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Updated Mar 20
Updated Mar 20

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Welcome to my closet! My name is Paige and I'm a senior at the University of Michigan studying ecology. I'm a fashion obsessed girl and want to share my style with you all through my boutique and gently used items. I am licensed to purchase boutique items and spend a lot of time sourcing quality inventory for my closet. It's nice to meet you all 😊
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chicknthesticks @paigepaigepaigw You are adorable, and that smile is radiant! You're not alone in your addiction, I think most of us have the same problem. I live on a farm way out in the country. What in the world do I need with 50 pairs of shoes and 30 purses??? ☺☺☺
Aug 16Reply
hautecollection @rcatheron aw thank you! 😊 I swear I sell one thing and buy 4! It's such an addiction
Aug 16Reply
chicknthesticks @paigepaigepaigw I know, right? I finally had to start immediately transferring my balance to my bank account or I'd spend it. I'm so weak!
Aug 16Reply
hautecollection @rcatheron I'm the same way! My balance is dwindling, I need to transfer before its all gone. Haha
Aug 16Reply
laaazer Hi Paige!! Thanks for sharing the Posh love.πŸ’– You're so pretty and pull off glasses amazing, jealous! Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself, my name is Lazer, it's nice to connect with you!😁
Sep 16Reply
hautecollection @laaazer aw how sweet of you! Thanks 😊 what an awesome name you have!
Sep 16Reply
laaazer Also, WHERE is that amazing place you were in your first photo? What cool architecture! And hehe wellll I can't say Lazer is my biological name, I think that's probably a good thing honestly... but my name is Lauren Azer and as a result have just been called Lazer for years!😜 Thanks!
Sep 16Reply
hautecollection @laaazer it's a place called Chichen Itza in Mexico! It's an old Mayan temple 😊
Sep 17Reply
laaazer I've heard of Chichen Itza! Super cool, I've never been to Mexico but plan to get there someday... I'll have to remember this beautiful spot!😁 I LOVE old ruins... I'm obsessed with Machu Picchu haha I can't wait to go and explore. I take it you're into traveling?😊
Sep 17Reply
hautecollection @laaazer yes it was so beautiful! I went to Mexico for the first time this summer and loved it! The only thing that I was disappointed about was that we weren't allowed to go up and look closely at anything 😒 and yes I am super into travel! I'm always trying to plan a new trip
Sep 17Reply
time2livelife You are so pretty :)
Oct 28Reply
hautecollection @time2livelife thank you ❀️❀️
Oct 28Reply
jamieswanson Hi Paige! Nice to meet you. Thanks for sharing☺️! I'm just getting started selling, so it's truly appreciated! I'm from MI too, small world πŸ˜‰. I'm open to offers and possibly trades. I still have hundreds more items left to list (if you're looking for something special, let me know! If I have it, I'll list it first, and tag you...if i see it in another closet, I'm always happy to share πŸ˜‰).
Nov 18Reply
hautecollection @jamieswanson hey Jamie! Welcome to selling! It's so much fun to sell on here and I love the great deals when I buy as well. I'm not ISO of anything right now but your offer is so sweet! If you ever have any questions I'm here. 😊
Nov 18Reply
hautecollection @vblanco003 thank you! I like to make flatlays and post them on Instagram :)
Dec 05Reply
annluggen Great smile
Dec 06Reply
annluggen Makes me smile back
Dec 06Reply
hautecollection @annluggen that is very sweet of you to say :)
Dec 06Reply
hautecollection @123tammie awesome! I'll follow you back :)
Dec 06Reply
eholder Hi Paige! I'm Elizabeth from Los Angeles. Nice to meet you!
Dec 07Reply
hautecollection @eholder it's nice to meet you too Elizabeth! I bet you enjoy the wonderful heat of Southern California. It's starting to get cold here and I wish I was there!
Dec 07Reply
tayswins So cool to finally see someone from A2! Happy Poshing 😊
Dec 08Reply
hautecollection @tayswins hey! I've met quite a few people from Michigan on here, but never anyone in my same town! Are you a u of m student? :)
Dec 08Reply
tayswins No I go to WCC my brother goes to UofM though! He's in engineering
Dec 08Reply
hautecollection @tayswins that's cool 😎 I just moved here 3 years ago and I love it so much
Dec 08Reply
tayswins Where are you from?
Dec 08Reply
hautecollection @tayswins I'm from woodhaven Michigan, it's approximately 45 min away from AA
Dec 08Reply
tayswins Ohh ok I've heard of Woodhaven. Can't say I've ever been there though lol
Dec 08Reply
hautecollection @tayswins yeah it's definitely grown a lot in the last few years, but it's nothing like Ann Arbor
Dec 08Reply
kirstw Your closet is so organized! And I'm impressed you're learning how to sew! That's something I would like to do. Are you taking a formal class or just learning on your own?
Dec 11Reply
hautecollection @kirstw thank you 😊 I'm learning through a group at my school
Dec 11Reply
kirstw So cool that they offer that!
Dec 11Reply
hautecollection @kirstw yeah it's a new club at my school! By the end of the year we are going to have a fashion show with the clothing we have made
Dec 11Reply
kirstw Ah! That's awesome!!
Dec 11Reply
hautecollection @this_is_willie thanks so much! Let me know if you have any questions! I can do a higher bundle discount if you buy 3 or more items. :)
Dec 29Reply
grlsea You have a rockin closet!!! I wish it was my size!!! Would you like to be added to my tag list for follow games?
Jan 07Reply
hautecollection @grlsea thanks so much! Yeah you can add me πŸ˜„
Jan 07Reply
bullittsmom Hi Paige! What a cutie u areπŸ˜ƒ!! My hubby is originally from Michigan too(Jackson)-and I'm addicted to Poshing too!!!! Isn't it fun! And u meet some of the coolest people❀️
Jan 14Reply
hautecollection @bullittsmom aww thank you! It's such a small world, so many amazing poshers on here have a connection to Michigan
Jan 14Reply
lucy1748 @paigepaigepaigw thanks for sharing!!!! πŸ˜€
Jan 19Reply
sweetabell You have an absolutely gorgeous closet M'Lady!!! Thanks for your shares. Posh love to you. πŸ˜˜βŒβ­•οΈ
Jan 21Reply
hautecollection @donnaw1 thanks so much! ❀️❀️
Jan 21Reply
shopaholicsss hi there❣ thanks for the like! let me know if you're ever interested in purchasing anything so we can work out better pricing (:
Feb 24Reply
glitzylife Great closet! Congrats to you on your hosting a party!
Mar 01Reply
cattyo Hi Paige! I'm Catrina. Just had to stop and say how beautiful your closet is! So many adorable items. Although initially really bummed that we aren't size mates, I think it's actually the best because I could do some "just one more thing" damage to my credit card lol" Will just have to look and share this time I suppose. πŸ˜‰. Have a great one sweetie! πŸ’œπŸŒ·πŸŽ€
Mar 01Reply
matana Thank you so much for choosing my summer flower green dress listing as a host pic. I'm honored and thankful and really appreciate it! πŸ™ƒπŸ˜ŠπŸ™ƒπŸ˜ŠπŸ™ƒπŸ˜πŸƒπŸŒ·πŸƒπŸŒ·πŸƒπŸŒ·
Mar 04Reply
sara_128 Cute closet !! Love your stuff πŸ•πŸ’«πŸ’•πŸ‘ŒπŸ»β˜•οΈπŸ’‹
Mar 06Reply
hautecollection @cattyo hi there! Nice to meet you 😊 thanks for the kind words
Mar 09Reply
hautecollection @sara_128 thank you ❀️❀️
Mar 09Reply
ashb_marie Thanks for sharing our sparkle :) Best of luck in sales!
Apr 21Reply
lifewithtree Thanks for all the sharesβ€οΈπŸ’œπŸ’›πŸ’™πŸ’š
Apr 27Reply
glamaste Love your closet!! Sooo organized!! Anyhow- just needed to let ya know❀️
May 03Reply
hautecollection @brookej610 thanks so much! β€οΈπŸ’•
May 03Reply
funfun_1 I love your closet! You have super cute clothes don't great style! I hope you have a great day! 😊😊
Sep 05Reply
fashionext Hey, I'm went to school at Ann Arbor too! So good to meet a fellow wolverine! Go Blue!😊
Jan 17Reply
hautecollection @fashionext thats awesome! Go Blue :)
Jan 17Reply
fashionext @hautecollection I miss AA so much!!!😊
Jan 17Reply
hautecollection @fashionext I honestly don't know what I'll do after I graduate! I'm going to be so sad to move away
Jan 17Reply
fashionext @hautecollection are you a senior? What major?
Jan 17Reply
hautecollection @fashionext yep! I graduate this spring. I'll have a degree in ecology and evolutionary biology
Jan 17Reply
fashionext @hautecollection EEB, cool, congrats! I'm sure you will find something. I just moved to Boston after spending a decade in AA.
Jan 17Reply
hautecollection @fashionext do you like it there?
Jan 17Reply
fashionext @hautecollection yes, it's very different though, big city, different culture, etc. The science and research is very strong here. I still would call AA home :)
Jan 17Reply
hautecollection @fashionext yes I think it will always be home for us
Jan 17Reply
fashionext @hautecollection hehe, true😊I'm glad to meet you and have a new friend on Poshmark!
Jan 17Reply
hautecollection @fashionext same here! Very nice to meet you 😊
Jan 17Reply
fashionext @hautecollection Good luck with your graduation and let me know if you ever visit the east coast!😊
Jan 17Reply
nyshxo Lovely closet 😍❀ You're so beautiful! Keep up all the great work. Definitely motivational!
Feb 02Reply
hautecollection @nyshalexandre thank you so much! ❀
Feb 02Reply
bargaingirl66 @hautecollection, cute closet!! πŸ‘—πŸ‘ πŸ‘šπŸ‘œπŸ‘› I've shared several of your listings with my followers. I'm new and just getting my closet started. If you get a minute, take a look and please share anything you like. Have a Blessed day!!😊😊
May 28Reply
hautecollection @bargaingirl66 welcome to poshmark! I shared some of your items ❀️
May 28Reply
bargaingirl66 @hautecollection , THANK YOU FOR DOING THAT!!!!! πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚
May 28Reply
cathyxie hey paige! i saw on the posh on campus site you were a campus rep last year. i'm thinking about doing it this year. i was wondering if you could tell me a little bit about your experience! i realized most of the other posh reps go to cali schools. i go to a ny school and am the only posh rep. were you the only rep at your school? and how was the time commitment? what did the tasks include? really appreciate it if you are able to answer these and thank you soooo much!!!
Aug 21Reply
hautecollection @cathyxie most of the work for the internship was pretty individual, so I wouldn't worry too much if you're the only one at your school. When I was in the program we had monthly missions based around educating our campus about poshmark-how to sell mainly. Overall I really enjoyed the experience and got to meet some cool people from all over the US
Aug 21Reply
cathyxie @hautecollection thanks this is super helpful! how time consuming was it? was it a lot of online sharing on social media or more setting up physical events?
Aug 21Reply
hautecollection @cathyxie not too time consuming at all, I did it with a 16 credit hour schedule
Aug 21Reply
hautecollection @cathyxie I'd say it was a mix of both online work and in-person work
Aug 21Reply
cathyxie @hautecollection okay cool! i'm taking a pretty hefty load this year so just don't want to be putting too much on my plate. what kind of in person work was it? sorry for all my questions haha
Aug 21Reply
hautecollection @cathyxie you have to host a handful of events (like 3 or 4) as well as recruit new poshers
Aug 22Reply
greenqueenkate Hey :) I recently got an email that I was selected to be a Posh Ambassador and when I was looking for more info I came across your username. I was wondering if you could possibly tell me a little bit about your experience as an ambassadorβ€” like what the time commitment is and what it entails. Thanks girl πŸ’•
Jan 08Reply
hautecollection @greenqueenkate hey Kate! Being a poshmark ambassador does not require any extra work on your end, if you accept your will be on a list that is recommended to poshers across the app! Let me know if you have any additional questions. Hope that helps :)
Jan 13Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? I really appreciate it and have a great party!
Apr 28Reply
fashionext Hey! Are you still in AA?
Jul 03Reply
fashionext I was gonna be in AA this week. Thought will say hi! Where did you move?
Jul 03Reply
hautecollection @fashionext I’m now located in Woodhaven :)
Jul 03Reply
hautecollection @fashionext nope, still in Michigan!
Jul 03Reply
fashionext @hautecollection ah ok. Got it. :)
Jul 03Reply
moxxieville Hi.. check out my listings.. im open to negotiate prices, so make an offer!!πŸ’•πŸ˜€πŸŽ‰ Ps: don’t forget to like ,share and follow
Jul 24Reply
mahverdyan Hi, I have some clothes you may like. Please take a look and let me know what interests you. I am happy to negotiate.
Nov 29Reply
xodannica Love your closet and gorgeous style! So great that I can let it slide that you’re a Wolverine (I’m a born and raised Spartan) πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰β€οΈ
Mar 01Reply
ducksquad hi! I really like your closet!! Maybe you could check out mine? Have a great dayπŸ’—πŸ’—
Mar 07Reply
wmicfranklin Hello beautiful...feel free to check out my closet...good luck...posh well
Apr 24Reply
secondchancebtq Hi Paige! Stopping by to compliment your lovely closet. Happy Poshing and stay safe!
Jul 20Reply
monolidi Happy poshing!!πŸ₯³ Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like! Have a great day☺️
Nov 05Reply
luxurysky πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’– Sending Posh Love πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–
May 21Reply
johnreilly love your closet girlllllllllllllllll
Jun 08Reply
cutehosiery @hautecollection Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Mar 30Reply

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Last Active: Mar 16

Ann Arbor, MI
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Last Active: Mar 16

Ann Arbor, MI
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