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Updated Mar 29
Updated Mar 29

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Hi y'all, I'm Casey from Portland, Oregon. My daughter (3rd pic) introduced me to Posh and I'm so grateful. Here I have a way of selling and purchasing in one spot, what a great idea! I love supporting women here on posh by liking and sharing closets and building each other up, the way women should. 24yr daughter kayla, 17yr daughter maiya, 12yr son kalem. I'm now a size 14-16, so I can only model sizes I fit at this point.
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robbielynnc @caseyspluss Hi!! Love your closet! I'm also a curvy girl losing weight & trying to sell some & buy too! I've also began listing for my mom. Posh on! 😜😉
Jan 26Reply
caseyspluss @roblyn30 Yes, as you know it's hard work and feels like it takes forever! But thank you and i wish you the best in your weight loss to! I'll check out your closet too. :-)
Jan 26Reply
brown_eyedgrl41 💃 hi I'm Elsie I'm glad to meet you I'm so glad to find somebody that's not small extra small LOL I mean who is that little LOL The only thing I don't like Low necks and it seems like all that plus clothes have great big necks 😀
Jan 29Reply
caseyspluss @brown_eyedgrl41 Hi, i agree. I'm a touch conservative, probably because my chest is large and i like to not have everything hanging out lololololololololol! But, it's hard to find trendy, comfortable, age appropriate clothing as a plus size gal.
Jan 29Reply
cindyandrade7 Hi Casey you have some nice items wish you lots of luck selling
Feb 06Reply
caseyspluss @cindyandrade7 That was sweet, thank you! :-)
Feb 06Reply
dime_diva @caseyspluss Not only are you sweet you have a beautiful face to pair with it! Thanks again for the love..
Mar 21Reply
caseyspluss @dime_diva aw, you're sweet, and a pretty lady too! Cute stuff in that closet of yours!
Mar 21Reply
caseyspluss @janet0103 thank you so much! ♡♡♡♡♡
Mar 22Reply
janet0103 @caseyspluss Casey, it true!! Everyone I shared with are all Posh rule closets too😀👍
Mar 22Reply
bkimh Casey, I agree with Janet. You do have a great closet. Will share after Church services today. @janet0103 👍👍💖kim
Mar 22Reply
caseyspluss @janet0103 Makes it a lot easier when a closet is following rules, you don't have to sift through children's things or items you know darn well aren't supposed to be shipped. I much prefer those closets! Mostly I think people just don't realize certain items aren't allowed. I had a Mont Blanc ($500 pen) with am embedded smoky Topaz on here and had no idea out wasn't allowed, for the longest time. Someone commented on it so i emailed Posh and sure enough, it was a no no, so i removed it. I try my best to comply! :-)
Mar 22Reply
janet0103 @caseyspluss True. I did the same thing when I was new to Posh. Wasn't a pen though, lol! Have a good day!!
Mar 22Reply
mistielee @caseyspluss Casey Your closet is great!! GOOD JOB!! 💕💖✨💕 Thanks for sharing Janet! @janet0103
Mar 23Reply
caseyspluss @mistielee ♡♡♡♡♡Thank you! Yours is great too! I keep thinking i should do less graphics and have clean clear photos like yours! Thank you for the compliment! ♡♡♡♡♡
Mar 23Reply
mistielee @caseyspluss Oh Casey I think yours are great!! Your welcome... Mine are less time consuming, lol. 💕💖✨💕Have a great night!
Mar 23Reply
nuggetchicky @caseyspluss Hi Casey, you have a lovely closet! 💕💕💕
Mar 25Reply
caseyspluss @nuggetchicky Thank you so much! So do you! I see a couple things in there that I've shared a time or two♡ I'm between sizes so I'm hesitant to buy much more right now, but you have a couple tops that are so darn cute!
Mar 25Reply
nuggetchicky @caseyspluss I know what you mean, I'm always in between a size, I love clothes. 😊
Mar 25Reply
cmc514 I LOVE PICTURE 2 & 3!!!! OK ok and the first one, your beautiful face!! =)
Mar 28Reply
caseyspluss @pre_pa514 lol, you're so sweet! And THANK YOU for all the shares! Your welcome to copy any of my graphics and use them.
Mar 28Reply
cmc514 Thanks! I should totally post something like this one day, I keep saying I'm going to. I do have the Webster dictionary definition of "reasonable" under a listing saying I bundle and would consider reasonable offers! =)
Mar 28Reply
cmc514 Hey have you had any/many HPs?
Mar 28Reply
caseyspluss @pre_pa514 No, I haven't. It's kind of disheartening too because I work so darn hard at it. It's probably because of the plus size status. But I do make sales like crazy, usually daily. So I guess that's makes me feel good. You've had quite a few HP, that's GREAT! Your very social to so I'm site that helps.
Mar 28Reply
caseyspluss @pre_pa514 I meant to say I've had two HP. But I want more!!! Lol
Mar 28Reply
cmc514 I worked VERY hard at it. Don't be disheartened yet, you just have to know the right people and have theme-appropriate items (thats important). It's not the plus size, believe me. There are plenty that are showcased every party! I could name a few off the top of my head.
Mar 28Reply
cmc514 I not only would follow and share the co-hosts closet & party listing long before parties, but I also took the time to congratulate & share A LOT of the HPs of parties. Even when I didn't have one. I never tag hosts under listings unless it is specifically requested by the host, which I've only done recently b/c they said they wanted tags.
Mar 28Reply
caseyspluss @pre_pa514 Thank you for the referral! And thank you do much for the advice! I'll try your approach and see how that works. This Posh thing has become an obsession! I really enjoy it so far. I've met some truly great ladies on here (yourself included) and every once in a while a stinker, but for the most part it's been an amazing experience. I really appreciate you!
Mar 28Reply
naomeee @caseyspluss well said Casy !!!!
Apr 01Reply
mickmee Love your closet!! Your packages are adorable!!
Apr 09Reply
caseyspluss @amra38237 I can't keep things in this closet! It's awesome. I have tons of clothes so i just keep posting as quick as i can get them photographed.
Apr 10Reply
skirk102011 @caseyspluss I definitely love your closet and your belongings it's well organized and put together. 👏👍👐
May 18Reply
caseyspluss @skirk102011 Thank you!!! So sweet:-) :-) :-)
May 18Reply
skirk102011 Thank you for the shares. I'm getting embarrassed because I have junky stuff compared to alot of you women on here
May 18Reply
caseyspluss @skirk102011 no no no no! Please don't think that. You're closet is great! You have cute things at good prices and i can tell you've worked hard to put it together. The fact that you have as many items listed as you do, is a testament to your hard work here. Let me know if there's anything i can help you with :-)
May 18Reply
skirk102011 What kind of free gifts do you give out in your package. I usually put candy, breast cancer awareness pens or brackets. I did bake cookies one time but felt weird about doing it. Lol! Nevermind don't tell me that's your surprise. Sorry for asking. That was wrong of me.
May 18Reply
skirk102011 Bracelets not brackets. Lol
May 18Reply
caseyspluss @skirk102011 oh gosh, all kinds of stuff, literally. Cards, jewelry, Leather purse,candy, makeup. ..all kinds of stuff depending on the purchase $$$
May 18Reply
skirk102011 Okay! Thank you for the tips
May 18Reply
tamaralite I love this too!💖
Jun 03Reply
annyja What app do you use to make your ads and pics ?
Jun 15Reply
caseyspluss @annyja Hi, honestly I use about four different types for each picture, it gets a little crazy but it's the only way I can customize them how I like. if you go to your App Store on your phone you can find instasize. then I've actually purchased several apps to allow me to do stickers
Jun 15Reply
caseyspluss @alise28 @brown_eyedgrl41 Hi :-) I'm trying to respond to the 2 posts I just read because I'm a little confused & want to make sure nothings been misconstrued. I'm hoping no one thinks I'm body shaming. I think I may have missed part of a conversation? In my party listing I asked for people to tag plus size because there are so few of us here & are hard to find on my own. My HP won't be based on body size. I want to make sure to incorporate plus size women as well. Hope that makes sense :-)
Jun 24Reply
caseyspluss @alise28 no worries, just making sure I understand and hadn't missed something :-)
Jun 24Reply
3rdtewinkle How do you tag yourself?????
Jun 30Reply
caseyspluss @3rdtewinkle Hi there! To tag yourself, go to whatever listing it is you want to take yourself in, then your tag would look like this: "@3rdtewinkle" YOU HAVE TO PUT THE @ EVERY TIME. If you forget to put the @ then no one will get your message
Jun 30Reply
grace4d Hi Casey. I feel the same way! I'm still kind of new st nearly 5 months. I like to help others. It's why I came and stayed. But the women? They keep me coming back & sane. Lol. Take care! Dee
Jul 01Reply
katross16 Beautiful
Jul 04Reply
debbieb413 You are orgeous!
Jul 04Reply
caseyspluss @debbieb413 That was sweet! Thank you :-) :-) :-)
Jul 04Reply
smchop One of the most well organized, beautiful closets on Poshmark by far!
Jul 07Reply
caseyspluss @smchop That was sweet, thank you! Xoxoxo
Jul 07Reply
smchop It's true!! And I looked through your whole closet. You are a wonderful person and your closet is impressive. You inspire me!
Jul 07Reply
jkl7 Pretty eyes 👀 love your closet!!!
Jul 13Reply
cdelp116 Hello Dear😊 love love love your beautiful closet😊💕 would you be willing to Bundle for me and hold until tomorrow morning? Please let me know and if so I will tag what I'd like to purchase and I will buy before 9am tomorrow? 💕Blessings💕
Jul 14Reply
caseyspluss @cdelp116 Hi there, thank you! Sure, all your likes correct?
Jul 14Reply
cdelp116 No dear. I'll go through now and mark must love #1. Must love #2 and so on 😊!! Thank you SO much and I promise to purchase first thing tomorrow am😊😘💕💞
Jul 14Reply
chicknthesticks @caseyspluss. You're so darn cute! And much too young to have a daughter who moved out! I'm in love with your closet, and especially your photos. I can't believe you've only been doing this since January. Well done! ☺
Jul 23Reply
caseyspluss @rcatheron my goodness that's the sweetest thing I've heard all week! Thank you I think the picture naturally edits out the wrinkles :-) but yes my oldest daughter just turned 23, my middle one is 16, and my son is turning 11 in 2 weeks. I can hardly believe it myself that I have a married daughter I feel like that time went by way too fast
Jul 23Reply
modernstylemom You've made your little store so cute:)
Jul 30Reply
caseyspluss @sarahsaddiction oh my gosh, thank you! Yours is beautiful too!
Jul 30Reply
cmc514 Hey! I miss you. That is all. =)
Aug 12Reply
caseyspluss @pre_pa514 aw! You're so sweet! :-) :-) ;-)
Aug 12Reply
jkbascoy @caseyspluss Nice to meet you!
Sep 26Reply
prowan63 what a gorgeous family i cant afford my bundle, it doesn't say you discount bundles and i cant afford much. i will try to just get some, thank you
Nov 18Reply
caseyspluss @prowan63 Thank you! That was very sweet :-) I don't have the bundle feature set up, but I give a 20% on bundles, unless the item specifically says "no additional discount". Only a few of them are already at the lowest price. Just let me know which items you'd like a bundle price on, I'm happy to put one together for you!
Nov 18Reply
lolitha84 Love your closet ,so nice to see larger sizes I'm a 1 X and I haven't seen to many closet with that size so thank you I will be back.
Jan 29Reply
msuebest OHMYSTARS you are so precious! I will respond to your offer with a very fair price! I just love your closet and your family! I hope you are happy with my counter. You have a wonderful evening!
Apr 26Reply
caseyspluss @msuebest So sweet! What's killing me is I just bought these exact same pants, they arrived today. BUT, I bought the wrong size. I meant to get yours at the 1.5 and I got someone else's at a size 1. So the good deal on these pants just cost me a small Posh Fortune, LOL :-) but I've been losing weight so I'm going to hang on to those darn things anyways.
Apr 26Reply
msuebest @caseyspluss that's funny cuz I ordered them while losing weight and by the time they got their I needed the 1's! You can wear the ones you buy and the Posh them! They are so nice! Just maybe by the time you get them you won't need them, but I will ship them quick as I can!💞💞💞
Apr 26Reply
msuebest @caseyspluss Thank you so much for the great rating! More importantly, I am glad your Capri's made it to you without delay and you are happy with your experience. Thank you & Take care! 💞💞💞
Apr 29Reply
caseyspluss @shellebelle603 hi, it's fine. I'm not home to receive the package, I'll be there tomorrow. I'm sure Posh will just email me a return ticket, I'll send it back, then you can resend the dress. :-)
Jul 24Reply
alldolledup2 Love your closet, pretty girl! So glad to find you here!!💜
Aug 18Reply
beitlerjl @caseyspluss Love, love, love you're closet!!! (And all your posts) #closetgoals
Aug 23Reply
caseyspluss @beitlerjl aw, thank you!
Aug 23Reply
cccookeze @caseyspluss Oh my gosh girl! You look fantastic 😳😳😳How much weight have you lost and how did you do it?
Aug 30Reply
caseyspluss @cccookeze thank you! Counted calories 1200/ day to lose weight and 2000 to maintain
Aug 30Reply
cccookeze @caseyspluss Wow. I hate counting calories but with your results maybe I should give it another try. Did you have an app on your phone to help you?
Aug 30Reply
zacharysmami Hi Casey... You have a beautiful family. 😊. Just stopped by to thank you for your purchases. As well as to let you know your new goodies are all packed up. I will mail them out to you tomorrow!! Enjoy what's left of your Labor Day. Ciao for now and God bless.
Sep 05Reply
caseyspluss @zacharysmami Thank you! Very sweet :-) I can't wait to get my goodies!
Sep 05Reply
drinksgriffin I'm your newest Posh fan - Poshing for a little over a month. Still learning how to connect with the Posh community. The comments say it all. I'm a believer in Karma and you have put out some positive, awesome energy out to everyone and it is coming back to you! Beautiful family - continue success!
Sep 26Reply
caseyspluss @drinksgriffin That was really sweet, thank you! I wish You all the success Posh has to offer! :-)
Sep 26Reply
trendyrose_btq HI beautiful! Thanks for sharing! Let me know if your interested in anything! 😘💕
Feb 23Reply
odat Hi there! Before i pull the trigger on the bundle can we take out the yellow top and the black and gold stripped top? My daughter didn't approve of them lol! She's 22 and has an opinion lol. I'll decline ahs redo..??b
Mar 06Reply
livlafnluv Hi---can you tell me how to increase my "new poshers shared"? I'm trying to gain ambassador status---thanks so much
Nov 02Reply
monikadweitzel Thank you for your purchase. Your ring is getting ready and it will ship tomorrow. Have a great weekend. 😘
Nov 16Reply
alohagirls Thanks for all the shares!! Very generous!💗💖
Dec 12Reply
randeeq Hello, Thanks for visiting my closet. The item you "shared" is from my personal creations line Hugs. Each is designed to completely transform the look of your boots booties and heels. I'm offering$5 off should you choose to complete the transaction. Sincerely, from randeeq's closet
Dec 20Reply
randeeq Gorgeous smile, your eyes light up that car!
Dec 20Reply
brittanyj66 You have a lovely closet! 😊
Jan 25Reply
caseyspluss @randeeq awwww thank you😊
Jan 25Reply
caseyspluss @brittanyj66 thank you!!! 😊😊😊
Jan 25Reply
itsaposhaffair Love your style 😍
Feb 04Reply
caseyspluss @lovelyfashion00 awwww thank you❤❤❤
Feb 04Reply
glassprism70 Hi. The handbag plus the jacket, both with the discount comes to $63,75. So I will pick up the shipping and the total will be reduced. That may be the easiest way to work it out. Also, leaving this after noon for about 3 weeks, so I will have to get it out now.
Feb 19Reply
glassprism70 Thank you, Casey. It will be out today. Vacation notice will be on about noon today. Sorry for the rush. Catch up later.
Feb 19Reply
glassprism70 Just want to let you know that the package is mailman positioned. The vacation button on PM is not working and I emailed them about it. I always get a bit hyper before I go away.
Feb 19Reply
jodinicole3b Please don’t forget to let me know you received your product and please give me a rating! Thank you so much! ♥️
Jun 16Reply
caseyspluss @jodinicole3b hi I went to try on the white and gold dress but I couldn't get the zipper to zip so I've delayed accepting the order in hopes that I can get it to work. I was going to wear it today for my Father's Day picnic thingy but it was stuck. I'll get back to you ASAP
Jun 17Reply
jodinicole3b @caseyspluss oh no! Is it stuck? I have never worn the dress, so I didn’t even think of checking the zipper. Let me know when you have time.
Jun 17Reply
jodinicole3b I received the dresses back and I wanted to make you aware, I had absolutely no problem with that zipper. My husband didn't either. If you receive an item and decide you don't want it please don't say something is wrong when there is nothing wrong. I am always willing to take products back. Thank you.
Jun 24Reply
barbirene2 Hello Casey, I found your closet on an ad for Posh on FB and I am SO glad I did. Your closet is amazing 🌹😍 I don't have an open closet yet. All I do is share,browse and buy. Yes I am Barbi and I am a Poshaholic 😉
Jul 07Reply
lynnebry Thanks for the like on the dress , I have several Xl listings and love to bundle at a discount, just listed a loft dress if you'd like to check it out. :)
Jul 28Reply
clozetcaze Casey, I launched my closet today. Apparently you were the first to share it and I zoomed from 46 followers to 460 in just hours! Thanks for spreading the posh love for a newbie, much appreciated!
Aug 01Reply
caseyspluss @silverattitude hey that was really nice of you to send that message :-) I hope you have lots of sales and lots of fun on here.
Aug 01Reply
abel6583 Hey there, I’m Ashleigh. I have a closet with sizes ranging from s-3x. Dresses, Pants, Jumpers, Sweaters, Tunics, Swimsuits, boots, bridal stuff and more. You name it…. it’s probably there. I’d appreciate if you checked it out 🚪. I LOVE offers & bundles get 10% off! If you don’t find anything for you, I’d like you to share something. I share back 🔄🤩 🛍 HAPPY POSHING 🛍
Oct 22Reply
cutehosiery @caseyspluss Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Feb 10Reply

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Last Active: Oct 21 2024

Gladstone, OR
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Last Active: Oct 21 2024

Gladstone, OR
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