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Updated Aug 30
Updated Aug 30

Meet Your Posher, Jackie



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I am a God Fearing, fun, loving, energetic, and creative person. I find the positive in everything and always look for ways to grow. I love my life, I love my family, I love being a mom of 12 and grandma of 4, and I love my God. I have the absolute best life, I could not ask for more. Posh is my way of being a stay at home mom and at the same time I get to contribute to our families finical needs. So all shares and purchases are very much appreciated and heart felt. Thank you in advance!
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 5+ Bundle

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ahnec @jlgshivley lovely family photo💐
Nov 29Reply
jlgshivley @ahnec Thank you so much! I love my little/big family
Nov 29Reply
karbenlaw Wow!! I have 5 angels and another due next month and I thought we had a lot going on!! Way to go on that beautiful fam!! You are an amazing woman!! Thanks so much for all your shares!! Hope you have a wonderful day and a joyful holiday season! Xo
Dec 06Reply
jlgshivley @karbenlaw big families are a blessing. Always busy, always fun, never a dull moment and always lots and lots of love! Congrats on #6 (so exciting) We have 7 girls, 5 boys, 3 granddaughters, and 1 grandson....Holidays are so much fun for us, it's almost like a mini family reunion. Happy Holidays To You and Your Family!
Dec 06Reply
spellsofmagic @jlgshivley you have an adorable family! 😍 thank you for stopping by my closet and the like on the Haani dress I have up for sale :) please feel free to make an offer if interested :)
Dec 07Reply
jlgshivley @poojajp Thank You So Much 💕
Dec 07Reply
cynthaaa What a beautiful family! 😍💖✨
Dec 07Reply
jlgshivley @cynthaaa Thank you so much
Dec 07Reply
keithswife6 Hey. I'm new to Poshmark, I've commented on two dresses that I'm interested in I can not get the person to comment back. I'm wondering how long it takes to receive an item?? Can you help me?
Dec 07Reply
jlgshivley @keithswife6 I always try to answer any questions in a timely manner (same day), but I really aim to check my posh every hour so that I can make sure I answer promptly. How long has it been since you asked the questions?
Dec 07Reply
keithswife6 Thank you for getting back with me. It's been over 24 hours ago....
Dec 07Reply
jlgshivley @keithswife6 I am sorry, they are not getting back with you. Maybe something has come up, we never know. Hopefully they get back with you soon. BTW, You picture is adorable, Handsome boy, gorgeous Mama
Dec 07Reply
jlgshivley @keithswife6 depending on the day the seller ships the item it only takes 1-3 days to get the package. I always try to shoot for same day shipping. Depending on what time of day the order comes in. I hope this helps you.
Dec 07Reply
keithswife6 Yes it does help a lot. Oh thank you very much!!!! Same to you, 12 babies thanks amazing!! Beautiful blessed family!!! Thank you very much.
Dec 07Reply
jlgshivley @keithswife6 Thank you. Happy Holidays to you and your family
Dec 07Reply
heathers3stars Such a sweet photo!! :-) Thank you so much for noticing my listings! If you'd like the white lace dress, I'm having a BOGO sale (Buy 1 get 1 FREE!!) for Christmas Just lmk if you'd like any quotes or if you need help with anything! Cheers, Heather
Dec 23Reply
heathers3stars @jlgshivley Hello! About to accept your offer but wanted to make sure that you noticed that the navy dress is a junior size, so it runs a bit small. If that's ok, I'll accept your offer! I'll wait to hear back from you :-)
Dec 25Reply
jlgshivley @heathers3stars thank you so much for double checking! Yes the Juniors size is fine
Dec 25Reply
heathers3stars @jlgshivley You're very welcome! I'll go ahead & accept! :-) Thank you so very much for your purchase! I'll get this all packed up and ready to ship for you! :-) It will go out on Monday for you! I hope you'll enjoy them so much!! Please lmk if there's anything else that I can do to help you :-) Cheers, Heather
Dec 25Reply
fivetenandahalf Thank you for the follow! I went ahead and shared from your closet, happy poshing!!!
Dec 26Reply
jlgshivley @fivetenandahalf Thank you for the shares :) Merry Christmas
Dec 26Reply
enocharden Thanks for following my closet 💕😊
Dec 26Reply
hauteinthecity 🎉 Saying hello from the Midwest! Thank you so much for following my closet.
Dec 26Reply
jlgshivley @thewardrobecoll Its my honor, your closet is beautiful. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 🎉🍸🍾
Dec 26Reply
sejoursouvenir Wow omg! You are amazing !!! Beautiful family 💕
Dec 26Reply
jlgshivley @livefree24 awe! Thank you!
Dec 26Reply
kikistore Hi! Congrats on 12 children! I'm a newbie trying to clean my closet out. Shares are appreciated thanks
Dec 26Reply
jlgshivley @kikistore Thank you so mich💕 Going to your closet to share now🎉 Hoping you get some speedy sales 😘
Dec 26Reply
jlgshivley @enocharden you are more than welcome ❤️
Dec 26Reply
kikistore Thanks for the shares! I've been here two weeks, one sale. Is that normal? I will take new pictures tonight of some of my items that didn't come out too good
Dec 26Reply
jlgshivley @kikistore the more followers and shares you have increase your chance of selling as well as having nice clear pictures and spot on descriptions of what you are selling. A couple of tips to sell your items faster are 1.) Follow users who share a lot, they will tend to share your items and all their followers will see.
Dec 26Reply
jlgshivley @kikistore 2.) Share every item in your closet at least 3 times a day (I suggest to sharing your items whenever a party is happening) and joining the posh parties and sharing your items is a great way. 3.) Try to get a host pick. 4.) Try to visit the closets of the party host and follow them and everyone who is following them, this will get you more followers and that means you will have a bigger audience.
Dec 26Reply
jlgshivley @kikistore PS.....I try to share my own closet 3-6 times a day and I share others closets 3-6 times a day because not only am I helping out my fellow posher's, in return most times they share my closet listings which gets me more views and possibly more sales.
Dec 26Reply
jlgshivley @kikistore I hope those few tips help you out. Anything else I can help with, please let me know.
Dec 26Reply
kikistore @jlgshivley I've only shared my closet twice. Will do that now. Thanks for ur time -- and then being a mom of 12! You are quite unique! Thanks again
Dec 26Reply
jlgshivley @kikistore You are more than welcome and thank you for your kind words. Good luck on some speedy sales!
Dec 26Reply
jlgshivley I want to correct myself! I just found out that you should share your closet up to 3x's daily share others closets as often as you want. Oops! Sorry for giving out wrong info, but I was just corrected. Thank you!
Dec 26Reply
mmfleshman Hi, I'm Mary, It's great to meet you. You are absolutely beautiful and have a lovely family. It is so nice to meet and make new Posh friends. Wishing you a wonderful 2017 💟🤓
Jan 09Reply
lilmisspony What a Beautiful Family! I love the pic of the whole family in cowboy boots! I have 4 adult children and 15 Grandchildren. It Blessed me to read your post and your dedication to our Lord and Savior. It is so nice to meet you! - Ruth
Jan 19Reply
jlgshivley @lilmisspony thank you so much! I am very blessed, that's for sure. I am glad my post blessed you. Jesus + Family + Friends = what life is all about💕 I love the women of Posh. The love and kindness of Poshmark women is one of a kind, no one tearing each other down, just lifting each other up.
Jan 19Reply
jlgshivley @mmfleshman Thank you Mary. I am blessed. And I am so happy I decided to start selling on Posh.
Jan 19Reply
lilmisspony @jlgshivley I am still new and am learning, but I really love it! My oldest daughter introduced me to Poshmark and I introduced one of my other Granddaughters! So three Generations of Poshmark ladies! :)
Jan 19Reply
laurainski Hi there. You are so sweet to share all my items. Thank you very much. 😀❤
Jan 21Reply
jlgshivley @laurainski You are more than welcome, it was my pleasure. Sharing is caring, I love spreading Posh love!!! Have a blessed and great weekend.
Jan 21Reply
janimack7 Hi, JACKIE❣👋🏽 I'm Jan! Great to meet you and your lovely closet!
Jan 22Reply
karebear51 @jlgshivley 💖Hi Jackie, I'm Karen👋. I love running across like-minded Poshers who love Jesus on here. It's a pleasure to meet you and share your beautiful closet (I love it😍!) Congrats on hosting a Posh party, how exciting🎉👏🎈Happy Poshing and God bless you💖
Jan 22Reply
nymo830 What a beautiful family. God bless you.
Jan 22Reply
jlgshivley @nymo830 thank you so much, I am blessed.
Jan 22Reply
sunshinet32 So sorry but the delay I'll have your drivers to the post office bright and early 😉
Feb 10Reply
jlgshivley @sunshinet32 I am not sure what you are talking about. I am not anticipating an order from you.
Feb 10Reply
sunshinet32 @jlgshivley I'm sorry wrong person have a good day 😁
Feb 10Reply
kelleymacd Hi! Jackie! Congrats on hosting the men's style party!!! 🎉💕💥 I'd love for you to check out the Men's Nike jacket listing in my closet! Thanks so much! 😚
Feb 19Reply
plaidstiletto Congratulations on your Party tomorrow!!!!! Would love to be considered for one of your Host Picks 💟💛💟
Feb 19Reply
nycma Congratulations for the party tomorrow! In case you are still looking for host picks I hope you will consider my closet. ❤️
Feb 19Reply
swallowtails I love your closet Jackie, and your family photographs are wonderful❣ Your closet reflects your love for God and all of the wonderful things that he blesses us with🙏🏻 I hope you have tremendous success with many, many prosperous sales.🌹
Mar 14Reply
christabvalerio @jlgshivley Hi Jackie- sorry to ping you during the party🎉 I have lowered the price of some nice potential host pick shoes. If you have time to check them out🦋 I love the Lord too!! ❤
Mar 22Reply
nycma Congratulations for the party tomorrow. In case you are still looking for host picks, I hope you will consider my closet. Thanks ❤️
Oct 02Reply
everygirlshop Congrats on your party!! 🎉🎉👍👍 This is a great theme !! Please follow me and check out my closet too!! I am sharing some listings to your dressing room in hopes of a possible Host Pick!! See you at the party!! 💃👙🎀👍🙋🏼🙋🏼🙋🏼🙋🏼🎀😍💕🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🆕🆕🎉
Oct 03Reply
brittalyss Congratulations on hosting the girl boss party 🎉 I hope it goes great! I would love and appreciate it if you would take a stroll over to my closet for a possible host pick..... thank you so so so very much 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 @brittalyss
Oct 03Reply
mlb1006 Congratulations on hosting tonight!🎉🎉🎉Would love to be considered for a possible HP!💕
Oct 03Reply
kim_b22 Hi! 💞 Congratulations on hosting!!! 🎊🍾 If you're still looking for Host Picks, I've moved theme appropriate items to the top of my closet. 👗🎉👢💐👚
Oct 03Reply
meliadf Hi! Congrats on hosting a party! I would love to be a host pick! I am trying to get myself out there and make more money for hospital bills. Thank you!!😊😀
Oct 03Reply
chrissy2529 Hello I shipped your order today. Thank you for your order I am going to share your listing. I added a free item you can enjoy or resell.
May 24Reply
jlgshivley @chrissy2529 thank you so much
May 24Reply
maegiebeth Hi Doll!! I don't know how I missed your purchase!?! If you still want the Converse, I'll mail out on Tuesday. Soo sorry Sweetie!!
May 27Reply
maegiebeth My apologies on the shipping delay. I experienced the traggic untimely death of my mother.. Poshmark wasn't my top priority as you would imagine.
May 31Reply
shopwhitebox Hi 🤗 Thank you so much for the sweet review and rating! So happy you love your new goodies!!! Have a wonderful day ❤️✨☀️
Jun 25Reply
madeintexas10 Hi there, what a beautiful wedding picture. Thank you for visiting my closet. I was out the door to the post office to mail 3 boxes, I’ll put your in with them, and mail it in a bit. Have a safe and wonderful weekend.
Aug 10Reply
jlgshivley @mslester10 thank you so much!
Aug 10Reply
idevine1 Hi, I just noticed that you liked a pair of BKE Jeans in my closet.  I just sent you a private discounted offer of 16% off PLUS $1.50 discount in shipping if you are interested in purchasing the item.  I'm pricing items to sell in my closet, as I need to clear out inventory in order to list new items.  I'd love for this item to go to a good home.  Please let me know if you're interested.  ☺☺☺☺☺
Oct 03Reply
monolidi Happy poshing🤗🤗 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like🥳
Apr 27Reply

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Last Active: Feb 27 2023

Bay Port, MI
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Last Active: Feb 27 2023

Bay Port, MI
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