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Updated Jun 14
Updated Jun 14

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My name is Sarah and I love fashion! I enjoy buying and selling here. I have been on Poshmark for almost 10 years. I source the items I sell from high end consignment shops, support non-profit thrift stores and friends. Everything I sell has been examined thoroughly and cleaned before being listed! πŸ’•
  • Seller Discount: 20% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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recyclerestyle Got cut off hehe. But I'm a true southern girl. Love my Jeeps, off roading, fishing and corn hole. But most of all, I live my life for my family and friends. They mean the world to me and have made me who I am today ❀
Oct 06Reply
recyclerestyle @moshulu @rdesigns85 @searching4e @poshbagz @melmelqueenb @filledoux @hispath5 I'm in a sharing mood today haha! I thought this was a cute idea to get to know each other!! 😊
Oct 06Reply
moshulu You guys look so cute together!
Oct 06Reply
recyclerestyle @emd I'm hoping this will 'catch on'. I figured if we were buying from and sharing with each other, it might be nice to know who they are.
Oct 06Reply
recyclerestyle @moshulu Thanks!! He's the ❀of my life! 😊
Oct 06Reply
poshbagz Beautiful collection and family! I'm so late but I've been working a lot along with kids and all their activities ballet, football, gymnastics and school I'm swamped! πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜
Oct 06Reply
recyclerestyle @emd Me neither!! I use an app called 'Pic Stitch'. It's amazing and make doing things like this so easy! :)
Oct 06Reply
hispath5 @shill so cute!
Oct 06Reply
filledoux Very cute!! Thank you for opening up Sarah!! It's so good to get to know you πŸ˜ƒ
Oct 06Reply
manish Great idea!
Oct 06Reply
filledoux @shill I think red hair goes so well with "Sarah". Like Sarah MacLachlan πŸ˜ƒ
Oct 06Reply
searching4e You guys are so cute together! You started dating when you were 12 and have stayed together?! 😍😍 O.M.G!!! That's soooooo cute!!! ❀❀❀
Oct 07Reply
rdesigns85 @shill WOW! the creator commented on your "get to know me" post!
Oct 07Reply
enigma I adore this idea!! 😘
Oct 07Reply
lacci916 I have a beach house in Daytona well actually ponce inlet next time I'm let you know
Oct 10Reply
skystephenson Lol this is awesome!!! Honestly, I thought you were a old lady that knew the ins and outs of authenticity πŸ˜†πŸ˜† your pictures are lovely/great family photo... I look forward to purchasing more items from you... THANKS AGAIN- happy shopping everyone!!
Oct 10Reply
recyclerestyle @skystephenson Ahahaha nope not old 😝 My mom started my obsession when I was younger and LV was one of my first jobs. So I've just learned a lot πŸ˜ƒ
Oct 11Reply
alubina @shill hi Sarah! Nice to meet u! Love the way u put your pics together! One of these days, I'll try to do the same! ✨🌟✨🌟✨
Oct 12Reply
anneykh Hey sarah u r a pretty girl whoz beauty stitched wid brains .. Good to know your story :) nice idea
Oct 17Reply
door4 @shill nice to put a face with a name !!! ... all us Volusia girls should get together sometime. 🌺🌺
Oct 20Reply
jpc1219 What a wonderful way to be welcomed to PM! I love this! Great way to get to know the people you're buying and selling to! Once I get the full hang of this, I too, will do the same type of "hello, this is me!" beautiful family you have there!
Oct 25Reply
iconicfashion @shill luv the idea!! I might put together something like this too!! Makes you trust who you are buying / trading/selling with. I'll have to figure out how to do more then one picture! Lol!! I'll get my daughter to help me.:-)
Oct 26Reply
mommyabeeyo How cute are those kids!!! 😍
Nov 03Reply
mommyabeeyo I made something like this on my page when I first joined to kinda put a face with the clothes lol. I think we should have a more elaborate profile section to put something like this😊I love it! And I also thought you were an old lady that knew all the ins and outs of high end designers lol !! 😳😝not an old lady at all!!
Nov 03Reply
cvz15 What a great idea to introduce yourself like this & show pix of you & your loved ones! :-)
Nov 11Reply
jenyang61 Can I tag u on a chanel I'm interested in? It was priced for 800 originally
Nov 25Reply
legally_blonde I didn't know u worked in Orlando! I am going to the outlets on Sunday with another girl from PM do u work close to there?!
Dec 06Reply
nicolem131 @shill hey there! I live in Orlando too! (SODO) which BCBG do you work at?
Dec 07Reply
gettumgirl @shill ...this a good idea..I will follow...posher to posher!!!!...hey I tagged you on some true religion jeans I KNOW...are not authentic...I keep asking the seller the authentic question yet she posted as authentic ..and won't answer the's just not fair for the people who just don't know...people will buy replicas ...just be honest...ok well you have a very nice family!!!!!
Dec 30Reply
vintagesoul @gettumgirl how do you know when they're authentic?:)
Jan 04Reply
gettumgirl @shill ...trues have different that's one...then the tags are different for each must know your rags...very important...another THING is the YKK on premium denim...knock offs are getting hip to that can't be your first choice in identifying replica items...I'm a I spent years on THE product line...hope this helps....:)
Jan 04Reply
recyclerestyle @fashionlookbook I see you are looking to buy the Fuschia Prada card not send money as gift through PayPal! She is not obligated to mail you anything since to PayPal it looks like a gift (not purchase). Fees aren't much, you are better off sending her an extra $5 to cover them and also have your purchase covered! I've seen so many people get scammed this way and its very sad. I'm not saying she will do that, but it's better to be safe then sorry :)
Feb 20Reply
fashionlookbook @shill thanks dear. We will not send money as gift. We know that a lot of people lost their money in that way. Thanks for the reminder tho. You have beautiful shoes. Hope to trade with you one day.
Feb 20Reply
recyclerestyle @mslouislover For some reason I am blocked from @brendadixon closet. Not sure why, the only time I've looked in her closet was when I was interested in buying her Speedy Azur...but anyways. This is what I say about her Speedy Mono: @mslouislover Mmm...well the leather looks quite orange (dark photos?), the stitching looks quite messy and the date code tab has quite a bit of patina for something that is hidden. So can't be for sure either way.
Feb 24Reply
willbebill Hey Sarah nice to meet you . I'm live in Florida and my name is Sarah too lol we twin.
Feb 25Reply
jenniferlynn32 @shill can you pls accept receipt of the black bag?
Mar 03Reply
recyclerestyle @jenniferlynn32 I haven't gotten it yet! :/
Mar 03Reply
jenniferlynn32 @shill what??? Ok so I tracked it and it says notice left ... But it is in your town. Maybe try to hit the post office to see if they are holding it for some reason? So strange!!
Mar 03Reply
recyclerestyle @jenniferlynn32 Okay yes I will tomorrow! That's so weird! I just double checked my mailbox bc nothing was on my door and there wasn't anything in there either. I'll go tomorrow and let you know! It should be there though, if it says notice left on the tracking.
Mar 03Reply
jenniferlynn32 @shill - Notice Left We attempted to deliver your item at 11:45 am on February 22, 2013 in DELAND, FL 32720 and a notice was left. You may arrange redelivery by visiting or calling 800-ASK-USPS, or may pick up the item at the Post Office indicated on the notice. If this item is unclaimed after 15 days then it will be returned to the sender. Information, if available, is updated periodically throughout the day. Please check again later. You may arrange redelivery by visiting
Mar 03Reply
jenniferlynn32 @shill so sorry this happened!! No idea why they wouldn't just leave the package...but regardless keep me posted :)
Mar 03Reply
recyclerestyle @jenniferlynn32 It's not your fault, don't apologize!! I just wish they would've left me an actual notice in my box bc I could've picked it up the very next day. It would have been nice to have it this weekend, it would've matched my outfit perfect! :P
Mar 03Reply
jenniferlynn32 @shill can't wait till you get it - you will LoVE it! Keep me posted :) :)
Mar 03Reply
jesslvickers I love that you posted on her closet picture. I had to call it out... The fact she called t a work in progress and tried to pass it off as hers was just a bit much! May want to pick a closet that isn't so well known :) Lol
Mar 21Reply
recyclerestyle @jesslvickers Haha I know!! She underestimates this fashion sad people feel the need to do that. Just don't post a photo to start with...right?! :P
Mar 21Reply
jesslvickers That's what you would think! It's so silly... Her TB flats aren't authentic that she is selling as authentic. No one gets a big stock in the Reva in all sizes and can sell them way below cost. That's the first sign that they are fake. I just feel bad for those trusting people that are shelling out 100$ for fakes and don't know.
Mar 21Reply
recyclerestyle @jesslvickers Yeah I know. I just reported all of her listed for replica and non-PM transactions. I wonder who's Facebook photo she stole to use as her profile pic lol.
Mar 21Reply
jesslvickers Haha... That's actually really funny! Yet sad because its probably true. I did the same thing. I don't care if people sell inspired, but don't try passing them off as real and taping people on the price. It's not nice :)
Mar 21Reply
recyclerestyle @jesslvickers Yes, honesty is key. And the fact that she is lying about her closet for no good reason just shows her intentions are not honest.
Mar 21Reply
jesslvickers If only everyone could be honest here it would take much less time shopping and trying to figure out if you are being scammed. :) btw... Awesome hair, Love the color. You guys look super happy!
Mar 21Reply
recyclerestyle @jesslvickers Thanks! It's all natural! I love my red hair :)
Mar 21Reply
recyclerestyle @jesslvickers Haha look at her closet pic! She asked me what I meant by shame. Just read what she hilarious! I'm glad I can rely on Poshmark to give me a few good laughs :P
Mar 21Reply
jesslvickers Her closet pic is gone! Maybe she got embarrassed and took it down... Lol
Mar 21Reply
recyclerestyle @jesslvickers Yep! But she claimed to have never said that pic was her closet and that she shouldn't be harassed for admiring someone else's....I replied "look are your title and comments, you claim many times that it is your closet". Then she told me to stop leaving nasty comments and blocked me. Oh boy...
Mar 21Reply
jesslvickers That's just sad... She is upset that she got caught! She even replied to my first post when I said that looks exactly like lisa Vanderpumps, that's who inspired hers. It wasn't until I called her out and told her wow she went out and even bought the same picture frames, decor and clothes the same as hers, then she finally said, hehe it's a pic of Lisa's but hers is just like it! Yeah, I'm sure it is! That's sad when someone goes that far in a lie and gets mad when they are caught!
Mar 21Reply
recyclerestyle @jesslvickers It is sad. But I got a laugh out of it, I'm sure you did to. Maybe she knows laughing is good for the soul and thats why she did it...or maybe not lol. Oh well. Have a good day! :)
Mar 21Reply
jesslvickers Oh I definitely did! Thanks! You have a good day too :)
Mar 21Reply
gettumgirl @shill @poshbagz ...ok so I had a could of nights to try to wrap around how @shill is slamming everyone on PoshMark that's selling knock offs or you call them @shill...sweet in the bottom of your closet ...this is why you must have humility's ludicrous how you can go off on people...I have no qualms with you @poshbagz ...just figured you are posh lets include you too on this...I even asked the both of you was it ok to sell replicas if you told the customer it wasn't real your answer was "no it's against PoshMark policy" why were you selling knock offs @shill ...I slept on it because I never want to have emotional conversations just before you jump on another Posher in her "sweet Sarah"(@shill)...have enough humility to know I used to sell knock offs here on posh...but then I realized it was wrong...make sure those words go side by side with the conversation...because if not you are just like them...oh and @shill since you like to include the posh editor in your convos....I made sure to report your knock offs to they can see just how Posh Savvy you really are ...
Mar 21Reply
recyclerestyle @gettumgirl Lol ya can't leave it alone can you? :P It is against Poshmark policy, I never said I was against it. I sold 2 replicas here on Poshmark, both were stated so both in the title and description and reiterated in comments. There are fake bags, many of them and they will be everywhere. I personally don't carry them, but those who choose to, that's their business. Like I said, I'm not against the sale of replica bags (when it's not for reselling purposes) but I AM against people selling fake bags as authentic. That is just down right wrong. It's scamming and it's a shame so many people do it. The bags I had were gifts from a friend who actually resells them at flea markets. Not my thing, but I can't control her. She doesn't represent them as authentic, so I don't judge her for how she makes her living. Heck, sell your bags on here as inspired...I don't care!! But if you sell a bag that is fake as real, we will have a problem. Now @poshbagz is against the sale of any type of replica. I understand that, and everyone has a right to their own opinions. @gettumgirl You do as well, no one is attacking that. I've already had conversations with PM over the inspired bags I have sold and luckily enough, I don't have any more! I also used to sell through PayPal which is against their policy. I did it when I first started and didn't realize all the hard work they put into this app, now I do and I will never use PayPal again. It's not even an option. there anything else you need to discuss??
Mar 21Reply
gettumgirl @shill ...nothing else...just please when you speak with people...maybe a little more humility because once upon a time you did things against posh policy so maybe give a little grace as people grow...and in Not saying people who intentionally try to scam...but people who really just don't know...take it to another part if there closet ...everyone is not out to hurt people...some people just don't know that's all...:)
Mar 21Reply
recyclerestyle @gettumgirl You got it girl! :)
Mar 21Reply
gettumgirl Yeah!!!
Mar 21Reply
bettybsbm @shill Need your help Hun!!
Apr 06Reply
recyclerestyle @bettybsbm Okay! Just tag me :)
Apr 06Reply
bettybsbm @shill Just did Hun! Thx! Let me know if it's real or not.😊
Apr 06Reply
recyclerestyle @bettybsbm Not authentic :(
Apr 06Reply
bettybsbm @shill Thx Hun!!😘
Apr 06Reply
briweems Cute family.
Apr 11Reply
navychick84 I liked the fact you called out that posher on that imitation LV Purple Heart coin purse she was trying to pass off as authentic!!!!😊
Apr 13Reply
mfoxhollow @shill great pictures;)
Apr 13Reply
briweems hey you ihave a serious question,,,, I have been going back and forth on a Speedy 30 just cause i want one i buy from the store lol the neverfull GM or mm but i have a goyard that i love so dont need the neverfull or just saying forget it and getting a pre loved CHANEL... Retail is way to much money. lol..what would you do. I feel like i need a every day bag and i just bought a CHANEL that is being refurb. IDK what to do i am so back and forth
Apr 17Reply
recyclerestyle @briweems Get a Speedy 30 or 35! I wish I would've gotten a 35 when I bought my watercolor. But I have so much junk I lug around with me, if you don't have much then go with a 30. If you already have a St. Louis then it might be fun to get a Damier NF. So you have a few different prints!
Apr 17Reply
briweems See i like the Damier in the Speedy but hate it in the NF i like the Azur but you said it ate your jeans up lol... And i have been going back and forth with a 30 or 35 my thing is when you pack the Speedy sometimes it hangs if that makes since and i hate that look. then the bandaler i didnt spell that right what do you think about that bag same as speedy but a strap which i may love
Apr 17Reply
recyclerestyle @briweems I love the Bandouliere! But yes the Azur turned blue on me lol. I want a Ebene next. As for the drupping in the speedy, you can just buy a base shaper. They are good for Neverfulls too since they will do the same thing.
Apr 17Reply
briweems ok i am sold on a Louis Vuitton again... I got that CHANEL and was like i will never own a LV again lol... but i want one i bought from the store that i can keep forever
Apr 17Reply
recyclerestyle @briweems lol!! Well I'm getting tired of the mono LV bags...the labels are driving me crazy now. I sound crazy don't I?! Haha. But it's Tiaga, Damier and Epi for me now with LV. But I'm sure a new style will come out that I'll go gaga for :P
Apr 17Reply
briweems Taiga?
Apr 17Reply
recyclerestyle @briweems Yeah! Lol I don't proof read before hitting send/post. Most of my texts and emails are mis-spelt because I type so fast :P
Apr 17Reply
recyclerestyle @riahdoesmakeup I don't think that Graffiti Speedy is authentic. But can't tell for sure based on her photos.
Apr 18Reply
clizia111 May I know why you reported my listing and got it deleted? That's really unfair, the bag is 100% authentic, paid 1070 euro for. Please have a little bit of humility and see that you might not know how LV receipt looks like in Italy.
Apr 19Reply
recyclerestyle @clizia111 I didn't report it, so it must have been someone else. But the bag is definitely fake. No question. Leather is not vachetta, date code is not even possible, Louis Vuitton bags do not come with yellow authentication cards. I have purchased from both the Louis Vuitton in Paris and Italy, their receipts do not look like that. The layout is wrong and info is not correct to that bag. I also worked for Louis Vuitton and personally owned a Palermo GM.
Apr 19Reply
recyclerestyle @poshbagz I forgot :P ^^
Apr 19Reply
clizia111 I got the bag myself this summer in Via Condotti shop, it was not a present and it was not bought second hand...I guess in Italy even the LV boutique sells fakes if you're so positive of what you're saying.
Apr 19Reply
recyclerestyle @clizia111 Even if the bag was reported, that is not how it was taken down. Reporting notifies PM HQ of whatever it is, they have an authenticator review the report and either keep or remove the listing. There are many steps and people involved to have a listing removed.
Apr 19Reply
recyclerestyle @clizia111 No, they definitely do not sell fakes. That's not a possibility. Either you took photos from another listing somewhere because they "looked like yours" and it turns out that bag is fake, or you just got a fake bag. There are many shops that claim to have authentic bags but they are not. But it's usually obvious bc they have Chanel, Gucci and LV all in the same place :P If you can post another listing with just photos of the bag, front, back, inside and close ups of handles, date code and made in stamps. I can give you more details as to why I believe it is a replica.
Apr 19Reply
clizia111 People with original listings get removed all the time, unfortunately PM is a start up and they definitely don't have a big enough team to keep up with the flow of business. I posted the photos for you to see and probably change your mind. I'm honest and just enjoy being on PM to buy, sell and trade.
Apr 19Reply
recyclerestyle @clizia111 Yeah I've seen many problems with PM removing listings because of "disgruntled" people. They are working as hard as they can though and this app has grown so much since I first joined over a year ago. I have @poshbagz on the case! She is great, we both LVoe Louis Vuitton and we usually partner up for the tough ones :P If you bought it at a Louis Vuitton store then it has to be authentic and they made some mistakes or the photos aren't the best. But there are so many scammers on her now a days it can never hurt to be too careful!
Apr 19Reply
acis24 Can I email u pics of a bag to help authenticate before I post?
May 11Reply
recyclerestyle @acis24 Yes! :)
May 12Reply
alyn650 hi dear i was wondering if you can help me authentic a louis vuitton stephen sprouse graffiti speedy the date code is BU0099
May 22Reply
anndrey1024 @shill hi, do you any more LVs? Please tag me if you have..thanks! Lovely family btw!:)
May 31Reply
recyclerestyle @jessikanzoey That LV speedy is authentic but I wouldn't pay a penny over $300 for that. It was not treated well. It is very worn, the leather piping looks like its going to fall to pieces and the handles need to be replaced ($140). I've sold vintage bags from the 80's that were in much better condition and I sold for $250. I'd steer clear of that one!
Jun 11Reply
recyclerestyle @mermaidtale No reason to block me dear, I was simply tagged in the post. I did not respond. You really shouldn't resort to name calling @acis24. If anyone were to have no class, I believe it would be the person selling liquor bottles on a fashion app...just saying πŸ‘Ž
Jun 11Reply
acis24 So was that bag really authentic?!?! Liquor bottles? Wow I didn't see that- LOL!
Jun 11Reply
recyclerestyle @acis24 I haven't gotten a chance to REALLY look at it. The datecode looks fine to me tho. But the bag in the first picture is fake so I'm not sure where she stole that pic from...I'm guessing the same place she got her "closet" pic lol. But yeah she is selling liquor bottles for $7 on Poshmark...who does that?!
Jun 12Reply
alegria4rl @shill I just asked my husband what a corn hole was and he laughed... HARD! Did I miss something? ( sorry grew up overseas as an American for fathers job).
Jul 03Reply
recyclerestyle @riahdoesmakeup I don't think that Alma is authentic. Her handles shouldn't be breaking at all and the key tab is off in both the stitching, heat seal around and heat stamp. The date code looks good though, which is usually messed up in pieces like this where they are tucked away. Can't be 100% sure, but I'd say no :/
Jul 18Reply
recyclerestyle @riahdiesmakeup I am not sure why I am blocked from @shop2mycloset but her agenda is fake!
Aug 01Reply
enigma Hello sweets!! I'm heading out on Vaka, and I have a new Posher asking for help with LV authentication ..would you be able to assist? I'll tag you from a random listing in her closet with deets! Lmk! Tu!!πŸ’—πŸ’—
Sep 21Reply
recyclerestyle @enigma Hey girlie! Yes, I will totally help! :)
Sep 22Reply
mommyabeeyo I'm freaking out! I'm not sure if the Chloe bag I bought is real!! Do you have any expertise on Chloe??
Nov 15Reply
recyclerestyle @mommyabeeyo Did you buy it on PM? Tag me if so, otherwise email me pics/link at I've owned a few and may be able to help you! :)
Nov 15Reply
mommyabeeyo I bought it through Bergen County NJ Moms Exchange group on Facebook.. Secret invite only group... Ugh I'm so nervous now but the moderators made her promise to refund if we found out any of her bags were fake. I'll send pics tomorrow. It's in my trunk hidden from hubby lol
Nov 15Reply
recyclerestyle @mommyabeeyo Lol! Okay send me whenever you get a chance and I'll take a peak! πŸ˜‰
Nov 15Reply
nmminga @shill Hi there, I was directed to your closet with the hopes that maybe you can look in my closet at a LV bag that was given to me! I heard that you are very knowledgeable about the authentication of these bags. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm confused because some ladies on here say it's a replica and then I sent an email with pics to a LV authenticate site and she got back to me and said it's questionable?? she has to do more research on it because some things look good and some notπŸ˜₯ Thanks so much for any help you can give me.
Feb 06Reply
recyclerestyle @nikkib449 Hi girlie! So I talked to my neighbor today and she said I can accept $300 from you since you're the first person to make an offer. She didn't want me telling everyone that though, as she's not in a hurry to sell it, that's why I'm commenting in a different listing. So let me know if you want to purchase it for $300 now, and I'll change the price when you're ready! Thanks again.
Feb 21Reply
sassypinkgirl @shill an awesome name...
Feb 23Reply
recyclerestyle @sassypinkgirl Haha thanks! You have a pretty cool name too πŸ˜‰πŸ‘―
Feb 23Reply
moshulu Miss you Sarah!!!! Do you have a half moon caviar woc in black that you are ready to let go? :-)
Mar 01Reply
recyclerestyle @xxadrixx I understand! The woman I am selling it for said I can go down to $300. Idk if that makes a difference for you, I just didn't want to comment it on the listing incase she changes her mind again.
Mar 09Reply
xxadrixx Oh okay love I'll let you know thank you so much
Mar 09Reply
recyclerestyle @xxadrixx Alrighty! 😊
Mar 09Reply
koolaidjamz @shill You have a beautiful closet!!! πŸ’œ
Mar 19Reply
recyclerestyle @koolaidjamz Thanks girl! 😊😘
Mar 19Reply
blingbabe10 @shill Hi I'm Shena, very nice to meet you. You have a gorgeous closet. I'm also in Florida. Where in Florida are you?
Mar 25Reply
recyclerestyle @jonna87 I don't have PayPal πŸ˜• But I'll do $250 right now thru PM. I can ship tomorrow!! 😘
Mar 27Reply
jonna87 Ahh okie thanks i dont have enougmoney on my card i have knly 200$ on my pp!!thank you i will get back if i have enought credit on card really interested
Mar 27Reply
recyclerestyle @jonna87 What's your email address? I have a proposal :P
Mar 27Reply
sheibaby @shill Let me tell u something, I'm not the type of woman to write nasty things on ppl page. But I'm going to tell u to mind ur business . And as far as my LV bag I dont sell item that are not Authentic. I've never once had a problem ur going by someone else comments. So good luck with ur nasty self.
Apr 01Reply
recyclerestyle @sheibaby I was actually asked by someone interested in buying your item, if it was authentic or not. I not only used to work for Louis Vuitton but have also been an avid collector for many many years AND have been authenticating bags of many brands for quite some time. I was courteous as to not write my opinion on your listing. If you wouldn't have deleted it, I would've gladly explained in very good detail why it is a replica. If I'm not 100% sure, I don't give my opinion. You good as well know my bag is authentic as you had the same bag, an authentic one. I did not slander your name or write on your listings, like you have mine. If you would like to list your item again, like I said I would gladly give you a professional, educated opinion.
Apr 01Reply
recyclerestyle @pinkham87 Can you email me regarding the LV bag? 😊
Apr 17Reply
recyclerestyle @klnorman4 Yes, I do! Sorry I didn't want to advertise it on my listing so I commented here. If email is better to communicate for you, mine is
May 31Reply
samaruda So lovely! Nice to meet you 😘
Jul 22Reply
oxycouture awwww your baby's birthday is the day after mine!
Sep 25Reply
supermom36 Congrats on your baby. I just stumbled upon your closet while searching for peplum dresses and I love so many of your listings. Awesome closet!
Sep 27Reply
recyclerestyle @supermom36 Thank you!! I was (still am, but hubby doesn't know :P) a shopaholic, especially online, so everything I buy that doesn't end up fitting goes right on here! I don't fuss with returning, I would rather share my fashionable finds with others. I'm glad you like my closet πŸ’πŸ‘—πŸ’–
Sep 27Reply
searching4e Congrats, Sarah!! 😍
Oct 01Reply
recyclerestyle @searching4e Thank you!! I haven't been on here much lately and feel like I'm so out of the loop with what's going on in PM land lol. Hope you are going good! Do you still talk to the other ladies?
Oct 04Reply
searching4e I'm not on here much anymore either. Yes! I keep in touch with the others :)
Oct 04Reply
redheadesign @shill hi Sarah,.. Beautiful pictures and precious baby!! Just wanted to say hi. Great closet ;)
Nov 12Reply
srodgers0531 Oh he is so cute! I had a baby boy to he was born 8/19/14 πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘Ά so much fun!
Feb 12Reply
recyclerestyle @srodgers0531 Awe! Yes it is so much fun!! Mine just started crawling everywhere and standing up in his crib. I'm not ready for this yet!!! 😩 haha
Feb 12Reply
jeannie1313 Awesome family! May Jehova bless you all
Mar 15Reply
rekindledshop Oh hi! πŸ™‹ It was so fun to see you pop up on my feed as someone I should follow!! πŸ’•πŸ’•
Apr 07Reply
kellilee64 You have a beautiful boy! Isn't it amazing the love you have for that baby! You can't imagine loving someone that much until they are born! There is no love like a mothers love! Congratulations!
Apr 21Reply
melanieshea AWW! WHAT A SWEET BABY! And you have a beautiful family, pretty girl! β™‘β™‘β™‘ Mel
May 12Reply
recyclerestyle Thank you Mel!! You are so kind 😊 @melanieshea I actually need to post an updated picture from Mother's Day. My boy is so big now 😩
May 12Reply
melanieshea Aww! Well, you really do have a gorgeous family! I'm 33 & no kids... I want a family of my own so badly! Esp when I see precious pics like this lol! ;) β™‘β™‘β™‘ Mel
May 12Reply
recyclerestyle @melanieshea Your time will come! Mine came earlier than expected but it was truly a blessing I wouldn't trade for the world. But until then, go on with your oh so fabulous self!! πŸ’πŸΌ
May 12Reply
melanieshea Aww, thank you for that... I have way too much stuff myself, so I just need to sell before thinking about buying more hahahaha! Thanks love, you're such a sweet, kindhearted person! β™‘β™‘β™‘ Mel
May 12Reply
hjenn86 @shill what a beautiful family ❀️ you actually look just like a girl I grew up with and lost touch with!
Jun 12Reply
recyclerestyle @hjenn86 I grew up in DeLand! Are you from there? 😊 You look just like an old friend from high school, but we are still connected on Facebook and she doesn't look like that anymore.
Jun 12Reply
hjenn86 @shill no we actually lived in the port st lucie/fort pierce area when we were younger. I remember her family moved to another part of Florida but I'm not really sure of where. We cheered together at sportsmans park- so we didn't go to school together. But you look just like her and her name is Sarah! lol
Jun 12Reply
marykat πŸ’• So cute!
Aug 09Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r Nice to meet you!
Sep 01Reply
redsole37 Super adorable family!
Sep 23Reply
wise_eyez @shill What a beautiful family. Welcome to Poshmark :) Blessings - Misty
Oct 16Reply
jettcw Congratulations to you and your husband on the lovely occasion of your little guy! I have 3 boys and they couldn't be more different - but Awesome!! Enjoy every moment!
Nov 07Reply
floridafashion1 He's a gorgeous baby! Nice to meet you! Beautiful family.
Jan 17Reply
appletini1 Hi Sherri ! Super weird question ... I'm looking to move to Palm coast but not so familiar with area. Any sketchy areas to stay away from. We are a young family with dogs 😁and 2 yr old with one on the way. Any info would be greatly appreciated thank you πŸ’•πŸ’•
Jan 18Reply
recyclerestyle @appletini1 Hi Michele! To be honest, I've only lived here for a year and I travel a lot so I'm not too familiar with the area. I live in Integra Woods, an apartment community and I love it! It would be a great place to come while you search for a home. Half the town is divided by the alphabet. That sounds crazy but each section starts with a different letter and I know a lot of them are bad.
Jan 18Reply
recyclerestyle @appletini1 My family lives closer to the water on the opposite side of town from there, in Grand Haven. Both there and Hammock Dunes are amazing places to live, great communities but cost a pretty penny. If I were you, I'd definitely recommend to rent for a year before buying because there are so many different parts of Palm Coast. Hope I could help you some! 😊
Jan 18Reply
appletini1 You are amazing !!! Thanks for the info ... Definitely gives some insight. We have a budget of $300k so hopefully that gets us in the right town and school districts. It's always scary with kids going in with your eyes closed especially where you sleep πŸ˜–thank you a whole bunch!!! πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•
Jan 18Reply
recyclerestyle @appletini1 Check out Ormond Beach and DeLand too! Both are really great towns. Ormond is a little newer but DeLand is where I grew up and has an amazing downtown area that makes it great. Victoria Park is the community I lived in and is a great place to raise a family! It's about 45 minutes from PC. Ormond is 10-20 minutes from PC depending on where you look.
Jan 18Reply
appletini1 Your awesome !! Thanks so much ! I will look into those too. We are open to different areas. We just need a bigger house. The next step in our neighborhood is about $700k which is crazy. And with another baby on way our house is just cramped. Thanks for all your detailed info means a lot ! πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ 
Jan 18Reply
christine1432 Can you share my $5 listing please :)
Feb 23Reply
luckyangie11 I love your Red Head!!! Your family is beautiful!!!!πŸ˜ŠπŸ’“πŸ’
Aug 02Reply
carolineemurphy I love your closet😍 just wanted to let you know I added some amazing NWT Lilly Pulitzer items to my closet including Lilly clothing, scarves and hand towels . I accept all offers so if your interested come check it out❀️
Sep 04Reply
dreamywalkhome Cutest lil bundle of joy! Love your closet! Swoon! Have a happy day! 😊
Oct 03Reply
clarise83 Sarah heard you could possible help me
Jan 04Reply
recyclerestyle @clarise83 What do you need help with? 😊
Jan 04Reply
clarise83 @shill auth a LV
Jan 04Reply
clarise83 I have a few pic of the purse. Seems too go to be true... :/ if you can help I'd really appreciate it.
Jan 04Reply
recyclerestyle @clarise83 Sure! Would you rather email me pics or post on here? If you want to email, shill1090 (at) g mail . com. Or just tag me when you post! Sorry for the weird way I put my email, Posh deletes them when they are posted normal.
Jan 04Reply
clarise83 @shill email you Sactown
Jan 04Reply
recyclerestyle @clarise83 Just replied to your email :)
Jan 04Reply
clarise83 @shill thank you so much Sarah. Can you check out my like bucket to see if any of them are authentic. I was ripped off with a fake a while back and now I'm super cautious. Please...
Jan 05Reply
recyclerestyle @clarise83 I'm not able to access your likes 😩 You can tag me in the listings and I can let you know here so the seller doesn't know. I saw you emailed me earlier so I'm going to take a peek and email back! :)
Jan 05Reply
recyclerestyle @clarise83 I just tagged you in a listing for a nice Tivoli GM. I think she would probably accept $850-$900 thru the offer button. I would just request additional photos of the piping if it looks like one you'd be interested in. But the second bag you tagged me in looks nice as well! The one with the new handle is much higher priced than the others and her original handle looks to be in great condition so I'm not sure why she'd spend the $$ for a new handle? πŸ€”
Jan 05Reply
recyclerestyle @clarise83 That one looks good! I would just request photos of the piping and bottom of the bag before making the final decision to purchase. Don't buy a bag that has the piping protruding from the leather, even if the bag is cheap, it will drive you crazy!!
Jan 05Reply
clarise83 @shill that you so much for all that help. Your truly amazing.
Jan 05Reply
recyclerestyle @clarise83 It's my pleasure!! I've been so out of the handbag game lately so I'm glad you asked for help! 😊
Jan 05Reply
mn1986 Stay safe!
Sep 09Reply
recyclerestyle @mn1986 We prepared the best we could! πŸ’•
Sep 09Reply
seakoemm Hey Just saw what you wrote on that persons account. I just got a creepy comment from same person and checked out the account to confirm. Thank you for writing that so I could report and block him and warning the other girl too!
Oct 29Reply
recyclerestyle @seakoemm You’re welcome! I have been on here way too long to be fooled by these crazies πŸ™„πŸ˜‚
Oct 29Reply
seakoemm @shill yes so glad you were bold and said something. Unlike the other girl who said thanks for the foot compliment! I mean it seriously freaked me out idk what she's thinking πŸ˜†
Oct 29Reply
recyclerestyle @seakoemm πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I had to go see what you were talking about and OMG πŸ˜³πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ That’s pretty funny tho. I wonder how many ppl actually posted pictures for them 😫
Oct 29Reply
seakoemm @shill made me laugh too. Hopefully most ppl caught on. Well was nice chatting. Have a great night!
Oct 29Reply
recyclerestyle @seakoemm You too πŸ’•
Oct 29Reply
mardenboroughm Happy Sunday Thank you for purchase of the pre loved Reva Ballet flats I am traveling back home tomorrow and will ship out as soon as I get in. Thank you
Nov 19Reply
ritac62 Nice closet, and you have a beautiful family
Dec 23Reply
muthaluv Hello @recyclerestyle Thanks so much for the lovely items and terrific deal 😊 Can you tell me where to find the plastic bags that you used to pack the items? I'd love to get some. Thanks in advance βœŒπŸ’
Feb 10Reply
recyclerestyle @muthaluv Yay I’m glad you like them 😊 I get the clear poly bags from Amazon! They are amazing in helping me know what I’ve listed and what I haven’t, they are also a huge space saver! 8”x10” is what I use for tanks and thin blouses, 10”x13” for tops and 11”x15” for all sweaters, dresses, denim and jackets. ❀️❀️❀️
Feb 10Reply
muthaluv @recyclerestyle So helpful, thank you so much for the info❣
Feb 10Reply
shelliescloset Adorable family!
Feb 13Reply
recyclerestyle @shelliescloset Thank you!! 😊
Feb 13Reply
koalafiedct @recyclerestyle I love these bags you use too...would you mind sharing which brand you use...there are so many options on Amazon! This would help so much with organization!
Feb 20Reply
recyclerestyle @koalafiedwife I get them on Amazon! Haven’t found a single seller that sells all the sizes I use, but I get 8x10 for small tops, 10x13 for tops and small dresses and 11x15 for thicker dresses, jackets and jeans! They are a dream for organizing!! I use the $4 plastic crates from target to store and it makes everything pretty streamlined. Hope this helps!!
Feb 20Reply
recyclerestyle @koalafiedwife OH and the stickers were from Amazon too! I got 1000 for like $10 😳 From the seller β€œGarage Sale Pup”.
Feb 20Reply
koalafiedct @recyclerestyle thanks so much! I'm still new at this selling but I'm learning more and more from experienced sellers like you.
Feb 20Reply
koalafiedct @recyclerestyle omg I am going to have to look into those stickers too! They are so cute!!
Feb 20Reply
recyclerestyle @koalafiedwife Are you wanting to sell just from your closet or do you want to buy second hand and sell? I follow some great resellers on Insta that you could learn a lot from! I sure did. I just started reselling last October in hopes of staying home with baby #2. I’m still learning what good brands to sell and what not, but it sure has been fun so far!!
Feb 21Reply
koalafiedct @recyclerestyle Right now I’m just interested in selling what it’s in my closet...but so far it has been kind of fun listing the items. I actually started because I’m going to Ireland in August and whatever I make on here will be spending money while I’m there. I would totally be interested to know who you follow, I love getting new ideas.
Feb 21Reply
dmwier1 hello! looks like I missed the boat for formal dresses. i just stared a nonprofit where i rent dresses for 8th grade dance, homecoming, prom and trying to stock my boutique. i have been asking for donations but also on the hunt for good deals on new and gently used online deals. please let me know. thank you your dresses are amazing
Apr 21Reply
recyclerestyle @dmwier1 Hi Deena! If you’re looking for floor length formal dresses, I do have some still available on my dress account @shopdressedup. I am unable to donate but they are all priced very low compared to retail (and others on here!), they are current trending styles, NWT and I ship next day! Let me know if you have any questions 😊
Apr 21Reply
dmwier1 Will you be getting more? Yes I wasn’t looking for donations-I see you bundle price also.
Apr 22Reply
recyclerestyle @dmwier1 I will not be getting more, sadly.
Apr 22Reply
cbadeen @recyclerestyle I wore that shirt you were talking about today and decided to keep it. It’s just too adorable and I love it. Lol. I deleted the listing.
Apr 26Reply
recyclerestyle @cbadeen Yes it is!! I have a love/hate relationship with Posh when it comes to my personal closet and needing to perfect πŸ˜‚ I don’t know how many times I’ve listed something and then deleted a day or two later - but I don’t tell the hubby about that πŸ˜³πŸ˜‚ Happy Poshing! πŸ’•
Apr 26Reply
tricia77r Awww lovely family! Nice to meet you on posh. Hope you are loving it! πŸ’•
Apr 28Reply
lesiaharalyi Hi! Just moved over to your page to comment as tons have been asking about the pieces you’ve already purchased and I want to make sure you get all three pairs you’ve asked for. Do you have any suggestions on how to do this? Should I post all three for 90 / how do I cancel your order for the 2/$60?
May 10Reply
recyclerestyle @lesiaharalyi If you’ll just adjust the current listing for sale to $90 and write in the description for 3 pairs. Then let me know and I’ll purchase ASAP. I’ll cancel my current purchase once I buy the new ones.
May 10Reply
recyclerestyle @lesiaharalyi Actually I think you have to cancel my current purchase πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ You’ll just go into your sales, select problem with order and then I believe you can put the reason to cancel as bundling.
May 10Reply
lesiaharalyi @recyclerestyle thanks for your patience. Ill post it in the next few minutes. I’ll going to cancel your purchase and take down the separates, first. Once that’s done, I’ll message you here and wait to hear from you before posting the combo of the three
May 10Reply
recyclerestyle @lesiaharalyi Okay! And thank YOU for dealing with my crazy self πŸ˜‚ I have my notifications on so just let me know when it’s ready. Posh is an awesome app, you’ll get the hang of it quick!
May 10Reply
lesiaharalyi @recyclerestyle did you get my note about the stamps? Want to make sure you have all the info!
May 10Reply
lesiaharalyi Also you’re good to throw down an offer for the bundle now β€” each at the listed price for $30/pair
May 10Reply
recyclerestyle @lesiaharalyi The original 2 are still marked as sold. I believe you can mark them for sale again in the same screen where you cancelled.
May 10Reply
lesiaharalyi @recyclerestyle you’d think I’d be able to do this πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I work in the tech sector for a living
May 10Reply
recyclerestyle @lesiaharalyi πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ» Whoop whoop!! I promise selling on Posh isn’t this difficult πŸ™ˆ But thank you soooo much for everything! And if you can find the original packaging, that would be amazinggg! I’m the crazy person that keeps everything in the original box until I use it - but I figured buying second hand that wouldn’t always be possible.
May 10Reply
recyclerestyle @lesiaharalyi OH and if you’re on Instagram and you want to follow someone who knows the ins and outs of everything Poshmark - follow Jade @poshmarktipsandtricks. She is great at sharing all the knowledge, good and bad.
May 10Reply
lesiaharalyi @recyclerestyle You’re so sweet! Thanks for all the tips! Cannot be fun having to teach new people the ropes but I sure appreciate it!!
May 10Reply
recyclerestyle @lesiaharalyi It’s my pleasure and if you ever have questions in the future, ask away! There are so many people who start accounts, sell stuff and then disappear - So I am very happy that you aren’t one of those and you have such cute stuff so it’s a double plus πŸ’•
May 10Reply
lesiaharalyi @recyclerestyle trust me β€” far more to come. It’s hard to get around to it while I’m working (much less making sure it’s a manageable amount where I can respond/ship/be a good human πŸ˜‚) but there’s plenty left!! The earrings & swim got so much traction I have had to hold out on sunglasses, purses and more until it slows back down!
May 10Reply
recyclerestyle @lesiaharalyi I’ll be keeping an eye out for more Kendra πŸ˜‰ I love Posh more than the other apps because of the cute, trendy items that get added every day. You’ll stay busy selling if you keeping listing similar items to what you have now! Just have to remember to check the comments and offers buttons in your newsfeed to make sure you don’t miss anything important. There are times I never see comments and come across them weeks later and feel so bad.
May 10Reply
recyclerestyle @lesiaharalyi If you’re going to continue selling smaller items like jewelry, you’ll want to order small priority boxes and bubble mailers from the USPS website! They are free and help keep your packages small and protected, and it’s nice to have them on hand rather than searching when you get a sale. I’m off to bed now, enjoy the rest of your evening 😊
May 10Reply
lesiaharalyi For $20... 😳 Had to share!
May 22Reply
recyclerestyle @lesiaharalyi Right?! 😳😍 I would’ve bought them as a β€œbackup” πŸ˜‚ pair but they look like they are pretty tarnished on the top and the hook. Thank you again for thinking of me 😊
May 22Reply
lesiaharalyi Hi hi! So I found three spare Kendra dust bags (for your earrings) and I promised them to you if I did. If there’s anything in my closet that strikes your fancy, let me know by the end of Thursday, and I’ll include them for free with your order!
May 30Reply
coolmylady Hi Sarah. Thank you for gorgeous shoes, I’m sure I’ll get a lot of use for them at work since I’m on my feet all day. I’d like to ask you for a delivery favor? I’ve had 4 packages stolen from me in the past year because they just leave package so if you could just write on package (please ring door bell and not to leave package). Thank you kindly Teresa
Jun 10Reply
recyclerestyle @coolmylady I can absolutely do that for you! Once your purchase is complete, I’ll let you know how many days your label is coded for so you know when it will arrive to your address. I can ship first thing tomorrow!
Jun 10Reply
recyclerestyle @noelleburns Hi! I got your offer on each top, I’ll accept $48 for both if you want to bundle them and make the offer. If you keep them separate Posh will charge you $6.49 each top for shipping 😳 I can also ship today if you purchase before 3PM EST! πŸ’•
Jun 25Reply
noelleburns @recyclerestyle hi!! Thank you so much that’s sweet of you I’m realizing that I really only want the black one.. would you accept 20?
Jun 25Reply
recyclerestyle @noelleburns $28 is my lowest on the black one. It is in excellent condition, I wore it maybe 3 times! 😊
Jun 25Reply
jensnewseason Beautiful family!
Jul 12Reply
tjtreasure Hi Sarah sorry this was s late in coming. I just wanted to say thank you for your great offer. Sorry I couldn’t purchase right now still paying down some bills for my daughters crazy broken arm. I liked the items as I loved your closet and wanted to remember it when I am ready.
Sep 17Reply
cloakntreasure Hi Sarah. I'm concerned your item has not delivered yet. I checked tracking as it was shipped on the 18th, and last scan was Palm Coast on the 21st. I'll be reaching out to Poshmark for assistance as I've never had a problem with shipping, especially in my own State ! Stay tuned, and if it was delivered and not scanned as such by the driver, can you let me know please. Michelle (Vince long sleeve tee)
Oct 25Reply
recyclerestyle @mdelibert I got it last night when I got home! Yay! πŸ’•
Oct 26Reply
cloakntreasure @recyclerestyle Thank goodness. It's still showing as out for delivery through tracking so don't be surprised if you hear from Poshmark. Hopefully the system will update itself. Thank you so much for letting me know.
Oct 26Reply
sfinke08 Did you see my comment on the bundle you ordered? I can’t find the chambray top is there something else you want to substitute?
Mar 10Reply
avina1974 Hi πŸ€— welcome to the best Poshmark App where you find varieties if you see something that is flirty 😍 for your eyes let me know nice night.
Mar 09Reply
cmbrooks46 hey! You just bought a florin from me. Just letting you know that I cannot ship until next Monday because I am leaving for vacation tomorrow and won't be back until late Sunday night.
Jun 08Reply
yoshie2018 πŸ™‹ There, Stop by my closet and check it out when you have time 🀠 I have a variety of styles, sizes and brands for all occasions. I welcome reasonable offers and ship same day as long as the post office is open πŸ›οΈ Happy Poshing and God Bless πŸ™
Mar 15Reply
cutehosiery @recyclerestyle Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 06Reply
recyclerestyle @cutehosiery Umm I’m not sure I understand the purpose of your comment πŸ€”πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
May 06Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there πŸ₯° I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals on everything!! If you have any questions feel free to ask me. Happy Poshing πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
Feb 14Reply

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