much safer he is but she never saw him through his riding days. Your closet is amazing. Have fun with the shopping those are the best times. Ty
Mar 10Reply
kristikreations @rrhaefner Thanks!! My son is an RN and my daughter will graduate in 1 1/2 yrs. She will be an Early Education Teacher. Her fiancé is a Software Engineer. Sounds like we both have some great kids. I am going to take a snooze now because I was up all night with insomnia. Gotta be alert later today. 👰🏻
Mar 10Reply
abstractdreams I don't.😳Does that make me a bad mom? Lol. She does so much, I can't keep track. And the new info replaces the old in my addled brain.👎🏽I'm meeting her today for lynch/shopping while she's in town briefly, I'll try to remember to ask. Mary @marykat told me she saw a commercial for Containment tho! April 19 air date, she's in ep 10. I have no idea why I remembered that!😆
Mar 10Reply
abstractdreams Lunch...not lynch. Damn autocorrect!
Mar 10Reply
kristikreations @abstractdreams ok yay!! I will check it out. I hate auto-correct sometimes. Going wedding dress shopping at 4:00 today for my daughter. I am so excited. Gonna take a nap now because I was up all night. My brain just wouldn't turn off. Have fun and I will talk with you soon!!!😘
Mar 10Reply
marykat @abstractdreams 💕 Lol Hi ladies! I have been flipping channels since we talked about it Linda! I'm thinking I might have seen it in a magazine!😱🙃
Mar 10Reply
dianabless @bamagirl017 could you give advice on doing holds !
Mar 11Reply
kristikreations @dianabless Yes. Don't do a hold unless the person has been with Poshmark for at least 6 months and has a record of good sells and/or a good buying record. You need something to base your decisions on and that would be key.
Mar 11Reply
pastelsky lovely picture PFF
Mar 15Reply
kristikreations @pastelsky Thank you so much!!😘
Mar 15Reply
maidmarian Woohoooooo✨✨✨👯👯👯👯👯✨👯✨👯 Can't wait to hang out with u Kristi!💞 (party listing is full)❤️❤️❤️❤️
Mar 21Reply
joyamarino Great party theme🌸. Looking forward to sharing your host picks tonight. If you have a few host picks left please check out these ladies amazing posh compliant closets @justice10forme @rnicu00 🌸. Party tonight YAY🎉🎉🍾. Your party listing is full so I hope it is ok that I sent this tag on this listing.... Have fun tonight😘
Mar 21Reply
blissfulshopper Congrats on your party!!!!🎊🎊🎊🎊🎉🎉🎉💕 Please take a peek in my closet for HP's! Thank you!💕
Mar 21Reply
haute2wear Hello @bamagirl017 🙋🏽! Congrats on co hosting your party tonight 🍾🎉! I'll definitely see what i can get my hands on🛍. I would really appreciate if you had a chance to check out my closet for some host picks😍. Enjoy a 15% off anything you want from my closet☺️💖 @gabriellapaixon
Mar 21Reply
kcb5114 Good luck at your party tonight!
Mar 21Reply
broketoboujee Hey Congrats on hosting AGAIN! You totally deserve it. I love your closet! Please consider my closet when looking for a host pick tonight! I've got NWT free people, clover canyon, Steve Madden, and Wildfox! Thanks ✌🏼️
Mar 22Reply
solangelababe It is a pleasure to meet you, pretty lady! God Bless You!😊❤️👍🏻
Mar 22Reply
peacehopelove I am not upset, I am just curious why southernchic got so so many host picks. I am just curious. Thank you.
Mar 22Reply
kimsthings Your stunning gf!!!😍✨😍✨😘
Mar 22Reply
kristikreations @kimsthings Thank you sweetie!!!!
Mar 22Reply
kristikreations @peacehopelove It was a mistake. I accidentally shared her whole closet to the Party not thinking that they would all show up as HP's. I should have shared to followers only. A big OMG when I realized it!! I already contacted @natashawon to let her know I made an error tonight. So sorry!!!😬😬😬😬😬😬
Mar 22Reply
kristikreations @natashawon I sent you an apology through Poshmark email to you about the error I made tonight when sharing. I shared too many of someone's items thinking that I was NOT sharing them to the HP section but just to the party. It gets a little confusing. I guess as a host I just shouldn't share anything else but my HP's so that way I won't make that error again. I feel really bad about it.
Mar 22Reply
peacehopelove I wondered if that is what happened. No biggie! ! I was simply curious. Some very nice host picks!! Don't get down about it. These kinds of things happen. 💕Amy
Mar 22Reply
kristikreations @peacehopelove I hope you understand. It was not intentional. She was only to get 2 HP's. It was an honest mistake. One I won't make again. I just wasn't thinking when I went to share her closet. Just by me sharing her items to the party they all went in as HP's. I was finished with giving out HP's way before it happened. Normally when your not a Host you can shared whatever you want to the party. CONT.......,....
Mar 22Reply
kristikreations @peacehopelove CONT...........I just totally forgot that being a Host tonight I could not share like normal. I feel rotten about what happened. I am sooooo sorry. I would never intentionally give anyone more than 3 to 5. I didn't even give myself any HP's tonight so I could give them to others.
Mar 22Reply
peacehopelove Please don't beat yourself up! I have seen other hosts make mistakes too. It happens. 99.9% of us support you and would never criticize you for it. Please don't blow it up in your mind. We all understand and are happy for southernchic :-). Please try to get your mind off of it and relax. The host pics were great, and the party a success! 💕Amy
Mar 22Reply
elevenroses This is a Beautiful Picture of You !! 💕
Mar 22Reply
kristikreations @peacehopelove Your very sweet!! I just feel kinda dumb since this is my 3rd party co-hosting. 😳😳😳
Mar 22Reply
peacehopelove Please don't feel that way! You know, I bet hardly anyone even noticed! I am a detailed person, so I notice things like that. But I am not upset at all. You really had some nice host pics! Try to get some sleep. Don't even think about it. You are not dumb. ALL of us make mistakes everyday! What's nice about the dedicated poshers, we are a loving group of people, and would not be upset. So be at peace 💞Amy
Mar 22Reply
kristikreations @elevenroses Thank you Lisa!!! I am planning my daughter's wedding basically by myself so I have been a little stressed and tired lately. I need to get myself together. We have someplace to be everyday starting Wed until Sun. It is fun but very tiring!! I am making the invitations and RSVP cards myself because I can make them look just as good as a printer shop can. But 3 months is not enough time to plan a wedding. I honestly will be glad when it's over. Going to bed now.😘
Mar 22Reply
kristikreations @peacehopelove Thank you!!! 😍
Mar 22Reply
elevenroses Well, Congratulations Kristi !! I am sure everything will be wonderful !! Wishing your daughter & her husband the very best !! G'nite & sleep well !! xo
Mar 22Reply
peacehopelove @bamagirl017 YW! And BTW, i just noticed you are a sister in the Lord. I will pray that you will have peace and not worry. XO in Him, Amy
Mar 22Reply
kristikreations @peacehopelove Yes I am!!! I love Jesus my Savior!!! My daughter is getting married in 3 months and I am her wedding planner. I am making the invitations and RSVP card myself so I have a lot going on upstairs, if you know what I mean. Lol!!! God will see me through it all. I just need his strength and patience. You have a fabulous evening. I just don't want to make anyone upset tonight with my error. Nite nite!!!! 😴💤💤💤😘💐
Mar 22Reply
peacehopelove Wow! You've got alot on your plate! The Lord will help you get it all done if He is put first. He will bless you! Have a wonderful day. XO
Mar 22Reply
kristikreations @peacehopelove Thank you! God bless!
Mar 22Reply
peacehopelove You, too!!😘
Mar 22Reply
p1nked4evr @bamagirl017 wow, kind of funny how many of the things on your list we have in common! Although, honestly I'm still working on the last part of #5.
Mar 22Reply
kristikreations @p1nked4evr It can be challenging. I deal with depression so it is a constant battle. I have to just remember that I have it better than so many other people in the world. Being positive isn't always an easy thing to do.😏
Mar 22Reply
p1nked4evr @bamagirl017 I was an always on the go beyond social energetic person all of my life until 4 1/2 years ago when that all came to a screeching halt after a pretty bad car accident. Because my injuries aren't visible it seems many don't understand why I'm not the old me anymore. I too struggle with depression thanks to the never ending pain yo-yo. But today's a good day and God has sent the sun to brighten my spirits😊
Mar 22Reply
kristikreations @p1nked4evr I had a bladder disease for years until I had a total bladder removal. People never understood because it was an invisible disease. It does hurt emotionally when those we love don't get it. Believe me I know. I deal with other health issues now and they still don't understand that I have little energy. It can be frustrating.
Mar 22Reply
djsmithgall What a wonderful thing to come across a true believer! So nice to meet you! I may take you up on your offer for help sometime! I've been posting since mid February and have had about 12 sales so far.not sure if that's behind or normal amounts. I plan on listing more and more my closets are bursting, but felt I had to get a handle on organizing the data first, getting a system in place! I also have 2 dogs❣👛👠💍👚👖👗💋💄👜👙🕶🖥🖨🛍❣
Mar 23Reply
kristikreations @djsmithgall Actually to be just starting out that is pretty good. The more you have the more sales but also there are lulls. I may have a sale everyday for a week and then go 3 weeks with none. The more followers you have the better too. You make more sales the more involved you get in Poshmark. Nice to meet you too!! 🌷🌸💗
Mar 23Reply
kristikreations @djsmithgall And of course share ALOT!! I will share back as soon as I can. Not feeling to well tonight and going to try to go to bed early tonight. I was up very late last night!! Have an awesome night!! God bless
Mar 23Reply
dnrcloset You have such a cute closet! Do you have any tips for selling??
Mar 28Reply
maggie_pie Love your closet! Congratulations on your daughter's wedding! Many good wishes!!
Mar 28Reply
kristikreations @maggie_pie Thank you!!!💕
Mar 28Reply
kristikreations @dnrcloset Thank you so much!! Do all the follower games. The more followers the more your closet gets shared. Share your own closet as much as you can. Go to Posh parties and congratulate other's on their host picks and share their host pick to the parties. Share, share and share!! Welcome new posher's to the Poshmark community. I hope this helps!! Happy Poshing!!😊💕💐
Mar 28Reply
dannicanonz Thanks for the follow 😊 I'm very new to selling on posh so it was awesome to read your tip above! How does mentoring work? I feel like you'd be a great mentor - I have so much in my closet I don't know what to do! And it's probably not even that much haha
Mar 29Reply
kristikreations @dnrcloset Thx!! Basically if you have any questions feel free to ask. A mentor just helps you along the way. Anytime you need advice I would be more than happy to help. Your closet looks really good. 😊👍🏻🌸
Mar 29Reply
kristikreations @dannicanonz I will tell you though that Poshmark does not support any plush animals or pet clothing. Just a tip because they can close your closet for any unsupported items. You might want to read through the Poshmark guidelines. Your pictures are taken really well. I will help you in any way I can.
Mar 29Reply
dannicanonz Thank you so much :) ! I totally missed that! I thought it was just men's clothing or used makeup? 😅I will give it another read through!
Mar 29Reply
lulabites I love hello kitty too. I love your pink closet!
Apr 01Reply
kristikreations @lulabites Thank you!!!💐
Apr 01Reply
adrienne68 Roll Tide Roll Beautiful!
Apr 01Reply
kristikreations @adrienne68 Awe, Thank you!! Your the beautiful one! Roll Tide!
Apr 01Reply
hmcfall7788 Just added new items :-) Next hour only ....JEANS $12 SHIRTS $6!!!!!
Apr 17Reply
yazmaiyosef Very nice to meet you ❤️❤️
Apr 17Reply
kristikreations @yazmaiyosef Nice to meet you too!! Drop by anytime!! 👍🏻😊💕💐
Apr 17Reply
henhenbear @bamagirl017 wow Kristi! I love what you stand for.. I would love for you to have the Kate spade watch. I'm sure u know posh takes so much from our sales and I have these at the lowest price now.. But I have merc with no fee and am willing to work with you there if interested :) I have great ratings in both sites
Apr 20Reply
kristikreations What is your closet name?
Apr 20Reply
kristikreations @henhenbear what is your closet name?
Apr 20Reply
henhenbear @bamagirl017 same as posh. Search Kate spade watch and it's the fourth listing. Having flash sale $125 :)
Apr 20Reply
carolynqx @bamagirl017 nice to meet u
Apr 27Reply
kristikreations @carolynqx Thank you very much!! 😊💐
Apr 27Reply
carolynqx @bamagirl017 thanks for shares
Apr 27Reply
artsunnyh I love your hair Kristi!! :D Have a great day <3
Apr 27Reply
kristikreations @artsunnyh Thank you so much!!💕😊
Apr 27Reply
gingerginger Beautiful lady, God bless you always.
Apr 29Reply
kristikreations @gingerginger Thank you so much!!😊
Apr 30Reply
gingerginger @bamagirl017 you're welcome, I also lowered the dress u wanted.
Apr 30Reply
janellno5 I love all that youve introduced about yourself!! I didnt get past the first two listings and I stopped and thought Ive got to meet this Posher!! My granddaughter would love looking at this with me and she's 4!!! Lol But there was sooo much more than someone who likes Hello Kitty!! Hahaha I so look forward to crossing paths!! 💃💃💃
May 14Reply
kristikreations @janellno5 Thank you so much!!! You are so sweet. I have 2 grown children myself. My son has been married 2 yrs and my daughter will be married June 25th. I am so ready for Grandbabies!! Right now my dogs are the babies. Lol!! It is really nice to meet you!! 💐🌸💕🌷💐
May 14Reply
discount1 Krisit thank you for the follow and congratulations I so happy for your daughter hope will be special for both of you! wonderful pictures and closet and philosophy too! hope your mom day was special and also so happy for you be co host and suggested user and posh mentor! You love GOD and animals so you truly beautiful people bless you and your family have great day! my new Alabama friend I live in Southern California
May 14Reply
kristikreations @discount1 So nice to meet you!! I would love to see Cali one day!!! I have always heard that it is beautiful!! Thank you for your sweet comments!! You made my day!! I had a fabulous Mother's Day!! I hope you did as well!!! God bless!! 💕Kristi💕
May 14Reply
discount1 Krisit sorry about your disability but despite that you have very positive outlook on life that is inspiring hope your daughter's wedding will go off perfect and be a blessed and beautiful event !my mom actually in heaven a is dad but visited her grave last Sunday staff help me make her card too! I have disability too but high function hope someday you can come California would be blessed meet your family too! I have cold talking to you brighten my day thank and bless you!
May 14Reply
janellno5 You are going to LOVE having grandbabies!!! I felt just like you do and all my friends already had grandbabies and I wanted them!!!! Hahaha My daughters both got married in their late 30s so I was really behind 😝 Anyway it will happen and you are going to have a chapter in life thats going to be a joy that is indescribable!!! AND I will be around to share your happiness 🌸🌸🌸
May 15Reply
kristikreations @janellno5 I really am looking forward to the grandbabies!! I'm excited for the future. I want a baby to play with. 😊 For now I will have to settle for my fur babies🐾🐶🐾. I feel like I will be an awesome grandma. I will get to spoil them rotten!! Lol!! Ttys 💐
May 16Reply
kristikreations I tried texting you at this number but haven't received a response.
May 23Reply
gressot I like your signs. Where do you get them?Thank you, Pam
Jun 07Reply
kristikreations @gressot Which ones? The ones in this listing I made myself.
Jun 07Reply
carolinagurl09 When you can , could you make a lung cancer bracelet?
Jul 02Reply
kristikreations @cyndy_bennett sure. What color ribbon?
Jul 02Reply
kristikreations @cyndy_bennett Ok, I will make you one. I just need to order the ribbon.
Jul 02Reply
tmc3526 Oh. Hi honey!! Happy to see you back! Your daughter looks so beautiful in her wedding pics! Missed you 😘
Jul 15Reply
kristikreations @tmc3526 Hi girl!!!! Yes, I am back! Been tough with her moving 3 hrs away. I have been very down. Thanks for the compliments on the pics!!!!! 😘
Jul 15Reply
margaret_herz Roll have a blessed your Closet !!! !
Jul 17Reply
lala4785 Roll Tide Roll!!❤🏈🐘🏈❤ From the most southern tip! 👇🐬🦀🐚⛱🌊⬇
Aug 02Reply
kristikreations @margaret_herz Just saw this!! Thanks and Roll Tide!!!!
Aug 03Reply
kristikreations @lala4785 Lucky Girl! Your closer to the ocean!! Roll Tide!!!!
Aug 03Reply
lala4785 @bamagirl017 Yeah, I'm pretty close...30 minutes to get to Dauphin Island, about an hour or little more depending on traffic to Gulf Shores.
Aug 03Reply
kayfears50 Roll Tide!!!🏈🏈🏈
Aug 26Reply
kristikreations @kayfears50 Roll Tide!!! My daughter just got married and moved to Huntsville. She loves it there. It is a really pretty place to live.
Aug 26Reply
kayfears50 That's great. I hope they will be very happy!
Aug 26Reply
sammyrose86 Hi! @bamagirl017 Thank you so much for following me! Question: how do I get more Followers? I joined about 9 Days ago and I have just about 1,000 I'm constantly posting and joining parties. Any advice would help and much appreciated! Best, Sammy
Sep 16Reply
kristikreations @sammyrose86 The best way to get more followers is to as to join in on "new follower games". I get tags from @rnicu00. If you ask to join her tag list you will be amazed at how fast you get new followers. I hope this helps and I wish you many sales!!! 😊
Sep 16Reply
sammyrose86 @bamagirl017 thank you!! Does this mean like her pages that states "like here" and she will tag me?
Sep 16Reply
sammyrose86 Just saw your post I'm an trying the now! Thanks!! 😄
Sep 16Reply
kristikreations @sammyrose86 Yes, just join her tag list on her page.👍🏻
Sep 16Reply
sammyrose86 @bamagirl017 Thank you, You're the last question might sound silly by "tag" you mean share? ☺️
Sep 16Reply
kristikreations @sammyrose86 Share and a comment with about three people's closet names.
Sep 16Reply
sammyrose86 Got it! 👍🏼
Sep 16Reply
kellidavis05 Kristi, hey stranger! Long time, no talk! How have you been? I just saw your message abt the Coach bag that I have listed. I'm more than happy to work something out! I couldn't find the bag in your closet that you were wanting to trade. Tag me when you get the chance! XO -Kelli :)
Oct 14Reply
kristikreations @kellidavis05 Hi!! Just been really busy.🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ My daughter got married👰🏼. My Mom got sick and was in the hospital in ICU🏩🙍🏻. She is on the mend now🙂. Trying to get back into the swing of things😳. I ended up trading the purse already but I do appreciate you looking😍. Hope all has been well with you💕!! I hope to be around more now!😁🤗🤗🤗 Miss all of my Poshmark friends!!!👭👭👭👭
Oct 14Reply
johannab2 Hi Kristi! Thanks for visiting my closet. I can't trade the Coach purse as it was my Mom's. She is in a nursing home now with my Dad so I am making her a little money for her haircuts, sets and perms. You and your daughter are both beautiful! I hope your Mom continues to get better. I know how stressful that can be! Hope you can get back into the Poshmark Swing of things. It is definitely work!
Oct 21Reply
luvluckylou Thank you for all the posh love ❣❣❣
Oct 22Reply
kristikreations @luvluckylou Thank you right back!!!🤗🤗🤗
Oct 22Reply
poshgarden Roll Tide🎉🎈🎊👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Oct 23Reply
ravensnation310 Hi I'm Karen pleasure to meet you! I love your post and it could be the same post for me! I read alot of your conversations on here, and saw you were talking about invisible diseases --I have Fibromyalgia and tend to suffer depression at times as well! I love your closet! I have 2 Chihuahuas also I need to post pics. Thanks for following me, and I'm happy 2 share!
Oct 23Reply
kristikreations @ravensnation310 It's nice to meet you too!! I deal with the invisibility of my Neuropathy everyday. People can think that you are feeling and looking great just by giving them a smile. They don't understand that just because you smile at them doesn't mean your not in excruciating pain or that you are feeling very weak. If you smile well then everything is right as rain. Right?????? NOT. That is one scenario. Cont......
Oct 23Reply
kristikreations @ravensnation310 Or you walk into a store but first you park in a handicap spot with your placard in the window. You walk in and you have people stare, make rude comments like she's not disabled, she can walk. There's nothing wrong with her, just look at her. What they don't see is that every part of your body is aching and taking a lot out of you. By the time you get home you feel like you just ran a marathon. CONT........
Oct 23Reply
kristikreations @ravensnation310 When dealing with Interstitial Cystitis (disease of the lining of the bladder).... that each step you take when going into the store is excruciating pain but you have to go in because your child needs milk. Anyway, you see my point. I went through feeling like my disease of the bladder is just invisible. My Neuropathy and the aching all over that no one could see it was invisible. BUT only to others. CONT...
Oct 23Reply
kristikreations @ravensnation310 So it can be frustrating at times because we know how we feel but unless you have the words (I AM IN PAIN) written across your forehead then you are just fine. There is no cast, no brace, nothing to visually show someone because the pain is inside. Should we have to explain to everyone every detail of our lives "NO". CONT....
Oct 23Reply
kristikreations @ravensnation310 So to me living with an illness inside your body that has no outward visual awareness that someone else can see means that you simply just like to take parking spots away from handicap people. CONT.....
Oct 23Reply
kristikreations @ravensnation310 NO NO NO NO!!!!! You have a handicap too. We just have to learn to not let it get us down or offend us because they are judging us based on Ignorance. Ignorance that some people may look ok on the outside but not be ok on the inside. So we in society are way to quick to judge a book by it's cover. It can have a beautiful cover. But what is inside is ravaged with a lot of pain or weakness. CONT........
Oct 23Reply
kristikreations @ravensnation310 And could be many things. Some are Cancer, Neuropathy, Arthritis, Excruciating bladder pain or any number of other ailments. We need to all be more mindful of others!!! I am done now going on and on I promise!!! Thank you for chatting!!!! ❤️Kristi
Oct 23Reply
ravensnation310 @bamagirl017 hi good morning Kristi, oh you so get it! I have Osteoarthritis in my hands, diagnosed just 3 months ago--yes the pain all over our bodies! I had Endometriosis, had to have total Hysterectomy 4 year's ago due to the pain n cysts--that I'm so thankful for--I planned my life around my period--bed ridden 2 days a month--sick with it since age 13! I have very bad hot flashes--I'll take that over that pain! I'm so sorry your going through so much as well!
Oct 23Reply
ravensnation310 And if you don't have a similar diagnosis you don't get it! Yep the stares--hate it--! Anytime you wanna chat I'd be happy to give you my number! Big hugs..❤❤
Oct 23Reply
sondra_hill @bamagirl017 Hi from a fellow Alabamian. :) I have no clue where Mathews, AL is tho.
Oct 31Reply
kristikreations @sondra_hill It is right outside of Montgomery, Al. It is in Montgomery County.
Oct 31Reply
sondra_hill @bamagirl017 Ooooh. I know where that is. I'm about 45 mins North of you. :)
Oct 31Reply
kristikreations @sondra_hill Yes, I have been through Alabaster before. We are only 15 minutes out of city limits. We live in the country on 20 acres. It's very pretty here. I grew up in Montgomery.
Oct 31Reply
sondra_hill @bamagirl017 Awesome. Nice to "meet" you. ♡
Oct 31Reply
kristikreations @sondra_hill Nice to meet you as well!! 😁
Oct 31Reply
lala4785 🏈🐘Roll Tide from Mobile!!🐘🏈
Nov 09Reply
kristikreations @lala4785 Roll Tide!!!!🐘❤️🏈
Nov 09Reply
daintyox @bamagirl017 hello! I love your brown Leather bag. Are you firm on $85? 😊
Nov 11Reply
kristikreations @daintyox No, I'm not. You can make me an offer through the offer button and we can negotiate the price.
Nov 11Reply
cigi36 Hi! We match almost exactly according to your list! Lol! However I don't have the jackihiahua! Lol! Nice to meet you! 🎄
Dec 22Reply
cigi36 And ps. Geaux LSU! Sorry im alumni! Can't help it! We miss nick saban so bad!
Dec 22Reply
kristikreations @cigi36 Hi!! I actually like LSU!!!! I will always be a Bama fan over LSU but I always hope that ya'll will whoop Auburn!! Lol!!!
Dec 23Reply
bbreving Hey girl! I just posted a listing for an authentic pair of Tory Burch sunglasses if you're still looking! They're so gorgeous and at a STEAL of a price!
Dec 23Reply
fivetenandahalf Hi Kristi - thanks for following my closet, yours is great! I hope you see things in my closet you love! Be well
Jan 27Reply
kristikreations @fivetenandahalf Thx!! You have a lovely closet as well!!
Jan 27Reply
poshtaaastic Thanks for following me Happy Poshing
Feb 27Reply
hmsimon1 Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Feb 27Reply
kristikreations @hmsimon1 Your welcome!!! I made some of my own jewelry also!!! 💗💗💗
Feb 27Reply
cooljademorning @kristikreations .. thank u 4 the like! 🌺😊🌺
Feb 28Reply
lisarickard No I'm bigger than you I can tell by looking at your face
Mar 04Reply
kristikreations @lisarickard Awe, well I will be adding more items soon. I have a couple more dress to add. Is that what you are looking for?
Mar 04Reply
lisarickard Yes summer dresses capris casual tops
Mar 04Reply
lynnk4 @kristikreations Wishing you many sales and fun shopping! Check out my closet! 😜
Mar 09Reply
susanmathews @kristikreations @susanmathews Hello Doll 😙😙, just wanted to introduce myself ,a newbie to PM , I am still in the process of setting my closet up ,just 2wks ago & still learning all the ropes too .So much to learn & so time consuming setting it up for first time I have discovered ,lol Whhewww !!🙃🙃 The pic thing I"m trying get hang of & the set ups for it & all these,apps for making cute closet ads ,I havent a clue about ,lol ,tech savvy I am having to learn as I go .
Mar 15Reply
susanmathews @kristikreations @susanmathews Hello Doll At 51 yo my Grandson is teaching me some ,lol & he is only 9yo . 😲😲I too am retired early from RN Nurse if 22 yrs on disability , and having to RE-Invent my life, career & starting a new chapter I have discovered in my life . One I'm def having to get used to . If were not for prayers & God above some days would b beyond doable ,
Mar 15Reply
susanmathews @kristikreations @susanmathews OH YES !! BTW ::another factor , I am a Christian , Love Jesus & Worship God whole heartedly . 😇😇😇I noticed you were from Mathew, Al. Of which I have NEVER heard of b4 (???) Caught my eye ,1) my last name Mathew ( also spelled with one "T" & 2) I'm from Birmingham, Al as well . So hello neighbor !!
Mar 15Reply
susanmathews @kristikreations @susanmathews Hope to talk more & sure I will b asking many questions from a pro such as,yourself , CONGRATS on your daughters wedding, I remember how that was with my own . Much love, hugs & blessings 💄👠Susan🕶👜
Mar 15Reply
kristikreations @susanmathews Hi Susan!! Please forgive me as I totally missed your message. I don't know how but probably just my brain fog. 😳. Thank you for stopping in to chat. I have a lot of respect for nurses. You have a lot of hard work dealing with patients. I too had to stop working because of my disabilities. Cont......
Mar 22Reply
kristikreations @susanmathews cont.....I am not much younger than you but feel about 80 at times. I just started walking with a neighbor and boy is it hard!!!!!! I am definitely a seasoned Posher. If you have any questions feel free to ask!!
Mar 22Reply
solangelababe Hello. I'm so happy to meet a new posh Sister! We have a lot in common! Best wishes to you! 😘❤🙏Solangelababe
Mar 29Reply
lucyandjack55 Wow!!!! Thank you so much for choosing my blouse as a host pick! I just started my closet this past month and I am having so much fun. Thanks again! I appreciate it.
Apr 29Reply
karissapg If you're interested In anything let me know and I can make you a bundle deal!!:)
Jun 04Reply
kaceyscloset1 @kristikreations if you would like to buy the bra,purse and sandals you can send me an offer and I will accept it as long as it's a decent price for all 3 items 😁
Jun 05Reply
kristikreations @kaceykreiser Thx but can't make an offer at this time. :)
Jun 05Reply
twoeyedhexe @kristikreations Hello 🌷 You are gorgeous! Thank you for sharing a little bit of yourself! So far I seem to only come across people who are beautiful inside & outside!
Jun 21Reply
kristikreations @twoeyedhexe awe! Thank you so much. What a lovely thing to say. You sound like your the same way to me. I have met so many awesome women here at Poshmark. I have met a few of them at an event. Very fun times!! So very nice to meet you!!! 💕
Jun 21Reply
cindipr @kristikreations Help There! Your twins are precious! They are the best gift our kids can give us! Enjoy and congrats to you! AND of course....happy poshing!
Aug 13Reply
kristikreations @cindipr Thank you!!! They are very special!!!💕💕💕
Aug 14Reply
zuzumarket - Howdy Sister!🕊 Happy Happy Wednesday!!!😁🐪
Oct 25Reply
mrsgreenejeans Hi Kristi! I know you’re on vacation, but I just wanted to share that I have the SAME “10 Things About Me” List as you do (except for Hello Kitty). 😂 I’m also disabled and getting ready to start listing in my closet. I would love any advice you can give me, because I know I can trust you. ☺️ I hope you’re having a great vacation! God Bless You!
Jan 10Reply
fionaandnoel A lot of the items on your page says not for sale? As I was gonna share
Jan 26Reply
meme2626 CUTE PIC, I’m looking at your Items,There’s No Prices??❣️
Mar 01Reply
meme2626 💁🏼‍♀️OK just saw You R on Vacay, I’ll keep looking Dear
Mar 01Reply
meme2626 💁🏼‍♀️Well Hon, I’m too big & too old for any of your GOODIES😐But I’ll certainly work with you on Anything YOU want from mine, I’ll put Things you know you DEFINITELY NEED😘 I do Offer 25% OFF TO BUNDLES OVER 125. We can work with each other for which ones you gotta have, Girl❣️❣️❣️
Mar 01Reply
meme2626 😍Sweet Friend, I know OUR INVISIBLE PAINS DON’T SHOW, but WE ALL KNOW HOW MUCH EVERYTHING HURTS, all the time,I’m with YOU ALL, We all need 🙏🏻 PRAYER, We can only Pray for BETTER DAYS You are in mine Sweet Girl💙;💙
Mar 01Reply
kristikreations @meme2626 Oh, I will take my closet off of vacay so you can see prices.
Mar 01Reply
kristikreations @meme2626 Thank you so much. I am so very sorry for your loss. I can’t even imagine the emotional pain that you are feeling. I told my hubby that emotional pain is often times worse than physical pain. You and your family will be in my prayers.💕🙏🏻
Mar 01Reply
meme2626 🌸I looked at your Closet my Dear, & it shows the price of each listing as I went to it, Nothing fits me, but I’m willing to work with you on your ‘Must Haves’ On your Minnetonka Shoes, I’m I’m reducing & Lowering Shipping now, if you’d 💜to have them, I’ll be glad to hold on to items for a week or 2. Just let me know your wishes. Going to The Minnie’s now💜
Mar 01Reply
kristikreations @meme2626 What size do you need? I may have them but just not listed yet.
Mar 01Reply
meme2626 THANK YOU VERY MUCH DEAR, My Only Daughter & Granddaughter & I need PRAYEE. ALSO HIS Dad, He’s the one who found him 🙏🏻💙🙏🏻
Mar 01Reply
meme2626 😻I’ve actually grown to a 1X since all this has happened, my Daughter & I Both. We are just starting the New Keto Diet, So Hopefully i wont stay this size. Trying not to buy Clothes that fit now, Hopefully we’ll slim down a little. Thanks so much, Sweet Friend ❣️
Mar 01Reply
kristikreations @meme2626 you got it. ♥️🙏🏻♥️ Prayers for all of you. What a devastating way for him to find his son. My heart is 💔 for you. He is now with God and watching over you all. May God’s loving arms wrap you with comfort. 😢
Mar 01Reply
kristikreations @meme2626 ok, let me see what I would like to bundle. May have to use my card.
Mar 01Reply
2470osterbur Hi, hun I received the purse but the dress was not in there? Did you send it separately?
Apr 06Reply
kristikreations @2470osterbur It’s inside the purse.
Apr 06Reply
2470osterbur @kristikreations lol Thank you so much!!
Apr 06Reply
kristikreations @2470osterbur Thank you! Hope you enjoy them!!😁💕
Apr 06Reply
thatgurlblake Hi Girl! So great connecting with you on posh! I’m brand new and just learning the ropes but I definitely have comes to come that’s unlisted as of now. Brands such as Victoria secret, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Hermès, David Yurman, Electronics (laptop, beats headphones), Rag n Bone, Joe Jeans, Jcrew, Fossil, Apple products, Kate Spade I am clearing out my closet and most items are brand new or in great condition! So stay tuned and I will definitely be looking at your awesome closet love it!
May 02Reply
kristikreations @thatgurlblake Thank you for stopping by. If you are ever interested in doing a trade let me know. I hope your loving Posh so far. Have a GREAT day!!!!!!
May 02Reply
sheybaae Hi! I was looking at a Kat4e Spade purse and noticed you offered to trade purses with them because you were interested in the purse. I dont want to interfere in the trade but it looked to me like they were no interested. I have the same purse and its brand new. Are you still interested in trading Kate spade purses??
May 07Reply
kristikreations @sheybaae I’m sorry but I don’t have anymore Kate Spade. Thank you though.
May 08Reply
shegunmed @kristikreations Hi 💖. I m willing to sell 3 items for $55. Pls add 3 items of your choice from my closet in a bundle and submit the offer of $55. I will accept it. You can buy as many $55 bundle as possible. Also take note of sold or reserved items. Pls let me know your decision.
Jun 20Reply
lovemariac Thanks for your interest. I would love for you to revisit my closet. I am very easy to work with and would love to earn your business Greetings from Nashville, TN.
Jul 16Reply
markmeposh Hi, I tried to bundle discount the two items you liked, but I think the app only lets the buyer create a bundle. Regardless, thanks for looking -- and hope you have a great day!
Aug 21Reply
sleon382 Hi im sheldon with the polo boots I also have Ed hardy jeans, shoes, and a sweat jacket
Sep 25Reply
annmahrii I want to stop what I was doing and thank you! I see that you liked an item in my closet! If you should have any questions, reasonable offered are considered and measurements can be made upon request. I hope you enjoy yourself using your creativity in posting those items you plan to sell now and in the future. Gain so many followers and follow as many as you possibly can! Keep Smiling and Keep on Poshing!
Oct 07Reply
poppypetalsbtq Love the bike!🧡🏍 Sandy 😎✌🏼
Oct 16Reply
rissylayne Welcome good luck poshing!
Nov 11Reply
foundbyfran Thank you for liking my listing! I will be clearing out my closet at the end of the year! Everything must go! And every purchase comes with a free gift! 😊 If you find anything else bundle it for more discount and still a free gift!
Nov 23Reply
believeinhope Pretty closet👍😀
Feb 24Reply
kristikreations @believeinhope Thank you so much!!
Mar 09Reply
carolinagurl09 How have you been???
Jul 25Reply
Mar 11Reply
fancyflea_ Hi good morning🌸I’m Karen. I’m reaching out today to invite you to visit my closet. It is my hope you’ll like some things enough to keep me on your radar when shopping the Poshmark site. I carry a range of items from new handbags to current affordable clothing. Come on by and take a peek✨✨Enjoy the day!
Jul 07Reply
coppergirl101 Gorgeous listings! Wishing you much happiness and mega sales. Arlene
Aug 01Reply
kristikreations @barbie5801 let mr know when you have closet clear out. I would love to be the first to know.
Dec 14Reply
kristikreations @coppergirl101 thx!! You too!! Merry Christmas 🎄
Dec 14Reply
tiff101809 @kristikreations Please check out my closet
Jan 12Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy New Year. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  Adding new stuff weekly
Jan 21Reply
marissa__andrea @kristikreations Hiiiiii! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by my closet! Don’t forget to create a bundle and save! 2+ items you’ll receive 10% off your bundle! Only found one thing you like? Make a reasonable offer! Happy Shopping! 🙂
Sep 17Reply
watsonlilmommy @kristikreations hello check out my closet if you see anything you like send me a offer an I will help you out
Mar 15Reply
watsonlilmommy @kristikreations hello how are you check out my closet see something you like send me a offer an I will help you out
Jun 29Reply
watsonlilmommy @kristikreations hello how are you check out my closet see something you like send me a offer all offers are accepted have some beautiful bracelets set you maybe interested in as well ❤️‍🩹
Jul 20Reply
watsonlilmommy @kristikreations hello how are you doing check out my closet see something you like send me a offer all offers accepted
Aug 30Reply
watsonlilmommy @kristikreations hello how are you doing check out my closet see something you like send me a offer all offers are accepted
Sep 03Reply
charleshamil280 Your so beautiful 😍
Nov 05Reply
jcrewlovers @kristikreations Hi there! I am closing my closet and offering huge discount for bundles and tons of free items listings if you would be interested checking out my closet to see anything you like, please bundle them all and I will accept your offer ❤️🙏😃🌺🎁Thank you!!
May 29Reply
cutehosiery @kristikreations Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Dec 02Reply

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Last Active: 6 hours ago

Mathews, AL
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Last Active: 6 hours ago

Mathews, AL
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