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Updated 3 days ago

Meet your Posher, Alain James

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Hi folks, I'm Alain James. I speak English, French, and a broken Italian. Feel free to ask me any questions about my products
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justthrifted_ You have a gorgeous selection of leather in your closet 👌🏾keep the good work Have a wonderful weekend Coco💕
Aug 29Reply
mtlflair Hi, just wanted to thank you for sharing All of my closet!
Sep 03Reply
tmbryant37 Welcome to Poshmark!! I think you'll love being part of this active and supportive community. Please feel free to drop by my closet, or reach out if I can help you get started. Happy Poshing!!
Sep 07Reply
alainjames @del_leandro thanks a lot :)
Sep 08Reply
alainjames @tylsboutique thank you very much
Sep 08Reply
tylsboutique @alainjames your welcome lots of awesome boots in your closet😀🎉😀🎉😀🎉
Sep 08Reply
docspot I must say you have a very interesting closet I really like it . if you'd would be so kind, could you take a look at my closet and tell me what you think? I also have a YouTube channel that I am really proud of .its called doc at the barn Snyder. please go to that and subscribe. thank you very much and happy poshuring! !
Sep 15Reply
bloom38 Welcome to Posh 😁!
Oct 08Reply
alainjames @bloom38 thank yoouw :)
Oct 08Reply
fayecc What an amazingly interesting and eclectic closet! Welcome and happy selling!
Oct 31Reply
bm16241624 Any new boots being listed soon?
Jan 20Reply
missmoly Hi my name is Selma. I am a Poshmark Ambassador. I sell great name brands for children and adults! I also have much more so please check out my great closet! My prices are always affordable to move quickly. I list on several other sites so grab what you like so you don’t miss out! ❤️I Love Offers That Are Reasonable Stay well & be safe! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Feb 07Reply
atwinstreasures Welcome to Poshmark
Feb 07Reply
bbosch62 I see your a biker. I have a women’s biking shirt in my closet you should check out!! Thx for following me!
Feb 07Reply
creolelady314 Welcome to Poshmark
Feb 08Reply
kprivate Your closet is jaw-dropping. Some vintage, some new, but all timeless quality pieces! Yours is one to watch! 👌
Feb 08Reply
alainjames @kprivate thx a lot I really appreciate youre comments
Feb 08Reply
theblushempire 💜💜💜
Feb 09Reply
umyep Ohmygolly--so many good finds!!!
Feb 20Reply
alice_stella Thanks for sharing the Posh Love 😍 I add new items to my closet often so please pop in again soon. In the meantime, take care and Happy Poshing! ~Jessica
Feb 22Reply
bm16241624 Hi there Any men’s big boots size 10 soon to list? Thanks so much:)
Feb 26Reply
royalcity78 What would you take for the Osprey pack? Are you firm on the price?
Apr 09Reply
royalcity78 @alainjames I’d be willing to go $40
Apr 09Reply
melyamiss just let you few questions in my bundle 🙂✨
Apr 24Reply
melyamiss Great just make the 40$ 9,99$ shipping in my bundle! Merci à toi 😊🌼
Apr 24Reply
melyamiss I just send you an offer ... I think it’s the same of 40$ and 9,99$ shipping. If you prefer do the offer it’s fine I will accept it 😊🌼
Apr 24Reply
666alynch666 Hey .. thanks for the nice backpack.... I really need the backpack asap. I'm willing to pay extra shipping to get it sooner than later. I'm heading out and 10 days to hit the West coast trail... Is reach out to me and we can figure out a way to get the fact back out here ASAP 🙏✌️. Thanks so much
Aug 21Reply
Sep 30Reply
valnac Tony Loma boots. Good boots pal!
Oct 05Reply
marytheta53 your offers are fair, reasonable and awesome. im broke. thank you so much
Oct 10Reply
roccofagundes Hi my name is Rocco Fagundes and that was a mistake on the price of the boots you agreed to your price of $75 and I don’t know computer stuff and I ended up paying $120 plus tax can you please fix this my phone number is 416-200-3598 please and thank you
Nov 07Reply
alainjames @roccofagundes no problèm breturn thé boots to me and try to cancel the purchase with poshmark first
Nov 07Reply
wildwoman1975 Hi I was wondering where the high red lace up doc type boots went hey just disappeared.. they had a lot of cracking but I was still interested just checking.. if you sold them somewhere else.. thanks so much
Nov 10Reply
alainjames @wildwoman1975 i erased it it was sold on market place
Nov 10Reply
wildwoman1975 @alainjames ☹️ok thanks
Nov 10Reply
avanbaran Have fully tested the akai reel to reel? Did you test the recording, fastforward, rewind and play functions?
Nov 18Reply
verop Your North Face coat, what color would you say it is? Grey, purple, plum ?
Jan 02Reply
nostalgicgen @kprivate you are so right!
Feb 12Reply
paulpelley Hi Alain.. Sorry it is taking so long to complete this purchase… Regarding the $20.00 you offered me ,it appears Poshmark cannot alter the price. They suggested I return the item,you relist it and I buy it for the new price and you ship it to me again.. Personally,I would be concerned the item getting back and forth again is feasible with the possibility of more damage.. If I accept the item as is,how would you feel about doing an online transfer to me for the $20.00. Paul
Mar 07Reply
alainjames @paulpelley ya i can do that
Mar 09Reply
auldylittlebird hi Im going to make you an offer on the palladium boots, please don't be insulted it's just what I can afford. $40 + $6.99 shipping. I'll have funds at 12 atlantic time and send it to you then. thanks for consideration-Auldous
Mar 14Reply
ajooj Let’s make a deal time👍 select any 4 items $25 or less and pay $25 for all😀 sale ends Saturday May 21st
May 20Reply
lisaellis3920 I just got a notification of cancellation of order. Wasn’t sure if you received my message?
May 20Reply
lisaellis3920 Hi, I’m not sure your receiving my messages. I’m still interested in the cc black bag. Have you removed it from your closet? Thankyou 😊
May 21Reply
plaasjapie Just incase you don't see the other message: Mackage women spring light coat with fur?
Jun 08Reply
alainjames @plaasjapie sorry this one too it’s not available
Jun 08Reply
plaasjapie Maserati jacket?
Jun 09Reply
alainjames @plaasjapie yes Maserati jacket is available
Jun 09Reply
plaasjapie Ok thanks, let me know if you have any other issues
Jun 09Reply
marbles67 I see you have old champion Mack Do you have size on little tiny White Square
Jun 29Reply
shopaholic6905 hi thank u for your message, I had asked some questions regarding your listing🥳🙏 if I can please have measurements on where it falls ... above the knee or back😊and arms length would help me decide. I genuinely appreciate your help and time. Cheers 🙏
Nov 16Reply
alainjames @shopaholic6905 Hi 🙂 I wrote to many ppl, so I don't really recall which ad are u referring to. could u please tell me the title of the ad, so I can find it. or u can tag my name in the comment of the ad :)
Nov 16Reply
brreal3 Hey 👋 - was looking to get the 90’s sheepskin jacket and the coca bag shipped together if possible able to make a deal on both !?🙏🏼
Nov 17Reply
alainjames @brreal3 the cola bag was just sold , sorry !
Nov 17Reply
shopaholic6905 @alainjames Hello Allan. First I'd like to say how much I Admire and recognize the hard work and dedication to your Closet and I hope to be like you one day🙏🥰🙏😊 I apologize for my not considering the above message as I am taking my feet out my mouth lol
Nov 18Reply
shopaholic6905 @alainjames I genuinely appreciate your time and help with me being a baby posher I have been trying to navigate to the way things are done. I commented on the Black fur trim XS rudsak ladies winter coat. There is beautiful gold antique mirrors and black coat onthe wood floor
Nov 18Reply
shopaholic6905 @alainjames i counter offered 35 hoping to find something to make it a bundle. I am genuinely so grateful for finding your post. I had Sophia in medium and sold it just before the winter before the pandemic. I've since lost 40 pounds and struggled like many others. I am unable to afford anything more and ecstatic to have the kindness of you offering more discount. and shipping. 39 and 9.99 and I will kiss the sky for you doing this
Nov 18Reply
shopaholic6905 @alainjames I'm sorry for all my messages but I was used to being a le to communicate privately on other selling and buying apps. All my 3 kids birthdays are starting 9 days my middle daughter then dec my youn6snd mine the. Christmas and then my teenage boy us middle if Jan. its a challenge. I will stop talking and say I meant everything I said I admire you and your dedication to poshmark is inspiring ✨ Bless you
Nov 18Reply
alainjames @shopaholic6905 oki thank u 🎅🤶❄⛄🎄🎁🎅🤶❄⛄🎄🎁
Nov 18Reply
alainjames @shopaholic6905 could u tag me in the ad that u reffer, i dont find ur offer 😮
Nov 18Reply
landres999 hey, you made an offer on those coats for me and I was too late to accept it, can you resend??
Nov 19Reply
alainjames @landres999 hi, i don't think i still have the sicily coat. but I do have m0851 coat. I edited its price by half (i really cant go lower than 50 off aha)
Nov 19Reply
loverofshoess Welcome to Poshmark. Check out my closet for the latest Fall/Winter items. Save up to 20% off and free shipping on purchase of $50 or more. Automatically receive 15% off when you bundle 3 or more items.
Nov 21Reply
erikafashions luv the profile pic
Nov 21Reply
marsala Hi, and welcome to Posh! Please take a peak in my closet for some wonderful items! As a former Posh Host I like to give New Poshers a discount! I am moving soon, so make a reasonable offer on any item and it’s yours! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Nov 21Reply
a6eclecticgigi Hi. Welcome to Poshmark and my closet. It's a great place to buy/sell items where all reasonable offers are appreciated. I automatically give new shoppers a 10% discount. LMK if you have any questions about any of the items in my closet or the poshing process. Have fun and happy poshing!🌞
Nov 23Reply
4bobbie Thanks for following my closet! Feel free to make an offer on anything you like! Discount given on bundles!
Nov 23Reply
mainstreetstyle Hey there! Just stopping by to say hi! 🌺🌺🌺 Happy poshing! ❤️❤️❤️
Nov 28Reply
mackluxury Thanks for following! 🦋 Would you like any 💯 Authentic designer bags please make and offer, i can do best for you! Don’t miss out bcz off price.. 👜
Nov 28Reply
alainjames @resaleme79 i hear this question all the time, , im not
Feb 01Reply
alainjames @resaleme79 just re-read myself and i did sound rude , sorry, wasnt my intent aha
Feb 01Reply
sinsofcyn BEST WISHES for .......EXTREME LIQUIDATING ........... ENJOY 🇨🇦
Feb 02Reply
kristique I see no items in your closet
Feb 02Reply
alainjames @kristique hi, probably because im in canada and ur in the usa
Feb 02Reply
kristique I found your items when I switched your account to Canada. You have a lot. How much off the prices?
Feb 02Reply
alainjames @kristique i dont think usa user can actually buy from canada, it will give you a message saying you need to have a canada adress i beleive, when u checkout
Feb 02Reply
vickilaney Hello I liked the blue Voach bag is that US dollars?
Feb 02Reply
ispyluxury Amazing items in your closet!! Happy poshing!
Feb 05Reply
vickilaney Ok your correct and I was wrong! I wanted that bag so badly 😢
Feb 05Reply
vickilaney It won’t let me purchase it
Feb 06Reply
alainjames @vickilaney So sorry, maybe one day posh mark will allow canada-usa shipping 🙂
Feb 06Reply
hypnotiq_trends Thank you so much for the amazing offer. Unfortunately at this time I am not buying but when I do ill be sure to check out your great closet. I have hearted your profile. Merci
Feb 06Reply
alainjames @hypnotiq_trends thanks a lot😊, (btw the bundles im making from likes & the offers i am sending are done automatically to all thousands of likers at once, ill try to remove u from the list, sorry about that aha)
Feb 06Reply
hypnotiq_trends @alainjames Its okay. you can send me offers:)
Feb 06Reply
tscollectibles hi yesterday h gave me offe in the shovel binocular n coyote I thought it was less than today's I haven't made it to bank yet sorry but plan to n thendo a quick method to get to credit xarx but price higher today?
Feb 15Reply
tscollectibles the binoculars in my bundle are they great or better to go purchase new? nit for looks the quality to see very dark clean etc u expect they are heavy tho. if u needed them gor life or death would these work?
Feb 15Reply
alainjames @tracierondea698 oh ok , no problem, i can price match my previous offer for you. What was my previous offer ?
Feb 15Reply
alainjames @tracierondea698 you can decline my offer and counter offer the one i sent you before, today is my last deal day !
Feb 15Reply
tscollectibles I'm definitely taking the shovel if no issues with it working condition and the fur off to bank soon awaiting ur reply on binoc.
Feb 15Reply
tscollectibles I may be wrong j thoyght it was something like 6t plys discounted shipping about the binoculars working wise can really see far clearly or nit as good as modern ones better ??
Feb 15Reply
tscollectibles I'll be back today could not get out to bank before sorry
Feb 15Reply
alainjames @tracierondea698 there is no electronic infrared t night vision, tho you can see from very far away in high quality, solider have similars binocular
Feb 15Reply
alainjames @tracierondea698 the shovel is in perfect condition, its a real military shovel for solider, near unbreakable
Feb 15Reply
tscollectibles @alainjames i thought the transaction went thru yesterday 72.oo u offerred plys cheap shipping I forget amt of that but niw I see a message saying payment isdues pls resend tge 62 link and I'll try to psy again but I dure hope it's not a duplicate. I really wanted these items the ilirary foldable shovel and the coyote collar . pls asap. don't get rid of these.
Feb 17Reply
tscollectibles I checked my credit card and it is saying pending but ...???? pls get back to me . or I xan wait until after midnight 3 am say
Feb 17Reply
alainjames @tracierondea698 I'm not very sure I understood what you meant. I haven't shipped anything yet
Feb 17Reply
alainjames @tracierondea698 However ill let you know, that I am still searching the shovel. if I do not find after searching again, I will let you know. But it should be there
Feb 17Reply
tscollectibles @alainjames pls don't sell the coyote or shovel to anyone else !! will you wait to see if pymt goes through or what ? and if yes after n no sh9vel boohoo pls reimburse difference. funny poshmark said that I never had that b4
Feb 17Reply
alainjames @tracierondea698 The coyote is for you and you only. don't worry , if you see another coyote, its probably either a duplicate or either another one. If I don't find the shovel, I will have to cancel/refund you the order. But I will realist the coyote so you can purchase it again
Feb 17Reply
tscollectibles sorry I thought u said u understood but I see now u said u didn't understand. my card says the pymt us pending meaning it's waiting to gi thru on my statement account what have you it's not pitted yet irs waiting like
Feb 17Reply
tscollectibles but poshmRk news came ti me saying g pymt failed. I kyst saw Ren minutes ago why I checked my card. let's see what happens after morning n see if it went thru or not and if not send me the offer again but if u end up getting paid twice u will need to refund 1 of them I hope u find the shovel .
Feb 17Reply
alainjames @tracierondea698 I'm not sure I understand what you meant sorry
Feb 17Reply
alainjames @tracierondea698 oh ok, take ur time, posh mark will never charge u twice don't worry
Feb 17Reply
tscollectibles @alainjames I meant if u resend the offer and then my card puts it thru finally. will we wait the bc u said the deal was for yesterday n since ur nit sure about shi El which us what I wS really supposed to be buying fur was a bonus which is awesome. pls don't sell to anyone else .
Feb 17Reply
tscollectibles will u eed to resend offer since poshmRk says it failed ? inly they say 79 not 72 and it's weird bc I made more pymts to the xatd too but they may have been slowed down . I am ok to wait sk li g as u are and I still get to purchase 2 items
Feb 17Reply
alainjames @tracierondea698 No worry, they are yours and you'll only be charged once, trust me 🙂
Feb 17Reply
tscollectibles @alainjames it said your order on pishmark was cancelled due to pymt issues
Feb 17Reply
tscollectibles I just gave my card more money again but with the weekend coming it might take time hopefully the pre ilys pymt hits sooner.
Feb 17Reply
tscollectibles previous I meant typo
Feb 17Reply
alainjames @tracierondea698 Sure, ok no worries
Feb 17Reply
tscollectibles @alainjames i checked today it was out of pending and gone thru processing fine so don't know what they were talking about failed and we never did another link w offer again either thank goodness u didn't send a second. but i wrote to them, poshmark, incase . looks fine to me it is on my statement . did you find the shovel?
Feb 17Reply
alainjames @tracierondea698 Ill let u know maximum today
Feb 17Reply
reccawear Congrats on yesterday !! I’m so happy for you !!
Feb 20Reply
alainjames @reccawear thanks a lot !
Feb 20Reply
nchianese please feel free to counter my offer in marc xl coat
Feb 25Reply
bananazoo Welcome! Can yu speak to us on your next me video plse? Merci! , MargauxVarleyHannigan
Mar 29Reply
tscollectibles did u find shovel ? it says sold.
Mar 30Reply
alainjames @tracierondea698 It says sold because you bought it, then i canceled the order without relisting it. Therefore thats why you still see 'Sold' on it
Mar 30Reply
alainjames I didnt find it, unfortunately
Mar 30Reply
alainjames @cretneyann11 much Luv, thank u
Apr 03Reply
alainjames @cretneyann11 i have everything so far ,aha thanks still
Apr 03Reply
cruthkerr Hi. So yes, I received a refund and the products are on their way back to you. When they arrive, bundle them and send me an offer. We’ll do the purchase again. Very sorry for the huge inconvenience. The boyfriend is sorry too. With thanks, ruth
Jun 05Reply
alainjames @cruthkerr oke thats cool , no problem👍
Jun 05Reply
alainjames @cruthkerr Hi, it's arrived to Montreal, Ill pick it up tomorrow and re-ship it at the poste . I sent you the exact same offer, If you changed your mind or if you are not sure about the purchase anymore, it's oke if you decline no problem, thank you
Jun 05Reply
alanabear1970 @docspot I just read your post. I am going to take a look a your closet and tell you what I think. If you want my advice, I would be happy to share my closet advice with you. Alanabear
Nov 12Reply
alainjames @alanabear1970 hi i don’t understand
Nov 12Reply
alanabear1970 I'm having trouble looking at your photos. Do I switch over to Canadian. I haven't been able to view your closet and cannot remember how. I know you have a lot of boots.
Nov 12Reply
alanabear1970 I'm trying to see your closet, I can't see it. Is there something that I need to do to see your items? Can you tell me how to view them?
Nov 12Reply
alainjames @alanabear1970 are you from the USA ? American can’t buy on Canadian closet . I’m from Canada
Nov 13Reply
alanabear1970 yes. I'm from the US.
Nov 13Reply
alainjames @dannytondreau aha alain is actually my username unfortunately I can’t change it
Dec 15Reply
alainjames @dannytondreau no I have never modeled lol
Dec 15Reply
dannytondreau Filippo ⭐ And never been approached ? Danny ( Shearling ) Sorry won't bother you again ! Happy Holidays ! ⭐🎄
Dec 15Reply
alainjames @dannytondreau one or two times only
Dec 15Reply
alainjames @dannytondreau happy holidays
Dec 15Reply
jorianprimeau sent an offer for a bundle 😁
Jan 01Reply
alainjames @jorianprimeau hi could you like my the ad I just posted right now for you. Then I’ll drop the bundle to 79 (I already price drop the items fee moments ago) . So you can get 4$ shipping through poshmark
Jan 01Reply
alainjames @jorianprimeau it’s the workaround to get the closet clear out low shipping on bundle ,
Jan 01Reply
darcym77 Will be shopping on January 9th! Looking forward to it.
Jan 01Reply
alainjames @darcym77 take ur time
Jan 01Reply
darcym77 @alainjames :) Thanks! Will be in touch. Happy New Year!
Jan 01Reply
alainjames @darcym77 thx, u as well
Jan 01Reply
moeesmoe Hello dear seller, I am interested inn the items you offered as a bundle however I will be prepared to purchase next week. I hope they last until then. You have the most ethical and fair prices, I am definitely a fan of your awesome store.
Jan 21Reply
alainjames @moeesmoe thank you ! I really appreciate . No rush take ur time
Jan 21Reply
michealskinner will u take 20 for the other ones pleasee
Aug 22Reply
alainjames @michealskinner the wife said no
Aug 23Reply
avifedergreen Would love to talk to talk to you about a few more of your items and congrats on having such amazing Taste
Sep 26Reply
alainjames @avifedergreen all right buddy , thanks 🙏
Sep 26Reply
kp2001999 Do you know what the term mewing or looksmaxxing is?
Jan 04Reply
kp2001999 @alainjames you mewing everyday or what bro?
Jan 04Reply
alainjames @kp2001999 chew hard gum
Jan 05Reply
kp2001999 @alainjames mastic gum?
Jan 05Reply
alainjames @kp2001999 raw beef ligament
Jan 05Reply
kp2001999 @alainjames no way lol
Jan 05Reply
kathrynopyc Hello Alain, I see my order was sent back to you and I’m hoping you can ship them to my correct address. Thanks 😊
Jan 27Reply
alainjames @kathrynopyc hi, okay, il check this out and ill answer u today late or tommorow , thx
Jan 28Reply
alainjames @kathrynopyc o btw ill have to relist it again , so u repurchase it, i cannot edit an old label,
Jan 28Reply
alainjames @kathrynopyc u should be refunded tho
Jan 28Reply

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