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Updated Jan 27
Updated Jan 27

Meet The Posher, Dominique



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Decided I should finally do one of these! Hey! I'm Dominique I live in beautiful San Francisco and can't imagine living anywhere else! I love this city. I work in finance and work can get a little crazy at times so please forgive me if I take a while to get back to you sometimes. I love puppies, dive bars, cooking, being body positive and shopping like a mad women so please help make room for more!!!! Oh and lipstick I love lipstick!
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kkrazyk001 Ur beautiful :)
Jun 12Reply
lovewearnext @kkrazyk001 aww thank you!
Jun 12Reply
mickmee Love your closet!!! 😍💕❤️
Jun 23Reply
lovewearnext @mickmee thank you 😍 when I'm not at work I have to take a closer look at your jewelry
Jun 23Reply
aladdinboutique Nice to meet you girl💐
Jun 24Reply
teaca Gorgeous
Jul 25Reply
lovewearnext @teaca thank you! You're too sweet
Jul 26Reply
teaca 😊😉
Jul 26Reply
tatevik1989 I am lipstick juncky too!!
Aug 23Reply
lovewearnext @tatevik1989 haha! Lip junkies unite lol I just discovered the jeffery star lippies and I'm *patiently* waiting for mine to be delivered
Aug 23Reply
chefcutiepie Love ur closet! :)
Aug 26Reply
lovewearnext @chefcutiepie aww thank you! You're too sweet
Aug 26Reply
giadoll43 @dominiques20 Thanks for the shares hun!!!
Sep 12Reply
lovewearnext @giadoll43 of course! Great closet :)
Sep 13Reply
heartandstyle @dominiques20 Thank you for the shares pretty lady☺️☺️☺️ Love your closet💕💕💕
Sep 19Reply
lovewearnext @heartandstyle love your closet as well! And thank you for all the shares 😘😘
Sep 19Reply
megz31 You're beautiful!!
Sep 22Reply
cymberann Awe you're so beautiful! Happy Poshing! check out my closet if you get a chance!
Nov 25Reply
purplearies @dominiques20 hi! I'm Kia...I would love for you to check out my closet. I'm always open to offers and give discounts on bundles 😊💞
Dec 02Reply
niquekristan Hi Dominique. I'm Dominique! 😊
Dec 13Reply
tonya616 What a breath of fresh air you are! Your smile exudes positivity! Thanks for sharing a few of my items. I've been on a posh break for awhile and need to strip my whole closet and start over with all that I've accumulated! Thanks again!
Jan 25Reply
tonya616 Hey there...its me again. Haha. Hey I see you live in SF.... How much do you know about tiny houses? If anything, I'd love to know if that area allows people to actually live in them. Thx for any info you may have!
Jan 25Reply
lovewearnext @tonya616 thank you! You're too sweet! Welcome back to Posh :) I don't know much about the tiny houses, I believe that there's more space/areas that allow them in Oakland as I've seen a few for rent/adds etc on Craigslist for them over there. In SF there are quite a few efficiency apartment buildings popping up which are kind of mini studios usually less than 300 square ft. The ones in seen online are pretty neat looking but almost no clothing storage.
Jan 25Reply
pixxiestiixx 🌹😆🌟Happy Poshing!!!🌟😆🌹
Feb 19Reply
bethelsfamily Thanks for sharing my item. .
Mar 07Reply
booka_t What happened to the golden purse you were selling? @dominiques20
Mar 21Reply
lovewearnext @booka_t I gifted to a friend sorry
Mar 21Reply
princessbrat Hi beautiful. My son's fiancee is from outside of San Francisco.
Apr 04Reply
neacorinne Hi I just received three items from your closet but I never bought anything. The items were a great sports bras, a gold sparkly shirt and a shear long shirt. I'm assuming these were meant for someone else..?
May 12Reply
lovewearnext @neacorinne hi how strange! Maybe I got the labels mixed up?? I think you recently purchased a pink lulu top from me. I will email poshmark
May 12Reply
neacorinne Yes I did purchase that lulu top from you. But I already received it.
May 12Reply
lovewearnext @neacorinne okay I think they must of messed up on the label that they emailed for the other gals bundle. I've emailed poshmark for their help
May 13Reply
neacorinne Okay! Let me know what I can do
May 13Reply
lovewearnext @neacorinne thank you! I'm hoping that poshmark can charge me for a new label and email it to you. I haven't heard back from them yet :/ thank you so much for reaching out. So sorry for the mess
May 13Reply
lovewearnext @neacorinne okay poshmark finally got back to me! Thus said that will email you a prepaid label and if you're able to ship the items back out I'd really appreciate it. Thank you again so much for reaching out to me :)
May 16Reply
neacorinne Okay! I haven't received anything from them yet.
May 17Reply
lovewearnext @neacorinne hi! Sorry to bother you again :/ have you received any emails or communication from Poshmark? I emailed them back several days ago and still haven't gotten a reply
May 23Reply
neacorinne No I've received nothing. Would it be easier if I just mailed them back to you and you reimbursed me and then hopefully poshmark could reimburse you? I really don't want to hang onto your stuff ya know? I'll also going out of the country this coming Saturday for almost a week so I won't be able to do anything about this during then.
May 23Reply
lovewearnext @neacorinne ugh I wish they would get on top of things. Okay why don't i email you the original label for the gal who supposed to get the items?
May 24Reply
neacorinne Hey that works!!!
May 24Reply
lovewearnext @neacorinne okay great! What's your email?
May 25Reply
May 25Reply
lovewearnext @gpatriz thank you! Awesome :) Happy Poshing!!
Jun 17Reply
lovewearnext @styleplus thank you! Nice to meet you as well :)
Jul 29Reply
modestme Thank you for your purchase. I will ship it this evening or first thing tomorrow morning. Have a great evening.
Aug 01Reply
modestme Thank you for the wonderful rating! Enjoy your weekend!
Aug 06Reply
mickeymcfierce ☼ ♡ Lovely to technologically meet you! I am Mickey:) ♥️Let me know if you have any questions. Feel free to reach out xo @mickeysmove
Aug 15Reply
eowynthefair88 Hi! I have a question about the item I just ordered from you, is there a way I can message you privately?
Sep 19Reply
lovewearnext @eowynthefair88 hello! Thank you for your purchase, poshmark doesn't have private messaging 😞 what's your question?
Sep 19Reply
lulabean21 Hi! I hope you love my Lula-filled closet 😀 Please feel free to stop by and let me know if you have any questions 💕
Nov 04Reply
rescuedretail I frkn love your closet!!!! 😍😍😍😍
Nov 09Reply
turtledove56 Thanks for the like. Lmk if you have any questions 🌺
Nov 17Reply
lovelyangel415 Thank you so much for your NB shoe purchase, when they arrive to you & you receive them, I hope you enjoy the gorgeous shoes!!! Have a wonderful holidays!!!!
Dec 05Reply
lovewearnext @lovelyangel415 thank you! The color looks so pretty! Can’t wait!
Dec 05Reply
indi24 Good Morning, I wanted to purchase a sweater you posted but I really did not want to pay shipping again. Have a bless day ☺
Dec 07Reply
lovewearnext @indi24 hi what sweater did you want to purchase? You can still cancel the boot purchase and I can bundle them so you only pay shipping once
Dec 07Reply
indi24 @haulofthrifts It's the salmon pink and black dots. ☺
Dec 07Reply
jdanie3 Hi 👋 I have been searching for this HOBO! It’s the PERFECT color, size, and everything I have been wanting!!! What are the chances of holding it no later than the 24th? Love ❤️ this. Has my name on it!!
Jan 14Reply
lovewearnext @jdanie3 hi! I’m so sorry but I can’t hold an item for that long. I just listed it so there’s a good chance it will still be here :)
Jan 14Reply
angieneal1 Thank you so much for your purchase and I hope the bathing suit was a perfect fit. After inspection, would you please accept your purchase? Again, thank you for your purchase.
Mar 29Reply
angieneal1 Thank you for the rating. However, I do not smoke. I apologize if there was smoke in your item.
Mar 29Reply
beebanen @haulofthrifts Thank you for your order! I have your item all packaged up and will be dropping it off at the post office first thing tomorrow.
Apr 27Reply
fashiongal2017 Thank you so much for your counter offer- I just countered. I can't go much lower, as I spent hundreds on the Chanel skirt alone! You are getting an incredible deal with gorgeous clothes- I hope you will accept! 💕👍
Apr 30Reply
fashiongal2017 Oh and I love lipstick, too!!!
Apr 30Reply
lovewearnext @fashiongal2017 thank you for the great deal! These will hopefully all be for my sister who’ll be super excited!
Apr 30Reply
fashiongal2017 @haulofthrifts Great!!! They are all beautiful pieces! I should be able to mail them out tomorrow, so you should get them this week. You are a wonderful sister! 👍
Apr 30Reply
lovewearnext @fashiongal2017 thank you! She’s just started her first “big girl” job so have to make sure she’s looking sharp and learning about fashion on a budget! Lol
Apr 30Reply
fashiongal2017 Just shipped the package to you at the PO!!!
May 01Reply
pacificplus Hi There! I’m reaching out to you because you’ve purchased items from me in the past. ✨😍✨ I’m having a 🍍 bundle closet clear out sale. Scroll to the bottom of my (now 700!) listings. All items with a 🍍 in the title are $10 each in a bundle. . . Two 🍍 items = $20 Three 🍍 items = $30 ... You get the idea! Put your 🍍 items in a bundle and send me the offer or I can send it to you. “Be Like A Pineapple, Wear a Crown, Stand Tall, Be Sweet on The Inside” Have a wonderful weekend. ✨🍍✨
May 06Reply
that1mom8506 Hey Dominique I'm Sarah nice to meet you I was wondering saying I'm kind of new to this whole Poshmark thing how do you reserve something and how long does the reserve hold does it just fine for 24 hours? If so what if someone was interested in a particular item but they needed to wait a certain day to pay for it is there a way to hold the item longer?
May 31Reply
lovewearnext @that1mom8506 hello! I hope you’re enjoying it! You can’t really “reserve” an item but you can mark it as not for sale until the buyer is ready
May 31Reply
that1mom8506 Oh ok ty for getting back to me so quickly ❣️ there is one particular item that I have my eye on but I was going to see if you could hold it for me till this weekend?? I'm not really on here to buy mainly to sell seeing I'm a single working mama.. if not I understand. I sent you an offer..
May 31Reply
lovewearnext @that1mom8506 sure! I don’t mind holding the item for you, the white free people Henley? Just lmk when your ready
May 31Reply
that1mom8506 Hey Dominique this is Sarah sorry I haven't replied back to you in a while but I have a question for you if there's a particular Posh seller that I like is there a way to put them on my favorites or my go to to be able to find my favorites easier?..
Jun 14Reply
elizabethsarah9 @haulofthrifts hi! This is Sarah, the seller of the black j. Jill coat you purchased :) I saw on the tracking that the item was out for delivery on July 2nd and that it was "awaiting delivery scan." I wasn't sure if maybe the delivery driver delivered it but forgot to scan it? Just wondering if you've received it yet :) thanks! Let me know if you haven't so I can contact poshmark.
Jul 05Reply
lovewearnext @elizabethsarah9 hello! It looks like USPS dropped the package off at my buildings mail room instead of actually delivering it to me (weird!) thanks for the heads up
Jul 05Reply
kateykat64 Hello sorry to bother you I left a comment on a listing that sold but don't know if you saw it it was the 90's swimsuit you sold with bright flowers I was wondering if it was possible if you could hive the user name of the buyer or if you could contact them for me I really love that swimsuit and was wondering if they were willing to sell it to me? Again sorry to bother you but thanks for any info you can give and I love your closet it has super cute stuff!
Jul 24Reply
lovewearnext @kateykat64 hi! I can message them and see if they’re interested in selling thanks
Jul 24Reply
kateykat64 @haulofthrifts Thanks so much that's such a huge help!!! I really appreciate it
Jul 25Reply
kateykat64 @haulofthrifts let me know what they say or if you were able to get a hold of them and thank you again for doing this!!!
Jul 27Reply
lovewearnext @kateykat64 no problem, unfortunately she hasn’t responded
Jul 27Reply
kateykat64 @haulofthrifts sorry for the late reply just wanted to say thank you for trying if she does answer back let me know or maybe I could message them saying I'm interested in it
Aug 09Reply
lovewearnext @kateykat64 no problem sorry she never responded, looks like she only buys/isn’t very active
Aug 09Reply
catrinamariee Hi!!!! I’m new here and could really use some help. Can you share my ASOS Curve listing or any of them at all. I’m trying to get to know the place lol I’m about to raid your closet by the way!!
Aug 10Reply
lovewearnext @catrinamariee welcome to Poshmark!
Aug 10Reply
bbboutiquesand Thanks so much for getting back to me so quickly! Excited for all ....have a wonderful one. Barbara 💁‍♀️🎀
Aug 13Reply
shoe_ru I just reduced the price of the hunter shoes to $23 which gives you discounted shipping. That’s the best I can do on these. Thank you for your interest
Dec 10Reply
shoe_ru It’s a $1.50 difference....
Dec 10Reply
shoe_ru THANK YOU! I’ll get the shoes shipped out today. They’re really very nice. I’m sure you’ll be happy. They’re coming from the north Atlanta area. Thanks, again?
Dec 10Reply
ruesanfrancisco We need to meet up! Fellow SF-er ❤❤😍
Feb 06Reply
lovewearnext @auntdale thank you that’s so sweet of you!
Feb 13Reply
dbrhreyes Please contact usps for the item I shipped. The tracking indicates no access to delivery location. Thanks - this is for the shoes.
Feb 28Reply
lovewearnext @dbrhreyes hi it’s a large corporate building so it’s probably just in the mail room or Usps just marked that and will re-deliver today. USPS is pretty crappy around here
Feb 28Reply
dbrhreyes @lovewearnext okay thank you
Feb 28Reply
lovewearnext @monet5256 good morning! I won’t be able to ship till tomorrow morning
May 17Reply
lovewearnext @monet5256 no problem! Sorry I’m not able to get it out today. I usually try to ship next day but things have just been a little crazy for the past couple weeks. I hope you enjoy it it’s a gorgeous blouse
May 17Reply
mrsangela504 Hey sugar it says you received package
May 22Reply
nicholepruitt73 U will get a free bag( my choice)with every bundle that has 2 or more items
Jun 20Reply
luceroloredo Thank you 😊
Jul 22Reply
beverlylebaube Hi, it says you received your package from me a couple days ago ( green skirt) you haven't accepted or given feedback, is there a problem ? Please let me know. Thank you and have a Blessed Day
Aug 19Reply
lovewearnext @beverlylebaube hello! Sorry about the delay, I have packages delivered to my office (have to avoid those porch pirates!) and if an items delivered on a Saturday the mailroom usually doesn’t bring it up till Monday afternoon
Aug 19Reply
beverlylebaube Oh.. I am sorry cool, I am just hoping you like your item.. just call me a worry Have a Blessed Day
Aug 19Reply
funfashionflip Hi, I just noticed it says you have not received the Stuart Weitzman sandals you bought from me. Have you been able to track them?
Aug 27Reply
lovewearnext @funfashionflip hi they stopped tracking about a week ago unfortunately, I’m assuming USPS lost them :/ I reached out to Poshmark support last week and they basically said to wait till today to reply back if they still had not been received
Aug 27Reply
funfashionflip @lovewearnext Well that stinks ☹️ I hope it works out in your favor!
Aug 27Reply
lovewearnext @funfashionflip fingers crossed they show up
Aug 27Reply
threadsjam Hi Dominique! We’re new here on Poshmark and would love to have you take a peek in our closet @threadsjam. We’re adding new items daily, so please check back often. If you find something you love, don’t hesitate to make an offer. Thank you and have a blessed day!
Sep 19Reply
chicnation @lovewearnext good morning ! Hope your enjoying. A nice hot coffee and the sun is shining :) nice to meet you from Vanessa Chic Nation
Oct 05Reply
ampytm Omg you’re a BAY AREA GAL! 💋❤️
Oct 30Reply
lovewearnext @ampytm hey! Yep over in the east bay these days!
Oct 30Reply
ampytm @lovewearnext yup I noticed.
Oct 30Reply
theresagor hi I sent a counter offer your way - if you would like to try and negotiate that’s fine I just can’t do the offer you sent thanks🙂the item is in great condition 💕
Dec 31Reply
janette90f hi, I am soo exited to get my purse!! thank you for the discount. I went snooping through your profile and you seem like such a awesome person!! just wanted to say thank you and have a great day😁
Jan 20Reply
lovewearnext @janette90f ahh thank you! you’re too sweet!
Jan 20Reply
katbar1 Hello, Dominique
Apr 01Reply
katbar1 Dear Dominique, I am trying to get USPS to pick up your cardigan. I hope you love it as much as I do. Thanks! Kathy
Apr 01Reply
wadewolczak Hello I was wondering when you are going to be able to shop out my shirt? Any information would be much appreciated thanks so much!
Apr 02Reply
lovewearnext @wadewolczak hello! I hope you’re well and safe during this uncertain times. I was able to drop your package off earlier today at the PO and usually they scan things in within a few hours.
Apr 02Reply
wadewolczak @lovewearnext Oh wow thank you so much! I hope your well also! Be safe out there! Cant wait to get this shirt! Thanks again.
Apr 02Reply
katbar1 Thanks again, Dominique! Stay well! Kathy
Apr 06Reply
lovewearnext @jazzcat22 hi! Yes I got the updated label with an Ohio address. I should be able to ship tomorrow. Stay safe & well!
Apr 08Reply
minaghorashi Hi. Thank for shopping. I love the prints and the style of this dress. Happy poshing 🥰🥰🥰🥰🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁
May 04Reply
lovewearnext @minaghorashi thank you!! Excited for it!
May 05Reply
minaghorashi Hi. Thanks for the rating.🥰🥰🥰🥰🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁enjoy and happy poshing
May 07Reply
cary99sec Just stopping by! 👋🏼 Love your closet❤️❤️ SO much stuff!! I bookmarked it! Love that new C.C Tank you just put on🤗 Feel free to take a look at my closet at any time! Happy Poshinggg!🛒🛍 💋Sarah
Jul 12Reply
iamplus56 Thank u for poshing with me. you chose an awesome pair of FitFlops that were never worn and just didn't feel good on me after a surgery I will be going PO mid week
Sep 26Reply
lovewearnext @iamplus56 sounds good thank you!
Sep 26Reply
iamplus56 @lovewearnext I didn't forget u I have to do both PO and ups run aiming for sat am I hope that 👍 thanks for your patience
Sep 29Reply
lovewearnext @iamplus56 no worries! Thank you for the update
Sep 29Reply
iamplus56 I apologize for the delay PO drop tomorrow I left in the original box. I live in area busy no mail or even ups trucks this week. no idea amazon is taking over lol
Oct 02Reply
bnaposhgirl I’d love to offer you a 15% discount on this bundle! 30% on a bundle of 3 items or more🤗🛍 thanks for shopping in my closet. Happy Poshing!!!🤗
Oct 25Reply
heavensforever I'm happy your happy Dominique...thank you for purchasing from my closet again.
Dec 21Reply
marissa__andrea @lovewearnext Hiiiiii! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by my closet! Don’t forget to create a bundle and save! 2+ items you’ll receive 10% off your bundle! Only found one thing you like? Make an offer! Happy Shopping! 🙂
Aug 19Reply
rosell15 Thank you for liking my listing for the Torrid T-shirt Bra, please make a Reasonable Offer and it is yours, Ciao!
Feb 16Reply
cutehosiery @lovewearnext Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 28Reply
m_hutzler I saw you liked my Rothy’s blk bow tie. I could do 78! Thanks. Maria
Nov 16Reply

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Last Active: 7 hours ago

San Francisco, CA
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Last Active: 7 hours ago

San Francisco, CA
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