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Updated Apr 08
Updated Apr 08

Meet Your Posher, Maya



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Thanks for supporting my small business! The items in my closet are lightly used or bought directly from manufacturers/wholesalers. I clearly list the condition of each item so there are no surprises! Items are smoke free. I’m a college student and using my sales to help pay for school. I love running, shopping, delicious food and my animals! Some of my favorite brands are North Face, Nike, and Coach. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet!
  • Seller Discount: 30% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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05teddy11 Blessings on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Much success poshing and in school ❤️🤟🏻❤️💜
Oct 22Reply
lakeviewapparel @05teddy11 thank you very much!
Oct 22Reply
megan274 Happy Halloween! 🎃I hope you treat yourself to a look at my closet. It is no trick I will offer deals and bundles! 🎉Happy poshing! 💚
Oct 31Reply
1greatone Thank you for the SHARES!😊 Your a 💎 I appreciate it! Many sales your way!
Nov 07Reply
lakeviewapparel @1greatone you're very welcome and thank you!
Nov 08Reply
tyannalongtin good afternoon just wa wanted to let you know I will be shipping the belt you purchased out Monday. I hope that works. Thank you.
Nov 08Reply
lakeviewapparel @tyannalongtin that's perfect! Thank you for the update!
Nov 08Reply
lakeviewapparel @mariojv you're welcome! Happy poshing!
Nov 09Reply
cchall88 Hi there thank u for sharing 🤗
Nov 14Reply
lakeviewapparel @cchall88 you're welcome! Happy poshing!
Nov 14Reply
shabbyjeans50 Hi Maya, thank you for following me and for looking over my closet. I'm now following you and am about to browse your closet and share my favorites with my followers here on Posh and on Twitter. I appreciate you. Have a great day ~ Linda
Nov 14Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Dec 03Reply
lakedwellerhb Hi Maya, thanks for following us!👍 We are Jimbo & G!🤠🙋 I hope you have many sales & find tons of bargains!📈 Happy Posh'ng & have a blessed day!🙏☮️💞
Dec 04Reply
tinatran777 Thank you for your purchase; I will have your item nicely wrapped & shipped out to you ASAP, along with free gift of purchase. Thank you 🙏 again! Have a lovely day.
Dec 13Reply
lakeviewapparel @tinatran777 Thank you very much! :)
Dec 13Reply
tinatran777 @lakeviewapparel my pleasure dear :)
Dec 13Reply
jenniferlknnc hi Maya I package up your Purchase and the weight ended up being 15.8oz, 23"×16"×15, I went to down loaded a new label for the extra cost and the only option was 10 pounds for a extra 19.99so I'm thinking the best way is cancel your order and break up the set into 2 sales& then I'll let you know when I'm finished with the new 2 listing and I'll send you a offer with the same cost as the first purchase. Let me know your thoughts thanks
Dec 14Reply
jenniferlknnc I wanted to let that this might not be going out until Monday, since I need to unpack this big box and I padded the heck out of it,and then make 2 new listings and pack up 2 new packages and send you the new offers. and I have to leave for the whole day in about 30 minutes, I'll have to redo everything tonight or tomorrow morning. thanks again Jennifer
Dec 14Reply
jenniferlknnc Thanks I appreciate it!!! i want to wrap everything up nicely with padding without being rushed. I'm a little bit of a perfectionist about my packages. thanks again!! Jennifer
Dec 14Reply
lakeviewapparel @jenniferlknnc please cancel the first order so the money goes back in my Posh balance so I could reorder in your two new listings. Thank you!
Dec 14Reply
jenniferlknnc hi, I sent you a offer for the Large Luggage bag. it's not letting me send you a separate offer for the 2 order until you accept the first one. I can cancel the first order if you want me to before you accept. thanks for being patient with this sale.
Dec 14Reply
jenniferlknnc @lakeviewapparel okay I just cancelled 1st order.
Dec 14Reply
jenniferlknnc @lakeviewapparel buy my first offer and then after that is completed, then the second sale send me a offer but i don't want you to have to pay Shipping so if you're able to send a offer for the second sale, do free shipping. I hope that this all is making sense 😊 we can make it work!!👍
Dec 14Reply
jenniferlknnc Maya, I'll get everything pack up tonight and I will have it the Mail Monday Morning. thanks again for being so cool about everything!!thanks Jennifer 😊💕💕🎅🎄
Dec 14Reply
lakeviewapparel @jenniferlknnc Ok, thank you Jennifer!
Dec 14Reply
vtsquare Thank you for the follow on Poshmark! I also followed you on Instagram....squarevt2018 and Twitter....@SquareVt and hope you will follow me back as well. Working together we can accomplish anything!❤️
Dec 14Reply
lakeviewapparel @vtsquare Hi! You're welcome and I followed you back on Instagram and Twitter! Happy poshing and I wish you well on lots of sales!
Dec 14Reply
terryleecloth Love your closet!!! 🌻🌟🦋
Dec 17Reply
lakeviewapparel @terryleecloth thank you so much!
Dec 17Reply
nicole_347 Hi thanks for following! Please follow our Charity Instagram also!! It is called @FashionFundsWWYK, The founder is designer & humanitarian ZuZu Kerim!! Just a follow or repost is support enough! We fight for human and political rights! Check out Climate Fridays on our IG! We also do shout outs and giveaways! Thank you for supporting! Look for our LOTUS FLOWER PROFILE LOGO!!! That's @Fashion FundsWWYK. In the DMV area, with Donations also going to the Climate Fund! No were not spam!
Dec 17Reply
stewardcindy1 Ahh..I had a little one just like that who was old and lost her last year. Still makes me smile when I see one. Back to business… The plaid shirt what is the armpit to armpit size?
Dec 17Reply
stewardcindy1 I just saw the armpits are armpit size...I would need a small. Thank you anyway.
Dec 17Reply
jenniferlknnc i'm glad you love the Luggage set!! thanks again!! ♥️Jenn
Dec 19Reply
thefinickyfox Great closet! 🛍🛍🛍Happy Poshing!
Dec 28Reply
lakeviewapparel @thefinickyfox Thank you! Yours is great as well! Your photos are perfect!
Dec 28Reply
missdonalou Thank you for all the shares! 😁
Feb 09Reply
dedeworsham Thank you for the shares this morning! Good luck to you with your business and school.
Feb 22Reply
lakeviewapparel @dedeworsham You're welcome and thank you!
Feb 23Reply
adedeke6 loved the tiny nail files! I've never seen such a thing and I'm thrilled to get a freebie I can actually use!
Feb 29Reply
lisa0000 I don’t know how I can get you on here but my purchase didn’t work out The zipper won’t work and it’s too small the zipper stuck as soon as I tried it I can’t wear this so I didn’t respond I don’t want to make you look bad not your fault I expected it a little different that’s all 😞
Mar 18Reply
lisa0000 I usually wear a juniors medium now or large depends
Mar 18Reply
lisa0000 Love your babies! Mayby I can sell it😌
Mar 18Reply
lakeviewapparel @lisa0000 Hi! I'm sorry to hear the jacket didn't fit. Please reach out to Poshmark to see how they want to handle this. Thank you!
Mar 18Reply
alliecat811 Love your closet and your little buddies❣️❣️
Mar 18Reply
brookesgov grest closet!thanks for all the shares😀
Mar 18Reply
concierge Thank you Maya for sharing my listings! I have taken a break from Poshing with all that's going on to care for my family! Yet will return! Be Safe, Be well! Good luck with your studies and hug your fur babies❣ Happy Safe Poshing❗⭐ Tanya🌹 @concierge
Mar 19Reply
ennocntheart Thank you for sharing my listings ❣️🦋🥰
Apr 11Reply
ammelyn2 Hi I’m so sorry for taking 4 days bf I also shared some of ur items!! I’ve been sick and just now picked up my phone to check it!! Thanks so much!!
Apr 12Reply
lakeviewapparel @ammelyn2 Get well soon! Happy poshing!
Apr 15Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow 🌠
Apr 25Reply
lisalo3 Please cancel my order
May 11Reply
cattybotta I shared almond all your jeans to jeans 👖 party
May 15Reply
lakeviewapparel @cattybotta Thank you! I just shared all your items to my followers!
May 15Reply
cattybotta Your the best sharing ny closet I love your dog and cats there so cute I miss my dog and cat take honey I’ll he back but please feel free to check my closet I’ll give you a very good deal also let me know if you get anything in real gold no matter what it is thank you
May 15Reply
lakeviewapparel @cattybotta You're welcome! I will check out your closet!
May 15Reply
cmoore623 Hey Maya! Since you ordered some ketones from me, I wanted to let you know that there is a 25% off sale for Memorial Day happening on my website. go here: and let me know if you have any questions! 💛
May 25Reply
anomar905 Maya, I would like to apologize for the packaging. I do so 🙏🏻 appreciate your comments on & I am learning from them. If I could make it up to you, please let me know... Perhaps another item I could ship to you for free? Or a discount? 🦋
May 27Reply
lakeviewapparel @anomar905 Thank you! The products are beautiful that I received from you. I would still order from you again and understand accidents happen. No need to ship me anything for free, but thank you!
May 27Reply
chicagodeals Your pets are adorable.
May 28Reply
purplechihuahua thank you for sharing my clothing! I love your little Chihuahua looks so cute 💜🐕 kitties too
May 29Reply
nancy2964 thanks for getting back to me so quick. I hope the dress fits as good as it looks!!
Jun 25Reply
lakeviewapparel @nancy2964 You're very welcome!
Jun 25Reply
kjax1 I purchased the spider ring from you and within a week it turned a rust color. While it’s beautiful & I did love it - I can’t wear it this way. Hoping you’ll allow me to return to you?
Dec 17Reply
lakeviewapparel @kjax1 Please open a case with Posh. Thank you!
Dec 17Reply
kjax1 I can do that but I was really hoping to work with you. When the rain started to tarnish I tried to reach out and comment to you but I couldn’t. There was no way to contact you. So I contacted posh and they told me you were having trouble with your account. I was hoping as a reputable seller I could send this ring back to you and you could swap it out for something else but clearly the ring it’s just going to tarnish for anyone who buys it.
Dec 17Reply
lakeviewapparel @kjax1 Please reach out to Posh so they can handle the return and purchase of a new label for the replacement/exchange item. I'm sorry to hear the ring tarnished.
Dec 17Reply
wallsposhcloset Blessings to you and your fur babies. i am a fur momma too. I liked alot of items in your closet. Especially the jewelry. your closet is stunning. i am looking for a princess cut ring. my wedding band was stolen by someone who was suppose to size it and well long story short he went out of business and now i am unable to locate my ring.
Jan 06Reply
wallsposhcloset i see you have some but i was wondering if they will turn my finger green? since they arent real. i always take my rings off to clean , shower, bath the littles so it wouldn't be getting wet. whats the best one to get that wont turn or turn quickly?
Jan 06Reply
nancylfunk Hi Sweetie, I have 2 orders for the silver chain. You can cancel the last one that hasn't shipped, please!
Feb 02Reply
lakeviewapparel @nancylfunk it has been canceled for your request thank you!
Feb 02Reply
nancylfunk @lakeviewapparel you are a gem! ❤❤❤
Feb 02Reply
putsywoo @lakeviewapparel I'm done dealing with posh I've asked for a label 6 times now to send this ring back that I was toldi could even before I got it there making a big deal over it. I do not trust this site the very first thing I got was damaged she tried to say I did it and I can't be her first victim then last week I almost got scammed for over 200 on a ring someone else is selling for 25. I've had it how a company allows so many criminals on here means there criminals too
May 08Reply
putsywoo I'm mailing it back I'm done with posh
May 08Reply
putsywoo I sent it back and paid the 12 bucks even though I shouldn't of had too because that was not a 7 it was atleast 7 or 8.5 I've been 6.5 my entire life I'm tired of dealing with posh and them trying to do a stupid claim because of the size when I was told I could send it back you think with all there money they could have decent customer service but they don't care about customers
May 08Reply
putsywoo I meant 8 to 8.5
May 08Reply
sandycupcake P♥️sh L♥️ve 🌹🌹 🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹 Congrats on your “Deal Days” Win! Enjoy your guilt free shopping. Sandy
May 13Reply
putsywoo @lakeviewapparel have you received it Its suppose to be there by tomorrow
May 13Reply
lakeviewapparel @putsywoo Yes I have received it
May 17Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to send an offer or create a bundle I’ll be moving soon so I’ll accept literally anything
Aug 20Reply
hedc0806 Item not as described at all.
Oct 19Reply
precious_trendz ⚜🖤⚜Dear fellow Posh ambassador, please check out the labels & stickers listed in my closet for your packaging needs. One of my listings are 4"×6" customizable "THANK YOU" labels to which I can add your custom message & business name. Thank you for your time & consideration. May you have an abundance of sales! Blessings, xoxo⚜🖤⚜
Oct 20Reply
jenn123456 Thanks for following me. Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me! Everything need to sell fast, Please!
Oct 22Reply
jenn123456 Thanks for sharing item. Hopefully you will buy something form me soon. Everything needs to sell fast please. I am selling a cat mug and dog toy! Cute Cats and Dog 🥰🐱🐾🐶🐾
Oct 23Reply
sassycowgirl7 Hi, i’m trying to figure out how to message you, my name is Susan Muncaster, I just received an order from you today that I have already received from you back in August. It is a silver ring—The package was severely damaged by the post office and they tried to fix it but the ring was still OK, I don’t know why you have resent it suddenly now, suppose just some kind of mistake—what would you like me to do with this?
Nov 02Reply
lakeviewapparel @sassycowgirl7 I apologize but I don't know what happened either! please keep the second package!
Nov 02Reply
sargebill Maya hi and good evening. Thank you so much for your follow, keep up the great work, study, keep focused, be all that you can be. When things get rough, just stop, take a break, think of something funny and take life by the horns, you're in charge, wishing you all the very best, Bill and Samantha.
Nov 03Reply
steveowens934 excuse me I just wanna how comeu order changed from a bundle to a single pair if I would have known that I was gonna get a single pair I wanted the other pair more then the hoop earrings I don't know if that happened by mistake or what but that was wrong because I picked the bundle
Jan 03Reply
lakeviewapparel @steveowens934 Hi! I just viewed your order and only see one item in the bundle. is there another item that you would like to add? If so I can cancel this order and you can reorder with the additional items.
Jan 03Reply
steveowens934 @lakeviewapparel I just wanted them other earrings that's all I liked them alot
Jan 03Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Feb 01Reply
jmshumate Good morning they call me JM :))
Feb 02Reply
patriciahoff359 I recently purchased a pair of jeans from you and when they arrived you included a shirt for free along with them. I wanted to say thank you and let you know it was greatly appreciated. This was the first time I bought an item from Poshmark and it was a terrific experience. I will definitely shop at your store more frequently. Thanks again, Patti
Feb 09Reply
lakeviewapparel @patriciahoff359 You're very welcome! Happy poshing and have a great day!
Feb 09Reply
greenez1 Hi there! you just sent me an offer on the ring, I do have a bundle with the ring😎
Mar 26Reply
lakeviewapparel @greenez1 I just sent you an offer on your bundle. Thank you!
Mar 26Reply
motostar666214 already bought it for less. my boyfriend gonna love it!!
May 10Reply
tashaintx Hi there!! I reached to you before about the earrings I received and haven’t heard back yet. One earring will not stay closed. I love the earrings and was hoping I could just exchange the earring with an issue instead of doing a return. How do you want to handle the issue? I only have so long before the window closes to accept so I’ll check back later for your response. Thanks and have a great day!!🌈
May 15Reply
lakeviewapparel @tashaintx Hi! I'm so sorry for the delay as I was out of town. I will ship you a replacement today! I'm sorry for the inconvenience!
May 16Reply
tashaintx @lakeviewapparel no worries!! I appreciate it so much!! I absolute LOVE the earrings and I can’t wait to be able to wear them. I submitted a case to Posh but I won’t worry with it any longer since your sending a replacement for it. I just need one earring, not both. Would you like me to send you the broken one back once I get the replacement in hopes that maybe you can fix it and have it ask a back up in case the issue arises again?
May 16Reply
lakeviewapparel @tashaintx No need to send them back, I will send you a full set once Posh updates the case. :)
May 17Reply
tashaintx @lakeviewapparel thank you. That’s so sweet of you!! I appreciate it. Do I need to do anything about the case? Or do I just leave it be a not do anything at all and it will resolve itself? 🌈
May 17Reply
lakeviewapparel @tashaintx It's all set and is in the mail. I don't have a tracking number because I mailed it with a regular stamp.
May 17Reply
tashaintx @lakeviewapparel thanks again for all of your help!! I really appreciate it. I’ll let you know as soon as I get it. 🌈
May 17Reply
tashaintx Just wanted to let everyone know what a stellar seller she is!! I had an issue with an earring closing, not sellers fault, and reached out to her. Not only did she replace the earrings (the entire set, not just the one) but did so with no problem whatsoever. She was so helpful, accommodating and nice to work with and she truly stands behind the products that she sells. I can’t recommend this seller enough!! She’s great and really sweet. Thank you so much!! 🌈
May 23Reply
stacy6873 Hi! I'm looking for 4 more of those Rosary necklaces. You wouldn't have them possibly would you. I noticed you went Suny Geneseo. So did I! Small world 😊
May 24Reply
lakeviewapparel @stacy6873 What a small world that you went to Geneseo as well! I have a total of five of the rosary necklaces which includes the one that you ordered. Do you want me to cancel your order for one and create a special bundle of five for you?
May 24Reply
stacy6873 yes that would be great. are you from NY?
May 24Reply
lakeviewapparel @stacy6873 Yes, Buffalo. I created a special bundle for you. Please send me an offer!
May 24Reply
stacy6873 Thank you so much. I lived in Attica for 27 years. I moved to South Florida after that. I got sick of the snow
May 24Reply
lakeviewapparel @stacy6873 You're welcome! I have a 2 year plan to move to FL as well!
May 24Reply
stacy6873 you'll love it. paradise all year round.
May 24Reply
lakeviewapparel @stacy6873 Thank you; I will be sending free gifts too!
May 24Reply
marinesniper Do you have any more of the 925 hoop Earrings? Semper Fi
Jun 12Reply
lakeviewapparel @marinesniper Hi! I have 2 pairs left! Please let me know if you would like me to create a bundle for you. Thanks!
Jun 13Reply
mommakatnyc @lakeviewapparel I sent you a Bundle message about two rings. Thank you.
Jul 09Reply
cdalan07 Hi, just a quick question about a ring of poker cards you have listed, what is Tibetan Silver and how does it compare with 925 Sterling Silver?
Sep 27Reply
waikikirod Beautiful
Nov 26Reply
cutehosiery @lakeviewapparel Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Nov 30Reply
krystalmcc1621 Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your items with my followers. Have a wonderful day 🌞 and many sales📦!
Jan 24Reply
melinferno Thanks for sharing my closet... Mel
Oct 28Reply
aniagftsandmore Thanks for the follow. I shared some of your items. I have womens, mens, kids in my closet. I am always listing more always welcome offers. If interested in LIVE shows. I do shows Mondays- women's S-4x lots unlisted, NWT, NWOT, like new, $15& under. Tuesday's – kids share show train & pop-ups too. each purchase gets you an entry into my monthly giveaway. in LIVES you only pay 1 shipping. I pay anything over 5lb. you also get rewards- spend $100 with me get $10 off next purchase! Thanks -Ania
Nov 01Reply
lynnbeckylynn Thanks for the follow and for visiting our closet. We wish you Posh success 😍 We've cut our prices to clear some stock, so take a look if you get a chance. We're also accepting reasonable offers. Happy poshing!
Nov 07Reply
johndiaz282 Thanks for the follow Maya, you're absolutely stunningly gorgeous
Nov 10Reply
dress4_success hello! I'm closing my closet, my prices are reduced and all my items are in great condition, please take a moment to check my closet. thanks!
Nov 13Reply
pleasure_medita Hi Maya!🙂. Thanks for following👍🏻😎. Have a great weekend.👋🌞
Dec 28Reply

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Elma, NY
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Last Active: hours ago

Elma, NY
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