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Updated Jul 21
Updated Jul 21

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Hello! I'm Kate, Bills Mafia member & Buffalo hockey fanatic. Most of my items are new or have only been worn once. I even make some of them myself 🙃. I give great bundle discounts and do accept offers (unless specifically noted in the listing) but please be reasonable. All items are listed as accurately as possible & any flaws are noted. If you are a return customer please let me know before purchase so I can give you an extra lil discount. Thanks for visiting and GO BILLS! ❤️ 💙Kate
  • Seller Discount: 20% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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bethybd Hi Kate, I'm Beth and I am fairly new to Posh and just wanted to say hello👋. Also, based on your bio info, I am sending a few items to your closet for you to take a look at when time permits. An orange Tommy Bahama shirt🕶 and some barely worn and one new Brooks Brothers non iron ladies shirts. Those look really sharp and of course have that menswear look alike quality too.🛍 If anything interests you, please let me know. I would be happy to serve you! Have a great Friday!🌻🌼🌷🌺
Jun 23Reply
kimkim12131 WuTang forever!!!
Jul 20Reply
lizzyconsidine Hi Kate! I live in old town! So surprising to see your picture of king street pop up! Love your page. ☺️💛
Aug 16Reply
ka0636 @lizzyconsidine Howdy neighbor!! Small world 🙋🏼😁
Aug 16Reply
cindyklatt You are way to cute! I love your personal pictures. They made my heart happy this morning. I saw that your closet s closed. I hope everything is alright. Nice to "meet" you!!! 💙💜💚
Sep 15Reply
ka0636 @kenzbo7 Sorry I just noticed your comment. Thank you so much for the compliment 😊! And thanks for checking it out!
Feb 09Reply
pmlopez31 Hi Kate, thanks so much for your purchase! I will get them out to you today! I love your style! you look like a very fun & free person, I love the positive enthusiasm that you exude! :) <3
Apr 05Reply
pmlopez31 Hi Kate, it's me again, so sorry, I miss counted, there's only 6 pair, not 7. So, do you mind canceling the order & repurchasing them for $6.00, not $7.00? I've already made the necessary adjustments on my end. Sorry for the mix-up! Thanks
Apr 05Reply
pmlopez31 Or...instead of canceling & repurchasing, I'll send you a brand new pair , but of a more french cut, white, would that be ok, you can check them out in my closet, they're the rene rofie"s. So sorry for the inconvenience Kate :(<3
Apr 05Reply
ka0636 @pmlopez31 Oh, sure! Sounds good, the French cut are cute! Thanks for letting me know 👍🏻❤️
Apr 05Reply
pmlopez31 ok, thanks so much! I will get those out to you right away! <3
Apr 05Reply
jessyjosh Hi ☀ Im kinda new here...Thanks so much for👣 sharing, liking, commenting & supporting my Pic'N'Save Closet 🎩👞👔. I will definitely compensate back in either of those ways.👀Stay tuned as I continue to upload pics. Be sure to click🖲 through the photos📷 so you get a sense of each garmet and its fit.TIPS TIPS to improve are always welcome. ✏ TWO words to remeber: sharing+following. Sharing is caring. 🎀🎀🎀 Wishing you speedy 🚀sales and great finds.
May 22Reply
mwentzell Style for DAYS!!!! I love your closet!!!
Sep 30Reply
ka0636 @mwentzell Thank you so much!!! ❤️
Sep 30Reply
tirico Thanks for your purchase, l'll ship it out today.
Jul 17Reply
mjb14g00 Just checking in on the status of the dress I ordered, thanks!
Jul 25Reply
ka0636 @mjb14g00 hi there. Posh should have refunded your money but that means we need to do another transaction for the actual dress. I will discount the listing for you to purchase so it will then generate a trackable shipping label. Since this was such a hassle I will just list the item for the minimum amount possible so when it’s all said and done you’ll only pay a little less than $10 total versus the $40 for the dress plus $6+ for shipping.
Jul 25Reply
ka0636 @mjb14g00 actually I’m on the way to the post office anyway, I’ll just send it for free. Sorry again about all this.
Jul 25Reply
mjb14g00 @ka0636 I just received the dress and absolutely love it, thank you so much! Are you sure I can’t Ven mo you?
Jul 29Reply
elizabetts Your closet tho 😍
Oct 14Reply
pappas01 @ka0636 great pics of one of my favorite poshers!! 🥂 cheers and happy holidays!🎁
Dec 07Reply
ka0636 @pappas01 awe, thanks friend!!! 😊❤️ you’re the sweetest!
Dec 11Reply
anurse45 Hey there, thanks for the likes!! I just wanted to let you know that I am offering a deal on all items with a peacock emoji. The deal is three items for 20$. Check out what else you might like and pot into a bundle and I will accept. Happy Poshing!!
Apr 06Reply
cocodear Hi Kate-thank you so much for your recent halogen purchase of the green pleated pants… Just letting you know I have a great halogen yellow floral skirt I believe in the same size for sale in my closet now… I just lowered the price on it…I know you’re out of town- I will be listing another skirt closer to autumn… I have wrapped your purchase and will ship tomorrow. Thank you kindly!!!-colleen
Aug 19Reply
cocodear Kate, hi, my name is Colleen and I sold you a pair of halogen green pants… It says pending acceptance on the Poshmark notes… I just want to make sure that you received your order as there was a mixup that day with another order and she did not receive her navy be bleached miniskirt. I see that you are also a Seller so maybe you understand what I mean. If you could give me a heads up either way when you get the time. Thanks so much
Aug 25Reply
ka0636 @cocodear Hi Colleen. My apologies, I just got back in town last night and couldn’t pick up my packages from the leasing office until this morning. The pants arrived and they are perfect and fabulous. Again, my apologies with the delay in accepting. I also just completely forgot until I saw your message 😕 I hate to delay anyone receiving their funds!!! Thank so much!
Aug 25Reply
cocodear @ka0636 Thank you so much. No worries… Just trying to look for a package that went missing I thought maybe it went to your place but it got solved with Poshmark.
Aug 25Reply
travelcrush @ka0636 Thanks for all the shares! You have an awesome closet!! Go Bills!!! ❤️🏈💙🏈❤️💙🏈
Jan 05Reply
redmermaid_cove ❤🧜‍♀️Great closet 🧜‍♀️❤
Jan 28Reply
ka0636 @redmermaid_cove thanks! And thank you for the shares 🤗
Jan 28Reply
mazyodc Hi, I’m Marianne Cummins, a Poshmark Ambassador. Some of you are long time posher so and some are new. I will do my best to assist you if you are new to Poshmark and have any questions about buying or selling. If you’ve been selling for some time I might ask you for some tips. 😄I hope you’ll visit my closet. I have a number of unique items and many vintage items. If you find anything that interests you please let me know and I’ll be happy to offer you a discount.
Mar 01Reply
danamariecre8 Hi. I’m Dana. Welcome to Poshmark❤️I’m a posh ambassador and I love meeting new people. If you ever need anything let me know and I’d be more than happy to answer any questions you may have💕Wishing you lots of sales and great success. Happy poshing!!❤️
Apr 12Reply
lauracieslak Hey there! If you get the chance I’d love it if you could come check out my closet! Thanks and Happy Poshing:)
May 10Reply
mjr_luxe Hi can you please resend me your offer so I can accept? Thanks:)
Jun 20Reply
cutehosiery @ka0636 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 26Reply

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Last Active: 5 hours ago

Buffalo, NY
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Last Active: 5 hours ago

Buffalo, NY
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