Meet the Posher
US$0 US$1,000,000
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I have lost 98lbs since 1/16, I know, that is a lot of weight, I can honestly say I did it the right way. Nutrition & Exercise every day I got this 200lb plus body on a treadmill, bike or elliptical 6 x a wk for 10 months then Weight training. Believe me I never thought I could exercise & eat healthy & get my life back! NOW I need a new closet! Let's Shop!! 9/28/16, I literally woke up withStage IV lung cancer, that’s right Like REALLY But I got this❤️ Clinical Trials are the future for the Cure

24 others
like this

@doreen585 🌷 Hi Doreen. Welcome to posh! When you want to tag...go to the item (yours or others) open up the item, use the comment button. When it opens up type in @username (@janamartin61) Optional leave message. Hit post. And your done!
Aug 18Reply

@doreen585 🌷 do you know how to post your items?
Aug 18Reply

I'm going to try and tag u now ok
Aug 18Reply

@doreen585 welcome to posh! feel free to check out my closet or comment with any questions : )
Aug 20Reply

Hello and welcome to Poshmark! Please check out my closet when you have a moment for great quality boutique clothing. Thanks!! 💕
Aug 21Reply

Hi! I just read ur bio and I'm so proud of ur accomplishments and hard work! That's so wonderful and something to be proud of! I'm not sure where ur diet/ training is currently, but if u ever need advise, ideas, or recommendations for anything - let me know! I'm always thrilled to help those who have strong goals to accomplish, maintain, or develop new ones!!! I've been on the industry for over 25 years- so u can say it's my passion and I love to help😊 keep up the good work!
Sep 14Reply

Thank you for your kind words❤️
Sep 15Reply

Hi 😊 I submitted a counter on the floral dress. I know you have to consider shipping charges into your total cost so let me know if you want to negotiate an XS bundle or I can save you a little on shipping by dropping the price when u are ready 💫 Happy to work with you until we reach a deal 👍
Dec 09Reply

Thanks! 😊 I'll have to ship tomorrow since today is Sunday 📦💫
Dec 11Reply

I super appreciate the rating and note!! 💃🏻thanks a bunch.
Dec 15Reply

Hi Doreen! I sold the Trina Turk dress right after I made a counter offer to you. Sorry :( u can decline my offer, let me know if u need any help with my other items ☺🌸
Feb 03Reply

Doreen, thanks so much for following my closet so that I could see, share and shop yours! You have a fabulous array of beautiful items to select from. I'm so impressed by your weight accomplishments, and I'll pray that your clinical trials kick your lung cancer to the curb!! Blessings to you.
Sep 14Reply

I'm in love❤️❤️❤️❤️with your closet❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️
Sep 16Reply

@pacheco4430 OMG you're so sweet Thank you 🌹🌹🌹🌹I'm working so hard to get my boutique started but I have so many more fall and winter items to add ❣️❣️❣️ before I can really get to that ❤️❤️❤️Feel free to make me offers I love to May people feel like they got a good buy for a great item 🌈🌈🌈
Sep 17Reply

Cute closet! Thanks for stopping by mine💕✨✌️
Nov 05Reply

Hi Doreen this is Madel I saw you’re in RX for lung ca. Let me know if there is anything I am able to do for you my dear fellow posher. God bless you always. Posh love. 💕🌷🌹🌺
Nov 05Reply

@madelrv thank you for your kind words ❤️ one day at a time ❤️🙏❤️
Nov 06Reply

Hello!!! I can tell you are a fighter! I’ll be praying and thinking about you!! If you need anything , please let me know! It’s difficult to lose weight bc I also lost over 100 lbs! Now, I’m been through some tough times so I’ve lost too much.size 00 or 0 in Chico’s or 2-4 in other clothes. ❤️
Nov 09Reply

Hello again ! Did you get my message about the Jackie O Dress? Thanks bunches❤️
Nov 09Reply

Hi just read your bio..just wanted to wish you well and to commend you on your weight loss..i work on an oncology unit if you need anything plz let me know..god bless happy poshing
Nov 09Reply

@carmalicious thank you what type of oncology are you in my daughter in law is a nurse also
Nov 09Reply

@doreen585 hi , im inpatient oncology, so all forms of cancers love,
Nov 10Reply

Thanks for the like and I am glad to you are doing fine😁💜
Nov 16Reply

@doreen585 I’m still desperately searching online and not finding that dress. I’m dying to buy the ecote fishnet maxi from you 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️ hope your health is well and you are enjoying the holiday season!
Nov 29Reply

@julietwhat let me try it on tomorrow having a rough time with treatment side effects and have another on Friday Can I let you know I think I may need the small anyway for my chest 💗
Nov 30Reply

@doreen585 Thank you for responding! You’re a gem!!! Good luck on Friday. You lost 100 pounds so I know you’re tough!!! Sending all my positive thoughts your way! 💕
Dec 01Reply

@julietwhat 😘
Dec 01Reply

@julietwhat 😘 I promise I’ll try on the dress tomorrow when I get back from treatment💗💗💗
Dec 01Reply

@doreen585 only bugging you to see if there’s the slightest possibility you would sell the dress. Trying to find my outfit for holiday parties. Sorry!! I had to ask. ❤️
Dec 12Reply

@julietwhat yes it’s yours Merry Christmas it’s way to long for me and a little to snug in the chest😱
Dec 13Reply

@julietwhat I’ll make a listing and mark it not for sale and when your ready I’ll make it available I can get it out by 300pm today
Dec 13Reply

@doreen585 you have no idea how happy this makes me!! Thank you so much!!!!💕💕💕💕
Dec 13Reply

@julietwhat I knew it 😘😘😘I want you to rock it out-girlfriend you must send me a picture of you wearing it 👗👠👗👠 I wanted so badly to be able to pull it off I have a really crazy day tomorrow I have a double treatment so I can get this done in about two hours I’ll make the listing and you can purchase it😘
Dec 13Reply

@doreen585 I’m so grateful!!! Power through those treatments!! Thank you again I’m ready when you are 😘
Dec 13Reply

@julietwhat ok give me a few minutes I’ll just charge you what I paid ok 😘
Dec 13Reply

@julietwhat you ready ???
Dec 13Reply

@doreen585 Ready!
Dec 13Reply

@julietwhat ok I made your listing I guess u just buy now right??? You have been poshing longer the I have I hope I did it right😱
Dec 13Reply

@julietwhat that is the price I paid so I hope the buy now button gives me that price
Dec 13Reply

@doreen585 thank you so much!!!!! 🎉😍😘❤️
Dec 13Reply

@julietwhat You are very welcome I want to see a picture of you wearing it ok😀how tall are you I’m only 4”11 3/4 lol so even in high platforms I’m short 😱
Dec 13Reply

@doreen585 I will send you pictures I’m soooo excited!! I’m 5’4 so hopefully with heels I won’t be dragging!
Dec 13Reply

@julietwhat it won’t you will be fine it was about Five or six inches too long for me with out heels It will be perfect I’m so excited for you! You are going to be dropdead gorgeous I just made it to the post office😱 the lines were ridiculous but u should have it in a few days 🤣
Dec 13Reply

@doreen585 thank you for braving the lines and mailing it today!! You are an angel!! I added you on Instagram!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Dec 14Reply

@julietwhat you are very welcome I wanted you to have it ASAP for your holiday parties 🎄❄️☃️in snowy CA haha ha😎 my new Instagram is Not_ Just_Girly_Girls_Shop now I just have to figure out how to link all the pages to Poshmark 😱
Dec 14Reply

Wishing you a fast and healthy recovery. Cheers to a happy healthy New Year.
I just had a baby and your swimsuits are beautiful and exactly what I’m looking for :) Good Luck selling on Posh :) you have a beautiful closet
Jan 11Reply

@creativeuno Thank you you are so kind 💗Congratulations on your baby ❤️❤️❤️Did u have a girl or s boy? I am a new Gramma I have a 16 month old grand daughter and a 4 month old grandson they are my reason to keep on fighting and kicking ass to lung cancer 🙏🙏🙏When you are ready I’ll give you a great deal on the Black Swim suits 3 for 25
Jan 11Reply

@creativeuno I didn’t know that was you who put the suits in a bundle. Anyway, I sent you a private offer😘let me know if that works for you💗💙💗💙
Jan 13Reply

@doreen585 yes! Thank you. Just waiting for funds to apply to my account- sold some shoes :) thanks again!
My son is 14 months :) a handful - fills me up with sooo much joy.
Jan 13Reply

Thank you so much for letting me know how much I can get the swimsuits :) I’m trying to figure out if the suits will even fit :) ( baby fat) hahah!
Jan 16Reply

@creativeuno you are very welcome I just want you to know that one of those swimsuits is in another’s bundle 💕
Jan 17Reply

Hi ! Thank you for your like on the kate spade jewel belt and for visiting my closet!
Jan 17Reply

Thanks for sharing? You are awesome
Jan 21Reply

Hi! Thanks for sharing so many listings and for visiting my closet! 💕💕💕💕
Jan 25Reply

@janiez54 right back atcha 💗💗💗
Jan 26Reply

@doreen585 😍😍😍
Jan 26Reply

Hi! I️ know there are many closets but I’d be grateful if you check out mine. Either way I️ was just stopping in the say hello. Have a great day!
Jan 29Reply

@spreadlove 💗
Jan 30Reply

Hey gurl! I have seen that you liked one item from my closet and as of right now i am spreading the love this spring to anyone who shops with my closet! What this means if you create a bundle you will receive 10% off all bundles + free shipping and a free gift with a bundle of 3 items or more (the more you bundle the more you save) + receive a envelope containing special love. I have more items unlisted that you may be interested in! Let me know if you have any questions! 🌷😻🌷😻
Feb 20Reply

Add your likes to a bundle to receive a discounted offer + free shipping 🌷
Feb 20Reply

Hello Doreen 🎀 thank you bunches 💐 for loving the top and offers. I sold one in my closet that had a tear in it and this one is perfect so I hope you understand the few dollar difference. I wouldn’t want to offend the other buyer. Btw...we’re neighbors and your story is a miracle! 🙏
Mar 06Reply

I thought you looked familiar!! Do you work in town 😍
Mar 08Reply

Did your kids go to school there?
Mar 08Reply

@tannyaustin no I haven’t worked in the last 2 years I’m battling Stage IV lung Cancer woke up with it sept 28 2016/But I’m winning the battle 💗💗💗
Mar 09Reply

@tannyaustin yes my kids went to the school system here did your kids go to RiverVale?
Mar 09Reply

@doreen585 my sister is winning also. 4 years! When she has to be admitted I sleep at the hospital with her. Always have always will!
Mar 09Reply

@doreen585 my granddaughter goes to Roberge
Mar 09Reply

@doreen585 Roberge*
Mar 09Reply

@tannyaustin 💗💗💗your sister is so lucky to have you! wow what kind of cancer does she have? I’m at Hackensack where does she go for treatment?
Mar 09Reply

@tannyaustin omg that’s so funny I really have to meet you! My kids went to Woodside😂
Mar 09Reply

@doreen585 she had thyroid cancer. It was very extensive. She lost a vocal cord to it and needed a subsequent surgery. She was just told yesterday that she can reduce her medication to a “normal” level. The side effects are harming her bones. Everything was at Weill Cornell. And Radiation Stony Brook on Long Island.
Mar 09Reply

@tannyaustin wow I get it some day we will talk... trust me I get it , my treatment is every 2 weeks for the rest of my life . Clinical trials which is called immune therapy it’s working but the side effects can be brutal going thru skin rashes like chickenpox all over and steroids bruising skin infections etc but I just thank god that I am responding ❤️ Cancer sucks 😱
Mar 09Reply

You sweetheart ❤️ Beautiful family ❤️hope your having a great day 💪🏼 love your closet, thanks for your help sharing my closet ❤️ awesome attitude 🏋️♀️ your doing great! Jayme
Mar 16Reply

@jaymedreizen Thank you Jamie
Mar 16Reply

Jayme 😘
Mar 16Reply

THANK YOU for the shares💛
Mar 16Reply

Your babies are so adorable! 😘😘😘 thank you for the shares. 💞I’ll be praying for your speedy recovery. Keep the faith. You’re a strong woman! 💐
Mar 16Reply

@wrayclark 💗
Mar 17Reply

@chickikay Thank you ❤️
Mar 17Reply

How’s my PFF doing these days? Hope spring has finally sprung in your neck of the woods! 😘😘
Apr 13Reply

You go girl! I need motivation to loose 60lbs. You just may be part of the motivation I need 😘 I can't believe & just don't fathom people being as far a stage 3 & 4 & Drs. not catching it 😕 well you'll be in my daily prayers my new PFF 😘🙏💝👍💐🥂😘
Apr 23Reply

Also Doreen, gorgeous grandbabies you have 💕 If you're interested, I have an "Awesome Tag Team" if you'd be interested in joining? I have many PFF's w/health issues as I have myself. It's like having your own personal support group & still be comfortable at home. We all need time to "wine" some, can't be rocks 24/7. Let me know, but you know, you'll be in my daily prayers. 🙏💕💐😘🙏
Apr 23Reply

@doreen585 Forgot to say wishing you well! Hope you wake today feeling a spring in your step, bird songs in your ears and love hugging you around. 😘💕 With luv from NYC, -Cie
Jun 05Reply

@hmclaren how are you girlfriend 💗😘💗😘💗Lol I guess I missed this comment quite a few months ago!
Jul 16Reply

Doreen! I'm hanging in there. I will be spending the month of August in Mexico where my mother is going for medical treatment. I'm sure missing those incredible east coast summers! Are you spending lots of time with the kids and those cute little grands?
Jul 17Reply

OMG! I LOVE your story💕and your pictures? Precious! So glad I went to your site... Happy Poshing!!!
Jul 21Reply

I wanted to say thank you for the shares! I read your bio too and it is so inspiring! You look great and very happy! You have a beautiful family! Keep up the good work! 🙂💕
Jul 21Reply

Thanks for the shares, Doreen! Your story is SO inspiring! ❤️
Jul 28Reply

@lizardshops Thank you💗💗💗
Jul 28Reply

@kjeffries68 Thank you its been a difficult road but I have an amazing family and I trust my oncologist with my life and I’m going to beat this💗💗💗 Thru him all things are possible 🙏🙏🙏🙏 🌺🌼🌸
Jul 28Reply

@doreen585 You're welcome! You also have a positive attitude! I think that can have an affect on your health when your trying to heal. Thank God you have such a great family and support system! I wish you all the best! 💕💕🙂💕💕
Jul 28Reply

Great family photos!! Hi, I am Amanda & welcome to the Poshmark world! If you ever have ?’, feel free to just drop by & ask I am happy to help!
Enjoy this fun new way of shopping!! 🌼🌸🌼
Aug 16Reply

Hi, not sure if you will see this but tomorrow is Thursday & not sure if you want either but wanted to try and catch you so I know if so as I can mail out first thing. Thx so much Jodi
Aug 16Reply

@shoppespot Thanks so much I just purchased both pieces. Sorry i fell asleep. maybe could u still ship today?
Aug 16Reply

@doreen585 Hi, no worries at all, when I saw where you live I assumed due to the time zone. I absolutely can and will get it out in just a few hours. I hope it gets there on Saturday, that’s the day you need it right? I’ll get it out either way in the first shipment out time of the day which is in about 2 hrs. 😌
Aug 16Reply

@shoppespot Thank you it will definitely be too hot for the jeans but maybe ok for the top 💗💗💗thanks so much🌸🌼🌺
Aug 16Reply

@doreen585 You are so welcome! Thank you very much as well. 💙💛💚💜 Sometimes I cant’t resist taking
a little extra off 😉😁❤️ Well... I hope either way you have a good time and can’t wait to hear how these fit and what you had to do if anything in the laundry room ! Ha!
Aug 16Reply

@shoppespot lol 😂 I will keep u posted 😘
Aug 16Reply

@doreen585 K - sounds good. I kept trying to decide & trying to guide you, then changing my mind about what I thought would be best scenarios etc., Yikes! Sorry ... there were so many messages ❤️😳😂 Have a good day ! Jodi💕
Aug 16Reply

Hi Doreen - thank you for the nice review. I’m glad you liked the dresses and I’m so sorry but I’m sold out. Feel free to use my pics to Reposh.
Aug 30Reply

@doreen585 Hi there! Please check out my closet! I have a large collection of beautifully kimonos, wraps, and boho festival style clothing and accessories. I hope you enjoy perusing my closet! It’s been a joy curating and collecting the colors and flows in it.
Sep 17Reply

Wow! Just wow! I’m sorry about the LC but I can see such a beautiful optimistic and determined spirit, I know you will be ok. You have an amazing family I and beautiful adorable babies to live for. It’s amazing what you’re doing. Loosing this 100 LB and working out and eating healthy. You are on the right truck and I wish you good health and long happy healthy life with your super amazing loving family!
Oct 11Reply

✨✨Hi thanks for the follow! Come check out my closet, ALL offers welcome:))✨✨
Oct 12Reply

@doreen585 Thankyou soooo much for visiting my closet store and for all your wonderful shares....I truely appreciate it! You are Awesome!🙌🏼🌈☺️🤗🦋Happy Blessed New Years to you and yours😘
Jan 21Reply

Its nice 2 meet U. Sounds like your doing all the right stuff to have a healthy life. Congratulations on your loss. Such cute baby pictures 🤗Love from @wenrella❌⭕️✌🏼
Feb 03Reply

@camille_lalala 💗💗💗
Mar 28Reply

Doreen my sons gf took my shirt for a show last night. Wow. Love her. I’ll hand wash it when she comes back. Ouch sorry! Marian
Mar 30Reply

Hi Doreen I just read your little biography, wow that’s a great weight loss!!! I’m sorry to hear about your cancer diagnosis & hope you’re doing ok!!!😊 @foxarazzi told me you’re planning a trip, woohoo!!!🥳. She said you’re looking for sarongs??? I have a couple if you’d like to check them out under my swimwear category or I can bundle them to you, just lmk, ty!😊
Apr 09Reply

@maucri thank you I will look in the am going to sleep now💗💗💗
Apr 09Reply

Sure, that’s fine! If you have any questions, please give me a buzz! Love the pictures of the babies lol 🥰
Apr 09Reply

Hi Poshmark Neighbor your only a click away. Feel free to browse and scroll. You just might see something that speaks to your style, Enjoy Your Day. Pat
Apr 09Reply

I’m holding off on sending your tee because more may be in and want to make sure you like the sizes on the others
Apr 12Reply

@foxarazzi I just opened it and just tried it on it came this morning the black one is a little tight and it’s a medium with no stretch the other is perfect. I’ve never worn a large in my life but maybe in that one T-shirt I may have to do. I don’t know. I’m losing weight because I’m off the steroids from my cancer Treatments. What just came in
Apr 12Reply

@foxarazzi The fabric on the wild child is perfect and the medium fit. The fabric on the Stevie Nicks doesn’t have much stress and the medium is a little tight but I’m afraid the large might not shrink
Apr 12Reply

@doreen585 ok I thought that might be the case/ we can exchange it for the large- not a problem. Can you ship that one back to me and I can send you the large?
Apr 12Reply

@doreen585 let me know what you decide - I’m not going to ship the new order yet. Save you $
Apr 12Reply

@doreen585 and oh my gosh- I’m hoping you are cancer-Free ! My gf got breast cancer in her 2os and it was scary and awful but she fought it and is healthy now ❤️🙌🏻
Apr 12Reply

@doreen585 I dont know why that black Stevie tee is not as stretchy. I would go with the large if you feel the medium is tight. I tried the large on and it works on me too. The medium fits me but it’s fitted and Im a midget at 5’2. Boobs have enough room in the Med on me but I like a fitted tee.
Apr 12Reply

@foxarazzi me too I’m Going to keep it because like I said the steroids put a lot of weight on me and I have every intention of getting it off
Apr 12Reply

@foxarazzi No unfortunately I literally woke up with stage four lung cancer! I had two surgeries almost died on the table twice. Recovered then Did nine months of immune therapy. So far the tumors have shrunk. I just keep fighting and hoping that it doesn’t come back. After I get back from the kids I have another huge CAT scan of my pelvis abs and chest. It’s quite frightening but I’m alive and I just have to keep living💗💗💗🙏🙏🙏
Apr 12Reply

I meant to say after I get back from Key West I have a lot ahead of me!
Apr 12Reply

@doreen585 just saw your last message! Wow! You’re a fighter! Sending positive thoughts your way 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️
Apr 15Reply

@doreen585 sounds like your vacation is much-needed & well-deserved. Just want to make sure we got you what you need. So you’re keeping the medium and do you want me to just ship the last tee you ordered? That one is super soft and you should have no worries- lmk as I was planning on shipping today 😊❤️
Apr 15Reply

Hey lady 😊 how was the fit on the tee? Do you like it? 😊
Apr 19Reply

@foxarazzi I didn’t try it on yet I will let you know! Thank you! But the medium Stevie Nicks is really tight maybe I should switch it for a large! But I’m afraid it’ll just going to be too big
Apr 20Reply

@foxarazzi Perfect and I love the fabric! I hope the others come in that fabric. Let me know if any others are like Joshua Tree fabric please
Apr 23Reply

@doreen585 I have a lot of tees that are like the Joshua tree- I’ll share them to your closet
Apr 23Reply

Hey love! If you want me to ship the two tees today I’ll need you to purchase the bundle ASAP. I’m not going to be able to get it out today if the order isn’t in by 3pm PST.
Apr 26Reply

Too cute!
Oct 31Reply

Hi Doreen, thank you for purchasing the FP hoodie, I just dropped it off at the post office so you should be getting it soon ❤️🤗
Jan 27Reply

@mrslizzyg thank you so excited!
Jan 27Reply

Hi there, I'm selling beautiful jewelry. Stop by. Reasonable offer accepted.
Mar 21Reply

@doreen585 thank you for your wonderful ratings and kind words, I am so grateful. Prayers for continued healing and good health for you and your whole family 🙏🥰🥰God bless you 🙏🥰🥰thank you for your kindness 💖
Jan 25Reply

Hi Doreen; I copy names during shows in to a word document I keep open and then copy and past them for tagging. I cant remember anyones names. I also went to @jebwas comments on a post and copied tags from them.
Jul 03Reply

Thanks for following!!💛🙌 Welcome to BrandFam! We only sell 100% authentic designer items! If you would like to be notified about our live shows like our “Crazy Mom’s Deals” listing! ✨
Nov 27Reply

@doreensdresser saw what you did on the JEBWA show tonight bidding on the Dior wallet. WOW that was so amazing ❤️💝
Mar 22Reply

@doreensdresser Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jan 15Reply
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