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Updated Nov 04
Updated Nov 04

Meet your Posher, Celinda

✨Posh Ambassador ✨



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Hi! I'm Celinda. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) I also have slight shopping addiction, I buy a lot of things that I never use, so who knows what will end up on here. ;) And I’m a Posh Ambassador so relax and have a worry free shopping experience. 💕 I am also a free lance artist. Follow me on Instagram to check out more of my stuff! :) @Celinda_Walker_Gallery or visit my website
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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lovealways_lala Welcome! Happy Poshing!
Jan 08Reply
laposhboss I’m so glad you’re so happy with the hooded scarf. I have an awesome USPS by my work. It’s a distribution center, so sometimes my buyers will receive their items next day! Ty again for your purchase :)
Jan 11Reply
pmharn Hello Celinda and thanks for your order. I will ship it today. Say hi to your CUTE boyfriend too!
Jan 12Reply
celinda_walker @pmharn of course! :) lol and thank you so much!!
Jan 14Reply
celinda_walker @emmielhayes Thanks I always do! Lol I might have to check out your closet again once I get paid.
Jan 18Reply
celinda_walker @emmielhayes oh wow, okay. Yeah, I had no idea. The only requirements I saw were no knock offs.
Jan 18Reply
celinda_walker @emmielhayes Oh jeez.. Yeah I used to work there so I saw this as a way to clear out a lot of my excess bulk. It’s was super common on eBay do I didn’t think it’d be that different here.
Jan 18Reply
celinda_walker @emmielhayes oh okay that makes sense, and also explains why they don’t have B&B listed as one of their brands.
Jan 18Reply
celinda_walker I’ll take those items down.
Jan 18Reply
celinda_walker @emmielhayes Oh no I believe you. I’m glad you told me, I’d hate to have my closet suspended over something like that. And it makes sense, so Thank you. I really appreciate the heads up.
Jan 18Reply
giulinicole thanks for the like! i’m having $4.99 shipping on orders over $25 until sunday ❤️😊 and I ALWAYS have free surprise gifts with any purchase!! 👍
Jan 19Reply
lkulick14 Thanks for the like and support! ❤️
Jan 20Reply
wilks234 Hi there I saw that you liked the Michael Koor earrings Set I’m open for offers
Jan 23Reply
wilks234 I’m sorry I’ve picked the wrong necklace I meant to said coach Necklace and earring set I’m open for offers
Jan 23Reply
celinda_walker @taualii of course! And again I wasn’t trying to be snotty or anything. I just I’d personally would have wanted to know if I missed something because it could help me better sell my items.
Mar 04Reply
1threadatatime Thanks for all the likes and shares youre awesome :) nice to meet you 😊
Mar 09Reply
celinda_walker @1threadatatime likewise! You have some really great things in your closet! I am very interested in the Jean Bundle, however it might take me a little bit to respond to it. I’m waiting for a deposit to go through.
Mar 09Reply
1threadatatime @scarlet_art okay thats great !!
Mar 09Reply
kristeena212 Happy Saturday! I’m so glad to know you enjoyed receiving your package - I hope you have a wonderful weekend! ❤️😊🌞🙂❤️
Mar 10Reply
bkayla2x Hey this is my first time shipping something to someone so can you tell me how I actually do this I’m new sorry 😂😂
Mar 10Reply
celinda_walker @bkayla2x Of course! So once someone buys something from your closet. Poshmark will send you an email with a congratulations and down at the bottom it should have an attachment of a prepaid shipping label already filled out with the buyer’s on it. So you just print that out and tape it to the front of a box. If you don’t have any boxes around, the post office should have some for free that say Priority express mail on them.
Mar 10Reply
celinda_walker @bkayla2x There are pictures of what these boxes look like and you can find all the instructions on shipping if you go to your home tab on here and scroll down to the bottom where it says frequently asked questions. On page three of that it tells you all about how to ship out your first sale.
Mar 10Reply
celinda_walker @bkayla2x But basically you just print out the emailed shipping label tape it to a box, most standard boxes will do, and then package up the item, write a thank you note if so desired, and then take it to the post office and just hand it over to them basically. You shouldn’t have to pay for anything.
Mar 10Reply
celinda_walker @bkayla2x sorry I work nightshift so it takes me awhile to respond sometimes.
Mar 10Reply
celinda_walker @kristeena212 Thank you so much! I hope you have a Wonderful Weekend as well! 💕
Mar 10Reply
hikotheimer @scarlet_art thank you so much for the shares! Enjoy your night 😘
Mar 14Reply
celinda_walker @hikotheimer of course! And thank you as well! 💕
Mar 14Reply
mnpcummings Thanks for all the shares, babe!
Mar 17Reply
celinda_walker @mnpcummings of course!! And thank you so much as well! I really appreciate it!💕
Mar 17Reply
annasposhalley @scarlet_art 🌴 🌺 Hi Celinda, Its nice meeting you. You have a great closet with lots of clor, so much fun to share! How do u like posh so far? TY for the posh love on my VS items, you are so sweet. If i can ever help you with posh or anything in my closet plz dont hesitate to ask. Have an awesome evening, Hugs Anna 🌴 🌺
Mar 20Reply
jinxy231 Thank you for liking my item Adorable Fox Top. If you buy two or more items from my closet. I'll give you a private discount. Happy Poshing 😊
Mar 27Reply
tangoindenim Thank you for the shares. Great closet! 👍🏻💕💐
Apr 01Reply
celinda_walker @tangoindenim Thank you so much I really appreciate it! I love your closet as well! :)
Apr 01Reply
hillarya1 Hey hun I am packaging up the jeans you purchased, and noticeable a small thinning spot at the corner of one the back pockets. If you still want them, I can tag you in a photo of the area! Just let me know
Apr 02Reply
celinda_walker @hillarya1 please tag me in a photo if possible, Thank you!
Apr 02Reply
pearl2426 I will accept your offer on uggs
May 11Reply
queen_shop29 Hello and welcome to Poshmark! 🎉 My name is Haley and I am a posh ambassador! Let me know if you have any questions💕 I’m having a MAJOR closet clean out everything needs to go! If you bundle multiple items I’ll give you a personal discount and that also makes it one shipping price which is great! I also ship next day:) 🛍 HAPPY POSHING! ❣️ XOXO
Jun 03Reply
ronin_ I appreciate you! Thanks for sharing <3
Jul 02Reply
shespursesplus Thank you Thank you Thank you for all the shares! Your closet is great and you are awesome!
Jul 04Reply
celinda_walker @shespursesplus Thank you so much too!! You’ve got some amazing stuff as well! 💕 :)
Jul 04Reply
kristenbrereton hey! I saw you liked my uggs ! Are you interested!?
Jul 14Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Aug 21Reply
cricket1807 @scarlet_art Thank you so much for the rating and feedback. It was very thoughtful of you to consider my request when I made a weight mistake! Not everyone would be so understanding! I hope you enjoy your purchases!
Sep 30Reply
taquito1125 Hi scarlet! You just bought my puma jacket, thank you! Unfortunately , I am in Utah ready to hike Zion! I will not get back home until next Monday. I am sorry if this delay isn’t convenient for you, but if don’t mind the wait, I will send that over as soon as i am back.
Oct 21Reply
celinda_walker @taquito1125 well I was kinda hoping to use it for a Halloween costume. Do you know anyone that could ship it for you, or if there’s a way to expedite the shipping process? I don’t mind to pay more for shipping if that’s possible.
Oct 21Reply
taquito1125 @scarlet_art I’ll overnight it to ya on Monday!
Oct 21Reply
celinda_walker @taquito1125 Thank you so much!! I’d love that! 💕
Oct 21Reply
taquito1125 @scarlet_art you got it! I’ll send you a message Monday morning
Oct 21Reply
taquito1125 @scarlet_art hey! Just got in! I’ll put in washer and send it over tomorrow!
Oct 29Reply
celinda_walker @taquito1125 thank you so much! 💕
Oct 29Reply
spfeifer99 Hello, I hope you enjoy Poshmark as much as I do! Please feel free to check out my closet, I sell vintage and today jewelry (at some pretty great and reasonable prices too LOL)! 📿💖 Happy Poshing!
Mar 17Reply
laherrere HI THERE!! Thank you for following me & sharing. I’m having a HUGE SALE & CLEARANCE!!! I Accept most reasonable offers because I’m moving soon to the mountains where will be difficult to ship things; so I can’t have Poshmark anymore😩. Most of my clothes are NWT OR NWOT. GOOD LUCK IN YOUR SALES😻. FREE PAIR OF MY BEADED EARRINGS COLLECTION WHEN YOU BUNDLE TWO OR MORE 😎😜
May 19Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! Glad we connected on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my account and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
May 24Reply
nildin7 Hi,check out my closet! I have pieces to fit any style.You can find both preowned and NWT items.Like or bundle 3 items and get 15% discount plus shipping discount and when you bundle multiple items I will give an additional discount. I constantly have new sales offers and items. I respond quickly and ship quicker.I can’t wait to hear from you ! Blessings nildin7 closet
Jul 07Reply
dreamerjules501 I noticed your likes from my closet. PLEASE consider making a reasonable offer. I’ll continue to add items as able depending on my health/energy level etc *which is why I am selling everything I own!* I need $ to see my Lyme disease specialist but he is states away and it’s all out-of-pocket expenses for treatment etc. with this illness. Sorry if TMI or sounds like a scam. I’m just desperately trying to get my health back. Thank you in advance for any support🙏🏻✌🏻💗
Oct 16Reply
janfast Hi Celinda! Thanks for liking my Weatherproof Bomber jacket!🤗
Mar 05Reply
hannamasher Hey when is my package coming
Jul 30Reply
jingjing060912 Hi there, I saw you liked the two ASOS graphic T-shirts in my closet, I am happy to offer you $30 for two and a 5.95 for shipping, all you need to do is to bundle and I will adjust the price. Thank you so much for your interest.
Apr 25Reply
celinda_walker @jingjing060912 I do really like those shirts, but when I looked up the brand sizing, they were just a little too small for me unfortunately, thanks for the offer!💕✨ You’re closet looks wonderful though!
Apr 25Reply
jingjing060912 Hi there, thank you for your response, I really appreciate you. Feel free to contact me for measurements if you’re still interested in anything in my closet, have a great weekend.By the way, I love your artworks, fabulous.
Apr 25Reply
hillhouseshop Hi there, I'm Sherri. I would love for you to visit my closet! We have handmade gemstone and sea glass jewelry my husband and I make and other fun stuff too. Happy Shopping!
Apr 20Reply
cutehosiery @celinda_walker Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Dec 14Reply
dnotion Placed order 4/3. Have heard nothing. Why?
Apr 09Reply
free_woman Hello, I hope you are in a great "holiday season" mood🪶 Please find a min. to check my little bohemian closet, you may see something you love 🪶 Iva
Dec 11Reply

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