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Updated Dec 13
Updated Dec 13

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I'm Anne::Mama to 2 humans and 4furries. Recently, one of my furbabies was diagnosed with some aggressive cancer so I started trying to post things to sell as the medical bills are insannnneee. That's my lulu above precancer...I love buying (buy way too much) and I've come to love selling for the most part as well as I've met some sweet genuine people on here👯 Most of my items are new or in great condition feel free to ask questions but please don't be rude😲 I don't bite unless barked at🐶
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ezemerelda I love all of your stuff!
Oct 23Reply
madeline5279 @ezemerelda @venusdmyo thank you😊. I'm going through boxes I've had in storage so I'll be listing things here and there
Oct 23Reply
emileegurl Thanks for all the love ☺️ your closet is 👌🏻 @madeline5279
Nov 20Reply
jadrch @madeline5279 I'm SO SORRY you and your fur baby are going through this.😢 I can just imagine the vet bill; my cat is very ill and every time just to get the blood work is 190$!!! And he's one out of our three pets. A ten yr old lab/chow name Coco, Oreo our 13 yr old cat my grandma gave me, and our new addition since last Christmas our one yr old bullmastiff Gaia.💖 Our baby's. Best of luck!!
Dec 09Reply
madeline5279 @jadrch thank you so much! I just took her to get her eyes checked at the ophthalmologist bc of an Injury from her dry eye caused by the cancer treatment. Now I'm waiting at the oncologist while she's having a followup..but omg yes I feel your pain! Every 2-3 weeks is at least 600 alone for my lulu..labor of love.. Thank you for all the❤️!
Dec 09Reply
gaby604 Hi Iv noticed that you've been here since last year I was wondering if you actually got the $10 credits for inviting friend and if your friends actually received the credits as well?
Dec 10Reply
madeline5279 @gaby604 I think they have to actually download the app and sign up through there and enter your invite code. I think it's the only way it works but I'm not sure, just assuming bc that's how my friend did it and I got the credit after she made a purchase.
Dec 10Reply
gaby604 Yea that's what my sister did but she didn't get the credits like they say they gonna give you when they sign up
Dec 10Reply
shanrhea3 @madeline5279 Hi! I wanted to sincerely share my appreciation &say thank you...I know that's what love notes are 4 lol but not only are WE the same size, I'm so in love❤️❤️❤️ w your closet & style! I also responsible for 2 humans & 2 furry ones, but feline, & I'm so sorry about lulu😕
Dec 11Reply
shanrhea3 @madeline5279 (Continued part 2) See above ⬆️⬆️⬆️ Like everyone else, Im pushing my way thru some VERY difficult hardships at the moment, & almost had tears in my eyes when I opened your very generous gift! First, I excitedly tried on both dresses which fit perfectly ⚓️, but rly was blown away abt your thoughtfulness! Thx again😊❤️💋💓💕
Dec 11Reply
madeline5279 @shanrhea3 awww you're welcome...I'm glad everything worked out. And I hope that things look up for you seem like a very sweet person..I just know things will be better for you. And that picture of you and your baby..all smiles! Your smile is infectious just from the picture..I'm sure the people in your life feel the same!
Dec 11Reply
shanrhea3 @madeline5279 yes of course, my humans are 1 is almost 3 YO coming up next month and the 2nd turned 1 year old in 17 months old
Dec 18Reply
madeline5279 @shanrhea3 ohhhh my older one will be turning 4 in January. Oh wow our little monsters aren't far in age!
Dec 18Reply
mverickmuse Hey Doll! Happy New Years!! Tyler's lovin the clothes you sent me :) wore one of the outfits to church! Haha wishing you and your family the best 2016! ❤️❤️
Jan 02Reply
madeline5279 @parkh hi mama! I'm so glad he's staying warm👏🏻😊I hope baby's first Christmas was awesome and happy new year to you and yours as well and allllll the best💕💕💕
Jan 02Reply
eureeka12 Cute doggie! Sorry about his cancer :-( My doggie just died a few months ago, not of cancer that I knw of. And it's so sad!!! I feel for you!
Jan 07Reply
madeline5279 @eureeka12 aww I'm sorry:( I lost one of my babies last July and this past July. Then lulu got diagnosed in August. She's still going with all the treatment but it's like you still never know how long you have😪
Jan 07Reply
eureeka12 @madeline5279 Aw! I hope she gets cured!!! They become like your kids for sure! I miss kissing my doggies furry little head! :'(
Jan 07Reply
madeline5279 @eureeka12 thank you💗I pray everyday for a miracle😖
Jan 07Reply
klb483 @madeline5279 omg I just saw ur post about ur furbaby!!! How awful! My Furbabies are sending positive vibes to ur furbaby!! I'll be sharing ur closet as much as possible! 😘
Feb 09Reply
madeline5279 @klb483 thank you💕 yeah she's been through the ringer. She had radiation therapy and went through 5 rounds of chemo..she has to take a couple of meds a day and follow up with an oncologist and ophthalmologist monthly. I don't believe in miracles generally..but I'm still hoping for one for my little bear.. Thank you for the positive vibes❤️
Feb 09Reply
klb483 @madeline5279 I'm hoping u caught it early on so that the chemo, radiation & meds keep it from spreading. 🙏🏻 I've lost many of my Furbabies to cancer. It's awful!!! Fingers crossed for ur lil Bear 👍🏻😊😘
Feb 09Reply
madeline5279 @klb483 thank you💕I literally got an appt for her the very next day when I saw the bump near her nose. Initially I thought it was from a tooth that had pushed up, but a biopsy found cancer. And of course, with my luck, it turned out to be an aggressive form:( it spread to her lymph nodes but as far as they could see it hadn't gone any further and so far she's stable.
Feb 10Reply
madeline5279 @klb483 She was diagnosed about August and they gave us 6-9 months😢but you know..she's still fighting so I'm still hoping and praying. I'm so sorry for your losses by the way..those wounds never fully heal💔
Feb 10Reply
klb483 @madeline5279 😢 oh man that is horrible! U caught it as early as u could. Prays for ur lil furbaby!!! Keep me updated & anything if there's anything I can do plz let me know!
Feb 10Reply
luvzpynk HiYa jus me Mel in Ohio ur 'Monster" buyer} I hope things r goin ok 4 you and the kiddo's and the fur kiddo's too! & The Hubby! Thanks again 4 being such an awesome and wonderful seller and super duper nice 2 me.,,,,You have been my fave 4 sure! Prayers & Postive Vibes From Ohio,,,,,, :-) Melissa/Pixie/Dolli/Blueberry Muffin & The Hams & Fish LOL
Mar 14Reply
madeline5279 @luvzpynk Melissa!! How are you?! Things are just goin here..lulu just finished her radiation rounds about two months ago. Things haven't gotten any better..but not much worse. She's constantly scratching at that site they treated so there's always an open gash or scabbing so she's still coned most of the time:/ aw miss you! Hope all is well💕💕
Mar 14Reply
luvzpynk My Dear Anne! Geesh we all r struck w/ a stupid head cold here.That is spring in Ohio 4 ya.1 day SNOW the NEXT day it is 70! So ppl r all sick! Aww poor lil LuLu! Aughhh! Me & mine r still hoping 4 the best 4 ur baby! Dang i wish there was sumthin else sides that cone 4 her! Hmmm have ya tried antibiotic cream to POSS. help it heal faster? Prob silly q',,,,,,i know they HATE them cones! I missed u 2! I been wondering how ya'll r!
Mar 14Reply
luvzpynk LOL i see u still got the remaining Monster hoodie i might jus be 'forced' HAHA to snatch him up too. After all he is part of the Monster family i got here lol,,,,
Mar 14Reply
luvzpynk omg am I nuts or did shipping go up?!
Mar 14Reply
madeline5279 @luvzpynk omg yes cold and flu seem to be worse this year! Both kids are sick again too! As far as miss lulu..can't put anything on it bc it's rt there her nose/lip area and she could ingest it:/ she's def a little Houdini though..she still somehow gets to it even with the cone😒you're not crazy..shipping went up not to long ago. The monster is waiting for you😉 anytime you want..We can always try something to trigger shipping discount and cross our eyes haha
Mar 14Reply
shopaholicsss hi there❣ thanks for the like! let me know if you're ever interested in purchasing anything so we can work out better pricing (:
Mar 28Reply
madeline5279 @worthstylin4 aww thank you☺️thank you for all the shares as well💕
Apr 08Reply
legolover Awesome closet :)
Apr 17Reply
madeline5279 @legolover thank you😊you as well.. Kate spade and Disney heaven👏🏻👏🏻
Apr 17Reply
vivnjohnny Hello :) Thank You for ur purchase. I have it all ready and packed put into the Dropbox. No mail Sunday's so for sure Monday it'll get going . Hope you really enjoy them :)
Apr 30Reply
c8linaventura Hi! U just won my Valfre top! I have a Huge favor, so u use meraci and if u do would u mind canceling and I have it on there for u it says reserved, and it would save u $4. There's just been something I want on M and then I don't have to wait for cash to hit my card. If you'd rather not k totally understand. Lemme know girl! Thanks!:)
Jul 09Reply
lhenao Thank you so much the shoes are just perfect , and all the extra stuff omg I can't believe you are amazing my daughter is going to love all the super heroes stuff , you make my first purchase to be the best ...... God bless you and have a great Merry Christmas
Dec 20Reply
samirashram @thirteensporks I saw her closet for the first time tonight.....such awesome
Jan 01Reply
samirashram @thirteensporks things.....need to sleep......ugh......❤️❤️❤️
Jan 01Reply
astylerecycle 💞So very sorry about your fur baby. I'll say a prayer for healing and comfort . I have 2 dogs and am so blessed .💌
Jan 05Reply
madeline5279 @msdebrasue thank you❤️ we actually lost the battle late may..i just hope she knows how much I love her and that I tried my best❤️blessings to you and your babies❤️❤️
Jan 06Reply
astylerecycle @madeline5279 very sorry 😐
Jan 06Reply
siciliana324 F-ing LOVE your closet!
Feb 06Reply
madeline5279 @siciliana324 thank you 😊 yours 🙀
Feb 06Reply
siciliana324 @madeline5279 aww thanks! ☺️ PS love your pup 💕🐶💕
Feb 06Reply
luvzpynk Hello Anne my love! =) I am up late night lurking lol and had 2 say Hi to my fave seller! Hope this note finds you & the family & fur kids all well? I am about to go stalk your closet 2 see what I am missing haha,,,,I seen 1 of my monster hoodies today and of course I thought of you lol! I mean that in a good way of course! I utterly adore everything I have got from u =) XoXo *Melissa* =)
Feb 17Reply
luvzpynk I know 4 a FACT I was following you from day ONE I can not figure out how/why I just had to follow u again?!?! Duno what I'm missing here,,,,,
Feb 17Reply
serenakwok Thanks for visiting 🎀
Mar 08Reply
wenstar I love your closet!!! I wish I was your shoe size but I'm a 6.5. Your shoes are all amazing!!!
Mar 13Reply
kcb5114 Thanks for the like! Your bitmoji avatar is adorable 😇
Apr 04Reply
aclotheshorse2 Hello! Thanks for "liking" the Vera Wang Peasant Blouse! It is really a nice garment! Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, again! Have a happy week!
Jun 21Reply
veluru Hi...It's a closet clear out...Please make an offer if you are interested..Everything must go..Thank you😊💕
Nov 12Reply
blckpicktfnce To celebrate my🏅"HOST PICK" Award, all items in my closet are BUY 1 GET 1 HALF OFF" 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️HURRY SALE ends soon, BUNDLE all your ❤'S NOW! 👑#B
Mar 29Reply
adriennef315 Hey! .. 🙌 I noticed you liked a beautiful dress in my closet! If you have any questions, or I can help with anything please feel free to reach out to me!✨ I offer discounts for bundles!! 😃 .. cute dog!
Apr 28Reply
explorical Hey gurl! I have seen that you liked one item from my closet and as of right now i am accepting many offers; so get your butterflies together this spring and wander into new atmospheres! Be sure you create a bundle to save on new outfits and you will receive 10% off all bundles + free shipping and a free gift with a bundle of 3 items or more (the more you bundle the more you save)! I have more items unlisted that you may be interested in! Let me know if you have any questions! 🌷🦋🌷🦋
May 24Reply
explorical Hey girl 👋🏼! I just changed my sales and posted new items for summer summer summer!! Catch the nearest wave and look rad as hell by shopping with me! Get free shipping on all bundles with two items or more + 10% off and a free gift when you have a bundle with 3 items or more! Everything on my page is for sale btw; even if there isn’t a dedicated listing for it! Be sure to ask me any questions! 🌊🦀🦀🌊
Jun 14Reply
ekscribe Hi! I love your closet and saw you liked several of my items. Feel free to make me an offer on a bundle.
Jul 07Reply
meaferea Hello Anne, Thanks for the like on my beautiful blue n White palm tennis shoes! I accept ALL reasonable offers and these gorgeous tennies could be on their way to your house as soon as tomorrow! Thanks for browsing my closet and Happy Poshing! 😊🎁🌵
Jul 08Reply
tbabes12 Hiii!! I'm Cristina ☺️ Just wanted to stop by & say hi! ✨ Can't wait to check out your closet! Wishing you many sales💞Hope you're having a great day!🎉 Xo
Jul 12Reply
mailllle Feel free to check out my closet! :-)
Aug 07Reply
kberg134 Happy Poshing🎉🎉 and if you happen to be looking for designer jeans/ premium denim please consider taking a peek at my closet 👖💕
Oct 17Reply
eastsidesusan @madeline5279 I clicked your "About" because I love your user pic but now my heart is heavy for you and your little sweetheart, Lulu. I feel for you - been there with vet bills and would give up groceries for myself if it meant anything for my pets. Wishing you MANY successful sales here so it doesn't come to that! I'll be checking back in and keeping you in my thoughts. ✨❤️
Oct 28Reply
firestar_36 Hey! I was hoping you still had the Monster High Werecat Sisters Meowlody & Purrsephone dolls. I made the purchase 10 days ago & was gonna see when you could send it, I'm really wanting her. Thanks, Courtney
Feb 12Reply
6251815 Hello Madeline I just created a bunch from your closet, Hope you log on soon and see it so I can purchase them
Aug 11Reply
6251815 Hello, Will you be back on the Poshmark platform? I’m interested in purchasing an item on your page.
Sep 21Reply
klb483 @madeline5279 HELLO!! idk if u remember me but u found me my FAV Drop Dead items! the ones with the wolves!! I recently used the bag & i found your letter in it!! it made me want to reach out to you to say hello! TY again as i still use & love the bag!
Jul 19Reply
mreigenmann how do you contact seller?
Aug 30Reply

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