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Metalsmith extraordinaire
Crazy bunny person ๐๐๐

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@starcat giiiiiiirl you are gorgeous! โบ๏ธ
Jun 01Reply

@tuesdaymundy Why thank you! So are you! Except I trimmed my bangs last night and now look like a 5 year old dork. I secretly have a crush on you. Shhh don't tell anyone. I'm wearing my country gal dress tonight ;). I love it! My husband says it's beautiful on me and so he and I are friends again (for the moment).
Jun 01Reply

@starcat dude I'm sure the bangs look amazing. I always hate, hate, hate my hair when I first cut it and then like a week later I'm all "f*ck yeah!" about it. And totally ditto on the girl crush but do not worry, this is our secret ๐๐๐. I'm super glad to have brought you and your husband back as one, even just for one night. That dress has a lot of power, so... Work. It. Girl. I have all the faith in the world that you will. ๐๐ธ๐
Jun 01Reply

@tuesdaymundy Well I have the hair cutting skills of a 5 year old lol.
Jun 01Reply

Jun 03Reply

I loveee your septum. Have been thinking about getting mine done for a while! Was it painful? And how long to heal? Also is grumpybear going through with this trade?!โบ๏ธโบ๏ธ๐ณ
Jun 13Reply

Thanks! It was like the least painful piercing ever! And I've had a lot of body parts pierced. I did have one single tear, but not out of pain. A tear like if you were to pull out a nose hair or eyelash. I think it takes about two months to heal. I can't really remember because I got it done years and years ago. My husband used to be a piercer so I normally ask him whatever questions I have. I don't know what's up with this girl, but I guess if she doesn't respond by tonight we can work through whatever plans tomorrow. Is that cool?
Jun 13Reply

@sophiafink77 And of course I forgot to tag you ๐
Jun 13Reply

@starcat sounds perfect I think I have an idea though. SO grumpy bear buys my jc shoes and I throw in the velvet dress(she really liked the dress) and that's about $145 worth of stuff. Than you can partial trade with her for the unif romber (120). And I can buy the shoes from you also maybe grumpybear will send me the eat shoes and die tee. So you get around (120)
I give her (145)
And I get around that?!
Jun 13Reply

Tee for me!
Jun 13Reply

@sophiafink77 Yup I think that works. She sends me the romper and you the tee. I send you the shoes. And you send her the bundle. Correct?
Jun 13Reply

@starcat yes!!
Jun 13Reply

So pretty!
Jun 21Reply

@chrischris Thank you. So are you! I think it's awesome that you do missions! I dreamed of moving to Romania and working in an orphanage, but I found myself married with kids before I ever had the opportunity.
Jun 21Reply

Wow that's so cool! Your kids are adorable! I hope some day you are able to fulfill your dream!!
Jun 21Reply

@chrischris Thank you again ๐ Maybe after my kids move out I can travel and volunteer. I'd be so scared to take them out of the country because we don't vaccinate and there are horrible people all over the world and I would DIE if anything happened to either of them. They are my world lol
Jun 21Reply

What an awesome lady you are!!! Love your closet ;). Xo!!!
Jun 23Reply

@lovejoy27 Thank you ๐ฝ I love your closet too! I would have more listed, but I don't want to sell my cute clothes or ones that I actually like lol
Jun 23Reply

Ha ha, same ;). Tho I have more than I could ever ever need! I need a celebrity sized closet!
Jun 23Reply

@lovejoy27 I told my husband that when we move we should get an extra bedroom and use it as the closet LOL He has more than I do and I have a TON!
Jun 23Reply

Gorgeous kids!!! Your little girls swim cap and that smile is just killin me!! ๐ I'm a stay at home mommy too! Best job ever!
Jul 16Reply

@violetgrace Thank you! I found that swimcap before she was born and had to have it! I am so thankful to be able to stay home with them. I love every minute of it!
Jul 16Reply

Haha I don't blame! She pulls it off quite well! I have two little girls, and even though some days are hard, some are lonely, and some are frustrating, I wouldn't trade them in for anything! Simply priceless. :) :) :)
Jul 16Reply

@starcat you have a gorgeous family. I too am a college student a a new stay at home mom. It's only been five months and it's such a wonderful experience. And also sew but when I have free time lol
Jul 19Reply

@fiomilagros Thank you! It's gets harder the more kids you have, but they are SO worth it! I only to school 1/2 since having kids, but I'm hoping to finish soon because I'm starting my 5th year ๐ฑ I love sewing my own clothes!
Jul 19Reply

@starcat I'm sure it gets hard lol my son is starting to teeth and it's a nightmare haha. I wish you good luck in your studies. It's definitely a lot of work taking care of a kid and going to school but it's for a brighter future๐
Jul 19Reply

@starcat here they are right ?! All 3 of you are gorgeous ! My daughter is 9 mos.. Give it up for the Lola's !! ๐๐๐ง
Jul 20Reply

@leah209 Yep that's them! Thank you. You have a gorgeous family as well!
Jul 20Reply

Totally get a septum clicker!! I think itll look awesome on you
Jul 23Reply

@safrica Thanks! I'm looking for "the one" right now lol
Jul 23Reply

Sure thing!
Jul 23Reply

What an adorable wee one
Jul 26Reply

You're beautiful and so are your babies ๐๐
Aug 06Reply

@lal30305 Thank you!
Aug 06Reply

Your babies are precious!!!!! โค๏ธ
Aug 17Reply

@ivyanne Thank you! They are my everything ๐ป
Aug 17Reply

Hi ๐ savannah nice to meet u. U and ur kids are so adorable
Aug 18Reply

@flipina Nice to meet you too :) Thank you do much.
Aug 18Reply

@flipina *so
Aug 18Reply

Ur kids are so adorable my gosh I miss my kids being this small, the years just fly by so cherish them when they are this small lol
Aug 18Reply

@flipina Thank you! I love them being small, but they are so wild that sometimes I wish they would just grow up a little lol
Aug 18Reply

Kids will be kids lol but when they do grow up u wish they were small again. I have 18, 9 and a 6 year old all girls wish I had a boy..๐ but knowing with my luck i would have another
Aug 18Reply

@flipina Girls and boys are soooo different. My daughter is very easy going. And my son is destructive and crazy. But both are so sweet.
Aug 18Reply

Cute closet my dear just looking thru ๐
Aug 18Reply

Awwh that's great lol makes me want to have another ๐ฑ but I think I'm all set..I have 3 beautiful girls and they are plenty..and to think I wanted 10 ๐ omgosh
Aug 18Reply

@flipina I thought I wanted more until I actually had kids. But now I realize I'm soooo done!
Aug 18Reply

They are a handful aren't they lol after having my 3rd I was all done..what was I thinking having 10 haha..
Aug 18Reply

Aug 19Reply

Your kids are growing up and are so dreaming adorable I love them ๐ฑ
Oct 01Reply

Well u know what I meant lol I meant to say freaking adorable *
Oct 01Reply

@flipina Thank you! The top two are more recent pictures. Their hair is so long now it's out of control. And they are getting so smart and funny too. It's great having them around!
Oct 01Reply

I bet they are, makes me want to have more lol, I miss my kids being this small. I do want another one a BOY ๐ถ
Oct 01Reply

@flipina My husband can't have kids anymore, but part of me wishes we had one more. Then I look at the mess my house is then thank God I'm done. Lol.
Oct 01Reply

Oh no sorry to hear. When ur kids are growing up more and more I'm sure at that time u wish u had more kids lol. I have 3 all girls wish I had at least a boy that's why I want another one but with my luck I'll have another girl which isn't so bad but would really love to have a boy. Starting over and thinking about changing diapers doc visits late night feedings cryings etc I don't think I can handle it lol. I do like some what of my freedom lol.
Oct 01Reply

@flipina That's why I'm glad mine are close in age so that I'll still be young when I finally get that freedom lol. If we ever do you want more I think I'd like to adopt. Not sure about the husband though he thinks two is more than enough.
Oct 01Reply

Well yeah least u have a boy and a girl that's prob why he think that's enough. I'm sure all husbands says two is good enough lol. My sis in law just had a baby boy so I'm loving it, my son I never had ๐
Oct 01Reply

@starcat You're gorgeous and your little ones are beyond precious! That septum ring is bangin' too. Wish I wore mine down more often! You have a great closet & Happy Poshing! ๐โค๏ธ
Dec 07Reply

@alextheartist Thank you so much! You are so beautiful! I hope you get whichever gender you are hoping for! Babies are so awesome!
Dec 07Reply

Dec 11Reply

@starcat Really beautiful pics!
Dec 19Reply

@brik33 Thank you!
Dec 19Reply

@starcat OMG, I must not have had my glasses on when I posted those gorgeous earrings. One of the rhinestones came off, so I took it off the site. :( I am going to find a replacement to cement in and repost. Thank you for your original share!
Dec 19Reply

Dec 30Reply

Sweet pics, beautiful! Suzan :-)
Jan 09Reply

Beautiful! Priceless pics girlie!
Jan 22Reply

@heatherschoice Thank you so much! ๐
Jan 22Reply

You & your family is so cute and your teal lipstick is to die for! :)
Feb 28Reply

@moveslikjagger Thank you! I own lipstick in just about every shade and color ๐๐๐ And that's my dad in that picture not my husband. In case anyone thinks I'm married to a super old guy lololol
Feb 28Reply

lolol I figured as much :) I wish I could wear colored lipstick I just look strange with it on haha
Feb 28Reply

@moveslikjagger I get weird looks and comments sometimes, but you just gotta go with it ๐
Feb 28Reply

darling closet
Apr 22Reply

@orangeloren Thank you! You as well!
Apr 22Reply

@jmj3 Hello, I'm just wondering if you ever received the jeans you purchased from crystal57722? I purchased something from her over two weeks ago and she hasn't shipped or contacted me. I'm getting a little worried.
May 06Reply

No. She sold them to me twice letting 3 weeks go by and poshmark cancelled. I messaged her as to why she cancelled when I had been waiting for 3 weeks and passed on other jeans expecting those. She said she had been moving and was so sorry to please reorder which I did and 3 weeks later nothing and poshmark cancelled. I was so pissed. If that was ebay she would have been booted. I think she got a better offer after excepting mine.
May 06Reply

I don't know if I made it clear that it was 6 weeks total I waited on the jeans I had ordered. Good luck she's shady to say the least.
May 06Reply

@jmj3 Dang that sucks!!! ๐ก๐ก๐ก I bought a DB keychain from her and I'd just like to know if she's going to ship or not so I can find a different one. Sorry to hear that happened to you!
May 06Reply

Thank you. If you don't get them contact poshmark. They told me if she was ignoring my posts inquiring on my oreder that I should post on her open listings asking where my jeans were.
May 06Reply

I hope you got your keychain?
May 19Reply

@jmj3 Unfortunately I didn't ๐ Even after she said multiple times she would ship.
May 19Reply

email poshmark they gave me a $5 credit.
May 21Reply

@jmj3 Along with your refund?
May 21Reply

yes, I emailed and said that I missed out on other purchases because I was waiting on delivery of item I ordered from her. They refunded and gave me a $5 credit.
May 21Reply

Omg your babies are the cutest!!
Jul 14Reply

@kaleyheider Thank you so much!
Jul 14Reply

LOVE your shirt in the first picture ! Details please! ๐
Aug 06Reply

@alyssw12 Thanks! It's super soft too. I got it at Kohl's a while ago it's Elle.
Aug 06Reply

Ugh of course. Well if you ever decide to sell, tag me ๐ and I'm just dying over your son's hair cute!
Aug 06Reply

@alyssw12 If I decide to sell you will be the first to know! Thanks! I cut it myself ๐ I just trimmed it shorter the other day because it was driving my husband crazy when it falls in his face.
Aug 06Reply

Thank you!!!
Wow you did an awesome job! I wish my son had enough hair to do that haha poor kids got my thin hair ๐
Aug 06Reply

@alyssw12 My daughter has super thin silky Asian hair. My son got lucky with some thick Caucasian hair lol
Aug 06Reply

Lol she's gonna be jealous of that some day!
Aug 06Reply

@alyssw12 It's funny because she was born with a full head of hair and he was born bald.
Aug 06Reply

What?! Crazy how that works!
Aug 06Reply

@bealiah Thank you!!! I was just looking at your closet you have so many gorgeous pieces!
Aug 07Reply

@starcat beautiful family! May you and yours be blessed in every way to succeed in your marriage and with your children! Love them very much! They grow up so fast! I miss mine being that small....anywho, Blessings! Thanks for sharing and best of luck to you and yours!๐๐
Sep 18Reply

Thank you! You are stunning, too!!!
Oct 08Reply

@pam_23 Thank you!!!
Oct 08Reply

Beautiful babies! And you're gorgeous!
Nov 16Reply

@kaleyheider Thank you!!!โบ๏ธ
Nov 16Reply

@starcat thanks for all the likes and share. Let me know if you have any questions. Best price reasonable offer accepted
Feb 01Reply

Omg your kids are hapa? ๐ค๐ so cute
May 25Reply

@alenaco Yes they are!!!!
May 25Reply

So am I ๐ what's their mixture??
May 25Reply

@alenaco Filipino/white. What are you?!?
May 25Reply

I'm half Japanese and Russian! Nothing too exotic though, both of my parents were born and raised here. It's an interesting mix though, most people assume I'm middle eastern or Hispanic lol. I think hapa kids are the cutest! ๐
May 25Reply

@alenaco My husband is first generation lol Hapas are the cutest!!!! Sooo nice too meet you ๐ค๐ค๐ค
May 25Reply

Awwww they are soo cute ๐๐๐๐๐๐ your daughter has your lips โบ๏ธ๐
May 27Reply

@little_bit_hp Awww thank you so much! I guess she does ๐๐๐
May 27Reply

How's it going, PFF??? I like your new photos! ๐
Jun 15Reply

Your daughter is two, right? She looks so sassy! ๐
Jun 15Reply

@alyssw12 Thanks! I'm good. Always busy! Lol. How are you?!?๐๐Yep, she's 2.5. Such a little diva ๐๐ป
Jun 15Reply

@raineynicole_ Hi Rainey nice to meet you!!๐ค๐ค๐คMy dad's family lives in Jacksonville, I haven't been there in forever! When are you guys moving?!? Tampa is a fun place to live ๐
Jul 04Reply

So glad you like your purchase! Enjoy ๐
Jul 09Reply

beautiful kids, beautiful mommy! โบ
Jul 20Reply

@sydney_free Thank you ๐
Jul 20Reply

Your babies are adorable luv, and you have an amazing closet!! ๐๐๐๐๐๐ผ๐๐๐๐ค
Jul 24Reply

@starcat You da best ๐ Also can I hire you as an ensemble model? ๐ Let me know how the ivory cami works out, I'm SO hoping it's what you were looking for!!!
Aug 03Reply

@leilajane Haha deal! I model, you pack lol But dang lady you are gorgeous and your hair is fab! I have a feeling the cami is going to fit perfectly! I'm going to try everything on tonight. It is almost identical to the one my daughter has lol
Aug 03Reply

@starcat Haha I love that it matches your daughter's!
Aug 03Reply

U are gorgeous and your beautiful kids too ๐๐๐๐
Aug 09Reply

@cheapluxcloths Thank you! You are as well โบ๏ธ
Aug 09Reply

Hi Savannah! Sweet closet (that happens to be in my size!)! I noticed you had shown interest in another seller's size small FP dress and that you were looking for it in XS. I wanted to let you know that I have the same dress in size XS listed and it's new with tags ๐
Aug 16Reply

LOVE your new pictures!! โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ
Aug 25Reply

Hello, Beautiful Lady! I'm Jan.๐๐ฝ It's great to meet you, Savannahโฃ๏ธ๐
Nov 15Reply

Congrats on hosting your posh party!!! please check out my clooset for a possible host pick, i would apreciate it so much. thanks for sharing the posh love โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ
Dec 06Reply

Oh my goodness, you & your family are simply gorgeous! ๐๐๐
Mar 17Reply

OMG your little girl is adorable as well as your dog!! Thanks for the shares, awesome closet, I'm down south from you in Venice...welcome neighbor!!!
Apr 12Reply

Hiya I saw you added things to a bundle again but I'm unable to send you an offer ..... I used all of mine up with this selection please send one over to me if you are interested ๐๐ฆ๐
Mar 04Reply

Hey girl can't go lower than this final offer ... too much time and money and need to make a slight profit ..... since it is a business for me xo ๐
Mar 06Reply

@lostangels Sorry I wonโt be able to accept that offer. A previous offer you sent me for both pieces was at a lower price.
Mar 06Reply

@starcat yes it was ....with FREE SHIPPING. I need to make $30 on both pieces can you remind me what I sent you because I can't possibly think it would have been lower than 38
Mar 06Reply

@starcat also the week I sent you the low offer was when I made 10 other sales so I wasn't going to care if I made 5 or 6 dollars less since I made my quota for the week. I'm sure you know stores whether they are digital or brick and mortar have flash sales all the time ;)
Mar 06Reply

@lostangels it was 25 for the skirt and 8 for the shirt. But thatโs fine maybe Iโll catch you on another sale
Mar 06Reply

@starcat so 33 dollars total? If you can do that price I'll accept ;)
Mar 06Reply

@starcat I sold some 1940s skates this morning yay! So again I can justify in my head the $5 less ;)
Mar 06Reply

@lostangels So you can do free shipping on those?
Mar 06Reply

Well I'm glad we worked that one out ;) sorry that I didn't keep track on the offers I sent over I really do operate on a week to week basis ...I felt awful because I know you really wanted the skirt ๐I'll place it in the post tomorrow with a little something extra too ๐๐ซ๐
Mar 07Reply

@lostangels Awww thank you! Also, please let me know if you find more skates! Iโm a 7.5/8.
Mar 07Reply

Hey girl .... I'm trying to located where I accept package so your funds can get sent back to you by I don't see anything ? Do you know if I have to do anything? Thx!!! ๐
Mar 19Reply

Hi doll! Just wanted to stop by and say I looove your boutique! โจ
May 07Reply

Cute closet! Great stuff ๐๐
Jun 12Reply

Hi, thanks for shopping my closet! Feel free to make an offer on the bundle whenever you are ready ๐
Jun 19Reply

Hey, girl! Hope you are well! Xoxo
Oct 24Reply

@shopmoonphase omg hey how are you?!?! Iโm great. Iโm going to Pasadena in a few months for the first time ever! Do you have any California to do suggestions?
Oct 24Reply

Girl! Iโm two miles from Pasadena! I have a laundry list of suggestions! Lol! Find me on ig so we can catch up and I can send you a million links! @ as.avyra
Oct 24Reply

My man is the creative director for discover la (Los Angeles tourism board) so when I say Iโm the best person to guide you, it is not an exaggeration! ๐
Oct 24Reply

@shopmoonphase OMG thatโs awesome! My husband is going for a design conferences, heโs a graphic designer, so o thought Iโd tag along and do some fun things while heโs busy. Iโm not on insta ๐ but you can email me livinginasuitcase AT gmail
Oct 24Reply

Ok will do! Are you guys bringing the kids?
Oct 24Reply

@shopmoonphase No, they have school. My sister might come to keep me company
Oct 24Reply

There are some awesome things to do with your kids in la, but honestly not having them gives you so many more options to check out some fun stuff! Ha. You gotta get away and be a regular adult sometimes and take a break from mom life! Iโll send you an email pronto!
Oct 24Reply

Hi friend! I think youโll really love my deals on clothing, Iโve got styles and brands youโve been interested in previously.
New and vintage, boho and modern classy, western and trendy, Iโve got it all! Lots of denim cuz Iโm obsessed.
Bundle to save big! I have to move inventory out before August 7.
Jul 31Reply
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