Meet Your Buyer/Seller! <3 xo
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My name is Sarah. I'm 21. I change my hair more than the average person changes their underwear. I'm currently living at home and I'm trying to earn money to get out on my own. So yeah. That's about it. Feel free to talk to me, I don't bite! ??

70 others
like this

@sarahxstrange your really pretty too!! Is that your real eye color? I love the color!! 💗💗💗
Jul 21Reply

@dixiegirl yes :) my eyes are naturally that blue!
Jul 21Reply

@sarahxstrange so gorg!!
Jul 21Reply

@dixiegirl thanks:3
Jul 21Reply

I love the purple that's awesome
Jul 25Reply

Pretty pretty girl!!
Jul 28Reply

@roachlamber thanks!:)
Jul 28Reply

Jul 31Reply

@yonkers10 thank you!
Jul 31Reply

Hello from Portland Maine.😃
Mar 13Reply

@morgenlillymae hellooooo! c:
Mar 13Reply

@sarahxstrange hey sweets would you mind leaving feedback on your transaction with me :) ts the first listing in my closet. You purchased the phone case :)) thanks hun
Jul 28Reply

LOVEEE the glasses!(:
Aug 04Reply

@tristenebailey thank yooou! I got em at hot topic :)
Aug 04Reply

@jenjunebug haha thank you! 💘 I promise I'm a nice sweet person I just cannot deal with immature rude as fxck people. lol its always because apparently my prices aren't fair..I price things so I can make a reasonable amount of money and everything I have listed is in mint/good condition so it's not like I'm overpriced!
Aug 20Reply

@jenjunebug finally someone gets it! Haha its total BS all it does it create meaningless drama and it's funny because it's grown women acting like 16 year old high school girls! 😂
Aug 20Reply

@jenjunebug thanks love c: you too! Hope to see you as a customer in my closet, you're so sweet and I'd love to do business with you! 💜💛
Aug 20Reply

Wow I love ur hair style
Aug 25Reply

@maliqishqipe thank you! c:
Aug 25Reply

@teaqatipi that's my nephew c: he's my brothers son <3
Nov 09Reply

@jujumama5 haha thank you! He'll be 5 in January he's growing up way too fast :(
Nov 18Reply

You are pretty! 😍✌
Nov 25Reply

@allisonesf thanks giiirl 😊💜
Nov 25Reply

Love your style👍👍👍
Mar 10Reply

@brookesgranny thank yooou! 😊
Mar 10Reply

Those shades are cool! Lol
Mar 18Reply

@charlainec thanks! Haha they're the best ever 💀😁
Mar 18Reply

Hey there huni!! Long time no talk ☺️💖 How've you been?? 💖💗😎 Xo
May 30Reply

@jessica10908 hellooooo! 😄 I've been great! How about you? 💘
May 30Reply

Insanely busy. Same old stuff, different day. Lol. Haven't "seen" u in ages! Love all the hair styles you've done in the pictures!! 👍🏻😀
May 30Reply

@jessica10908 same here! lol I haven't "seen" you on my newsfeed in a long time, today's a first in like..months 😁 whatcha been up to?
May 30Reply

I actually took a few months break from posh. I came back a couple months ago. Gotta get back into the swing of things. Lost my job last week on Friday so selling my stuff is once again my full time job. I have a photography studio space now though which is helpful. I don't model anything anymore. I found its too time consuming. So I'm just working on my listings. Gotta pay the bills. Opened my own store on e-b** and am working on building that up too. 😁 lots of work ahead of me!!
May 30Reply

@jessica10908 oh no 😯 I'm sorry! Losing a job is no fun..I'm glad things seemed to have turned around for you, selling wise!
May 30Reply

@erika360 thanks!❤so are yoou!😄
Dec 02Reply

Thanks so much for the share!!
Feb 12Reply

hi there! thanks for the like! let me know if you're interested in purchasing so we can work out better pricing (:
Feb 16Reply

I love your makeup! 💜 Do you know what eyeshadow and lipstick you're wearing in the third picture?
Feb 20Reply

@lightsxoutxo thanks love! The lipstick is by Blackheart beauty and the eyeshadow us from mac 😄
Feb 20Reply

@filiadracones_ thanks doll!😍💞
Mar 09Reply

Nice to meet you!!!
Mar 10Reply

@stepher2009 nice to meet you too!😄
Mar 10Reply

Wow you're so pretty!!
Apr 15Reply

Hey! (:
I JUST realized when I saw your shares, that I never replied to your comment asking me to trade! I'm sorry!
I get so many notifications on here, sometimes I just scroll right through! Anyway!
Currently, I'm not really trading unless it's for
my major ISO items. Like, do you have any
LimeCrime Velvetines, Brandy Melville/John Galt or Anastasia Beverly Hills? (:
Apr 23Reply

@troyjagundez I don't 😕
Apr 23Reply

Okay. Sorry!
If you ever want to purchase, I'll give you the best deal I can!
Apr 23Reply

Thanks so much for the like💗! Please let me know if you see anything you are intetested in. I will work with you on prices and I love offers. Leave a commet on anything you like and the price can be dropped most of the time. And if you bundle 3 or more things you get a 25% discount on the whole order and orders $30 and over i will send a free surprise 📦😁!
May 01Reply

Hey Hun! Thanks for the share, giving some love back to you😘
May 15Reply

wow your cute, im thinking of getting my belly button pierced I like the belly rigs
May 16Reply

@poshcave25404 thank yoou! I have my belly button pierced; it didn't really hurt its just a pain to care for til its healed 😂lol!
May 16Reply

Thanks for the like on the leggings :) I'm open to offers and do 15% off bundles! I can also sell for less on mmercari, it's just like posh but you get to keep the whole profit! If you don't already have an account use code EMUEXT and you'll get $$ off your first purchase! Let me know if you have any questions :)
Jun 03Reply

Thanks for all the likes and shares 😃 let me know of I have any questions!!
Jun 03Reply

Precious kid! Love the purple lipstick!
Jul 22Reply

I have some pieces you might be interested in. Feel free to make an offer on anything but that catches your eye! :)
Aug 24Reply

Oh man I totally would trade with you for those items but you don't have my size and I didn't see anything unfortunately...but keep posting and I'll keep looking :) or I could definitely give you a discount on top of the 20% you'd already get off of you bundled them
Sep 21Reply

@heath3rlynn anything goes specific you're looking for?😊
Sep 21Reply

I am looking for Nike pullovers lululemon leggings or shorts Anastasia brow wiz or benefit hoola bronzer...
Sep 21Reply

Is that you're kiddo? He's a cutie
Oct 01Reply

@britt0816 that's my nephew☺ he's my lil buddy!
Oct 01Reply

Omg your just adorable!
Dec 24Reply

@kitty97006 thank yoou!😄💞
Dec 24Reply

Thank you for the support 😊happy new year!!
Jan 01Reply

So pretty! 💙
Feb 06Reply

@edenfox thanks girl! So are you😍
Feb 06Reply

Hey! Feel free to check out my closet! Lots of Nike, vs pink, & forever 21 & more! A bunch of kids clothes sizes M - XL are available as well. Bundle for a better deal & make me an offer through your bundle! Happy poshing!
Feb 06Reply

Hi there! Let me know if you have any questions about the items in the bundle you started! Happy Poshing!
Feb 16Reply

Thanks for sharing my listing!
Feb 21Reply

Sharing is caring so thank you
Happy Poshing
Feb 21Reply

Omg your eyes..they're like a light blue marbley color 😩
Mar 05Reply

Your gorgeous! :) Love the kitty you have awwwwe! :)
Mar 08Reply

@lacyski thank you!❤ she's my baby girl lol and occasionally my helper!
Mar 08Reply

@sarahxstrange She is a darling you two make a great team! :) 💖 😘 💖 ☺
Mar 08Reply

@lacyski thank yoou💜💜💜
Mar 08Reply

@sarahxstrange Let me know if you have additional questions 🙂
Mar 15Reply

Hi Hon, I saw you listed some KYLIE items in a bundle. If you need help let me know. I am continuing the BOGO for KYLIE right now so if you want me to make a special bundle for you just let me know because it not listed in my everyday bundle discount. 💗
Apr 03Reply

@sarahxstrange hi! I sent you an offer as Items for the 4/$20 sale are going really fast
Oct 15Reply

OMG! You remind me of my daughter except she’s 12. She cosplays almost everyday. She has every wig, color contacts and just as many costumes. Stay cool girl!! 💕💕💕💕💕
Oct 25Reply

If you’re interested in the Jeffree Star ⭐️ Lippie 💄 I can send out tomorrow ☺️
Oct 25Reply

Hey chick! Thanks for the likes. Aren't you the one I traded pants with? I'm pretty sure you are.. How do they fit? Do you like them? If you're interested in the jeans and would like to bundling or even seperate I'll give you a good price.
Nov 03Reply

@lilchris2766 yaaasss😊 they fit perfect I love them!
Nov 03Reply

@sarahxstrange awesome!!! They're soo comfy.. I LOVED those, but I lost weight and couldn't wear them 😭!!
Nov 03Reply

Hey chick! I just listed a new shirt that you might like.. Check it out!
Nov 07Reply

@nanieann38 im always down to trade! I was actually gonna ask if you wanted to lol💝
Jan 12Reply

@nanieann38 ill make you a custom listing as soon as i can and put the price to 3$$ if you wanna do the same 😄
Jan 12Reply

Omg I never noticed before, but the pic of your 1st cat .. the tortoiseshell, looks just like my parents cat (aka my little sister) Mai Tai. :)
Jan 26Reply

hi! if you are interested in anything make a bundle and get 10% off and make offers :) 💖
Jan 26Reply

@sarahxstrange Why do your eyes look brown, or dark something in I think the first photo? One color for r the other isn’t natural. I’m hoping you say the extremely light blue is from color contacts bc I’ve really been wanting to have either blue or violet eye color. Oh and someone said now that she’s over 40 she doesn’t change her hair color. That’s crazy to me. I’m 67 and I change my hair color fairly often up until I shattered my hip 10 mos ago. But you are gorgeous.
Jan 28Reply

Hey love. I had a cat that looked just like your blk one. She lived to be 17!! Love your prices. I’m browsing your closet now to see if I can put together a.bundle. Talk to you soon I hope. Ana from TN
Jan 28Reply

@anushka1950 thanks! my eyes change colour quite often but theyre naturally that blue 😍
Jan 28Reply

@anushka1950 i love to bundle! I can give you a great deal!💞😄
Jan 28Reply

Hi, thanks for the like! I can do all 4 for $35 💝🛍
Jan 29Reply

Hi love! Thank you for all the likes❤️❤️Just an FYI, I offer an automatic discount of 15% when you bundle 3+ items😊Let me know if you have any questions about any of my listings and feel free to make an offer if you’re interested. Happy Poshing🎉
Feb 07Reply

Hi!! Thank you for he 💖!! If you have any questions please feel free to ask 🤗!! I have a bogo 50% off going on right now🎀. Thanks for checking things out!! 🌷.
PS! LOVE the black cat😻😻....I have one too!! His name is Satan 😂😂
Feb 11Reply

@jbrown044 haha i love it! Her name is Missy 😄🖤
Feb 11Reply

@sarahxstrange the calico one is adorable 💖. I have a long hair tan white color named Lucifer😂. Aside from the names I love my kitties..truly I do!! Lol. And man are they spoiled!!🙄🤗
Feb 11Reply

@sarahxstrange bundle likes for a discount!
Feb 14Reply

Hi! You look great in every color? Oh... and I love your fur friend 💕 So cute!!
Feb 20Reply

hi! check out my sale that is going on :)
May 08Reply

Hey there! I’m just launching my boutique items. The first purchase gets 30% off if you are interested. Just create a bundle of any items in my closet, and i’ll adjust the price. Have a great day!
Jul 05Reply

Dang- love ur pics!, ur 2 cute- love pic of u & black kitty, darling!
Sep 13Reply

@lookingalways aww, thank you!💛 Her name was Missy..she passed away after a short battle with cancer on 7/30/2019 💜😥
Sep 13Reply

@sarahxstrange I’m sooo sorry for your loss, that truly saddens me🥺, I’ve lost my children (putty tats)!& doggies😞, it never gets easier!, some lossless were traumatizing! I’ve never had a human child, so people like us, it’s all the more heartbreaking! Anyway sweetie!, I wish the best!
Sep 13Reply

@lookingalways i cant have children so my cats are my babies..her last days were spent being cuddled and loved by me, my brother and my grandmother💛 there isnt a day that goes by that i don't miss her, where i wonder if things couldve been different if i had caught it sooner. She his it from me til it was impossible to hide anymore😭
Sep 13Reply

@sarahxstrange me too, my love, muscle disease ie; myasthenia gravis! Breaks my heart to know I couldn’t have kids!, learned, when I was 22, doctors said if I had. A child , it was 50:50 percent me coming out of my themectomy!,
A major surgery, where they remove the thymus gland, wich sits in front of your heart!, , I could give two shits, I quant to have a child!!!!- I’ll never have that!!!- honestly hurts me badly!
Sep 13Reply

@lookingalways im so sorry😥 i cant even imagine
I had ovarian cancer at 19, had to have a partial hysterectomy on top of that at 21 due to having a bisected uterus, a byproduct of agent orange exposure that happened to my father
Sep 13Reply

Hi! My name is Ashtyn! I hope you’re finding everything well. I have a fun thing I like to do, which is for all my followers, if you choose 2+ items to purchase together, I offer a 15% discount. I also add plenty of other discounts, ranging from price reductions to shipping reductions, regardless of the number of items purchased. So feel free to take a look at my page! Any and all reasonable offers made will be accepted on the spot, so don’t be afraid to send one in! Happy Poshing!
Sep 25Reply

Hey! Let me know if you ever decide to sell you tan chubby’s I would be very interested! Have a nice day 🖤
May 07Reply
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