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Updated Mar 17
Updated Mar 17

❤️Meet Your Posher❤️



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I'm Brittany👋🏼 My style is changing constantly so Poshmark is my go-to outlet for cycling out my closet! 👉🏼All items are in great-excellent-new condition! 👉🏼I'm totally open to offers/bundle discounts! 👉🏼I ship same/next day! My fave brands to pull from: •Anthropologie• •Free People• •Zara• •Urban Outfitters• •J. Crew• •Sam Edelman• Thanks for stopping by my closet if there's anything I can do for you don't hesitate to reach out💕 ✨We help the planet when we all recycle!✨
  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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uniquely4you Hi hon, thanks for the like. I can sell the Fergie heels to "you" for 20. They are very cute --they look even better on. All leather💯 Checkout my closet I recently made price drops for the weekend.
Feb 17Reply
poshnorthwest Hello lovely girl! Your closet is wonderful. Wishing many sales to you and lots of fun on your euro trip! ❤
Feb 18Reply
brittanyonposh @poshnorthwest that is so sweet💗 thank you so much girly, wishing many sales to you as well!💕💕💕
Feb 19Reply
tractorqueen1 Love your style! 👌
Feb 21Reply
brittanyonposh @tractorqueen1 thanks girly, back at ya💕😊
Feb 21Reply
annawynne Obsessed with your hair!
Feb 22Reply
brittanyonposh @annawynne Aw! Thank you so much, bangs are really fun! :)
Feb 22Reply
brittanyonposh @lady_kalliste That is so awesome!! And aw!! I'm open to smaller bundles and things like that if you're trying to save money, maybe pick a couple of your favs😊
Feb 24Reply
brittanyonposh @lady_kalliste Haha you're so awesome. Hopefully we can work out a price that works for both of us😊 I can ship today and I'll cover the shipping costs for you💕 I'm trying to make a little more money bc posh fees are so high😖
Feb 24Reply
brittanyonposh @lady_kalliste Oh what! welcome girl!!💗 So as a buyer you pay a shipping fee for what ever you buy, so for your bundle you'd pay something like 7.00$ in shipping and I can choose to cover that cost by paying to ship items for you.😊 And omg I'm so excited to travel! I've never been out of the country so I'm insanely stoked.😍
Feb 24Reply
brittanyonposh @lady_kalliste Hey girly, did you get charged for shipping just now?
Feb 24Reply
brittanyonposh @lady_kalliste That sounds so romantic lol, I bet it would be so inspiring to a writer! So since that already went through as a purchase I can cancel the purchase and redo the bundle. I've never done this however so I'm not too sure how long it will take! Lmk if you want me to!
Feb 24Reply
brittanyonposh @lady_kalliste Of course! And you got it, packaging them up now, they will be with you soon :) Thanks for your business girly!
Feb 24Reply
aclothingco Your closet is SO cute & I love your hairstyle!!
Mar 30Reply
brittanyonposh @heyjacqi aw thank you so much! :)
Mar 31Reply
urselamay Hi Brit thanks for the shares! Just got home and see this 🤗
Apr 08Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Apr 30Reply
brittanyonposh @spreadlove Hey Melissa thanks for reaching out!! That's so awesome and refreshing, hope you have an excellent day as well love!
Apr 30Reply
trendythrifter9 Just wanted to stop by and say hello😊 I love your style @brittanybetz!
May 14Reply
splurgepurge Hey there! I bought the punk bowling tees from you, and I left feedback, but it’s driving me crazy that I can’t figure out how to accept the purchases on this site (I’m using the website, not the app).. I went to “my purchases” but I don’t see an “accept button”. Am I accepting the purchase by leaving feedback? I’m so confused.
May 31Reply
brittanyonposh @splurgepurge Hey! Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated🙂 So once the item is marked as delivered you have 2 days to accept your order. After those two days the order is automatically accepted by poshmark. However you are able to leave feedback up to 30 days after receiving the item.
May 31Reply
kamoki Cheers from Orlando. If you guys ever make it over here, there are a ton of cool thrift shops.
Jun 20Reply
angstydoll Your closet is gorgeous and so are you. You have a great style!
Jun 20Reply
kokoewone hi welcome to poshmak my name is george im just stopping by to invite u to come check out my closet all items posted on my closet look just like the pictures or even better in person I really take pride in the product I'm offering if u happen to find something u like don't hesitate to make an offer I usually shipout with in 24 hours of purchase thanks for taking the time to read this message I hope to hear from u have a wonderful day ☺
Jun 21Reply
chernanook Hi I’m Monica and I love this closet! 😃 Come check out my closet. I offer free shipping on items over $20 and take offers! 😆🌸💕
Jun 24Reply
brittanyonposh @lady_kalliste L!!❤️😊❤️😊 hi omg I know what you mean! I just moved to Los Angeles and it's been so nuts. How are you! What's new?💕 hope your doing well😘
Jul 12Reply
mermaidcolours @brittanybetz I love your style, very vintage vibes :)
Aug 09Reply
brittanyonposh @laurendenniee Thank you so much I will certainly share back :)
Oct 28Reply
styledoesmatter @florameetsfauna Your closet is beautiful💕& omggg you're so cuteee. Happy Poshing❤️
Oct 30Reply
julily2004 Love your closet! Thank you for the follow.
Dec 29Reply
roscoe4 thank you reach out if you reconsider... have a great week.
Jan 08Reply
elizavdwoodsen I love your closet so much! 😍 Love all the pictures and your style too 🙆🏼‍♀️ Happy poshing! 💗
Jan 20Reply
bellapam Could you hold the platform shoes for me until I get paid on February 1. I can give you names of at least 20 poshers that I had hold for me and I got the item . :)
Jan 29Reply
brittanyonposh @bellapam I can hold if you’ll pay asking price? Is that ok? Sometimes people don’t follow through so my new policy is full price for a hold, hope that makes sense :)
Jan 29Reply
bellapam They are well forth the 25 plus shipping. I do so appreciate it. I'm so happy. These are so neat! It's hard for a size 10 to find cool shoes! :):):)
Jan 29Reply
brittanyonposh @bellapam I totally get ya. Ok! I will hold them till the 2/1/18 then 😊 have a great day girl!
Jan 29Reply
bellapam You too! Thanks again! :):):)
Jan 29Reply
bellapam I was looking at your page and noticed a sleeveless white top and it said free with an order. If that is true, I sure would love it. I understand if I just read it wrong. Hugs from North Carolina!
Jan 29Reply
brittanyonposh @bellapam I will totally throw in that top for free!❤️ I have multiples of them so I’m ok with them being free w purchase 😉
Jan 29Reply
bellapam You are a sweetheart! God bless you girl! :):):)
Jan 29Reply
bellapam I will get my money sent to my bank at 3:00 this morning, so before you go to bed or first thing in the morning take off the not for sale sign. Thanks! :)
Feb 01Reply
bellapam :):):)
Feb 01Reply
bellapam Don't forget me. :)
Feb 01Reply
brittanyonposh @bellapam available ! :)
Feb 01Reply
bellapam I'm ready when you are. :)
Feb 01Reply
brittanyonposh @bellapam they are available for purchase now!
Feb 01Reply
bellapam If these are not a true 9.5 or 10, please let me know and let's cancel. I can't afford to send them back. I just checked google and it says 8.5 to 9.
Feb 02Reply
tra_gal1 Hi!!! I’ve been hunting the”All is fair in love and combat boots” too FOREVER! Is there ABY possible way you’d hold that for me until the morning tomorrow and I’ll purchase right away?!
Feb 25Reply
tra_gal1 ❤️❤️❤️
Feb 25Reply
brittanyonposh @tra_gal1 Yes I can hold till morning! I will hold it now for you! I will un hold it at 9 am pst though!
Feb 25Reply
tra_gal1 @ginger_root thanks so much!! I’m on the Pacific side so if you’d hold just til I can go to the bank at 9 here, that would be amazing! Would be noonish for you I think? ❤️
Feb 25Reply
tra_gal1 Nevermind! You are on the same coast as me. Though you said eastern for some reason. 😂 that’s perfect! Thx again!
Feb 25Reply
brittanyonposh @tra_gal1 Gotcha! I love ID! hope you're having good weather :)
Feb 25Reply
tra_gal1 @ginger_root Oh gosh lady, we have so much snow it is CRAZY!!! But loving it. 😍
Feb 25Reply
brittanyonposh @tra_gal1 Hi Tracy! I will make your top available for purchase now! :)
Feb 25Reply
gorgeousnyc Hi. You have great style. I would appreciate your advice on how to get such great lighting and white backgrounds for pics and how to find the modeled pics. Getting the hang of this.. and always trying to improve. Posh love and thank you 😊 💕
Feb 28Reply
brittanyonposh @gorgeousnyc hey there! Thank you. I just use natural light with my photos and I edit them using the iPhones editing system. I adjust the cast, exposure, and brightness :) hope that helps! And happy poshing
Feb 28Reply
mariag2004 Please cancel my order. I submitted to another person and I thought she was sending me a bundle I was waiting for. I have contacted Poshmark as well.
Mar 07Reply
cnblalock91 Just wondering when I can expect my shipment?
May 23Reply
brittanyonposh @cnblalock91 I’m packaging now and will ship tomorrow :)
May 23Reply
mybigfabcloset Lovely closet you have! Best wishes to you.
May 24Reply
brittanyonposh @bestdressedever thank you so much ♥️
May 24Reply
mybigfabcloset You're very welcome. 🤗
May 24Reply
flowermay You have a great closet & will be shopping with you ❤️
Jun 09Reply
noblestreet Hi! Please stop by my Closet, I'm running a Summer Sale on jewelry, Buy One Get One FREE! 😍🙌❤️
Jun 15Reply
prettibone Hey, I noticed you have some interest in CoH jeans. I have a deal going on right now for any 2 Pairs of New with Tags Citizens of Humanity Jeans for $100 in all sizes. Just add them in your bundle and shoot me the offer.
Jul 14Reply
dasroc Beautiful closet ✌️
Jul 22Reply
xocandyscloset 💕💕💕 Hiya Gorgeous Posher! I just started following you and I love your closet!! 😍 I would love to spread the Posh & Closet love! Please like and share my Posh page! I'd love to share 10 items from your closet! Just share 10 of mine and comment #posh10 on my page! I will return the favor. Friendly comments are welcome as well! Happy Poshing! 💕💕💕 Xo, Candy
Aug 12Reply
photographerb Beautiful gorgeous closet
Sep 28Reply
surefreshsports What’s the going rate for some flirting?
Oct 24Reply
ksimscloset Hey there! I so enjoyed browsing your closet! I am having a huge sale for Cyber Monday- 50% off my entire closet! I would so appreciate you helping me spread the word. Hope you have a wonderful Monday! 💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼
Dec 02Reply
maizeysadowski I absolutely love your closet. It’s got some amazing pieces. Sending lots of love and hope you get some fast sales! 💖
Feb 03Reply
tinywhitedog gorgeous closet!!! :) :) :)
Mar 07Reply
monolidi Happy poshing🥳🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like!🤗
Jun 20Reply
rachelbtu21 hi brittany! great closet. shared your items with my followers! im having a hard time getting offers and would love if you shared my closet around ~ thanks in advance :)
Jun 29Reply
nailsdonebyera Hello! I do Press On Nails if you’re interested just check my closet, I accept offers to thank you 🌷
Jul 15Reply
moschino87 Please?❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Sorry I’m poor!!!!!!
Sep 06Reply
tberger22 @ginger_root Hi Brittany! You’re so cute! And your closet is amazing 😉! 💗Grace
Dec 23Reply
relovedagain21 Hi! We have the same wardrobe cycling idea going on ! Love it! Great closet! Wishing you many easy sales!
Feb 18Reply
brittanyonposh @meghanwheele931 thanks so much girl you too!
Feb 18Reply
gr8tobag8rgrl Hey there can I ask you a question? I’m someone new and I have a seller that put a ton of stuff in a bundle. Isn’t there like a three item limit? Have you ever had that happen to you and if so how did you handle it? It could also be a scam, ha ha.
Feb 25Reply
lunasage @ginger_root Gorgeous Closet! Just shared some of your listings and hope you'll share some of mine too... I have Free People and Madewell. Wishing you speedy sales! 🛍
Sep 18Reply
whosmotorcycle I was relieved when i final got to the “sold” section because dayum girl, your closet is riveting!!! Im typing this in my “not feeling fat Madewells” btw ; got the 27s too! Its everything i can do not to buy more —- so I branched out to reformation, they take tine and traditional breaking in dedication, but i love them almost the same. So i alternate between 3 items. Total. Haha i digress- i have an official closet crush
Oct 01Reply
brittanyonposh @whosmotorcycle thanks for stopping by!!! Please lmk if there is anything I can help you shop for ;) madewell is my go to for denim! Hope you have an incredible weekend and HAPPY FRIDAY!! ♥️♥️♥️
Oct 01Reply
b13pool Can you please resend me the offer on the John Varvatos XL V neck? I’ll buy it
Oct 05Reply
guerrillagirls Hi! I love your closet! ❤️
Dec 11Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely🌸 I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals ! If you have any questions feel free to ask. Happy Holidays ❤️❤️
Dec 25Reply
msneverending1 Brittany I was just cruising through the closets today and I discovered your wonderful closet and beautiful pictures & I shared several listings from your closet today. My name is Carol & I love your closet, when you have time please stop by and take a look at my closet treasures. I hope you have an amazing day today,!!!Please Stay Safe, Love & Peace Carol
Jan 23Reply
watsonlilmommy @ginger_root hello how are you check out my closet to see if you are interested in anything if so please send me a offer
Feb 15Reply
showcases Good morning Gorgeous
Feb 28Reply
atrangabriel hi, can you check on my package?
Jul 13Reply
cutehosiery @ginger_root Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 21Reply
cheriebro9 Beautiful closet.
Aug 22Reply
coracoller Hi 💜 I'm Cora and wanted to thank you for following me. I shared some of your awesome closet. Also wanted to Wish you and yours a Fantabulous Thanksgiving filled with all the blessings you deserve.
Nov 13Reply
misserin7 Nice closet :) Just stopping by to say hi and introduce myself. I hope you’ll check my closet out too!
Jun 25Reply
starplunep 🥰😍😘🥰😍😘🥰😍😘🥰😍😘🥰😍😘
Dec 15Reply

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Last Active: 2 hours ago

Los Angeles, CA
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Last Active: 2 hours ago

Los Angeles, CA
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