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Updated Jan 29
Updated Jan 29

Meet your Posher, Amber


US$10,000 US$100

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Hi! I'm Amber. Some of my favorite brands are Victoria's Secret, Betsey Johnson, coach,Michael kors. All the brands I can't afford lol. I have 2 kids one is 3 one is 2 months old. My baby is in the Nicu and has been since birth.The money I make here helps take care of our family and is greatly appreciated! I hope everyone finds something they like and even if u don't please share my closet! Thank you! Update::: My son passed Away march25th. 😢


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tr1st4n Welcome to Poshmark! 🤗
Apr 29Reply
jenniferoliv484 counter offer the 28 again n I will take it for the pink sequin purse
Jun 11Reply
denisa52 @momtoajh Hello and welcome to Posh! I am a Posh Ambassador and 5 star seller and would love to answer any questions you may have. Please feel free to ask anytime! Come check out my closet too! Have a blessed day and happy poshing! ❤️❤️🌼🌼🌸🌸😘😘🤩🤩🥳🥳💋💋🥰🥰🍁🍁
Sep 05Reply
amullins2011 Hi there 👋 Thank you for all the likes from my closet. I had put your first two items in a bundle and sent you an offer. However, if you would like to decline that offer and create a new bundle with any/all items that you are interested in, I will make a new offer for it all. Thanks so much! 🌻🥰
Sep 07Reply
ditzys hi! :) thanks for visiting my closet & for all the likes 💕 I am currently running a special so you can bundle any two items you like and get 15% off. also feel free to put in an offer on anything else you like (even without a bundle!) I'm open to all offers and prices! :) happy poshing! 🌻
Sep 07Reply
fashionaffairs @momtoajh Hi there, I have taken your package to the post office this morning so it should ship today. Sorry for the delay, the post office was closed for the holiday.
Sep 08Reply
fashionaffairs @momtoajh Thank you for the rating
Sep 11Reply
dawn_ee Hi! Thanks for visiting my closet! I'll do 2 for one on any bras in my closet with 4.99 shipping this weekend. Just add them to a bundle and I'll send the offer. I'm also offering great bundle deals on any 2 or more items. I'd love to make you a great deal this weekend!
Sep 12Reply
hagdshopn Thanks for viewing my closet. I sent an offer on the bundle. 😀
Sep 14Reply
localmotions Welcome to Poshmark! So happy you joined! I wish you much success with your new closet! I hope you'll check out mine, I'm always adding new things! Reach out if you have any questions. I'm a Posh Ambassador and here to help! Happy Poshing and Good Luck!! 🥰
Sep 16Reply
krystalpistalx3 Hi! If you are still interested in the black juicy bag I can offer it to you at half off :) thanks💫
Sep 18Reply
mimiw718 good morning hun, thank you so much for all the like. feel free to bundle and save. also i have a sale going today. buy one pair of jeans and a tee for $30 or less. happy shopping!😃🛍
Sep 25Reply
breezey90 @momtoajh thanks for all the likes! Happy to offer bundle pricing if you’re interested in anything !
Sep 27Reply
rockinyourstyle Thank you for the likes feel free to make me an offer I consider all reasonable offers thanks for stopping in my closet and have a good night 👍
Oct 03Reply
diana_r902 Hi, Thank you so much for the like on the Juicy Couture Bag, please feel free to ask me any questions about the item! ❤️❤️
Oct 16Reply
diana_r902 I’m having a 10% OFF FLASH SALE📢📢 Bundle any item in my closet and get 10% off with discounted shipping! 🎉🎉
Oct 20Reply
hyflex Hi Amber! I hope you're having a wonderful night!! Please don't hesitate to ask me anything at all! Thank you!0 Marissa😌🙏💐💝
Feb 02Reply
monikens So sorry I didn’t see your offer. It was during my sleeping hours. 😂. Have a blessed day.
Feb 06Reply
monikens Thank you Amber for visiting my closet. 🌺
Feb 06Reply
asavage01 hi there! Thank you for your time and stopping by my closet. I have a continuous bundle sale going on in my closet in the title you will see 5/15$ & that means 5 listings for 15$. A portion of the sale will benefit 2 local non-profits in my community. 💌 #fostercarenetwork #gallatincares #nokillhumanesociety 💌
Feb 12Reply
dottiesday22 Hi dear I noticed you like a few of my items if you bundle them up and I offer you 23 dollars for all 3 items thank you 🙏😊😊
Feb 14Reply
lorifensler Hello. I dropped your package off at the PO. My PO has been slow to scan and ship since Christmas. This should go out soon though😊
Feb 16Reply
momtoajh @lorifensler thank you!!
Feb 16Reply
porta962 Thank you for your purchase darlin’ 🤗💗 I hope you love it 😊
Feb 18Reply
momtoajh @porta962 thank you im super excited about this one
Feb 18Reply
porta962 @momtoajh I was searching my closet for something with stripes to send with it but I don’t know what size you wear . Would you mind If I asked? And we are having Winter storms . Sleet predicted overnight . They don’t want us on the roads . Hopefully by Friday if not I’ll get it mailed out to you by Monday if this has cleared out . Texas and our crazy weather . 😳😅
Feb 18Reply
momtoajh @porta962 I understand completely. our weather is dose to be bad here in va the next 2 days. im an Xl in most things. it changes depending on material lol
Feb 18Reply
porta962 @momtoajh thanks for understanding. Hopefully by Friday it’s better . I won’t know til then . I’ll see what I have hon . Don’t think I have any stripes except in small and they don’t fit me . I’m the same way , depends on the fabric . I added some small things already for y’a . 😉💞
Feb 18Reply
shopamorejewels Greetings! I would like to offer you a 50% off any item or items you like from my closet. Please visit my closet and take care! 😊🌸
Feb 19Reply
porta962 Baby doll , I am so upset you have not received your bag yet . I have emails giving me updates and I check constantly. I sure hope you get it today 😓❤️
Feb 27Reply
momtoajh @porta962 it's okay now it will be Monday
Feb 27Reply
porta962 @momtoajh I don’t understand our postal service at all . I’m so upset . I got it shipped as soon as our weather cleared . It should have already been there .
Feb 27Reply
momtoajh @porta962 it's okay I understand
Feb 27Reply
porta962 Oh beautiful girl , I did my best . I should have used a carrier pigeon, it would have been much quicker. I am livid . I am as excited as you are about you getting it . Gosh I hope you love it . WHEN you get finally get it . I just now today got a box I ordered 2 weeks ago .
Feb 27Reply
momtoajh @porta962 yes very very excited to finally be able to use it hopefully on Monday. mail has been terrible lately.
Feb 28Reply
porta962 @momtoajh it’s been a nightmare. But this weather we had set us all back . Just try to be patient 2 more days if possible. 😉🥰
Feb 28Reply
cyndisbackyard Hi Amber, thanks for the like! I give awesome discounts on bundles and I've got tons more to list. So come back by and lmk if there's anything/size ur looking for and I'll see what I got, have an awesome weekend!
Feb 28Reply
justbagit Low $$ If you bundle!
Mar 01Reply
porta962 I knew the minute you saw that Chloe you were gonna love it lol it’s your kind of bag 😁🥰❤️
Mar 01Reply
momtoajh @porta962 if u copy the link I posted u can share it on Facebook or any social media u have . or u can go to the link and share that way
Mar 01Reply
porta962 I shared your profile angel
Mar 01Reply
porta962 @momtoajh I will write it down . And share on fb . I’m not on much social media these days . I’ll do what I can love . Bless all of you 🙏❤️
Mar 01Reply
momtoajh @porta962 thank you hun it's greatly appreciated
Mar 01Reply
porta962 @momtoajh no thanks needed 😘💞
Mar 01Reply
porta962 May I share your profile to fb? I can’t seem to Google it .
Mar 01Reply
porta962 @momtoajh I already shared your closet to Pinterest
Mar 01Reply
momtoajh @porta962 yes u can . let me paste again
Mar 01Reply
porta962 @momtoajh I’ll do it when I get my breath , I’m packing a box for my sister
Mar 01Reply
momtoajh @porta962 of course hun. no rush
Mar 01Reply
porta962 Thank you sweet angel for the rating and the love note . I am so happy that you are pleased 💞🥰
Mar 01Reply
adele2030 Thank you for the five star positive rating on the Kate spade ♠️ wallet Hope you enjoy it. It was a great steal deal. Come back for many more. Blessings to you dear honey
Mar 01Reply
momtoajh @adele2030 thank you so much it's absolutely beautiful. I'm definitely going to keep my eye out on your sales
Mar 01Reply
adele2030 Yes you do that. So glad you love it and hope you use it daily in good health. Stay well. Feel free to make any offers. Bundles we love. Need to move items as we have much more to sell. Thanks again
Mar 01Reply
porta962 Hope you’re happy with your bag darlin’ ?
Mar 04Reply
jodyert thanks for taking the time to pop into my closet and like the Betsey johnson bag. all offers are appreciated
Mar 07Reply
momtoajh @porta962 yes its beautiful. I did however think it was bigger. I can't get all my stuff in it lol. I do love it though
Mar 07Reply
porta962 @momtoajh I thought I posted measurements. Did I forget to do that? 😳
Mar 07Reply
cocokoch Hi! Thanks for the 5 star ⭐️ rating. I am glad you love the turquoise Betsey Johnson purse. I have tons more cute things to posh, as soon as I get a chance. 😳 I have a full time job, & then some. I hope you come back often and visit my closet! Thank you 🙏.
Mar 10Reply
mckenziejruud hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Mar 15Reply
monikens Thank you for the kind rating. 🌺
Mar 20Reply
rposen Hi Amber! It’s great to meet you!🥰
Mar 20Reply
epruitt336 Hi Amber! Just wanted to let you know I had a NICU baby as well. For 3 long months after birth, but we are healthy now! Your baby is precious 🙂 I do Poshmark as well to help with my daughters therapies, etc. I wish you much luck!!!
Mar 27Reply
momtoajh @epruitt336 I'm so happy to hear that. sadly I lost my 3 month old 2 days ago.
Mar 27Reply
epruitt336 @momtoajh I am so, so sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers...
Mar 27Reply
sophiesspace Hello Amber! It is posted.
Mar 27Reply
momtoajh @sophiesspace thank you so much
Mar 27Reply
sophiesspace @momtoajh you are welcome. take care of yourself. it sounds like its a difficult time for you.
Mar 27Reply
momtoajh @sophiesspace thank you. It really is but I'm trying to just Keep myself busy.
Mar 27Reply
rjmcgriff87 U interested in the handbag?
Mar 29Reply
desifancydress @momtoajh i’ll ship The bag tomorrow .Hope that helps you collecting the money anyways🌺🌺
Mar 30Reply
britray0421 Hey, I noticed you bundled a couple of my purses- Let me know what your workin’ with, an we can make a deal!🖤
Apr 04Reply
desifancydress Hi there, thank you for the rating and a sweer comment❤️💕❤️. Enjoy your bag👍👍Hope to see you again in my closet😎😎😉😉
Apr 06Reply
crystalco Hi Amber & thank you for the like. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Apr 12Reply
miss_menou Amber you purchased a "Betsey bag bundle" from me and I wanted you to know I shipped it on Monday. I don't know why it's not tracking. I reported the issue to Poshmark. I shipped another Poshmark package at the same time and that one was delivered yesterday :-\
Apr 16Reply
pdirv Hi Amber. What an adorable little one! 😍Thanks for purchasing my BJ bag. 👍🏻🎈Hope you get lots of enjoyment and use! Will ship it out in the morning. Happy weekend!🌻
Apr 17Reply
glitzylife Hi, Thanks for the offer. I just put these on 2 platforms as of a minute ago! Need to give it a little time.
Apr 17Reply
momtoajh @truthteller86 u have no life lol go get a job or something loser
Apr 17Reply
pdirv Hey there. Fast delivery...just shipped Saturday. Thanks bunches for the 5 star rating, and blessings!
Apr 19Reply
wholesale_posh Monday Funday
Apr 26Reply
2girls2122 Beautiful family Amber..I hope your baby is doing good being out of nicu..I am amazed with all the pocketbooks you have..Thanks for all the likes..we are up for offers if you are interested in purchasing.. Send one in.. We are two cousins that share a closet together. Wishing you many sales and buys..Have a great day!
Apr 30Reply
momtoajh @2girls2122 thank you so much for visiting my closet. sadly my baby boy passed away March 25th. I miss him dearly and can't go a day without missing him incredibly. I wish you many blessings and lots of sales. I'll be visiting your closet very soon.
Apr 30Reply
2girls2122 @momtoajh Omg Amber my heart goes out to you all with tears of sadness..When I seen you started April of 20 20 I new he had to be out of the hospital doing well..Would never ever think that happened.. are heartfull sympathy goes out to you and your families....God had other plans for him..May he RIP 🙏..My dad use to tell me one day at a time..So live for today⚘🌷💕..But never forgot.
Apr 30Reply
loraworster Hi, thank you for the likes! If you bundle 2 or more items from my closet you'd get 20%off and discount shipping, thanks Lora
May 13Reply
designer_up Have a good week
May 22Reply
momtoajh @jjones765 than your sweety. sadly I lost my son March 25th. I miss him everyday
May 22Reply
momtoajh @jjones765 i would really appreciate that. thank you
May 22Reply
janelleagar @momtoajh omg!!! You poor baby😭 my heart breaks for you & your pain💔it took me a while to stop crying enough to write this. That's gotta be the worst pain in the world 😭 but that precious angel is that exactly 👼
May 30Reply
janelleagar God gave you the honor of giving birth to that special cherub & spending enough time with you to feel all the powerful & unique love a Blessed family can give. So now as Gods Lil cherub he will have that experience to be & work at God's side.💝🥰💝 I'm praying for all of you but especially you ❣️💝
May 30Reply
janelleagar Ive had a mysterious pain that made me disabled but I'm used to being a dungeon mom so I still push myself to survive & care for my kids & then I was caregiving for my mom & just before she passed we found out my dad had cancer then after he passed on Christmas after that I was moving his brother in to live with me but hospice followed.
May 30Reply
janelleagar Now my disability has excelerated to being bedridden & preping for surgery. While taking care of my parents 15 yr blind dog who is in & out of pain at night. I'm also trying to move out of my Detroit rental & into my parents home I'm still at -
May 30Reply
janelleagar That's why it takes me so long & I'm acting crazy buying to much probably to fill that empty hole in my heart. So I have an idea of how your feeling but also can't imagine how bad your hurting & staying strong for your daughter & husband. God Bless You All💖🥰💝
May 30Reply
momtoajh @janelleagar I'm so sorry hun. you have really had a tough time I definitely feel for you and I know how it is to feel such pain. losing my son has turned my life upside down. if it wasn't for my daughter and fiance I'd be with him in a heartbeat. your a strong woman keep on holding on. ❤❤
May 30Reply
melmel_1981 I will take 45 for the bundle you requested. I'm new here and I didn't see your offer until now. I apologize.
Jun 05Reply
uniquehoneybee very sorry for the loss you have gone through!! hugs and prayers. Angels Baby
Jun 10Reply
momtoajh @destiny1099 thank you so much. I am very sorry for your loss as well . it's definitely a battle everyday. thank you for your kind words. and thank you for all the shares
Jun 23Reply
thesextoylady Hello there lovely. Feel free to bundle and I give you a great deal. Thanks again ❤️❤️
Jun 30Reply
censor4 Good Evening.. I see you have Ashley Stewart dress in the bundle area. Final Sale .However if you would like to add another item, I would gladly offer you a 10% off of two items dear. ⚘🙂
Jul 02Reply
pivybent If interested in the two piece swimsuit make an offer for 15.00 dollars I’ll accept
Jul 20Reply
marissa__andrea @momtoajh Hiiiiii! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by my closet! Don’t forget to create a bundle and save! 2+ items you’ll receive 10% off your bundle! Only found one thing you like? Make an offer! Happy Shopping! 🙂
Aug 07Reply
bamfshades what's up posh fam!
Aug 10Reply
lorih386 I don’t know how to group your likes from my closet into a “bundle” , if you would like to, I will give you a good deal, thank you!!! I’m so very sorry about your son ♥️
Aug 14Reply
momtoajh @lorih386 thank you so much sweety. I truly miss him so very much
Aug 14Reply
tmorgan5900 Hi🤗 Hope you are enjoying the Poshmark community. Its such a great place to shop or sell! I have some items you might be interested in! Drop by my closet and take a look. Enjoy your day and Happy Poshing🌞 💫🦋It's not about what size you wear, Its how you wear your size🦋💫
Aug 29Reply
carriejay76712 Hi AJ's mom!! Let me know how we can get my gorgeous sequin top to you by the weekend!
Aug 31Reply
venecia_hunter Hello jumpsuit was mailed out on Friday. Should be to you soon one day delay because of Labor Day thanks
Sep 06Reply
momtoajh @venecia_hunter OK I don't know why it's saying it hasn't been shipped out yet. I'll check my post office tomorrow
Sep 06Reply
venecia_hunter Mail out Friday at one no worries I’m sure everything will be back on track tomorrow 😁
Sep 06Reply
ilanacarmili Check out my City Chic ombré maxi dress! Think you’ll love!! Feel free to make an offer
Sep 30Reply
tglover @momtoajh Thanks for shopping with me ☺️ and for the rating!!! Hope you enjoy
Oct 06Reply
poshpussycat Hi Amber, thank you for your like and I sent you a nice offer back with discounted shipping!
Oct 10Reply
ravenlee74 I am so sorry. I completely understand the pain. my ❤ is out to you.
Oct 14Reply
cindylew56 No worries thanks for visiting🦋
Oct 20Reply
cindylew56 Thanks for the shares have a great week🦋
Oct 21Reply
msdeefraz Good Morning, if you are interested in the item that you liked of mine, I’am open to reasonable offers. Thank you.
Oct 24Reply
ssnyder918 Hi Amber! I hope you’re having a great time poshing! I would love if you checked out my closet and feel free to make an offer if you don’t like the price! Thank you so much!
Oct 25Reply
cjojarvis34 Hi!! I noticed you liked 3 of my listing. I offer a discount when you buy 3 or more items.
Nov 04Reply
thank4ul365 Hi Amber, feel free to counter my offer on the rust Forever 21 blouse… Happy Poshing!😊
Nov 08Reply
catpower1215 @momtoajh hi…if you still have that gold and pink Betsy johnson purse with the roses, I’d like to purchase it….I’d planned on getting it when you offered it for $25 but my check card got stolen and I had to wait for replacement 😭
Dec 18Reply
momtoajh @catpower1215 I do!! I will tag u in it u can just send the 25 offer
Dec 18Reply
loraworster Merry Christmas! If you bundle 2 or more items from my closet you'd get a 20%off discount and shipping discount, thanks Lora
Dec 26Reply
lefrenchiemama Will try to get the bag shipped out tomorrow ☺️
Jan 08Reply
stylemepretty21 Hello! Welcome to PoshMark! Feel free to check out my closet, there’s some sales going on. There are variety’s of sizes. I checked out your closet it’s awesome :) 🛍🛍 -(stylemepretty21)
Jan 09Reply
twicebutnice72 Hello I accepted the offer but it’s said payment did not go through let me know if you still want this because until your payment is updated it won’t look sold . Maybe it’s the date or if you received a new card and needed to be updated let me know thanks 😊
Jan 09Reply
twicebutnice72 Hi amber were you still interested in the Marc jacobs large bag I accepted the offer but it said something was wrong with the payment transaction let me know if you would like it still thanks
Jan 10Reply
geegalinpup Thank you for your offer on the Betsey J Marilyn Monroe bag in my closet. I just posted it yesterday, so I’m not yet ready to drop the price much. If it’s still available in a week or so, who knows? 😊
Jan 11Reply
bubblyhibiscus hey! you should be receiving your bag very soon, but in the meantime I wanted to apologize to you - at the last minute I decided I was not comfortable with the mailers from usps, so I boxed it up myself. I have 0 doubt that it won't get to you safe and sound, but it does look to me like a kindergartener wrapped it up, and for that I just wanted to apologize!
Jan 18Reply
momtoajh @bubblyhibiscus can u send me the tracking number
Jan 18Reply
bubblyhibiscus @momtoajh poshmark should send ut to you when it gets scanned. I think there's a delay here because of the holiday it's backed up a day but I will email you a copy of the shipping receipt if you'd like!
Jan 18Reply
thesixamigos Sorry to hear about your sons passing😞 sending hugs to help endure sad feelings! 💕 ❌🅾️❌🅾️
Jan 20Reply
momtoajh @thesixamigos thank you sweety
Jan 20Reply
melanieander922 Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
Jan 23Reply
vogue1908spr99 @momtoajh Hiii!!!! 🤗 Thanks for shopping my closet!! All items are shipped & headed your way. 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽 Enjoy!!
Feb 08Reply
vogue1908spr99 Hi Amber!! Just received USPS notice the shipment is delayed 😩😩 Can’t understand why since I mailed your items same day purchased (6 days ago). Please keep me posted once received. So sorry this happened!
Feb 14Reply
vogue1908spr99 …and my sincere condolences on the passing of your son. 👼🏼 May God continue to give you peace & understanding 💫
Feb 14Reply
atl14420 @momtoajh BUY 1 GET 1 FREE SALE🎈🎈⭐️Items UNDER $10 🎈⭐️🎈15% Off 2+ items⭐️🎈⭐️🎈Offers Accepted❤️🤩🎈🤩Stop by and Save🌸😊🤩 Sending you Much Posh Love 🥳🎈❤️ ❤️
Feb 26Reply
taramarie_c Gurl…Uhave the best bags ever!!! Hopefully I’ll b able to get one soon from u
Feb 28Reply
luvlesslez I am so sorry that I can't even put into words how much my heart goes to u n ur family and a mother should never have to bury their own angel. and you are are exordinary for being able to wake up every day n know their soul is w/ u always n I pray for you and your family is good n hopefully it will be a very long time to be reunited 🙏🙏🙏
Mar 03Reply
momtoajh @taramarie_c thank you . i hope you do too!!! im open to offers!!
Mar 03Reply
momtoajh @lezinlove thank you so much for taking the time to write to me. it really means a lot. i really don't know how i do it. the 25th will be a year since he left us and to be honest so far its gotten harder u
Mar 03Reply
boopboutique WnAt a sweet baby!
Mar 21Reply
boopboutique I meant to say “What a sweet baby.”
Mar 21Reply
muddypuddles I am so very sorry for the loss of your son. I cannot imagine what you have gone through. I wish I could just hug you right now!!!!!! 🥲❤️💜💖
Apr 10Reply
muddypuddles @momtoajh 🥲❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
Apr 10Reply
leanderandhero Oh. I am so heartbroken for you and your family. We had identical twins on March 24 2009. On May 5 we lost one. There isn’t a day that goes by when we don’t think of him. It may not get better, but with time, it will be less sharp, I hope for you 💜💜💜💜
Apr 25Reply
leanderandhero I’m nosy and I see that your in VA. I’m also in (central) VA. If you ever would like to, I’m happy to talk. Wishing you peace & healing
Apr 25Reply
momtoajh @leanderandhero thank you so very much for the kind words. I'm very sorry for your loss. it really is the worse thing in the world to have to live with. I don't think I could do it if I didn't have another child to care for.
Apr 25Reply
leanderandhero @momtoajh yes, I’m so glad you have another. It really does help. Ours just turned 13.
Apr 25Reply
momtoajh @leanderandhero I have a daughter. she'll be 5 in June. I got my tubes tied 3 weeks before my son passed not knowing what was going to happen. it's a shame a reversal cost so much.
Apr 25Reply
leanderandhero @momtoajh 💜 my parents both did that after my birth & I was an only child for my mom. I was told in my twenties that having any children would be difficult. We tried for another, but I guess it wasn’t meant to be. Give your daughter all the extra love- that’s what keeps us going. Our son is a good kid, good student, does his chores (mostly) without being asked, & has a black belt in Karate. Maybe it all balances out somehow🌺
Apr 25Reply
eastward10 hi will the lane Bryant summer mini dress size 18 be for sale later on ?
May 17Reply
momtoajh @eastward10 sorry sweety it sold on mer
May 17Reply
eastward10 @momtoajh okay it was very pretty .
May 17Reply
leanderandhero @momtoajh Hi. I’m just sharing to send love. I’m sure your up to your ears with such a big closet & a little one to take to care for. Sending support 💜
May 17Reply
atl14420 @momtoajh 🎈🎈⭐️Memorial Day Sale🎈⭐️🎈20% Off 2+ items⭐️🎈⭐️🎈Offers Accepted❤️🤩🎈🤩Stop by and Save🌸😊🤩 Sending Posh Love 🥳🎈❤️
May 25Reply
breezybutterfly Hi. Feel free to counter with the same offer on the torrid dress and I will accept. Have a great memorial weekend!
May 27Reply
amberkarels Hi! Thank you for liking one of my items. I’m currently running a sale of buying 2 items & get your 3rd item free! 🎉☺️
Jun 19Reply
talakeefe Oh my gosh my dear. How truly sorry I am and feel so much for you and your massive loss. I pray the love you have is giving you strength and the will to be here with us Earthlings. I don’t know you, but as a mother and Grandmother, I can’t even begin to imagine the deep grief you have and are enduring. Hang in there. You are stronger than you know.❤️
Jul 21Reply
pamelaharper Ohhhh Sweetie, I'm so sorry about your Son. (Loved but not Forgotten). May your heart be filled with sweet memories, And happy blessed memories too come. Bless your family.
Aug 01Reply
momtoajh @pamelaharper thank you so much. I appreciate your kind words.
Aug 01Reply
momtoajh @talakeefe thank you for your kind words. I'm sorry about you swim top. I hope you will shop with me if u find something your interested in.
Aug 01Reply
montreasures Thank you for visiting my closet❤️ my most popular sale is back!! Buy 1 get 1 free and EVERYTHING is eligible 🎉 As you already know, I have TONS of items in my closet. Hurry before your favorite items sell out.
Aug 03Reply
cslaurie39 @momtoajh I'm so very sorry to read about the loss of your beautiful boy, you are in my thoughts <3
Aug 15Reply
momtoajh @cslaurie39 thanks very much.
Aug 15Reply
thebougiehanger I know I'm late. bit I'm so sorry for your loss. God bless and heal your heart.
Aug 15Reply
sashathurman Wow! I love your site. You have excellent taste! Thank you!
Aug 16Reply
razzledazzle85 Hi there, I see you accepted my counter offer of $25 for the shear white eloque long shirt, dress. But it does say there was an issue with payment.. I wanted to touch base with you regarding this. Please advise, thanks so much
Sep 02Reply
shellyallen661 hi 👋 thankyou for the like and starting a bundle with the coat. for every item you buy you get any item that's 10.00 or under for FREE and I can let you have the coat for 30.00. have a great night 🌙
Sep 20Reply
atl14420 @momtoajh 🌻🌈💚Sale Items Under $10 🎈🌟💛 15% Off Bundles 🎉💎🌺Offers Accepted 🎀💫🌷Stay Fabulous and Happy Poshing 🎇🧡🌹
Sep 24Reply
amberkarels Hi! Thanks for liking one of my items. I’m currently running a sale of bundling 2 items & receiving your 3rd item free at equal to or lesser value!😊♥️
Oct 31Reply
cutehosiery @momtoajh Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Dec 14Reply
momtoajh @cutehosiery thanks so much
Dec 14Reply
daniellecuth901 Hi not to weird or creepy but can I live in your closet? You have a ton in my size and style I love it.
Dec 23Reply
trendylynns @momtoajh hi! Thanks so much for your order! I’m not sure why your order isn’t tracking yet I’m assuming because usps wasn’t running yesterday. I’m hoping it’ll be updated today.
Dec 27Reply
aervine12 I LOVE your closet!!! You have so many cool bags and gorgeous clothes! 😍 🥰
Feb 07Reply
lamarquez16 @momtoajh Hello, You have beautiful items in your closet. I read your bio, and my heart goes out to you and your family. Sending prayers. 🙏
Mar 19Reply
momtoajh @lamarquez16 thank you so much
Mar 19Reply
momtoajh @aervine12 thank you sweety
Mar 19Reply
le_garage hey 👋 I came back to see if you had any updates to your closet. I love the denim I got from you. anyway. I decided to read your profile this time, and was heartbroken for you. my condolences to you on your loss
May 08Reply
momtoajh @le_garage thank you so much. it really does mean a lot to me.
May 09Reply
dsantamo So sorry to read about your son. May he be in gods hands now. 🙏🙏you and the other cold in the photo are beautiful your eyes and hers also beautiful skin. Two beauties. Wishing you luck on selling. It looks like I was a little late as most is sold. Good for you!
Jul 11Reply
momtoajh @dsantamo thank you so much.i have many many items for sale. please take a look. I'm very open to offers especially on bundles. thanks so much for reaching out to me.
Jul 11Reply
dsantamo Your daughter is so beautiful! She has the face of a model, just beautiful. I hope someone who can get her started sees this!!💗
Jul 15Reply
momtoajh @iluvrocky I'm sorry for your loss as well. thanks so much for the kind words.
Jul 31Reply
jojo3779 I'm so sorry for your lost 😞. My deepest condolences 💐 goes out to you and your family. Remain strong that God knows what he is doing. He will send you another angel.
Aug 02Reply
momtoajh @jojo3779 thanks so much for reaching out. I want more than anything to have another child but sadly I got my tubes tied 2 weeks before he passed. of course I had no idea this would happen. insurance don't cover the reversal. I wish I could afford it but I can't
Aug 02Reply
mollys3 Amber, I’m so very sorry to read about the loss of your beautiful baby! I understand the pain and devastation of that kind of loss, as I too loss my son Daniel while in NICU. It’s been a long time since we lost him but it still hurts today and there is a place in my heart that can never be filled. Amber, it does ease.. but it never goes away. Some years after the loss of my son I started working in NICU (I’m an RN).
Aug 21Reply
mollys3 Cont.. My thoughts and prayers are with you. If you should ever need anything let me know. Molly
Aug 21Reply
barbiespook hi!! feel free to make your bundle bigger, or make me an offer on whatever you'd like. thanks for looking and have a fabulous day!+
Oct 04Reply
barbiespook hi!! I'm sorry I missed your offer, do you want to resend it for $24? I'll accept it, I'll be sure to get on this every hour tonight.
Oct 05Reply
sweettexaschic Hi. Hurry to M. Sweet Texas Chic it's there. Offers close in price here. Thx.
Oct 18Reply
sweettexaschic Hurry Pls if you want it. I did what you asked in your comments S7 FE
Oct 18Reply
kathleencouture Please decline my offer on the juicy boots I couldn’t find them I’m guessing one of my daughters borrowed them and have not returned them I’m very sorry
Oct 25Reply
margaritamen166 Hi Dear! How are you? I hope everything is fine! 🌸I'm inviting people who have bought from me before to visit my store and offer them a 20% 🤗off on any item you like, take care, anything you like, we can negotiate! Thank you! take care🌹🌸
Nov 20Reply
jfrost75 I'm so very sorry for your loss!!!
Nov 26Reply
thriftwgrace Hi there, Nice Closet. I see that we both love to shop, shop, and shop (Smile). I am so happy to share your closet with my followers and would love for you to stop by my place. My closet is full of fun, feel-good items for all sizes. Well, thanks a million and Happy Poshing. Grace @thriftwgrace
Nov 27Reply
sandysuhu condolences to your loss. My husband and I lost our 24 yr old daughter due to epilepsy. That was in 2004 but seems like yesterday. God bless you and your family!
Dec 17Reply
momtoajh @sandysuhu thanks so much I am also very sorry for your loss. time really does seem to stand still when it comes to a loss of a child. it really is the worst pain on earth to endure. God bless you and your family ♥️
Dec 17Reply
pepperspurse I just read your story and saw that your sweet little baby boy passed away. My heart hurts and my stomach aches for you. I am just so sorry. I will be praying for you and your family. Vanessa
Apr 28Reply

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Last Active: Mar 25 2024

Mechanicsville, VA
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Last Active: Mar 25 2024

Mechanicsville, VA
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