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Updated Mar 16
Updated Mar 16

Meet your Posher, Alexandra

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Alexandra. Some of my favorite brands are Aritzia, Talula, Babaton, Wilfred, Anthropology, Coach, Free People, Lulu, Steve Madden, David Bitton, Topshop, Abercrombie and Fitch, Victoria’s Secret, etc. Please check back as I’m adding new items weekly! Please feel free to comment here for any questions or concerns you have! Happy Poshing!! 🙌💯❤️
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 3+ Bundle

  • C$12.49 Expedited (1-7 day) Shipping on all orders

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nancyemcee welcome to the posh🇨🇦 family, enjoy🙂
Feb 02Reply
349057299 Hey! I saw that you were interested in the keychain. If you're still interested, I offer free shipping when you purchase without Poshmark. (Poshmark shipping is expensive) I can ship the keychain as lettermail which is much cheaper.
Feb 03Reply
cfconsignment @349057299 that sounds great! I thought they’d be perfect for me and my bestie since were both huge Kate Spade fans ♠️ I’m getting paid on Friday so I’ll message you or you message me? I tend to be forgetful lol
Feb 03Reply
349057299 @lexieloowhoo Sounds perfect! It’s your for $15, sorry for not seeing your offer earlier 😃
Feb 03Reply
349057299 U can message me @ elliewise222 @gmail
Feb 03Reply
cfconsignment @nancyemcee Thank you 🙏 I’ve been a fashionista forever and finding this is a huge blessing! I don’t like listing my things on Facebook as so many never show up or don’t reply after saying they’re interested! Our consignment shops don’t give a fair percentage and things move slower than a slug 🐌 lol. Its hard raising a family and looking pulled together on a budget and this website it just the ticket! Happy Poshing!
Feb 03Reply
349057299 @lexieloowhoo you’re so welcome!☺️ I totally understand! Package is ready to go just need the payment and address! Let me know when you’re ready 💞
Feb 03Reply
alissaj87 Hey! I noticed you liked some items from my closet. If you’d like to create a bundle I can offer you a better discount 😊
Feb 04Reply
cfconsignment @alissaj87 YES! That would be great!! I’ll get on that as soon as possible, I’ve taken on too much this week lol. Life of a mother!
Feb 05Reply
alissaj87 @lexieloowhoo of course! No rush at all. Happy Friday! ☺️
Feb 05Reply
closetndeals Hi! I noticed that you liked a pair of boots. Feel free to make an offer or create a bundle with other items you may be interested in and I can offer you a bundle discount! Thank you!!
Feb 08Reply
2canches Hello.
Feb 12Reply
cfconsignment @2canches hello!!! 😊
Feb 12Reply
phaded00 hello! thanks for buying all your new gear from my closet! ♥️♥️ letting you know Ill have everything packed and ready to ship either Thursday, latest Friday! I have to go digging in storage for them, wash them, etc make them ready to send off! it's a large order and I'm not the speediest shipper but I WILL have it shipped as soon as I can! just giving you an update 🤗 thx again, ttyl -kirsten
Feb 23Reply
cfconsignment @phaded00 Thanks Kirsten!! I’m SO excited! I’m revamping my whole wardrobe as I’m losing weight and feeling great 😊 lol. Plus it’s so much fun getting a treat in the mail! I wish I would have discovered this sooner! No rush on the shipping, with Covid I totally understand! Plus I’m a mom so I understand life getting busy when we’re trying to make other plans! I saw you found some goodies in my closet too! Let me know if you want an offer! Xo
Feb 23Reply
megan23megan Hey Girl! Hope you’re having an amazing day! I saw you liked something similar to what I offer so I just wanted to invite you to come check out my closet! Thanks so much🤍🤍
Feb 23Reply
cfconsignment @megan23megan Sweet!! I’ll go look now 😉 Thank you!
Feb 23Reply
lovelylisa69 Hi Alexandra! Thank you for shopping from my closet. I will have the smartwatch shipped out Friday. Happy poshing! Lisa 😊
Feb 26Reply
thrillofitall Hi! I accidentally declined your offer for the Coach 🦖 ring yesterday! If you would like to make the same offer again I will gladly accept it, if not, I totally understand. Have a nice day!
Mar 01Reply
cfconsignment @thrillofitall Hi! I tried to purchase it again and it wouldn’t go thru! So I’ll try again lol. And thank you so much! This ring is SO my style!! ❤️
Mar 01Reply
cfconsignment Oh, now I see it’s your turn to accept lol!!! 🤩
Mar 01Reply
cfconsignment @thrillofitall Thank you ever so much!! Made my day ⭐️🤩
Mar 02Reply
hickoryandsage Hey .. I noticed you have a few items of mine in your bundle ... I am open to offers !! I am new to poshing... and am not quite sure how to bundle and offer a better price ,.. but I’ll consider all offers !!
Mar 13Reply
cfconsignment @cherriemerri763 well I very much want these items! I get paid next weekend so I’ll send you an offer then? Thank you so much, this Poshmark thing doesn’t take too long to figure out 👍
Mar 13Reply
dcalquisada Hi Alexandra thanks for liking Karl lagerfeld easy slip on shoes, make me a reasonable offer and i will accept it. Thanks for visiting my closet, be safe and well
Mar 17Reply
aimesville Love your style! And thanks again for being such a wonderful Posher (so helpful etc.) 💖✨
Mar 18Reply
cfconsignment @aimesville Awe! You just made my day! Thank you so much doll! 🙏 I’m going thru a divorce and having a tough time and honestly this Poshmark shop is the only thing stable in my life it feels like. It’s keeping me from unraveling. As well as my job, two days a week. I’m trying to stay busy and do the best for my girls. Thank you! I’m not sure if I’ve seen your shop if you have one, I’ll go peek now! 😁 Thank you so much!!! Xo.
Mar 18Reply
cfconsignment I saw your shop! You’ve got great style too! Might pick a few things out 🤩
Mar 18Reply
aimesville @cfconsignment Thank you for sharing❤️. I’m pretty new here, and it’s been so good for me too. I work part time only, but I do struggle with a chronic illness which has me home a lot not able to be very active or do much these days. This has been a nice way of finding some new items that spark joy, and of course hopefully doing the same for others, while making some extra cash! I’m sure that is so tough to be going through what you are - just remember you’re amazing!
Mar 19Reply
cfconsignment @aimesville As are you!! 😊 Times are definitely tough right now with Covid and life’s regular challenges! I have chronic illness as well. Hence only working two days a week myself. I’m shipping your package today! It’s pouring rain here so I think I’ll list a few more things 👍
Mar 19Reply
aimesville @cfconsignment Well we certainly have things in common! 💞 I love that Poshmark is bringing people together 🤩 And thanks again, I am SO excited for both items! Take care!
Mar 19Reply
cfconsignment @aimesville Well since you made my day yesterday I threw in a couple surprises and hopefully you like them!! 🤩 I love that Poshmark is bringing people together too! I’ve started a scrapbook of all the cards and notes I receive in my orders, it’s so nice!! I think we all deserve to treat ourselves at least once a month and if your like me, I want quality but can’t afford new with my mortgage & car payments. I love that I could trade in my too small wardrobe for a new one!
Mar 19Reply
aimesville @cfconsignment Exactly! Well said. It’s expensive living where I am (well I guess everywhere isn’t it!) so buying consignment has always been the best. That way we can have nicer/quality things still 😊. And that is sooo lovely, thank you so much. You’ve made my week!! 💕💕
Mar 20Reply
jaymeewoo Hi! You just sent me a private offer for a black and white "wrap" coat with oversized hood. Im interested, But I would really like to see a pic of the tag(s). Can you post for me? Thanks in advance:)
Mar 31Reply
mika2565 Hi 🙋 Just dropping by to say Hi and invite you to kindly check out my closet when you get a chance ❤️😊 I do have some items that may be of interest to you and I’ll be listing more so be sure to follow me 👍 I always generously give gifts 🎁 Take care! Stay safe !
Apr 07Reply
redlightrelove Good Morning! My goodness your message and review was very kind and very much appreciated! I am SO happy you were pleased with your package🥳🥳 Thank you for your amazing words, that has really made my day❤️ Take care and have a wonderful weekend💃
Apr 09Reply
cfconsignment @redlightrelove Well you made my day yesterday!! My daughter whom is 5 was so taken with that necklace, we ended up watching porcupine videos and learnt all about how awesome they are! Have a beautiful day and thank you once again!!! 🙏😊
Apr 09Reply
tarahakker I love the mickey head silver purse but can I get the measurments? I want to make sure my wallet would fit in it.
Apr 11Reply
cfconsignment @tarahakker Yes!!! I am at work but as soon as I can I’ll get the measurements for you 😊👍
Apr 11Reply
1shasha1 thanks for your interest in My Free People was fantastic skirt. it's very early in the morning so I'll make you a special deal. 130 dollar. tell me how that sounds
Apr 23Reply
sandysgreatgarb Hi Alexandra, thanks very much for buying my Free People sweater!!! I’ll be mailing it to you on Monday. Have a great weekend!!! Sandy 💕
Apr 24Reply
gabriella_edith You have so many wonderful things!! Waiting for a few more of mine to sell, then I’m going shopping 🛍
Apr 25Reply
heybigspender99 Hey girl💁‍♀️ I noticed we have similar taste so I wanted to invite you to come check out my closet sale 🌈🛍 I carry Aritzia, lululemon, Levi’s, Adidas, Nike, Babaton, Michael Kors, Kate Spade, Free People and more‼️ Bundle 3 or more items and I’ll send you a discounted offer 😊🛍
May 30Reply
boloe711 Hello! I’m Boloe, a Posh Ambassador😊💐Please visit my closet, make a bundle and send me an offer if you found something you like.🌸I always generously give gifts 🎁 for every purchased and give big discounts 💵so you will never regret on buying from my closet. 🌼🌻Thank you and have a blessed day. 🎁😊🥰happy shopping 🛍👗👚👠🧣👛🎒🧢👟🧥
Jun 05Reply
recycled_moon Hi! I saw you had a few likes in my closet, and wanted to let you know I’m offering 25 percent off a bundle of three or more if you are interested ! (Excludes vintage rock shirts) ☺️
Jun 15Reply
luci_and_lace thank you so much for the love note!! you made my day. xoxoxo
Jun 16Reply
hava13 Hi Alexandra, thanks for your order. I will get this shipped out today after work. I’ll let you know once it’s been dropped off :)
Jun 18Reply
hava13 Hi. It’s been shipped. Hope you get it soon!
Jun 18Reply
fashionmusefind Hi there! I made you an offer on the 3 items you liked in my closet. 😊 Let me know if you’d like to add anything else from my closet for one price reduced rate shipping. Follow my closet as I post vintage and high quality fashion regularly as I work in wardrobe for 🎥 film and tv :) follow my shop on Instagram @fashionmusefinds
Jul 17Reply
cfconsignment @kathcarress Thank you! I’m really excited about the butter yellow jeans the most, I’ve been looking for a pair for some time!! Have a wonderful day and thank you for the awesome deal!! 🤩🙌xo
Aug 21Reply
cfconsignment @fashionmusefind You do have some really original pieces for sure! I love that stuff! Thank you so much for sharing 🙌
Aug 21Reply
cfconsignment @heybigspender99 We definitely have similar taste! I love love love your closet! I’m definitely going to do some more shopping when payday swings by! Lol 😝 Have a beautiful day!!! (I’m a bit late replying, been very busy!) xo
Aug 21Reply
tanyaverwoerd @cfconsignment Hi Alexandra 🤗. Thank you SO much for your purchase! It’s all packed up and I will be dropping it off to the post office this afternoon! Hope you love them 🥰💖
Aug 24Reply
mtlstyle Heyyy :-) welcome ;) please come and check out my closet, i have added plenty of new items, hopefully you can find something you like, share the love or if you can make an offer in this time of crisis anything would help xx cheerss, stay safe and blessed :)! Dont miss out on the BOGO 😍
Sep 09Reply
fashionmusefind Hi there! I made you an offer on the dress you liked in my closet. 😊 Let me know if you’d like to add anything else from my closet for one price reduced rate shipping. Follow my closet as I post vintage and high quality fashion regularly as I work in wardrobe for 🎥 film and tv :) follow my shop on Instagram @fashionmusefinds
Sep 13Reply
wheelworx Sunday hello, Thank you for your purchases. I will ship tomorrow The coat & handbag are both fabulous. Kind regards, Linda
Sep 20Reply
jmazeppa Hi I noticed you liked the skirt right now it’s on sale bundle any 2 🛍 items for 15$ plus add a 💝item for your free Thankyou gift Happy Poshing
Oct 28Reply
strawberry__jam Hi! If you like clothing by Montreal/Canadian designers, I invite you to visit my closet, where you will find great pieces by Cherry Bobin, Luc Fontaine, Bodybag by Jude, KarKass, Kollontaï, Moov, Lousje @ Bean, Ramonalisa, Marie Saint Pierre and more! Look for the 🇨🇦 to spot them quickly! Happy to answer any questions dans les deux langues!
Nov 02Reply
fashionmusefind Hi there! I made you an offer on the 3 items you liked in my closet. 😊 Let me know if you’d like to add anything else from my closet for one price reduced rate shipping. Follow my closet as I post vintage and high quality fashion regularly. I work in wardrobe for 🎥 film and tv :) follow my preloved fashion shop on Instagram @fashionmusefinds
Nov 23Reply
1shasha1 I'm so happy someone that understands Free People and how expensive it is chose this jacket to like. I'm thinking $50 I would let it go oh, I'm not at my computer now so send me an offer and let's do this. unfortunately I gained too much weight between buying it and being able to wear it. boohoo
Dec 09Reply
kindposher Hi There 😉🤪😜🥰😊👻☠️💀👽👹👿😈 My Name Is Shannelle 💋💋 Come Check Out My Unique Vintage Store 🏬 Full Of Interesting, Rare, & Special Stuffs. Super CHEAP & Mind Blowing Price.. Hardly Won’t Decline Any Offer 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 & you will receive some Spooky 👻 🪳🪰🦇🐸 Gifts!!!! My Listings A lot can be good to resell it as my price is just crazy CHEAP - Bundle To Get Even More Crazier price!!!
Dec 25Reply
colleenlornie Hello Alexandra! Thanks so much for shopping my closet. As I was packing up your poncho, I noticed a small flaw near the zipper seam at the top. 😬 I’m so sorry I didn’t notice it sooner or I would’ve showed it in the listing. 2 options: I can cancel the order and you will be refunded right away OR I can still send it and throw in an extra 10$ to make up for the flaw. It is very small and not noticeable but I didn’t want to just send it and not say anything. Let me know what you’d like to do!
Jan 30Reply
fashionmusefind Hi there! I made you an offer on the 2 items you liked in my closet. 😊 Let me know if you’d like to add anything else from my closet for one price reduced rate shipping. Follow my closet as I post vintage and high quality fashion regularly. I work in wardrobe for 🎥 film and tv :) follow my preloved fashion shop on Instagram @fashionmusefinds
Feb 05Reply
priyapath Hi my name is Priya and I’m new to posh, would love for you to check out my closet @priyapath Feel free to send me an offer or create a bundle and I’ll send you a discount. Happy shopping 🙂
Feb 15Reply
effibabe Thank you so much for sharing my closet!🎈🎈 Could you help to share more items of my closet. Really appreciate 🙏🙏🥺🥺
Apr 03Reply
eliza11358 Hey there … I can’t see any tracking for the cute Tory Burch moccasins I bought? 😫
Apr 27Reply
cfconsignment @eliza11358 they’ve just been shipped this morning 😊
Apr 27Reply
cfconsignment @eliza11358 You should see tracking info fairly soon 😊
Apr 27Reply
eliza11358 @cfconsignment Thank you so much
Apr 27Reply
exceptionalbuys Hi Alexandra. Thank you for your like and purchase. I'll be shipping your item this afternoon. Have a great day! Maria 😎
Jun 03Reply
jmoglow16 Hi there I noticed you had like. Couple items in my closet if you are interested I will offer you the coach shoes and throw in the skirt for free message me with a bundle if your interested thanks take care
Jun 05Reply
exceptionalbuys Hi Alexandra. Thank you again for your purchase and thank you for your rating. I'm glad you're happy with your item. Have a great day. Maria 🙂
Jun 12Reply
bellachic2 Hi Beautiful! Check out my 5 ⭐️ star rated closet! Send an OFFER or BUNDLE for an amazing deal! Will ship ASAP after purchase 💕let me know if you have any questions:)
Jul 25Reply
medikebede @cfconsignment Thank you for shopping from my closet. I’ll send out your order today. 😍
Sep 28Reply
nrdiana Hi Alexandra! I noticed you liked an item from our closet. If you were just browsing and “liking”, then many thanks!! If you were interested in it, I wanted to let you know that we offer 25% discount on bundles of 4 or more kids items plus $9.99 shipping. Just thought I’d reach out! Wishing you a lovely day😊
Dec 18Reply
bailiffcompany Thank you for your offer on the Lululemon bag, I will accept $38, if interested please bundle it with the Lululemon keychain and I will send you the offer for both items, the Lululemon keychain will be a free appreciation gift for stopping by, reason behind bundling is that the sold price doesn’t get advertised or posted , thanks and Happy New Years 😎
Jan 23Reply
bailiffcompany I sent you a counter offer 😎
Jan 23Reply
acambouris Hello I noticed you put some items in your bundle. Trying to clear off my account. Make an offer for them all. I’m open to offer
Feb 20Reply
bellachic2 @cfconsignment Hi there! Sent you an offer along with discounted shipping for your bundle if interested:)
Feb 23Reply
nrdiana Hello! Thanks for all the likes today! If you are interested in any of the items, feel free to bundle and send an offer our way.
May 10Reply
irishleprechaun Hi Alexandra My Name is Jason I Have a High End ⚾️ Collector Store 🏀 🧡I Support MS Awarness 🧡 🧡MS Ornaments🧡 🧡100% Proceeds Go To MS🧡 ❤️PLEASE SHARE ❤️ 🎃🎃HALLOWEEN 🎃🎃 🎃CLEARANCE SALE🎃 👹👹DEAL #1👹👹 👻6/$20 BUNDLE SALE 👻👻 👻👻Any Item Listed $5 - $8👻👻 👹👹DEAL #2👹 👻👻3/$20 BUNDLE SALE👻 👻👻Any Item Listed $10-$15👻 👹DEAL #3👹👹 👻👻30% OFF👻👻 👻Bundles of 3 or More Items👻 Please Check Out My Closet Thank you Jason 🙏❤️🧡
Oct 02Reply
pgburnett @cfconsignment Hello, please would you hand on to my purchase until my sales go through Tuesday at the latest. I’m sorry for any inconvenience. Thank you 🌻
Jan 07Reply
sandyn239 Hi Alexandra - Thanks for visiting my closet . I see you have liked a few items . I have bundled them - if u purchase 3 items - you get 10 % off . Please send an offer if you are interested . Happy Poshing 🛍️
May 20Reply
alanna_bearss I sent you an offer for the sweater and vest. Loungewear I can throw in for free as an add-on. Interested?
May 28Reply
kingmcdavid97 Hi Alexandra I’m New To Poshmark My Name is Joan Have a Sports Collector Store 🥅Try To Offer The Lowest Prices 🥅Plus 25% OFF Bundles 🏀 3/$10 Sale ⚾️ 3/$15 Sale 🏈 3/$20 Sale ⚽️3/$30 Sale 🎾3/$40 Sale FOR SALE Celebrity Autographs Sports Autographs New & Vintage Toys Rookies Low Serial Numbered Cards Sealed Packs of Cards PLUS So Much More Please Come Check Out My Closet Please Share, I’ll Share Back Thanks King Mcdavid 97
Jun 25Reply
nayeritoutejian Hey beautiful, I see some likes from my close. Let me know when you’re done with your bundle so I can send you an awesome discount😉
Aug 12Reply
hollyhill129 Hi I did 50% off the order for you, but the jacket wasn’t available anymore if you’re still interested
Sep 02Reply
hollyhill129 Hi, I did 50% off the order for you, but the Wilfred jacket is not available anymore. Sorry.
Sep 02Reply
yan_fu Hi Alessandro, thanks you accept my purchase order, can I ask you when you will ship it? Or the item won’t validate anymore?
Oct 04Reply

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Last Active: 27 hours ago

Campbell River, BC
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Last Active: 27 hours ago

Campbell River, BC
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