Meet your Posher! Andrea :)
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I am a teacher and my summer project was to try Poshmark! I love it! I am headed back to work, so I will respond to you as quickly as possible, but remember I am with kids all day, so it may take me a little bit to get back to you. I am open to reasonable offers and you can bundle and save 15%. I'll also offer you an exclusive discount if you bundle your likes! Thanks for checking out my closet!
You can also follow me on Instagram @dreadragon1

71 others
like this

Hello Andrea, you have very nice closet. May I have one question?how do you achieve such natural bright light in your pictures?I keep trying but I am not able to capture that
Jun 10Reply

@suzlevi Thanks so much! My kitchen table is right in front of a big window. I try and take most photos next to a window with lots of indoor light as well. Hope that helps!
Jun 10Reply

HI there, I'm Brandy🤗. Nice to meet you😊. I'm a Posh Mentor ,SUGGESTED USER, and a Party Co Host💋, so if you have any questions or you need anything at all, please feel free to ask😉. Until then, HAPPY POSHING💞💞...and don't forget to check out my closet🙏😘
Jun 10Reply

@spoiledpff Thanks so much! I have been having fun so far! I will definitely check out your closet! :) ♡
Jun 10Reply

Hello.. love your closet 👍👍👍👍👍
Jun 14Reply

@jannie216 thanks so much! Yours is really great too! ♡
Jun 14Reply

@toottoot1803 Hi Connie! Thanks so much! I appreciate you checking it out! ♡
Jul 14Reply

Thank you for returning the Posh love 💕💕💕💕
Jul 14Reply

@jovigraham No problem! Same to you! ♡
Jul 14Reply

@dreadragon Yw 🌸🌸🌸
Jul 14Reply

Good morning Andrea. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Jul 15Reply

@hmsimon1 No problem! Thanks for sharing and visiting my closet!
Jul 15Reply

Jul 15Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Please let me know if you have any questions, I'm always happy to help.
Jul 16Reply

@sltwiggles Thanks so much for the welcome and shares! I appreciate it!!!
Jul 16Reply

@dreadragon Ditto Chica much posh love 💞
Jul 16Reply

What a beautiful closet, your pictures are amazing! ❤️
Jul 20Reply

@urbanuptowngirl Aww, that's so sweet! Thanks! I ♡ your closet too!
Jul 20Reply

Hi Andrea!! I Sheri Fox🦊😁 You're closet is amazing! I have my Eyes on the Pink Guess Belt! I saw The K.Spade but it's to small. I'm a larger frame. Size 14..& Lg/ Ex L.. Please Feel free to Stop by my Closet anytime ! Good luck w Sales & Happy Poshing! S🦊
Aug 10Reply

@sfox222 Hi Sheri. Thanks for checking out my closet! That belt is so cute! I sent you an offer. I will definitely check out your closet too. Happy Poshing!
Aug 10Reply

@dreadragon Oh so wonderful! Glad u liked it !😁 ttys S🦊
Aug 10Reply

Thanks so much for sharing!❤️
Sep 08Reply

@tay1029 Thanks! ♡
Sep 13Reply

Thanks for the purchase I'll be sending it out tomorrow ❤️
Sep 14Reply

@amandasagan24 Thanks! I'm excited! You're closet is super cute!
Sep 14Reply

What a great closet! I was a teacher too so I know how busy you are!!🙋🏻
Sep 30Reply

@kk711 Thanks! Yeah, I love teaching but it is time consuming, as is poshmark! Love them both thoigh! Thanks for checking out my closet!
Sep 30Reply

Hello! I know there are many closets on posh, but I'd be grateful if you checked out mine! Either way I wanted to say hi and wish you a lovely weekend! 😊
Oct 21Reply

@spreadlove Hi! Thanks for checking out my closet! I will definitely check yours out and share some posh love!
Oct 21Reply

@dreadragon Hi!! Welcome to posh! Feel free to check out my closet for awesome deals on Lululemon, Michael Kors, Tory Burch, Louis Vuitton, Nike, VS PINK, & more!🎉💃🏼🛍 Add to a bundle in my closet & see a special price from me to make your closet more fabulous!🎉
Nov 07Reply

Thank you so much for the shares! I hope you and your family have a merry Christmas 🎄☺️❤️
Dec 18Reply

@pgelewski Thanks for your shares also! Much appreciated! Happy holidays to you and your family! ♡
Dec 18Reply

Hi Andrea! I didn't get back from vacation early enough to ship Saturday therefore I had to wait until Tuesday! It has been shipped but not scanned. It should update shortly.
Dec 27Reply

@brokecollegechk No problem! Thanks for letting me know.
Dec 27Reply

Thanks for the like!! If your interested I’m accepting offers! 💋💋
Jan 06Reply

If your interested in the shoes I’m willing to take an offer! 👍🏻👍🏻
Jan 08Reply

@rosahatescake I just bought some shors, so not interested right now. Thanks though!
Jan 08Reply

@dreadragon No problem! Just hoping these will be gone by the end of the week! ☺️ Thanks for the response! ❤️❤️
Jan 08Reply

Great closet!
Jan 23Reply

@melliemel43 Thanks girl! Yours is great too! ♡
Jan 23Reply

@dreadragon OMG, nooo! Why is the dragon dead? D':
Kidding, Seriously though, you have a wonderful closet. Happy Poshing!
Feb 10Reply

@pearlberry haha, no dead dragons here! Thanks! You have a great closet too!
Feb 10Reply

@dreadragon Oops, I didn't have my glasses on. I thought your username was deaddragon. Dread Dragon sounds much better. :)
Thanks for the shares!
Feb 10Reply

Shared your awesome closet ♥️ I also followed you on Instagram ☺️
Feb 20Reply

@dfizzal Thanks girl! I will make sure to do the same after I pack some posh packages that are going out! ♡
Feb 20Reply

Amazing closet😍how do you have sooo many clothes!!?😘💋
Apr 11Reply

@monasharona Thanks girl! You too! My boyfriend says I'm a shopaholic! ♡
Apr 11Reply

@dreadragon 👜👡👠🍸🥃🥂👌🏼☺️😘💋
Apr 11Reply

Hello! I’m thinking about hosting a Sacramento meetup. There is a poll on my IG @birdie_n_emma. Let me know what you think. Might be fun! 😊
May 13Reply

@birdie_n_emma Ooh, that'd be fun! I'll go check out your instagram!
May 13Reply

can u check out my closet :)
May 14Reply

@ldadamo123 Yeah, just checked it out and shared! Super cute! ♡
May 14Reply

@dreadragon Don’t forget to visit my IG and comment on the Meetup pic, so I can gauge interest in one place. Details to follow. See you there!
May 17Reply

@birdie_n_emma Yeah, I commented the other day :) Definitely interested and can't wait for the details!
May 17Reply

Howdy neighbor🏠😃 I’m in Arden Park❣️ Just stopped by to say THANK YOU for the shares and saw CH! hahaha Small world. Do you know about Free Package Pick-Up’s?
Jun 11Reply

@scorez_galore How funny! We're neighbors. I've been noticing more sellers and buyers from the Sacramento area! I've done free pick ups a couple of times. Luckily I live about a minute away from a post office!
Jun 11Reply

@dreadragon Oh good! Just thought it would be easier on ya if you did package pick-up request to be p/u from work. Teacher’s have a full calendar! There’s a gal on You Tube from here too. I forget her YT channel name. I’ll look it up. I went sourcing at Goodwill today and scored a brand new pair of black leather Vince Camuto boots for TWELVE BUCKS BABY! 😍lol
Jun 11Reply

@dreadragon Nice closet, sharing and wishing you many, many sales ;-)
Jun 19Reply

@fabandglitz Thanks! Appreciate the shares! Just shared back. Love your closet! ♡
Jun 19Reply

@dreadragon Thanks so much, really appreciate it
Jun 19Reply

Thank you for sharing. You have an amazing closet! I am happy to share your lovely items as well! 💐
Jul 10Reply

@m0ll3pprz Thanks girl! You too! ♡
Jul 10Reply

hey girl !!! you have an amazing closet!! I have shared some of your items in hopes of some fast sales for you!! I am having a huge moving sale if you would like to send an offer or make a bundle !!! happy poshing !!! XOXO
Jul 13Reply

Hey! Love your closet and see that you seem to be pretty successful on here! Just wondering if you can give me any tips on how to become a better seller and what brands sell best for you? Thanks!
Aug 22Reply

@erin_denney Hi. Thanks! Your closet looks great! I sell different brands, I mainly sell tops I think are cute from brands that are popular. I follow bigger sellers on Instagram and get lots of tips. I think sharing your closet a lot is also super important. Thanks for checking out my closet!
Aug 22Reply

Fabulous closet! So many cute things!!
Sep 03Reply

@groubal Thanks so much! Love yours as well! 💜
Sep 03Reply

Love your closet! ❤
Dec 27Reply

@angelgypsie Thanks girl! I appreciate it! Happy poshing!
Dec 28Reply

Sometimes the simplest things mean the most. Thanks for choosing to share my closet!
Feb 07Reply

Hey love, working on building my followers. Can you help me w/ some shares? Just shared 10+ of yours. Have a Blessed week. 😊❤️
Feb 23Reply

@yourstylist84 Thanks for the shares! Just shared some of yours! Happy poshing! 💕
Feb 23Reply

Love your closet!
Mar 21Reply

@cstardell Thanks 💕
Mar 21Reply

I ❤️ your closet!!
May 02Reply

@kelliannscloset Thanks. I appreciate it! 💕
May 02Reply

If you have a flier for the party tomorrow let me know and I will share it!
Jun 12Reply

I would love for you to consider one of my items as a host pick. It would totally make my day completely. ❤️😀❤️😀❤️
Jun 13Reply

Hi. Congratulations on your HOST party 🤗🤗😀. Have a great time and many happy sales 👗👛👜👠💄💄🛍🛍🛍
Jun 13Reply

Followed you on Instagram please return the favor!!
Jun 18Reply

Congrats on hosting tonight's Everything Kid's party! It would be such a compliment if you took a minute to look at The Preppy Pumpkin for a host pick!
Jun 19Reply

Hey... too late for a host pick? 🤗Check out my truly unique line of T-SHIRTS THAT CHANGE COLOR just by touch! 🤚🔥😍
Jun 20Reply

Thank you very much your kindness and support, it is greatly appreciated and I am deeply honored. I wish you many sales and a wonderful day...
Jun 20Reply

@dreadragon thanks for the shares!!🦋🌿
Jun 22Reply

Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? thanks so much!
Aug 27Reply

Tysm for hosting! If you’re still searching for host picks, please consider me I’ve worked hard the last week getting together tons brand new listings! @kjenkinson1990 and my friend @jenxee
We will be here to share and support 🥰
Aug 27Reply

Congratulations on hosting! I hope your party is a great success! I’m new to Poshmark in the past 3 months and I’d love to have the opportunity for you to follow my closet or choose one of my pieces for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering! Good luck tomorrow!
Aug 27Reply

I can't wait for your party! 🎉
Aug 27Reply

Congratulations on becoming a host for The casual cool party. I have a decent sized closet filled with casual closet staples both new with tags and second hand. If you would take a look I would greatly appreciate it. Have fun! 🌴☀️
Aug 27Reply

@dreadragon Hey
CONGRATULATIONS FRIEND!!!!! I hope you enjoy hosting this posh party!!!!! 🎉 I’d be honored if you took the time to swing by my closet!!!!!! Either way CONGRATULATIONS GIRL!!!!!!
@aBitOfBeautiful 👑
-Msg Me To Be Removed
Aug 27Reply

Hi there😉Congrats on hosting party tomorrow🍸!Wishing luck with choosing chic pieces! If you get a chance check out my closet I’m sure you can find some pieces matching with theme @viewofstyle
Aug 27Reply

Congrats on hosting Casual Cool! 🎉 I'd love a host pick from my Posh compliant closet. 🎉 Thanks so much for considering!
Aug 27Reply

Congratulations 🎉🎊🎈🍾 on hosting!!! I and my pff’s @poshstreetluxe @poshmandyz would be honored, if you would consider giving us a pick😘
Aug 27Reply

Hi & congrats on hosting! I'd be honored if you took a peek at my closet, thanks so much!!
Aug 27Reply

Hi Andrea! Congratulations on hosting a posh party🥳🥳 If you have a chance, please take a look at my closet for a host pick💗 Thank you!!
Aug 27Reply

Congrats on hosting a posh 🎉 party! 🧡🎉🧡🎉🛍🛍🛍Please check out my closet and my friends’ for awesome finds! @tew2s @lovetodecorate5 @sweetheartsla @lauren2d @weberdm @amber_closet9 @jgolliher24 @whitneyash12 @ammirick
Aug 28Reply

@dreadragon Congratulations on hosting a posh party🥳, that’s so exciting!! If you get the chance I would really appreciate if you checked out my closet for any possible host picks 😍, I have a great variety of listings and sizes! Thanks in advance and happy poshing! ❤️🥰
Aug 28Reply

Hi and congrats! If you had time to look at my closet as well as my sister’s @erinpenny we would be so honored! Thanks and have fun!
Aug 28Reply

🎀 Yay for the Party! If not too late I would love to be considered for a potential Host Pick! 🎀
Aug 28Reply

Hi. Please take a look at my closet when selecting “Host Pick “ items for your party. Thank you. God Bless!
Aug 28Reply

Hi @dreadragon 😇💕 Congrats on hosting a Posh Party 🥳🎉 That is so exciting!! I was just wondering, if you had any spare time, if you could check out my listings and possibly consider any of them for a Host Pick???? 🙏🏻 I would really appreciate it ❤️ Thank you so much and have fun hosting!!!!
Aug 28Reply

<) )╯ Your PARTY. I will be there
/ \ Celebrating and \(•_•)/
Sharing Host Picks. 📱💻 ( (
Please check out my closet / \
I can’t wait to Party 💃🏻🌺💃🏻
(•_•) <) )>🍷
/ \
Aug 28Reply

🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🥰🥰😊@dreadragon Congrats on your party, Andrea!!! I’m so excited for you, you can definitely count on me to be there cheering you on. Wishing you lots of sales and fun, see ya at the party! PS Would love for you to take a peek at my closet to see if there are any possible host picks! I have tons of cute clothes right now! 🥰🎉🙋🏼♀️🛍🎉🎉🎉
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Aug 28Reply

Hello! Would be honored if you stopped by my closet :) thanks and have fun! 🎀
Aug 28Reply

Congratulations on hosting! I would love if you could check out my closet for a possible host pick! Thanks so much, have fun tonight 🤗
Aug 28Reply

Congratulations on hosting a party! Looks like a lot of fun! I would love for you to check out my closet for a possible host pick. Thanks a bunch! See you at the party!
Aug 28Reply

Congratulations on hosting!!! Please consider my closet for a host pick. Thanks so much!!! 🌸🌻🌷🌸🌻🌷🌸🌻🌷🌸🌻🌷🌸🌻🌷🌸
Aug 28Reply

🌸HI Andrea, Good Afternoon & Happy Wednesday 🌸
Congratulations on hosting the upcoming Posh Party “Casual Cool Party” 🌸🌸How Awesome! I am excited for you and wishing you all the Best on Hosting this Fabulous Party 💖💖Have a wonderful day, much success, lots of sales and Happy Poshing 🌺Rhonda @808classysassy 🌺
Aug 28Reply

Congrats on co-hosting a party! I know it will be a posh-some affair! I would love for you to look at my closet for a HP! Happy Poshing!
Aug 28Reply

Congratulations on hosting today!!! Your closet is pure WOW! So here's to many sales & Sending you a follow and some love to make it happen!!! <3 <3 <3
Aug 28Reply

congrats on hosting the Casual Cool party!! Would love a HP if you're still looking. Can't wait 🎉🎉🥰🥰
Aug 28Reply

Please consider stopping by my closet..God bless you❤❤❤🎉🎉
Aug 28Reply

Hi Andrea, ❤️💕❤️💕Congratulations Girl!! ❤️💕❤️💕 on hosting this upcoming🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉POSH PARTY🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉If you are in need of more items for your Host Picks, please feel free to check out my Posh closet! I’d be so grateful! Thank you, Marie💗💗💗💗💗
Aug 28Reply

@dreadragon Congratulations on your Posh Party today! Wishing you many happy sales🛍📦 If you have a moment please stop by my Boutique. My favorite part of all this is packing up my sales with a little extra love and shipping them off!📦📦❤️ I have a lot of new great options for fall! 🍁
Aug 28Reply

Congrats on hosting, please check out my posh compliant closet for a host pick! Happy Summer 🌿🍍🍉🌿🍍🍉🌿🍍🍉🌿🍍🍉🌿🍍🍉🌿🍍🍉🌿🍍🍉
Aug 28Reply

Congratulations on hosting tonight’s party 🎉 🎉🎉🎉 I will be there sharing away 😀😀😀 please check out my closet if you have time. Thanks and have tons of fun!🎈🎉🦋🎉🎈🎉🦋🎉🎉🎉🦋🎉🎈
Aug 28Reply

Hi! I have lots of great casual cool items that would be perfect for your party tonight! ❤️
Aug 28Reply

@dreadragon 🎉🍷Congratulations on hosting the upcoming party. I would be honored if you considered my designs and the listings of my PFF’s as a host pick. 🍾💝🎊 I’ll be sharing no matter what.
Aug 28Reply

@dreadragon 🎉🍷Congratulations on hosting the upcoming party. I would be honored if you considered my designs and the listings of my PFF’s as a host pick. 🍾💝🎊 I’ll be sharing no matter what.
Aug 28Reply

Hi, congrats on hosting! I just put up a bunch of jeans and I worked really hard on the pictures. I would love it if you considered them for host pick. Also, I'm posh compliant. Best of luck tonight :)
Aug 29Reply

➕🎊CONGRATULATIONS on being a co-host for the Posh PARTY!🎊✨What an amazing opportunity to connect with fellow Poshers‼️If you have the time, I would be humbled and appreciative if you were to select some of my closet as part of your Host Pick‼️ 🍕🍕@pizzadreams 🍕 🍕
Aug 29Reply

Congratulations on hosting the party 😀🥰
Aug 29Reply

Hey congrats on co hosting! I’d love for you to consider one of my items as a host pick. Thanks so much!
Aug 29Reply

Hi🌹Andrea🌷❤️ 🎉Congratulations on hosting! 🎉 I’m excited to participate and join in on the celebration! Looking forward to finding some fun, fabulous fashion finds! Happy Poshing and Blessings to you!🌸 ❤️🌸
Aug 29Reply

Can you please take a look at my Original Custom Girl On Moon Painting and New Original Yorkie Colorful Painting for a possible host pick on tonight's party 🎉
Aug 29Reply

Hello!!! Congratulations on hosting this Posh Party🎉🎉🎉🎉 if looking for host picks, please consider checking out my closet...Best, K👗👠👢👡🌸💋
Aug 29Reply

Congratulations for you hosting my dear 💕🌺🎁❤️🎊🎉please take look my closet if you still need the host pick 🌺🎁❤️💕🎊🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Aug 29Reply

Congratulations on hosting the party 🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉🎉
Aug 29Reply

Congrats on hosting
Aug 29Reply

Congrats on hosting your Posh Party! 😍😍
Aug 29Reply

YYYYAAAAAYYYY!!!! It's time to party! stopping by to share some love! if you get a second please check out my closet <3
Aug 29Reply

congratulations on your host babe! hope you’ll take a minute and check out my closet! ✌🏽💜🌟
Aug 29Reply

Heyyy!! I'm Cristina ☺️ Congrats on Hosting! Just wanted to stop by & say hi! ✨ Can't wait to check out your closet! 💞I would love the possibility to be a potential host pick!🤞🏻 Hope you're having a great day!🎉 Xo
Aug 29Reply

Congrats on hosting!!❤️ I would be honored if you would select my items as Host Pick.@kate_stylist😊💓
Aug 29Reply

Congrats on hosting tonight’s cool party!
If you’re still looking for some Host Picks, i’d be honored if you took a look at my closet for some.
I shared some of my favorites to the top.
Now let’s party! 💕🥂
Aug 29Reply

🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍I’m so jealous!!! Congrats on hosting a posh 🎉 party! 🧡🎉🧡🎉🛍🛍🛍Please check out my closet and my friends’ for awesome finds! @tew2s @lovetodecorate5 @sweetheartsla @lauren2d @weberdm @amber_closet9 @jgolliher24 @whitneyash12 @ammirick @heatherparr
Aug 29Reply

Congratulations on hosting!! 🎉🎉 I would love for you to check out my closet!! New Posher!! ❤️Thanks
Aug 29Reply

😊😊 Thank you for co-hosting the Casual Cool Party tonight! I am so excited to share and shop! 🛍🛒 I hope you like some of my items. 😍 Congratulations and thank you again!! 🎉🍾🎊💗💗
Aug 29Reply

Hope you are having fun co-hosting~! Feel free to check out my closet to see if there's anything you'd like! Thanks!
Aug 29Reply

Congrats on hosting a Poshmark party! I am a social media Influencer & blogger w/ nearly 50K followers on Instagram @amoresalute. I just launched my closet this year & everyone in the posh community has been so welcoming. I would love to shout out your closet & Instagram over on my IG page in exchange for a host pick. It may help us both to get some new traffic. If you are interested, please message me on ig @amoresalute or at my closet so that I can get your Instagram handle as well!
Aug 29Reply

🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍I’m so jealous!!! Congrats on hosting a posh 🎉 party! 🧡🎉🧡🎉🛍🛍🛍Please check out my closet and my friends’ for awesome finds! @tew2s @lovetodecorate5 @sweetheartsla @lauren2d @weberdm @amber_closet9 @jgolliher24 @whitneyash12 @ammirick @heatherparr
Aug 29Reply

Please consider me for host pick, thank you <3
Aug 29Reply

Hey! So glad we were able to connect on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my closet and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
Aug 29Reply

Thanks for posting the Casual Cool Party yesterday! I got a lot of traction from it.
Aug 29Reply

Thank you for your shares:) I really appreciate it:)
Dec 21Reply
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