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Updated Jan 05
Updated Jan 05

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Limited Time 20% Off All Bundles. Hi, Thanks for checking out my closet! I Am Jewelry Obsessed, Especially About Silver Gemstone Pendants. My clothing taste can be described as Bohemia With A Mix Of Grunge, Renaissance, and Western. I Love Shopping, Spending Time With Family And Going Out to eat with friends.
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bellasbeauties What's your daughter closet names?
Feb 19Reply
lisamp123 I have a thing about chickens---love them!! Used to have them when I was little. One would sit on my handle bar while I ride my bike😃😃😃. Maybe someday ill have them again!!!!
Feb 19Reply
shellyssssss @lisamp123 Ha ha! How fun!
Feb 19Reply
diamondscc1 @shellyssssss I just have to say I love your closet! I will be putting you in my likes to keep you close. Lol I love your unique pendants, they are gorgeous! I love to trade too so please come by n check out my closet n let me know if you like anything n maybe we can share by a trade. Have a blessed day. :)
Feb 19Reply
shellyssssss @diamondscc1 Thanks for the complement! You have a great closet too!
Feb 19Reply
lauras_boutique Hi Shelly 🌹I'm Laura, and it's so nice to meet you! 😀💗 I have been on PM since October, and I'm addicted since I love shopping and meeting new amazing posher's!😍❤️ I live in Michigan with an amazing hubby and 4 adorable kitty furry babies that I adore!😍🐱 You have a beautiful closet, and I would love to stay in touch!💕 Have a fabulous day! Laura 💗💋
Feb 20Reply
shellyssssss @msu0712 Thanks for the warm welcome Laura! Kittys are fun too! Your closet is great! I think we are in the same share group!
Feb 20Reply
lauras_boutique I love kitties and all animals! I can't imagine a life without them!!🐱🐶 Yes we are in one of the same share groups, so it's nice to officially meet!! Laura💕💗💋
Feb 20Reply
noy2312 @shellyssssss Shelly!!! Do you live in San Diego?
Feb 20Reply
shellyssssss @noy2312 Wow!Yes I do! How did you know!
Feb 20Reply
noy2312 @shellyssssss I live in Chula Vista! I saw your daughters closet today and I actually said hello to her but she hasn't responded.
Feb 20Reply
threkats Shellysssss, cool jewels, & great pets🐥🐍🐰
Mar 04Reply
shellyssssss @threkats Thanks! Love cats too!
Mar 04Reply
cara23 Did you ship my leopard flats back?
Mar 10Reply
shellyssssss @cara23 Poshmark told me to keep them and that you got paid.
Mar 10Reply
cara23 You got the wrong shoes? And no I definitely didn't get paid
Mar 10Reply
shellyssssss @cara23 Posh sent me an email that you did.
Mar 10Reply
corvus440 @shellyssssss OMG you have such a beautiful closet!
Apr 13Reply
shellyssssss @corvus440 ♡Thanks! So Do You!♡
Apr 13Reply
diamondscc1 @shellyssssss I'm in love with your closet my dear... Do you trade? :)
Apr 20Reply
katemsmith Do you make the jewelry you sell or do you get it from somewhere? The pendants are beautiful!!
Apr 20Reply
shellyssssss @katemsmith A variety of different ways! Some I have had for a very long time! Thank You For the Complement!
Apr 20Reply
shellyssssss @dsheler Thank you! You Have A Cool Closet!
Apr 26Reply
shellyssssss @diamondscc1 I dont trade but youre closet is great! Let me know when you have more listings of your jewelry and I will check it out!
Apr 26Reply
dzlosey1900 Beautiful closet! I love your items! Definitely will be returning!
Apr 02Reply
shellyssssss @dzlosey1900 Thank you, I look forward to it! I Offer 20% off bundles!
Apr 18Reply
discount1 beautiful family and closet hope you be top posher I live in east county too have blessed day if you love animals you have a good heart!
Apr 23Reply
shellyssssss @discount1 Hi, Thanks! Nice to meet you, Welcome to Posh! Yeah, cant beat our weather right!
Apr 23Reply
discount1 good luck to your daughter too though she has nothing posted we lucky not get snow or tornadoes or hurricanes and to think I met a posh in same area as me you blessed my day wish everything beautiful for you and your family!
Apr 23Reply
shellyssssss @discount1 Yeah she had alot of listings but she has the her baby. And the best to you and yours also! Let me know if you need any help if sometime you decide to sell some stuff!
Apr 23Reply
ashb_marie Thanks for sharing our sparkle :) Best of luck in sales!
Apr 23Reply
discount1 thank you for being so kind you truly are a blessing to your family I would have problem selling because my cell phone does not have internet so cannot download posh app so not know who else in area and not have car to travel
Apr 24Reply
discount1 I'm so happy for your daughter and her baby too wish them well you have beautiful family
Apr 24Reply
m3zz now that is a cute baby!
Apr 25Reply
shellyssssss @m3zz Thanks my little grandbaby!
Apr 25Reply
discount1 just wanted wish you happy and profitable day thank you for share and kind comments bless your family!
Apr 26Reply
dusty19 Beautiful baby
Apr 27Reply
laslollipop Welcome to posh good luck 🍀 on your closet sales and shopping!!💰🍭 HAPPY POSHING 💕
May 01Reply
shellyssssss @laslollipop Thanks, you too!
May 01Reply
discount1 shellyssssss just wanted say hi fellow east county posh friend and hope you and your family have very special mother's day your daughter as well! thanks fro offer help too my problem cell phone not have internet so cant download posh app participate in parties or find local posh parties or even sell
May 06Reply
pattyjaye Love your closet and all the pretties in jewelry😍💫👑
May 14Reply
mrs0623 Thanks for stopping by and looking through my closet . 😋
May 26Reply
misskay235 Love your closet.
May 29Reply
shellyssssss @misskay235 Thank you!
May 29Reply
mammabear85022 Thank you for taking a look at my closet. Im always open to offers please don't feel shy. Happy poshing😎
Jun 08Reply
joojoob52 Your closet rocks! Great jewelry and fair prices. Will be back soon. Very cute baby in the photo. God bless him. How old?
Jun 10Reply
shellyssssss @joojoob52 Thanks you are so sweet! Its my granddaughter shes 4!
Jun 10Reply
joojoob52 @shellyssssss ooops. How sweet!
Jun 10Reply
bicoastal1961 Hi there again. Ok I did a bundle are you going to do 20pc. On it? Can you see the items? I hope i can find where I was.
Jun 17Reply
shugarbrown1964 Awwww, beautiful baby! !!
Jun 19Reply
shellyssssss @shugarbrown1964 Thank you! Babies are precious!
Jun 19Reply
shellyssssss @shugarbrown1964 Its my little granddaughter
Jun 19Reply
shugarbrown1964 @shellyssssss I have two granddaughters and one grandson! They aren't exactly babies anymore, but they are still precious and wonderful! They ate three, four and five. Wow! The oldest will be six this year. Time flies!
Jun 19Reply
shellyssssss @shugarbrown1964 How fun! I hope you get to see them alot. She is my first one!
Jun 19Reply
shugarbrown1964 @shellyssssss Not often as I would like, unfortunately!
Jun 19Reply
bullittsmom What a cute family-and what an awesome closet😄
Jun 20Reply
shellyssssss @bullittsmom Thanks and the pic of you and your dog is cute too! I love big dogs!
Jun 20Reply
gracienurse1 Thanks for the shares 💐
Jul 23Reply
buffalogypsy Your granddaughter is a cutie!! Also your clo as et is gorgeous!! You have a very similar style to mine. I'm a jewelry addict..drives the hubby crazy 😂😂😂 but he has learned to adjust.
Aug 05Reply
shellyssssss @bdixon0220 Thank you! She is a great joy! Yea, jewelry is so fun! Amd I drive mie crazy too, Lol!
Aug 05Reply
buffalogypsy @shellyssssss Lol 😂😂😂 I will tell my hubby I found a new bracelet or ring I love..his response.. "Don't you have enough on" Me "Ugh no" 😂😂😂
Aug 05Reply
beansprout71 Awesome closet wow!
Aug 21Reply
maidmarian Hey you💞💞💞💞💞
Sep 08Reply
shellyssssss @maidmarian Hi! Thanks for the shares!
Sep 09Reply
maidmarian Thank you for sharing back!💞💞 Marian
Sep 09Reply
melaniecrodgers Thank you for the like on the copper sweater Shelly! Any questions let me know please 😊
Sep 22Reply
lorac2015 Hi! If you love♡ VINTAGE BAGS ♡ I Have Vintage Dooney♡, Vintage Coach♡ & Vintage Kate Spade♡ Come Visit My Closet♡! Thanks!!
Feb 04Reply
hmsimon1 Good morning Shelly. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
May 27Reply
finney949 @shellyssssss Hey Shelly, I forgot I lowered the price on the vans, I thought I still had them at 25, if you would like to submit your last offer I can definitely accept it. Again sorry about that.
Jun 29Reply
orangeelephant Good day to you! Your closet is outstanding!! I'm in love w almost ever piece! Unique and priced PERFECTLY for being so unusual. I wish you success health and happiness in all you and yours do:-D xoxo
Aug 04Reply
butterflysnsass Do you make these magnificent pieces? I am obsessed with jewelry as well and now getting into gemstones like really getting into them. glad I found your Closet. Maybe get some healing going on. Thank you
Aug 05Reply
laineyeliz Thank you for your purchase, I will ship it tomorrow!
Aug 28Reply
wawamama Pretty closet❣️ Darling pics❣️
Oct 02Reply
loradaen Ty for your purchase. Will ship first thing in the morning. 😊😊😊
Oct 05Reply
jovigraham Hello There 💕thx for the follow. Congrats on Posh Ambassador status. If you haven't already .. I invite you to like & share my follow game 🤗🌸🤗. 💕Tonya 💕
Nov 07Reply
jovigraham Thx 🤗💕🤗
Nov 07Reply
roscoe4 Hi There.. just checking in on black velvet jacket purchase. When do you expect to ship out? thanks again excited about receiving.
Feb 09Reply
shellyssssss @roscoe4 Me and my daughter had a shipping label mix up. She took my label and i took hers. I contacted Poshmark. Your jacket will be coming but they have to fix it woth the receiver. Im sorry this happened.
Feb 09Reply
shellyssssss @jovigraham Thank you for the invite. I will do that. Happy Poshing!
Feb 09Reply
jovigraham @shellyssssss 🤗🤗. You hv awesome jewelry. Are you part of any jewelry share groups ? I know of 2 that are stress free .. you do it whatever day you sign up. Other than that no obligations.
Feb 09Reply
jovigraham @shellyssssss if you're interested @justpeep (everyday - hv to sign in b4 3pm) and @matana has one as well (mon-thurs habe to sign in by 6pm).
Feb 09Reply
roscoe4 @shellyssssss ok thanks for the update. Let me know please when this is resolved. Thanks
Feb 11Reply
ahove Hey Shelley. Thank you for your offer. I just marked these down. The lowest is 45. Thank you.
Feb 14Reply
preppysky Hii! 🎀 Hope you’re well and having a blast on PM! Thanks for the like on the adidas dress. Feel free to ask any questions. Would love to work something out🎀
Mar 02Reply
trinka32 Wow I never put in as many likes in the entire time I have been poshing. Love, Love, Lovily closet you have. I will be back for sure. What an adorably your sweet family you have☆☆☆ God's blessings to you all♡
Jul 16Reply
shellyssssss @trinka32 Thank you, your very kind!
Jul 16Reply
lesmurphy13 LOVE your gorgeous closet!! Especially the jewelry!!
Aug 06Reply
food4343 Hi my name is Brenda Poshmark Ambassador, I would like to invite you over to my closet, you might find something you really love. If you have any questions just ask. Have a nice day! I love Free People and have lots of it!
Aug 20Reply
danielleswings love your closet.we have the same taste
Oct 30Reply
free_woman Good morning! Thank you for preparing my order for the shipping so fast! Please make sure the shipping tag is correct... I just have a situation with mis-shipping with another seller and it's tasked forever to fix it right. Also, please let me know if you have more items, I can do any other way you prefer. I need about 40-50 pieces more. Thank you again, Iva
Mar 31Reply
bxaxoxo Hello there! Love you closet. Love love jewelry and thai food as well. 😊🌹🌺
Jul 31Reply
fsm11 I’m so sorry can we cancel that purchase I just cannot afford it I’m so sorry.
Oct 17Reply
fsm11 Is it possible can we please cancel the transaction have you seen all the messages I sent?
Oct 17Reply
shellyssssss @fsm11 I was at work and I sent on the way.
Oct 17Reply
tikimcdougle Hi and welcome to poshmark I would love if you had a chance to check out my closet 😉 any item 20 and under bundle 3/20 for next 48 hours just for you! Thank you happy poshing😘 any questions please feel free to ask.
Oct 23Reply
zeebrazoe Hi! 🦓 Thx so much for the follow 💚 We love your style!
Oct 30Reply
shellyssssss @zeebrazoe Thank you! Hope you have a great holiday season, happy poshing!
Oct 30Reply
poshmamak Welcome to my closet...doing BOG2 Free on all my jackets if you see anything you like...or BOGO Free on anything else Today Only :) Thanks!
Nov 21Reply
3rosedaughters Hi... just make me an offer and I will accept!
Feb 02Reply
gigi11155 Just wanted you to know I’m running a BOGO FREE SALE with $60.00⬆️ FREE SHIPPING!! If you get a chance do stop by!!❤️👍😊🌹🌹🌹🌹
Mar 08Reply
nananellasrooms Thank you for following and sharing back 🙏🙏. I greatly appreciate it. Much success to you! 🤗🙏🌺
Jun 21Reply
fm2001 Hello I was wondering if you could upload a picture of the tag on the 1999 Prince Shirt. Thank you!
Aug 25Reply
shellyssssss @fm2001 Ok, sure. I will tag you tomorrow with the tag.
Aug 25Reply
finesse_4_less Hello, I see you like designer fashion. I have select pieces in a variety of styles & sizes NWT at a discount, including the highly sought after SPANX leggings (5 star rated), trending Levi's jeans (ribcage and wedgie), Bardot jeans (vintage flare), as well as Ralph Lauren (preppy and POLO). Stock is limited so please reach out if interested. Happy Poshing 💎
Apr 12Reply
nylifeaccess Hi dear, thank you very much to check out and following or share my closet. Just would like to let you know my closet is doing BUNDLE discount “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” and $25/3. Welcome to shop at my closet. Wish you have a wonderful day ;)
Dec 02Reply
rad0529 Hello Shelly, my new friend, I pray your day was truly blessed as well as all your tomorrows, God Bless always, Rhonda
Jun 28Reply

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Last Active: 17 hours ago

Santee, CA
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Last Active: 17 hours ago

Santee, CA
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