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Hi! My name is Kristi. I love a great deal and try my best to give them. I'm always open to reasonable offers. I'm a fast shipper and package things neatly. Happy Poshing!

4 others
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Hi dear! Will be happy to see you in my closet! Hop you will like it 😊 have a great day ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 16Reply

"I have been shopping all my life and I still have nothing to wear." - every woman ever
Just stopping by to say hello 🙋, have a great weekend!
May 21Reply

I do 20% off the two as well. And I take offers. Thank you for checking out my closet. Hope you have a happy holiday.
Dec 06Reply

I accepted the offer but I’m having an issue with my payment account linking so I’ll have to contact them in the morning when they open. I just wanted to let you know I still want the boots and plan on taking care of it ASAP. Thanks!
Jan 16Reply

@cprater28 OK no problem. Thanks for letting me know!
Jan 16Reply

@liveyourlife83 I had to cancel and resubmit the order. Do you care to accept so I can go through with payment? So sorry for the inconvenience!
Jan 16Reply

@cprater28 packaged and dropped off at the post office 😊 Thanks for the purchase!
Jan 17Reply

@liveyourlife83 thank you!
Jan 17Reply

@liveyourlife83 Hi Kristi! I hope you are well. Wanted to let you know know that I have a buy one get one half off sale right now. Also 5/$25 on items marked with 🚨.
Feb 20Reply

Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Apr 28Reply

Thank you for the like!!💕
Jun 29Reply

Hi! I just logged on and saw your offer on my boots. Would be more than happy to accept if you’re still interested!
Sep 16Reply

@tbilas .. Hi! Thank you for responding. Unfortunately I have already bought another pair. Those are beautiful boots! I may come back for them soon, if they are still available. Happy Poshing!
Sep 16Reply

@liveyourlife83 oh no worries! Just come back if you decide you want to :)
Sep 16Reply

Thx for like and visiting my closet. All reasonable offers welcome 💞
Nov 18Reply

If you want to add the dress to your bundle I will sell it for $20.00💞
Nov 18Reply

@sebq. Not sure if I understood that right, lol. Feel feet to decline 😆😊
Nov 19Reply

I had seen two items in a bundle from my closet and then I saw a “like” on a dress in my closet so I said “if” you wanted the dress to add to your bundle I would do it for $20 as opposed to the $25 if you wanted it. If you do a bundle and let me know when it’s done I of course will offer you a discount. All monies are going towards my husbands medical bills......
Nov 19Reply

On 9/23/17 I woke up to find him barely breathing and rushed him to the hospital. He is now on the heart transplant list. I am a Registered Nurse but unable to work bcuz I need to be with him so I am flexible on prices. When we met he was playing for the Miami Dolphins and now needs a new ❤️. Life throws curves.🙏
Nov 19Reply

You said feel free to decline but I don’t know what you are referring too. Lol. Maybe I haven’t come upon what you mean yet!💞
Nov 19Reply

Oh, now I see what you meant. I meant $20 for the dress. But if you like I will do the bundle which is $54 for $40. Let me know how that sets with you. I try and be as flexible as I can💞
Nov 19Reply

@sebq I am so sorry to hear that. My mom retired from nursing, it's a very demanding job that takes a strong & caring person, that being said, don't forget to take care of yourself so that you are there to take care of him. I have a friend that has survived two heart transplants & is still around to raise her young daughter. I hope this brings you hope. I pray that everything falls into place very soon & he recovers quickly.
Nov 19Reply

@sebq I completely miss understood you about adding the dress to the bundle. I added it, then submitted an offer of $20 for all 3 items, lol. Wishful thinking on my part. I realized after the fact that you had meant an additional $20, didn't want you to think I was being rude. I will have so see what I can come up with and circle back around. Positive vibes and healing hopes sent your way <3
Nov 19Reply

It wasn’t rude. You simply misunderstood. Feel free to make an offer of what you can afford. Hearing about your friend peaked my interest. Would you mind telling me how far apart the transplants were and why she needed it in the first place and why the second one💞
Nov 19Reply

@sebq here is an article from time magazine about her story
Nov 19Reply

@sebq oops today show, not time magazine. And here is the original article
Nov 19Reply

Whenever you get the chance and if you don’t mind please let me know about your friend. I’m curious as to why she needed a transplant in the first place bc she obviously was young like my husband and how far apart her transplants were and why she needed a second one. Thank you so much 💞
Nov 19Reply

My husband was born with WPW, Wolfe Parkinson White Syndrome. Sounds like a law firm, lol. It is a condition where you can just be sitting watching TV and all of a sudden your heart rate shoots to like 285 beats a minute. It’s like a weed that grows on the electrical system of the heart. We had it ablated years ago but I guess all those years of racing his heart wore it out. But this, I never dreamed.
Nov 19Reply

I just read her story. All I can say is, HOLY HELL AND OMG. What an amazing story. This girl is a trooper. One thing she says which is sooo true is your outlook. My Sam has such a positive outlook. His only problem is his size. Bcuz he is such a big guy with rare blood the dr said it narrows his base of recipients bcuz it will have to come from a big guy with a broad chest. If you are small the options are wide. I pray all the time for a perfect match.
Nov 19Reply

I’m sorry, I have been going off about my life and you don’t even know me. I just got wrapped up in what you told me and quite frankly I don’t really have anybody to talk to about Sam so when you told me about your friend I took advantage. I apologize. If you would like the bundle I will lower it to $35 if that helps. Thank you!🙏
Nov 19Reply

@sebq oh sweetie don't apologize. I was hoping to shed some light for you. I hope her story gives you a little more hope that miracles can happen ❤ I don't mind at all. I'll get back to you later today on the bundle. I'm contemplating on the dress....
Nov 19Reply

Thank you for understanding and most definitely her story gave me so much hope. I know when the time comes and I hope it’s very soon that I’ll be scared but knowing what she endured lifts my spirit. They say I need to go home and sleep when he gets his ❤️ but I’m not leaving until I know he came through it. He will be in a medically induced coma but I can read the equipment and I intend to make sure everything is done right 🙏
Nov 19Reply

@sebq 🙏🤞❤ I can't say I wouldn't do the same. I bet he's glad to have you by his side ❤
I submitted an offer for $35 when you have a chance to get to it 😊
Nov 20Reply

I accepted the offer. Thank you! I am so lucky to have him. He is such a sweet and gentle man. I adore him. When I met him which was on a blind date I flipped when I saw him bcuz he is so handsome and I remember in my head b4 he even spoke I said, “God, please don’t let him be cocky,” and he wasn’t. Playing for the Dolphins and so handsome I was sure he would be but no. Lucky me. Lol
Nov 20Reply

The belt with the dress I have listed separately bcuz it is not included with the dress. However, it is my mistake for not mentioning that in the description so I am going to include it with the dress. It was my mistake and you shouldn’t have to pay for it. Thank you again sweetie!💞😊
Nov 20Reply

@sebq oh thank you so much! You don't need to do that. I assumed it wasn't included. I have a similar style belt. I'd rather you sell that and try to get more money 😊 you are too kind!
Nov 20Reply

@sebq that is so great, a good man is hard to find, that's for sure! I am pretty lucky to have my husband. He goes to work to support the family while I stay home and raise our two young children, and that I am very thankful for ❤
Nov 20Reply

Yes, you are lucky to have a good man that works hard. So many women don’t. In the hospital I saw so many nurses come to work crying or with black eyes bc their husbands expected them to carry the weight of bills. Sam never missed a day of work until the night I found him on the floor. He wanted to work when he got out of the hospital....
Nov 20Reply

I filed for disability within two days. Everyone said even with an attorney it can take years but there are I think 3 diagnoses that will get it immediately. Having an Ejection Fraction, the amount of oxygenated blood your pumps out, less than 35 gets it right away. Sam’s left side was 21% and his right side is 6%. We got it in two months.....
Nov 20Reply

Even our primary dr couldn’t believe it. The day the letter came I walked over to Sam,dropped to my knees and started crying bcuz although my salary would carry us we had a life style that was use to both of us working. I had to retire early so I could be with him. In the beginning I was calling 911 a lot so I need to be with him....
Nov 20Reply

Thank God we finally found Dr Sheffield at Cleveland Clinic after many hospital stays at numerous hospitals. Univ of Miami which is suppose to be top did a cardiac cath on him and cut his aortic valve. I demanded a cardio thoraic surgical consult and was denied by that dr. That’s how we came to Cleveland Clinic..
Nov 20Reply

Here I go again, I am so sorry. I just don’t have anyone to talk to and I get going but I’m unloading on you. I am so sorry. Thank you for being so kind and sharing the story about your friend but most of all not blocking me...LOL. You are so kind. God bless you and your family🙏😊
Nov 20Reply

Too late! All packed up. It’s ok! You deserve it just for putting up with my ranting on and on. I hope you love everything. Thank you for your friendship and your purchase!🙏💞
Nov 20Reply

@sebq I am so glad to hear that you got on disability that quickly. What a relief! We had to be on disability at one point in time. My husband has a condition called Narcistic Sycrosis (probably spelt that wrong lol) he had to have both his hips replaced, the first one being at age 28 & the 2ND one a year later.
Nov 20Reply

@sebq He was almost wheelchair bound. He wouldn't purpose to me until he could get down on one knee, that was one of the best days of my life ❤ The disability wasn't much, but it sure did help! I'm glad to hear you've found a better doc for him, that can make all the difference. I hope you're not too far from friends and family. Keep your head up ❤ Looking forward to your package 😊
Nov 20Reply

Omg, how romantic! That brought tears to my eyes. I’m a romantic at heart I guess. And I’m a cryer but drs always tell me not to cry in front of Sam. Do you have any idea how hard that has been. I’m better now but every now and then like 2 weeks ago when they said only a donor as big as Sam will do I teared up. I can’t help it
Nov 20Reply

Well we got our guys, broken and all but as long as in the end they get better that’s all that matters. Sam’s friend had to have his hips replaced in HS. You just never know. Well you did I guess with Sam playing pro ball I wondered how he played if he had an episode but he never, thank God did. But now it’s taken it’s toll so now it’s in God’s hands. Your man sounds like a keeper!❤️
Nov 20Reply

Omg, o would love to keep in touch. Thank you so much. You are so sweet. Mine is Love to have someone who gets it which you do bcuz of your friend. I have zero girlfriends by choice bcuz I don’t like drama or whiny females. Also my time with Sam is so important bcuz we cannot be apart in case the call comes and I change his IV and PICC line daily Thank you
Nov 20Reply

Hi Kristi, thank you so much for the 5 stars and kind words. I am so happy you were pleased. If you ever buy from me and are I unhappy I will gladly exchange or refund for you. Thank you for your continued friendship offer. I very much would love that 🙏💞😊
Nov 24Reply

@sebq I love all the items, they will get lots of wear! Each one fits perfect! Also, I have never had the greatest skin complexion, so I am looking forward to trying that skincare product. That was so sweet of you to throw that in with the belt too! P.S. I sent and email off to you the other day ;) I hope all is well with you! <3
Nov 24Reply

Thank you so much for letting me know you are happy with your purchase. We were so tied up with Sam’s friends visiting him I haven’t checked my email so I will now. 💞
Nov 24Reply

Hi Kris, it’s Ricki, I hope you are enjoying the things you purchased. I just posted a new dress and thought of you. I want to send it to you to see if you like it. No pressure luv, just sharing things to people who have bought certain items from me. If you like it I’ll give you a great price Hope your Christmas was great and to a healthy & happy New Year
Jan 03Reply

@sebq Hi pretty Lady! I've been thinking about you! Thanks for reaching out! I still love each item I purchased from you and wear them regularly. That dress is gorgeous! I just ran out of funds however, so I will have to keep that in my mind when I have some extra money to spend! Thanks for thinking of me <3 I hope you are well and the new year is good to you!! XOXO
Jan 03Reply

I’m so happy you love your items sweetie. Absolutely no pressure. Like I said I’m sharing certain items to certain people. If and when you may ever consider it it is gorgeous. I would give it to you at an obscenely low price bcuz you were so kind and sweet. But after the holidays we are all short in money so I get it. Just sharing. God bless you and your family 😊🙏💞
Jan 03Reply

Hi Kristie! I’m so happy you found my closet in the western boots! I just ship them this morning so they are on their way! I really like what you have in your closet, you have stuff that is totally my style. I will keep following you and hopefully you will love the boots when you receive them. I gave you a few shares too! Posh sista! 💖💖💖
Jan 14Reply

The first sentence did not make any sense but you know what I mean. Voice to text makes me sound really dopey! But sometimes it makes poetry!
Jan 14Reply

@rensvintagepop Thank you so much for the posh love!! Looking forward to the boots! ❤👢🎉 I'm happy to return the favor!
Jan 14Reply

@liveyourlife83 hi! I’m so sorry to hear that you discovered a faint smell on the boots! I’m really surprised I didn’t pick up on it, I got those at an estate sale, and even tho I did not detect it, I do believe that it is entirely possible. If I would’ve known I never would’ve sold them! I feel very bad about this, if you want to take up a case with posh feel free and they will refund your money. I have learned that I need to have other people sniff my inventory now. Live & learn!
Jan 17Reply

@rensvintagepop Thank you so much for your response! I hate to do it, but I think I will request a refund through poshmark. Thank you for offering! I'll have to put money into them to get the smell out so that will help for sure! =D Thanks Dear!
Jan 17Reply

@sebq hey doll! I hope you are doing well, how's the hubby doing? Any updates? 🤞🙏😊
Jan 20Reply

Hi sweetie, so nice of you to ask. He’s still on with the 24/7 IV meds I change and tons of pills. No donor yet but finding someone if same blood, tissue match about 6’ 8” isn’t your run of the mill donor. That’s the scary part, waiting. You don’t know how long he will stay good with meds only.
Jan 20Reply

@sebq yes no doubt, waiting is the hardest part. I will keep hoping and praying 🙏🤞 I hope he's in good spirits most of the time ❤
Jan 21Reply

Sam is amazing spirit wise. I think a couple of times only and it was my fault bc I was just being a complaining wife and he broke down sobbing. It ripped my heart out. He’s always so upbeat that sometimes I think I look at him and don’t see a man with a bad heart and yet he lives with it daily. I’m very careful now bc we really never fight but even a small nagging can affect him and I was so wrong. Won’t happen again. He is my life and I thank God for Sam daily.🙏❤️😊
Jan 21Reply

@sebq that's such a tough situation, I can only imagine, I'm sure he thanks god for you every day too ❤
Jan 21Reply

Yes, we both do. You are too sweet. Situation is one you just hope you say & do the right thing. 🙏
Jan 21Reply

Hello Dear , I have to apologize on the pair of slides that you ordered from my closet , Wednesday morning it was sold and I don’t have an other size 10 to send you , I check my inventory everyday but this one passed unchecked, if you want I can send you 2 other pairs instead of this one to compensate the mistake so I will send you 2 others in my closet for the price of one if you are ok with that , please led me know , or if you don’t like anything I can cancel the order sorry about this ☹️
Apr 12Reply

@juanz88 Awe bummer. I will check your closet and get back to you on that. Thank you for letting me know!
Apr 12Reply

@liveyourlife83 ok thanks for your understanding 🌹
Apr 12Reply

@juanz88 well unfortunately those are the only ones I really liked. So please cancel the order. Thank you!
Apr 12Reply

@liveyourlife83 ok sorry about that
Apr 12Reply

Hey I’m Linda
I Make One Of a Kind Jewelry
If you are Buying or Selling....
New to Poshmark or Been here awhile
Best of Luck to you.....💖and Stop in to see me!
**** Jewelry Makes the Outfit***💋
May 07Reply

(ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Hi 🖐 welcome to the closets of all Poshmark 🛍, if you see 👀 something flirtatious before your eyes let me know from my closet, happy day.
Aug 08Reply

@liveyourlife83 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Mar 04Reply
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