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Updated Apr 08
Updated Apr 08

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My name is Jeni! I love all kinds of fashion! I’m a huge shoe and accessories kind of gal! My favorite brands are Christian Louboutin Louis Vuitton Gucci Hermès Chanel! I’m very athletic, and into sports. I love lots of sports wear! My hubby, son & daughter are my life! My baby is Mia my Frenchie. Feel free to make offers or even bundle items. Leave me a comment so I can check out your closet!! Thank you for stopping by!! Lots of love to all of you!! And wishing you all much success!! Muah 💋
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bellaluvs2shop Thanks for liking my Gucci sunglasses I'm willing to negotiate a price on them if you're interested in purchasing
Mar 03Reply
jenicreary @bellaluvs2shop thank you sweetie!! They are gorgeous!!
Mar 03Reply
bellaluvs2shop @jenicreary thank u so much ♡♡ I can't wear them till I get contact lenses lol so decided to sell! 🤣
Mar 03Reply
jenicreary @bellaluvs2shop aww I’m sorry.. I sent u an offer.. let me know if that’s ok or not. I’m not here to low ball anyone!!😘🤗🤗
Mar 03Reply
bellaluvs2shop @jenicreary I wont to accept your offer for some odd reason it keeps asking me for my shipping address that's already on file
Mar 03Reply
jenicreary @bellaluvs2shop that is crazy, and weird.
Mar 03Reply
bellaluvs2shop @jenicreary do you use eb@y or p@ypal? I also sell through both of those apps as well and have awesome feedback! You can also see my feedback on here as well from customers :) I'm fine with your offer and can actually take a bit less outside of here since I'm not paying 20% selling fees! Let me know hun!
Mar 03Reply
bellaluvs2shop @jenicreary yeah I'm trying to figure it out now lol.
Mar 03Reply
jenicreary @bellaluvs2shop yes ma’am I do use P@yp@l as well 😊😊
Mar 03Reply
bellaluvs2shop @jenicreary if you would rather do p@ypal I can do $115 for them because that's what I'd get after posh fees ! 646 893-3231 please send me a text and I'll give you my 🅿️🅿️ info thanks hun♡
Mar 03Reply
debsdesigndealz Welcome to Poshmark! Happy to have you here ! ☺❤💌💝💕💕💖❣❣💕💝💗💔💔💗💝💕💖❣💖💕💖💖
Mar 03Reply
jenicreary @debsdesigndealz thank you!!!💗💗🤗😘
Mar 03Reply
caligiuri1969 Hi Jeni, thanks so much for your bundle purchase. Since there’s a ‘no return’ policy on Posh, we post measurements and leave it up to the buyer to decide. Why don’t we do this, if the medium doesn’t work, you can post it back to me and I’ll send you a large and won’t charge you for ship. I’ll also include another gift with purchase if that happens. That way you’re covered. Have a great day! 💕💕.
Mar 03Reply
jenicreary @caligiuri1969 sounds great! Thank you sweetie!!💗💗🤗😘
Mar 03Reply
jenicreary @geflower thank you again!!💗
Mar 27Reply
crazychiccloset @jenicreary your welcome. If you look on my page, you will see I sold a pair for $199 and $175 so you definitely got a deal. I can't believe I sold them that low honestly but I am in a good mood tonight lol. Will ship tomorrow morning
Mar 31Reply
jenicreary @littleroc25 again thank you. I’m good for them money and I appreciate you selling them at that price.. if you bundled I would have bought the other pair of Prada that you have.. 🤗🤗😘
Mar 31Reply
crazychiccloset @jenicreary I will cancel the order and you can bundle if you want 😀
Mar 31Reply
jenicreary @littleroc25 what kind of a discount would you give me?
Mar 31Reply
crazychiccloset @jenicreary I just cancelled...well, I'm not sure. Make me an offer an we will go from there.
Mar 31Reply
jenicreary @littleroc25 350? For both?
Mar 31Reply
crazychiccloset @jenicreary yes I will do that
Mar 31Reply
jenicreary @littleroc25 it won’t let me buy them both in a bundle cause the ones still say sold on them
Mar 31Reply
crazychiccloset @jenicreary oh yeah.give me a sec. I'll have to put a new posting
Mar 31Reply
jenicreary @littleroc25 sounds great let me know how we need to do this?
Mar 31Reply
jenicreary @littleroc25 ok let me know when u are done.
Mar 31Reply
crazychiccloset @jenicreary okay. I put another posting...I just did it quick an put $199 but u can do the bundle
Mar 31Reply
jenicreary @littleroc25 thank you so much sweetie!!💗💗😘🤗
Mar 31Reply
crazychiccloset @jenicreary thanks Hun. You should receive them soon cuz I see you're in FL. I'm moving to the Destin area one day 😀
Mar 31Reply
crazychiccloset Your very welcome
Mar 31Reply
jenicreary @littleroc25 aww that is awesome!! We will be right next to each other!!! 🤗🤗
Mar 31Reply
crazychiccloset @jenicreary I know!!! I LOVE that area. It's beautiful
Mar 31Reply
jenicreary @littleroc25 yes it is!! Love going to Destin!
Mar 31Reply
crazychiccloset @jenicreary 😀😀😀😀. The beach is beautiful! Okay well you have a great night!
Mar 31Reply
crazychiccloset @jenicreary THANK YOU AGAIN 😀😀😀😀
Mar 31Reply
jenicreary @littleroc25 my pleasure!! Thank you sweetie 🤗😘
Mar 31Reply
crazychiccloset @jenicreary okay sweetie! I just left the post office 😀...hope u get everything real soon! Thank u very much once again. HAPPY EASTER🐰
Mar 31Reply
jenicreary @littleroc25 ok thank you sweetie!! Happy Easter 🐣 💗
Mar 31Reply
crazychiccloset @jenicreary thanks Hun! 🤗
Mar 31Reply
crazychiccloset So glad Hun! Enjoy
Apr 03Reply
jenicreary @littleroc25 all gorgeous!! Thank u hun!!💕💕
Apr 03Reply
crazychiccloset That's awesome!!! I'm very happy you're happy 😀
Apr 03Reply
shbeautyhaven Jeni! ☺️😘❤️❤️❤️
Apr 11Reply
melngeeh Hi and welcome to Poshmark! 😊
Nov 07Reply
sexysasha1 I like your boots 👢 in the last photo, fun and sexy. Plus, I like some of the same brands as you, too! And, thank you so much for taking the time to stop by my Posh Closet. Cheers!!
Dec 23Reply
jenicreary @sexysasha1 aww 🥰 thank you!! They are Gianni Bini. Merry Christmas 🎄 🎅🏻
Dec 23Reply
jenicreary @tpf40 thank you hun!! They are super cute and sporty!! Love them!! Hope you have a very Happy and Blessed New Year!!!
Dec 28Reply
curatedcolexion Hi Jeni! Thank you for browsing my collection! I noticed you liked one of my favorite listings! I have slipped you a delicious offer on it, so do take a look when you have a chance. You have 24 hours with this very special offer. Feel free to bundle multiple items from my closet you like and save more! If you have any questions, I am happy to help answer them so shoot me a message! Happy Poshing! 💕 Sue
Dec 30Reply
sayyestojewelry Hi there! 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Jan 27Reply
bagsandbaubles1 Hi: are you willing to meet me in the middle on price on Gucci Necklace?
Mar 07Reply
jenicreary @bagsandbaubles1 I’m sorry just seeing this. What ever is best for you love. 🤗😘
Mar 07Reply
look_fabulous Thanks for the stellar review! You made my day! Im running a buy 1 get 1 FREE Sale too!
Apr 04Reply
jenicreary @look_fabulous I’m going to be checking it out!🤗
Apr 05Reply
dolly17 🤗So happy it all worked out! I LOVE the lace suit too! I’m getting it in white and yellow, if your interested I can let you know👙
Apr 24Reply
jenicreary @dolly17 yes please keep me posted!!! Again thank you doll!!! 🤗🤗💕
Apr 24Reply
jenicreary @sarahjjanos aww 🥰 thank you, I’m Actually don’t wear makeup that much so I just try... my best friend is my hair and makeup artist. She is the one that gives me help tips etc... I am To much of a Tom boy...
Jun 07Reply
jenicreary @sarahjjanos my lashes are all natural...
Jun 07Reply
jenicreary @sarahjjanos I have a drawer full of sunglasses... anything from Chanel, Versace, Gucci, Prada etc
Jun 07Reply
wispertoorly Hello Jeni. Thank you for the purchase. I will be shipping it out to today. Hope you enjoy it well. Best Regards Orly. 🙏🌺
Jun 08Reply
jenicreary @wispertoorly thank you so much!!!💜💜
Jun 08Reply
wispertoorly @jenicreary Thanks again Jeni for the Like. I send you an offer. Please let me know if you have any questions or offers. Orly 🌺🙏
Jun 08Reply
jenicreary @wispertoorly you are welcome 😘
Jun 08Reply
ladykrc @jenicreary Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Aug 03Reply
tarians Hi! I wanted to make sure you have received the Chanel pearl necklace!
Aug 03Reply
jenicreary @tarians no I never did 🥺. Unfortunately they had to cancel the purchases.
Aug 24Reply
tarians @jenicreary I accidentally mailed it to the wrong person. They’re supposed to have mailed it by now... I text her yesterday to please mail it and she said she would on Monday...I am so sorry!!!
Aug 24Reply
violetsun_ Thank you so much for your lovely comment was a pleasure Poshing with you 🤩💕
Aug 26Reply
jenicreary @veve_ my pleasure 💝 thank you for being so quick and so pleasant to work with. 💕
Aug 27Reply
jenicreary @tarians no worries. I completely understand. 😊
Aug 27Reply
Oct 30Reply
flawless2018f Hi hun, I counter back, I have 2 more offers pending on counter payment ncase you’re not interested I will accept their. Pls let me know since you offered first I wanted to let u know if you want it or not thanks... am not making anything anyways it’s my loss since I bought the ring for over 1500$
Nov 02Reply
jenicreary @flawless2018f thank you so much! I did accept the offer!! I appreciate you being an honest seller. That so true character, also I will definitely buy from you again. Integrity is everything. 🤗💕
Nov 02Reply
flawless2018f @jenicreary thank you so much dear, I appreciate your kindness as well. I always bring in new stuff and would love to give u amazing discount as well. Hope u wear it w great health and happiness. You will love it 🎀🙏🤗
Nov 02Reply
jenicreary @flawless2018f definitely, I have already been looking at your closet. A lot of my styles and likes. Will be buying from you again!!! 💕💕
Nov 02Reply
flawless2018f @jenicreary awesome thank you so much dear! Would love to do more business w you 🙏🙏🙏🙏🌹
Nov 02Reply
angelas_avenue @jenicreary Thanks so much for all the shares! Happy Poshing!💞🛍 ~Angela
Nov 06Reply
flawless2018f Hi hun I shipped this out w the purple Tiffany together she got her ring yesterday but yours still not scanned. It might have been misplaced or it’s n the po somewhere not scanned yet. Just wanted to give you updates. 🙏Thanks for your patience will be keep you posted hopefully they can find it in next few more days it might suddenly start tracking, 🤦🏻‍♀️
Nov 10Reply
jenicreary @flawless2018f no worries hun! thank you for keeping me updated. I know things can happen. Especially this time of year. 💕💕
Nov 10Reply
flawless2018f Thank you so much for understanding! I hope they can find it or else I will be upset, in a way for you cause u really liked it, on the other hand they won’t pay for it at all. I really pray we get it 🙏
Nov 10Reply
jenicreary @flawless2018f definitely praying that they find. I disheartening this can be. I do lobe the blue one as well. Just an FYI 😘💕
Nov 10Reply
flawless2018f I have yellow Tiffany. Blue is David yurman ?
Nov 10Reply
jenicreary @flawless2018f I'm sorry it the green one.
Nov 11Reply
flawless2018f Ok. Will keep that on hold and won’t accept offers till I find out where’s ur yellow.
Nov 11Reply
flawless2018f I marked the green not for sale . Just in case if the package doesn’t located next few days 🤦🏻‍♀️😞💕🎀🤗
Nov 13Reply
jenicreary @flawless2018f aww thank you. 🥰 thank for communicating as well. ❤️❤️🤗🤗💕💕
Nov 13Reply
flawless2018f Of course ! ANYTIME dear 🙏🎀🤗
Nov 13Reply
jenicreary @flawless2018f I don't know if you have talked to the post office or not. Poshmark sent me an email telling that it looked as if the sender wasn't fling to send the item and to cancel.the order. I know you were waiting to see if it would be found or not. Just wondering if you were going to go to the post office and see what may have happened. I don't want to cancel since you have been working with me. But I don't know how much longer we need to wait. 💕
Nov 15Reply
flawless2018f Pm is a Joke! I hate when this happen to others cause they say pm don’t care and thinks you haven’t shipped it. This is MY first time ever this happened that happened and they sent me an email stating MAY it’s lost or may u u fortton to ship look n the house or whatever. You can see the purple ring was delivered and she left me the feedback it was dropped same day and same time 🤦🏻‍♀️ pm said by 19th if not found it will b automatically cancelled
Nov 15Reply
flawless2018f It’s a holiday season it might have got lost since it was a small package ! I am sorry hun, but if it doesn’t scan by 19th u can buy the green one it’s on hold for you. It’s not our fault. po couldn’t find it too
Nov 15Reply
flawless2018f I have held the green for you Or I can cancel it and u buy the green but if it suddenly starts scanning then u will end up w 2 rings 🤷🏻‍♀️
Nov 15Reply
flawless2018f Pls you tell me what u like to do am ok with either way! If it starts tracking it will give u an option to cancel as well and it will b shipped back to the seller
Nov 15Reply
mexgirl_ Hi I noticed you liked the C. L. Boots. I have the knee high ones in dark green and are in mint condition
Nov 18Reply
midoa Hi Jeni 😊😊 thank u for all your likes! Feel free to bundle for a great discount! Happy poshing 🤗🤗
Dec 03Reply
misshair62 Cant go lower will lose money fees too high sorry
Feb 29Reply
momnchase29 @jenicreary hi hope you enjoy your red Christian louboutin clutch it is brand new I have never even used it and it is gorgeous I just shop way too much lol anyways thank you for your purchase I will have it packed and shipped today no later than tomorrow 💯
Mar 03Reply
jenicreary @momnchase29 thank you so much! I appreciate your communication. It’s definitely coming to a wonderful home. I take extremely care of all my items. 💕💕💕
Mar 03Reply
momnchase29 @jenicreary Thank you so much for your amazing rating it was wonderful working with you as well ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Mar 09Reply
raezer2323 Hello Jeni,Thank you for the offer in the CHANEL earrings.I countered my best offer and would love to ship out to you today..You will look fabulous.💕❤️👠👍
Mar 12Reply
raezer2323 Hello,thank you.My daughter was just saying you would look beautiful in these earrings.I agree..I will ship out today in the next hour.Have a great Thursday and thank you again.🌹🥰💃👠🥰☀️🙏
Mar 12Reply
raezer2323 Hello Jeni,I sent the wrong earrings.I reported this to Poshmark my very first time in 3 years being on Poshmark🤓 Not sure what will be done.I assume they will let them arrive then send you a label to send back.The CHANEL earrings I have listed in my closet that are similar is what I sent..I am so sorry but it will get fixed.😳🙏😔
Mar 12Reply
raezer2323 Hello Jeni,checking in to see how you like the earrings you received?.Wanted to make sure they were for you before I listed the original purchase earrings.👍🙋‍♀️
Mar 14Reply
sh0p_4ever Hey there! Thanks so much for liking so many of my items. Please do bundle them to get combined shipping and an even bigger discount! Enjoy!!!! 🥰🥰🥰
Mar 16Reply
jenicreary @sh0p_4ever thank you 🙏 definitely will look at that. 💕
Mar 17Reply
abbymccandless Hi Jeni! I hope you’re staying safe and healthy. I saw you like Gucci and I wanted to let you know I uploaded an authentic and cute Gucci purse and am willing to negotiate if you’re interested :)
Apr 03Reply
jenicreary @abbymccandless thank you sweetie! Definitely a beautiful purse!! 💕💕
Apr 04Reply
suchiru Hi Jeni, nice to virtually meet you! Lovely closet. Please feel free to stop by my closet - I have some of the brands you listed as your favorite available in my closet. I love interacting with Poshers and if there is any questions, happy to answer:).
Apr 12Reply
fashionsavy1ny Hi, Jeni! It’s very nice to meet you!!! 💕 Thank you for shopping at my✨Instantly Chic Boutique!✨Also, thank you for your share backs & likes!!! 🥰🌸🌺 All the items you liked are FABULOUS!!! 😍 You will love them!!!!!! 💕💕💕💕 I, also, have many Beautiful Handbags, including a GORGEOUS New RARE Large Black Gucci Guccissima Leather & Canvas Bag you will love!!!!! 💕👛👜
May 24Reply
fashionsavy1ny I sent you individual offers on the items you liked, but free to make a bundle, and I will discount those items and offer you free shipping, as well! 💕👛👜🧣👗👠💎 Thank you, my friend! God bless! 💖😘
May 24Reply
tanyadallen Omg the black and white my purse came and it’s been canceled. I want to purchase it!!! How do we go about that
Jun 02Reply
grojivxatu Hi, how you doing today. Can you please take a moment to check my Closet. I'm a Silversmith, all my items made by hand, many of my items one of the kinds exclusive handmade. I always working on new pieces, also have other designers as well... You can find something that you may like. I sincerely appreciate your interest. Thank you, George
Jun 03Reply
styledbydee @jenicreary Hi! 💕 I would like to invite you to check out my closet as I have brands like Michael Kors, Louis Vuitton, Victoria’s Secret and J. Crew to name a few. All reasonable offers accepted and I offer great discounts on bundles. Thanks and Happy Poshing 😊
Jun 07Reply
chestnutridge Thank you for the offer on the boots...unfortunately we listed the size wrong. They are a 7 not 7.5...our apologies. Have a great Holiday
Sep 07Reply
chestnutridge Thanks for the rating and super nice comment. Glad you loved the boots and sorry about the mix up initially :)
Sep 14Reply
jenicreary @tarians you know I never received that Chanel necklace..🤗
Sep 18Reply
divadiana @jenicreary ❤️I would love to have you come check out my boutique. I have just added some new Fall POL items. If you have already discovered the POL brand then you know they have gorgeous quality clothing. If you are not familiar with the brand, POL is similar in style to Free People and Anthropologie. I would like to offer you a special bundle deal. If you bundle 3 POL items, you will get 50 percent off and a discount on shipping. Also, I include a free gift with every purchase.
Sep 23Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing ❤️❤️❤️
Sep 26Reply
caligiuri1969 Hi Jeni, Thank you for shopping with me. I was in the hospital and am just home now. I’ll be back just after Thanksgiving if you’d like to come back. I’d love to work with you. Take care! 😊💜
Nov 13Reply
jenicreary @caligiuri1969 I’m sorry to hear you were in the hospital. I hope all is going well. I definitely will reach back out to you after Thanksgiving.
Nov 21Reply
thandiepixie Hi there Jeni ! Lots of premier designer heels arranged from size 5 to 12 for ease of browsing in my closet. You should take a peek when you have a minute 🌺
Dec 19Reply
rhonda_anne Have a blessed year!
Mar 05Reply
ney7kline Thank you for stopping by and browsing my jewelry collection. I’m accepting ALL OFFERS. Happy holidays 🥳
Nov 22Reply
nylifeaccess Hi gorgeous , how are you? We are doing BUNDLE and get “Buy 4 get 1 FREE”, Bundle 2 items will get 10% off. Here I would like to invite and welcome you to stop by at our store and check out our 400+ Listing Accessories. Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Jan 14Reply
hillhouseshop Hi there, I'm Sherri. I would love for you to visit my closet! We have handmade gemstone and sea glass jewelry my husband and I make and other fun stuff too. Happy Shopping!
Apr 15Reply
txgratitude 🙋🏻‍♀️ WELCOME to the Poshmark (Posh) Community. I’ve been here since 2016 and am an Ambassador II. Feel free to ask questions, I am to happy to help. If you have listings, I am sharing them with my 100k+ followers. Please STOP by my HUGE Closet: - Genuine Designer GEM Rings 🚹🚺 - Vintage + Accessories 🚹🚺 - Plus Sizes 🚹🚺 - Designer Purses - Shoes 🚺 - Skin Care & Make Up - Electronics - Home Goods + Vintage - Pet Items - Once and a while a MYSTERY BOX Happy New Year & Happy Poshing!🙏🏻🇺🇸
Jan 01Reply
tuesdai_noelle Hello, Welcome to Poshmark. I'm Tuesdai. Feel free to check out my closet and make offers. Happy Shopping 🛍🛍🛍
Mar 04Reply
ri_prettygirl @jenicreary Jeni!!! Hello dear, I hope all is well. I'm Ri ☺️ Today I've been going around checking closets out. I'd also like to invite you to mine! I just posted some great things ( 🩷@riprettygirl ) I would love for you to come stop by, shop & save! ☺️ or if not for you, then for someone who you know will love it! Happy Poshing 💳🛍️🛒💕
Jul 25Reply
cutehosiery @jenicreary Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 22Reply
luckyducky Hi honey! Thank you for your David Yurman purchase! I just shipped it for you including ring box, jewelry bag, and polishing cloth. I hope you love it 🥰
May 13Reply
mjpar1921 Nice closet.
Jul 07Reply
talfin14 Hi ! I’m Talia 👋🏼 i have designer clothing, shoes, makeup, jewelry, bags and accessories you might be interested in for sale in my closet. Most items are brand new with tags. I have some rare vintage items as well. Have a great weekend! 😁
Jul 13Reply
candy258 Hi🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Jan 08Reply

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Pensacola, FL
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Last Active: Mar 16

Pensacola, FL
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