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Updated Dec 11
Updated Dec 11

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Financial advisor by day, with a beer-brewing husband, two growing boys, and two fluffy kitties. Living a well-traveled and happy life in Indiana! Help me make some room in my closet for new things... I am all for negotiating and bundling. I only sell from my own closet, no retail. NO TRADES, FAKES, OR EXTERNAL SALES. Posh only!
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melasonde I checked out your blog, and have to say I'm jealous. Living in Nashville must be awesome!
Jun 18Reply
aubreyland325 @melasonde It is fantastic in Nashville! But I moved a year ago from near Savannah, which is another gorgeous city. Location, location! :) I am a travel and foodie nut, so it is nice to live somewhere that always has events going on without having to go too DAR.
Jun 18Reply
aubreyland325 Too *far, my phone autocorrects to DAR because I am in the local DAR chapter. LOL
Jun 18Reply
melasonde Shouldn't have told me that. I love Savannah! I got married on Tybee Island and we had the whole weekend in Savannah for us and our guests. It's too hot for me in the summer, but so perfectly beautiful.
Jun 18Reply
aubreyland325 @melasonde Tybee weddings are so beautiful!!! I love that place. :) Nashville is cooler than Savannah weather-wise, but my allergies are awful here. Much more green and lush than Coastal Georgia.
Jun 18Reply
melasonde I live near Roanoke so it isn't as humid as Savannah or Charlotte (where I used to live).
Jun 18Reply
fuzzynavel I miss the South! Grew up in Mississippi!
Jun 20Reply
aubreyland325 @fuzzynavel Since 2007 I have lived in South Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee... For a Yankee girl, it has been a fantastic experience! Don't know if I will ever want to leave the good food and genuinely nice people.
Jun 20Reply
affableolive Thanks from one georgia gal to another for all the shares!
Jul 09Reply
aubreyland325 @affableolive Sharing is caring! I am a converted Southerner now after 6 years in GA/TN. :)
Jul 09Reply
affableolive Being southern is the way to be! Well... I really like it anyway. :)
Jul 09Reply
swiebs29 I just realized u r the only person I've ever bought from!!! I've only made two purchases and they were both from you!!!:) we wear the same size in lots!! So neat!!!:)
Jul 15Reply
lagcox Such a cute closet!
Aug 20Reply
aubreyland325 @lagcox Thank you!!!
Aug 20Reply
thesequinhanger Love the pics ❤️💚💜
May 08Reply
stellagvi I love the leopard belt ur wearing in the pic here is that for sale?
Jun 17Reply
aubreyland325 @stellagvi Not yet but it is almost too big. Will tag you if I list it.
Jun 17Reply
laurenstylesla Hallo! 👋 happy holidays and happy poshing! 😊
Dec 30Reply
myrucca876 Hey Aubrey! So very nice to meet you here in Poshland! I tried sharing your listings're just too good! Lol, only 5 items available 👍 keep it up! I noticed you're in Tennessee, I just moved to North Carolina (Asheville) area a few months ago - soOo beautiful! Any fun spots in TN I should check out? I'm also a fur-ball/travel lover 😊 I'm sure your feed is going crazy but I just wanted to stop by and say "Hi and what an amazing job you've done here on Posh"! I'll be there to cheer you on and shop all your ✨HP's✨ just make sure to 💕Have Fun💕
Dec 30Reply
aubreyland325 @myrucca876 I KNOW, I totally need to ransack my closet and get more listings added before the party! I love Asheville; my boyfriend and I go there 1-2 times a year. TN is wonderful, I recommend Chattanooga for outdoorsy fun kind of like Asheville, the Aquarium of the Smokies is supposed to be great, and of course Franklin/Nashville where I'm at for music, food, and history! :)
Dec 30Reply
mandapanda83 Nice to meet you, I'm Amanda! Congrats on your upcoming party!! I'll be there!! 🎉🎉🎉💖💖💖🐼
Dec 31Reply
dierks24 Wow, I live in West Tennessee!!! Small world! Just gotta love posh and all those we meet!💖😘🎉
Jan 02Reply
saramdavison You have some amazing pieces in your closet! Too bad that I lost so much weight I can't fit in any of them! However, I'm happy to continue to SHARE SHARE SHARE THE GORGEOUS PIECES YOU HAVE IN YOU AMAZINGLY AWESOME CLOSET!!!
Jan 02Reply
aubreyland325 @saramdavison I am always fluctuating so Poshmark is perfect for cleaning out the closet when I go one way or another!
Jan 02Reply
aubreyland325 @dierks24 I've only been as far west as Memphis (Graceland, LOL) and stay mostly Central/East. I'm a Tennessee Daughter of the American Revolution so I love meeting ladies from all over TN!
Jan 02Reply
aubreyland325 @mandapanda83 Thanks so much!
Jan 02Reply
dierks24 @aubreyland325 I went to school in East TN at UT (Knoxville) it's very pretty there. Your closet is very pretty!!! Hope you are having a wonderful night! Happy New Year 2015! Diane
Jan 02Reply
aubreyland325 @dierks24 Small world, I was in Knoxville in August for DAR and ate at The Stock & Barrel. Happy New Year and Happy Poshing!
Jan 02Reply
beansmama19 So nice to meet you. Thank you very much for picking my bag for 1/1/15 Host Pick. Double Honor being on New Years Day. 🎀💖💓❤️💗
Jan 02Reply
lindasholygrail @aubreyland325 thank you so much for host pick!!!!! ☺️💖 you are an angel and an inspiration God bless 🌺🌻🌼
Jan 02Reply
jwelsh85 Thank you again for choosing my necklace as a Host Pick last night. Made me feel so special. And it was my first ever Host Pick! :D
Jan 03Reply
jabberwocky Thank you for your host pick last night! I had just gotten off a redeye flight when I turned my phone back on and saw an unusual number of Posh notifications... then I saw that you were the force behind it all. :) Great to meet you on the site--I appreciate your host pick!! Lovely feline friends you've got there!
Jan 03Reply
aubreyland325 @tamiller @dfrainey13 @jwelsh85 Thanks for having a great closet!
Jan 03Reply
aubreyland325 @jabberwocky Love your closet and wish I could fit all your listings! And thanks, I do love my fur babies.
Jan 03Reply
jwelsh85 Aww, you're so sweet !! 💕
Jan 03Reply
bellasbeauties How do you pick a host pick from a user who has unsupported items? I'm a bit confused.
Jan 17Reply
aubreyland325 @bellasbeauties it was a last minute pick towards the end of the party that I forgot to vet in the moment. The party was weeks ago, so it's a little odd you comment now. I even mentioned the mistake to Posh and you know what they said? "It happens to the best of us. Don't beat yourself up." So I moved on, maybe you should too.
Jan 17Reply
aubreyland325 @bellasbeauties In hindsight I realized your comment might have been an actual question, in which case please let me know and forgive my tone. If not, reread the previous comment. I was attacked by a few users on a single host pick mistake, and I'm simply tired of it. My life is not Poshmark.
Jan 17Reply
bellasbeauties I'd like to apologize
Jan 17Reply
aubreyland325 @bellasbeauties It's okay, what's done is done. There was/is no way to undo it, and it was not meant maliciously. It was my first party and I was by myself (no other people picking Host Picks) so it was crazy trying to keep up the whole time. I immediately told Poshmark what happened.
Jan 17Reply
bellasbeauties Ok, so I can apologize I think it bothered me because it wasn't just you who gave this person a pick, but she got a lot. It was late last night as I was searching and checking things out. It has nothing to do with me not getting a pick, as I have many of my own . Those in wich took me over a year and a half to get one , that was only because I went around asking hosts to look at my closet. Three other gals ripped me a new one, I so appreciate you not doing that and didn't block me. That truly shows your character . Obviously your a genuinely good , nice person . I wish I never said anything . Posh surely isn't my life either. Back in March I was attacked and harassed stating I was another person. It was awful, so I can't apologize enough. I even went as far as asking posh for a name change. Which was granted. It used to be , UZANNE , so I thank you 100%, for not ranting at me and blocking me. Your a true woman. Bella
Jan 17Reply
aubreyland325 @bellasbeauties Don't sweat it! It took me ages to get a HP myself; I didn't get them even after becoming a Suggested User. I was surprised when I was asked to host, but I think I have grown a reputation for being honest and (trying to!) follow all the rules. I know how it feels to get slammed by people on here. Even had someone try to return an item saying it was not as described in size, when I listed measurements! It is an imperfect world, but Poshmark helps me accomplish what I want... Selling the stuff I don't use so I can keep shopping! Chin up and keep Poshing. ☺️
Jan 17Reply
bwenger Are you going to the big Nashville party hosted by @queenmumm and @erikagannon ?!? 🙏🎉
Feb 17Reply
erikagannon @bwenger she says "ABSOLUTELY!!!" teehee
Feb 17Reply
aubreyland325 @bwenger @erikagannon I didn't know about it! If I am in town I should be able to drop by!
Feb 17Reply
fashionability Loved your blog and then found you here. Awesome!
May 14Reply
aubreyland325 @fashionability Yay!!! Thank you!
May 14Reply
love_kates_bees I love your closet!
Jul 20Reply
aubreyland325 @kmbuschgans Thanks so much!
Jul 20Reply
aubreyland325 @mariellelauren Wonderful! I hope you have fun buying and selling!
Aug 19Reply
rakrayi Your closet is so elegant!
Aug 20Reply
aubreyland325 @rakrayi Thank you! I only sell things I bought for myself to wear, or items from my stylish sister.
Aug 20Reply
dj_ray_ray I love your name, it's so pretty "wink wink"
Aug 23Reply
latchkey77 I have a beer-brewing husband, too (I'm the mead-maker)! Also, a fellow furr-baby guardian here, as well. Love your profile!
Dec 31Reply
aubreyland325 @themissiah So you can relate to endless brewery/taproom visits, half the fridge being filled with beers, etc! 😜 Beer wives unite!
Dec 31Reply
latchkey77 @aubreyland325 Oh, yes. It is a familiar scene.😉
Dec 31Reply
katpearl86 You are so cute! Love your profile and meet your seller pics! Gorgeous closet
Jan 14Reply
ocean_treasure I love your profile picture! Lol😂
Feb 05Reply
aubreyland325 @katiewolin Thanks! It was from our engagement photos
Feb 05Reply
leahannemae Hi hon! I just discovered your blog and I love it! Happy sales to you! :)
May 01Reply
sarah_zimmer Just stumbled across your blog. Everything's absolutely lovely about it! 💕
May 27Reply
aubreyland325 @sarah_zimmer Awwww thanks so much
May 27Reply
cathjc I was just wondering how long it took to become a suggested user?
Jul 29Reply
aubreyland325 @cathjc I joined pretty early, so it only took me a few months before Posh reached out to me as a Suggested User. It is important to make sure you follow Posh rules (no outside sales, no unauthorized items) and have a good closet with 10+ items for sale, good photos, etc.
Jul 29Reply
caroles_place2 Hello, Aubree, I'm Dana, and first wanted to say what a beautiful closet you have! I also wanted to let you know that I have another closet which is my primary closet, @danalouf. I started this 2nd one to focus entirely on all things kids and my new boutique listings. I'd love it if you'd also check out my original closet so we can follow each other on there💕💕
Nov 22Reply
closet_bargains found your blog and was hoping that u can help me. I joined in Nov. I haven't gotten any offers or sales but I have over 600 followers. I am very active everyday. Am I doing something wrong? I feel a bit confused and discouraged. my best friend signed up too and she put up 7 items and one of them sold in like a week and she doesn't share anything that felt kinda bad to me too esp because of how active I am. Everything is new or like new Sorry for the huge message thanks for your time!
Feb 10Reply
aubreyland325 @aqt12 Some of your items are priced a little high for used non-name brands or less popular name brands; if something doesn't sell in a week, drop the price by a few bucks. $19 is a better price than $20 because people see it as "less than $20!" That's why store pricing is like that. I'd take a look and compare to similar items. If you're selling something for the price that it would usually be brand-new but on sale in the store, it won't sell here.
Feb 10Reply
aubreyland325 @aqt12 Shoes are also a harder sell on Poshmark if they aren't big names like Uggs or Hunter Boots, I have found. Follow other closets and share lots of other people's listings. Also, try to take high quality photos. Natural light, on a dress form or with an neutral background, not just laying in carpet. You can even lay it on a wood deck or dining table, and it looks much better. Sometimes the photos are what can set you apart and help you sell!
Feb 10Reply
closet_bargains @aubreyland325 thank you. I am trying all these things I don't have a deck and all my walls are bright colors so it's hard to find something neutral in my house. I have a lot of really dark furnature too
Feb 10Reply
aubreyland325 @aqt12 You can buy a roll of white or brown least paper at a Michael's or office supply store that would be a good background to tape to the wall or a door 😉. You can even buy paper that looks like marble and other things. Bloggers have great tips for things like flat lay photos, Google "best flat lay photography"
Feb 10Reply
bxdime Hey! Come visit my closet! I have some things I think you'll like! ☺ Let me know if you have any questions!
Feb 15Reply
mainstreetstyle Hey there! Just stopping by to say hi! 🌺🌺🌺 What a lovely closet you have!✨ Wishing you good sales! Happy poshing! ❤️❤️❤️
Feb 23Reply
thriftwgrace Well, Hello I’m just stopping by to say Hi and missed you! Whenever you have a moment, please visit my closet as you may see something that catches your eye. (There are various sizes among my arrangement too) Ciao Bella...and Thanks again @thriftwgrace
Jun 11Reply
chrissyohara That’s the best description ever!!! Ps, USMA 2002 here, following you!:)
Feb 06Reply

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Last Active: Feb 20

Bloomington, IN
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Last Active: Feb 20

Bloomington, IN
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