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Still new to this so.... follow me I'll follow share and I'll share..isn't that how this party goes? Please no low balling. I tend to shop for myself, my mom and my two sisters..we are all different sizes so any closet is a winner :-) I am now married (5-27-17)ok I'm now separated (5-25-23). Man Starting over is a beeitch and costs a lot..

41 others
like this

Love your photo, very cute couple. Welcome to Posh and thanks for sharing my item. :)
Mar 27Reply

@gingerginger Thank you
Mar 27Reply

Thank you so much for all the shares, youre awesome
Mar 31Reply

@gperez976 thanks you are welcome
Mar 31Reply

Congratulations, very cute couple. .
Apr 01Reply

@lavndrkiss thank you
Apr 01Reply

@kelchel75 Hi I'm Kia ! I would love for you to check out my closet when you get a chance ☺️💞
Apr 05Reply

@purplej Thank you
Apr 05Reply

@purplearies ok I will
Apr 05Reply

Thank you for all the shares. :)
Apr 07Reply

@ofelya1990 Thank you too :)
Apr 07Reply

@schoomkie Well thank you very much. I'm Kelli. I love my babies, they are the sweetest people. They love surprises whether it's a meal or something pretty. Thanks On the congrats, a wedding is expensive. .lol I'm very thrifty. Already bought several things on here.
Apr 11Reply

@schoomkie aw that is a great story. So sorry for your loss. I'm still debating..will be my first wedding and his second.
Apr 13Reply

@schoomkie thank you. That's what I want also
Apr 13Reply

@lrgudgell19 Thank you!
May 01Reply

Hey. I will be shipping your merchandise in the morning. Sorry about the inconvience.
May 13Reply

@tadams419 no worries. Thank you
May 13Reply

@cynlyn41 Hellooooo
May 21Reply

You are such a pretty soul!! Love your pictures! And your closet is fabulous! Thank you for all your shares sweet lady!!😊💓❤️
Jun 09Reply

@luckyangie11 Aw well thank are also..
Jun 09Reply

Absolutely adorable!!! And you have beautiful clothes I see it's going to a very good cause! Lol Congrats!!!
Jun 18Reply

@jillsivertson Thank you! !
Jun 18Reply

Thanks for being my 13000 follower ! I am now offering you 10 percent off any item in my closet 😆😀
Jun 29Reply

Thanks for the sharing ! I can use all the help I can get. Come on over and check out my closet and see if there is anything you need ! (LOL) thanks again Molly @Mollys Closet
Jul 07Reply

@maxiemelt Thank you same here. Has become harder to sell it seems. I am trying to get funds to buy my patients a few things wish there were more resources here where I'm at. I see a lot in your closet I love. I'm constantly buying for me and my sisters
Jul 07Reply

@kelchel75 Welcome to Posh!!! I am new here too! 😀 Happy selling to you and really appreciate all the shares! Thank you! 🎀💐
Jul 10Reply

@seastonebiz you're welcome. .thank you
Jul 10Reply

Crazy I phone ..... My question was can you tell me when Poshmark has their specials on shipping or any other specials ? I have been on Poshmark for a while but mostly just shopping decided I needed to clean out my closet and just wanted a little help. I know you're a busy lady I would greatly appreciate any advice. No hurry for reply. thanks Molly@ Molly's closet
Jul 15Reply

@maxiemelt I have no idea. It usually just pops up that one of my items h a s special shipping. I'm still learning myself
Jul 21Reply

Thanks for the reply. ; ) Hope you sale millions and billions. Molly @ Molly's Closet
Jul 21Reply

Good morning, beautiful girl! I'm sending you lots of luck and love from afar!
Aug 26Reply

@alldolledup2 thank you so much. .I will return the favor :-)
Aug 28Reply

I have officially adopted you as my sister. I wear this bracelet every day. I love and adore it so much. Love you girl! Thank you.
Dec 25Reply

@bagsontheboat awesome. Glad you like it. :-)
Dec 26Reply

If you bundle your likes in my closet, Ill make you a better deal even , if you can message me before you bundle them. help counteract shipping cost.
Aug 16Reply

@emeraldheart42 awesome thanks. I plan on buying several things.
Aug 16Reply

@kelchel75 I just dropped it off at the post office! Thanks for your purchase! !
Aug 26Reply

@kelchel75 You're welcome!
Aug 29Reply

Congratulations on your marriage! You look great together! My husband and I are newlyweds too!! Love you introduction - very sweet! ❤️❤️❤️
Oct 17Reply

@akononenko Congrats to you. Thank you
Oct 19Reply

Thanks for the like I am open to offers@gemstone14kt 😊
Nov 02Reply

Thanks for the like I am open to offers@gemstone14kt 😊
Nov 03Reply

Hi Kelli! Thx for stopping by my closet. If you have any questions I can help you with please ask. Never hurts to make an offer. I’m pretty flexible. Happy Poshing 😃
Nov 11Reply

Love your closet! ♥️ And congratulations, wishing you many years of wedded bliss!
Nov 13Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet and sharing posh love for the lace shrug ❤️
Dec 23Reply

@urbanuptowngirl thank you
Dec 24Reply

@monikens thank you
Dec 24Reply

@kittysposh thank you
Dec 24Reply

@gemstone14kt thank you
Dec 24Reply

@kelchel75 you’re welcome 😊
Dec 24Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet and sharing posh love for the tunic💕
Dec 24Reply

So glad to see u again. I meet you when I first started Poshing and you were so
Kind to answer all my questions. Congratulations on you instant family and if you ever get tired of those girls you can send them my way and I’ll play dress up
With them and then send them back to
You. My niece is now 21 and I still
Dress here up like a Barbie doll. Girls are so much Fun. I have one son but, can’t wait for a daughter in law! I hope she likes glitter, beads and sparkle! ( LoL) take care, Molly
Jan 06Reply

@maxiemelt Thank you. I hope you are doing well.
Jan 07Reply

Thank you so so much for all the sweet shares! 😍 😙 so appreciate the time u took! congrats on yr wedding! Hope you have a great evening! ❤
Feb 04Reply

Thank you so much for all the shares! ❤️
Feb 04Reply

Feb 17Reply

@04jeepgrl you're welcome
Feb 17Reply

@tylertaj I sure will. Thanks
Feb 17Reply

@kelchel75 😀✌
Feb 17Reply

If you see something that TICKLES your FANCY..and you want it...GET IT!!#LIFESTOOSHORT!!🎉🎊🎇😀
Feb 17Reply

I am having a sale going on $10. And under buy one and get free come by anytime you like
Feb 19Reply

Hi! You had liked a shirt & carpet deodorizer in my closet. I LOVE making products with essential oils as I believe so much in them. I’d love to do a bundle for you for both for $15. If that interests you, please let me know! Thanks so much!! 💕
Feb 24Reply

Feb 24Reply

wonderful closet, keep up the great work doll🌼🌻🌸
Feb 25Reply

Good Morning 🤗, Hope you get a chance to check out my closet and I welcome offers 💙💚
Mar 03Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet and liking the swimsuit.
Mar 31Reply

Thanks for sharing from my closet. Really enjoyed browsing yours, very nice. Thanks Gordon
Apr 04Reply

Good morning Kelli. Almost your first anniversary, congrats! You liked several of my clothing items yesterday. If you would like to bundle them I’ll offer you free shipping and an additional discount. Thanks for considering.
May 16Reply

@sweetie12345 you're welcome
Jun 07Reply

@1955oldman thanks
Jun 07Reply

@becomewinners thank you
Jun 07Reply

@vivianhayes thank you so much
Jun 07Reply

Love your closet. Happy Poshing!
Jun 15Reply

Thanks for all the shareing! Happy Poshing💓
Jun 26Reply

Hi I want to thank you for taking the time to share some likes All the earrings were designed and made by me. One of my past sales credentials was Disney🌹
Aug 15Reply

Thanks for the Follow! Feel free to check out all the gorgeous Bling I have available at very reasonable prices. Reasonable offers accepted too ☺
Sep 09Reply

Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Nov 06Reply

Hi, I'm Angel ! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day! ∞ Sнoppər|#ShopSmall ∞,#GETMORE for way less ∞
@childrenspalace ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ @scorpiomvp
┈┈┈┈╱▔╲▂▂╱▔╲┈┈┈┈ ┈┈┈▕╮╱▔╲╱▔╲╭▏┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱╋▏┊▕┊┊▕╋╲┈┈┈ ┈┈▕╋▕━▅━━▅━▏╋▏┈┈ ┈┈▕╱▔╲▔╭╮▔╱▔╲▏┈┈ ┈┈▕┊┳┊▔╰╯▔┊┳┊▏┈┈ ┈┈┈╲╰━━╯╰━━╯╱┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱▔╭┈┈┈┈╮▔╲┈┈┈ ┈┈
Nov 09Reply

Thanks for all your shares...I truly appreciate it. 😂
May 09Reply

Thank you for all your shares I really appreciate it. Happy poshing😁💕
Jun 12Reply

I graduated from Jacksonville State, too! Anything you like, make a bundle, and I’ll give you a discount! 💵 Go Cocks! 👌🏻
Aug 18Reply

hi there, let's bundle.
Dec 22Reply

Oh I'm so sad they didn't fit you. I just think they're so special. I hope your mom enjoys them. Were they too large or too small.? I'll keep my eyes open.😓😓♥️♥️🐓🐓🐓😓
Jan 10Reply

@kelchel75 Hi. Great picture! I just wanted to invite you to my closet as a VIP customer😊. I have a Woman's (including makeup & jewelry), Men's, Children's, Boutique items and House ware Items💟. I pride myself on Customer Service & most reasonable offers are accepted with free shipping on many items💕.I also have a 5/25 sale running! I hope you and your loved ones are safe and healthy🤞🎀💖
Jul 18Reply

@kelchel75 hi thanks for the like and follow! We are posh stylists on posh and our store is Chic Nation we offer 20 percent off bundles if you have any questions or if your looking for anything in particular please let us know as we can share it to you and or tag you!
Oct 04Reply

Hey, thanks for checking out my creations, I see you liked my painting,please do let me know if you wanna buy, I will be happy to create bundle for you and will give you good deal 😍😊❤️😍🥰🥰
Oct 09Reply

Thank you so much for the visit and I’m so glad you liked so many items. I want to get these items a new home, so when you’re ready create a bundle & we can discuss prices 😉
Oct 10Reply

Hey, thanks for sharing my paintings, I see you liked my cat painting, would you like to buy, please feel free to bundle and offer , I’m pretty much open with all offers 💕
Oct 15Reply

👛👗Thank you for sharing items from my closet👕🩳
Oct 29Reply

Thank you for sharing items from my closet.
I am very much appreciative 💜
Oct 31Reply

I see you've liked a few of my items. Yay! Feel free to bundle for a discount so we can put some outfits together for you! ☺.
Nov 18Reply

Hi Kelli Good Morning 😊 I can offer you a discount on the Christmas gnomes if you wanted to bundle them.
Nov 21Reply

hi Kelli welcome to posh lnice to meet u I'm Arezu but u can call me Zuzu, I really appreciate the shares & likes, are u interested in an offer on any of them I sent u one ( gnome items) earlier but just saw u liked more items ... no pressure just checking some expext an offer right away others browse & 💕 things so they can go back to them later , ( I do a lot of that )Hope you're having a beautiful weekend & plz let me know if I can answer any questions( Free shipping on 5 or more items)
Nov 21Reply

Thanks for liking my closet. Offers welcomed or bundle to save
Feb 02Reply

Thank you Kelli🙋♀️for all the shares👗👠👜and all the likes❤️Anything you would like I can give you a nice discount bundle deal😊🌺Have a nice evening!
Feb 22Reply

Hi 👋 Feel free to check out my closet sometime. I have an assortment of items and clothes from men's, women's, kids, books, ect...
Bundle multiple items to save even more! Thanks and happy poshing.
*Trying to add new item weekly*
Mar 16Reply

Hi there! I just wanted to invite you to my closet where I sell handcrafted earrings that I make.
May 08Reply

hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Sep 16Reply

Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Gucci, Moschino, Aritiza, Lululemon, Free People, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more! So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts!
Xoxo, B.
Nov 08Reply

Hi, I’m Marianne, a Postmark Ambassador. I’d like to invite you to drop in to visit my closet. I have many unique and vintage items including china, seasonal decor, books, CDs and DVDs, video games, clothing, plush toys, jewelry and religious items. I’m happy to consider all reasonable offers and remember to bundle multiple items to save on shipping. Hope you’ll have the time to check out my closet and I’ll check out yours.
Nov 17Reply

@kelchel75 Hello Kelli - just stopping by to invite you to check out a pair of VS black boot cut leggings (XXL) in my closet. Soooo comfy! My whole closet is ANY 2 ITEMS FOR $12, PLUS DISCOUNT SHIPPING. Many NWT or gently worn items to select from. Please check it out when you get a chance. I ship from a smoke free home, the next business day. Thank you dear & enjoy your evening. 💎🌹🎀
Nov 23Reply

Hi gorgeous , how are you?
We are doing BUNDLE and get “Buy 4 get 1 FREE”, Bundle 2 items will get 10% off.
Here I would like to invite and welcome you to stop by at our store and check out our Accessories.
Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Jan 07Reply

Happy 2022. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2800 items. Bundle few items and save more!
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
May 08Reply

Hi !!! Come take a visit and
follow my closet!!!
Hope to see you!!!!
Jul 19Reply

@kelchel75 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 07Reply

Hi there, Thanks for the shares and the like on the Corkys heeled galoshes. Feel free to send me an offer on them. I'd love to find a new home for these colorful boots!
Dec 22Reply
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